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    Time Travel


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    Time Travel Empty Time Travel

    Post  SuiGeneris Thu Apr 15, 2010 9:50 am

    Carol, Mar 26 2010, 03:56 AM

    This thread will be a gathering place of time travel info.

    So have a gander at this.
    Time Travel Swiss-10
    tiny swiss ring watch was discovered in an ancient Chinese tomb that has been sealed for more than 400 years. Amazing


    Aloha, do jeh, toda, arigato, merci, grazie, salamat po, gracias, tack, sukria, danke schoen, kiitos, dank u, mahalo nui loa ~ Heaven

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Tue Nov 30, 2010 6:31 pm

    I've been recently thinking of putting all the data I have on time travel in one thread. And for some odd reason I'm feeling a very strong connection with China recently. I know we have at least 2 possible 3 guests who have spent time at Mists reading data... but there is something else going on just below the surface of my consciousness

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Time Travel Empty Scientist Builds Working Time Machine

    Post  Studeo Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:02 am

    What person hasn't dreamed at least once of returning briefly to a favorite era in the past or seeing a real glimpse of a fantastic future hundreds, even thousands of years from today?

    Despite a spate of articles claiming that travel to the past is flatly impossible, physicists like Stephen Hawking and others say it's not.

    And now an engineer named Vadim Alexandrovich Chernobrov claims to have accomplished what others say cannot be done—he's built a working time machine.

    At least that is his claim. And he says he's tested it and it works. But there are some limitations with its capabilities.

    Potential dangers

    Chernobrov cautions about potential dangers. "Those who attempt to return to the past to keep certain historical events from occurring—for example, the collapse of the Soviet Union—would fail in the attempt and would run the risk of not being able to return to the future."

    The engineer's amazing time machine is a metal sphere that looks much like some of the early Soviet and American satellite spacecraft. Outside it has a diameter of two meters and inside is housed a meter wide space that can house a time-traveling chrononaut.

    The device achieves travel through time, according to its inventor, by utilizing strong magnetic fields that resonate about the capsule and affect the natural flow of time and causality by literally increasing or slowing the flow of time.

    During experiments, Chernobrov has shown that very precise chronometers, synchronized before the field is energized, experience a significant divergence in time after one has been placed inside the time machine while the other is kept far from the energized field as a control.

    The chronometers revealed time is definitely warped within the machine's magnetic fields.

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:23 pm

    My impression after listening to 15 hours of Andrew Basaigo's interviews is that one never returns to the exact same timeline. Instead, alternate timelines are created with each time-travel trip.

    Next, I had someone who worked classified projects who was an off-worlder time-traveler for the government. They entered what they called "jump-rooms" that looked very much like a very large elevator and this is what they used to go into the future on Mars and work with a variety of EBs. As this info came from two different individuals who are unrelated and don't know each other, I'm pretty sure it's accurate.

    The article you are sharing Studeo is for those who are just coming around to the possibility that time travel can occur. It helps move them along a learning curve to the bigger reality of ETs, time travel and space travel. All of which the government was aware of in the 1940's and have been actively participating in ever since the Philadelphia Experiment back in 1943 .

    cover-up story here

    closer to the truth here
    I did read Al Bielek's transcript before they were published and tend to believe what he has to share is true.

    However, the real story of time travel began with the ETs.

    and then there is the work of Nicola Tesla which was confiscated by the US Government.
    'Tesla engaged in reading many works, memorizing complete books, supposedly having a photographic memory' - you can how brilliant this man was.

    During his early life, Tesla was stricken with illness time and time again. He suffered a peculiar affliction in which blinding flashes of light would appear before his eyes, often accompanied by visions. Much of the time the visions were linked to a word or idea he might have come across, at other times they would provide the solution to a particular problem he had been encountering; just by hearing the name of an item, he would be able to envision it in realistic detail. Modern-day synesthetes report similar symptoms. Tesla would visualize an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage; a technique sometimes known as picture thinking. He typically did not make drawings by hand, instead just conceiving all ideas with his mind."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32067
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    Location : Hawaii

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:47 pm

    Ten years ago, John Titor identified that 2011 was the year. It's an interesting read because he claims to be a time traveler.


