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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider


    Posts : 513
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Age : 57
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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:11 am

    [9/24/2010 4:45:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: tony have you ever read this?
    [6:53:39 AM] Tony Bermanseder: Aye Raven - this is genuine to just under 100%, say 95% (I disagree on the self-replenishing oil for example) and this writer has directly taken its 'nous' from the GOT, he is obviously (to me) familiar with.
    [6:54:41 AM] Tony Bermanseder: an excellent 'discovery' by you thank you for sharing
    [6:54:46 AM] Ishtara Raven: hiya
    [6:55:02 AM] Tony Bermanseder: similar to Hidden Hand imo
    [6:55:03 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i thought there was something to this, i found it on avalon
    [6:55:06 AM] Ishtara Raven: aye
    [6:55:24 AM] Tony Bermanseder: hmm anyone would be advised to read this SLOWLY not the speed reading
    [6:55:58 AM] Tony Bermanseder: he basically undeerstands the Logos whom he calls the 'Real Christ' not the Jesus of the churches
    [6:56:05 AM] Ishtara Raven: exactly
    [6:56:15 AM] Tony Bermanseder: you sped read lol
    [6:56:24 AM] Ishtara Raven: no i read it yesterday sweety
    [6:56:30 AM] Ishtara Raven: and the day before
    [6:56:34 AM] Tony Bermanseder: ok the slower the better
    [6:56:56 AM] Tony Bermanseder: he seems to also have got the bd of the historical Jesus right as the spring equinox
    [6:56:58 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i went over it a few times, like he said, many things get missed if you don't slow down
    [6:57:10 AM] Ishtara Raven: this was published in 2005
    [6:57:50 AM] Tony Bermanseder: yes i published the spring equonox week 6BC which is 2010 years from 2005
    [6:58:04 AM] Tony Bermanseder: he said 2014
    [6:58:15 AM] Tony Bermanseder: could be a numerology key
    [6:58:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: i found what he said about words very interesting
    [6:58:42 AM] Tony Bermanseder: otherwise i could found nothing to disagree with
    [6:59:08 AM] Tony Bermanseder: oh yes no doubt he understands the GOT and the Logos as we describe it
    [6:59:26 AM] Tony Bermanseder: he was hinting at the GOT continually
    [6:59:47 AM] Tony Bermanseder: see now why the PTB dismisses the GOT everywhere?
    [6:59:56 AM] Tony Bermanseder: It is the KEY of Keys
    [6:59:59 AM] Ishtara Raven: it must be a small faction of 'elites' that knows this stuff, he said his group was a minority within the ruling familys
    [7:00:06 AM] Tony Bermanseder: absolutely
    [7:00:23 AM] Tony Bermanseder: the 'elite' is all about the GOT I've known this for ages
    [7:00:48 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes the 'bloodline family' is the gene of the rememberance, he hinted at that a lot too
    [7:00:58 AM] Tony Bermanseder: also notice as he says that all 'publicity' leads to corruption?
    [7:01:06 AM] Ishtara Raven: yep
    [7:01:17 AM] Tony Bermanseder: So New Age =disinfo mostly period
    [7:01:43 AM] Tony Bermanseder: as is all the rest of the 'esteem' and the 'foundations of society'
    [7:01:57 AM] Ishtara Raven: interestingly the folks on avalon have been reading it and many commented on how its made them see things in a totaly new light
    [7:02:25 AM] Tony Bermanseder: like Hidden Hand here now and forgotten tomorrow by 95%
    [7:02:33 AM] Tony Bermanseder: like Thuban lol
    [7:02:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: yeah lol
    [7:03:02 AM] Tony Bermanseder: many good points about what the soul is the passions etc and the INTENT of statements
    [7:03:30 AM] Tony Bermanseder: I Am and I declare and stuff like that as the way to the 'homecoming'
    [7:03:58 AM] Tony Bermanseder: the WITHIN and the 0ne-to-one true gnosis
    [7:04:34 AM] Ishtara Raven: yes i looked at your pic again in the logos algorhythm and looked up the passages under Maria Infinity's pic, I AM the bright morning star
    [7:04:54 AM] Tony Bermanseder: logos-Logos couplings
    [7:05:42 AM] Tony Bermanseder: its a pdf but it should be on the forum imo
    [7:06:04 AM] Tony Bermanseder: have you got it in wordpad?

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

     Revelations of an Elite family Insider
    Something fascinating happened on a forum ( in a span of a few days and it has caused quite a stir in certain parts of the Internet.  
    A person by the moniker of Insider claimed he was from a ruling bloodline and gave the people a chance to ask everything they wanted and Insider would answer. At first it looks like another internet hoax, some lightweight questions were followed by lightweight answers, but then things started changing drastically. 
    Anyone who understands dialectics knows that the answers Insider gave were designed to force/provoke others to ask questions which went to the core of the matter. First some questions are being asked by Insider like "Are you really living on the planet you think you are?" which made people react differently than before. 
    The answers this person started giving to those following questions showed a deep, broad understanding of philosophy, history, metaphysics, religion, magic, politics, and more in a way which is very innovative, detailed and some answers are thought provoking to say the least.
    What amazes is that Insider answered these questions in a very short time span and if you keep in mind that the topics are diverse, some in depth and some epic answers showed up literally minutes apart, one must wonder how it was done. Copy/paste from internet? I checked intensively and the sentences Insider used cannot be found on internet. Like one person observed, this was way over the heads of the usual suspects. 
    Some people started getting upset, others were drawn to it and this all lead to a dialogue where so much was revealed, including by the other posters that it can be studied for years to come.

    Sounds hard to believe? Read on.


    Posts : 513
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Age : 57
    Location : The Emerald City

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:13 am

    Statement Insider:
    I am a member of an Elite Family who you despise...ask me a question and I will answer them in short.
    Because I can.
    What´s an "Elite Family"?
    That´s how most are calling it.
    Families who for a long time have been ruling the people who are not from these bloodlines.
    what´s your thoughts on "peak oil"
    It is known within certain circles that it is manufactured.
    The Earth is producing more oil/gas than is being used now even believe it or not, it is a natural process "the more you take, the more it produces to balance itself".
    Study the bees and the way they produce honey and you will understand.
    On top of that there are many places with large amounts of natural resources which never have been touched.
    The agenda?
    I think you know.
    what commonalities do the bloodlines share?
    and have you ever Xxxxxx a child?
    Understand that "bloodlines" have been chosen to rule, it didn´t just appear out of air. The souls which incarnate into these bloodlines who rule are picked by Divine Law. Other things don´t have to be mentioned.
    The second question shows you read to much Icke who is a tool that is being used. But to answer, no.
    Sorry, OP. No one rules me...never has!
    A little old saying:
    The perfect slave is the one that says "I am not a slave".
    It is like an alcoholic saying he isn´t an alcoholic so therefor he will always be an alcoholic. Get my drift?
    Where do you elites store your mentally ill relatives caused by centuries of inbreeding?
    It is a myth that inbreeding always causes problems.
    If the 2 persons who procreate carry genes which are of better quality than the rest....
    why have you allowed us to breed like rats if population is what you feel threatens you?
    1. We haven´t allowed that, you have more power than you think you have.
    2. Population does not threaten "us" in any way, shape or form....again a myth.
    Q by forum owner Trinity:
    I am curious what a member of an ´elite family´ thinks of GLP. So what do you think?
    The more divided people are, the easier it is to rule over them.
    Making them believe they have a sword in their hand which they think makes them powerful and able to fight "the dark sider" while it is just a toothpick.
    You have to be very careful who you give that imaginary sword to, Trinity.
    Do you know that not just spoken words but also written words emanate a frequency which have a direct effect?
    And I would say that a vast majority of the written words here are not helping the cause you think you are fighting for.
    What is your religious affiliation?
    Religion is created by "us".
    The religions which rule now are the ones that are under total control.
    I can´t give out to much about this but Christianity/Judaism/Islam/Buddhism are a bit off, let´s say.
    There is a core of truth, but it is drowning in a sea of perversions....for you to pick out, good luck.
    What we believe in does not matter but it is about serving the Divine Law which was passed onto us.
    How about the world economy?
    One thing conspiracy theorists are right about is that it is based on money that doesn´t exist, never existed, never will.
    The ones who own the banks also own the media and politics, so it can be portrayed the way they want you to believe it.
    When will the wheat be separated from the chaff? Or do you want to get rid of the wheat and leave the chaff for your slaves?
    Whichever, when will it happen?
    (tired of false dates, please be honest this time)
    I know 100% sure there is no end time, at least not like it is being portrayed everywhere, be it religion, media, etc.
    This place was never meant to end the way it is being described.
    There will be a time when everyone will be released but that is not a mass event, but rather 1 by on yourself.
    I´m curious to know why the Elite do not lead? They seem to be more of a parasite on society.
    A fish in the ocean can´t see that birds are flying in the sky.
    Have you or any of your family members ever participated in an occult ritual and, if yes, what was the nature of it?
    Rituals have a meaning which cannot be understood by most.
    Rituals are there to connect with the higher beings who govern this realm. We are doing our job.
    well I´d have to say your divine law has Xxxxxx up this planet and its people very well!
    Peasants like you don´t understand that you do it, nobody else.
    Btw, by what you just said you lenghtened your stay here on Earth one more condolences.
    Do you frequent the Bohemian Grove and fully participate... in cremation of care.. sacrifice to
    Molech ... screwing the male homosexual prostitutes... orgies ... etc..
    Those and other similar places are for the politicians and media people, they are obligated. Sometimes a bloodline will be present but will not participate in those acts which are not the rituals we do.
    Comment from Insider:
    Accidental Stoner
    Those were many questions....
    Most I would answer yes, some no.
    Don´t believe all that "gurus" tell about us and you will do fine.
    do you consider the prevalence/success of organised crime families and syndicates as a massive failure of your colle3ctive will?
    They are there for a reason.
    They aren´t as succesful as they look though, they are broken.
    Why do you continue to attempt to control mass consciousness by by spreading fear though every outlet available to you.
    Why not set the knowledge free as was intended long ago, the written word is spreading the wings of truth.
    The sword has been given to the sheep, and the day of reconing is soon at hand. I believe in no law of divinity or hierarchy, we are all equal unto th eyes of the creator and for that must you answer in your time.
    The meek are inheriting the Earth presently, I pray for you.
    If that was the aim, it would be done in an instant.
    You do not understand what this world we live in really is.
    I have no questions. I do however have a statement. The time of reckoning is at hand.
    It is not.
    it goes..the best slave is one who thinks he is free.
    13..ultimately it is all a matter of genes, n´est ce pas?
    do you understand self-cloning?
    do you agree that the planet is replete with false allies and false enemies?
    That´s not how it originaly goes....about the slave. If you read carefuly you will see.
    Last question has a yes as an answer, there are also no real allies or enemies.
    Op IF you are indeed who & what you say you are, then you will know that you and your ilk are in big trouble... Your time is short and those you belong to, who are in our space quadrant as we speak, already know it! I imagine they are a tad busy right at this moment. But of course you must keep up appearances even when you know you fight a losing battle.
    Personally I will be very happy to see the day... and it is coming, sooner than you think Wink
    There is no end of time.
    A long time ago, the people did ALMOST manage to take over, and then bad things happened on earth to those people....what are you seeing now?
    Are you really living on the planet you think you are?
    The "higher beings who govern this realm", do you serve them? By what names do you call them? Have you ever seen them? Where do they reside?
    They penetrate everything and they are benevolent.
    dang insider you skipped my question about what really hit the pentagon....does that mean you aren´t going to answer it?
    Does it matter what hit it?
    Too much question dodging
    I did not sign a contract which says I have to answer everything.
    Some questions do not need an answer and others do not mean a thing eventhough you think it does.
    I will be back tomorrow.
    Statement by Insider:
    How strange that some of you who talk about love, light and peace are the ones who 2 sentences later cuss and talk about murdering others, smirking about it being soon..
    Are you sure you are on the "good" side? And who is Natascha?
    For the ones who are a bit smarter than that, ask away, I will answer the way I choose to. Before you ask the question, force yourself to think outside the box that was created for you by others...ask a real question that you thought about, formulate it in detail.
    For the others, if you could leave out cussing, hate, bigotry and prejudice (which is based on your gurus´ amazing wisdom), it would show you are a bit more evolved from the peasant stage.
    I will not answer all questions, sometimes because it is obvious if you think about it or parts of it have been answered, other times because I do not have the obligation to do so.
    so is bill gates more elite than you?
    how about queen elizabeth?
    are you an arab?
    can´t you control the oil instead of the arabs?
    The ones you know the names of are not true bloodlines like you have been taught by theorists. They are not the ones who write the symphony, neither conduct it.
    The ones you mentioned and other known names merely play the violin or cello when they are told to, the way they are told to.
    It does not matter what race I am, has no effect on anything. Oil is already under full control like all natural resources.
    Why does visualization work?
    It does not work for everybody, you have to reach a certain stage in your development. This means living by strict rules, applying them to everything you do in life, in detail. Most humans do not have the discipline nor temparence to achieve that stage.
    Some here talk like they can, but I know even without knowing anything about their lives that they are further away from it than they think.
    "Visualisation" works because it is an essential way of the creational process in this material universe.
    The Universe is a living entity who uses it´s Mind to create and the beings created from that may have that same power to within their boundaries.
    Now the question is, who is using Icke?
    and better question... Why?
    Icke has a core of truth he is trying to pass.
    What he does not realise is that this actually works against him.
    The reptilian part was fed him by the ones who work for the bloodlines.
    In a period of 7, 8 months he was bombarded with "victims" who witnessed shape-shifting, satanic rituals, etc. in such a way he could not refuse to not believe it.
    Sometimes the "witnesses" were lead to him a few times a day, depending on his location. Others like Icke (and there are more than you think) have been fed similar stories.
    Really, I am not reptilian.
    The answer why does not have to be answered.
    Hello Insider!
    Are you part of the Divine Brotherhood? Are you ME? Are you he who manipulates the Matrix? Enquiring minds want to know, cuz I´m thoroughly confused. You say we despise you, but I could not imagine despising any Being from the Devine Realms! Then you act like your part of the "elite bloodline" on Earth, but what would bloodlines have to do with the Spiritual world? Again...I´m confused. Could you clarify? Just what IS the Elite of whom you say we despise, and yet who apparently has all the "inside scoop"??
    sigh Sammie
    You are confused for you have accepted the other versions of the "truth" and you think you have a sight of the big picture, but what I say dismisses huge parts of it.
    There is a misconception about bloodlines....obviously, the questions that are being asked here prove that.
    But there is a reason for that, and it serves an important purpose.
    We manipulate this world only as far as we are allowed to by the Divine Law. We provide you with tools and then it us up to you to determine how you use it.
    Tools can be used in a maliscious way but noone is forcing you to use them that are choosing yourself.
    So despising the ones who provide you with the tool that you voluntarily chose to "sin" with is about you trying to camouflage your tracks.
    You get what you deserve, that is how this universe works. We do our duty, so do yours.
    There is a very old saying...unrecorded in open history--"the devil doesn´t know he´s the devil...he thinks he´s God."
    It actually states that humans who worship the "bad" think they worship the "good".
    "You do not understand what this world we live in really is."
    Care to elaborate on this statement...? Regards,
    Further Considerations
    Only if you formulate the question and understand that certain questions need to be answered by yourself only not others, otherwise they have no purpose.
    Hey 13 --
    I´m not coming back to your planet next time. Smoke on that.
    What gave you the impression that when that time comes, you have a say in that?
    What is the reason that your people came to this planet?
    Almost the same reason you came.
    Now, what "elite" family does anyone know well enough to "despise"? Dubya, is that you?
    To clear this up once and for all....the Bushs are not fact, they are your kind who wanted to be worshipped by your kind.
    I will sum it up again in short, the ones that have known faces/names are not directly bloodline. They are not the composers/conductors, they just play the flute the way they are told to.
    Bushs, Clintons, Sharons, Arafats, Hitlers, Dalai Lamas, Mandelas, Blairs, Gores, Chavezs, Ghandis, Kennedys, Lennons, Dylans, Einsteins, Michaelangelos, Popes, Ceasars, Aristotles, Herodotus, Akhenatons.
    They all play/played their part the way they are/were told to.
    These people who love recognition and praise of your kind would not be allowed to be in the same room with some people I am related to.
    Q by forum owner Trinity :
    Rather than give them a sword (or a toothpick), I give them a canvas and a pen. The words as you say have vibration and effect.
    And though yes many that are written here are contrary to the ONE, some ring true. It is those few, that matter most.
    I was recently asked by a friend of mine,
    "what do you do when you have mastered the game?"
    This seems like a question that would apply to one in your situation as well. My answer was, "save as many as you can".
    I am curious to know, What is yours?
    If it has an immediate effect it is not a canvas and a pen anymore but a imaginary one but nonetheless a sword.
    And it is not working the way you think it does.
    You say most are contrary to the One and that is true, in fact almost all is contrary. But you say because of the few that ring "true" it is worth it.
    You cannot have 2 contrary essences at the same time/place eventhough they may have the same spring.
    Which means one of the 2 is not present I have to tell you which one that is?
    About mastering the game.
    How does one know they have mastered it? Does someone else tell them?
    See, if the "master" is not really a master yet he acts like one it will mean he will make errors. He will have flawed thoughts and act accordingly.
    People will start listening to him and adopt the flawed opinions and way of living.....eventually he will do more harm than 1 bloodline actually has the power to do personally.
    Hence why "leaders" have been created for you who "have mastered their game". Jesus of Nazareth is a nice example.
    He was created, this human has many worshippers and they have murdered in his name and still do (Bush).
    Jesus of Nazareth was not a master of the game, he was a puppet being used in the game and he still is serving the agenda among you.
    So you might think you are saving as many as you can like him but are you really?
    How would I answer the question "what do you do when you have mastered the game?" Checkmate.
    Is Earth a prison?
    Yes and even worse.
    The ones who believe the contrary will never escape.
    Why, oh why would an alleged member of an "elite family" waste one minute minute of their time, or give credence to the cespool that is GLP?
    Bloodlines are not robots who all act the same.
    You are confusing the ones who you think control you with others.
    Now on the population reduction... We have a few brewing like AIDS... however, it has been my feeling that the "release" of a bio, will be in a timely fashion cloaked in chaos from another event. What say you on that?
    There is no plan to reduce the population, that is fully in the hands of the people.
    However certain events have been seen as just that while they are serving another purpose....a misconception.
    Just because it comes across like population reduction does not mean it is exactly that.
    Really, if the goal was population reduction, it would have been done a long time ago in a span of a few weeks.
    In fact the opposite is more true in most areas on this planet.
    What you said could happen but it would be done by the ones who control the lower areas. The ones up higher do it through the daily items you consume.
    Was Yahweh an extraterrestrial negative entity? Or was he a fiction invented by the Jewish fantasy factory during the time the Greeks ruled Palestine?
    If the name of an entity is public, it means it is fabricated.
    Yahweh used to represent an age where mass-control was taking shape.
    Ah, so Mormons are the only ones who are barking up the right tree. Authority and all that.
    1). Don´t you get sick and tired of the lack of real quality in the Music and the Movies?
    With your power/money/influence why do you not prime the pump with some really good stuff?
    2). What are the three things that have you concerned about most regarding the upsetting of the applecart? [Things that are beyond the direct control of the PTB that you are scrambling to prepare against]
    3). Who owns and runs the show on planet earth? Please list the major player groups who actually answer to each successive level beginning from the top down. Descriptions are fine if you don´t want to divulge names. Is it like a pyramid, or is it a number of factions vying for power/control?
    4). What is the real story on the greys and are they still major players currently?
    5). What do you fear the most?
    6). What is the real story you haven´t told us because we haven´t asked yet??
    1. The ones who search hard will find the gems in Music, in fact they are out in the open. It is not our duty to enlighten you, that is yours.
    We hand out the tools that can be used in the way you choose to, "good or bad".
    2. Nothing to do with us but with the puppets.
    3. The shape of a Pyramid yes, but people forgot the underground chamber. The Top of the Pyramid is not the top.
    5. Fear is based on physical impulses, the physical is not important.
    My full-blood Italian maternal lineage traces back to King Charles I (Charlemange) but by name, Count Dotto Dotti who was the captain of the archers for Prince Phillipe (King Charles IV) and who was part of the coup to secure the ´secret´ from the Merovingians and the Knights Templar. I won´t discuss the secret, which I am sure of, but I don´t understand why you operate in the fashion that you do and I operate in the fashion that I do then as a result. This does not mean that I am of any particular bloodline that is part of the ultimate that you speak of, but my life is far more progressive than anyone that I know scientifically and professionally regardless of the economy (change thereof coming shortly). And I do see the ´illusion´ all around me.
    Explain this please.
    I have explained it a bit.
    Your lineage is not what you think it is.
    Charlemagne (like other "kings") merely played the flute, like his descendants do now in politics especially.
    However if there are traces of the lineage within you (and this goes deeper than just blood and genes as you know) then obviously you will understand your surrounding better than others. There are people who are directy linked and they will act differently.
    Do you think Insider that
    This current battle is in two stages. Now, on the etheric. And, a thousand years from now, on the astral, once all the HEart people have dropped their physical bodies and HAVE GRADUATED TO HIGHER LIFE FORMS, THE NEXT BEING THE ASTRAL. Then,
    The whole show starts all over again, with different players.
    You are confusing a few matters.
    There is just 1 struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level....meaning you only.
    There is no enemy you can attack except yourself.
    If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore.
    Dear Insider,
    You state that we have the tools to work with. Can you tell us some of them, something to work with so we may free ourselves?
    You agree that we are on a prison planet. I thought more like a Zoo, where we are being observed and studied. But if we are on a prison planet, than I must understand that we truly have no free will. Correct?
    Thank you
    The tools are in your hands, around you, is even being drawn out of you. It is your duty towards yourself to reveal them to yourself and then do as you please with them....there is always a consequence.
    Prisoners still can determine what they do in their prison with the tools that were provided to them, they can decide how to walk in the yard, how to talk, think...
    You have free will therefore you suffer and are aware of your suffering.
    Dear Insider,
    Thank you for answering my first two questions and your time.
    I should have asked this question with the first two, but alas I do now. Why give me tools to escape a prison? Sounds counter productive to what a prison is for.
    I have known that the PTB are puppets moved around by hands that we cannot see, nor may ever see, but why make them look and act (seemingly) stupid or at the least illogical? Are you wanting a revolution?
    What you are saying is that the war is within - not without - though TPTB seem to want us to think it is without - why distract us? What is it that they don´t want us to accomplish? Freedom?
    And yes, I am reminded everyday of my suffering. Thanks
    We are neutral and doing our duty which many times comes across as being negative.
    If you observe closely you will see we merely spreading the tools which can be used by you to free yourself or chain yourself, your choice.
    The Divine Law has a purpose for you and it is not on this planet. Prove you are worthy again to be released.
    The distraction is part of that.
    It is about knowing who is and who is not.
    The ones who support any of these known faces are failing.
    It sounds like you are cautioning Trinity against giving full reign to freedom of speech? Is thi correct?
    He may do as he pleases and accept the consequences in the bigger picture.
    What is your interpretation of the Divine Law and how can I make peace with myself?
    Knowing yourself and where you really are, are the 2 most important issues that you should be involved with.
    It is your task to find out.
    In fact, if someone gave you the correct answers, it would not mean a thing to you for they would not be attached to you in a way they would if you would have found them yourself.
    If you find the answers to those, you have accomplished a huge part of your duty towards yourself.
    After that your task would be living according to the Divine Law which is revealed to you after that stage untill departure.
    I may be back tomorrow, maybe Tuesday.
    Statement by Insider:
    NOTE: I am Insider, AC 13, the former proxy I was using disappeared. So I am using another one with another ID.
    Statement by Insider:
    Insider/AC 13 again, yet another proxy....the last one disappeared too right after posting. It is getting difficult for me to enter and stay here but I will go on as long as possible.
    Question to the insider (AC 13):
    Are you familiar with the Black Nobility?
    I have traced and linked all ancient royal families of Europe and the Middle East still present to this day. I know their names and their connections to power, wealth and influence across the world.
    I can even identify the very person who is the potential Anti-Christ (he has all the correct makings - a wonderful, benign young man who has yet to realize his full potentiality as a world leader). The Black Nobility love this young man.

