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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?


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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:31 pm

    26 minute duration.
    This was published 4-25-2022 *last Monday on Ken McClellan's channel.

    Ken McClellan, who narrates this video ,is a well respected researcher/author in the "Electric Universe" circles and KNOWS HIS STUFF ABOUT SOLAR EVENTS and our past Earth's catastrophic astronomy. Ken's video uses many ancient examples of the "creation/destruction symbol--The Argha Noa" 

    A CELLAR...I highly recommend that you spend this weekend
    in it--just out of deference to our ancient ancestors!"

    according to our featured video narrator.

    CO-ROTATING INTERACTION REGION: Geomagnetic storms (G1-class) are possible on April 29th when a co-rotating interaction region (CIR) is expected to hit Earth's magnetic field. CIRs are transition zones between fast- and slow-moving solar wind streams. They contain shock waves and compressed magnetic fields that do a good job sparking auroras. 

    AFTERGLOW OF A GEOMAGNETIC STORM: An interplanetary shock wave hit Earth's magnetic field on April 27th. It wasn't a big one--just enough to spark an unexpected G1-class geomagnetic storm. Greg Ash photographed the afterglow from Duluth, Minnesota:

    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Mn_strip

    "It was really neat listening to the ice growl and shift while watching the auroras," says Ash. "A meteor streaked through the frame just as I was taking the picture."

    The shock wave was probably a minor CME overlooked until it hit Earth. Right now the sun is crackling with solar flares, hurling multiple overlapping CMEs into space every day. A faint CME may have slipped through the net of NOAA analysts to deliver yesterday's surprise storm. This will happen increasingly often as Solar Cycle 25 intensifies.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 29, 2022 8:11 am

    The ice core data from LaViolette's articles show the temps over the last 450,000 years.

    The cycles are NOT exactly 12,000 years. Ice ages often last much longer. Warm periods, such as we are now in are often BRIEF.

    Our current warm period is unusually long. Perhaps it was long enough for our civ to advance to this level.

    So, what happened that was incredible 12,887 years ago?

    1. The mega fauna which had survived numerous ice ages, warm periods, rising seas, super volcanoes, etc. for MILLIONS of years DIED out totally. That is actually incredible! They died over the entire Northern Hemisphere. Whatever happened had to be major doom.

    2. The micro tektites from the same period have isotopes normally only created in novas. The surface of Luna was melted to GLASS. LaViolette said the Sun would have to increase about 100 times in power to do that.

    That is what the prophecies are about. Each micro nova of our star is WORSE. They were warning in the Book of Revelations that real doom was coming.

    The prophecies could be totally supernatural. However, there is a convergence between science and prophecy that should not be ignore.

    Please heed the warnings and get others to take action.

    Solar Flare is coming. Not sure when, but it is coming.

    LaViolette's videos and those from Douglas Vogt who is presently the
    "go-to-guy" for all things Solar Micro-Nova.

    LaViolette has a good book called: "Earth Under Fire" that is surprisingly easy to read and although it does have some technical things in it to be a really easy read. Well worth having on your shelf.

    LaViolette said the Sun would have to increase about 100 times in power to do that.

    Dr. Vogt explains that the sun is actually "triggered" by an outside source--it doesn't just suddenly "heat-up" on its own. There is a little bit of difference between WHAT IS THE TRIGGER TO THE SUN by Vogt, Laviolette and
    Davidson recently.

    Davidson believes it is cosmic dust irritates the sun --  something he calls a "Current Sheet" (a magnetic system between the solar system and the sun)...

    Laviolette believes it is the GALACTIC SUPER WAVE (Ken McClellan mentions this in his video--what he does think is coming this weekend or early May) 

    A GIANT FLARE which comes from the center of the Milky Way "core star."

    Here is an older interview with Dr. Laviolette:

    "The Camelot Group" with Cassie does a great job getting to the basics with Dr. Laviolette. He was concerned the Galactic Super Wave could arrive as early as 2017 and was getting ready even then.

    Dr. Vogt's material and more discussion here:
    Thread: Greatest Secret of the United States, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova

    It is Dr. Vogt who has the strangest of all the TRIGGERS. He thinks there is some kind of 'UNIVERSAL ARCHITECT" creator/or advanced E.T.), which can just pull a switch in our "MATRIX" and the stars that are in series micro-nova at once. 

    Dr. Vogt and Ben Davidson are not quite on the "same page" but they are good friends and often collaborate.

    Anyways... (our star) is going to "go off" and we had best get ready!

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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:15 pm

    Pam Gregory is one of my favourite astrologers. She has videos about the upcoming eclipses and the pole shift.

    Here she speaks with Rory Duff about the soon to occur pole shift.


    This is about tomorrow's solar eclipse/new moon in taurus.

