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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension


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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  lindabaker Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:50 pm

    Lionhawk, did these people (the approx. 8,000) just beam up there? Or did they "die" as we call it in 3d? I've been to a place recently, through a portal in N. Carolina. I was shown the portal during a trip to see Unlimited Mind's ancient site in the Joyce Kilmer Forest.

    Too late in the evening for me to start describing it now, but it certainly wasn't any place near Earth, that's for sure. I didn't even expect to "go" anywhere, and it took me quite by surprise! In fact, I should have stayed longer, but the shock effect brought me slamming back to the earth within (a few seconds). More on this later. Too bad Project Avalon 1 is no longer accessible (Is it?) because I wrote about my "trip" while it was fresh in my mind. However, I will never ever forget what I saw.

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:02 pm

    AV1 is available.

    Linda, when you get there you can just go to your profile page and pull up statistics where you can look for your posts and threads. Just to a cut and paste and bring it here or link it. C&P is better so you have it.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1385
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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  lindabaker Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:28 pm

    Yup, will try it! Thanks, darlin' HA I FOUND IT!

    Okay, so Unlimited Mind showed me the main area which is right off the parking lot, and this position has a view to die for: looking out at least 40 miles toward the mountain peaks near Asheville/Waynesville, I think, with Fall leaves at their peak, you know what I mean if you have seen it. Elevation from my point of view around 3200 feet. Anyway, I crawled into the place she calls the portal, just a small space between the slabs, and look for snakes and spiders, and then I laid down and closed my eyes. At first, nothing, and then I could hear myself breathing. Then, I hear: "Where do you want to go?" and I nearly ****. Then, being surprised, I said: "I don't KNOW. Where do you want me to go?" and then I was out. I shot up and then landed in a millisecond in a place with totally different light. The atmosphere was light blue with navy and silver. Kinda like the movie Contact where Jodie Foster ends up on the beach. Anyway, all I could see were some waist high plant type cognizant beings with golden stems and leaves. At the top of the plants, there were golden orbs about the size of a softball or so. The orbs were a liquid glowing material. I was instructed (not vocally, but telepathically) that these orbs were liquid food, nourishment in this place. I reached out to touch an orb, and it kinda moved around and was difficult to hold on to, like a liquid, but it did not disperse. Anyway, just as I was going to try the golden elixir, my spirit shot back into my body and I was back in the crack in the slab. It was a beautiful place, and it could have all been fantasy, I don't know. Thing is, I don't have that great of an imagination! Anyway, I want to go back and try it again, and maybe next time I will not get so excited that I come back to my present body so quickly. Thanks for your interest. Linda
    awesome linda! i am very happy you and lucy made the trip. your experience is rich <3


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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Brook Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:42 pm

    While we're waiting for Linda, I will share here......

    Now I'm not sure this is fact I believe it was way beyond fifth. But as I got there I was assisted by some beings, as my equilibrium was off, and I had a hard time keeping my balance.. I was investigating the area. And walking a rocky path. I stepped over some blue hazy area..and walked into something quite amazing. As I stood there in amazement I lost some balance, and fell into something that hurt my arm. The beings that were with me, insisted that I leave and get attention to my arm. They led me away...and the next thing you know, I'm in a room with 5 beds in it. To my right was some guy making a lot of noise, and in some kind of pain by his moaning. To my left were three empty beds..and a hall ..and at the end of that hall was the strangest animal I have ever seen. I suppose you could almost say it looked like a small elephant type. My first thought was ...Damn...they took me to the vet. Oh boy.....I got up and walked to the animal...holding my balance against the wall as I walked. The animal saw me waking toward it, and went out a door near it. Then I got assisted by some kind of doctor person...and next thing you know...I'm back home..and my arm hurt for days.

    Now was I in the fifth? I have a feeling I was way beyond that....Was it real? The pain in my arm was real, that's for sure.

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Brook Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:48 pm

    lindabaker wrote:Yup, will try it! Thanks, darlin' HA I FOUND IT!