    While Titor stated that the US Civil War would technically begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this domestic conflict would not actually turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [he posted this in 2001, and ten years later = 2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011"). He predicted the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco. Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

    He said that the Civil War was supposed to begin in 2004. This prediction is what most critics point to as his worst mistake. However, 2004 seems to have been when the Republicans first used the electronic voting boxes to steal the US Presidency, which, if they did, amounts to a hostile takeover of the government, an act which would qualify as the beginning of a Civil War in any historian's eyes. Prior to 2004, the pre-election polls had had an extremely high success rate in revealing how the race was going, but in 2004, those polls were completely and dramatically incorrect, leading to widespread accusations of vote fraud. On election night, the whole nation was totally expecting Kerry to win. The polls said it wasn't even going to be very close, but then we were all shocked and surprised when Bush was announced the winner. Was Titor correct? Was there a silent coup in 2004? We still don't for sure know today. But that means we don't know whether his prediction about 2004 was right or not.

    However, we DO know that his 2008 prediction was dead-on-the-mark accurate. Writing in 2000, he somehow totally nailed the 2008 turning point; he predicted "The year 2008 was a general date by which time everyone will realize the world they thought they were living in was over." This prediction proved all too correct when the world economy crashed in 2008 and we entered the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

    He predicted we would have an "overheating problem with our space plane", and then the Challenger Explosion occurred because of, yes indeed, an overheating problem.

    He predicted "degrading US foreign policy and consistency", and under Obama the US has been far less friendly to Israel and far more to Muslim nations, which certainly qualifies as an inconsistency.

    He predicted the "the demise of "Homo Materia", an apparent reference to a worldwide economic collapse.

    He predicted a revival of States Rights as a major national issue, and this came to pass lately with the advent of the State Sovereignty movement.

    He predicted that "The West will become very unstable,". He totally nailed that one too. This prediction has already come true, as we have seen in the news stories covering the riots and chaos in Greece, France, England, Ireland, and elsewhere.

    He predicted that China would become very aggressive and expansionistic, and it would "forcefully annex Taiwan, Japan and Korea" before 2015, and the news has carried stories lately suggesting that China is laying the groundwork for such expansion, with its recent huge military buildup, its naval fleet expansion, and its latest move to boost its naval presence in disputed waters.

    Titor said that during the coming war, the greatest number of deaths would be via starvation, and the news has carried numerous stories about severe food shortages around the world over the last two years.

    ALL of Titor's predictions came true with the exception of the "no official Olympics after 2004" prediction, and the ones that are still in our future.

    According to Titor, the second Civil War in this country has already began, a number of years ago. Titor himself defined exactly when it started : 2004 - 2005.

    Now, when 2004 and 2005 came and went without any 1861-type civil war taking place, the air pretty much went out of the Titor story. People concluded that he had been wrong about that, and therefore that he was just bullshit thru and thru.

    The problem with this was that many of Titor's other predictions did seem to have come true, like the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and so on. But the big one, the civil war prediction, seemed to carry so much weight that the whole story was pretty much "case closed" for alot of people.

    But then something funny happened : Titor's 2008 prediction was dead-on-accurate. The statements he made about 2008 were completely consistent with the worldwide economic collapse in 2008.

    So people started feeling uncomfortable about him again. What was the deal? Why were half of his predictions coming true and the other half not coming true? The apparent hits of the space shuttle, the Middle East war, and now the 2008 economic collapse started to look like one coincidence too many to ignore.

    So that redirected people's attention back to that 2004 prediction that he seemed to get SO wrong - that a civil war was supposed to start then. What was the deal with that? Was that prediction wrong or not? And people started looking at 2004 and 2005 a little closer.

    And the first thing that pops out is that Titor first showed up in 2000, during a very abnormal and controversial election that alot of people were very upset about. And right at the height of that drama, is when he shows up and starts posting online.