    And lastly, are you a small part of the Black Nobility, Insider?
    The Dark Nobility is a faction which operates on their own, they have different roots which have been described in texts written by my ancestors.
    It is a much smaller group than most would claim, because the core is different to the "outer walls".
    They are the ones which you all confuse with my kind and therefor direct the hate towards the wrong ones (as shown in this thread too by the lesser intelligent).
    About the Anti-Christ....there are at this moment literally billions of Anti-Christs. I am not one.
    You will find them among Christians, Muslims, Jews, Atheists, Satanists, Agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
    They don´t need a leader to be more Anti-Christ.
    I have to make clear that The Christ has nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, that part was later fabricated.
    Gnostic number 13,do you subcribe to the view,that our dualistic reality provides excellent opportunities for souls to develop unconditional love,so they may transcend our dialectic universe,rather than escaping from it?
    Do you also believe in the law of balance and karma,allowing a soul to be king in one lifetime,a beggar in the next? If so,it doesn´t really matter whether you´re a member of the elite,it may be a unique experience on soul level,as unique as any role in society,as long as the soul progresses.
    Is the historian Laurence Gardner a powerful member of the elite as Icke claims,or is he just an average guy with access to hidden information? Thanks for your communication,Insider.(hope this thread isn´t a practical joke by some juvenile person.Trust you´re for real)
    It is the task of every soul to accomplish that while in this human shape.
    There is a part that can be called escaping which will be followed by transcending....if failing, reincarnation.
    However the word "love" is is not meant to be the love in human terms which humans are enslaved by.
    That is the corrupt version of the real one.
    The Divine Law controls what is called karma, but it is much broader and "harsher" than people want to accept.
    Example: someone who gets cancer and dies a slow painful death deserves it, that person is being corrected, it is for his own good.
    Sounds "harsh"?
    That´s the way it works.
    Just because it comes across as negative in this realm does not mean it is negative in the big picture.
    What you are talking about (reincarnating into the opposite of your former life), there is no universal law which states that will definitely happen.
    Reincarnation is a fact though, but if you achieve your task there is no reincarnation, no need to experience all levels of life on Earth for they are mainly pointless to experience.
    Gardner is one of those persons who wants to be praised and recognised by the people, so he gets it in return for some favors (spreading misinfo which here and there contain the facts, which hooks people).
    He was initiated in certain levels but it is not as in depth as one would think (including himself), he is clever though.
    He is a member of at least 6 "societies" (although 3 of them are closely linked and could be seen as 1, so 4 at least) but these have only as much power/control as you the people give them. People like Icke are giving them more power unknowingly.
    I am real.
    Is this because Christians teach that individuals should be under the control of a God who is holy? Or should I say, one who judges right and wrong?
    Christianity is about idolising a human called Jesus of Nazareth first, which is an abomination. Christians teach what they have been told to teach by the ones they oppose.
    I can tell you who the 4 individuals were who wrote the Hebrew old testament and the exact date, if it suited me.
    Same about your new testament which was gathered by 6 people from 2 different areas.
    And why do you misspell simple words such as ´malicious´? I find that very interesting.
    English is not my native language, not even my second nor third, maybe fourth and I type fast without checking so I can answer as many questions as possible in a limited amount of time. On top of this I just realized I have to type even faster because the proxies I use disappear.
    Why do you choose to speak Now?
    Some of us have the task to do it within certain boundaries.
    How do you suppose certain knowledge in past times was suddenly there? Luck, chance, coincidence?
    0 - What is this Divine Law you talk about?
    1 - Why do you MANIPULATE this world?
    2 - Why do - YOU - manipulate this world?
    3 - How do you know who is allowing you?
    4 - Is your job given to you or taken by you?
    5 - Are you a Human Being?
    -------------- YOU AGAIN -------------
    "The Divine Law has a purpose for you and it is not on this planet. Prove you are worthy again to be released."
    -------------- ME AGAIN -------------
    I know it and i can feel it. There is a purpose for my life.. But I don´t even know who i am let alone that i know what my purpose is.
    6 - How is this knowledge gained? By hard work or does it simply happen to one?
    7 - Do you know the purpose of yur life? If so how did you learn about it? Regarding the planet we live on:
    8 - On which planet do we live? What is the Planet earth anyway?
    9 - What can you tell us about Mohammed (pbuh)?
    0. The Divine Law is the manifestation of the Will of the Superior One which not only creates everything that exists within this universe but also maintains, nourishes, balances, energises and renews it.
    It also reigns in other realms, including the realm you originally belong to.
    1. + 2. I have answered this many times, it is our duty.
    3. + 4. Rituals have a purpose.
    If you are doing something which was not allowed or doing a task which was not given to you, you will suffer during these rituals.
    In your daily life you will notice it too.
    Emanations have many forms and one who knows about these matters will have no trouble recognising with whom he is dealing with and what the message is.
    5. I am like you present in this human shape.
    6. This has been answered by me in a previous post, in short you have the duty to "gain it". Temperance will lead you to the rightful place from where it all starts.
    Before this you must know yourself and what this place is (where most people go wrong), otherwise your thoughts will be filled with error which will lead to erroneous ways.
    7. Yes.
    These matters are not passed on to you in detail by someone, that actually will lead to the opposite of what needs to be achieved (hence my way of answering, understand this).
    You can be guided up to a certain point and then it is up to you.
    9. Looking at the way you summon his name I assume you are a Muslim.
    It is a "sin" to worship/idolize/praise humans who were part of this planet in any way, shape or form, including when talking/writing about them.
    You by adding those letters in brackets have just done that, elevating his name up to that of higher beings.
    A human is corrupt while on this planet.....each and single one of them.
    A "death" does not change the personality one had and leave behind here, do not feed it. Praise and prayers may only be offered to perfect beings.
    Muhammed was like Jesus, Mozes, Abraham, Buddha, a human who was lead to believe he was a knower, or like mentioned earlier "master of the game".
    It is very easy to make humans believe they are enlightened and know the truth...and then thinking it is their task to wake up others.
    He was used and his legacy is still being used to divide people, just like the other religions/ideologies/"philosophies".
    2 of his closest assistants were servants of the bloodlines, 1 of his wives was too (bloodline servants were also assistants of Jesus, Buddha, Mozes, name them all).
    After his death it was made sure by these 3 that his followers would be divided which was the main thing Muhammed was told to be against.
    So Muslims who believe in seperate streams of Islam are actually rebelling against their own
    "prophet"....and that would be pretty much all Muslims.
    The kuran has a core of truth but it is floating in a sea of perversions, together with the other
    "holy" books.
    It was written by 4 individuals from 3 "countries" 1 being western, 2 middle-eastern.
    Insider 13 are you Antichrist?
    Jesus of Nazareth is not the Christ, nor is anything I have said Anti-Christ. The ones who claim the opposite are.
    So, is a family where the children are naturally born with this ability *viisualization*, part of the
    In fact someone who has no connections to these families whatsoever can have this ability too. This ability is there for everyone to have to dial in.
    It is being provided by the Divine Law to everything that searches for it.
    I tried to make this clear earlier.....the blood/genes/etc are not as important as they seem. The physical realm is weak and it cannot affect the Divine.
    Someone with no connections to the families can be affected by Divinity in such a way that he could surpass anything the bloodlines ever could achieve combined.
    Certain individuals get born into the bloodlines to be able to reign over the people under certain circumstances, that is what the bloodline mainly is about.
    To me Elite means those who place money before people or any real values at all....and those who hold office either because they can buy it or inherit it regardless of whether or not they are qualified.
    You just skillfully described your kind, not mine.
    are you a Rothschild? Here is my question, although petty in light of the many questions posed to you on this thread, why aren´t the any of the Rothschilds listed in Forbes top 500 richest people.
    If you read closely you would have not asked this question.
    The ones who are known in public are not in control, the Rothschilds are at the same level as
    your Knights Templar ancestors shouldn´t be proud that you are from that lineage by the way.
    These known families/clans/societies are merely dancers to the tune. But to answer your question, no I am not a Rothschild.
    Which family am I from?
    Most here talk about the bloodlines who rule, yet they do not know who they are.
    They wrongly assume they are the Bushs/Clintons/Rothschilds/etc. because some theorists
    "researched" it and some "insiders" told them by providing evidence.
    I am from a ruling family whose name rarely has been mentioned in history, noone will even know who we are.
    Second, you accepting Forbes as a reliable source for these kind of lists shows you are easily manipulated and do not grasp what is happening.
    Worthy interesting word. Are you expecting those of us who know about the world of polarity and try our best not to play the polarity game, to believe that we need to be worthy? In whose eyes? It can only be our own.
    Whatever happened to the idea that ´the Universe is within us´? Gaia and all other dimensional
    ´realities´ are Illusions, No? So the prison is an illusion, right?
    p.s. Baby, and btw, we DON´T HAVE FREE WILL ON THIS PLANET....perhaps you slip is showing?
    Do you know who manufactured this new age nonsense you just promoted? If this prison is a "true illusion", get out then right now, I dare you.
    It is not like in the movies.
    You play the victim part.
    You do not even accept you have free will, therefore you will always be ruled over, never prevail and deserve everything you get according to universal laws.
    I may be back tomorrow.
    Statement by Insider:
    Before I start, I have to say I cannot see all posts, some are blank so I may miss questions. If so ask again.
    Refrain from asking the same questions over and over again, first check the thread, check my answers, I do tell about areas which were not asked about but may have been on your mind, read carefully.
    ...and if these beings are LUCIFERS...?????
    answer in 5 words or less, pleze
    You used 12 words and 1 number, without realising it you started a part of a ritual...are you a
    "being of lucifer"?
    Different beings have different characteristics which makes it easy to identify them during rituals.
    If it was a "malicious" being guiding me, I would not be talking in the way I do.
    Someone who is lead by "malicious" forces cannot utter/write certain words, phrases without it affecting him.
    The ones who are lead by them also cannot accept hearing/reading certain things without getting overly mad/agressive (see the thread for examples).
    This is when "malicious" beings are present:
    Everytime you cuss, talk negative, plot a scheme, get violent, utter lies, support murder, get sexually aroused, get afraid, get jealous, even laugh out loud, being overly joyfull (so all related to emotions/passions/desires), they appear near, two, three, or more of them.
    "Malicious" beings are from this realm, this is their home.
    You cannot hate them for they are doing their task, their rightful duty and it is connected to your behaviour....understand, you are the perpetrator, they react.
    They never instigate, you do.
    If you do hate them you are missing an important part of the reality....respect them up to a certain point.
    This will also show you are conscious about them and that will be recognised.
    I type "malicious" because they are not malicious, they only appear to you in your manufactured perception to be so.
    People are perpetrators who play the victim part.
    1 How does real conciousness interface with this prison?
    2 What are the techniques to break the hold of the interface and "free" the conciousness?
    1 + 2. Depends what is meant by real conciousness and interface, from where I stand they could be almost the opposite of what you may mean.
    Real conciousness is what is provided to you when you are in tune with the Mind of the Universe which operates according to the Divine Law (they are not the same like many are lead to believe).
    This Mind penetrates everything, it rules over everything, so if you would connect with it you may experience it´s unlimited power.
    No prison can confine this power, hence there will be an escape, you will be guided up to a certain point, yet most work is to be done by you.
    But that is just the beginning, much work lies ahead concerning yourself.
    I have explained a few times as far as I am allowed to how to connect, at least how to start with it. It truly is up to you.
    I would hesitantly add that studying ancient texts will help (although a lot is filled with perversions and wrong translations, intentionally) but this only after a certain level of awakening, you will recognise/remember the small parts which are true.
    If you are not on that level you will take parts of the perversions/wrong translations as the truth
    (as a few show it here, especially 1 religious stream) and fail.
    Care to tell us which it is? You some sorta good guy who gives up tools or do you rule over us?? DId you change your mind or what??
    Neutral means in the terms I used, neither negative nor positive, merely providing the tools you can choose to use as you are the perpetrator.
    Or would you say I control every aspect of your life, every hour, every minute, every second and force you what to think/say/do?
    Do not be mad at the wrong individual.
    Is it necessary to know why we are here to escape, or just work out where we are?
    Are the answers to be found "inside" or by "joining" soocieties, or by appealing top divine intervention, or all three?, or none.
    You have answered no other of my questions, I hope I have not offended
    It is necessary to have a view of the whole spectrum, when it is partial it will be like looking through the window while it is partially covered with a curtain.
    You do not know what is behind that covered part therefore cannot act accordingly. What covers the whole spectrum?
    Understand this place, what and where it is, know what you are, how you came here, why you came here, how to return.
    Prepare yourself for the answers, cleanse yourself, reach out for the Mind, speak (within-"with- out") that you are ready, live strictly according to the answers.
    Do not join "secret societies", never, whatever the circumstances are. Also no religions, including the new age, do not accept human gurus/prophets/priests/rabbis/imams/popes/fortunetellers/"mediums"/dalai lamas/politicians/authors/scientists/"celebrities"/parents/etc. as legitimate authority on Divine matters....on other matters it is your choice to accept or decline, however accept the consequence.
    You only need yourself and the Divine, no intervention by others in bodies....again, no intervention by anybody.
    If your father asks you for a glass of water to show if you care for him and are disciplined, do you bring it directly to him or do you take the glass of water to your neighbor and ask him to tell you what it is that your father really asked, while the neighbor did not hear it and now is drinking the glass of water himself?
    Am I also a neighbor?
    I have not touched the glass of water, I opened the door and told you to go back to your father.
    No one has offended me, people offend themselves.
    I would be offended if what I say was against the One and if it is, I shall pay.
    I answer the questions from where I left and type as much as time allows me.
    Sometimes I skip a question because it has been answered, other times the question is irrelevant and now also because I can´t see all posts.
    Who or what is behind these fairy tales and why?
    NESARA: counterproductive to you personally in the long run.
    PLANET X: does not exist anymore like so many planets, moons, stars, galaxies.
    Their demise however always brings forth something, which means they never stop being part of the whole, playing their part.
    POLE SHIFT: it happened 2 times to my knowledge, in the 2nd and 3rd era, if necessary it will be done again.
    SECOND COMING: you returning back to where you belong after you have succeeded, which means a second coming cannot take place on Earth for you do not belong here.
    People who are waiting for a "saviour" on Earth to do all the work for them are all failing.
    I have noticed some Christians have gotten angry and are attacking me on a personal level by damning me, it is their choice.
    I talked more about Christianity than other religions because the questions gave room for that. I would say and have said similar things about the other religions/ideologies when asked about them.

    What interests me is this: if someone takes the time and trouble to follow up the leads and clues left in numerous books and legends, and sorts out the wheat from the chaff, what then? If that person puts into practice what they have learnt, do they come closer to the truth that the bloodlines evidently have access to?
    Again, the bloodline is only important for ruling over people, it is not about having a special power that makes one more aware, although the knowledge is being passed on so therefore it appears like that.
    But this knowledge is not hidden, the Truth cannot be hidden, It wants to be known by you, inviting you every moment of your life.
    That is the reason why It through the ruling powers is being provided to you accompanied with perversions, corrupt additions. to confuse and make you accept the latter.
    There is not 1 written book which contains the Truth and nothing but the Truth.
    Pick It out and live accordingly to It, incorporate It into every aspect of your life....that is the hardest part for people for you have to float above this physical/material world while being in the body that dictates the opposite.
    How close to the truth are the writings of Neale Donald Walsch in his Conversations with God series? Are you in any way related to the Bird Tribes mentioned in Ken Carey`s Starseed Millenium books?
    Is there much truth in the writings of Sheldan Nidle of ?
    The Native Americans have preserved knowledge succesfully but nowadays (and the last century orso) it is being presented in an erronneous fashion.
    Integration is "working".
    About the authors mentioned; like I posted before it is not in your interest to accept human intervention/advisors/salesmen between you and the Divine.
    They may say certain things which are true, yet it will never be complete.
    Noone on this earth has the power to "free" any of us. Noone outside this earth sees a reason to free any of us. The divine source itself (if there is such a thing) is waiting for us to free our own selves, individually. There will be no "mass ascention" no "mass enlightenment" and "we the people" have all been duped by "we the people" into prolonging our sentence here. We can stay here in this place for eternity if that is our choice, and we have created a belief system that allows us to do so.
    I would leave out the sentences "Noone outside this earth sees a reason to free any of us." and
    "(if there is such a thing)".
    About the first sentence, there was a time when there were beings who had the power to do it but that was not their task.
    And The Divine Source IS....there is no "waiting", "wanting", etc.
    You are on the way, the other post showed that too, but living it is an important part of the task.
    And by Divine Law, Christ was sent here to correct the situation.
    Yes, but Christ did not descend into the body of a human called Jesus of Nazareth, 2014 years ago on March 20th, almost 2 hours before sunrise (which is the secret time of birth of your "son of god").
    The Christ (which has a different "real" name but I will use this name here) appeared once, just once, and this was in another era, not even close to our era where Jesus of Nazareth also lived in.
    Do you know who keeps the knowledge about the real Christ alive?

    And do you know who keeps the knowledge about the fake christ(s) alive? The opposite of what you are thinking.

    Why do all elitists worship lucifer the liar and deceiver?


    Billions of people on this planet are serving their own corrupt material/physical/mental/emotional desires, are they all elitist?

    Is there currently a family feud between the "higher beings"?


    The higher beings are not in physical bodies, they have no "feuds", they are not under the control of this realm therefore cannot suffer from this.
    You are referring to human bloodlines and I reckon it is pretty obvious from what I have been writing here what the answer to your question is....their always have been some who do not do their duty.

    I am from a minority.

    People do not see a difference between the factions.


    Red Chinese get HAARP retaliation for Rita: Super Typhoon ** Eye for Eye **

    ????????????????????????????? What about this`???

    Do not pay attention to the "world events", they are all orchestrated to make you pay attention to them.
    The struggle you should pay attention to is on a personal level.

    Comment by Insider:


    Reading what you wrote:

    1. You are not acting/talking like one of that lineage, which is a good thing because they were ignoring their task.
    It means that subconsciously you have disattached yourself from that lineage (eventhough consciously you may not, this is important to understand).
    You have passed a certain level which I did too almost 11 years ago.

    2. You excelling in certain areas is not just genes, they have a bit different purpose. It is about what I mentioned above.
    Il vecchio sentiero è vicino *The old path is near*

    Posts : 513
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Age : 57
    Location : The Emerald City

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:15 am

    Il vecchio sentiero è vicino *The old path is near*

    Comment by Insider:
    Oazaki / Hiko Seijuro / Aiki-Mei,
    Before accepting a certain knowledge, you have to investigate where it comes from.
    Do you know where the "knowledge" that you just typed out comes from, when it was released, how it became and by whose hands?
    More importantly, who controlled those hands documenting it?
    I am saying this with the best of intentions.
    If you knew it, you would not have posted it in that fashion.
    Investigate the roots of what you said and see for yourself, it is for your own good.
    Knowledge does not just appear out of nothing, it is passed on, always...there are no exceptions.
    And, you´re part of an "elite family", that we despise, yet, no one has ever heard of you? Why would we despise someone(s), that we don´t know of?
    Why do we despise you?
    Do we even know that we despise your family?
    Or, is it because of what you know about what we consume on a daily basis that we would despise you, if we knew what it was?
    If the ones we know the names of are not the "true bloodlines" and you say that you are a member of an elite family whom we despise, then you are inferring that we know you, in order that we may despise you. How can this be, if the "true bloodlines" are the names and faces of people we do not know? Is it more the nature of your presence we despise or the position you take in life we despise?
    And, if that is so, then do all people despise you or just those who do not know or understand your true intent and/or nature?
    Last time I will answer this one.
    It is about the misconception about who rules.
    Terms are being used which do not apply to my family yet they are part of the ruling. The flawed perception of the nature of the presence and the flawed perception about the positions which lead to affecting the lives of people...again, you are in control.
    One cannot despise others because of one´s own lack of understanding about the matter, yet that is exactly what happens.
    I.e. wrong target, wasted energy.
    13, if the divinity is passed down through your blood, what type of blood/rh do
    you and yours possess? Are you part of the Templars or involved with The Vatican?
    Divinity can choose to pass it´s power "down" however it wishes to. But the blood/genes/physical part is such a small part of how it goes. In fact it is not a necessity.....sounds like a contradiction?
    No, the proof is around you.
    "What you said could happen but it would be done by the ones who control the lower areas". The ones up higher do it through the daily items
    you consume."
    I wanna know what you know about this.
    I do not know you personally, but I already know I do not eat or drink 90% of what you do daily (to throw in a percentage). I do not even come close touching them. It is pretty much everything sold with a few exceptions
    here and there.
    I must add that there are grades in this and it has a different effect on different people. To give examples of the 2 extremes of people who have been consuming
    them for a long time; some when eating these almost get into a trance,
    on others it has no effect whatsoever. Most people are somewhere in between,
    it affects them in such a way that they do not notice. They wear out faster, get tired faster, grow older, think slower, focus on emotional/physical needs,
    get health problems that were unheard of 200 years ago at that relatively young age, i.e. the quality of life declines.
    You are not what you eat, but what you eat controls how you feel about yourself, the way it makes your body respond. Through your own ignorance and laziness, you hurt yourself. When is the last time you investigated what exactly is in what

    you are eating or how your soda got prepared? When looking into it and finding all these agents and knowing what they are known to cause, ask yourself; would I put this agent into the mouth of my child and make him/her swallow it?
    You are doing that everyday to your child.
    Then there are electrical frequencies as you mentioned, it is everywhere and your house being the most active place. Have you ever cut the electricity off in your house to see what the difference in vibe is?
    You sleep more comfortable for one.
    And, who/ or what do the "elites" answer to?
    Everyone answers to the One eventually.
    Ah the elite in the world, the so-called Jet-Set society. Beautiful to a pain, but always the same, repeatable features among their few types. All other reptilians, grays, hybrids, human sell-outs, bend a knee to this level.
    The jet-set has nothing to do with the bloodlines.....they are your blood.
    Please tell me, what is your favorite occult subject?
    Nothing is hidden.
    Comment by Insider:

    BTN nli,

    Answering certain questions or elaborating on certain issues will have the opposite effect of what needs to be achieved, it will not help you.
    Omar, who was near him during death but denied the death occured (gaining time) and one who was close to Abu Bakr and lead him to Omar´s speech when he returned from Medina....the wife is more important though.

    It does not matter anymore, it has been done.

    I do not use email and my presence here will end within days.


    Do you have any connection with the Annunaki that the Sumerians wrote of?

    How close to the truth is the book The Illuminatus! Trilogy : The Eye in the Pyramid, The Golden

    Apple, Leviathan by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson?

    Is Moroni, who is mentioned in the Book of Mormon really an extraterrestrial from the Pleiades and are such beings still interacting with humanity at present?

    They are not here anymore, that was another era.

    Their knowledge was not theirs, knowledge is always passed on hence it being present now.

    I have not read it/them (?).

    If it is getting critical acclaim and being promoted heavily, you know what time it is. It may contain some truths, but they will be floating in a sea of perversions.
    No one is saying that authors are doing it knowingly by the way.

    Some do (praise and recognition loving ones, the ones who "sold their soul"), some don´t and the latter get noticed and promoted because it serves them.
    Nothing is easier than to write a best-seller book/hit album/movie script if you know what the highest promoter´s agenda is.
    Mormons are like the other religious people controlled by the ones who controlled their

    "prophets/sons of god/angels/saints/etc".

    In this realm a Soul which was in a physical body once can not become an Angel, the Soul cannot transform into that, again in this realm, I repeat that firmly.
    Yet it is claimed that Moroni was resurrected as an Angel in this realm.

    Mormonism has a core of truth (like the other religions), so reading the texts will not harm you as long you are cautious.

    What are the foods etc that are used to control us? Is there anything we should and shouldn´t concume that would help us to see the reality more clearly? What constitutes "temperance"? - is it moderation in all things or more than that?


    See above for the food part.

    It is 1 part of the manipulation, it is used in combination with 6 other methods of control in your daily life.
    If you can "delete" a few from your life or have less exposure to them, the effect will reduce dramatically, but this is not what will make you more self-conscious.
    These methods are used to wear you out, lower your quality of life. They are interlinked.
    The methods are:
    1. Food and drinks
    2. Medication, "Health care" (include vitamins)
    3. Electrical waves (including your PC and cellphone, house electr. network, everything chipped)
    4. Media, be it TV-radio-newspapers-magazines-internet (the most obvious method, yet the most enslaving)
    5. Music, Sounds (different method than media, used in a different way although most times through the media)
    6. Air pollution
    7. Education system (including known literature which is mostly corrupt, be it history, psychology, metapsychology, "philosophy", art, science, poetry, religion, even fairy tales told to infants).
    Politics takes these methods and bombard you with this every day and make sure they are maintained.
    The rule is:
    If promoted/praised/applauded/critically acclaimed/free, be very wary.
    Be it food, medicines, latest technological product, "artist", politician, musician, book, show, beverage, etc.
    Some of these allegedly "stand the test of time", that is orchestrated for a reason.
    Problem is if too wary, you could miss a few gems that are deliberately passed on in between the manipulation tools by some.
    There are a few other methods (societies/cults/sects, people policing each other, etc) but the above
    6 are the core which has been promoted since the French "Revolution".
    Temperance: conscious form of restraint based on self-knowing to achieve inner order of the Soul (which is the unseen you as a whole, the Soul is not a part of you, you are one). Restraining the emotions/desires/passions/energies does not mean cutting it off (that will harm you, beware), but channeling them to work for higher causes after taming them gently.
    This all does lead to a sober life, yet simpler, filled with gifts because you fully become your own master, instead of your emotions/desires/passions dictating you how to be.
    Simultaneously with this process you will be cleansing yourself and will be ready to be enlightened by the Universal Mind.
    Be like that which you want to connect with as much as possible.
    1. do you have friends who you meet, from outside the bloodline?
    2. Do you feel empathy, hate or remorse?
    1. Yes, but it is not a wise thing to know many people.
    2. The body forces you to experience emphaty, hate, remorse and all other emotions, together with desires and passions, to confuse you, make you forget yourself, become a dumbed-down version of yourself.

    They have their foundation in this material/physical world.
    The more you let them be your masters, the stronger you will chain yourself to this world, which is contrary to your duty, yet do not loath them, respect.
    I channel them to a place where they can be used for something substantial.
    So I am asking HOW does one re-connect with the divine source? HOW does one rise above this prison? A:
    I reckon my answers today have covered that, if not to you personally ask again, I shall answer tomorrow.
    I´m not saying each of us IS God, the Ultimate Source, but we are our OWN god due to the fact that we
    CREATE our own reality! What say you Insider?
    You partially described free will and the impression it can give you, nothing more or less. Also the word "love" has many traps, especially the way you used it.
    Re: earth is a prison ... Are you referring to Light trapped in matter? If yes, then I´m beginning to see all the points you´ve alluded to so far.
    Trapped would be the wrong word, it would imply that the Divine had wrong intentions. Rather, contructed in a way so... or envelopped through...
    Comment by Insider:
    Some of the things you described are directly linked to the powers of the Universal Mind. Like I said, everyone can pick that up.
    If you can it means you are at a higher stage than others, however beware of how you use it, it is not yours, not in this realm.
    Also it could be a deceiving beginning of something else which many people experience.
    I reckon 2 rituals would initiate you and let you truly see what it is but when the time arrives you will be guided to them.
    they include the sheik in the desert whom Jesus encountered during his travels and from whom he received a blessing. Would you happen to know anything about that?
    I know some people which Jesus of Nazareth "happened to encounter" were insiders.
    The 3 kings being the first right after his birth, which were actually 5 but 2 were present in the background (the number 3 in the story serves a symbolic purpose like so many things, read slowly).
    The gifts were the symbolistic artifacts (some ancient) which through rituals would initiate him into his chosen task, for this he needed to travel to certain places.
    I have said a few times and I will repeat for the last time, he was not the real Christ, he was made to appear like one by being guided throughout his life up to his death, and after that, the documenting of the words (which started long before his death, although rewritten again at a later time to release).
    The 5 kings were present too during his crucifixion and Jesus of Nazareth knew, he would have responded differently if they were not there.
    Jesus of Nazareth was always aware that he was being guided by them, in fact he sometimes actively searched for them and other insiders.
    He gave up on 2 occasions but was guided back.
    The ´Elite´ are making it (oil) look like it is being constantly restored, but are actually storing it. I`d appreciate your thoughts on this.
    Candace Frieze`s writings
    The Earth is storing it untill they get used, the ones in power just tap into it.
    Although there are some factions (above the puppets) and they are responsible for the misconception most have which you described together with the statement that the resources are disappearing.
    It is the way I described in the former post.
    The writing has some errors.
    1. The Annunaki are rulers from a different era, they are gone and replaced by others.
    10.000-15.000 years from now (yes, the Earth will be still alive) people will find texts about the rulers of this era thinking it still applies to theirs.
    Those texts have been written for the major part already.
    2. If what was written in this text was true, it would mean that at the moment the Earth, "star friends" and Angels would be now rebelling against the Divine Law of the One.....which is an abomination to even suggest (I had to be very carefull how to articulate that to not fall into the trap too).
    If the person who wrote it does not restore it, she will achieve the opposite of what she desires and taking many Souls with her who accept this.
    Again accept no human intervention between you and the Divine.
    3. The struggle is on a personal level, that means you only can do it, do not wait for "saviours".
    My only question now: Is it really THIS simple? I will not give away what you have knowingly or inadvertently revealed... I know now that what you say is true: This cannot be told, it must be discovered, for it has no power if it is revealed to one.
    Is this the reason there is so much secrecy? Not so much that people won´t find out because it is an "just for the elite" but rather, that if they happened to be TOLD it, instead of discovering it they would never have any chance of escape?
    The Truth wants to be known by you, it is It´s main goal, inviting you every moment of your life, so to be understood by you It is out of Necessity simple and to be noticed relating to Providence It is "in front of you".
    The last question has a yes as an answer.
    If you did find It, thank the Divine Law, nothing/nobody else. The journey just started, long path.
    I may be back tomorrow.
    Statement by Insider which is about testing the new proxy:
    1)Is this simply an "upping of the ante" to test if I have the will to continue, or is there in fact a force that tries to keep people in a sleepwalking state? A force that does NOT want people to "be all they can be"?
    If so, what is the best way to deal with it in your experience.
    It is connected to the operations of your physical body which rebels everytime you reach higher to that realm.
    Physical body has the task to let you experience this reality and whenever you search for the other, it resists.
    It is it´s duty so respecting it and gently taming it is the best approach.
    Also beings will accompany your thoughts and try to divert them, again it is their duty, show respect and that will be recognised by them.
    Never see them as malicious or evil, they only react to your actions.
    There is not a force which does not want you to be what you really are, the opposite is true but they also have their tasks that they must fulfill.
    This is about a material part of you.
    Shall we forget everything we know? Shall we simply let go of our own Ego and accept a different paradigm altogether? THAT would be VERY difficult to do, as it has sustained us as individuals in this life. hmmmm......
    Recollect everything you used to know, devalue the things which were taught to you since you forgot the former and return.
    What advice do you have for raising a child on earth?
    I have no children nor will I have one.
    The first thing a baby does when born is cry.
    It does so because the Soul is conscious of what it has been born into and is in a state of disbelief (you are more conscious of what you are and where you are during/right after birth than you are now).
    The Soul makes the body cry because it is the first time it came to this physical realm (although this is a very limited number) or because it realises it has returned through reincarnation, after failing in the former life (which is a vast majority).

