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Vidya Moksha
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    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates


    Posts : 32044
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    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Mon Jul 04, 2022 8:19 pm
    Pilots, Doctors and Aviation Experts Lift the Lid on What Is Happening in the Sky - Monday, July 4, 2022

    Clarence Thomas cites claim that Covid vaccines are ‘developed using cell lines derived from aborted children’
    Cells derived from elective abortions have been used in vaccine research for decades, including for Covid-19 vaccines.

    [b]Lin Wood:

    God gave us eyes to see, but too often we don’t look closely enough. 

    God gave us ears to hear, but too often we don’t listen carefully enough. 

    God gave us common sense, but too often we don’t apply it. 

    God gave us instincts, but too often we don’t follow them. 

    God gave us a brain, but too often we don’t think. 

    God gave us a heart, but too often we don’t love enough or forgive enough. 

    God gave us lips to speak. I believe He wants us to use them to speak TRUTH. 

    God gave us freedom, but too often we take it for granted. 

    God in dwelt His Children with the Holy Spirit so We The People have the power in our Republic. We The People are the government. We tell government what to do. Government does not tell us what to do.

    If His children turn back to the face of their Father in the name of the Son and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in all of our ways, there is nothing We The People cannot accomplish for good. 

    His will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. 

    Time for rest. It has been a long day. Thanks for letting me share it with you. I love You The People. 

    Don’t get get distracted by trying to time our victory over the communist tyrants. We are on God’s time and timing. Just wait on the LORD and trust the LORD. 

    Never quit. Never concede. Never lose hope.  

    Press on.

    God bless each of you.



    A great day to remember what was done in the past and what needs to be done in the future. 

    FIX 2020 OR BUST!!!

    End rigged elections. 

    End child sex trafficking and modern day human slavery. 

    Support President Trump. 

    Trust the LORD. 


    News on social media has surfaced that Joe Biden has been removed by the Supreme court. The news has broken in Australia, not in the United States as of yet-it may take a while until it is official. The people who were running the country (Biden Cabal), have been arrested and sent to GITMO.

    Australian bank collapses with thousands of customers told to withdraw funds IMMEDIATELY before it closes all accounts on Tuesday.

    World-wide banks had to be compliant with the new gold-backed system and those who have not, are collapsing.

    The collapse of banks and the emerging of the New banking systems are world-wide.

    Buckle up-even if the EBS has not started (yet) and may take longer, your patience will pay off in the end. We are watching the final showdown (even if it is not in the mainstream news media). 

    The EBS will come with an up to three day power outage due to the switch to the TESLA free energy. It might be reported as an attack on the power grid, but the power grid is safe as I have been saying for years. 

    We have a heatwave in a lot of places. It is 100 degree humidity in Texas. People cannot be without power and AC right now. #utsava #officialutsava 

    There have been reports by the news media in Australia that Biden was removed. The articles then later disappeared.

    As for the EBS, the EBS was supposed to happen 1.5 years ago and has been delayed. There were lots of time line changes in between but the EBS is part of the final showdown and it is going to happen soon.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:09 am

    CERN Hadron Collider experiment sparks Doomsday fears - what's going on?
    DOOMSDAY conspiracy theories are abounding as the new July 5 CERN Large Hadron Collider experiment is set to create unprecedented levels of energy. The European Organization for Nuclear Research is…

    BREAKING: Florida Supreme Court grants Gov. Ron DeSantis’ request for a grand jury to probe human trafficking and sanctuary cities that aid and abet the coyotes
    DeSantis to investigate sanctuary cities that abet human trafficking DeSantis requested that a grand jury be set up to examine trafficking networks in the state.

    US government buys 105 million doses of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine for fall "booster" injections, with an option of 195 million more doses.