    Now that alone is a little peculiar, because the Titor story was very sophisticated and complex, and if it was a hoax, alot of time and planning and prep work had to go into it in advance. So we're supposed to believe that whole process ended just coincidentally at the same time that this historically unique and controversial election occurs? That would be quite a coincidence.

    But anyway, he shows up then, and discusses that controversial election a bit, and then says that America is going to have another civil war, and, coincidentally, he says it is going to start at the very same time the next election occurs - in 2004.

    2004 may have been when the Republicans first used the electronic voting boxes to steal the US Presidency, an act which would amount to a hostile takeover of the government, an act which would qualify as the beginning of a Civil War in any historian's eyes. It would be a real overthrow of the government. The fact that they used computers instead of guns to wrest control of the government away from the citizens and put that control in the hands of a small group is irrelevant. It would be a silent coup, orchestrated under the noses of the citizenry without their consent.

    One curiosity about this prediction is that Titor gave us two different answers about when the civil war started - in 2004 and in 2005. This would make sense if he was viewing that election being the start of the civil war, because while the election itself took place in 2004, its results wouldn't come into effect until 2005.

    An election did occur then. And it really may have been stolen. That election was the first time that exit polls were extremely off-base for a US Presidential Election. They had previously been very accurate and reliable, but in 2004 they seemed to fail completely : the polls and the news stations were reporting that it looked like Kerry had it in the bag, but then the official numbers published by the government said that Bush had won instead. There were widespread serious accusations of vote fraud, but it all got kind of swept under the rug.

    We can probably never know for sure if the American government was stolen that year. And that means we can probably never know if a civil war actually started via coup in 2004 - 2005. But what we DO know is that the violence normally associated with a civil war did NOT begin in 2004 - 2005. But then, Titor never said it would. In fact, he indicated that even though the civil war started in 2004 - 2005, the violence wasn't going to show up until 2011.

    While he insisted that the US Civil War would begin in 2004/2005, he made many statements indicating that this conflict would not turn violent until 2011 ("I keep saying her tune will change in about ten years [2011] and she'll be cleaning shotguns in her sleep" and "outright open fighting was common by 2011").

    But can a war start without violence? When does a war start? Does it start when the violence begins, or when the cause of the violence arrives? I honestly don't know, but these sound like definition questions best left to historians ...which Titor claimed to be.

    He predicted that during the civil war, the US would see "a Waco type event every month that steadily gets worse", and today the major story in the news is about all the thousands of families getting forcefully thrown out of their homes, which is exactly what the government was trying to do at Waco.

    Although he maintained that the US Civil War officially started in 2004/2005, he added that the conflict would not really get going until much later : "The conflict will consume everyone in the US by 2012", which is a timeline very consistent with today's economic crisis and foreclosure rush.

    Over the next few weeks, we've seen in the news lately, somewhere around five million Americans are going to become "99'ers", that is, they are going to run out of money - their unemployment will run out.

    And then 2011 arrives -- the year Titor specified, ten years ago now, as "THE TIME" when the XXXX actually does hit the fan.

    So to people who don't think that a civil war occurs when the cause of the violence arrives, and only think the civil war would have officially "started" when the violence itself begins, Titor seems to be saying, "2011 is when it starts".

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  HigherLove Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:40 am

    New Scientist: Adventures in the fourth dimension

    It flies, it drags and sometimes it crawls. We keep it, waste it and wish we had more of it. Time feels so natural to us that it is easy to forget just how stunningly peculiar it is.

    The more we learn about time, the more unsettling it becomes. Why does it only flow in one direction? Is it real, or just a figment of our imagination? Is time travel possible? How did it start? Will it ever end? And can it provide that frustratingly elusive theory of everything?

    In these articles we dig deep into the past, present and future of the most mysterious dimension of all.