    Okay, so Unlimited Mind showed me the main area which is right off the parking lot, and this position has a view to die for: looking out at least 40 miles toward the mountain peaks near Asheville/Waynesville, I think, with Fall leaves at their peak, you know what I mean if you have seen it. Elevation from my point of view around 3200 feet. Anyway, I crawled into the place she calls the portal, just a small space between the slabs, and look for snakes and spiders, and then I laid down and closed my eyes. At first, nothing, and then I could hear myself breathing. Then, I hear: "Where do you want to go?" and I nearly ****. Then, being surprised, I said: "I don't KNOW. Where do you want me to go?" and then I was out. I shot up and then landed in a millisecond in a place with totally different light. The atmosphere was light blue with navy and silver. Kinda like the movie Contact where Jodie Foster ends up on the beach. Anyway, all I could see were some waist high plant type cognizant beings with golden stems and leaves. At the top of the plants, there were golden orbs about the size of a softball or so. The orbs were a liquid glowing material. I was instructed (not vocally, but telepathically) that these orbs were liquid food, nourishment in this place. I reached out to touch an orb, and it kinda moved around and was difficult to hold on to, like a liquid, but it did not disperse. Anyway, just as I was going to try the golden elixir, my spirit shot back into my body and I was back in the crack in the slab. It was a beautiful place, and it could have all been fantasy, I don't know. Thing is, I don't have that great of an imagination! Anyway, I want to go back and try it again, and maybe next time I will not get so excited that I come back to my present body so quickly. Thanks for your interest. Linda
    awesome linda! i am very happy you and lucy made the trip. your experience is rich <3

    Interesting the Gold when I was in that place I just described...I saw gold orbs as well...but I was told they were light beings by the ones that were assisting my journey there. They were in all sizes..and they were hugging up against me. Like they were glad to see me or something.

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:58 pm

    In the future I often see white dome building with skylights and gardens everywhere with little streams, pools of water and waterfalls. The streams are designed to flow through the house which is more zen like inside. No electronics. One time everything was luminous and the colors richer then the colors of jewels. I was walking along a path and wall also luminous (don't know where that was either). And another time I was in some type of grecian pavilion with white columns and sky blue walls. Odd, as a child my favorite color was sky blue. There were others there (they appeared to be monks) and I had been sleeping on a chaise when I woke. They all rushed over to greet me and were so happy. I was so happy. I was home, whatever that dimension was and this world was the dream.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3497
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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Mercuriel Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:01 pm

    Andromeda wrote:Mercuriel, where did you learn all of this ? I am very interested.

    Part 1

    Lets first start off with the premise that something is going on - We don't know exactly what - But something is and We agree on that. We agree It should make more sense and It doesn't so Its at this point in that old discussion where We as the Masses / Goyim divide and begin to elucidate what We each individually believe or think is going on. This is where They have Us as It is a Divide and Conquer principle.

    Its why They are Left and Right - Liberal and Conservative - Democrat and Republican - They are everywhere promoting that Doctrine...

    At any rate - This is where I deviate from the Norm because of a Hegelian Upbringing that I have now come to understand was intended all along - For Me to turn against It finally and begin to tell what I know of the Doctrine.

    You see what We all need to do in order to move forward and understand whats going on is to stop Arguing about what I or You think and look at what They (The supposed Elites) think...

    As They run this Sphere currently and are the GateKeepers holding All the Keys - We find out what They believe by what They say - What They Involve Themselves with - Are Members of - As well as the Company They keep while doing so.

    It is this Mentality plus My Upbringing in addition to a great deal of research in all the Religions and Esoteric Arts - Moving onto Apocrypha and Non-canonical Works - Which has displayed to Me a great deal of Gnosis. To see the Truth in what is not said when something is said is also another Hegelian principle, and one that I will help others come to see and understand.

    Works such as Hermes Trimestigus - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - The Book of Enoch - The Apocryphon of John (recently Linked here by another Poster) - The Book of Solomon - The Legemeton - Etc. - Etc. can lead You onto greater insights as to how They think. This then gives Us an Inkling into the true Reality and then - We find Our Compass. Do we swallow It once researched, hook line and sinker ? No - What We do is hold Our belief until We're getting a Picture of the true Reality - THEN - We dissect what They do and believe and while some of It may be Bunko - Most of It is not.