    32-Year-Old Comedian Nick Nemeroff Suddenly Dies in His Sleep -- Posted Earlier About Suffering Side Effects of COVID Vaccine (VIDEO) Montreal-raised standup comedian Nick Nemeroff died suddenly on Monday at the age of 32, his family announced in a Twitter post. “It is with profound sadness that we announce the sudden passing of our beloved brother Nick Nemeroff,”

    Predetermined Algorithms Source of Widespread Election Fraud in Arizona - UncoverDC
    Predetermined algorithms were the cause of widespread election fraud in Maricopa, says Jovan Hutton Pulitzer.

    Credibility in the Dumps: You're Better Off Not Taking Guidance from the CDC

    Dr. Robert Malone: "Shockingly, according to The New York Times, the CDC has been withholding data all the way through the outbreak [on] the justification that if they had not withheld data, it would have increased vaccine hesitancy, which is another way of saying, 'If we told you what's really going on, you wouldn't take the jab,' to speak plainly."

    Emergency Abuse Authorized: By Statute, These Jabs Should Have Never Been Permitted

    Dr. Robert Malone: "Most of these agents [the shots, remdesivir, and so on] are being allowed by the FDA under [a] special clause called 'emergency use authorization,' and if the medical emergency declared by the executive branch is terminated or there is or had been an effective alternative to these experimental products, then by statute, these experimental products could not have been emergency use authorized."

    Chinese impersonated Texans to sabotage critical US rare earth minerals plant
    Chinese agents pretending to be concerned Texans executed an online disinformation campaign against a company building a rare earth minerals facility in Texas for the Department of Defense, the cybersecurity firm Mandiant revealed on Tuesday. The Pentagon later released a statement confirming Mandiant's findings. Mandiant found that agents for a pro-China disinformation campaign used fake social media accounts to cast doubt on Lynas Rare Earth Ltd. and other mining firms in an effort to weaken the rare earth minerals supply chain in the United States and elsewhere. Lynas is the largest rare earth mining company in the world.

    Chinese actors lied about being local Texans online in order to stir up opposition to building a rare earth minerals plant in Texas.

    They used thousands of fake Twitter and Facebook accounts to claim the plant would cause permanent environmental damage.

    MARICOPA Ballot mail analysis. One way to gain extra ballots for nefarious purposes is called "ballot cracking." Maricopa shows signs of widespread ballot cracking operations in excess of 53,866 2020 election ballots. Ballot cracking is a technique when ballots are undelivered or returned as "undeliverable," individuals crack open the ballot, vote on the ballot inside, place it in the return envelope and either do not sign the ballot or apply a bogus signature. If the county elections do not do signature verification, ballot cracking can go undetected. Returned as undeliverable ballots are the MOST SUSCEPTIBLE to ballot cracking. When returned to the county, these ballots simply "disappear."
    Famous Covid Doctor Reveals What's Really Going On | Dr. Zev Zelenko 2021

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:42 am

    Some of July 5ths headlines.

    Gateway Pundit

    The US Continues To Export Record Levels of Oil Reserves Despite Record High Gas Prices

    Crosby, Stills & Nash Return To Spotify After Failed Protest of Joe Rogan

    REPORT: Only 18 Percent Of Independent Voters Approve Of Biden’s Job Performance

    President Trump’s Message on 4th of July: Biden’s Massive Failures Would Not Have Occurred Under Trump Presidency

    Philly Mayor Blames Supreme Court After Two Police Officers Shot at 4th of July Concert (Video)

    THE FIX IS IN: Poll Suggests Radical Socialist, Anti-White Racist, Anti-Police Democrat Raphael Warnock Is 10 Points Ahead of American Icon Herschel Walker in Georgia

    Melania Trump Shared Patriotic and Beautiful Message on the 4th of July that Was Left Unnoticed by Corrupt Media

    July 5, 2022, 

    Canada’s Health Minister Demands COVID Booster Shots Every 9 Months to Keep Vaccine Status ‘Up-to-Date’

    Manufacturing Plants Aren’t Just Mysteriously Getting Burned Down In The United States, It’s Happening Around The World…

    Fourth of July Weekend Airmageddon: More Than 10,000 Flights Delayed, Hundreds Canceled – Transportation Sec. Buttigieg Silent


    Pfizer Ordered by Uruguayan Judge to Report Composition of Covid-19 Vaccines Including Any Presence of “Graphene Oxide” or “Nanotechnological Elements”


    EXCLUSIVE: FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination

    A strange constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations...