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:25 am

    Col Corso told Paola Harris that the US Government had time travel. Andrew Basiago was involved in time travel experiments back in the 60's and 70s in Project Pegasus. Various ET contactees have experienced time travel. And I've also had personal conversations with someone who was involved in government time travel projects. There is no doubt in my mind that time travel is possible and that secret military projects have been involved in time travel projects since the 1940s. So imagine what can happen with history or even the future when governments have projects that involve time travel for the past 60 years plus. Just because this isn't common knowledge among most folks doesn't mean it isn't real and isn't used on a regular basis. In fact, the person I spoke with talked about US base on Mars and where various documents were kept there in the future, And there was the jump room, that looks a lot like a large elevator that they used to go from earth to the Mars base in the future.

    I often wondered if one of the time travel jump rooms was located at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2357
    Join date : 2011-01-27
    Age : 59

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  HigherLove Tue Oct 11, 2011 3:02 pm

    Carol wrote:Col Corso told Paola Harris that the US Government had time travel. Andrew Basiago was involved in time travel experiments back in the 60's and 70s in Project Pegasus. Various ET contactees have experienced time travel. And I've also had personal conversations with someone who was involved in government time travel projects. There is no doubt in my mind that time travel is possible and that secret military projects have been involved in time travel projects since the 1940s. So imagine what can happen with history or even the future when governments have projects that involve time travel for the past 60 years plus. Just because this isn't common knowledge among most folks doesn't mean it isn't real and isn't used on a regular basis. In fact, the person I spoke with talked about US base on Mars and where various documents were kept there in the future, And there was the jump room, that looks a lot like a large elevator that they used to go from earth to the Mars base in the future.

    I often wondered if one of the time travel jump rooms was located at Lawrence Livermore Lab in California.

    It would not surprise me. I wonder if I could sneak in? :op


    Camcorder found in 2000yr old archaeological dig from Egyptian Tomb

    On Wednesday, October 5, 2011, a new video surfaced online that reportedly shows amazing images of a video camcorder that was found within a burial tomb in Egypt. The camcorder was allegedly sealed within a 2,000 year old canopic jar. Canopic jars were commonly used in Egypt during the mummification process and contained the organs of the deceased. Could this discovery at Giza be proof of the existence of time travel?


    Posts : 2357
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    Age : 59

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  HigherLove Mon Dec 26, 2011 2:56 am

    Sorry if this thread should have just been posts that I made here. :op



    Time Travel and Modern Physics
    First published Thu Feb 17, 2000; substantive revision Wed Dec 23, 2009

    Time travel has been a staple of science fiction. With the advent of general relativity it has been entertained by serious physicists. But, especially in the philosophy literature, there have been arguments that time travel is inherently paradoxical. The most famous paradox is the grandfather paradox: you travel back in time and kill your grandfather, thereby preventing your own existence. To avoid inconsistency some circumstance will have to occur which makes you fail in this attempt to kill your grandfather. Doesn't this require some implausible constraint on otherwise unrelated circumstances? We examine such worries in the context of modern physics.

    1. A Botched Suicide
    2. Why Do Time Travel Suicides Get Botched?
    3. Topology and Constraints
    4. The General Possibility of Time Travel in General Relativity
    5. Two Toy Models
    6. Remarks and Limitations on the Toy Models
    7. Slightly More Realistic Models of Time Travel
    8. Even If There are Constraints, So What?
    9. Quantum Mechanics to the Rescue?
    10. Conclusions
    Other Internet Resources
    Related Entries

    1. A Botched Suicide

    You are very depressed. You are suicidally depressed. You have a gun. But you do not quite have the courage to point the gun at yourself and kill yourself in this way. If only someone else would kill you, that would be a good thing. But you can't really ask someone to kill you. That wouldn't be fair. You decide that if you remain this depressed and you find a time machine, you will travel back in time to just about now, and kill your earlier self. That would be good. In that way you even would get rid of the depressing time you will spend between now and when you would get into that time machine. You start to muse about the coherence of this idea, when something amazing happens. Out of nowhere you suddenly see someone coming towards you with a gun pointed at you. In fact he looks very much like you, except that he is bleeding badly from his left eye, and can barely stand up straight. You are at peace. You look straight at him, calmly. He shoots. You feel a searing pain in your left eye. Your mind is in chaos, you stagger around and accidentally enter a strange looking cubicle. You drift off into unconsciousness. After a while, you can not tell how long, you drift back into consciousness and stagger out of the cubicle. You see someone in the distance looking at you calmly and fixedly. You realize that it is your younger self. He looks straight at you. You are in terrible pain. You have to end this, you have to kill him, really kill him once and for all. You shoot him, but your eyesight is so bad that your aim is off. You do not kill him, you merely damage his left eye. He staggers off. You fall to the ground in agony, and decide to study the paradoxes of time travel more seriously.