    This is about the total lunar eclipse in scorpio on May 15/16.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:44 pm

    In the video below from Suspicious Observer's channel (Ben Davidson) ONE OF THE FIRST SENTENCES IN THE AUDIO says: "This looks more like SOLAR MAXIMUM...than solar minimum!"

    According to Davidson (below) we have had 6 CME's in the past 24 hours (from time of his making his video 6:00 A.M. to 6:00 A.M. 4-27 thru 4-28-2022. It's pretty unusual.


    3 Minute duration."Daily Report from S.O. 4-28-2022" and he doesn't ADD why he thinks the sun is looking more like "SOLAR MAXIMUM!"

    I'll just take a "leap" and place my best-guess out there with this:

    If you will watch the Doub Vogt video on Adragon's "The Greatest Secret" thread--the "featured video" on page 1 will understand that the sun can sometimes seem to go "bat-XXXX-crazy" at times and it can be unexpected. Vogt reports that this very thing happened with our star around Fall of 1957.

    The solar activity that was "unexpected" sent the solar scientists and astronomers into a panic. He will tell you what happened next, but you'll need to go to this link:

    Thread: Greatest Secret of the United States, Causes of the Ice Age and Nova,

    While we "humans" believe we have a handle on the sun and stars and everything UNDER IT...we really don't. It seems--as Doug Vogt reported--that there is a "GRAND PLAN" with regard to solar cycles and one of these master plans is called the "Solar Micro-Nova cycle." It runs
     toughly 12,000 years and he even presents evidence that we are very close to the next one.

    Now whether THIS SATURDAY/SUNDAY is the start of what Vogt reported is probably unlikely--Vogt gave the date 2046 for an actual timeframe (and even that may be "off.") But we don't have enough science on the "BETWEENS" that happen to know everything.

    The featured narrator sounds more like he is thinking in terms of a "carrington event" (as a precursor to a solar micro-nova and pole shift) than the bigger event... 

    DO YOUR HOMEWORK and then you don't need to depend on someone's kindness (like McClellan who risks his reputation by disclosure) to let you know what is on the Horizon!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:00 pm

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Apr 30, 2022 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:02 pm

    Scientists spot new 'micronova' stellar explosion
    By Stefanie Waldek published 9 days ago

    An international team of astronomers has observed and identified 
    a new type of stellar explosion — a micronova.

    Using the European Southern Observatory's (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT), 
    the researchers witnessed never-before-seen 
    small thermonuclear explosions on white dwarf stars 
    that lasted only a matter of hours.
    Read more: [link to (secure)]

    Interesting timing on confirming micronovas.

    Also from article:

    "For the first time, we have now seen that hydrogen fusion can also happen in a localized way. The hydrogen fuel can be contained at the base of the magnetic poles of some white dwarfs, so that fusion only happens at these magnetic poles," astronomer Paul Groot of Radboud University in the Netherlands, who co-authored the study, said in the statement. "This leads to micro-fusion bombs going off, which have about one-millionth of the strength of a nova explosion, hence the name micronova."

    Despite the term "micro" in their name, micronovas are still extremely powerful explosions. The researchers theorized that a single micronova burns through about 44,000,000 trillion pounds (20,000,000 trillion kilograms) — the equivalent of 3.5 billion Great Pyramids of Giza."

    The "spin-off" from McClellan's video brings in the whole physical symptoms endured by "solar-sensitives" out there (like my spouse and I) that have very real physical reactions to all things "space-weather related." Below is a chart from Ben Davidson at Suspicious Observers (dot org) that you might want to TAKE SERIOUSLY over the coming days of an up-tick in our solar flares and in-bound "cosmic energies."

    ...It is now documented evidence that human beings DO SUFFER physical/mental/spiritual disruptions from HIGH KP INDEX RATINGS!

    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Th.jpg?

    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? 2024efdfc4
    With the video "disclosure" Monday from Ken M. we can expect these physical symptoms to be manifesting--even if we do NOT see end-times-level-flares which he predicts. It's a very good idea if you realize you are "solar-sensitive".

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 31958
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND? Empty Re: Little Hints of.a HUGE Problem! Ordained Solar Event? THIS WEEKEND?

    Post  Carol Fri Apr 29, 2022 3:14 pm

    17 min. duration

    Ken McClellan makes reference to about 5 or 6 things that he sees "lining-up on the Horizon"--including this very rare planetary alignment, (including the moon) and a "double eclipse" this weekend...just don't see all this stuff every day.

    Here is a fun video from a youtube author from INDIA where he gives us a list of the planets in the current alignment in the Heavens (even TODAY) WHICH YOU MAY NOT HAVE SEEN:

    This is a follow-up from Suspicious Observers after yesterday's look at Ben's interview with Mike Adams. He is very excited about some serious CONFIRMATION of the solar micro-nova theory (credit Ben and Doug Vogt, of course) and reports it for us here in his daily report for 4-21-2022:

    Continued on this thread at GLP:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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