    Epic Scenes in the Netherlands: The Dutch Farmers Aren't Messing Around

    The government picked the wrong people to mess with.

    Dutch Farmers Turn up Heat on the Government and BLOCK Distribution Centers and Supermarket Chains

    "No farms, no food."

    Dutch Fishermen and Farmers Unite Against Arbitrary Climate Restrictions

    In solidarity with the farmers' protest against nitrogen emissions restrictions, fishermen joined the cause and blocked several ports.


    Operation Midnight Climax

    No, this is not the start of a spin-off to 50 shades of gray. This is the name of one of the CIA's mind-control experiments with the American people. This mind-control experiment ran for an entire decade before being shut down. The CIA hired female sex workers to help attract men into a San Francisco brothel, where they would then be drugged for the sake of human experimentation. The hired women would give these men LSD (a psychedelic drug). The mirrors on the walls in the rooms of these brothel


    Leaked Hutchinson Texts Raise More Questions

    Some highly puzzling messages were leaked to The Daily Caller from Cassidy Hutchinson reaching out to CPAC, the Conservatives Political Action Conference, for assistance with her “BS” subpoena from the Jan. 6th committee. But what does it mean? To be honest, I’m not entirely sure, but it confirms a lot of things, and simultaneously raises A LOT of questions. For starters, why the hell is Cassidy Hutchinson reaching out to the conservative Mecca of CPAC, for help with Jan. 6th subpoena? Why would she seek conservative help if her plan was to go up there and fabricate nonsense about Trump. That doesn’t make any sense.

    "Why the hell would Hutchinson reach out to conservatives for help? There is much more to her testimony than meets the eye. "


    UPS just declared war on the Second Amendment.  Make sure everyone in America sees this.  This.  Is.  Insane.


    Biden Blocks Offshore Drilling, Limiting Oil Production After Begging Oil Companies To Produce More and Attacking Gas Stations

    As gas prices soar, and the need for domestic oil production rises, Biden again blocks the ability for the nation to produce


    U.K. Recession Now on the Economic Horizon

    Wells Fargo Securities:

    “With the U.S. economy, in our view, now expected to fall into recession in 2023, we also expect the U.K. to experience an economic recession by early next year.”


    Obama Strategist Claims Biden Isn't Real President

    Biden's Out Of Control Spending

    “There is this sense that things are kind of out of control and he’s not in command.” Axelrod said

    Biden’s out-of-control layouts include mega-bills like the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill and the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan providing for COVID relief. Throw in tens of billions more sent to Ukraine.

    Don’t forget that Biden wanted to spend more—up to $5 trillion more on the Build Back Better bill, but was only stopped because he couldn’t get the votes.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:16 am

    Deadly 4th of July attack. 2021 insurance death payouts spike to all time highs.
    Watch the full Michael Jaco video on Rumble:

    Oil Is Crashing As Recession Risk Roars, Dollar Soars
    Is President Biden hoping for a recession?

    Be ungovernable

    They tried to lock us down, mask us, and forcefully vaccinate us. Never has tyranny been more on display in our lives yet stories of bravery, resilience, and patriotism has shined like beacons of light during our precipice years. 
    People are more awake, more patriotic, and more God loving than ever before. 

    America's future is being determined by red pilled Patriots who know what their plans our....we've seen it firsthand. We know that we must achieve victory for the future of our children because the alternative is unacceptable. And with God's help we will win. 

    America's best days are ahead. 
    Believe it. 
    God bless America.


    Called my stockbroker this morning and asked him what I should be buying?

    He said, "Canned goods and ammunition,"

    7.04.22 - Freedom Fighting - Who Will Answer the Call?
    July 4th - Declaration of Independence Reading Ceremony 2022


    "We were suppose to be lockdown for 3 years! Trump ruined their plans and it all fell apart. He saved so many lives! [/b]

    Justice is coming for the public to see.. We all know for the last 5 years Trump saved millions of children and killed the Luciferian elite. Over 200,000 government officials have been subpoenaed and tried, either in a Grand Jury of Tribunals.. 

