The End of the 5G Space Appeal and the Beginning of the Real Stop 5G Movement
Nicolya Christi’s Worldshift organisation is in charge of the international projects of the Club of Budapest, a sister organisation of the depopulationist Club of Rome. Worldshift is the New Age arm of the globalists’ plan to depopulate the earth and force everyone off the land and into prison “smart’ cities, while ostensibly preserving the land for “wilderness” areas but in fact commoditising and exploiting nature in the globalists’ new economic system called “naturocracy”, according to the diktats of Agenda 21/2030 and the UN’s “sustainable development”, which is widely regarded as a code word for depopulation.
5G is the technological arm of this monumental plan. 5G makes possible big data, the Internet of Things, AI, transhumanism and the complete control of everything by the globalists. 5G enables complete physical and mind monitoring and control, and inventorying, monitoring and rationing of all things, energy and activities through Agenda 21/2030, technocracy and one-world, totalitarian government. In other words …
5G is the facilitator of the diabolical plan to carry out the most gargantuan and grotesque heist in all of human history: the theft of all life, all property and all natural resources on Earth, which includes even people’s minds, i.e. consciousness itself.
The other positive result of Nicolya Christi’s attempted takeover and collectivisation of the stop 5G movement on behalf of the globalists is that it has divided the stop 5G movement and exposed the fifth-columnists, which has done an indispensable service to the movement.
How can you recognise fifth-columnists? You shall know them by their works. They are snake-oil salesmen who will sell you bright, shiny, pre-packaged solutions such as the following (in alphabetical order):
> Appeals and petitions to so-called authorities
> Carbon trading to impoverish the majority and massively enrich the usual suspects
> Celebrity icons designed to mislead through emotional hijack instead of facts
> Collectivised movements to censor your words and thoughts and control what you do
> Courses and books on how to adapt your life and values to a dysfunctional world instead of questioning why the world system is anti-life
> Devices that may or may not protect you from electromagnetic radiation but do nothing to protect the > > > > Earth’s ionosphere, pollinators, children, nature and all life on the planet
> Dystopian “new paradigms” and new systems designed and packaged by, and in the image of, the predators who parasitise our world
> Empty, feel-good philosophies to pacify and promote passivity
> Enemies and victimhood to promote blame, conflict, fear and passivity
> Environmentalism to trick people into self-hatred
“Experts” and expertise to impress and disempower
> False information designed to mislead and misdirect
> False narratives about reducing levels of carbon dioxide (i.e. stop breathing!)
> False science as exemplified by the Big Bang Theory (Terence McKenna: “Give me one free miracle and I’ll give you the rest”) and Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, of which the full title was On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural > > Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, which has led to eugenics, depopulation, environmentalism, technocracy and 5G
> Fear-porn in all its guises, particularly through the mainstream media, but also through the alternative media, designed to paralyse and disempower Gaia worship
> “Green” parties and movements that adopt and implement policies that do nothing to protect people or the environment, completely ignore 5G and push the globalist, > > > Club of Rome depopulation agenda
> Guidance from people claiming to have special insights
> Gurus to promote hierarchy, passivity and disempowerment
“—isms” in all their guises to promote ignorance, blame, victimhood, conflict, anger, fear and disempowerment
> New Age disempowerment through fear of being perceived as “negative” and consequent inaction
> Organisations, structures, systems, schedules, timetables, plans, schemes, analyses, projections, etc., all of which are business-as-usual solutions designed to corral, distract, hijack and disempower
> Politics to promote division, passivity, delusion, wrong action, disempowerment and victimhood
> Rationality untempered by the heart
> “Solutions” to non-existent problems
> Sustainable development
> Techno-lobotomy via television, digi-trivia click bait, > > > HAARP, “smart” phones, wireless technology, electromagnetic radiation, etc.
Western, allopathic medicine offering magic bullets that turn out to be precisely that, minus the magic.
The globalists’ depopulation agenda is driven almost exclusively by the fake anthropogenic climate change narrative, invented by the Club of Rome and propagated through its innumerable tentacles of Club of Budapest, Nicolya Christi’s Worldshift, Club of Madrid (of which the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres is a member) and thousands of NGOs, foundations, associations and clubs, including Extinction Rebellion and the brain-damaged and terror-driven, manufactured global icon Little Greta, both of which were embraced explicitly last year by Club of Rome. If anyone wants to know who is sponsoring Little Greta, simply go to the press photos and see which world leaders drool over her while refusing to devote one second of time to considering the dangers of 5G.