    2. Why Do Time Travel Suicides Get Botched?

    The standard worry about time travel is that it allows one to go back and kill one's younger self and thereby create paradox. More generally it allows for people or objects to travel back in time and to cause events in the past that are inconsistent with what in fact happened. (See e.g., Gödel 1949, Earman 1972, Malament 1985a&b, Horwich 1987.) A stone-walling response to this worry is that by logic indeed inconsistent events can not both happen. Thus in fact all such schemes to create paradox are logically bound to fail. So what's the worry?

    Well, one worry is the question as to why such schemes always fail. Doesn't the necessity of such failures put prima facie unusual and unexpected constraints on the actions of people, or objects, that have traveled in time? Don't we have good reason to believe that there are no such constraints (in our world) and thus that there is no time travel (in our world)? We will later return to the issue of the palatability of such constraints, but first we want to discuss an argument that no constraints are imposed by time travel.

    3. Topology and Constraints

    Wheeler and Feynman (1949) were the first to claim that the fact that nature is continuous could be used to argue that causal influences from later events to earlier events, as are made possible by time travel, will not lead to paradox without the need for any constraints. Maudlin (1990) showed how to make their argument precise and more general, and argued that nonetheless it was not completely general.

    Imagine the following set-up. We start off having a camera with a black and white film ready to take a picture of whatever comes out of the time machine. An object, in fact a developed film, comes out of the time machine. We photograph it, and develop the film. The developed film is subsequently put in the time machine, and set to come out of the time machine at the time the picture is taken. This surely will create a paradox: the developed film will have the opposite distribution of black, white, and shades of gray, from the object that comes out of the time machine. For developed black and white films (i.e. negatives) have the opposite shades of gray from the objects they are pictures of. But since the object that comes out of the time machine is the developed film itself it we surely have a paradox.

    However, it does not take much thought to realize that there is no paradox here. What will happen is that a uniformly gray picture will emerge, which produces a developed film that has exactly the same uniform shade of gray. No matter what the sensitivity of the film is, as long as the dependence of the brightness of the developed film depends in a continuous manner on the brightness of the object being photographed, there will be a shade of gray that, when photographed, will produce exactly the same shade of gray on the developed film. This is the essence of Wheeler and Feynman's idea. Let us first be a bit more precise and then a bit more general.

    For simplicity let us suppose that the film is always a uniform shade of gray (i.e. at any time the shade of gray does not vary by location on the film). The possible shades of gray of the film can then be represented by the (real) numbers from 0, representing pure black, to 1, representing pure white.

    Last edited by HigherLove on Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:59 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 2357
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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  HigherLove Mon Dec 26, 2011 3:55 am

    Carol wrote:I've been recently thinking of putting all the data I have on time travel in one thread. And for some odd reason I'm feeling a very strong connection with China recently. I know we have at least 2 possible 3 guests who have spent time at Mists reading data... but there is something else going on just below the surface of my consciousness

    Question: what sort of thing does China want to suppress?

    China Says No More Movies And TV Shows About Time Travel

    from the don't-even-think-about-it dept

    Posted 11 December 2011 - 08:44 AM
    Question: what sort of thing does China want to suppress?

    Too Much Free Time
    by Mike Masnick
    Thu, Apr 7th 2011 8:31am

    It's no secret that time travel stories in movies and TV are a bit cliche at this point, but that doesn't stop people from using them repeatedly. It's just such an easy plot device. But, don't expect to see much more of it in China. Ima Fish alerts us to the news that the General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television in China has announced that time travel stories are no longer allowed on TV or in movies. Apparently, such stories are "disrespectful to history" and that many of the "stories are totally made up." Apparently, the General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television in China is unfamiliar with the definition of fiction.