    They enlarged and remodeled GITMO, opened up Iceland and South America's US military house them or kill them by hanging or in front of a firing squad. 

    Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are dead
    Obama's are dead
    Bush's are dead
    Cheney is dead
    Pelosi's dead

    Every top known Congressman and Senator is dead or imprisoned. many list is long.

    We one day will watch their taped confessions and courtroom sessions.  I cant wait!

    So many people who follow Trump are out of the loop. They have no idea whats been going on behind the scenes for years.

    They have no clue that DC is being run by China.. having no clue there's a deep state, a cabal and Draco running the Democrats. They have no clue who their enemy is. 

    Instead they trust their Doctors, Big Pharma, CDC, WHO, their Government and the Media. They believe everything that comes out of their Pastors or Priests mouths and question nothing.. Sheep without discernment. Having no ear to hear.

    They're looking to 2024! Lol

    They have no understanding..
    How can there be a 2024 if they don't fix 2020 first??

    Don't you know what they did and why? 
    Don't you realize the power they had for years and how they're embedded into all high places in government so their agenda will go forth?? 

    You must clean out the government .. take down their corruption and change their voting system and procedures to get a true result..or it will happen again and again.

    By the way Trump won with almost 100 million votes.
    This was all planned..Trump knew what they were going to do...he trapped them. They allowed them to take over DC and play the part..While he takes them out one by one. The military sees Trump as President and treat him as one..but all behind the scenes. The public sees Biden and his administration... its all fake. Biden has no authority to do anything.

    Ukraine...thats another story, half the Patriots don't know about this either. It's so frustrating in why they don't. Ugh!!

    Ukraine is the headquarters for the cabal..illuminati. Russia started a war with them bc he's killing them off. The Ukrainian army are Nazi's. They're the ones who are killing innocent people, bombing buildings to make Putin look bad. 
    Putin has precise labs and government and military buildings. He's collected data before he destroys the buildings..Russia has enough fire power to win NATO, EU and America all together. 

    The media is on the same side as Ukraine so they report that Russia is losing.. and to give money to the poor Ukraine people. 

    Putin is a hero! And is also working with Trump. 
    One day soon the world will know the truth and feel like a fool for giving monies to Ukraine to help them fight Putin, the bad man. Ha! 

    If these people only knew they are siding with the devil...know who your enemy is."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:14 pm

    Underground Knowledge — A discussion group - NEW WORLD ORDER:  Numerology of the Global Elite Showing 1-50 of 58
    58 discussion posts.
    Harry said: If you've read some of my comments or looked at my profile, you'll know I experience this weird 11:11 Phenomenon thingy....

    "They're 19 protiens from 2 most venomous snakes..The Cobra and one from China. That's why it paralyzes your diaphragm and you cant breathe..and people go on ventilators and die!

    19 proteins..2019...Covid 19"

    9 in the occult =

    Real TOM NUMBERS 1776 - today is day 176 of the Year
    175 is important
    176 is Back To The Future


    On 4 July 2012, the ATLAS experiment and the CMS Experiment at the LHC announced they had each observed a new particle in the mass region around 126 GeV - the #Higgsboson, a cornerstone of the Standard Model of particle physics. #Higgs10 CERN

    Italy declares state of emergency in 5 northern regions amid the worst drought in 70 years. 

    The regions are Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont. Some of these are important in terms of food production.


    Ep. 2815a - The Economic Shift Away From The [CB] Is Happening, In The End The [CB] Won’t Exist

    Ep. 2815b - People Awake & United Ends The [DS] Control, The Swamp Is Being Drained


    If You Are Not Yet Convinced Of The Need For A Second American Revolution, Then Read This

    The following are the annotated statements of Founding Father Samuel Adams from his article “The Rights of the Colonists” in The Report of the Committee of Correspondence to the Boston Town Meeting, Nov. 20, 1772.