    (Its easy to believe once One knows. This is True faith not Blind Faith. Belief in fact is easy)

    That said - We take It All and as "separating the Wheat from the Chaff" - We put It All in the Sieve of Our Minds and what falls through the Holes (Meaning is the same) leads Us onto the Truth behind It All. This has been My Path and while I have come in with alot of remembrance It seems - It is also a great deal of going over EVERYTHING I possibly can so as to put It All in the Sieve of My Mind.

    Now do I profess to anyone that these works are not in some cases - Negative in Nature. No - Quite the opposite in fact - I usually say "- "Guard Thyself - But know Thyself". Know the Devil inside to resist the Devil outside so to speak and how do We do this ? We come to know the Enemy as It knows Itself...

    I have a great deal of research to put You and others onto if You're willing to follow that Path. You can see why when the list numbers in the Hundreds - I have to carefully answer You All with the respect this question deserves. Not only for Yourself but for All others Who will come to know these things as well. Through the Law of Allowance We will pull back the Veil and understand Ourselves - To save Ourselves.

    I will sleep on this further overnight and have a small list of Sources to begin with for You and any others interested in the Morning when I am able to Post it from Work. Simply put - It is late where I AM, and this Body must rest...

    That said - Off tomorrow - Heheh...


    (P.S. - Much more to come if the OP is OK with It)


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Instigator Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:26 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    Carol wrote:These two men's perspectives are unique because one claims earth and human life will go through ascension in 2012 and the other one is speaking of how the aliens will help the planet beyond that date so this is a Dichotomy worth exploring. Just how many here think ascension is next and how many think things will continue just as they are?

    Now who is right? Both?

    May I add to the confusion by the following video ?
    I am confused by the number of different possibilities , from nothing to ascension for may be a limited number of people . According to MAX Igan , new age people should not wait to be saved but try to resolve the root problem of our existence : the corrupt system ...

    Cause and effect & the Law of balance MAX Igan

    Max Egan is working with a greater understanding of this reality we are currently living in, he is attempting to expose the real world for people so one can become empowered through knowledge instead of fake love and light and ignorance which is being taught in the new age movements.

    With a full perspective one can then act with a greater understanding and make a choice, those whom are ignorant are not aware that a choice is actually there in the first place.

    Now this is an important part of the message contained in both presentations .... The "New Age" movement are in fact carefully implanted by the exact entity's in control of this reality, " New Age" movements in todays society are Reptilian/Draconian implemented.

    That's right, what better way to control the masses that to control all exits with part of the same program under the illusion of being " New Age" and free.

    These New movements are not addressing the underlining issues, but to project love and light without true foundation and in escence hiding behind a fake and artificial world, not realizing that the Dark side represents the Shadow self, which we must engage in order to get through the ascension process, you cannot hide from your shadow, lets face it we are in duality and the dark side or shadow has a role and must be understood for all of us to understand what true light really is ....... So if you wish to get to the 5th dimension or above you must pass the lower 4th first, no short cuts, no beings waiting to protect you from this, no saviour, YOU are the only one that can make this ascension no one else can do it for you.

    Taking responsibility is part of this journey, if you avoid this you wont be allowed into the 5th.
    How would you feel being in the 5th and see thousands of beings also there whom do not know what the true light is ......... Somehow I cannot imagine chaos in the 5th dimensions and above, these new age movements are dangerous and a mind control program.

    Anyway thats my thoughts, thats my truth, and i believe Max and George have their's also ..... be your truth and be YOUR own master.

    Why does someone have to be right or wrong ?? Why do we need to debate things ?? why are we going back into the carefully placed program of taking sides ?? this is a trap of division and seperation ....... I believe once you fail to recognise the tentacles of the master reptilian program then you wont be going anywhere. In order to get to 5th+ Dimensional realms you must first begin to BE 5th+ Dimensional.


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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Instigator Thu Oct 21, 2010 1:57 am

    Carol wrote:That all being said, I would like to know more info on the photon belt and 5th dimension. I just wish we could get accurate data from some uncompromised sources.

    here is somethign very relivant and may put a smile to your face, uncompromised sourse lol


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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Instigator Thu Oct 21, 2010 2:01 am

    Lionhawk wrote:Oh Boy! pale

    LOL this is gunna get ugly Naughty

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:02 am

    To me the fourth dimension is the opening of the Heart and the next one is where the Heart takes you from there.
    The Heart is our anchor on the stairway to Heaven making us journey from one synchronicity to another on our way
    back to source.