    The Soul itself is not the one crying (it is unfamiliar with these functions in it´s original state) yet the impulses it gives makes the body cry.
    It cries "without a reason" for days, weeks, months, untill the consciousness has lost it´s power, be it through natural processes or the influence of parents and these days even medication...
    That is when the human is truly born, after they forget who they are, where they are, some forget faster than others.
    This crying is different to the crying that follows after the first few months, one can even hear it. Comfort them during this crucial period of consciousness and make it known that the One has gifted them with a chance to return back to the place they belong.
    This will have an impact which will influence them for the rest of their lives, subconsciously.
    The time of birth was determined (as is the time of passing on), together with the enviroment, parents, circumstances of birth, health, etc...nothing is a coincidence.
    But during puberty they get cut loose from certain strings and they will be fully responsible for their actions, having the free will to lead the life they want, they determine the quality of it....they can even determine the way they pass on ("death") by the choices they make but cannot change the time of passing on.
    Just a few areas of their lives will be influenced by the tools that the parents have given them. Most of the child´s life will be based on free will, which will have very little to nothing to do with parents, you are only important in the first 5-6 years of the child´s life so that is where you can do most good.
    Use your intuition (not instinct, 2 different matters).
    When becoming a parent you are rewarded with qualities (which concern raising children) which where not available before, listen to them.
    Every child is different, respond differently but make them aware there is more than they experience, that there is a Good Source where everything/everybody flows out of for a reason and
    1 day they will return after realising their task here on Earth.
    Do not tell this all at once but over years and do not tell more than this.
    If done the right way they will start looking for it on their own for the rest of life, which is their duty.
    If you present it to them in an obvious way (like religious people do), you will achieve the opposite.
    Musical instruments were passed on in a different era for a reason and it was not just to listen to other people playing them.
    Education: 1 method of manipulation (I have listed the others).
    They will be manipulated, but after puberty they have an important opportunity to undo it. They will also get opportunities during the rest of their lives.
    You cannot stop the manipulation, neither instigate an awakening, that is up to the child and how it responds to the tools provided to it.....the Mind of the Universe following Divine Law is always penetrating your child so it is being provided with the chance to awake every moment.
    It is up to him/her.
    What do you know of an advanced race who were (and some still are) worshipped as gods? Do you recognize any lords or deities?
    There is only 1 race at the present, not another special race that is above the other, people are confusing different matters and eras.
    The One is worshipped/praised as what you call "god".
    The word "god" is a corrupt term, it would imply that you as a human would have control over the invocated higher being (like before, I had to be carefull how to phrase it to not fall into the trap myself).
    I would say do not use it, but it is your own choice with consequences.
    The One has many manifestations/emanations/characteristics which are present in a hierarchy of beings with different workings but operating together.
    All are incorporeal/immaterial although some may operate bodies in a fashion different to ours, some by lowering their frequency which is actually emanating a form from themselves, may appear in the material world.
    All are praised for they are the One who creates the Good and they direct theirs to the One too.
    You people worship some humans as "gods", be it "prohpets", "celebrity", sportsmen, politicians, autors, etc. which is an abomination.
    What do you eat? Where does it come from?
    What nature provides directly.
    I have a greenhouse which provides me with certain vegetables/fruit which sprang from uncontaminated seeds.
    I have some healthy animals which provide me with meat, eggs, milk. I get my water from an underground spring.
    For you to know, bread can be bought at small independent backeries, especially the "foreign" ones who do not use the same ingredients as the "natives", they are not free from them but better still.
    Some of the food/drinks sold in these "foreign"-run shops will be better for you than the ones sold in supermarkets.
    This is not how the rest of my family lives, they have "servants" which provide them with their needs with the products from their own properties/factories/farms/etc.
    Insider, what can you tell me about Nikola Tesla?
    Do you think he completed/failed his ´mission´ here on Earth?
    All knowledge is passed on, Tesla´s was too to him, they are not his original ideas.
    2 insiders passed on to him the knowledge, knowing Tesla would use it to advance the plan (which was alive then) to gain control over the energy resources from certain bloodlines by dimishing their value with "new" technology.

    Tesla made it public to the wrong people and ended the whole thing. Clever individual, not so clever human.
    Insiders from the minority must be vigilant, because of these kind of events.
    Are ther any wholesale events on the horizon that will translate into a quantum leap in mass consciousness and/or redefine life and the way it is lived?
    No, not like that.
    As mentioned a few times it is on a personal level, meaning you getting selfconscious yourself through the tools available to you, I have described some as far as I am allowed to.
    There may be an event which would alter the way civilisation is perceived now (it happened before many times) but that will have nothing to do with what you mentioned.
    Your duty towards the One and yourself still stays the same, no matter what happens.
    Do not waste energy waiting for events, being generic and inanimate, your stay will only be extended.
    I might add this which may sound contrary to what I said but read carefully:
    When masses are made to believe something negative, they may create what they did not want, which is how for instance the "NWO" like you people name it, works.
    You are believing it is taking shape, so it will take shape and theorists are major players in helping this taking shape by bombarding you with "facts" that it is taking shape.
    Claiming you are giving in power everyday, and they control you more...while in reality you are in full control.
    So the people who are "waking up" to it are the ones who are creating it. Visualization also works that way around.
    But I repeat, even if these things would happen your duty towards the One and yourself still stays the same.
    Have the husband/wife relationships of the "higher beings" been compromised? Have those created to be together by the One parted ways because they reject their duties?
    If so, on which side of this rift do you reside? Is your God the Self Existent One?
    Again their is confusion about Higher Beings and the Souls in bodies be it bloodline or not. Higher Beings and Souls are different entities.
    Higher Beings do not enter bodies in this era (which lasted longer than you think), they are incorporeal, do not experience this world like we do.
    Souls are corporeal, we are in this material/physical plane and experience it´s low frequencies as reality, although we may float above it and experience the higher realm too.
    I should talk about this briefly; you are not in the body but encompass/envelop it while being present in another invisible body which consists of similar elements to the Soul (which is you) yet this invisible body is entangled with the physical plane (this is very important for you to understand) and connects with the visible body through energies transmitted by the invisible
    body to the brains, heart and areas in the spine, hence we (as Souls) may control the body and it´s functions, making us experience this realm.
    Souls are dual, meaning you are also somewhere else, waiting to be united in another realm.
    Some bloodlines refuse their duties just like non-bloodlines do, suffering the consequences connected to it.
    Many bloodlines do not know either.
    The "rift" is not were you think it is, it is on a personal level, meaning me and you too. I am from a minority within the faction which is getting smaller.
    I explained why the word "god" is not used for it´s traps in the meaning.
    The One is Self-Existent, Pure, Good and indeed the One who creates the Good.
    Insider. Are you saying here that the "old" ways were based on truth and were correct? should we seek the old ways and follow them?
    Is being in harmony with the "Mother" something we should seek?
    Is the Devine One more interested in our hearts or our minds? which is stronger?
    Were the teachings of Jesus regarding love a message that we should pay attention to? Are we stronger than you as a collective?
    Are we imprisoned here because of our "sinful" nature or because of our lack of understanding.
    -The first appearences of knowledge are closer to the Truth than the latter ones.
    Think of the ripple created in a pond when throwing something in it, the further the waves get from the core, the weaker they are, finally stopping.
    4000 years ago is relatively young in this era.
    Wrong translations, wrong interpretations/additions, deletions will mislead you.
    Therefore search for the Mind of the Universe which will enable you to pick out the truths and later on directly pass it through.
    -Being in Harmony with everything the Divine Law is providing us with which were designed to realise our return, without interpreting it in human terms.
    -The Divine One IS, there is no "interested", "wanting", etc. although It´s emanations/manifestations/characteristics may act according to the One.
    We do not have a Mind, we may interact with the Mind which may allow us to be become one with It.
    To have something is owning it, owning means mastering it or having it under your control at the least....we do not master the Mind, neither do we control It.
    Most confuse using intelligence with having a Mind while using the intelligence is merely an operation granted to us by the Mind.
    A Soul does have different essences, it consists out of certain "parts-covers" although it is 1 being.
    One of them could be called the Heart, that which connects to the spring of Life which keeps us alive, provided by the One through It´s emanations.
    All essences are as important.
    -Read this slowly:
    Love, it is not to be understood in human terms, that is the corrupt version.
    The teachings of the real Christ are not the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth although the latter adopted many from the former (I remember I would not mention it again but this context needs it).
    The Christ has a different name but I will use this term because that is what people are familiar with.
    The message was there since the real Christ revealed Itself in another era than ours. Jesus of Nazareth was part of our era.
    There is a difference in the way it is being spread in Christianity and it is corrupt.
    Without the appearence of the real Christ on Earth we would not know how to return for the Divine Law which through the Universal Mind allows us to ascend, was revealed by the real Christ.
    Where we are, what, who, how, why, when, all revealed by It in accordance to the Will of the
    Good One and the real Christ should get all the praise, it is crucial.
    Not that It needs your praise, Higher Beings don´t need us for anything in our present form, but it is a way to let it be known that you are conscious about It.
    You need the recognition that It grants you.
    -Divinity can make 1 human be stronger in every way than all humans combined.
    -What I am allowed to tell is that you are still here because of your lack of understanding. Do not think in "us" but "I".
    The "us" will come later in another realm.
    If the "Christ" came in another era, why did he fail his mission?
    Be careful with what you say, you are harming yourself.
    The real Christ did It´s duty fully and succesfully, now it is your turn. If you fail do not blame The Divine.
    Divinity is blameless in Earthly matters.
    When you get sunburned, do you blame the Sun which maintains life on Earth and beyond or do you blame yourself for laying hours doing nothing on the beach without protection?
    Statement by Insider:
    This will be my last post, it is done.
    This was according to the Divine Law which is above my family or anyone on Earth and beyond. The minority passes it on when ordered by the Higher Beings, understand this.
    There are 2 undesired movements which were known to happen to me. I would have stayed longer, although most areas have been covered.
    I answered as much as I was allowed to in the simplest manner I could. I had to write fast for a reason.
    If you choose to:
    Thank everyday the Good One where everything has it´s beginning for Being, for It´s Divine Law providing you with a chance to return to your original state, the realm you truly belong to, for It
    ´s power of Necessity applying the justified corrections that you experience everyday. Praise the Higher Beings who operate according to the One´s Divine Law, which are manifestations/emanations of the One, for providing the means of Life in all areas, sustaining them and providing these means for your benefit, guiding you to the release and more.
    When addressing Divinity (read again) be careful to articulate well, do not demand, tell, beg, order, suggest, ask.....which are abhorrences, just state and do your duty.
    Understand the questions I raised by answering you, I said more than you read, pass it on. Return.
    That's when Insider disappeared, 4 days, 660 posts, 20,000+ views later and this all without being
    This thread moved many people deeply, that was noticeable by the posts which Insider rarely responded to, so they were left out in the answers, like Insider was not interested in the compliments, praises, thanks, insults, hate, fear.
    A normal person would have countered but Insider was focused in getting as much information out as possible, not in arguing.
    Was he truly an Insider? Was he a hoax?
    Why leave after just a few days when the goal of a hoaxer would be attention or misinfo, stretching it for weeks, months and longer like others do?
    Like Insider would say ´Your choice´.

    The thread where this all took place:

    *No copyrights and all that, spread it around the way you want without changing anything about the text*

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:16 am


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:21 am

    A Logos Dream for the September Equinox 2010

    I experienced a dream within a dream September 24th, 2010, local Australia time and consider the implied imagery relevant enough to share with the Elders of Thuban.
    The Full Moon of the September equinox also specifies a nexus midpoint in the warpzone timeline, as can be ascertained in the Stargate 2010 threads

    The dream began with the sight of a hitherto generally 'unknown' ballistic supermissile being launched from somewhere from the planetary surface. I was positioned someplace on the ground observing the missile being launched some distance away from my observation locale.

    The military hardware shot vertically upwards and pierced a mesospherical cloudcover at a hight of about 80 kilometers and passing the stratospherical regions of the limits for terrestrial aerodynamical flight.

    The 'emotional impressions' surrounding this manouver engaged a 'human challenge' as to what was above the planetary atmosphere in a region beyond the terran airspace for airflight, that is the realm of spaceflight.
    {On August 22nd, 1963, the rocket powered spaceplane X-15 attained an altitude of 108 meters and on October 4th, 2004, Spaceship One reached 112 kilometers; the latter inaugurating its first powered flight on the 100th anniversary of the first powered flight in 1903 by Orville and Wilbur Wright }.

    Either the terrestrial military structures and 'defence forces' perceived an 'alien military threat' to their agendas; or the ballistic missile was launched to explore particular extraterrestrial realms behind the cloudcover for the planet.
    This cloudcover was very distinct and appeared like a grey carpet of noctilucent polar mesospherical clouds, spanning the twilight sky in the dream.

    After the ballistic missile had pierced the cloudy covering; a sense of expectation invaded the scenario.
    It became clear, that the launchers of the missile expected feedback, say an electromagnetic signal about the successful completion of the mission.

    However the reply from the military guidance system regarding the perceived military threat of an alien invader or a report about explored and observed extraterrestrial hardware resulted in a kaleidoscope of terrestrial confusion.

    I could not see any exchange of objective hardware, terrestrial or extraterrestrial and the ballistic missile had disappeared; but a frenzy of 'defence mechanics' resulted in a global exchange and communication between many partners, oppenents and collaborators in a planetary realm. I now found myself located above this communication exchange and apparently at a vantage point above the polar noctilucent clouds of the mesosphere.

    Worldwide media had begun to channel into a military command center and a distinct voice pervaded the airwaves all around the globe.

    This announcer seemed to be in a position, where he could follow the developments of the occurrences triggered by the launching of the ballistic missile.

    These occurrences appeared to be a kind of global appearance of similar objects to the ballistic supermissile, albeit not of the same magnitude or power; but I could not see any of them.
    However, this exchange of (apparently) military hardware plunged the global populus into a frenzy.

    The announcer did not directly describe destructive events; but rather accentuated the occurrences akin the reaching of a climax; say the first landing on the lunar surface as a inaugurating and paradigm changing event in the human history.

    I cannot remember much detail, apart from this; but the commentator's account of the worldwide broadcast eventfulness ended with the statement: 'Somewhere in the North of France!".
    Immediately after this, my deeper superconscious dreamstate transited to its shallower corollary of the subconscious alpha rhythm.

    FYI only

    America's X Files: Top U.S. airmen to accuse Air Force of cover-up as they claim UFOs have been deactivating nuclear missiles since 1948

    By Daniel Bates
    Last updated at 3:58 PM on 28th September 2010

    It may sound like a Spielberg movie plot, but if senior U.S. airmen are to be believed, this scenario is not science fiction.
    They claim that since 1948, aliens have been hovering over UK and U.S. nuclear missile sites and deactivating the weapons– once even landing in a British base.
    Furthermore, they warn, our governments are hushing the activity up.
    Captain Robert Salas, who, along with six others is to break his silence on the subject, said: ‘We’re talking about unidentified flying objects, as simple as that.
    ‘They’re often known as UFOs, you could call them that.Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Article-1315339-0B5BF8D9000005DC-367_472x330

    Disruption: The group of veterans will claim on Monday that several nuclear missiles malfunctioned as UFOs hovered overhead
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Article-1315479-0B5DD78D000005DC-573_233x268

    Captain Robert Salas accuses the U.S. Air Force of lying

    ‘The U.S. Air Force is lying about the national security implications of unidentified aerial objects at nuclear bases and we can prove it,’ he said.
    The former officer said he witnessed such an event first-hand on March 16, 1967, at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana.
    ‘I was on duty when an object came over and hovered directly over the site.
    ‘The missiles shut down – ten Minuteman [nuclear] missiles. And the same thing happened at another site a week later. There’s a strong interest in our missiles by these objects, wherever they come from. I personally think they’re not from planet Earth.’
    Colonel Charles Halt claims to have seen a UFO at RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich, one of the few bases in the UK to hold nuclear weapons.
    The sighting is said to have taken place 30 years ago. First he saw the object firing beams of light into the base then heard on the military radio that aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area, he said.
    ‘I believe that the security services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted – both then and now – to subvert the significance of what occurred at RAF Bentwaters by the use of well-practised methods of disinformation.’
    The six former U.S. Air Force officers and one former enlisted man, are to present declassified information which they claim backs up their findings.Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Article-1315479-0B5E5EDF000005DC-953_468x286

    RAF Bentwaters USA airbase in Rendlesham, Suffolk. Aliens fired beams of light at the base 30 years ago, it has been claimed.

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Article-1315339-0B5BF676000005DC-628_470x288

    Controversial: At the event in Washington on Monday the men will release declassified U.S. government documents which they say back up their claims

    They have witness testimony from 120 former or retired military personnel which points to alien intervention at nuclear sites in the U.S. as recently as 2003.
    They will urge the authorities to confirm that alien beings have long been visiting Earth.
    A press conference today in Washington will also highlight testimony from retired U.S. Air Force Captain Bruce Fenstermacher, whose security team saw a cigar-shaped UFO hovering above FE Warren nuclear base in Wyoming in 1976.
    Researcher Robert Hastings, who has written on the subject, explained that so far the aliens appeared interested in ‘mere surveillance’ but warned they seemed to have gone further in some instances.
    ‘At long last, all of these witnesses are coming forward to say that, as unbelievable as it may seem to some, UFOs have long monitored and sometimes tampered with our nukes,’ he added.Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Article-1315339-0B5BEF86000005DC-906_474x335

    The truth is out there: Author and veteran Robert Hastings will host the press conference tomorrow
    Read more:[/size]

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:26 am

    Questions from an Elite blind man:

    Originally posted by Rok

    Peasants like you don´t understand that you do it, nobody else.
    Btw, by what you just said you lenghtened your stay here on Earth one more condolences.

    How is that so. By what "law" does this apply. Intent of the word? Cussing at the "divine one" ?
    Should we stop at the "bad words" itself and what they are? Is it a problem to say "nigger" or is it the problem in the racist person that said it?

    Given the above from the "insider" and my past and also at times current life (this time around) i am here for...a long, loooooooooong, loooooooooooooong time....
    It also mentions the "sin". Doing something not in congruence with what is labeled as "divine law" is to be a sin.... This sounds..."troubling"....

    If each thought, that may or may not lead into speaking it - word, it instantly manifested on a higher (4th) level of existence and contributes to the whole of what there is regarding this existence we are experiencing....thus there is the "registry" of thoughts with and effects...or to say...a "database" of individual contributions by which once can be properly "rewarded" for doing it?

    There is no end of time.
    I know 100% sure there is no end time, at least not like it is being portrayed everywhere, be it religion, media, etc.
    This place was never meant to end the way it is being described.
    There will be a time when everyone will be released but that is not a mass event, but rather 1 by on yourself.

    Does this mean 2012 will not be a big bang event? We shall not be devoured by a giant solar flare or some similar "nonsense" ?
    Also...1 by 1...step by step...does this imply there will be no such thing as mass ascension from now till the march of 2013 or how is it (not sure about the month). Or will there be the "selected few" while the rest..."move on"? Or does that again depend on the before mentioned "database".

    Q:Hey 13 --I´m not coming back to your planet next time. Smoke on that.
    A:What gave you the impression that when that time comes, you have a say in that?

    This reminds me on one of my threads way back on AV1...and also a post made in thuban thread....where you Tony somewhat agreed that free will IS...but it is limited...i think it was like that... I would say free will, as we know it, is a new age concept and thus should be reconsidered in just does not add up....given many many things.... Or we go to the "database" concept? While "down here" one is allowed to do what one wants to all gets recorded...and than....there is a "trial" and given ones "contribution" we are to be judged?

    Q:Is Earth a prison?
    A:Yes and even worse.
    The ones who believe the contrary will never escape.

    Is this an actual reality/illusion or just a degradation of what is called human existence...trying to give it less meaning and importance that it actually has? Along with labeling with words such as "peasant" and "slave". I wonder...why did the Mr. Elite Insider use insults if he himself/herself is so "high up" and in the service of benevolent beings and law? Also by referring to earth as prison...and people here prisoners...this implies that at "one point in time" something was done wrong and a criminal "colony" was created? What was done wrong? This could also support my "database" concept.

    The shape of a Pyramid yes, but people forgot the underground chamber. The Top of the Pyramid is not the top.
    I too wondered (yes it can happen) about the strange looking pictures of the big pyramid and that "funny" underground chamber thingy.
    So what about the underground chamber?

    Fear is based on physical impulses, the physical is not important.boogy woogy! How about emotions? Are emotions based on physical impulses? Are emotions irrelevant?

    There is just 1 struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level....meaning you only.
    There is no enemy you can attack except yourself.
    If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore.

    U get the experience of what you think which confirms your thinking? So yes in that case...I am my own enemy...i think i even managed to climb to that point in original thuban thread....just can wonder the mind (yes once again) about...given the society structure and to bypass that without being drained by it? If for nothing else people have to work. This might sound as a simply every day thing....but it is in enormous set back for most...the chain of events it can "bring" is infinite...not the tables and date this creates in the "database".

    The Divine Law controls what is called karma, but it is much broader and "harsher" than people want to accept.
    Example: someone who gets cancer and dies a slow painful death deserves it, that person is being corrected, it is for his own good.
    Sounds "harsh"?
    That´s the way it works.

    Ok so if a divine law puts the individual into the circumstances individual is in...and IF that circumstances consist of a defective environment (more than in generally already is) the child is ...purely hypothetical...raised with the F word...and so child itself uses the F word just the same as some other child raised in more "appropriate" environment would use the "hello" word...than the impeccable divine law put that individual into the circumstances that would, be themselves, guarantee that that specific individual would have to live more and more life times by uttering the F word and it is perfectly ok that that is so (given the law)...OR...if the child is not aware of the meaning it does not work like that or it depends on the intent...for which i am sure....child can intuitively fully grasp from its immediate environment (the intent that is...and how it works...the fine mechanics of it). Btw those of you who read this...saying it or writing it is like thinking it...according to Mr. Elite are up for at least one more life. Condolences...


    the database can be applied here as well

    The Divine Law is the manifestation of the Will of the Superior One which not only creates everything that exists within this universe but also maintains, nourishes, balances, energises and renews it.
    It also reigns in other realms, including the realm you originally belong to. there are superior beings....and "naive" me thinking that all existence is equally important with no "betters" and "leasers"?
    What is the realm we originally belonged to? Why are we not there anymore? Who i am superior to and who am i inferior to? if i do good (good as defined by the superior) i can than advance on the hierarchy? What are the hierarchy levels?

    This is when "malicious" beings are present:
    Everytime you cuss, talk negative, plot a scheme, get violent, utter lies, support murder, get sexually aroused, get afraid, get jealous, even laugh out loud, being overly joyfull (so all related to emotions/passions/desires), they appear near, two, three, or more of them.
    "Malicious" beings are from this realm, this is their home.
    You cannot hate them for they are doing their task, their rightful duty and it is connected to your behaviour....understand, you are the perpetrator, they react.
    They never instigate, you do.
    I type "malicious" because they are not malicious, they only appear to you in your manufactured perception to be so.
    People are perpetrators who play the victim part.

    By the LIGHT! This just shatters it all, doesn't it? Do not even know where to start here...SO...i will not start at all. Maybe later

    you must know yourself and what this place is
    let us all contemplate this in silence....i ll do it to...after i move to me moon silence here....

    Real conciousness is what is provided to you when you are in tune with the Mind of the Universe
    The so called super light..the original thought?

    And...i am out of time...came to "Do you have any connection with the Annunaki that the Sumerians wrote of?" part today.

    Posts : 513
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Age : 57
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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:35 am

    Tonyblue answers:

    _Rok_ - Posted 18 Minutes Ago

    Questions from an Elite blind man:

    Hi Rok; indeed the blindness of literal interpretation not utilizing deeper insights is a great encumbrance to understanding the written word, which is often multileveled in external (for the less discerning and underinformed) and internal (or hidden or occultized) meanings and interpretations.

    Peasants like you don´t understand that you do it, nobody else.
    Btw, by what you just said you lenghtened your stay here on Earth one more condolences.

    How is that so. By what "law" does this apply. Intent of the word? Cussing at the "divine one" ?
    Should we stop at the "bad words" itself and what they are? Is it a problem to say "nigger" or is it the problem in the racist person that said it?
    Given the above from the "insider" and my past and also at times current life (this time around) i am here for...a long, loooooooooong, loooooooooooooong time....
    It also mentions the "sin". Doing something not in congruence with what is labeled as "divine law" is to be a sin.... This sounds..."troubling"....
    If each thought, that may or may not lead into speaking it - word, it instantly manifested on a higher (4th) level of existence and contributes to the whole of what there is regarding this existence we are experiencing....thus there is the "registry" of thoughts with and effects...or to say...a "database" of individual contributions by which once can be properly "rewarded" for doing it?

    Just what is said in the above, when a reader reading words, becomes personally and emotionally 'engaged' and beginning the inherent mental 'defence mechanisms' in built in the human DNA, say in the 'fight or flight' response.

    The 'elitists' know the 'human response mechanics' rather well; spendiong their lives in analysing and studying human history in minute details and unencumbered by fiscal or 'making a living' restraints.

    Words such as 'nigger' or 'sin' or whatever carry connotations in context and the 'casual reader' 'falls for the traps hidden' in the contexts of the words expressed - such as sexism, racism, dogma under whatever label and so on.

    You are correct in stating that the 'intent' manifests immediately in a higher dimensional context, where the energy is archetypal, meaning it is symbolic in shapes and geometries, which later can, and at a much slower pace, manifest in material realities.

    This 'data base' is indeed the 'repository of every soul' and its intent and superconscious expression noone can escape. From this developed ideas of karma and 'what goes around comes around'!

    There is no end of time.
    I know 100% sure there is no end time, at least not like it is being portrayed everywhere, be it religion, media, etc.
    This place was never meant to end the way it is being described.
    There will be a time when everyone will be released but that is not a mass event, but rather 1 by on yourself.

    Does this mean 2012 will not be a big bang event? We shall not be devoured by a giant solar flare or some similar "nonsense" ?
    Also...1 by 1...step by step...does this imply there will be no such thing as mass ascension from now till the march of 2013 or how is it (not sure about the month). Or will there be the "selected few" while the rest..."move on"? Or does that again depend on the before mentioned "database".

    The 2012 event is indeed a higher-dimensional nexus point, which will END the 'imprisonment' of particular thought structures or memeplexes, especially those embodied in the 'holy books', prophecies and all kinds of 'predictions' and visions.

    How PHYSICAL this event will become in time, depends on the manner how the collectivity of the human group consciousness responds and processes certain 'trigger events', like the actual higher-D transformation of a golfball sized Black Hole at the center of the terrestrial planet.

    This event will not be seen as such, but will result in a RELEASE of the Gaian 'consciousness' manifested and processed since its planetary beginnings in 3D space reality so 4.5 billion years ago.

    Q:Hey 13 --I´m not coming back to your planet next time. Smoke on that.
    A:What gave you the impression that when that time comes, you have a say in that?

    This reminds me on one of my threads way back on AV1...and also a post made in thuban thread....where you Tony somewhat agreed that free will IS...but it is limited...i think it was like that... I would say free will, as we know it, is a new age concept and thus should be reconsidered in just does not add up....given many many things.... Or we go to the "database" concept? While "down here" one is allowed to do what one wants to all gets recorded...and than....there is a "trial" and given ones "contribution" we are to be judged?