    “Among the natural rights of the Colonists are these: First, a right to life; Secondly, to liberty; Thirdly, to property; together with the right to support and defend them in the best manner they can. These are evident branches of, rather than deductions from, the duty of self-preservation, commonly called the first law of nature.”

    The Biden regime, together with its allies in the World Economic Forum and the Chinese Communist Party, consider those natural rights, not unalienable endowed by the Creator, but as privileges dispensed or withdrawn according to the convenience of the state.

    Call it globalism, communism or neo-Feudalism, the intent is the same, to establish a world government by an international ruling class, who exploit the land for personal profit and rule over billions of people without liberty or property.
    The usurper Biden has already declared that our rights guaranteed under the Constitution are “not absolute” and is actively in the process of eliminating them, in particular, the Second Amendment, upon which all of our other freedoms depend.

    The totalitarian Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum said, “You will own nothing, and you will be happy.”
    Is the Biden regime’s ongoing deliberate demolition of the U.S. economy a North American sequel to Mao Zedong’s 1958 to 1962 Great Leap Forward, a policy that led to the deaths of up to 45 million Chinese, easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder in history?

    Do Americans really want to wait to find out?

    Samuel Adams also wrote:
    “The Legislative has no right to absolute, arbitrary power over the lives and fortunes of the people.”

    Can any American today honestly believe that Washington, D.C. represents the interests of and is accountable to the people as defined by the U.S. Constitution?

    The Democrat Party has permanent control of the federal bureaucracy, which is composed of unelected officials, who have the power to comprehensively regulate our lives and punish us when we don’t comply.

    The Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in particular, have become political weapons against Democrat Party opponents, which has created a two-tier system of justice.

    In our current de facto one-party state, Republicans play the role of court eunuchs.

    The Republican Party has seceded from its voters and should be abandoned as a political vehicle capable of providing any effective opposition to the Biden regime, the Democrats or the mainstream media. It too is a party of the ruling class and the Deep State.

    Once elected, members of Congress serve only their own interests, and that of their party and its wealthy donors. Petitioning Congress for the redress of grievances is an exercise in futility.

    Now that our elections have proven to be a sham and our political system has been shown to be hopelessly corrupt, Americans who believe in the Constitution and the rule of law must choose either to resist or to submit to a one-party totalitarian state.

    On this July 4, 2022, we must heed the words of another Founding Father, John Adams:
    “Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it.”

    More recently, President Ronald Reagan said:
    “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:36 pm
    Dr. Steven Greer - The Science of Consciousness and CE5 Contact - Preview of Season 1 Eps 1 from Dr. Greer’s recent CE5 training at the GaiaSphere:
    COMPARISON: Salaries of the Presidents
    #comparison  #salary  #president 

    List of salaries of heads of state and government


    Death Star Appears Over CERN, Switzerland, Home of the CIA

    As originally depicted in the August 1, 2015, report entitled “Death Star Appears Over CERN, Switzerland, Home of the CIA”, back in March of 2015, Swiss citizens began to notice a bright new star in Switzerland’s western sky. Vividly brighter than Venus which flanked it, the apparently man-made star was located approximately 100 miles above the Earth in Lower Earth Orbit (LEO). 

    Interestingly, the man-made star was temporarily positioned above CERN which is located just outside of Geneva, Switzerland, the de facto capitol of the underworld.

    Coincidentally, the geometry of CERN mimics that of the Death Star from Star Wars exactly. This is no coincidence for CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva has been responsible for executing virtually all of the assassinations, terror attacks and wars witnessed in the underworld over the last 715 years. Exactly what the CIA Death Star is or how arrived above CERN not yet known, but it’s appearance just happened to coincide with the cover of the Swiss CIA being blown for the first time in history on March 31, 2015, as depicted in the report entitled “10 Reasons Why Switzerland is Home to the CIA”. Although only conjecture, it appears that the sole power of planet Earth (i.e., the Roman Empire in Greenland) decided to elevate the command part of its CIA Headquarters to the CIA Death Star above CERN  in order to prevent CIA minions on the ground from discovering that they’re actually not in charge. In other words, the CIA in Switzerland runs the underworld at the behest of the Greco-Roman Empire in Greenland. Consequently, once the operational cover of the CIA was blown for the first time in history, the headquarters of the CIA were subsequently moved to the CIA Death Star, out of harm’s way. 