    It sounds like time travel stories had become especially popular in Chinese media, and it sounds like someone at the Bureau just got sick of it. Along similar lines, the Bureau has apparently also declared that no more TV/movie versions shall be made of "the four great classical novels of China." Honestly, it really feels like someone (or some people) involved in this Bureau just got sick of seeing similar shows and decided to issue a ban.

    Of course, the real question is how long will it take for people in China to create a video that involves going back in time to restock the General Bureau of Radio, Film and Television with people who seem less silly?

    Answer: Something that must remain secret to stay under state control.

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    Time Travel Empty We all already time travel . . .

    Post  billbaty Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:13 am

    Hello everyone,

    My theory is that we all are already time traveling. All of our futures are being presented to us at a speed where we can comprehend it easily. So my idea is that if one doesn't already appreciate the time traveling they are already doing now, then going faster or slower in time would also not be appreciated.

    What's fun about the prospect of time traveling is that if one could go back in time, they would already know what is going to happen and it would be like having esp. Or if you could go into the future, you could see what is going to happen before anyone else. Although intriguing at first, I believe it would become boring. What is really fun is to be in the present without a clue of what is going to happen and have the excitement when acting off the cuff. It's the ultimate acting invitation.


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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 13, 2012 1:24 am

    Hi Bill and welcome to Mists.

    Sounds good. There is an older TV series based on time travel on called Journeyman about a reporter who becomes a time traveler. Fringe is sort of fun because that goes into multiple timelines where the characters cross over into other dimensional realms.

    I know a couple of time travelers but the one who has the most data is Andrew Basaigo at

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-03-12

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  billbaty Tue Mar 13, 2012 10:54 am


    I really don't think time travel as it is usually conceived is possible. Imagine if you have a rock and you take it back in time with you. When you arrive in the past with the rock, will the rock where it is located in the past just disappear? Or will it be duplicated and now there will be two rocks? Neither scenario sounds logical so I don't think possible. (This is another variation on the grandfather paradox.)

    I think going into the future is possible though. If you were to be in suspended animation like in a coma or frozen cryogenically, when you woke up, you would be "magically" in the future. So, a machine could be invented that would, through use of a specialized frequency, make you disappear into the frequency and reappear in the future when the machine was turned off. You would be the same age and seemingly no time at all would have passed. If you took the rock with you, it would have just disappeared temporarily and reappeared with you which would then be a logical circumstance.

    I read a logical, if not convincing story one time about technology that the government had that would produce an electronic field where time within the field would be going faster than the time outside the field. Scientist and engineers would be placed in the field and work on secret projects for years but on the outside, only a few days would have passed. That way, the government could develop technology that would have taken decades, overnight.


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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 13, 2012 11:52 am

    Bill, by any chance have you read up on Tesla? Col Corso told my friend Paola Harris that the military has been involved in time travel for years going back to the Philadelphia experiment. Paola Harris help him publish his book in Italy as it couldn't get published in the US. There is no doubt in my mind that time travel is a reality employed by the secret government and ET.

    I guess I'm a bit confused. One of the things that Basiago spoke of was multiple parallel timelines where he would leave from one and come back on another parallel timeline where the arguments he had earlier with his brothers didn't happen on the timeline he came back on. So even that this is what he describes helps explain some of what you are suggesting. I think the most important concept to grock is that time is non-linear when it comes to quantum physics. Even the past can be altered as done with various experiments.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3
    Join date : 2012-03-12

    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  billbaty Tue Mar 13, 2012 5:41 pm

    Hi Carol and other viewers,

    I am a bit hesitant to make an honest reply to your previous post because I am afraid that I will sound like a self-appointed de-bunker and among my friends and acquaintances I am most likely viewed as an esoteric kooky-type from all the different subjects I entertain.

    BUT, that said, there is no firm evidence of time travel that we can all see, either practically or theoretically. The closest we ever get is "someone said that someone else said . . ." And as far as quantum physics experiments and multi-universe and multi-time line theories, they are just theories and speculation as to what the evidence points to.