    What stood out from Georges's interview is the sentence " If the world comes to an end while you are planting a tree
    finish your work " or rather " Be One with Life , with the divine plan , and the rest will take care of itself "

    Love from me

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:07 am

    lindabaker wrote:Yup, will try it! Thanks, darlin' HA I FOUND IT!

    Okay, so Unlimited Mind showed me the main area which is right off the parking lot, and this position has a view to die for: looking out at least 40 miles toward the mountain peaks near Asheville/Waynesville, I think, with Fall leaves at their peak, you know what I mean if you have seen it. Elevation from my point of view around 3200 feet.

    Lovely to hear you have been there Linda Cheerful
    For those who are interested here is Unlimited Mind 's thread related to the site on PA:

    Some stunning pictures to be seen there .

    Love from me

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Instigator Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:49 am

    Lionhawk wrote: George is sharing his truth and that is really how it should be. Just as we should also do here. Not truth based on somebody else's work as in copy and paste mode. I call that the lazy way. The cheap way. The important thing here is to validate what you subscribe to. Test it. Prove it. Don't assume anything because all this stuff from the outside of yourself is second hand.

    Very accurate summation Mr Lionhawk Smirk , these Pohbans have no truth, nothing of their own to share, just cut and paste arm chair quarterbacks who's only purpose this incarnation is to contaminate and poison other light workers journey's with this demonic reptilian program.

    One thing for sure, these Poohbans will not be moving anywhere higher than the lower 4th Dimension where they will turn on each other like the rats and filth that they are ... They did have the great opportunity in realizing their lower aspects and moving on like a grown up would, but unfortunately they are trapped in the perpetual darkness and we have to respect their journey and love them for showing us what a mind control program does to you from the inside out.

    I will not engage these Poohbans, they are only given a voice when one engages, shine the light on them and watch them run and screech to the shadows, they are nothing but a demonic plaque on steroids in this 3D realm


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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Instigator Thu Oct 21, 2010 3:59 am

    Brook wrote:"He who would know everything, but fails to know himself misses the knowledge of everything".

    I guess people who cut and paste for a living instead of talking their own truth may not know what their truth is Huh ? .... i cant imagine spending all of this 3D journey and when its all said and done not have my truth ... that would just suck wouldnt it LOL


    let me bend over and blow these demonics away from this thread Blowdup

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  burgundia Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:05 am

    I guess that is why I do not read long "copy and paste" fragments...I also do not understand how some people can adhere to one, somebody else's doctrine accepting it fully as the only undeniable truth.

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  malletzky Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:06 am

    Brook wrote: will be given a choice...choose wisely, and do so with love in your heart. Mother was given a gift last week....the keys are being turned. She has been protected by some VERY high dimensional beings. And she is giddy with excitement.

    Bless her...her time has come!

    Brook, I totaly agree with you that what really matters are choices.

    But I don't feel that it's just simple like that...when we're above to "pass away" from this reality to another...that we will be just given the opportunity to choose from two or more options. In this case, the whole life and struggle here wouldn't make sense, as we would even have more chaos then we actually have, when we could live according to our own laws which would not be in allignment with the divine laws.

    In my understanding, what really matters are the choices we made constantly in this life. Therefore, the choises we make everyday, every hour, minute, what really matters. The choise to live according to divine laws here and now. It might looks like it's an unachiavable task, but it sure is worth of trying. As it is achiavable.

    And at the very END, when the "time comes" will not be our own consciousness which will be given "the right" to choose.

    No, it's not that simple. Rather, our energy fields will be our own key to open the door(s) to the other realities and planes, be it 4th, 5th or even higher (or lower).

    It's like...when we're above to pass a portal which is constantly open, but the only way to pass thru is to match the energies which holds this portal open. And the choices one makes in this life are the highest factor that determine how one radiates his/her own energies. I will not call it "bad" or "good".
    No, it's just...our energy field. Sustained of all our choices and actings thru out this life.

    Therefore, at this curent point of our lives, many individuals are given a sneak preview of what it would be like "over there". But just a sneak... As to be honest, none of us would be able to hold up that higher energies for a longer time here and now on this plane...and this explains why many of you (as well as me) have had the opportunity to experience a bit of that wonderful place we're all above to reach..."one day".