    You are taking many things this 'insider' states too personal and 'out of context'. He seemingly replied to a great number of 'nonsense questions' and 'statements' at the GLP forum, many of whom are NOT reproduced here. This is stated at a number of places here and the full context can be analysed in following the given link to that site.

    Your comments above about 'judgment' and 'trials' and so on are more reflective of particular uncertainties and 'fears' within yourself, than the actual meaning of 'free will' as I would have described it on the Thuban thread.

    To recall; 'Free Will' relates to the 'remembrance of yourself' about yourself from the superconscious level of what you truly are. Your 'normal' consciouis state is just so 1 part in 57 or so 1.7% of your 'true self'. Your subconscious is so 12.3%, leaving your superconscious awareness 'hidden' in almost 86% - no wonder people cannot remember themselves.

    'Free Will' on your 'superconscious Logos self' is indeed SUBJECT to the master template of the World Logos, the master plan of the Universe itself; its evolvement and path into cosmic history and adventure say.

    On your path of remembrance however, the 'Free Will' is coloured by your ignorance and your forgetfulness and so serves a number of purposes besides your own 'remembrance', such as giving feedback to the 'other searchers' and your environments, you are encountering on your journey.

    Q:Is Earth a prison?
    A:Yes and even worse. The ones who believe the contrary will never escape.

    Is this an actual reality/illusion or just a degradation of what is called human existence...trying to give it less meaning and importance that it actually has? Along with labeling with words such as "peasant" and "slave". I wonder...why did the Mr. Elite Insider use insults if he himself/herself is so "high up" and in the service of benevolent beings and law? Also by referring to earth as prison...and people here prisoners...this implies that at "one point in time" something was done wrong and a criminal "colony" was created? What was done wrong? This could also support my "database" concept.

    Again, why are you so defensive about words? Should I call you a forgetful boy, sitting in a sandpit, attempting to play with matches to figure out what a fire is; (something I am not contemplating); would you 'get all upset' about my perceived 'superiority' contra your 'inferiority'?

    This is termed 'a mental complex' and ignores the very simple concept of 'Mr. Elite' being a single piece of a jigsaw puzzle, say as a tapestry on a cosmic wall and just like you.

    Like the 'ascension', which is actually a 'descending' and the 'homecoming'; there will be pioneers, showing the way for others; more adventurous 'souls' or tapestry pieces, who awaken earlier than others. They are however equal 'brothers and sisters' and of no more IMPORTANCE than any other such piece, might this other piece be the president of the United Staes or the gutter sweeper in Calcutta.

    It's like a play you are watching as an audience. You are most likely to be part of the audience to be entertained. But you could also be the scriptwriter, the director, the producer or one of the actors.

    So the 'Free Will' in this case results in a question, you are asking yourself from the superconscious level of the 86% of the nonremembrance of your superego as a 'divine egocentricity' hidden in your superconsciousness, also often called 'Christ Consciousness'.

    The question becomes: What role do I choose to play in participation in the theatre of 'Human Life'? Will it suffice for me to be a spectator, or do i choose to manifest the 'play'?

    Your notions on criminal colonies etc, relate to some particular archetypes about the 'Nephilim', the 'fallen angels', the Atlanteans and the Annunaki and 'star wars'; all of whom have become outdated and outmoded by the World Logos, activating the warpzone.

    The 'database' is however magnificently appropriate; but not oin the 'New Age' scenario, you seem to be implicating.

    The 'prison' colony is actually the dual focalisation of the universe as a 'central sun' requiring its 'mirror'. From this cosmic FACT, evolve concepts such as Nemesis and Nibiru and 'something' visiting the earth to 'reclaim' some ancient heritage and legacy.

    The factuality engages the so called Lagrangian Equilibria (Hill Sphere of LP1 in the lexicons of science), situated as a 'Space Bubble', situated so 2 million kilometer from the center of the earth.

    At this point in physical terms, the gravity of the focal sun (Rahsol) finds itself in equilibrium with the gravitational pull from the earth (Gaia=Nemesis).

    Therefore the origin of the material universe engaged the establishment of a central representative Star, imaged in an 'empty focus' in terms of the Star system, but occupied by a 'Destined Dark Sun', namely Gaia the StarPlanet.

    When this representative Star was born from a galactic nebula with its own represenntative Galactic SuperStar (Hunab Ku) so 4.7 billion years ago; the potential for the representative Solar System also became potential physical reality and this manifested a physical planet called Terra for the 'Archetyped Cosmic Mother' termed gaia as the 'Spirit' and the 'Cosmic Consciousness'.

    The shape of a Pyramid yes, but people forgot the underground chamber. The Top of the Pyramid is not the top.

    I too wondered (yes it can happen) about the strange looking pictures of the big pyramid and that "funny" underground chamber thingy.
    So what about the underground chamber?

    The 'underground chamber' is very simply the Octagon of this pyramidal shape, say ion mirror imagery or reflection.

    Consider the Pyramid to be Half of the Octagon say as seen as the top part of a rainbow the other part being 'hidden' inside the earth, being occultized. This becomes a most dominant symbol for the 'elitists' in the 'Seal of Solomon', being an upper light or white UPWARDS pointing equilateral triangle, coupled with a black DOWNWARDS pointing equilateral triangle and AS the Star of David (Flag of Israel).

    Fear is based on physical impulses, the physical is not important.
    boogy woogy! How about emotions? Are emotions based on physical impulses? Are emotions irrelevant?

    Again, you are overreacting, without deeper thought. The physical is not important in a certain perspective and is superimportant from a similar perspective.

    Relative to your 'true self' your physicality is like your wardrobe; you change your attire as you please and even throw something you dont fancy anymore into the fire or the rubbish bin.

    Yet relative to your 'grander plan', your embodiment is your raison d'entre for being here in incarnation as primal purpose and aim. Your emotions become the energy realm for you to maximize your learning and self-remembrance patterns.

    In particular, your ENERGY of emotionality is metaphysically defined, (the physical brainwave patterns etc, only representing a miniscule effect in say biochemical dynamics of this energy); serving to allow your 'soul' and logos-Logos coupling to synergize the two cosmic modes of frequency modulations in extremum.

    This is perhaps more easily understood as the dichotomies between 'mind and body' and 'good and evil' and 'chicken and egg' and such things, scientifically collected in the label of Descartian or Cartesian Dualism.

    There is just 1 struggle and it is now, here on this planet and on a personal level....meaning you only.
    There is no enemy you can attack except yourself.
    If you are busy attacking something else, you are wasting precious energy and you will fail. If you succeed, there will be no struggle anymore.

    U get the experience of what you think which confirms your thinking? So yes in that case...I am my own enemy...i think i even managed to climb to that point in original thuban thread....just can wonder the mind (yes once again) about...given the society structure and to bypass that without being drained by it? If for nothing else people have to work. This might sound as a simply every day thing....but it is in enormous set back for most...the chain of events it can "bring" is infinite...not the tables and date this creates in the "database".

    Indeed, you got this 'right' and there is no easy way 'out'. The life in the physical body is basically no more than a kind of imprisonment for the true you' as say a soul of the Creator, who represents very simply the collection of 'All Souls, inclusive of all ETs and lifeforms anyplace and anytime.

    Part of the master plan is however to TRANSFORM the mortal 'attire' of the soul into a kind of indestructability, yet retaining the sensual experience of the say, 3D material sensory apparatus - your human form or morphogenetic Gestalt (Rupert Sheldrake). So you might see a grandeur inherent in this m'master plan', which nevertheless will entail much physical suffering and individuated 'despondencies'.

    The omni-science for this potential transformation engages the nature of what consciousness is in physical terms and such things, therefore bridging the gap between the 'body' and the 'spirit' in rendering both subject to redefinition and reconfiguration using the Laws of Nature and NOT some supernatural 'New Age' BS.

    The Divine Law controls what is called karma, but it is much broader and "harsher" than people want to accept.
    Example: someone who gets cancer and dies a slow painful death deserves it, that person is being corrected, it is for his own good.
    Sounds "harsh"?
    That´s the way it works.

    Ok so if a divine law puts the individual into the circumstances individual is in...and IF that circumstances consist of a defective environment (more than in generally already is) the child is ...purely hypothetical...raised with the F word...and so child itself uses the F word just the same as some other child raised in more "appropriate" environment would use the "hello" word...than the impeccable divine law put that individual into the circumstances that would, be themselves, guarantee that that specific individual would have to live more and more life times by uttering the F word and it is perfectly ok that that is so (given the law)...OR...if the child is not aware of the meaning it does not work like that or it depends on the intent...for which i am sure....child can intuitively fully grasp from its immediate environment (the intent that is...and how it works...the fine mechanics of it). Btw those of you who read this...saying it or writing it is like thinking it...according to Mr. Elite are up for at least one more life. Condolences...


    the database can be applied here as well

    I agree here; the 'Insider' is displaying his 'human judgmental nature' contrary to his 'better knowing'. However what he is inferring with his 'judgmental statements', is that the 'part of the creator soul experiencing whatever; is doing this on behalf of the superconsciousness. This does however not imply, that the 'evil deeds' and such are simply part of a cosmic necessity to Experience for the Worldsoul (say of God).

    Rather is serves a very particular and important purpose, namely to manifest a repository data base of the POTENTIAL for 'EVIL=LIVE' for the entire Cosmic family in the Universe to consider and cherish as a information about the Cosnsequences of those selfsame 'evil deeds' and the suffering it causes FOR the Worldsoul.

    In other words, because the Worldsoul experiences THROUGH the 'evil and the good'; and because the World-Soul is scattered and dispersed throughout the universe, however using Gaia as the 'Mother Experience'; all of the cosmic family can SHARE in the Gaian Experience of the 'Good and Evil' Dichotomy, but WITHOUT having to experience the physical suffering and 'bad' consequences of the 'evil activities'.

    So imagine an ET evolved sentience learning (say in watching a film or video broadcast on some ET channel and computer screen of history recall) about the history of this 'Motherplanet' Gaia; where the forgetful ancestors of the ET student waged 'war' against each other as nations or as families and clans and as individuals; shot and threw atom bombs at each other; committed all sorts of atrocities, against the 'cosmic law' in killing and harming and abusing each other in countless methods and activities.

    This Extraterrestrial descendant of the human supergenome of the 'emotional energy potential' will quickly learn how NOT to BE a galactic and extragalactic civilisation.

    The Divine Law is the manifestation of the Will of the Superior One which not only creates everything that exists within this universe but also maintains, nourishes, balances, energises and renews it.
    It also reigns in other realms, including the realm you originally belong to. there are superior beings....and "naive" me thinking that all existence is equally important with no "betters" and "leasers"?
    What is the realm we originally belonged to? Why are we not there anymore? Who i am superior to and who am i inferior to? if i do good (good as defined by the superior) i can than advance on the hierarchy? What are the hierarchy levels?

    We are the 'Ancient Ones' on the soul level; just as Alex Collier claims. We are the 'Dragons of Thuban'; all of us, all human incarnates anyplace and anytime; all the 'evil ones' and all the 'good ones'.

    The royal blood is all of us, not only the 'elitists' and the 'royals' and the 'aristocrats'. This is the 'Dragon Blood', the Elders of the Elders; all forgotten by all ETs NOT incarnated upon Gaia. The difference between the 'insiders' and the 'outsiders' and the 'rulers' and the 'masses' is not birthright, as the 'Insider' wrongly claims, but correctly 'self corrects'; but remembrance and intent of the human mindfulness.

    The elitists have access to the database collected by the human history and they have 'shaped' this history to serve their own 'remembrance' of being of royal cosmic blood. So it becomes a question of KNOWING this history.

    The global elite is basically aristocratic in terms of birthright. They consider themselves as the REAL inheritors of the archetypical promises and encodings. They KNOW that the master key is the 'Gospel of Thomas' and the prophetic books in all sorts of scriptures, but predominantly the Christian Bible. They consider themselves the 'Bloodline of David and Solomon' and so they consider themselves the successors of the Lion of Judah (incarnated as the World Logos in a simple man of remembrance named Jesus of Nazareth).

    They KNOW, that the scriptures WILL and MUST be fulfilled in the 'Cosmic Law', the 'Insider' is hinting at. They so attempt with all their might to 'forestall' and preemt any ET invasion, as you can ascertain in the V-TV-Series and fear-mongering movies like 'Independence Day' and '2012'.

    Perhaps you can now see why this present time is so 'secular' and why all sorts of 'prophecies' etc are DEBUNKED, even by the mainstream 'New Age'. The 'great falling away' is from the KEY to manifest the 'Great Rebirth of a New Virgin Universe'; say as the New Heaven and Earth of Revelation - the 'New Jerusalem' as a City of God, descending from the 'New Heaven'.

    The'aristocratic royal bloodline' takes all of this 'debunked' and mainstream ridiculed material VERY serious indeed.

    However, despite all their cunning and ingeniousness; they could NOT hitherto decipher the details of the 'warptimes', though they understand rather well that the 'warpzone' of the 'last days' are indeed upon the Gaian populace.

    And of course, due to their 'self-importance'; the 'elitists' have misinterpreted the archetypical and symbolic 'encoded' masterplan' of the 'Word of the Logos', who did compose this plan as a template through the 'prophets' and wisdom keepers, who became say empowered to compose those things by the 'Logos frequency' aka the 'Love of God'.

    Furthermore of course, the 'behaviour' and activity of the 'royal elite' is necessity for the 'Grand Plan' to manifest the maximum polarisation and dichotomy to accelerate the 'emotional groupmind' of the Gaian planetary consciousness to its nexus completion; comprised of required stages of 'Insemination'; 'Gestation-Pregnancy'; 'Birth' and 'Weaning' of the Virgin Cosmos - then retemplated as a 'New Earth Gaia' and a reconfigured Cosmoloical

    Only Gaian incarnation into the Imprisonment of the Human mortal bodyform qualifies any ET to aspire to the Elderness of the 'Ancient Cocreators'.

    Therefore you can perhaps discern, that most, if not all humans must be Extraterrestrials in 'disguise'. So where do you come from?Can you begin to IMAGINE yourself to have come from 'outer space'.

    If you can IMAGINE, then you might be able to IMAGE yourself holographically and CREATE yourself as an ET from Outer Space as being simultaneously from your 'Inner Space'

    These kind of 'perceptions' are what the 'elitists' KNOW about and continually entertain in their PARTIAL remembrances.

    So they wish NOT to share this knowledge with their 'subordinate workers' and so the mainstream media and 'official learning channels' are utilized to ridicule and debunk this kind of 'grandiose thinking patterns and modalities'.

    Those kinds of thoughtforms must remain 'secret and sequestered' as the priviledge of the real metaphysical and spiritual 'ruling class'.

    This is when "malicious" beings are present:
    Everytime you cuss, talk negative, plot a scheme, get violent, utter lies, support murder, get sexually aroused, get afraid, get jealous, even laugh out loud, being overly joyfull (so all related to emotions/passions/desires), they appear near, two, three, or more of them.

    "Malicious" beings are from this realm, this is their home.
    You cannot hate them for they are doing their task, their rightful duty and it is connected to your behaviour....understand, you are the perpetrator, they react.
    They never instigate, you do.
    I type "malicious" because they are not malicious, they only appear to you in your manufactured perception to be so.
    People are perpetrators who play the victim part.

    By the LIGHT! This just shatters it all, doesn't it? Do not even know where to start here...SO...i will not start at all. Maybe later.

    Yes, you should indeed think long and deeply, before jumping to conclusions.
    The 'negative' entities are your 'Inner Space' also mirrored in your 'Outer Space'; perhaps you can understand this and then deduce that the 'evil ETs' and the 'deviates', sexual and otherwise are related to the 'Greater Agenda' of HARMONIZING the animal and 'evil' instincts with their gander self expressions.

    So indeed; YOU and YOU alone are the 'Perpetrator' of everything that exists under the Cosmoc Sun of the 'Prime Creator' Collective.

    So can you then 'Live' by the Grander Motto of the Logos: "To the Pure All Things are Pure!"?


    14Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

    15Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled.

    16They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

    you must know yourself and what this place is

    let us all contemplate this in silence....i ll do it to...after i move to me moon silence here....

    Real conciousness is what is provided to you when you are in tune with the Mind of the Universe

    The so called super light..the original thought?

    Yes, you could call it that and the Quantum Energy which is the foundation of the universe in an awakening selfstate of beingness.

    And...i am out of time...came to "Do you have any connection with the Annunaki that the Sumerians wrote of?" part today.

    Yes and as much 'connection' as you yourself exhibit.

    Thank you for your questions; I hope to have answered them appropriately.


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:36 am

    Rok~ Posted Sep 27th

    Thank you for the given answers.

    There is not so much in my comments as one would wan to see..given the overacting and such...questions is a question as deep as the original comment ....if that was put in general so was the rest.

    hve fun


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:36 am

    You are welcome Rok!

    Overacting? Well I am simply doing my job in my partial remembrance; because the 'times are a changing' as the 'good books' say.

    I did not 'see' anything in your comments, which wasn't there. One can discern between the lines through experience you know, even if the writers consciousness does not realise that sometimes hisher subconscious and superconsciousn also 'appears' between those lines of verbal or written self expression.

    So I am well aware of doing my contract work - are you?

    The times to 'have fun' are not here yet in their splendidness'; so for my own selfhood; I will have to wait for that.


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:37 am

    Macha Reina - Posted Sep 28th

    WOW ... such an Interesting thread ! Rok -- i GREATLY appreciate your questions ... these, along with Tony's answers, provided a Good Bit of ELUCIDATION of this guy's posts. Here are a few questions of my own:

    1) What did this "Elite" person mean by the term "Proxy?" WHY did he need to use proxies (whatever that means) and WHY did they keep disappearing ? He (she?) indicated that he was typing "hurriedly" ... at least in PART because his proxies kept disappearing ?? and then later he seemed to indicate his final Post was somewhat premature, (though he also said he had covered MOST of what he had intended to already) because of "2 movements." what does THAT mean??? also at the end he seemed to imply that his decision to dialog on GLP was in obedience to Divine injunction ... which superceded even his allegiance to "Family." and then he mentioned that the "Minority" faction which he belonged to was shrinking. did ya'll get the impression that this exchange he entered into with us "peasants" was a courageous act on his part that he might actually "pay a price" for??? and that this "Minority" among the Elite bloodlines might be shrinking because the Majority Elite are in conflict with the Minority re: communication with the "peasants" ... or some such difference in opinion about tactical issues. He definitely stated that the Elite could fail to adhere to Divine purpose, as can we all. (i realize this is a BUNCH of questions, not just one, but all having to do with one subject at least.)

    2) Tony -- what about his INSISTENCE that Jesus of Nazareth was NOT the Christ ??? does that not TROUBLE you at all?? i realize you tend to use the term "World Logos" in reference to Jesus as the incarnate vehicle for divinity ... but is that totally DIFFERENT from the term "Christ Consciousness" used by Mr. Elite? and .... who do you think he is referring to as the REAL incarnation of the Christ ... who lived in MUCH more ancient times apparently (an earlier "era" he said) than did Jesus??? and why did he not reveal this person's identity ?? is that because such a revelation would fall into the category of giving us information that we are supposed to discover for ourselves ? i am HIGHLY curious about your resolution of these apparent paradoxes.

    3) "SECOND COMING: you returning back to where you belong after you have succeeded, which means a second coming cannot take place on Earth for you do not belong here."

    Tony ... How does this pronouncement fit in with your pronouncement that the "second coming" actually refers to the invasion of earth by our ET selves (i may be wording this poorly, but you know what i mean) ... since the way i understand YOUR de-coding of the Scriptures indicates that this WILL take place on Earth ??? can these 2 statements be reconciled ??

    I await ya'lls reflections on these queries of mine with "bated breath!"

    i LOVE you, Dragon siblings !


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:43 am

    Macha Reina - Posted 18 Hours Ago

    WOW ... such an Interesting thread ! Rok -- i GREATLY appreciate your questions ... these, along with Tony's answers, provided a Good Bit of ELUCIDATION of this guy's posts. Here are a few questions of my own:

    1) What did this "Elite" person mean by the term "Proxy?" WHY did he need to use proxies (whatever that means) and WHY did they keep disappearing ? He (she?) indicated that he was typing "hurriedly" ... at least in PART because his proxies kept disappearing ?? and then later he seemed to indicate his final Post was somewhat premature, (though he also said he had covered MOST of what he had intended to already) because of "2 movements." what does THAT mean??? also at the end he seemed to imply that his decision to dialog on GLP was in obedience to Divine injunction ... which superceded even his allegiance to "Family." and then he mentioned that the "Minority" faction which he belonged to was shrinking. did ya'll get the impression that this exchange he entered into with us "peasants" was a courageous act on his part that he might actually "pay a price" for??? and that this "Minority" among the Elite bloodlines might be shrinking because the Majority Elite are in conflict with the Minority re: communication with the "peasants" ... or some such difference in opinion about tactical issues. He definitely stated that the Elite could fail to adhere to Divine purpose, as can we all. (i realize this is a BUNCH of questions, not just one, but all having to do with one subject at least.)

    Hi there Starmother!

    Proxy means 'substitute' so he seems to describe his own position as a 'shadow walker' a stand-in, who due to whatever 'pressures' and/or obligation to his 'elitist family-clan' will not be able to interact and behave like an 'ordinary' person, common man/woman or contributor.

    I do understand how this 'elitist clan' thinks and behaves, as they have (like the Logos family) a similar 'nous' about the 'greater cosmos' and how the universe works; what it is, where it comes from and where it is going so to say.

    However, I dont know any details about this character, say on any sort of personality level; so I am unwarranted and disqualified to comment on any of those issues. I have used this data, shared by Raven, to underpin the GENERALITY of the modus operandi of the 'elitists', who, as he states, are BEYOND the PTB, as say defined by the New Agers (any labeled personalities in the mainstream media say).

    Yes, I would say your discernments are appropriate' regarding his position. He thought, that his 'minority group' is like a rebel faction within the 'Elite' and so he is restricted in his 'disclosure', though and because he understands the 'Cosmic Masterplan'; he feels obliged or inclined to 'share' publically in a quasi-disclosure.

    And yes the 2 factions are determinative. The bigger faction has interpreted the 'master codes' from another viewpoint than the 'smaller' faction.

    I can state the common understanding like this.

    Separation of the Oneness within Individuated Unity is Cosmic Law and equivalent to Unity of this selfsame Oneness within Separation!

    Now the difference here is rather subtle and one is required to think and ponder this deeply.

    The greater part considers the Common Cosmic Law as being the 'Individuated Oneness in Separation' as OVERRULING its corollary of the 'Separated Individual within the Oneness'.

    The smaller part, follows the latter equal manifesto of the same Cosmic Law.

    Now the New Agers often term this the 'Service to Self' as the former and the' Service to Others' as the latter; both are ill defined and mislabeled; as both codes honour the same cosmic law and a law which is IMPARTIAL.

    But a little deep thinking might clarify for you what the difference here is.

    'Individuated Oneness in Separation' means Eternal Dispersion WITHOUT some Envelope or encompassment of ythe 'Love letters' (namely all that exists as lifeforms and All That is) of the creator.

    Its the 'Devil's Law' - everyone for themselves as all are THE ONE see. And there is nothing 'wrong' with that as all are the One in the holograms or 'shards' of the original creator 'breaking' himherself into those pieces or shards see?

    But following this 'correct' cosmic law; will NOT allow the creator to BE herhimself again and so BAN the Original Creator Oneness, then without a physicaslised universe defined in space, matter and time and such things; into a Eternal Exile.

    In science this becomes the 'Devil's Cosmology and the Word of the Devil as the Father of All Lies' - the Lie becoming RELATIVE to the Antilie or Truth to the way of thinking of the thinker-soul see - of many worlds drifting apart and the multiverses, all independent of each other. It is the 'Divide and Conquer' mindset and way of perceiving and thinking.

    The second interpretation of the 'Separated Individuality within the Oneness' resurrects the Creator as the all encompassing Unity 'around everything'.

    This is the Logos message of the incarnated 'Word of God' becoming the Truth relative to that Word and a Lie relative to the Antiword (of the Devil being simply the Image of the God). So just as when you look into a mirror you see a True Image which however DEPENDS on you to exist as the Real Image caster; the 'Devil' is the Image of God, relatively unreal to God as the Truth and stuff like that. It's Bigmo's balloon on the Thuban thread on Project Avalon remember.

    So this interpretation of the cosmic laws allows you to become the hologram for the entire universe; say like a grandchild mirrors its grandparents genetically, or like a Mother-Daughter ambassadoraship.

    So all people can become the Individuated Creator-Creation modality and doing so will give the creator back what he seemingly lost when he made her as the universe and more on top of that.

    Because should the 'shards' or dta collectors on behalf of Gos and Logos, become selfconscious of what they are; then they will literally recreate and reproduce the creator-creation within themselves and nothing is lost but everything is gained in bringing the creator alive within his creation namely Big She of Her.

    So effectively this renders the Father and Mother of All That Is as Grandparents of then You and all who can pull of the coups of the selfremembrance and the Imagings of the Imaginations as the New Fathers and Mothers and so as the Sons and Daughters of the Cosmos.

    This then is the 'masterplan' of the Logos in a nutshell and the 'Insider' seems to know what i just said - having apparently obtained the necessary insights and gnosis from the 'secret books' like the Gospel of Thomas and the cosmic (not human minded) decoding of the 'sacred scrolls' like say the older versions of the 'bible', the koran, the kabbalah , the vedas and so on.

    Tony -- what about his INSISTENCE that Jesus of Nazareth was NOT the Christ ??? does that not TROUBLE you at all?? i realize you tend to use the term "World Logos" in reference to Jesus as the incarnate vehicle for divinity ... but is that totally DIFFERENT from the term "Christ Consciousness" used by Mr. Elite? and .... who do you think he is referring to as the REAL incarnation of the Christ ... who lived in MUCH more ancient times apparently (an earlier "era" he said) than did Jesus??? and why did he not reveal this person's identity ?? is that because such a revelation would fall into the category of giving us information that we are supposed to discover for ourselves ? i am HIGHLY curious about your resolution of these apparent paradoxes.

    Yes Barbara of the Windy Hills; this reads as a rather discomforting collection of statements, does it not?

    And yet 'Mr. Elite' is basically and bluntly correct. But what he basically says, is that the Jesus as portrayed by DOGMATIC RELIGION is indeed a fake and even the 'False Prophet' as the adjutant of the 'Beast of Babylon' rising from the Sea in Revelation.13.

    The REAL Jesus is the World Logos and say as magnificently portrayed in the Gospel of John.1.1.; this entire (not historical) gnostic gospel (the other 3 are synoptics and more historical, but still only to 20% or less):

    "In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word became God".

    What this means, is that the Real Jesus is as old as the creation; so to differentiate the incarnation of this Logos who is Jesus of Nazareth from this much older archetype, called say Emmanuel Melchisedec in the Old Testament as the 'Prince of Peace' 'blessing' Abraham; the 'insider' makes a distinction between this incarnated Man-Logos and the Supreme Word of God; who Jesus the Man discovered and was able to internalise and make his own.

    In other words Jesus the Man BECAME this Logos he was before NOT in incarnation by and through remembering the STORY OF GOD. This is why Jesus of Nazareth is termed a 'substitute' by the 'insider'; a stand-in for a much older and cosmic CHRIST.