    I remember back to when the multi-dimensional universe theories were going around. At first it was stated as a theory only, and was conceived because as mathematicians tried to express the known universe in scientific notation, other dimensions (or oxymoronically, other universes) became mathematically possible. Later I noticed that other dimensions, universes, string theories, etc. were being written and talked about as if they were an experienced reality. Mathematically one can have a negative amount of, let's say, apples. But in reality, one cannot produce for all to see a negative apple.

    I believe many of these false or unproven theories are placed in public view to take attention away from real esoteric physics. Tesla once said something to the effect that experimentation has been replaced by scientists who pile up theory after theory on top of speculation and their end hypothesis bears no resemblance at all to reality.

    Hopefully you won't take this as put-down of any kind. All the best,


    Carol wrote:Bill, by any chance have you read up on Tesla? Col Corso told my friend Paola Harris that the military has been involved in time travel for years going back to the Philadelphia experiment. Paola Harris help him publish his book in Italy as it couldn't get published in the US. There is no doubt in my mind that time travel is a reality employed by the secret government and ET.

    I guess I'm a bit confused. One of the things that Basiago spoke of was multiple parallel timelines where he would leave from one and come back on another parallel timeline where the arguments he had earlier with his brothers didn't happen on the timeline he came back on. So even that this is what he describes helps explain some of what you are suggesting. I think the most important concept to grock is that time is non-linear when it comes to quantum physics. Even the past can be altered as done with various experiments.

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Carol Tue Mar 13, 2012 6:09 pm

    I see. Well my experience is a bit different based on what I know from transcripts (personal testimony) I read from military and other personnel who were involved in some of these time travel projects. And I personally know several individuals who were involved in time traveling, so my perspective is a based on info from those involved where they were in secret government programs involved with time travel. There is theory and there is reality. I choose reality.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  Mercuriel Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:23 pm

    Well actually Billy - Time Travel IS possible - HAS been done by other Races and Species - IS being done now - And It's Enigma has FINALLY been AT LEAST hinted at by TERRAN Scientists...

    Link to FTL Breakthrough

    That said - Its obvious that You don't wish to see this as a Reality anyways as You've said that much in Your Posts so far - So with that said - This has Me asking Myself...

    "If You're not open-minded to the possibility of Time Travel - Why start the discussion anyways ?"

    One could almost say that this is provocative in nature and that Your Aim is to provoke discussion about It with no intent on Your part to explore It as a valid possibility...

    Huh ?

    Wiht that said - I'll leave It with this...

    If You take that Rock with You into the Past/Future - Unless You come back to that Local Timeline and not another "Alternate" Timeline (Which can happen when the Time Signature is lost) - Yes - It will NOT be there in that Timeline...

    Thats what is meant by the term "Alternate" as things are different in each Timeline from each other great and small.

    That said - If One does return or re-enter into the same Local Timeline except at a different Point - Paradox cannot be allowed and so if the same two objects as aspects enter or move into the same Local Space and Time - They will be forced together and Annihilate each other so as to maintain Continuity in that Timeline...

    I'm pretty sure that You've Googled all of this anyways - Whereby You still don't see it as a possibility. With that said - Best of luck to You in Your discussion then as I leave You and others to It.

    At any rate - Welcome to the Mists of Avalon...


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  malletzky Sat Apr 07, 2012 3:50 am

    New movie, coming out soon (in June):

    Safety Not Guaranteed

    When an unusual classified ad inspires three cynical Seattle magazine employees to look for the story behind it, they discover a mysterious eccentric named Kenneth, a likable but paranoid supermarket clerk, who believes he¹s solved the riddle of time travel and intends to depart again soon.

    Together, they embark on a hilarious, smart, and unexpectedly heartfelt journey that reveals how far believing can take you.


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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  mudra Fri Jan 06, 2017 2:17 pm


    Love Always

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    Time Travel Empty Re: Time Travel

    Post  mudra Tue Mar 08, 2022 2:11 pm

    Peter Moon Interview about Time Travel

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