    So yes, choose wisely, but choose NOW!

    with much respect


    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Guest Thu Oct 21, 2010 4:34 am

    Mercuriel wrote:
    Andromeda wrote:Mercuriel, where did you learn all of this ? I am very interested.

    Part 1

    Lets first start off with the premise that something is going on - We don't know exactly what - But something is and We agree on that. We agree It should make more sense and It doesn't so Its at this point in that old discussion where We as the Masses / Goyim divide and begin to elucidate what We each individually believe or think is going on. This is where They have Us as It is a Divide and Conquer principle.

    Its why They are Left and Right - Liberal and Conservative - Democrat and Republican - They are everywhere promoting that Doctrine...

    At any rate - This is where I deviate from the Norm because of a Hegelian Upbringing that I have now come to understand was intended all along - For Me to turn against It finally and begin to tell what I know of the Doctrine.

    You see what We all need to do in order to move forward and understand whats going on is to stop Arguing about what I or You think and look at what They (The supposed Elites) think...

    As They run this Sphere currently and are the GateKeepers holding All the Keys - We find out what They believe by what They say - What They Involve Themselves with - Are Members of - As well as the Company They keep while doing so.

    It is this Mentality plus My Upbringing in addition to a great deal of research in all the Religions and Esoteric Arts - Moving onto Apocrypha and Non-canonical Works - Which has displayed to Me a great deal of Gnosis. To see the Truth in what is not said when something is said is also another Hegelian principle, and one that I will help others come to see and understand.

    Works such as Hermes Trimestigus - The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - The Book of Enoch - The Apocryphon of John (recently Linked here by another Poster) - The Book of Solomon - The Legemeton - Etc. - Etc. can lead You onto greater insights as to how They think. This then gives Us an Inkling into the true Reality and then - We find Our Compass. Do we swallow It once researched, hook line and sinker ? No - What We do is hold Our belief until We're getting a Picture of the true Reality - THEN - We dissect what They do and believe and while some of It may be Bunko - Most of It is not.

    (Its easy to believe once One knows. This is True faith not Blind Faith. Belief in fact is easy)

    That said - We take It All and as "separating the Wheat from the Chaff" - We put It All in the Sieve of Our Minds and what falls through the Holes (Meaning is the same) leads Us onto the Truth behind It All. This has been My Path and while I have come in with alot of remembrance It seems - It is also a great deal of going over EVERYTHING I possibly can so as to put It All in the Sieve of My Mind.

    Now do I profess to anyone that these works are not in some cases - Negative in Nature. No - Quite the opposite in fact - I usually say "- "Guard Thyself - But know Thyself". Know the Devil inside to resist the Devil outside so to speak and how do We do this ? We come to know the Enemy as It knows Itself...

    I have a great deal of research to put You and others onto if You're willing to follow that Path. You can see why when the list numbers in the Hundreds - I have to carefully answer You All with the respect this question deserves. Not only for Yourself but for All others Who will come to know these things as well. Through the Law of Allowance We will pull back the Veil and understand Ourselves - To save Ourselves.

    I will sleep on this further overnight and have a small list of Sources to begin with for You and any others interested in the Morning when I am able to Post it from Work. Simply put - It is late where I AM, and this Body must rest...

    That said - Off tomorrow - Heheh...


    (P.S. - Much more to come if the OP is OK with It)

    Thank you Mercuriel, I look forward to your insights. I do understand what you say, we are divided inside as we are divided outside. That is what the controllers want and may only be appearance of division...I often thought if source is every where, even in the breath we take, how can anything be truly divided. It makes no sense, and what you are saying is confirming to me what for many years I suspected and felt within my heart but had a question mark because the reality outside kinda said the opposite and so my mind was rather restless in that dichotomy

    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Thank_you_comment_25

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  mudra Thu Oct 21, 2010 5:20 am

    malletzky wrote:

    In my understanding, what really matters are the choices we made constantly in this life. Therefore, the choises we make everyday, every hour, minute, what really matters. The choise to live according to divine laws here and now. It might looks like it's an unachiavable task, but it sure is worth of trying. As it is achiavable.

    And at the very END, when the "time comes" will not be our own consciousness which will be given "the right" to choose.