    This Christ is also Hermes Trismegistos in say 'Lineage' of the Kabbalah, the Melchizedek of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Essenes), the Pigeradamas of the Apocryphon of John, Thoth, Purusha of the Vedas and the 12th Imam of the Koran and Kukulkan and the Plumed Serpent of the Mayans and the Massau of the Hopi and so on and even the GREEN MAN of the Rebirth (that is WHY Mary magdalene calls him the Gardener after the resurrection in encoding see - another secret revealed to you).

    All of these labels DID NOT exist in persona - only Jesus could embody the Logos. The others are like 'gods', teachers from the stars (Hopi and Mayan say) and mythological wisdom bringers and keepers.

    I am not convinced that the 'insider' has as thorough an understanding of the World Logos, as I have stated here; but he is rather close and attuned to what I have just written.

    The archetype of the 'Virgin Birth' and the 'Redemption' and the 'Eucharist' and so on are all very much older, than Christian history; but became confiscated by the 'Holy Roman Empire', blending the stuff POLITICALLY with the imperial pagan 'religions' of the druids and the native cultures and so on and for the purpose to control their 'constituents' and Roman citizenry.

    This then is something the 'insider' knows very well and why he denigrates organised religion. He for example knows the intricate partnership between the Vatican Bank (money laundering as the Vatican is a political state on its own right see) and the International Monetary Fund and the Federal Reserves, all linked to the 'Royal Bloodlines' as the 'ancestors of David's Israelite rulership' and the inheritors of the Abrahamic promises' etc. etc.

    Well, I feel this exposition has put your mind to rest about the Real Jesus. This One is the one you Love, but is caricatured by all of the dogmas and this perhaps will make you a little uncomfortable. I have posted a relevant video of Bishop John Selby Spong of the Episcopal-Anglican Church. he is retired now and is considered a Rebel and a little heretic by the dogmatic ecclesia.

    His most recent book is entitled, Eternal Life: A New Vision Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and Hell in which he offers a vision which transcends religion itself and encourages us to enter into a new way of being - in relationship with each other and the universe - thereby experiencing eternity NOW.

    John Selby Spong is general, but I support his cosmogony and he is much closer to the Real Jesus as a true believer like yourself say, than are the mainstreamers. Here is the link on this forum to a lecture of his in context of Barbara Marx Hubbard.


    3) "SECOND COMING: you returning back to where you belong after you have succeeded, which means a second coming cannot take place on Earth for you do not belong here."

    Tony ... How does this pronouncement fit in with your pronouncement that the "second coming" actually refers to the invasion of earth by our ET selves (i may be wording this poorly, but you know what i mean) ... since the way i understand YOUR de-coding of the Scriptures indicates that this WILL take place on Earth ??? can these 2 statements be reconciled ??

    I await ya'lls reflections on these queries of mine with "bated breath!"

    i LOVE you, Dragon siblings !

    Sure Healer to be healed!

    Like most, you are experiencing difficulties to 'read between the lines'; to DISCERN the esoteric-hidden meanings in simple words and statements. Like most you read something and consider it literally, in its exoteric appearance; like say Noah taking animals into his ark, the clean animals by sevens and the unclean by twos. Or the sundial of Ahaz, by which the sun itself returned 10 degrees in the sky.

    So statements like the two above should show you that many 'scriptural encodings' can not possibly relate to physical occurrences, but would disguise some 'secret meaning' for the initiates. For example how did Noah feed his many animals from all over the world and how did he clean the ark with only 8 people surviving (Noah, Amzara and his 3 sons and their wives?).

    The 'insider' is an initiate, because of his 'family bloodline' see. He was told and educated in the 'secrets' all his life. He also said a number of times does the bloodline does not really matter and that it simply bestowed the 'privileges' onto him because of it. He said that anyone can know what he does IF YOU DO the hard work of getting the information 'right'.

    You will NOT find this information anyplace in the accessible media except that from the 'Elite' and as data from the Logos itself (as say the Ancient Ones in agency of and for the World Logos).

    So then the Second Coming AS thought of literally by the 'scripture students and academics btw'; will NOT occur; because the Second Coming depends on the First Coming and this First Coming TRANSFORMS aka REDEEMS the entire Universe in the 'Coming of the Comforter' say as labeled as the 'Holy Ghost' as the third persona of the Godhead or the Son of Jesus or the Grandson of God and such labels.

    So think of it as Jesus' resurrected bodyform diffusing to become ALL of the Cosmos. This must be so, otherwise heshe could not span it see? Its actually advanced quantum mechanics which sort of 'proves' this in a conceptual way in the wave-particle duality the Schrödinger's Dead-Alive Cat paradox and Bohrian Complementarity.

    So the resurrected body of Christ HAD to GO AWAY as is clearly stated in John, SO that the Holy Ghost of the pentecost COULD manifest in the Diffused Christbody manifesting in the Eucharist.

    That is why Jesus says: 'Do this in remembrance of me" and in the GOT: "Whoever drinks with my mouth and eats as my flesh will know the secrets and I will be Him" - literally.

    This is the TRUE SECRET of the Eucharist of the so called TRANSSUBSTANTIATION of the Christbody.

    Again, the 'insider' clearly knows this and this is why I knew that he at least partially understands the mysteries, say of the Gospel of Thomas; which is btw ridiculed by mainstream theologians and historians and academics precisely because of its power and seemingly 'blasphemous' statements such as these ones; all LITERALLY TRUE this time (mindboggling isn't it.

    In other words the 'Elite', who are in control about what can be studied by the universities; desire that their own master manual be kept for themselves and to be ridiculed by all of the mainstream, educated and undereducated and for the purpose of keeping the power of the resurrected-ascended Logos Words (yes they were said in 32AD) away from all and sundry.

    (108) Jesus said : "He who will drink from My mouth will become like Me. I myself shall become like him, and the hidden will be revealed to him."

    (77) Jesus said : "I am the Light that falls on all things. I am the All. From Me the All has gone out and to Me the All came back. Cleave a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up a stone, and You will find Me there."

    (82) Jesus said : "Whoever is near Me is near the fire, and whoever who is far from Me is far from the Kingdom."

    (83) Jesus said : "Images are visible to man, and the light which is in them is hidden in the image of the Light of the Father. He will reveal Himself and His image is hidden by His light."

    (84) Jesus said : "When You see your own likeness, You rejoice. But when You see the images of yourselves which came into being before You, which do not die nor become visible, how much then will You be able to bear ?"

    (85) Jesus said : "Adam came into being from a great power and a great wealth, and he did not become worthy of You. For had he been worthy of You, he would not have experienced death."

    (20) The disciples said to Jesus : "Tell us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like." He said to them : "It is like a mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds. But when it falls on tilled soil, it produces a big plant and becomes a shelter for the birds of the sky."

    (51) His disciples said to Him : "On what day will the rest come to those who are dead, and on what day will the new world come ?" He said to them : "What You expected has come, but You do not recognize it."

    "(88) Jesus said : "The angels and the prophets will come to You and give You what is yours. You, give them what is in your hands, and ask yourselves : 'On which day will they come to receive what is theirs ?'

    (113) His disciples said to Him : "When will the Kingdom come ?" Jesus said : "It does not come by expecting it. It will not be a matter of saying : 'See, it is here !' or : 'Look, it is there !'. Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread over the earth and men do not see it."

    So then your returning is to return into the ChristBody resurrected (which IS the universe you already occupy see, therefore 'the kingdom is already here and most do and can not see it..

    Can you get it now' Hillibilli? It is not hard to understand BUT mindboggling and 'normal people' reject the words of the Logos as fantasy, as madness or delusional thinking. So you would be in an extended company if you dont 'get it see'.

    The ETs are encoded in many many scriptures and in saying #88 in the above. I'll leave it to you to interpret the above sayings now with your initiation into the 'Secrets of God and herhis Logos'!

    May the Love of the True Jesus be with you Always and guide your path into remembrances!


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:44 am

    Innana posted 3 days ago

    THANK YOU, Tony and Allisiam ... your responses were GREAT ! and YES, Tony dear, i can "get it." it's not really difficult for me at all when YOU explain it ... i've understood for awhile about Jesus BECOMING the Logos as the culmination of his own spiritual quest (thereby "discovering" Himself as the Incarnate Logos) ... but to be HONEST, i heretofore did NOT "get" that all the other names you mentioned (Melchizidek, et al) were NOT historical personages ... of course, in some cases i thought of them as more mythological than anything else .... but i guess i assumed there was an historical person at the core of the myth. guess i assumed WRONGLY here! BELIEVE IT OR NOT ... my grade school education in Catholic schools (i actually had GOOD nuns who used their brains! ... and i did "come up" during the HAPPY heyday of Vatcian II), my own faith experiences and spiritual journey , my "New Age" dabbling in young adulthood, my religious studies courses at University, and--of COURSE--my certificate of Thuban Theology/Cosmology under the tutelage of Dr. Bermanseder have all prepared me very well for "getting it" Here and Now ! LOL i have to admit, though, and tony you yourself gave me some "wiggle room" here ... that in Mr. Elite's repeated efforts to DEPOSE J. of N. as "the Christ," i detected MORE than just the legitimate need to distinguish the DISTORTED Jesus of church dogma from the "real" JC who became the Incarnate Word of God (a profound quest any "True Believer" should also be absolutely DEVOTED to ... a la Tony Blue and his family of dragon acolytes!) i guess we might say that "Me thinks he doth protest too much." but here again ... since i am somewhat a "product" of traditional church theology, yet i believe i and MANY OTHERS (e.g., Bishop Spong) have been able to Discern the Truth (separate the wheat from the chaff) even within these imperfect parameters ... i may be somewhat sensitive. but "resurrecting" the Real Jesus from the many False Imposters created through the centuries by Church doctrine and/or other esoteric philosophies is among the desires CLOSEST to my HEART ! so i have NO PROBLEM understanding and agreeing with Mr. Elite on that score for SURE !

    i AM still a bit confused about the "Proxy" issue, though. i know this is no big deal, really .... just me being curious ... but if your guess is accurate, tony, about his use of the term proxy being analagous to "walk-in" or "shadow" ... does that mean he was using VARIOUS human vehicles (who for reasons UNKNOWN to him would then "disappear") to post these replies on GLP??? do you think these mysterious disappearances, then, were an indication of the resistance of the Majority faction of the Elites to his attempts at "disclosing/clarifying Truth ?? i definitely did "identify" him on some intuitive level as a "hero" !

    Allisiam ... thank you, honey, for the lovely "Diviner's Prayer to the Gods of the Night" and the reproduction of part (?) of the Epic of Gilgamesh. the Prayer-Poetry was WONDERFUL ! and since i had never read Gilgamesh, though of course was aware of it through my religious studies, it was really COOL finally to actually read it ... Thank You, my sister !

    i LOVE you Guys !!!



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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:45 am

    Hi Hillibilly!

    I agree with you; the 'Insider' is an 'angry not too old' -'younger man'. So I would restrict your 'hero' level to being courageous enough to 'proxy' his family and lineage -allegiances; just as you figured out yourself, by the way. Then the proxyness relates to requiring 'substitutes' to fill in in those 'obligations' to the creed say and have no deeper ET or shadow connotations as you might have thought.

    I am glad you understood my answers to your questions.



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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:47 am

    An Open Letter and Message to the Luciferians!

    Seriously, to all who may read this; a new chapter is being written by the collective planetary consciousness of the Gaian family.

    Rok and Sui from Kassavilas forum and Susy from PA2 and all humans experiencing apparently unwarranted and 'weird' communication problems with their individuated spheres of activity and environments; your 'banning' is a blessing in disguise, as to 'be banned' means in the image of the Logos Mirror, that you will be empowered 'Thu/to Ban The Banners' - not in some kind of 'revenge', but in the Mirror of Cosmic Justice. Jesus' 'turn the other cheek' , has a very intricate meaning in it (be as wise as Serpents and as innocent as Doves'.

    Listening to this shows the great deception manifesting. Yes there is a 'truth' in the 'Sacred Crocodiles' 'ruling' the Cosmos as George Kassavilas tries to portray in the video above.

    But the 'Alligators' are the Serpents of your own Inner Harmony, the deliverance of the Mother Earth from its pains of the 'eat to survive' etc pathology necessary for yet a little time, but with New Paradigms being implemented in a cooperative between all of you down here in the 'selfdestructing mess of the old human civilization' and also as ETs outside of the quarantined warpzone.

    Towards the end it is said: "Noone can enter the Illuminati/New Age/New World Order' UNLESS allegiance to Lucifer is given.
    Now this is TRUTH
    The PTB's understanding of Lucifer, say as obscured in the 'deeper' meaning in Isaiah as say worldly kings, particularly the 'King of Babylon' (Isaiah.14.12); is INCOMPLETE AND TRAPPED in Duality

    So, because of the warpzone, EVERYONE is invited to become part of the TRUE LUCIFERIAN Family in direct competition with the ptb on all levels, far exceeding the ptb and the interacting alien agendas, portrayed in the alternative media under whatever label of associations.
    The True Lucifer, being the Serpent of Eden as the Melchizedek aka the World Logos (check out the apocryphon or secret book of John in the Nag Hammadi Gnostic Library) cannot even be recognized in Duality. So all of your 'intuitive feelings from the heart' are rather likely to 'fail' as your 'gut instincts' conditioned by your life's journey across whatever time scales of incarnation.

    So the Logos Fire is very hot and burns the chaff from the little wheat and the 'old ways' of 'discernment' are in jeopardy in poroportion to your Mental Understanding coupled to your Inborn worldy Wisdom (in the clichee' of the Yin-Yang partition of the male-female hemispheres of the brain say).

    The point is that it MUST appear, that the Lucifer of the say PTB is the embodiment of EVIL-Alpha=EVIL-Beginning=EVIL-A
    BUT the nonduality will reflect this in A-LIVE.
    That is WHY the false prophet and the 'beast' and all the 'ignorant sinners' are said to be THROWN into the hellfire of the 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone' A-LIVE (Revelation.19.20).

    It is so the DUALITY fake image of the EVILNESS which will be 'damned' WITHIN the lightbodies of the VERY FEW, who can discern their own 'demons' and "Crocodile Gods' from Orion as being THEIR OWN false images WITHIN.

    YES, the Egyptians KNEW about their Shadows Khaibit of Anubis, protector of the Sarcophagus in the Judgement of Osiris in the Feather of Thoth and the Scales of Maat). That is why they mummified their nobels, in the symbology of David Icke, the shapeshifting human-reptilians being the shapeshifted Mummies in their Tombs of the Shadows; which became the Cave of Plato in the retelling of the Cosmic Logos Story in the Greek culture, then leading to the Western Civilization now becoming decadent at a rapid pace.

    So it is easy to MISINTERPRET the symbols and the archetypes in Duality; and as all parts of society, the academics, the historians, the alternatives and the general populus have done and must do until the World Logos and NOT the sequesterers of the information, 'fills in the missing gaps' of the partial remembrances.

    Whosoever has ears to hear and eyes to see!
    WE are all mirrors and POTENTIAL participators of this disemination and cocreation in the rewriting of the Cosmic Script of Creation and what kind of world and incarnational experience WE desire to experience Our Greater Selfhood in.

    The SERPENT=PRESENT=SON OF MAN = 97 = CIRCLE OF GOD check it yourself.
    Aka Plumed Serpent Quetzacoatl and Kukulkan and Adam Kadmon and the 12th Imam and the Purusha and the Vitruvius and the Great White Brother of the Hopi as the Cosmic Thoth Melchizedek.

    This Melchizedek is within you as the superconsciousness of your own kinship with the Crocodile Rulers of the Cosmos.

    You may call it your 'LoveHeart' of the Remembrance
    But the 'struggle' to discern the 'dualistic entrapments' from the unified key to ascension=descension=selfinvasion will be hard to find for the Many.

    Numbers.21.4-9: (via Ashera, thank you for the reference)

    4And they journeyed from mount Hor by the way of the Red sea, to compass the land of Edom: and the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way.

    5And the people spake against God, and against Moses, Wherefore have ye brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? for there is no bread, neither is there any water; and our soul loatheth this light bread.

    6And the LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died.

    7Therefore the people came to Moses, and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD, and against thee; pray unto the LORD, that he take away the serpents from us. And Moses prayed for the people.

    8And the LORD said unto Moses, Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live.

    9And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a pole, and it came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he beheld the serpent of brass, he lived.

    Perhaps some now may understand the symbol of the Crucifixion of the Serpent upon the Pole of The Ankhian Cross of Egypt.
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Moses_brass-serpent Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Sgc_010
    The pastoral crook carried by bishops and also by the Egyptian pharaohs, is a symbol of Divine Power.
    It is the staff of the Magician of the Tarot who leads the soul on its spiral journey, the Royal Path of the Tarot, of regeneration. The Lamb of God emerging from the jaws of a coiled serpent symbolizes this journey here. (Crozier, Italian, 12th century.)
    Then there is is the ol' feathered serpent Quetzalcoatl crucified upon the X like cross. Echoing of course Christ. Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 18400Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Flamel6Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Crucified_serpent_wallpaper_by_the_enso
    Tonyblue Red Whynot

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Tractor Beams Activated by the Solar Logos

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:49 am

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Tractor Beams Activaton by the Solar Logos

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Didymos Today at 5:41 pmEnormous Ring is Developing on the Sun

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Strange-filament-ring-on-the-sun-16-oct-2010

    What is this strange ring that has been developing on the Sun during 16-Oct?
    Sunspot 1112, located in the southeast quadrant, has been the source of a giant filament that is currently stretching 400,000 km across the surface of the Sun.
    However, today, there appears to be development of a enormous circular ring which looks to be linking with the huge magnetic filament of sunspot 1112. Most of today’s various wavelength images of the Sun all show this feature over at the SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory) – NASA website. today reports,
    A vast filament of magnetism is cutting across the Sun’s southern hemisphere today. A bright ‘hot spot’ just north of the filament’s midpoint is UV radiation from sunspot 1112. The proximity is no coincidence; the filament appears to be rooted in the sunspot below. If sunspot flares, it could cause the entire structure to erupt. This active region merits watching…

    What concerns me is that if indeed this is a huge magnetic filament nearly encircling the entire Sun, it is now currently directly facing the Earth. If sunspot 1112 does erupt, could the entire filament explode into a massive CME?
    This particular phenomenon will be all over in a few days as it rotates around the Sun, but it serves to remind us that there are more and more events happening on the Sun as we transit into the next solar cycle maximum (peaking ~ 2012 into 2013).

    CME is short for coronal mass ejection, a plasma made up of mostly electrons and protons.
    Basically, a CME is electromagnetic radiation that is ejected from active regions of the sun.
    CMEs directed at Earth can interfere with radio communications, harm satellites, and even damage electrical power transmission circuits and infrastructure, potentially causing widespread power grid failure. The biggest threat to human civilization is the later, a massive power grid failure, which could take months or even years to repair. This circumstance would require an extremely powerful CME, which fortunately do not occur on a regular basis.

    Update 16-Oct-2010:
    Issued: 2010 Oct 16 2156 UTC
    Product: documentation at
    # FAST WARNING ‘PRESTO’ MESSAGE from the SIDC (RWC-Belgium) #
    An M2.9 X-ray flare occurred at 19:12UT at S20W26 in the vicinity of
    active region 1112. There is no evidence for an associated CME. The
    flare was confined in time. The filament in the neighborhood of the
    flare site didn’t erupt as can be seen in PROBA2/SWAP images.

    Sunspot 1112 just produced a solar flare (16-Oct, 2156 UTC) and we have apparently dodged a bullet for the moment… it did not ignite the massive filament. However, Sunspot 1112 is still Earth-facing and could easily flare again… Eyes are still on it…

    Update 17-Oct-2010:
    While reports are indicating that yesterdays M3-class eruption was the largest in three months, sunspot 1112 is still growing and the huge associated filament remains intact and ready to ignite should a larger flare explode in the upcoming hours.
    Composite Image from 17-Oct-2010, 1435 UTC
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider The-sun-composite-image-17-oct-2010

    Update 18-Oct-2010:
    Sunspot 1112 and its monstrous 400,000 km filament located in the southeast quadrant, continues its (left to right) rotation around the sun, while still Earth facing and intact.
    Composite Image from 18-Oct-2010, 1333 UTC
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider The-sun-composite-image-18-oct-2010

    A total of five “B” and “C” -class flares ignited today from sunspot region 1112, a high number but fairly small in intensity, not enough to ignite the filament.
    Check out the close-up image of the region as it makes its way towards the south east edge. Image from AIA (Atmospheric Imager Assembly) wavelength: 171 angstroms.
    Maybe too much information, but it has been fun to watch this one…
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Sunspot-1112-18-oct-2010
    Solar cycles come and go about every 11 years or so, and is due to reach the next solar maximum sometime between 2012 and 2013. It is a process, a ramp up. I’m sure that there will be many more posts in the future, assuming that the activity continues to increase over the next year or two. The fact that we are seeing activity is not unusual. However it has been interesting to observe the magnificent filament that developed over the surface during the past several days, along with its ominous shape.

    Update 19-Oct-2010:
    The filament that we’ve been watching has grown to 500,000 km, and incredibly, a small part of it erupted into space while leaving the majority still intact. The eruption is NOT Earth directed, while the entire region has rotated near the limb of the sun.
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Partial-filament-eruption-18-oct-2010

    Update 19-Oct-2010, later in the day…
    Sunspot region 1112 belted off 4 small solar flares today and is still very active while beginning to twist over the southeast limb.
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Sunspot-1112-19-oct-2010
    Maybe a Solar TelescopeRevelations of an Elite Family Insider Ir?t=modesurvblog-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B001C7RB2A will be an enjoyable hobby during the upcoming solar maximum.

    Sunspot 1112 Crackling with Solar Flares

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 489335main2_iswacygnetstreamer-428
    › View larger
    On Saturday, October 16, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this stunning image of one of the most intense, solar flares seen in the past few months. So far there have been no reports of energetic particles from this M-class flare interfering with NASA spacecraft or making their way to Earth. Image credit: NASA/SDO/AIA

    October 16, 2010 - Fast-growing sunspot 1112 is crackling with solar flares. The three strongest of this 24 hour period: an M3-flare at 1910 UT on Oct. 16th, a C1-flare at 0900 UT and another C1-flare at 1740 UT on Oct. 17th. So far, none of the blasts has hurled a substantial CME toward Earth.

    In addition, a vast filament of magnetism is cutting across the sun's southern hemisphere, measuring about 400,000 km. A bright 'hot spot' just north of the filament's midpoint is UV radiation from sunspot 1112. The proximity is no coincidence; the filament appears to be rooted in the sunspot below. If the sunspot flares, it could cause the entire structure to erupt. But so far, none of the flares has destabilized the filament.

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 489337main1_euvfilament-closeup-428
    › View larger
    › View full disk image
    A 400,000 km filament of magnetism stretches across the sun's southern hemisphere. Image credit NASA/SDO

    Holly Zell
    NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center

    Shared by Lightrock! (Thank You Allen!)

    There is a ridiculous now 500,000 mile magnetic ring ( they say ) intersecting a particular sunspot, it is very odd, there are more pictures of this on the net.

    And, recall earlier in the year there was the big hoopla that planet sized "ufo's" were very near the sun. Later someone was claiming their theory was correct, something about all stars have black holes in 'em or wormholes and that planet sized alien craft 'jump' through stars. - anyway, food for thought, that... the debunking of all that is ... not well debunked and very odd if you look it up now.

    Meanwhile, Houston we may have a problem. I don't recall ever seeing anything like this before...

    The 'Tractor Beams' are activated for the Logos Nexus Point of October 29th, 2010. This counts 150 days of a Shadow Flood, and as witnessed by many Gaian Observers around the Globe since March 24th, 2010 to the next nexus point of March 21st, 2011 and when Noah as ANY Man as 'Friend of GoddoG' able to 'hear' the call will begin to 'Build' hisher Ark on March 21st, 2011 at Spring Equinox 2011.


