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    Quran and 2012: Evidence Hints At Event Types and Locations of 2012 Catastrophe


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    Quran and 2012: Evidence Hints At Event Types and Locations of 2012 Catastrophe Empty Quran and 2012: Evidence Hints At Event Types and Locations of 2012 Catastrophe

    Post  Carol Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:08 am

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    [Translate] Editorial – India Daily Kongka La is the low ridge pass in the Himalayas (the blue oval in the map). It is in the disputed India-China border area in Ladakh. In the map the red zone is the disputed area still under...

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    [Translate] Nicholas West Is a major earth-shattering event about to happen in America which could trigger global chaos? Based on heavy speculation, and some startling facts, there seem to be some indicators that suggest something big may be about...

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    New World Order: Underground Bases and Tunnels – Video
    [Translate] Richard Sauder – Underground Bases and Tunnels (radio show) Tuesday, 2nd November 2010 Richard Sauder, Ph.D., is probably the world’s foremost public authority, as well as the first person, to systematically popularize...

    More Prophecy from the Woman Who Predicted 911
    [Translate] MoneyTeachers “The next thing that came to me was more felt than seen. It was the understanding that shortly after the crashing of the buildings in New York City (911), commerce ceased. Shopping and buying seemed to stop, and...

    Video: Military build-ups around the world – USA Leading us In To World War 3
    [Translate] Over the last decade, Washington has doubled its military budget, fuelling massive military build-ups around the world, from the emerging powers in the South China Seas to the multi-billion-dollar arms deals in the Middle East, begging...

    [Translate] By Daniel Tencer Washington Post political correspondent David Broder has kind words for President Barack Obama in in his opinion column Sunday, arguing that it isn’t the president’s fault the economy is stuck in reverse. But the four-decade-plus...

    Obama ‘Fake Terror’ Alert Story Hits #1 on Google
    [Translate] SEE ALSO Paul Joseph Watson’s article here on the most recent ‘fake terror’ alert, as it has been updated. Aaron Dykes October 29, 2010 Efforts to warn the population that the Obama Administration, like the Bush Administration...

    Fake Terror: Emirates Flight 201 Escorted By Fighter Jets Into JFK Airport
    [Translate] Gregory White In summation, here’s what we know: Two packages were discovered, in Dubai and the UK, that were sent from Yemen. Those packages included explosive material, according to the President. In response to that threat,...

    Are signs of 2012 galactic alignment evident now?
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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:52 am