    No, it's not that simple. Rather, our energy fields will be our own key to open the door(s) to the other realities and planes, be it 4th, 5th or even higher (or lower).

    It's like...when we're above to pass a portal which is constantly open, but the only way to pass thru is to match the energies which holds this portal open. And the choices one makes in this life are the highest factor that determine how one radiates his/her own energies. I will not call it "bad" or "good".
    No, it's just...our energy field. Sustained of all our choices and actings thru out this life.

    So yes, choose wisely, but choose NOW!

    with much respect

    I agree with you Mal and I would say it's not even a choice between this or that that we may consider " good " or " bad " for this is still separation but rather it's living by the Divine law and being at One with it and this in its own is the door to a brand new dimension of reality .Our complete presence in the Now brings us in tune with the Heart of Creator and the synchronistic world. All we need is to be still and pay attention and the Creator brings us exactly where we need to be.

    Love Always

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  lindabaker Thu Oct 21, 2010 7:42 am

    Carol wrote:In the future I often see white dome building with skylights and gardens everywhere with little streams, pools of water and waterfalls. The streams are designed to flow through the house which is more zen like inside. No electronics. One time everything was luminous and the colors richer then the colors of jewels. I was walking along a path and wall also luminous (don't know where that was either). And another time I was in some type of grecian pavilion with white columns and sky blue walls. Odd, as a child my favorite color was sky blue. There were others there (they appeared to be monks) and I had been sleeping on a chaise when I woke. They all rushed over to greet me and were so happy. I was so happy. I was home, whatever that dimension was and this world was the dream.

    Carol! Carol! The place made of white marble with the sky blue walls! Yes! I remember going there while in deep meditation. It was so clean and refreshing. I was greeted as if I were coming "home." I also sensed that I was to make a report of some kind. After walking down a hallway, I entered a room that seemed to be a library, and there were "talking leaves" that were made out of a gold material. Maybe they were discs of some sort. I also was shown a book that was covered with feathers and shut with a jeweled clasp. This was a wide awake meditation and not a dream. I feel like I'm a reporter of some kind...

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Brook Thu Oct 21, 2010 8:32 am

    malletzky wrote:
    Brook wrote: will be given a choice...choose wisely, and do so with love in your heart. Mother was given a gift last week....the keys are being turned. She has been protected by some VERY high dimensional beings. And she is giddy with excitement.

    Bless her...her time has come!

    Brook, I totaly agree with you that what really matters are choices.

    But I don't feel that it's just simple like that...when we're above to "pass away" from this reality to another...that we will be just given the opportunity to choose from two or more options. In this case, the whole life and struggle here wouldn't make sense, as we would even have more chaos then we actually have, when we could live according to our own laws which would not be in allignment with the divine laws.

    In my understanding, what really matters are the choices we made constantly in this life. Therefore, the choises we make everyday, every hour, minute, what really matters. The choise to live according to divine laws here and now. It might looks like it's an unachiavable task, but it sure is worth of trying. As it is achiavable.

    And at the very END, when the "time comes" will not be our own consciousness which will be given "the right" to choose.

    No, it's not that simple. Rather, our energy fields will be our own key to open the door(s) to the other realities and planes, be it 4th, 5th or even higher (or lower).

    It's like...when we're above to pass a portal which is constantly open, but the only way to pass thru is to match the energies which holds this portal open. And the choices one makes in this life are the highest factor that determine how one radiates his/her own energies. I will not call it "bad" or "good".
    No, it's just...our energy field. Sustained of all our choices and actings thru out this life.

    Therefore, at this curent point of our lives, many individuals are given a sneak preview of what it would be like "over there". But just a sneak... As to be honest, none of us would be able to hold up that higher energies for a longer time here and now on this plane...and this explains why many of you (as well as me) have had the opportunity to experience a bit of that wonderful place we're all above to reach..."one day".

    So yes, choose wisely, but choose NOW!

    with much respect

    Thanks for your perspective. I never said it would be fact in several posts around here, that I have made...I said it would require "work", as in the "now".
    And I have also said, and stressed heavily that it is all about the choices you make now. So it would seem we agree on this. Wink

    Never the less...we will be given a "choice".....I myself will go home. I really miss it. And I simply want to go home. As much as I love Mother....I have a home to go to. And that will be my "choice".