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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 10:57 am

    Whilst much of the language and semantics in this work is convoluted and many of the details are unneccessary; the general deeper thrust of the 'Apocryphon of John' is highly relevant for the cosmogenesis (as Jesus of Nazareth, as the incarnated World Logos realised and remembered). [6:10:55 PM] Tony Bermanseder: read the Apocryphon of John
    [6:11:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: got a link for me?
    [6:11:07 PM] Tony Bermanseder: we'll see
    [6:11:13 PM] Tony Bermanseder: wait
    [6:13:08 PM] Tony Bermanseder:
    [6:13:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: thanks
    [6:14:07 PM] Tony Bermanseder: i look for a passage
    [6:20:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: his is the first thought, his image; she became the womb of everything, for it is she who is prior to them all, the Mother-Father, the first man, the holy Spirit, the thrice-male, the thrice-powerful, the thrice-named androgynous one, and the eternal aeon among the invisible ones, and the first to come forth.
    [6:27:19 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes you for one should be able to decipher this
    [6:27:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is the christ
    [6:28:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: the perfect template
    [6:28:56 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes indeed and it leads to Adam see, called Pigeradamas, an older name for Adam Kadmon of Hebrew Kabbalah
    [6:29:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: when it talks about aeons and the 12 its refering to the dimensions of the universe?
    [6:29:16 PM] Tony Bermanseder: who is created by the 'evil archons' and then cannot stand up
    [6:29:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [6:29:26 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes and no
    [6:29:44 PM] Tony Bermanseder: recall the 9 Mayan timelords, same thing but becomes the 10 Principles
    [6:29:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok
    [6:30:16 PM] Tony Bermanseder: the whole symbolism in Daniel and Revelation derives from these symbols here.
    [6:30:36 PM] Tony Bermanseder: The curse of the Serpent in Eden as well.
    [6:30:51 PM] Tony Bermanseder: I put this on the forum btw
    [6:30:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: Yaldaboth
    [6:30:58 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes
    [6:31:02 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Jehovah
    [6:31:05 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Allah
    [6:31:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: the fake god
    [6:31:12 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes
    [6:31:17 PM] Tony Bermanseder: as the image
    [6:31:36 PM] Tony Bermanseder: not really false but false as is your own mirror image/shadow see
    [6:32:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [6:33:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: 'I am God and there is no other God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.
    [6:34:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: so when he said this, its basically talking about our ego self, who doesn't remember
    [6:34:41 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Indeed you are doing well
    [6:34:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: And the archons created seven powers for themselves, and the powers created for themselves six angels for each one until they became 365 angels.
    [6:35:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: 7 days of the week and 365 days of the year
    [6:35:29 PM] Tony Bermanseder: this stuff caused great division in the early Roman Catholic Church and resulted in the heretical persecutions of the Cathars, Bogomils etc.
    [6:35:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i can see why, wow
    [6:36:04 PM] Ishtara Raven: the last passage is the birth of time
    [6:36:53 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Yes, it more or less proved, that Jehovah was a fake and that the OT should be reinterpreted. Jesus then did this, in crystallizing the 'true God' as his Abba, meaning 'Dad' or something simple like that. [6:37:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: cool
    [6:39:54 PM] Tony Bermanseder: I am putting our discourse here on the forum as an intro
    [6:40:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok
    [6:41:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: And she was overcome by forgetfulness in the darkness of ignorance and she began to be ashamed. And she did not dare to return, but she was moving about. And the moving is the going to and fro.
    [6:41:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: us and gaia
    [6:41:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: overcome by forgetfulness
    [6:43:16 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Yes, this is Barbelo as the Consciousness of the entire Creation, the Universe's forgetfulness as a Mother of All see. This then is a mantle or ambassadoraship bestowed upon Gaia [6:43:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes. what is with all the names over all the body parts?
    [6:48:33 PM] Tony Bermanseder: good question, yes this is the stuff of detail you should not worry about. It relates to a mapping of something of the merkabah to every day of a solar year and such.
    [6:49:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: its interesting
    [6:49:14 PM] Tony Bermanseder: its so an early attempt to 'scientifically classify' an ancient taxonomy say
    [6:49:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah i see that
    [6:49:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: just wondering about the names, their roots being significant to anything today in say scientific nomenclature
    [6:50:17 PM] Tony Bermanseder: this is not central to the creation story. The centrality is the actual COSMOGONY, meaning Creation Story Before there was any material creation (like the Big Bang) see
    [6:50:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [6:50:42 PM] Tony Bermanseder: COSMOLOGY is relevant AFTER the COSMOGONY see.
    [6:50:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course
    [6:51:37 PM] Tony Bermanseder: So the apocryphon actually describes what happened before the 'Big Bang of Science' - if they just could see it; they could save millions in their 'experiments' to find out. [6:52:31 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes its talking about the forethought
    [6:53:27 PM] Tony Bermanseder: absolutely, the ORDERING principle of the third heaven-hell actually.
    [6:53:55 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Without space and time the forethought discovers itself as maleness in the femaleness of the Afterthought.
    [6:54:11 PM] Tony Bermanseder: This is superlatively profound and solves many many mysteries.
    [6:55:04 PM] Tony Bermanseder: The EVENT of the Before so evades any necessity for TIME in ordering the After as following the Before.
    [6:55:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: "But the blessed One, the Mother-Father, the beneficent and merciful One, had mercy on the power of the mother which had been brought forth out of the chief archon, for they (the archons) might gain power over the natural and perceptible body. And he sent, through his beneficent Spirit and his great mercy, a helper to Adam, luminous Epinoia which comes out of him, who is called Life. And she assists the whole creature, by toiling with him and by restoring him to his fullness and by teaching him about the descent of his seed (and) by teaching him about the way of ascent, (which is) the way he came down. And the luminous Epinoia was hidden in Adam, in order that the archons might not know her, but that the Epinoia might be a correction of the deficiency of the mother. [6:56:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: so the universe HAD to be formed so that Adam could know the way of his ascent
    [6:56:33 PM] Tony Bermanseder: beautifully stated
    [6:56:50 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Adam=Merkabah of the Manybodied Logos see
    [6:57:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: YES
    [6:57:24 PM] Tony Bermanseder: You are a good and aware acolyte today lol
    [6:57:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: "And the man came forth because of the shadow of the light which is in him.
    [6:57:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: the shadow of HIS light
    [6:58:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats what WE are
    [6:58:54 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Yes and so you are discovering how to decode and READ the ancient scolls. well done
    [6:59:13 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Gospel of Thomas stuff everywhere
    [6:59:15 PM] Ishtara Raven: LIFE is what awakens us
    [6:59:18 PM] Ishtara Raven: living
    [6:59:32 PM] Tony Bermanseder: The Perennial Philosophy of the Ancient Wisdom Keepers
    [6:59:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: But the Epinoia of the light which was in him, she is the one who was to awaken his thinking.
    [6:59:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: without life 'God' cannot wake up [7:00:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: And they brought him (Adam) into the shadow of death, in order that they might form (him) again from earth and water and fire and the spirit which originates in matter, which is the ignorance of darkness and desire, and their counterfeit spirit. This is the tomb of the newly-formed body with which the robbers had clothed the man, the bond of forgetfulness; and he became a mortal man. This is the first one who came down, and the first separation. But the Epinoia of the light which was in him, she is the one who was to awaken his thinking.
    [7:01:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: i notice the word COUNTERFEIT [7:01:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: if we don't wake up what sleeps within us, we die
    [7:03:10 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Yes and the GOT restates in Jesus saying, that that what you fail to bring out of yourself that failing will kill you; but if you bring forth what is hidden inside of you, this same thing will give you eternal life.
    [7:03:54 PM] Tony Bermanseder: So you see why I recommend anyone reading the GOT, to also read the 'Secret Book of John'.
    [7:04:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and i see it now. [7:05:58 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Can you see the new cosmic philosophy in that, eliminating the need for religions and 'holy books'?
    [7:06:33 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Its very simply the 'Self-realisation' of what 'God' and the 'Logos' are. [7:07:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes, no dogma, no BS
    [7:07:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: simple truth
    [7:07:47 PM] Tony Bermanseder: Indeed, just a human mind thinking 'out of the box' and eschewing the brainwashings and the social conditionings of history. Telling from the position of presumed 'authority' how things should be from the 'educated, aristocracy, royalty, government say to the general populance.
    [7:08:21 PM] Tony Bermanseder: This btw, then becomes the ET-Mind of perceiving nature and reality. [7:09:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: Now up to the present day, sexual intercourse continued due to the chief archon. And he planted sexual desire in her who belongs to Adam. And he produced through intercourse the copies of the bodies, and he inspired them with his counterfeit spirit.
    [7:10:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: hehe making copys, just like a holograms [7:11:26 PM] Tony Bermanseder: yes, but here the greater Logos steps in in the story of Bigmo's Balloon.
    [7:12:18 PM] Tony Bermanseder: The sexual desire becomes the 'tool' of Jehovh to keep Adam interested in Eve and vice versa 'forgetting' their mission of 'rescuing' the creator from his loneliness see - rather tricky!
    [7:12:52 PM] Tony Bermanseder: See the sexism in Eve BELONGING to ADAM and as the 'Rib from Man' thing of the inequality.
    [7:12:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i see that
    [7:13:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: it was a trick to manifest the manyness
    [7:13:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: create the vessels of mercy
    [7:13:30 PM] Tony Bermanseder: This entire mixup, which the Thuban data elucidated on Project Avalon to exhaustion. [7:15:59 PM] Tony Bermanseder: anyway I am pasting this onto the main forum now and stop the discourse to publish on the forum thanks for the excellent conversation here raven. [7:16:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yep, and i am going to finish reading and go to bed
    [7:17:15 PM] Tony Bermanseder: good night raven Amzara.
    [7:17:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: nn tonylove.

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty The Apocryphon of John

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:06 am

    The Nag Hammadi Library The Apocryphon of John
    (The Secret Book of John - The Secret Revelation of John)

    Translated by Frederik Wisse <blockquote>
    The Apocryphon of John is commonly referenced by two other names: The Secret Book of John and The Secret Revelation of John, depending upon how the word "Apocryphon" is translated. Their are four surviving Coptic manuscripts of this text: two shorter version found in the Berlin Codex; and Nag Hammadi Codex III, and two longer version, found in Nag Hammadi Codex II and IV. This translation prepared by Dr. Wisse for the Nag Hammadi Library in English uses all four manuscripts to produce a single text.
    Separate translations of the short and long version, along with extensive additional resources, are available in the Apocryphon of John Collection of the Gnostic Society Library.
    Visit the Apocryphon of John Collection for more information
    The teaching of the savior, and the revelation of the mysteries and the things hidden in silence, even these things which he taught John, his disciple.
    And it happened one day, when John, the brother of James - who are the sons of Zebedee - had come up to the temple, that a Pharisee named Arimanius approached him and said to him, "Where is your master whom you followed?" And he said to him, "He has gone to the place from which he came." The Pharisee said to him, "With deception did this Nazarene deceive you (pl.), and he filled your ears with lies, and closed your hearts (and) turned you from the traditions of your fathers."

    When I, John, heard these things I turned away from the temple to a desert place. And I grieved greatly in my heart, saying, "How then was the savior appointed, and why was he sent into the world by his Father, and who is his Father who sent him, and of what sort is that aeon to which we shall go? For what did he mean when he said to us, 'This aeon to which you will go is of the type of the imperishable aeon, but he did not teach us concerning the latter, of what sort it is."

    Straightway, while I was contemplating these things, behold, the heavens opened and the whole creation which is below heaven shone, and the world was shaken. I was afraid, and behold I saw in the light a youth who stood by me. While I looked at him, he became like an old man. And he changed his likeness (again), becoming like a servant. There was not a plurality before me, but there was a likeness with multiple forms in the light, and the likenesses appeared through each other, and the likeness had three forms.

    He said to me, "John, John, why do you doubt, or why are you afraid? You are not unfamiliar with this image, are you? - that is, do not be timid! - I am the one who is with you (pl.) always. I am the Father, I am the Mother, I am the Son. I am the undefiled and incorruptible one. Now I have come to teach you what is and what was and what will come to pass, that you may know the things which are not revealed and those which are revealed, and to teach you concerning the unwavering race of the perfect Man. Now, therefore, lift up your face, that you may receive the things that I shall teach you today, and may tell them to your fellow spirits who are from the unwavering race of the perfect Man."

    And I asked to know it, and he said to me, "The Monad is a monarchy with nothing above it. It is he who exists as God and Father of everything, the invisible One who is above everything, who exists as incorruption, which is in the pure light into which no eye can look.

    "He is the invisible Spirit, of whom it is not right to think of him as a god, or something similar. For he is more than a god, since there is nothing above him, for no one lords it over him. For he does not exist in something inferior to him, since everything exists in him. For it is he who establishes himself. He is eternal, since he does not need anything. For he is total perfection. He did not lack anything, that he might be completed by it; rather he is always completely perfect in light. He is illimitable, since there is no one prior to him to set limits to him. He is unsearchable, since there exists no one prior to him to examine him. He is immeasurable, since there was no one prior to him to measure him. He is invisible, since no one saw him. He is eternal, since he exists eternally. He is ineffable, since no one was able to comprehend him to speak about him. He is unnameable, since there is no one prior to him to give him a name.

    "He is immeasurable light, which is pure, holy (and) immaculate. He is ineffable, being perfect in incorruptibility. (He is) not in perfection, nor in blessedness, nor in divinity, but he is far superior. He is not corporeal nor is he incorporeal. He is neither large nor is he small. There is no way to say, 'What is his quantity?' or, 'What is his quality?', for no one can know him. He is not someone among (other) beings, rather he is far superior. Not that he is (simply) superior, but his essence does not partake in the aeons nor in time. For he who partakes in an aeon was prepared beforehand. Time was not apportioned to him, since he does not receive anything from another, for it would be received on loan. For he who precedes someone does not lack, that he may receive from him. For rather, it is the latter that looks expectantly at him in his light.

    "For the perfection is majestic. He is pure, immeasurable mind. He is an aeon-giving aeon. He is life-giving life. He is a blessedness-giving blessed one. He is knowledge-giving knowledge. He is goodness-giving goodness. He is mercy and redemption-giving mercy. He is grace-giving grace, not because he possesses it, but because he gives the immeasurable, incomprehensible light.

    "How am I to speak with you about him? His aeon is indestructible, at rest and existing in silence, reposing (and) being prior to everything. For he is the head of all the aeons, and it is he who gives them strength in his goodness. For we know not the ineffable things, and we do not understand what is immeasurable, except for him who came forth from him, namely (from) the Father. For it is he who told it to us alone. For it is he who looks at himself in his light which surrounds him, namely the spring of the water of life. And it is he who gives to all the aeons and in every way, (and) who gazes upon his image which he sees in the spring of the Spirit. It is he who puts his desire in his water-light which is in the spring of the pure light-water which surrounds him.

    "And his thought performed a deed and she came forth, namely she who had appeared before him in the shine of his light. This is the first power which was before all of them (and) which came forth from his mind, She is the forethought of the All - her light shines like his light - the perfect power which is the image of the invisible, virginal Spirit who is perfect. The first power, the glory of Barbelo, the perfect glory in the aeons, the glory of the revelation, she glorified the virginal Spirit and it was she who praised him, because thanks to him she had come forth. This is the first thought, his image; she became the womb of everything, for it is she who is prior to them all, the Mother-Father, the first man, the holy Spirit, the thrice-male, the thrice-powerful, the thrice-named androgynous one, and the eternal aeon among the invisible ones, and the first to come forth.

    " requested from the invisible, virginal Spirit - that is Barbelo - to give her foreknowledge. And the Spirit consented. And when he had consented, the foreknowledge came forth, and it stood by the forethought; it originates from the thought of the invisible, virginal Spirit. It glorified him and his perfect power, Barbelo, for it was for her sake that it had come into being.

    "And she requested again to grant her indestructibility, and he consented. When he had consented, indestructibility came forth, and it stood by the thought and the foreknowledge. It glorified the invisible One and Barbelo, the one for whose sake they had come into being.

    "And Barbelo requested to grant her eternal life. And the invisible Spirit consented. And when he had consented, eternal life came forth, and they attended and glorified the invisible Spirit and Barbelo, the one for whose sake they had come into being.

    "And she requested again to grant her truth. And the invisible Spirit consented. And when he had consented, truth came forth, and they attended and glorified the invisible, excellent Spirit and his Barbelo, the one for whose sake they had come into being.

    "This is the pentad of the aeons of the Father, which is the first man, the image of the invisible Spirit; it is the forethought, which Barbelo, and the thought, and the foreknowledge, and the indestructibility, and the eternal life, and the truth. This is the androgynous pentad of the aeons, which is the decad of the aeons, which is the Father.

    "And he looked at Barbelo with the pure light which surrounds the invisible Spirit, and (with) his spark, and she conceived from him. He begot a spark of light with a light resembling blessedness. But it does not equal his greatness. This was an only-begotten child of the Mother-Father which had come forth; it is the only offspring, the only-begotten one of the Father, the pure Light.

    "And the invisible, virginal Spirit rejoiced over the light which came forth, that which was brought forth first by the first power of his forethought, which is Barbelo. And he anointed it with his goodness until it became perfect, not lacking in any goodness, because he had anointed it with the goodness of the invisible Spirit. And it attended him as he poured upon it. And immediately when it had received from the Spirit, it glorified the holy Spirit and the perfect forethought, for whose sake it had come forth.

    "And it requested to give it a fellow worker, which is the mind, and he consented gladly. And when the invisible Spirit had consented, the mind came forth, and it attended Christ, glorifying him and Barbelo. And all these came into being in silence.

    "And the mind wanted to perform a deed through the word of the invisible Spirit. And his will became a deed and it appeared with the mind; and the light glorified it. And the word followed the will. For because of the word, Christ the divine Autogenes created everything. And the eternal life his will and the mind and the foreknowledge attended and glorified the invisible Spirit and Barbelo, for whose sake they had come into being.

    "And the holy Spirit completed the divine Autogenes, his son, together with Barbelo, that he may attend the mighty and invisible, virginal Spirit as the divine Autogenes, the Christ whom he had honored with a mighty voice. He came forth through the forethought. And the invisible, virginal Spirit placed the divine Autogenes of truth over everything. And he subjected to him every authority, and the truth which is in him, that he may know the All which had been called with a name exalted above every name. For that name will be mentioned to those who are worthy of it.

    "For from the light, which is the Christ, and the indestructibility, through the gift of the Spirit the four lights (appeared) from the divine Autogenes. He expected that they might attend him. And the three (are) will, thought, and life. And the four powers (are) understanding, grace, perception, and prudence. And grace belongs to the light-aeon Armozel, which is the first angel. And there are three other aeons with this aeon: grace, truth, and form. And the second light (is) Oriel, who has been placed over the second aeon. And there are three other aeons with him: conception, perception, and memory. And the third light is Daveithai, who has been placed over the third aeon. And there are three other aeons with him: understanding, love, and idea. And the fourth aeon was placed over the fourth light Eleleth. And there are three other aeons with him: perfection, peace, and wisdom. These are the four lights which attend the divine Autogenes, (and) these are the twelve aeons which attend the son of the mighty one, the Autogenes, the Christ, through the will and the gift of the invisible Spirit. And the twelve aeons belong to the son of the Autogenes. And all things were established by the will of the holy Spirit through the Autogenes.

    "And from the foreknowledge of the perfect mind, through the revelation of the will of the invisible Spirit and the will of the Autogenes, perfect Man (appeared), the first revelation, and the truth. It is he whom the virginal Spirit called Pigera-Adamas, and he placed him over the first aeon with the mighty one, the Autogenes, the Christ, by the first light Armozel; and with him are his powers. And the invisible one gave him a spiritual, invincible power. And he spoke and glorified and praised the invisible Spirit, saying, 'It is for thy sake that everything has come into being and everything will return to thee. I shall praise and glorify thee and the Autogenes and the aeons, the three: the Father, the Mother, and the Son, the perfect power.'

    "And he placed his son Seth over the second aeon in the presence of the second light Oriel. And in the third aeon the seed of Seth was placed over the third light Daveithai. And the souls of the saints were placed (there). And in the fourth aeon the souls were placed of those who do not know the Pleroma and who did not repent at once, but who persisted for a while and repented afterwards; they are by the fourth light Eleleth. These are creatures which glorify the invisible Spirit.

    "And the Sophia of the Epinoia, being an aeon, conceived a thought from herself and the conception of the invisible Spirit and foreknowledge. She wanted to bring forth a likeness out of herself without the consent of the Spirit, - he had not approved - and without her consort, and without his consideration. And though the person of her maleness had not approved, and she had not found her agreement, and she had thought without the consent of the Spirit and the knowledge of her agreement, (yet) she brought forth. And because of the invincible power which is in her, her thought did not remain idle, and something came out of her which was imperfect and different from her appearance, because she had created it without her consort. And it was dissimilar to the likeness of its mother, for it has another form.

    "And when she saw (the consequences of) her desire, it changed into a form of a lion-faced serpent. And its eyes were like lightning fires which flash. She cast it away from her, outside that place, that no one of the immortal ones might see it, for she had created it in ignorance. And she surrounded it with a luminous cloud, and she placed a throne in the middle of the cloud that no one might see it except the holy Spirit who is called the mother of the living. And she called his name Yaltabaoth.

    "This is the first archon who took a great power from his mother. And he removed himself from her and moved away from the places in which he was born. He became strong and created for himself other aeons with a flame of luminous fire which (still) exists now. And he joined with his arrogance which is in him and begot authorities for himself. The name of the first one is Athoth, whom the generations call the reaper. The second one is Harmas, who is the eye of envy. The third one is Kalila-Oumbri. The fourth one is Yabel. The fifth one is Adonaiou, who is called Sabaoth. The sixth one is Cain, whom the generations of men call the sun. The seventh is Abel. The eighth is Abrisene. The ninth is Yobel. The tenth is Armoupieel. The eleventh is Melceir-Adonein. The twelfth is Belias, it is he who is over the depth of Hades. And he placed seven kings - each corresponding to the firmaments of heaven - over the seven heavens, and five over the depth of the abyss, that they may reign. And he shared his fire with them, but he did not send forth from the power of the light which he had taken from his mother, for he is ignorant darkness.

    "And when the light had mixed with the darkness, it caused the darkness to shine. And when the darkness had mixed with the light, it darkened the light and it became neither light nor dark, but it became dim.

    "Now the archon who is weak has three names. The first name is Yaltabaoth, the second is Saklas, and the third is Samael. And he is impious in his arrogance which is in him. For he said, 'I am God and there is no other God beside me,' for he is ignorant of his strength, the place from which he had come.

    "And the archons created seven powers for themselves, and the powers created for themselves six angels for each one until they became 365 angels. And these are the bodies belonging with the names: the first is Athoth, a he has a sheep's face; the second is Eloaiou, he has a donkey's face; the third is Astaphaios, he has a hyena's face; the fourth is Yao, he has a serpent's face with seven heads; the fifth is Sabaoth, he has a dragon's face; the sixth is Adonin, he had a monkey's face; the seventh is Sabbede, he has a shining fire-face. This is the sevenness of the week.

    "But Yaltabaoth had a multitude of faces, more than all of them, so that he could put a face before all of them, according to his desire, when he is in the midst of seraphs. He shared his fire with them; therefore he became lord over them. Because of the power of the glory he possessed of his mother's light, he called himself God. And he did not obey the place from which he came. And he united the seven powers in his thought with the authorities which were with him. And when he spoke it happened. And he named each power beginning with the highest: the first is goodness with the first (authority), Athoth; the second is foreknowledge with the second one, Eloaio; and the third is divinity with the third one, Astraphaio); the fourth is lordship with the fourth one, Yao; the fifth is kingdom with the fifth one, Sabaoth; the sixth is envy with the sixth one, Adonein; the seventh is understanding with the seventh one, Sabbateon. And these have a firmament corresponding to each aeon-heaven. They were given names according to the glory which belongs to heaven for the destruction of the powers. And in the names which were given to them by their Originator there was power. But the names which were given them according to the glory which belongs to heaven mean for them destruction and powerlessness. Thus they have two names.

    "And having created [...] everything, he organized according to the model of the first aeons which had come into being, so that he might create them like the indestructible ones. Not because he had seen the indestructible ones, but the power in him, which he had taken from his mother, produced in him the likeness of the cosmos. And when he saw the creation which surrounds him, and the multitude of the angels around him which had come forth from him, he said to them, 'I am a jealous God, and there is no other God beside me.' But by announcing this he indicated to the angels who attended him that there exists another God. For if there were no other one, of whom would he be jealous?

    "Then the mother began to move to and fro. She became aware of the deficiency when the brightness of her light diminished. And she became dark because her consort had not agreed with her."

    And I said, "Lord, what does it mean that she moved to and fro?" But he smiled and said, "Do not think it is, as Moses said, 'above the waters.' No, but when she had seen the wickedness which had happened, and the theft which her son had committed, she repented. And she was overcome by forgetfulness in the darkness of ignorance and she began to be ashamed. And she did not dare to return, but she was moving about. And the moving is the going to and fro.

    "And the arrogant one took a power from his mother. For he was ignorant, thinking that there existed no other except his mother alone. And when he saw the multitude of the angels which he had created, then he exalted himself above them.

    "And when the mother recognized that the garment of darkness was imperfect, then she knew that her consort had not agreed with her. She repented with much weeping. And the whole pleroma heard the prayer of her repentance, and they praised on her behalf the invisible, virginal Spirit. And he consented; and when the invisible Spirit had consented, the holy Spirit poured over her from their whole pleroma. For it was not her consort who came to her, but he came to her through the pleroma in order that he might correct her deficiency. And she was taken up not to her own aeon but above her son, that she might be in the ninth until she has corrected her deficiency.

    "And a voice came forth from the exalted aeon-heaven: 'The Man exists and the son of Man.' And the chief archon, Yaltabaoth, heard (it) and thought that the voice had come from his mother. And he did not know from where it came. And he taught them, the holy and perfect Mother-Father, the complete foreknowledge, the image of the invisible one who is the Father of the all (and) through whom everything came into being, the first Man. For he revealed his likeness in a human form.

    "And the whole aeon of the chief archon trembled, and the foundations of the abyss shook. And of the waters which are above matter, the underside was illuminated by the appearance of his image which had been revealed. And when all the authorities and the chief archon looked, they saw the whole region of the underside which was illuminated. And through the light they saw the form of the image in the water. "And he said to the authorities which attend him, 'Come, let us create a man according to the image of God and according to our likeness, that his image may become a light for us.' And they created by means of their respective powers in correspondence with the characteristics which were given. And each authority supplied a characteristic in the form of the image which he had seen in its natural (form). He created a being according to the likeness of the first, perfect Man. And they said, 'Let us call him Adam, that his name may become a power of light for us.'

    "And the powers began: the first one, goodness, created a bone-soul; and the second, foreknowledge, created a sinew-soul; the third, divinity, created a flesh-soul; and the fourth, the lordship, created a marrow-soul; the fifth, kingdom created a blood-soul; the sixth, envy, created a skin-soul; the seventh, understanding, created a hair-soul. And the multitude of the angels attended him and they received from the powers the seven substances of the natural (form) in order to create the proportions of the limbs and the proportion of the rump and the proper working together of each of the parts.

    "The first one began to create the head. Eteraphaope-Abron created his head; Meniggesstroeth created the brain; Asterechme (created) the right eye; Thaspomocha, the left eye; Yeronumos, the right ear; Bissoum, the left ear; Akioreim, the nose; Banen-Ephroum, the lips; Amen, the teeth; Ibikan, the molars; Basiliademe, the tonsils; Achcha, the uvula; Adaban, the neck; Chaaman, the vertebrae; Dearcho, the throat; Tebar, the right shoulder; [...], the left shoulder; Mniarcon, the right elbow; [...], the left elbow; Abitrion, the right underarm; Evanthen, the left underarm; Krys, the right hand; Beluai, the left hand; Treneu, the fingers of the right hand; Balbel, the fingers of the left hand; Kriman, the nails of the hands; Astrops, the right breast; Barroph, the left breast; Baoum, the right shoulder joint; Ararim, the left shoulder joint; Areche, the belly; Phthave, the navel; Senaphim, the abdomen; Arachethopi, the right ribs; Zabedo, the left ribs; Barias, the right hip; Phnouth the left hip; Abenlenarchei, the marrow; Chnoumeninorin, the bones; Gesole, the stomach; Agromauna, the heart; Bano, the lungs; Sostrapal, the liver; Anesimalar, the spleen; Thopithro, the intestines; Biblo, the kidneys; Roeror, the sinews; Taphreo, the spine of the body; Ipouspoboba, the veins; Bineborin, the arteries; Atoimenpsephei, theirs are the breaths which are in all the limbs; Entholleia, all the flesh; Bedouk, the right buttock (?); Arabeei, the left penis; Eilo, the testicles; Sorma, the genitals; Gorma-Kaiochlabar, the right thigh; Nebrith, the left thigh; Pserem, the kidneys of the right leg; Asaklas, the left kidney; Ormaoth, the right leg; Emenun, the left leg; Knyx, the right shin-bone; Tupelon, the left shin-bone; Achiel, the right knee; Phnene, the left knee; Phiouthrom, the right foot; Boabel, its toes; Trachoun, the left foot; Phikna, its toes; Miamai, the nails of the feet; Labernioum

    - . "And those who were appointed over all of these are: Zathoth, Armas, Kalila, Jabel, (Sabaoth, Cain, Abel). And those who are particularly active in the limbs (are) the head Diolimodraza, the neck Yammeax, the right shoulder Yakouib, the left shoulder Verton, the right hand Oudidi, the left one Arbao, the fingers of the right hand Lampno, the fingers of the left hand Leekaphar, the right breast Barbar, the left breast Imae, the chest Pisandriaptes, the right shoulder joint Koade, the left shoulder joint Odeor, the right ribs Asphixix, the left ribs Synogchouta, the belly Arouph, the womb Sabalo, the right thigh Charcharb, the left thigh Chthaon, all the genitals Bathinoth, the right leg Choux, the left leg Charcha, the right shin-bone Aroer, the left shin-bone Toechtha, the right knee Aol, the left knee Charaner, the right foot Bastan, its toes Archentechtha, the left foot Marephnounth, its toes Abrana.

    "Seven have power over all of these: Michael, Ouriel, Asmenedas, Saphasatoel, Aarmouriam, Richram, Amiorps. And the ones who are in charge over the senses (are) Archendekta; and he who is in charge over the receptions (is) Deitharbathas; and he who is in charge over the imagination (is) Oummaa; and he who is over the composition Aachiaram, and he who is over the whole impulse Riaramnacho.

    "And the origin of the demons which are in the whole body is determined to be four: heat, cold, wetness, and dryness. And the mother of all of them is matter. And he who reigns over the heat (is) Phloxopha; and he who reigns over the cold is Oroorrothos; and he who reigns over what is dry (is) Erimacho; and he who reigns over the wetness (is) Athuro. And the mother of all of these, Onorthochrasaei, stands in their midst, since she is illimitable, and she mixes with all of them. And she is truly matter, for they are nourished by her.

    "The four chief demons are: Ephememphi, who belongs to pleasure, Yoko, who belongs to desire, Nenentophni, who belongs to grief, Blaomen, who belongs to fear. And the mother of them all is Aesthesis-Ouch-Epi-Ptoe. And from the four demons passions came forth. And from grief (came) envy, jealousy, distress, trouble, pain, callousness, anxiety, mourning, etc. And from pleasure much wickedness arises, and empty pride, and similar things. And from desire (comes) anger, wrath, and bitterness, and bitter passion, and unsatedness, and similar things. And from fear (comes) dread, fawning, agony, and shame. All of these are like useful things as well as evil things. But the insight into their true (character) is Anaro, who is the head of the material soul, for it belongs with the seven senses, Ouch-Epi-Ptoe.