    Whether or not the International Space Station (ISS) is the operational cover for the CIA Death Star is not yet known, but the term “ISS” (S+S) and “Suisse” (S+S) are consonantly speaking the same. Therefore, the term ISS may in fact be code word for the CIA Death Star. Whether or not Greco-Romans are now traveling back and forth from Greenland to Switzerland via the CIA Death Star is also not known, but the star’s appearance in March of 2015 and its subsequent disappearance around July 15, 2015, is highly suspect to say the least. In all likelihood, the CIA Death Star has either: a) returned to Greenland or another remote location where it remains hidden from the prying eyes of underworld, or b) landed somewhere within the CERN complex (possibly beneath Lake Geneva), an unlikely feat due to its size.

    >Military Alliance Operations to capture CERN SUPER COMPUTER  “Tier 0”

    In Early 2012 MiL. Operations began to infiltrate the CIA CERN facility and map the underground tunnels systems that connected the European continent through the world using  Super fast Maglev trains .

    By 2014 over 300 military operators had infiltrated the deep state CERN operations as workers, technicians, engineers and scientists and by 2014 the first waves of tectonic weapons were used to collapsed tunnel systems that connected France, Italy, Austria to the CIA lake Geneva underground head quarters. Operations were conducted from Norway via Germany with ALLIANCE military force ops. By 2017 The eventual sabotage from within CERN and outside tunnel corridor's that housed Nuclear Energy were dismantled by Special forces and short Battle took place beneath lake Geneva

    And by mid-summer the Supercomputer came into the hands of Mil. White Hats

    >SC "Tier 0” of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG),  conducted via the LHC Optical Private Network (LHCOPN). Data is reportedly sent out from CERN via the LHCOPN to 11 “Tier 1” academic institutions in Asia, Europe and North America via dedicated 10 Gbit/s links. Translation: orders are sent out from CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva to 11 CIA substations around the world, one of which is located in Langley, Virginia. 

    More than 150 “Tier 2” institutions are subsequently connected to the CIA’s 11 “Tier 1” institutions, creating a network of CIA sub-stations that double as Research and Education Network (NREN) centers. Although NRENs are allegedly dedicated to supporting the needs of research and education within a given community, they actually serve as the CIA’s secret sub-station which conducts assassinations, espionage, and terror attacks.

    BY 2019 Whites Hats military operations took Full control of the CERN.

    The technology inside CERN is deeply connected to The ROSWELL CRASH and TESLA CLASSIFIED technology (both connect time traveling. Roswell UFO technology opens doors to portals 400 Mile's below the Earth's crust and mantel that houses another ocean and hidden society)

    The French ROTHSCHILDs Elite family who help create the FBI with descendants of Jesuits Army and Napoleon blood lines stole the technology from the United States military in the 1900s....

    > Until now the Q CLASSIFIED operations has finally back in it's grasp one of humanities greatest machines that measures 17 miles in length and has the power to recreate time / has healing properties and connects CIVILIZATIONs across the universe and through the Earth's inner most planetary secrets.


    The Geneva Tunnel
    Although only conjecture, it’s highly likely that Genova, Italy marks the entrance of a 275 kilometer (170 mile) subterranean tunnel which allows submarines emanating from Greenland to access CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva. 

    This notion is corroborated by the fact that Geneva (G+N+V) and Genova (G+N+V) are consonantly the same name which suggests that the “Geneva Tunnel” may in fact be the tunnel’s official name. The flag of Genova and the coat of arms of Genovabear a Roman cross similar to the flag of Switzerland and identical to the logo of the Red Cross which is coincidentally headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. In other words, the names and symbols associated with the Genova are in essentially Swiss. Interestingly, back in 1946, a colossal drilling project was initiated to carve a tunnel through the base of Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps. Said project eventually became known as the Mont Blanc Tunnel which would ultimately connect Chamonix, France, with Courmayeur, Italy. 

