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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers


    Posts : 3930
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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:29 pm

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are 2 'very easy to get' books I've read (lately), that I would recommend to all of you with an interest in the Greys, the Reptilians, the Galactic Federation (no, no, no, not the Ashtar & SaLuSa BS, the 'real' GF), exopolitics, etc.

    Both books are written by Courtney Brown & are available as FREE pdf downloads at:

    A while ago one of our members send me this pm:

    Hi Trancoso,

    Not so long ago, I downloaded Cosmic Explorer and Cosmic Voyage from Courtney Browns website. I don't remember where I heard about him. Probably somewhere in PA1. Anyway I never got the time to get into those books, mostly because I get bored reading PDF files. But recently, I was reading some of your posts and you reminded me to read them books (Thank you for that). So I got both books from amazon for less the 20$. And after reading them, I'm totally amazed.

    Just to state that I'm not the only one who was deeply impressed by the content of those books.

    After you've downloaded them, (for FREE - no backdoors, statutory @dresses, etc., really for FREE!) just look at the glossary, choose a chapter with an appealing title, start reading & make up your mind.

    Please let me (us) know what you think of it.

    Next post: some really 'hard to get' favourites of mine.

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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty The Sirian Revelations Trilogy

    Post  Jenetta Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:26 am

    A book I am currently reading now is called Atlantis Rising The Struggle of Dark and Light, the second book of the Sirian Revelations trilogy...the first book being The Cosmos of Soul A Wake-Up Call For Humanity...the third book could have been written by now and not sure of the title as it hasn't been mentioned in Atlantis Rising. These books are written by Patricia Cori and are channeled teachings from the Speakers of the Sirian High Council, six dimensional beings dedicated to the transformation of human consciousness. Patricia Cori has been Scribe to the Speakers since 1997.

    Normally I wouldn't indulge myself in reading this type of book or channeled material however while perusing the library stacks found this little gem and felt an urge to pick it up and read it. So far it is capturing my attention and I'm into the 4th chapter. Somehow it makes a lot of sense to me as to Mankind's true origins and who we "Human Beings" are and what we are capable of ascending to on this long journey towards Home...having got into the 4th chapter it has already covered what awaits us in the immediate future i.e. 2012 and describes "The Great Experiment"...we Humans the object of that Title courtesy of the other off Earth world races. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this book as well as the other two in the Trilogy.
    Time is Eternity looking backwards at Itself.............Jen's Muse

    Posts : 3930
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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Nov 25, 2010 9:18 pm

    Just a reminder...

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are 2 'very easy to get' books I've read (lately), that I would recommend to all of you with an interest in the Greys, the Reptilians, the Galactic Federation (no, no, no, not the Ashtar & SaLuSa BS, the 'real' GF), exopolitics, etc.

    Both books are written by Courtney Brown & are available as FREE pdf downloads at:


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    Location : Hawaii

    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  Carol Thu Nov 25, 2010 10:03 pm

    Thanks TRANCOSO, It's hard to believe that these books are now over 10 years old. It seems like a lifetime ago and so much more has been learned since. I wonder if he has any recent updates.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3930
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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  TRANCOSO Sun Mar 06, 2011 11:59 am

    Just a reminder...

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are 2 of my all-time favourites.

    Anybody with an interest in the Greys, the Reptilians, the Galactic Federation (no, no, no, not the Ashtar & SaLuSa BS, the 'real' GF), exopolitics, etc. should read this amazing stuff.

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are written by Courtney Brown & are available as FREE pdf downloads at:


    Posts : 3497
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    Location : Walking the Path...

    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  Mercuriel Sun Mar 06, 2011 2:41 pm

    Yep - Read 'em both and then went into His RV Program - Awesome Body of Work...

    Also did some Hemisync relative to RV'ing on His advice.



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  solent Sun Mar 06, 2011 5:03 pm

    Also read them both, well worth the time to read them.

    Mercuriel, could you tell us more about it? I for one would be very interested to learn more about your experiances with this. Thubs Up

    Posts : 3930
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : AMSTERDAM

    Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers Empty Re: Cosmic Voyage, Cosmic Explorers

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:44 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:Just a reminder...

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are 2 of my all-time favourites.

    Anybody with an interest in the Greys, the Reptilians, the Galactic Federation (no, no, no, not the Ashtar & SaLuSa BS, the 'real' GF), exopolitics, etc. should read this amazing stuff.

    'Cosmic Voyage' & 'Cosmic Explorers' are written by Courtney Brown & are available as FREE pdf downloads at:

    Courtney Brown is a Remote Viewer.
    There's a thread on him & these books at:

    What is Remote Viewing?

    Courtney Brown on Multiple Universes (Full Version)

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