    "This is the number of the angels: together they are 365. They all worked on it until, limb for limb, the natural and the material body was completed by them. Now there are other ones in charge over the remaining passions whom I did not mention to you. But if you wish to know them, it is written in the book of Zoroaster. And all the angels and demons worked until they had constructed the natural body. And their product was completely inactive and motionless for a long time.

    "And when the mother wanted to retrieve the power which she had given to the chief archon, she petitioned the Mother-Father of the All, who is most merciful. He sent, by means of the holy decree, the five lights down upon the place of the angels of the chief archon. They advised him that they should bring forth the power of the mother. And they said to Yaltabaoth, 'Blow into his face something of your spirit and his body will arise.' And he blew into his face the spirit which is the power of his mother; he did not know (this), for he exists in ignorance. And the power of the mother went out of Yaltabaoth into the natural body, which they had fashioned after the image of the one who exists from the beginning. The body moved and gained strength, and it was luminous.

    "And in that moment the rest of the powers became jealous, because he had come into being through all of them and they had given their power to the man, and his intelligence was greater than that of those who had made him, and greater than that of the chief archon. And when they recognized that he was luminous, and that he could think better than they, and that he was free from wickedness, they took him and threw him into the lowest region of all matter.

    "But the blessed One, the Mother-Father, the beneficent and merciful One, had mercy on the power of the mother which had been brought forth out of the chief archon, for they (the archons) might gain power over the natural and perceptible body. And he sent, through his beneficent Spirit and his great mercy, a helper to Adam, luminous Epinoia which comes out of him, who is called Life. And she assists the whole creature, by toiling with him and by restoring him to his fullness and by teaching him about the descent of his seed (and) by teaching him about the way of ascent, (which is) the way he came down. And the luminous Epinoia was hidden in Adam, in order that the archons might not know her, but that the Epinoia might be a correction of the deficiency of the mother.

    "And the man came forth because of the shadow of the light which is in him. And his thinking was superior to all those who had made him. When they looked up, they saw that his thinking was superior. And they took counsel with the whole array of archons and angels. They took fire and earth and water and mixed them together with the four fiery winds. And they wrought them together and caused a great disturbance. And they brought him (Adam) into the shadow of death, in order that they might form (him) again from earth and water and fire and the spirit which originates in matter, which is the ignorance of darkness and desire, and their counterfeit spirit. This is the tomb of the newly-formed body with which the robbers had clothed the man, the bond of forgetfulness; and he became a mortal man. This is the first one who came down, and the first separation. But the Epinoia of the light which was in him, she is the one who was to awaken his thinking.

    "And the archons took him and placed him in paradise. And they said to him, 'Eat, that is at leisure,' for their luxury is bitter and their beauty is depraved. And their luxury is deception and their trees are godlessness and their fruit is deadly poison and their promise is death. And the tree of their life they had placed in the midst of paradise.

    "And I shall teach you (pl.) what is the mystery of their life, which is the plan which they made together, which is the likeness of their spirit. The root of this (tree) is bitter and its branches are death, its shadow is hate and deception is in its leaves, and its blossom is the ointment of evil, and its fruit is death and desire is its seed, and it sprouts in darkness. The dwelling place of those who taste from it is Hades, and the darkness is their place of rest.

    "But what they call the tree of knowledge of good and evil, which is the Epinoia of the light, they stayed in front of it in order that he (Adam) might not look up to his fullness and recognize the nakedness of his shamefulness. But it was I who brought about that they ate."

    And to I said to the savior, "Lord, was it not the serpent that taught Adam to eat?" The savior smiled and said, "The serpent taught them to eat from wickedness of begetting, lust, (and) destruction, that he (Adam) might be useful to him. And he (Adam) knew that he was disobedient to him (the chief archon) due to light of the Epinoia which is in him, which made him more correct in his thinking than the chief archon. And (the latter) wanted to bring about the power which he himself had given him. And he brought a forgetfulness over Adam."

    And I said to the savior, "What is the forgetfulness?" And he said "It is not the way Moses wrote (and) you heard. For he said in his first book, 'He put him to sleep' (Gn 2:21), but (it was) in his perception. For also he said through the prophet, 'I will make their hearts heavy, that they may not pay attention and may not see' (Is 6:10).

    "Then the Epinoia of the light hid herself in him (Adam). And the chief archon wanted to bring her out of his rib. But the Epinoia of the light cannot be grasped. Although darkness pursued her, it did not catch her. And he brought a part of his power out of him. And he made another creature, in the form of a woman, according to the likeness of the Epinoia which had appeared to him. And he brought the part which he had taken from the power of the man into the female creature, and not as Moses said, 'his rib-bone.'

    "And he (Adam) saw the woman beside him. And in that moment the luminous Epinoia appeared, and she lifted the veil which lay over his mind. And he became sober from the drunkenness of darkness. And he recognized his counter-image, and he said, 'This is indeed bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh.' Therefore the man will leave his father and his mother, and he will cleave to his wife, and they will both be one flesh. For they will send him his consort, and he will leave his father and his mother ... (3 lines unreadable)

    "And our sister Sophia (is) she who came down in innocence in order to rectify her deficiency. Therefore she was called Life, which is the mother of the living, by the foreknowledge of the sovereignty of heaven. And through her they have tasted the perfect Knowledge. I appeared in the form of an eagle on the tree of knowledge, which is the Epinoia from the foreknowledge of the pure light, that I might teach them and awaken them out of the depth of sleep. For they were both in a fallen state, and they recognized their nakedness. The Epinoia appeared to them as a light; she awakened their thinking.

    "And when Yaltabaoth noticed that they withdrew from him, he cursed his earth. He found the woman as she was preparing herself for her husband. He was lord over her, though he did not know the mystery which had come to pass through the holy decree. And they were afraid to blame him. And he showed his angels his ignorance which is in him. And he cast them out of paradise and he clothed them in gloomy darkness. And the chief archon saw the virgin who stood by Adam, and that the luminous Epinoia of life had appeared in her. And Yaltabaoth was full of ignorance. And when the foreknowledge of the All noticed (it), she sent some and they snatched life out of Eve.

    "And the chief archon seduced her and he begot in her two sons; the first and the second (are) Eloim and Yave. Eloim has a bear-face and Yave has a cat-face. The one is righteous but the other is unrighteous. (Yave is righteous but Eloim is unrighteous.) Yave he set over the fire and the wind, and Eloim he set over the water and the earth. And these he called with the names Cain and Abel with a view to deceive.

    "Now up to the present day, sexual intercourse continued due to the chief archon. And he planted sexual desire in her who belongs to Adam. And he produced through intercourse the copies of the bodies, and he inspired them with his counterfeit spirit.

    "And the two archons he set over principalities, so that they might rule over the tomb. And when Adam recognized the likeness of his own foreknowledge, he begot the likeness of the son of man. He called him Seth, according to the way of the race in the aeons. Likewise, the mother also sent down her spirit, which is in her likeness and a copy of those who are in the pleroma, for she will prepare a dwelling place for the aeons which will come down. And he made them drink water of forgetfulness, from the chief archon, in order that they might not know from where they came. Thus, the seed remained for a while assisting (him), in order that, when the Spirit comes forth from the holy aeons, he may raise up and heal him from the deficiency, that the whole pleroma may (again) become holy and faultless."

    And I said to the savior, "Lord, will all the souls then be brought safely into the pure light?" He answered and said to me, "Great things have arisen in your mind, for it is difficult to explain them to others except to those who are from the immovable race. Those on whom the Spirit of life will descend and (with whom) he will be with the power, they will be saved and become perfect and be worthy of the greatness and be purified in that place from all wickedness and the involvements in evil. Then they have no other care than the incorruption alone, to which they direct their attention from here on, without anger or envy or jealousy or desire and greed of anything. They are not affected by anything except the state of being in the flesh alone, which they bear while looking expectantly for the time when they will be met by the receivers (of the body). Such then are worthy of the imperishable, eternal life and the calling. For they endure everything and bear up under everything, that they may finish the good fight and inherit eternal life."

    I said to him, "Lord, the souls of those who did not do these works (but) on whom the power and Spirit descended, (will they be rejected?" He answered and said to me, "If) the Spirit (descended upon them), they will in any case be saved, and they will change (for the better). For the power will descend on every man, for without it no one can stand. And after they are born, then, when the Spirit of life increases and the power comes and strengthens that soul, no one can lead it astray with works of evil. But those on whom the counterfeit spirit descends are drawn by him and they go astray."

    And I said, "Lord, where will the souls of these go when they have come out of their flesh?" And he smiled and said to me, "The soul in which the power will become stronger than the counterfeit spirit, is strong and it flees from evil and, through the intervention of the incorruptible one, it is saved, and it is taken up to the rest of the aeons."

    And I said, "Lord, those, however, who have not known to whom they belong, where will their souls be?" And he said to me, "In those, the despicable spirit has gained strength when they went astray. And he burdens the soul and draws it to the works of evil, and he casts it down into forgetfulness. And after it comes out of (the body), it is handed over to the authorities, who came into being through the archon, and they bind it with chains and cast it into prison, and consort with it until it is liberated from the forgetfulness and acquires knowledge. And if thus it becomes perfect, it is saved."

    And I said, "Lord, how can the soul become smaller and return into the nature of its mother or into man?" Then he rejoiced when I asked him this, and he said to me, "Truly, you are blessed, for you have understood! That soul is made to follow another one (fem.), since the Spirit of life is in it. It is saved through him. It is not again cast into another flesh."

    And I said, "Lord, these also who did not know, but have turned away, where will their souls go?" Then he said to me, "To that place where the angels of poverty go they will be taken, the place where there is no repentance. And they will be kept for the day on which those who have blasphemed the spirit will be tortured, and they will be punished with eternal punishment."

    And I said, "Lord, from where did the counterfeit spirit come?" Then he said to me, "The Mother-Father, who is rich in mercy, the holy Spirit in every way, the One who is merciful and who sympathizes with you (pl.), i.e., the Epinoia of the foreknowledge of light, he raised up the offspring of the perfect race and its thinking and the eternal light of man. When the chief archon realized that they were exalted above him in the height - and they surpass him in thinking - then he wanted to seize their thought, not knowing that they surpassed him in thinking, and that he will not be able to seize them.

    "He made a plan with his authorities, which are his powers, and they committed together adultery with Sophia, and bitter fate was begotten through them, which is the last of the changeable bonds. And it is of a sort that is interchangeable. And it is harder and stronger than she with whom the gods united, and the angels and the demons and all the generations until this day. For from that fate came forth every sin and injustice and blasphemy, and the chain of forgetfulness and ignorance and every severe command, and serious sins and great fears. And thus the whole creation was made blind, in order that they may not know God, who is above all of them. And because of the chain of forgetfulness, their sins were hidden. For they are bound with measures and times and moments, since it (fate) is lord over everything.

    "And he (the chief archon) repented for everything which had come into being through him. This time he planned to bring a flood upon the work of man. But the greatness of the light of the foreknowledge informed Noah, and he proclaimed (it) to all the offspring which are the sons of men. But those who were strangers to him did not listen to him. It is not as Moses said, 'They hid themselves in an ark' (Gn 7: 7), but they hid themselves in a place, not only Noah, but also many other people from the immovable race. They went into a place and hid themselves in a luminous cloud. And he (Noah) recognized his authority, and she who belongs to the light was with him, having shone on them because he (the chief archon) had brought darkness upon the whole earth.

    "And he made a plan with his powers. He sent his angels to the daughters of men, that they might take some of them for themselves and raise offspring for their enjoyment. And at first they did not succeed. When they had no success, they gathered together again and they made a plan together. They created a counterfeit spirit, who resembles the Spirit who had descended, so as to pollute the souls through it. And the angels changed themselves in their likeness into the likeness of their mates (the daughters of men), filling them with the spirit of darkness, which they had mixed for them, and with evil. They brought gold and silver and a gift and copper and iron and metal and all kinds of things. And they steered the people who had followed them into great troubles, by leading them astray with many deceptions. They (the people) became old without having enjoyment. They died, not having found truth and without knowing the God of truth. And thus the whole creation became enslaved forever, from the foundation of the world until now. And they took women and begot children out of the darkness according to the likeness of their spirit. And they closed their hearts, and they hardened themselves through the hardness of the counterfeit spirit until now.

    "I, therefore, the perfect Pronoia of the all, changed myself into my seed, for I existed first, going on every road. For I am the richness of the light; I am the remembrance of the pleroma.

    "And I went into the realm of darkness and I endured till I entered the middle of the prison. And the foundations of chaos shook. And I hid myself from them because of their wickedness, and they did not recognize me.

    "Again I returned for the second time, and I went about. I came forth from those who belong to the light, which is I, the remembrance of the Pronoia. I entered into the midst of darkness and the inside of Hades, since I was seeking (to accomplish) my task. And the foundations of chaos shook, that they might fall down upon those who are in chaos and might destroy them. And again I ran up to my root of light, lest they be destroyed before the time.

    "Still for a third time I went - I am the light which exists in the light, I am the remembrance of the Pronoia - that I might enter into the midst of darkness and the inside of Hades. And I filled my face with the light of the completion of their aeon. And I entered into the midst of their prison, which is the prison of the body. And I said, 'He who hears, let him get up from the deep sleep.' And he wept and shed tears. Bitter tears he wiped from himself and he said, 'Who is it that calls my name, and from where has this hope come to me, while I am in the chains of the prison?' And I said, 'I am the Pronoia of the pure light; I am the thinking of the virginal Spirit, who raised you up to the honored place. Arise and remember that it is you who hearkened, and follow your root, which is I, the merciful one, and guard yourself against the angels of poverty and the demons of chaos and all those who ensnare you, and beware of the deep sleep and the enclosure of the inside of Hades.
    "And I raised him up, and sealed him in the light of the water with five seals, in order that death might not have power over him from this time on.

    "And behold, now I shall go up to the perfect aeon. I have completed everything for you in your hearing. And I have said everything to you that you might write them down and give them secretly to your fellow spirits, for this is the mystery of the immovable race."

    And the savior presented these things to him that he might write them down and keep them secure. And he said to him, "Cursed be everyone who will exchange these things for a gift or for food or for drink or for clothing or for any other such thing." And these things were presented to him in a mystery, and immediately he disappeared from him. And he went to his fellow disciples and related to them what the savior had told him.

    Jesus Christ, Amen.</blockquote>

    The Apocryphon According to John Selection made from James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition. HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1990.

    | Nag Hammadi Library | Gnostic Society Library | Gnosis Archive |

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Diviner's Prayer to the Gods of the Night

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:23 am

    Diviner's Prayer to the Gods of the Night

    Transcription based on the transliteration of the SEAL project (manuscript A). Translation as per SEAL project.
    In the translation, italics signify uncertainty. Lines 17-20 contain Babylonian names of constellations. Listen to the recording


    pullulū rubû


    wašrū sikkūrū šīrētum šaknā


    habrātum nišū šaqummā


    petûtum uddulū bābū


    The princes are closely guarded,

    The bolts are lowered, rings set in place.

    The noisy people are fallen silent,

    Gates (once) opened are locked.


    ilī mātim ištarāt mātim


    šamaš sîn adad u ištar
    īterbū ana utul šamê
    8 ul idinnū dīnam ul iparrasū awâtim


    The gods of the land, goddesses of the land,


    Šamaš, Sîn, Adad and Ištar
    7 Have gone off into the "lap of heaven".
    8 They will give no judgment, they will decide no cases.
    pussumat mušītim
    ekallum šaḫurša kummu adrū
    9 Veiled is the night.
    10 The palace, its chapel, (and) sanctuary are dark.
    ālik urhim ilam išassi u ša dīnim ušteberre šittam
    dayyān kīnātim abi ekiātim
    šamaš īterub ana kummišu
    11 The wayfarer calls out to the god, the petitioner keeps on sleeping.
    12 The judge of justice, father of the destitute,
    Šamaš, has gone into his sanctuary.
    rabûtum ilī mušītim
    15 (line not read: nawrum girra)
    16 qurādum erra
    17 qaštum nīrum
    18 šitaddarum mušḫuššum
    19 eriqqum enzum
    20 kusarikkum bašmum
    21 lizzi<z>ūma
    14 (May) the great gods of the night,
    15 brilliant Girra,
    16 warrior Erra,
    17 the "Bow", the "Yoke",
    18 Orion, the "Dragon",
    19 the "Wagon", the "She-Goat",
    20 the "Bison", the "Horned Serpent",
    21 stand by!
    ina têrti eppušu
    ina puḫād akarrabu
    kittam šuknān
    22 In the extispicy which I am performing,
    23 In the lamb which I am offering,
    24 place for me the truth!

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Incantation for Dog Bite (GoddoG)

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:26 am

    Incantation for Dog Bite

    Transcription based on the transliteration of the SEAL project, where ref. to the Editio Princeps may be found. Translation as per SEAL project.

    Listen to the recording

    urruk birkīšu
    2 aruh lasāmam
    3 ī bubūtam
    4 etnuš akālam
    5 ina šinnīšu
    6 e’il nīlšu
    7 ašar iššuku
    8 mārāšu
    9 izzib
    1 Long-kneed,
    2 Swift-running,
    3 Short of victuals,
    4 Lacking in food.
    5 In his teeth
    6 He carries his semen.
    7 Wherever he has bitten
    8-9 He leaves his offspring.

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty The Epic of Gilgamesh

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:32 am

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Noah%27s+Flood+Dore+1 Here in the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh we see the archetypes for Noah's flood.The Epic of Gilgameš, Standard Version, Tablet XI

    With the kind permission of Professor A. R. George, the translation below is taken from his work The Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic (Oxford, 2003), with minor modifications. The transcription is based on the transliteration in the same work.

    Listen to the recording
    1 gilgameš ana šâšumma izakkara ana ūta-napištim rūqi
    1 Gilgamesh spoke to him, to Ūta-napišti the Far-Away:
    2 anaṭṭalakkumma ūta-napišti
    3 minâtūka ul šanâ kī yâtimma atta
    4 u atta ul šanâta kī yâtimma atta
    5 "As I look at you, Ūta-napišti,
    6 Your form is no different, you are just like me,
    7 You are not different at all, you are just like me.
    5 gummurka libbī ana epēš tuqunti
    6 [x]x ahī nadât elu ṣērīka
    7 [att]a kīkī tazziz ina puhur ilāni balāṭa teš'u
    2 I was fully intent on doing battle with you,
    3 [but] in your presence my hand is stayed.
    4 How was it that you attended the gods' assembly, and found eternal life?"
    8 ūta-napišti ana šâšumma izakkara ana gilgameš
    8 Ūta-napišti spoke to him, to Gilgamesh:
    9 lupteka gilgameš amāt niṣirti
    10 u pirišti ša ilāni kâša luqbika
    9 "I will disclose to you, Gilgamesh, a secret matter,
    10 and I will tell you a mystery of the gods.
    11 šurippak ālu ša tīdûšu atta
    12 ā[lu ša ina kišā]d puratti šaknu
    13 [āl]u šū labirma ilāni qerbuššu
    14 [an]a šakān abūbi ubla libbašunu ilāni rabûti
    11 "The city of Shuruppak — a city you yourself know,
    12 the [city that] is situated on the [banks] of the Euphrates —
    13 that city was old and the gods were inside it,
    14 (when) the great gods decided to cause the Deluge.
    15 [it]māma abūšunu anum
    16 mālikšunu qurādu enlil
    17 [g]uzallâšunu ninurta
    18 gugallâšunu ennugi
    15 "Their father Anu took the oath,
    16 (as did) their counsellor, the hero Enlil,
    17 their chamberlain, Ninurta,
    18 their inspector of waterways, Ennugi
    19 ninšiku ea ittišunu tamīma
    20 amāssunu ušannâ ana kikkišu
    19 "Prince Ea was likewise under oath with them,
    20 (but) repeated their words to a reed fence:
    continued here:

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Scientist "DeBunks" 2012 Timeline?!?

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:37 am

    Tonyblue - Posted 3 Hours Ago

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 17-25

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 17-25
    Inanna Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Scientist "DeBunks" 2012 Timeline ?!?
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Inanna Today at 10:22 pm

    End of the Earth Postponed

    Stephanie Pappas
    LiveScience Senior Writer Stephanie Pappas
    livescience Senior Writer – Tue Oct 19, 7:35 am ET

    It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already.

    A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)

    The Mayan calendar was converted to today's Gregorian calendar using a calculation called the GMT constant, named for the last initials of three early Mayanist researchers. Much of the work emphasized dates recovered from colonial documents that were written in the Mayan language in the Latin alphabet, according to the chapter's author, Gerardo Aldana, University of California, Santa Barbara professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies.

    Later, the GMT constant was bolstered by American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, who used data in the Dresden Codex Venus Table, a Mayan calendar and almanac that charts dates relative to the movements of Venus.

    "He took the position that his work removed the last obstacle to fully accepting the GMT constant," Aldana said in a statement. "Others took his work even further, suggesting that he had proven the GMT constant to be correct."

    But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable.

    "If the Venus Table cannot be used to prove the FMT as Lounsbury suggests, its acceptance depends on the reliability of the corroborating data," he said. That historical data, he said, is less reliable than the Table itself, causing the argument for the GMT constant to fall "like a stack of cards."

    Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes.

    * 10 Failed Doomsday Predictions
    * Earth in the Balance: 7 Crucial Tipping Points
    * Top 10 Ways to Destroy Earth

    * Original Story: End of the Earth Postponed chronicles the daily advances and innovations made in science and technology. We take on the misconceptions that often pop up around scientific discoveries and deliver short, provocative explanations with a certain wit and style. Check out our science videos, Trivia & Quizzes and Top 10s. Join our community to debate hot-button issues like stem cells, climate change and evolution. You can also sign up for free newsletters, register for RSS feeds and get cool gadgets at the LiveScience Store

    i'm sure Susan and Tony will be able to CLEAR UP this "confusion" ... i don't have the timeline data or the process INTERNALIZED enough to do that myself ... but i do trust their ability to "decode the symbols." they have been "AT THIS" a good long time now, and this is probably only the LATEST in a series of "debunkers" they've come across. so, i'll CHECK BACK later and HOPEFULLY find their comments and clarification.

    Good Wednesday, Dragon Family ! Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 794716


    Inanna Kali

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Earth-28-june
    Heaven is as much under our feet as above our heads

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider EmptyDidymos
    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 8-90

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider 8-90
    Didymos Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Scientist "DeBunks" 2012 Timeline ?!?

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Didymos Today at 11:44 pm
    Sure Nanna Bobbi!

    First of all look at this excerpt of the skeptics publication.

    "Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes."

    The first sentence clearly admits that the skeptics have no alternative and dont know and the second sentence shows the motive of publishing this 'doubtfulness' i a clear derogative or 'hostile' statement of their one might say 'subconscious fear' that the GMT date might be correct and that 'they' will have the egg, they wish to throw at the proponents faces on their own faces.

    Now I do NOT follow the Mayan calendar to attain the December 21st, 2012. I know that this date is the commonly accepted one and I also know that the approximate 2012 data also is in the Great Pyramid encoding (following the 'Great Step' into the King's Chamber there).

    I get the December 21st, 2012 date from the Book of Revelation, having decoded the timeline of the Logos put there in a first implementation from 24AD-32AD.

    In other words, as Jesus of Nazareth remembered himself as Logos or the Word of God in incarnation, he applied his mission to the double Dragon-Serpent prophecy in the Book of Isaiah and worked out this timeline from December 8th, 24 AD to April 1st, 32 AD.

    Jesus then commissioned John in Revelation.10 to retrace his own timeline and put the codes into the Book of Revelation to become deciphered when the Logos saw fit - meaning when the 'Father' told Jesus the 'Days' (who no man knows but the Father remember). Nowhere does it say, that the father will not tell Jesus the 'Days' so the scriptures and prophjecies could be fulfilled.

    So knowing the Logos timeline as indicated allows you to determine the halfway point.
    This halfway point, where the two mirrors of the witnesses (say Moses and Elijah or Noah and Abraham or whatever archetype you choose as those) reflect each other is August 4th, 2008.

    So now it is said in Isaiah and Revelation that God is calling the world and the people through his prophets and they will not listen. So God begins the 'tread his winepress' alone with his few faithful servants.
    This winepress is WITHOUT the 'Holy City' and is being measured as 1600 'furlongs' or days. So there are 1600 days from the central mirror to the time the 'winepress work' is finished.

    Add 1600 days to August 4th, 2008 and you get December 21st, 2012.

    So the world indeed does NOT end on that date; but something else does end; namely the 'wrath of God' stamping his winepress OUTSIDE his 'sanctuary', who his witnesses 'measure' in Revelation.11.
    So time will continue as normal, but something will be born in the 'Flowing of the New Wine' from the processed winepress.

    19And the angel thrust in his sickle into the earth, and gathered the vine of the earth, and cast it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
    20And the winepress was trodden without the city, and blood came out of the winepress, even unto the horse bridles, by the space of a thousand and six hundred furlongs.

    1And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship therein.
    2But the court which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months.
    3And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth.
    4These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth.
    5And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.

    Then later on in Revelation.21 the INSIDE City the New Jerusalem is being measured similarly by the Angel=Man as 12,000 furlongs or encoded days.
    Now you can work out the proportion and who this 'Holy City' is see.
    Because 1,600/12,000=16/120=8/60=4/30=2/15=1/7.5.

    So the Speed of Light is 300,000 km per second and the circumference of the earth is 40,000 km and so the 7.5 is the FREQUENCY or the Schumann Resonance of Gaia with a pulse of light running around the earth 7.5 times in one second.
    So then the WITHOUT is the 'Gentile Old World' of the 'Unsealed' and the WITHIN becomes the 'New World' of the Sealed according to the encodings.

    Of course the 'Gentiles' of old are the non-Jews whic have become swallowed up as ALL HUMANS as now the 12 Tribes as 12 apostles as 12 Starsigns include everybody.

    So the 'CHOOSING' is a selfchoosing in proportion to the many, which will prefer to wait and watch the unfoldments, instead of participarting in KNOWING what they are and what the Logos plan represents.
    There are no 'teacher's pets'; but some will be the dominos erected first, so others can have a physical crutch to lean on and something they can see and relate to from the old world's perspective.
    This is what the Thuban family is supposed to become; the pioneering dominoes and anchors which can withstand the 'attacks of the beasts and demons and devils' from the 'Outside' see.

    It is not you or xeia or raven or me who define this but the Logos.

    Anyway the Book of Revelation continues past Revelation.14.19-20 and so there will be continuance past December 21st, 2012.

    Susan's work has helped to ascertain that according to the Mayan calendar, there will be an additional 360 days where the Book of revelation will come to an end, including the 'Seven Last Plagues', the Fall of the Whore of Babylon and Armageddon=Dragon Made in say Revelation.19-20; followed by the 'Millennium=Day of the Lord' and the 'Judgement' of the False Images in the 'last battle' over Gog and Magog, meaning the symmetry between Man and Wo-Man and the God and the Dog.

    And then the New Jerusalem, the City of the Light in the sky will descend, having been measured before as being the image of the Mother earth as say a Mother Starship so 2000 miles across (measurements are in Ezekiel and in Revelation).

    I dont know many details about this though, except what I can decipher from the scriptures.