    I am also here at this time to 'assist" many of us carry a pass code...a "key" if you will.

    As for what I do in the "now".....I spend as much time with the one I love and nature as possible.

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    Post  Brook Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:39 am

    As to be honest, none of us would be able to hold up that higher energies for a longer time here and now on this plane...

    One more this perspective of your and mine would depend on your DNA and how activated it is. As I have experienced countless hours in this state. And have the physical proof of such a state. As in marks on my body to assimilate that state. And to achieve this higher frequency is as simple for me now, I can do it on the fly..I do not need to do some prep meditation to achieve that frequency. I have also been around beings with a much higher frequency that will make you shake in their presence. But it is more than possible to achieve.

    Am I any different that anyone have just activated my DNA. I came here with a purpose, and a "path". And many here are now getting this. This is not something you cannot all do. However there is a force that holds your DNA in "stasis"...and as such when you try to gain that higher stops you. The key is to activate it now. Is everybody going to be able to do this? That depends on the choice and path that they chose when coming here.

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    Post  Mercuriel Thu Oct 21, 2010 10:53 am

    I must say this too in reply.

    Occcasionally (Once or Twice a week) - I'll get a high pitched Tone in the left or right Ear or even still - Both...

    Anywhere from twenty minutes to eight hours later I'll start to see in My Vision - Sacred Geometry - Shapes - Languages (Sanskrit and what looks like Ancient Sumerian plus some other Languages I haven't been able to decipher yet) Visages - Mathematical Formulas - And Colors I cannot seem to describe in this Reality. The Colors are Vital and have a Vibrancy that no colors on Earth - Yet - Have shown Me.

    At first I thought this could be a stigmatism or something to do with One of My eyes not working properly until I closed one Eye - Then the other - And then finally both and the Vision does not subside. It usually stays with Me for about twenty minutes or so and then slowly fades...

    I asked another more Learned than Me about this and She said "You are seeing the 5th - Be ready, for in time It will be the World You see and not this One..."

    Now while I was happy that this was occurring to Me - It still trips Me out nonetheless every time It happens...

    That said - As My Bloodline came over from Germany to Scotland in the 1300s with the Nobility takeover - Perhaps I am Tuatha Dé Danann and on My way to just realising It now...



    Interesting Times - Interesting Times Indeed...



    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Brook Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:01 am

    I'll get a high pitched Tone in the left or right Ear or even still - Both...

    That's cool.....wait till those tones start sending signals..starting and stopping in codes............ Wink

    Nice to meet one from the clan of Tuatha Dé Danann George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 291147 might you be Tabarn? Just a guess...

    Last edited by Brook on Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:15 am; edited 1 time in total

    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  Guest Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:13 am

    Shocked I also hear a high pitched sound and see symbols when I close my eyes sometimes, I will just like to learn how to stop the symbols so I can see them more clearly...At the begining I thought they were like snowflakes...but then I realized that they were more complex even and then I also saw others that look like flowers...and balls within balls

    For sometime I was worried about my eyesight too because I could see like an energetic overlay but someone told me that it was the energy field or a bleed through

    It is so good to know that others are experiencing the same. I thought I may be losing it Hypnotize

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    George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension - Page 4 Empty Re: George Kavassilas - contactee on photon belt, 5D earth, ascension

    Post  starninja Thu Oct 21, 2010 11:31 am

    Malletzky wrote:
    In my understanding, what really matters are the choices we made constantly in this life. Therefore, the choises we make everyday, every hour, minute, what really matters. The choise to live according to divine laws here and now. It might looks like it's an unachiavable task, but it sure is worth of trying. As it is achiavable.

    I agree with you that life is about making choices in every moment. But I also see it as a personal growth where we are in touch with all our feelings. Our hearts are closed to ourselves and others if we if we don’t feel all feelings. We may talk about love but we don’t feel it. It is very obvious when our insecurities are triggered and we may lash out with anger and the name of love and light. It is challenging for most of us not to react. However, those situations give us an opportunity to heal and grow. I also believe that we need be true to ourselves and speak our truth, allowing other to speak theirs. How often we can see people defending and trying to impose their beliefs upon others, forgetting that nobody knows the truth. We only have our truth and our intuition will guide us to what we need to learn.

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