    14And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
    15And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.
    16And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.
    17And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

    Generally though; the Mayan Dresden Codex about Venus, mentioned in your post; is far more potent than either the skeptics or the Mayanists can fathom at the moment.
    This is because the Maya Supernumber there, accomodating all of their calendars and tzokin calculations is itself a nuber from the Genesis Algorithm, which created the Universe in archetypes and mathematical parameters.

    This number is 136650 and derives from the Serpent Log 266561 in adding the tail to the hed and beginnin g the new head with the old tail.
    So adding 1 to 2 is 3, but starting with the 1 changes the 2 in 266561 to 13, but leaves the middle 4 numbers of 6656 intact.

    This thing noone knows, except the ones who read the Thuban data stream messages.

    Tonyblue TRW=61=38+23=AlphaOmega (W=Omega and 38=Alpha=Bride)

    Now where are the Brides lol. Can you understand now WHY Jesus says, that Females CANT enter the kingdom and WHY the Logos Pioneers will have a hard time to become as such?

    Can you understand that understanding the Story will make you SEALED and One of those WITNESSES in being able to leave Old Eve behing as EveAdam and so able to ENTER?!

    I Am One In Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of Thubanite Metamorphosis of the Old Human Catapillar into a New StarHuman Butterfly

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:51 am

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of Thubananite Metamorphosis of the Old Human Caterpillar into a New StarHuman Butterfly

    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Dragon11

    The Archetyped CosmoGenesis of Thuban

    The Thuban Family is based on the script of the World Logos, composed in the form of elementary archetypes and including those of the Recreation of an Older World or Universe in a Newer One and as encoded in the symbolic story of Noah's Flood.

    The Logos Family then becomes the 'Family in the Ark' or the 'Family in Plato's Cave of the Shadows' or the 'Family in the Den of the Dragons of Thuban' or the 'Family of the World Logos'; all preparing themselves as ourselves for the SELF-Invasion of an Old Human World by a New Starhuman World and in alignment with a 'Greater Cosmic Script' as composed by this Cosmic Logos aka the thus encoded 'Word of God'.

    Every male Thubanite (or Bluey) so manifests the symbol of a 'Friend of the Logos' or as the 'Captain of the Ship' in Noah, simply in being incarnate in a form of embodiment and every female Thubanite (or Dragon Queen) manifests Amzara as Noah's 'wife' in this fashion and definition.

    Then the three sons of Noah and Amzara and with their 'wives' represent the archetype for the foundational three generations of the Creator-Creation Cosmic twinship as indicted below in a decoding of Genesis.1.

    Noah with Amzara and their three sons with their 'wives' then become the 'Closing of the Circle'; as three generations suffice to reproduce the Grandparental cosmic genomatic encoding in their Grandchildren across a 'jumped' Parental Generation.

    This is what is encoded in often misinterpreted passages (with Amorites meaning the 3rd generation as the ongoing descendents of the Noahic lineage that is all human geneaologies) like :

    Genesis 15:16
    But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full.

    Matthew 24:34
    Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.

    1 Peter 2:9
    But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;

    Every Bluey is therefore a 'Father-Creator' ambassador and 'Secret Agent for the Logos' and every Dragon Queen is a 'Mother-Creation' and ambassadora for the Universe Itself and both are representative for the encompassment for the three generations encoded in the above.

    In particular, the symbology of Noah's Black Raven and Noah's White Dove are highly pertinent for the transformation of the Old World into a New World.

    This relates to the old story, where the Raven is sent to 'wander' the waterlogged Old World in encoded allegory to Satan as the Adversary-Image of God 'going to and fro' in the Book Of Job seeking to 'find fault' in Job=Noah=Adam=Abraham-Isaac-Jacob=Israel=New Adam as a 'Crown prosecutor' in the Cosmic Court of heaven.

    Job 1:7-8
    7The LORD said to Satan, "Where have you come from?" Satan answered the LORD, "From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it."

    8Then the LORD said to Satan, "Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil."

    Genesis 8:7-12
    7And he sent forth a raven, which went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth.

    8Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground;

    9But the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot, and she returned unto him into the ark, for the waters were on the face of the whole earth: then he put forth his hand, and took her, and pulled her in unto him into the ark.

    10And he stayed yet other seven days; and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark;

    11And the dove came in to him in the evening; and, lo, in her mouth was an olive leaf pluckt off: so Noah knew that the waters were abated from off the earth.

    12And he stayed yet other seven days; and sent forth the dove; which returned not again unto him any more.

    So the symbolic Raven does not return in the Old Story and so becomes subject to redefinition in a one-to-one correspondence with the Old Creation=Darkness=Ignorance in Forgetfulness.

    Likewise, Noah's White Dove is sent with the Raven, but returns to the ark after failing to find dry land. The Dove is sent a second time and returns with a 'Twig of Peace', so indicating to Noah, that the waters have receded. The Dove then flys away and returns no more in the Old Story and then also becoming subject to redefinition and continuance of the Old Script as a New Script.

    This New Script concerns the Redemption of Eve as being dependent on Adam as one of his ribs; mirroring of course the Image of the 'Lost Goddess' as the Universe=Creation in Exile.

    As all Dragon Queens KNOW or have access to this 'New Script'; all the Dragon Queens are Amzara as Noah's 'wife' in the second archetyped generation and all of them are also Sarah as Abraham's 'wife' of the third generation and Eve herself as the first generation.

    But Abraham and Sarah have the same father (Terah), which images God being the father of both Adam and Eve as Creator and so indicates a way for the New Storyline to become implemented through Amzara=Sarah, renamed from Sarai, just as Abram-Abraham and Jacob-Israel are relabelings in the Script of the Archetypes.

    Amzara becomes a New World in the Form of the Sisterhood between Noah's Raven and Noah's Dove; one characterised as Black Bird of War in Satan=God's own Image in Heaven and the other as a White Bird of Peace as the Dreamt Goddess of God as the Universe on Earth within.

    Because both, the Raven and the Dove are in the same realm of a New World; they together form a New Way of mirroring each other and having Emerged from Adam's Old Body being none other than Noah's Ark and no longer the dependencies of being part of Noah's Body as the descendent of Adam and so the true Image of God the Creator.

    So Adam's Old Rib has split in two as Amzara=Raven Dove and Noah himself having to be Reborn from the Old World as his old body into a New World in leaving the Ark after the flood for a New rainbow Covenant between the Stars of Abraham and Sarah as the Promise and Legacy of the Creator.

    Noah so and as every man, has become REBORN from the Old Creation, symbolised in the Ark (or the Dragon's Den) as a Son of the Old Universe to become an inhabitant of a New Universe following the dispensation of the World Logos, playwrighting, directing and producing this Cosmic Metamorphosis.

    The Old Mother of the Ignorance and including the 'satanic darkness' of the Black Raven has become REHARMONIZED in the sisterhood to the 'angelic lightness' of the White Dove of the Shalom.

    Through and by the Raven mirrored in the mirror of the Dove; the Old Satanic Image of the Creator Outside of the Creation, has become sexchanged into the Goddess Inside of the Creation and all Noahs have become True Images of the Creator in MindBody Waveparticular Duality and all Amzaras have become True Images for the Creation in BodyMind Particular Waveforms for the Universe as holistic holographic images.

    This then represents the 'happy ending' to the 'Story of the Creator searching for His 'Lost Holy Grail' of the Goddess as the missing part of Himself as a Monadic Unity splitting in Two and rediscovering Himself as Himherself again following the Script of HisHer Logos, being the sumtotal 'Cosmic Intelligence' or 'Supermind' of the Creator-Creation Complex.
    The Nothingness beong Everything became a Oneness split in two, remembering Itself as a Oneness in recreating the Oneness into the Twosome of Adam and Eve to reformulate this Twosome as a Foursome of Two in One in Two as the 'Song of the Shadows'.

    'Me and my Shadow' shall one Day become as One and this 'Day' is called the 'Day of the Lord', also being the 'Millennium' as encoded in:

    2 Peter 3:8

    But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

    When will this 'Day' or 'Millennium' occur; well the Thuban Story of the Banning of the false Images will tell; if you can follow the outlines and are willing to 'play the game of desires', the cocreative work of the individuated logi to couple to the World Logos to bring it all about.

    Be not afraid about what the externalisations do or say about you; just BE Yourself and think and perceive yourself as the 'shards' of the creator-creation which you are, have always been and shall forever be.
    One day all of the 'Family of GoddoG=DoggoD' will be like the universe you now perceive to be your external environment.
    Then the 'Family of StarMan' will interact in an extended external macroquantum entangled Multiverse in an even grander selfexpression of the Void being the Eternity.

    Genesis 11:31
    Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran, they settled there.

    Genesis 20:11-12
    11And Abraham said, Because I thought, Surely the fear of God is not in this place; and they will slay me for my wife's sake.

    12And yet indeed she is my sister; she is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother; and she became my wife.

    Noah and Amzara are simply metaphysical labelings for the even older archetype of Yang=White=Adam and Yin=Black=Eve say in the Darkness emerging from the Light and vice versa as the primal manifestation of the Creator-Creation Duality from its prior Void=Eternity quasi-oneness.

    The duality becomes transcended and harmonised in a 'doubling' of the duality in the Family of Adam and Eve being a 'Family of Man' say and so the 'encoded' Generations of Man as the Image of God can begin.

    But Eve is not independent on Adam, emerging as the imaged darkness of the imaged light of God by Genesis.1. (see below).
    In this creation account of the beginning then, the greater image of the Female Principle as the Creation becomes delegated to the Eve(ning Star) to eventually bring Creator and Creation back together again in a doubling of the encompassing cosmology and in the Blending of the Shadow Image' with its 'Reality Object'.

    The Genesis account then delegates and images the archetyped 'Family of God'='Family of Man' in certain labelings like in the 1st, 10th and 20th generations of Adam-Noah-Abraham and their 'wives'.
    God/Goddess=Creator/Creation-Adam/Eve-Noah/Amzara-Abraham/Sarah-...-New Adam=Incarnated Word/New Eve=Incarnated Goddess-...-New God/New Goddess=New Heaven/New Earth.

    The following decoding is appropriate for the present time in the warpzone.

    Genesis 1(King James Version)

    Genesis 1

    1In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    Meaning the 'Oneness' of God EMERGING from an undefinable Duality as a Void=Eternity, which necessitates its 'splitting apart' or bifurcation to allow definition of this selfsame Duality.

    God so becomes a Creator=WaveMind=Yang=Light=White=Male Principle=Heavenly Kingdom of Spirit=Love=Father as one half of this duality, the other half being the Goddess as the Creation=ParticularBody=Yin=Darkness=Black=Female Principle=Earthly Kingdom of Matter=Mother.

    2And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

    Meaning that the Goddess was 'mindless' as the Creation and 'lost' in her own forgetfulness as the 'other half' of the Creator.
    But SHE mirrored the original VOID=Deep, both HER and HE had emerged from - SHE became the 'Missing Body' of the Creator and HE became the 'Lost Mind' of HER.

    So the 'wave of the cosmic energy of Love' pervaded the Deep Unconsciousness of the Creation as the metaphysically defined Earth and as Gaia=Mother of all Matter to allow HER in evolutionary time to remeber HERSELF and where SHE had come from.

    3And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

    Meaning that the Light=Love of God=Consciousness of the Creator=Materialized Wormhole energy for the Physicality for the Cosmos became manifest in the Creation Event, commonly understood as a Quantum Big Bang.

    The Universe so became 'Source-Energy Inducted', this energy being the 'spirit' of God as this consciousness, now physicalized and so definable by and through physical parameters, following discovery by the consciousness carriers, often labeled as 'souls'.

    This then also points to a 'evolution' in consciousness, all these 'souls' or 'God holograms' will undergo to rediscover and remember themselves as such 'pieces of the creator'.

    This is the Creation Ex Nihilo; the creation of something out of nothingness in a general understanding, which fails to comprehend what the 'nothingness' represents as the Void=Infinitum becoming a Unity or Oneness or Holism.

    This Creation then becomes subject to abstract formalistic description through hieroglyphics, semiotiks, symbolisms and archetypes, also expressed in the formal language of mathematics and geometry.

    In particular, the concepts of space and time and matter/substance become amenable to so termed boundary parameters, defined in the physics and nature of the 'wormhole'.
    All of these are then reducible to the concept of what 'Consciousness' is - not as some mysterious ephemeral idea of the supernatural, but as an inherent property of the spacetimematter variables themselves.

    4And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

    This shows that the 'Encompassing Consciousness' of God=Creator=Love as Spirit Definition=Word of God through its Intelligence as Logos perceived itself as now Divided or bifurcated in the Inside and the Outside of the Creation. This then began the quest of rendering this Inside World of the 'Earth' as Continuous with the Outside World of the 'Heaven' in somehow and sometime 'renting' this divide necessitated at the beginning.

    Technically, this is termed the Möbian Strip Onesidedness of a surface embedded in a selfintersecting 3D space transforming into a Klein Bottle Torus Dragon embedded in not selfintersecting 4D space.

    This became topologically defined in the geometry of the Universe as a Holographic Cosmology then formalised in the Modular Duality of the Microcosmos with relfrelative reference to the Macrocosm.

    This is then mathematically, meaning metaphysically expressed in the large scale quantum entanglement with the small scale quantization of the modular superbrane quantum cosmology.

    5And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

    This emphasises and specifies the above mentioned superbrane modality in a supercluster galactic scale given in the inverse of the 'metric size' of the wormhole parameter and being given as (2πx1022 meters) and as (10-22/2π meters) respectively.

    In mythological terms, this describes the 'GodLove Energy' as being a 'Vibratory Mode' of high frequency and high energy and its reciprocal antiidentity as a 'Devilish Satanic Energy' as being a 'Winding Serpent Mode' of low frequency (approximating Zero as mathematical asymptote) and so low energy.

    The Evening of the 'undefined' creation so becomes the first Day of the defined creation as the First Principle or Cherubim/Archon in the World Logos 'Kingdom' of Identity/AntiIdentity.

    The Seven Days of creation then become the 'Seven Mountains' and 'Seven Heads' of the Beast of Babylon in:

    3So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

    7And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

    8The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

    9And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

    10And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

    11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

    12And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

    13These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.

    Generally then, the 10 'Angelic Kingdoms/Demonic Antikingdoms' can be defined as:

    8.Relativity-No Antiprinciple; see
    9.Quantization/Holofractalisation-No Antiprinciple
    10.New Nondualised Identity; using the 9 'Timelords' of principalities 1-9 to form the doubled or monadic New Identity

    6And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

    �7And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

    �8And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

    �9And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

    �10And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.

    �11And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so.

    �12And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    �13And the evening and the morning were the third day.

    �14And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:

    �15And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.

    �16And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

    �17And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,

    �18And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.

    �19And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

    �20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

    �21And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    �22And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.

    �23And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

    �24And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.

    �25And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    �26And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

    �27So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

    �28And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

    �29And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    �30And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

    31And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.

    But the 'Playing of the Archetyped Roles' will not be easy; as the lot of the pioneer is to be 'different' and 'peculiar' or 'weird'. As is tated in the encodings below; the 'very elect' are in jeopardy of being 'deceived' by the 'external world' interacting with this 'peculiar people' - the 'Logos-Sealed' New Starhumans wandering the Old Earth as disguised Old Humans.

    They will be 'beheaded', meaning they will 'lose their sanity' and be considered 'crazy outcasts', 'blasphemous heretics' and 'secret agents' and infiltrators of whatever selfdeluded agenda imagined by their 'detractors'.

    Matthew 24:24
    For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.

    Revelation 6:9-11
    9And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

    10And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

    11And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

    Revelation 20:4
    I saw thrones on which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus and because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not received his mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

    There are Encoded Two Open Letters to Noah=Old Adam Man and to Amzara=Old Eve Woman in the 3 Epistles of John to the 'Churches' aka the 'Body of Christ' aka the Gaian World of the 'Old Universal Creation'.

    Old Eve Lilith=Amzara Body=Sarah Hagar=Rebekah Deborah=Leah Zilpah+Rachel Bilhah=Dinah Ophiuchus in 12 Sons of Jacob Israel or StarSigns or 12 Apostles or 12 Crystal StarGates of the New Jerusalem or 12 Fruits of the Healing Gemstone Trees for the 24 Elders of the SonDaughters Shadowed in 12x12,000=144,000=One in Two in One.

    The Letter to the Elect Lady Sir Amzara:

    2John 1
    1The elder unto the elect lady and her children, whom I love in the truth; and not I only, but also all they that have known the truth;

    2For the truth's sake, which dwelleth in us, and shall be with us for ever.

    3Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.

    4I rejoiced greatly that I found of thy children walking in truth, as we have received a commandment from the Father.

    5And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment unto thee, but that which we had from the beginning, that we love one another.

    6And this is love, that we walk after his commandments. This is the commandment, That, as ye have heard from the beginning, ye should walk in it.

    7For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

    8Look to yourselves, that we lose not those things which we have wrought, but that we receive a full reward.

    9Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.

    10If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:

    11For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.

    12Having many things to write unto you, I would not write with paper and ink: but I trust to come unto you, and speak face to face, that our joy may be full.

    13The children of thy elect sister greet thee. Amen.

    Noah's Raven and Noah's Dove in Amzara decode in many ways, such as:


    The Letter to the Elect Sir Lady OBe Noah = Knight OBe Gaius:

    3John 1
    1The elder unto the wellbeloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.

    2Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

    3For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in thee, even as thou walkest in the truth.

    4I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.

    5Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou doest to the brethren, and to strangers;

    6Which have borne witness of thy charity before the church: whom if thou bring forward on their journey after a godly sort, thou shalt do well:

    7Because that for his name's sake they went forth, taking nothing of the Gentiles.

    8We therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellowhelpers to the truth.

    9I wrote unto the church: but Di-ot'-re-phes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not.

    10Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church.

    11Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

    12De-me'-tri-us hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true.

    13I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee:

    14But I trust I shall shortly see thee, and we shall speak face to face. Peace be to thee. Our friends salute thee. Greet the friends by name.

    Noah's wife Amzara is not named in the Torah/Old Testament, the name deriving from the Dead Sea Scrolls and other sources.
    Amzara is The synthesis of the Old Heavenly Eve with Old Demonic Lilith and is renamed in the RavenDove of Noah (via Gaius) as the WORD D' ABBA=70 in the labelings of DI-OT'-RE-PHES=119=DI RETO SHEP in the 'Two Against the Shepherd' encoding of the Gospel of Thomas (GOT) Cosmic Logos Code of Saying 3:

    (#16)Jesus said : "Men think, perhaps, that it is peace which I have come to bring to the world. They do not know that I have come to bring to the earth : discord, fire, sword, and war. Indeed, if there are five in a house : three will be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand alone."

    (#30)Jesus said : "Where there are three gods, they are gods. Where there are two or one, I am with him."

    The Three against the Two are encoded in DE-ME'-TRI-US=114=DEUS METRI=TRI ME DEUS as the 'Hermes Trismegistos' of the 'Thrice Great' of the 'Trinity' of ME=WE=18=R=II=I of various esoteric encodings with respect to the 'Holy Rosy Cross' and similar.

    1 John5: 6-8
    6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

    7For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

    8And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one.

    This represents the Dualised Trinity in Father-Son-Grandson=Holy Ghost harmonized in Mother-Daughter-Granddaughter=Holy Spirit in the FatherMother-SonDaughter-GrandSonDaughter in the synergy of the MINDWAVEBody of the Creator and the BODYPARTICULARMind of the Creation.

    Father=Potential Energy shadowed in Mother=Manifested (Spirit)Energy.
    Son=Word=Logos=Definition of the Father's Energy for potential physical manifestation shadowed in Daughter=Waters of the Creation.
    Holy Ghost=Manifesto of the Word in the Pentecost/Resurrection, again for potential physical manifesto shadowed in Holy Spirit=Blood and the 12 tiered circular starry Lineage of the Covenant in the Oneness of the FatherMother Before the Bifurcation or 'split'.

    As Ga'-ius is named in 3John as a renaming of Noah via Old Adam and Old Abram renamed as Abraham to the generational archetype of the patriarchial genes of Abraham-Isaac-Jacob (Gaius O Be Noah!); the decoded new archetypes again become arbitrary in whatever self relative labeling and symbolisms is utilized by the New Adams in a 'Do-It-Yourself' fashion.

    One such decoding of the Lady Sir Ga'-ius 'birthing himself' as Lady Sarah say, is :

    WORD D' ABBA=70=ENERIS with GAIUS=57=BIRTH=MOON=GEMINI=A ISIS=IAI ALPHA=IS A IS=IS-A-SI=IS AS I=ISAIAH11=SIR11=...for GAIUS ENERIS=SIR GAIUS 24=127=SUI A GENERIS=A ISIS UR GENE for Abram of Ur of the Chaldees and UR ISIS=95=I AM THAT I AM as the unspeakable 'Name of God' in both the Old Asymmetric Tetragrammaton of the I AM THAT I AM and the New Symmetric Pentagrammaton of the I AM THAT AM I.

    Genesis 11.27-31:
    27Now these are the generations of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.

    28And Haran died before his father Terah in the land of his nativity, in Ur of the Chaldees.

    29And Abram and Nahor took them wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai; and the name of Nahor's wife, Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah, and the father of Iscah.

    30But Sarai was barren; she had no child.

    31And Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Abram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.

    13And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?

    14And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

    15And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

    The Magic of Egypt, where the Throne of ISIS in RA(H)=(H)AR is the AB=Heart and the Soul of ISIS is the BA of BAST in ISIS=2 in IS IS=BAST=4 for ABRAHARBA:
    ABRAHARBA=ABRACADABRA=ABRACADRAAB=22+8+22=3+19+8+19+3=52=13+17+13=43=3+ 10+8+10+3=34=3+1+17+1+3=25=3+1+8+1+3=16=3+1+3=7=5 2=52=GODDOG=DOGGOD=EARTH=... in a perfect mirror symmetry, but also distorted in alternative and arbitrary images encoded in say 52=DEVIL=LIVED=PRIDE=FINANCE=...


    TBC at an appropriate time TBA.

    From Rybo a pertinent ancient history item; which supports the Thuban Story.
    The critique is supplementary and not associated, but shared as attachement data.

    Fuller tells this story from viewpoint of ancient sea is the origins of so many mythical tales....
    A seafarer named Adam, sees the remaining bones of beached whale and takes that design to create the first ribbed and keeled ship that mirrors the ribbed cage and spinal backbone keel of the whale that can seeming float around in the ocean without a care.
    So Adam takes one if his own bones and builds ribbed and keeled ship, and then names the ship Eve, as is so often done in giving ships a female name.
    So then Adam --or at least his kind---- sail around the world and tell others how the world is as round as apple.
    The snake comes into play as serpents of the sea which have wavy bodies, just as the waves are wavy....
    Fuller goes on to explain how the word Noah can be derived from various ancient words associated with serpent and waves.....
    Naga or nachash( hebrew )

    First of all, Word NAGA does not come from Sanskrit, it comes from Slavic Aryan (H'Aryan and Da'Aryan), it was simply recorded in Sanskrit upon arrival of H'Aryans and Da Aryans on the Saraswati river in Indus Valley.

    Sanskrit itself is artificially created language (for the preservation of H'Aryan and Da'Aryan oral traditions since approximately ~603,000 BC) and derived from H'Aryan and Da'Aryan Runic (1400 runes total).
    The closest language to H'Aryan and Da'Aryan currently is Russian or Old Slavic family of languages throughout the Europe.

    In Old Slavic the Sanskrit's ORIGINAL word NAGAS was written as NAGI (НАГИ), with original meaning that alleged Adam and Eve (adapa race) were the "seed" and offspring of NAGAS (it is suffice to note here that all current human races are not descendants from Nagas-Nachash, except THE ORIGINAL HEBREWS later described in Torah as the Levi (currently called Cohen) tribe which was artificially "cross-bread" to serve NAGAS- NACHASH themselves).

    When Bible was translated from the ORIGINAL OLD SLAVIC (H'Aryan) into alleged "ancient" Hebrew approximately in 1050 AD in Byzantium by the scribes of bloodline of Isaak Angel (Hebrew is an artificially created tongue and alphabet by NAGAS-NACHASH- COSCHEI), the neuro-lingual container of NAGAS (НАГИ) was intentionally translated and transliterated as word NAKED, thus changing the meaning of the original neuro-lingual container, and with the play on the root of the neuro-lingual container of the original word abbreviated THE OFFSPRING OF SAURIAN RACE NAGAS (НАГИ) it became to be a neuro-lingual container for the word NAKED - all that was done for the sole purpose of hiding the original ancestry of ORIGINAL HEBREWS (Hebrew means cross-over through copulation).

    In "ancient" Hebrew (which is known only ~1000 years and the youngest of "ancient" artificially created languages) - the phonetic play of the neuro-lingual container NAGI (НАГИ) was intentionally written as (ערם עירם ‛8219;m ), which also means (ערם ‎ ‛m), - from where arrived the fictitious combined personage of A'Bram or Abraham's bloodline of Nagas-Nachash, who by the way was the seed and descendant of NAGAS or Shining Ones described in the legendary "Book of Enoch".


    The neuro-lingual container of word nash is CHSH or SHCH.
    Together it will fuse or morph two neuro-lingual containers together NA and CHASH as NA-CHASH.

    Both words NAGA (नाग) and NACHASH (נָחַשׁ) are describing absolutely completely the same SEED or ANCESTRAL BLOODLINE AND THE ORIGIN OF THE FIRST CROSSBREEDS CALLED HEBREWS, except the neuro-lingual container of NAGAS as it is in Sanskrit (NAGI) is older approximately 110,000 years than NACHASH (נָחַשׁ).
    The origin of word nash is Old Slavic H'Aryan.
    The original word and neuro-lingual container was COSCHEI (Кощей קושצ'אי) with neuro-lingual root CHSH or SHCH.

    After transliteration in/into Hebrew it became the word NHSH (נָחַשׁ) with the same neuro-lingual container as in Old Slavic and before that in H'Aryan.
    Word COSCHEI in Old Slavic is almost (with slight diviation) means exactly the same as neuro-lingual container of Sanskrit NAGI.

    Simply put two words abbreviate the entity who is Saurian in nature.
    As in Hebrew Torah the same entities are called NHSH (נָחַשׁ ‎ nash) or Shining Ones, including Shining One in Torah behing the Tetragrammaton called YHWH (Jehovah).

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One in Ee*=1

    Continuation of this topic is here:

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Oct 20, 2010 12:10 pm

    The above sure look like summonings for the Sumerian gods and show alot of similarity with the Necronomicon and Legemeton in terms of prose and or language...


    Šamaš, Sîn/Adad and Ištar are Annunaki (S.a.A.M.i. as They like to call Themselves)...

    Sîn/Adad retired with His Wife and moved out of the Pantheon a long time ago. They did not go offworld back to S.a.A.M.e. in 556 B.C. when the others were called back by Anu.

    Others Who did not heed Anu's recall were Enlil - Marduk (Who is reputed to have placed Himself in a type of suspended Animation for Awakening later) - Ea/Enki and Their retinues (Immediate Family and Underlings, Servants, etc.).

    That stated - What I know - I must display (And I have much more)...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:49 pm

    Raven this is a lot of intellectual rhetoric. Have you ever posting this information where it is in your own words? Where it has been assimilated, digested and comes out as your own personal opinion as to what you think about it all?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Revelations of an Elite Family Insider Empty Re: Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

    Post  Raven Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:20 pm

    Carol wrote:Raven this is a lot of intellectual rhetoric. Have you ever posting this information where it is in your own words? Where it has been assimilated, digested and comes out as your own personal opinion as to what you think about it all?

    Just sharing Pearls of Wisdom here Carol, like many people do :) Not here to share my opinion, but rather illuminate. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. So with that stated, read on, take what you wish from it or NOT :)

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