    Considering that CERN was publicly founded on September 29, 1954, it appears that the Mont Blanc Tunnel may have been the cover project for the construction of the Geneva Tunnel between Genova and Geneva. In the event that both tunnels were being built simultaneously, any and all tunnel-related seismic-like activity from the Geneva Tunnel would naturally be blamed on the building of the Mont Blanc Tunnel. 

    The notion that the Mont Blanc Tunnel was cover for the Geneva Tunnel is corroborated by the fact that the Mont Blanc Tunnel took 20-years to complete, despite being only 11.611 kilometers (7.215 miles) in length. Conversely, theGotthard Base Tunnel, which includes 151.84 km (94.3 miles) of tunnels, also took 20-years to complete. The argument that improvements in technology is ultimately responsible for the more than tenfold increase in the tunnel’s completion rate, consider this: the Simplon Tunnel beneath the Swiss-Italian Alps was under only construction for 9-years (1912 to 1921) and is 39.524 kilometers (24.5591 miles) in length. Therefore, the 20-years construction of the 11.611 kilometers (7.215 miles) Mont Blanc Tunnel suggests that it was construction cover for the construction of the Geneva Tunnel which is located directly to the east of it. The notion that a base-level tunnel could be bored 275 kilometers (170 miles) beneath the Alps is supported by the fact that of the world’s longest and deepest known tunnels, Switzerland is home or party to at least 11 of them, totaling 315.937 kilometers (196.314 miles) in length. These tunnels include but are not limited to: theGotthard Base Tunnel (57.104 kilometers), the Mont d’Ambin Base Tunnel (57 kilometers), the Ceneri Base Tunnel (39.8 kilometers), the Lötschberg Base Tunnel(34.57 kilometers), the LEP Tunnel (26.659 kilometers), the Simplon Tunnel (19.824 kilometers), the Vereina Tunnel (19.058 kilometers), the Gotthard Road Tunnel(16.9 kilometers), the Furka Base Tunnel(15.407 kilometers), the Gotthard Tunnel(15.003 kilometers), and the Lötschberg Tunnel (14.612 kilometers).

    The Geneva Tunnel system connects to the VATICAN tunnel systems which houses over 60 miles of Books/under ground libraries hidden from society and including 54 hidden books originally part of the Great Bible.

    These tunnel systems connect to through Europe to the middle east and up through Ukraine into Sweden and up to the North Poles under ground bases.

    Since the beginnings of 2014 MILITARY operations have targeted and destroyed vast networks of the under ground Tunnels systems. In 20(17) Full operations began to destroy the world tunnel systems and free those born in the dark and bring an END to the DEEP STATE empire that stretch back thousands of years to biblical accounts of demons, devil's and serpent people who were born in the under worlds.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:05 pm

    Tracking the Tropics: Atlantic is quiet, but Hurricane Bonnie is a Category 2 storm in the Pacific. The storm is packing 105 mph winds. The U.S. currently isn't impacted.

    Australian Officials Scramble for Answers After "Diphtheria" Reported For the First Time in 100 Years
    New cases of an illness that was common in the Victorian era have been discovered in the state of New South Wales, Australia. According to the Daily Mail, a 6-year-old child has been diagnosed with diphtheria of the throat in Northern NSW, marking the state’s second incident of the disease in this century.

    7.4.22 Scott McKay on "The Tipping Point", Rev Radio, 17 RELOADED #9, Drops 143-153, Sheriff Mack
    Scott on "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio, STUDIO B. Sheriff Mack active on voter fraud and engaging Americas Sheriffs to investigate these provable claims. 17 RELOADED Q Drops 143-153

    Large Hadron Collider RESTARTED, Crew Talks Trump Reelection And Strange Theories
    Large Hadron Collider RESTARTED, Crew Talks Reelection And Strange Theories Guest: Shane Cashman 
    Why You Should Prepare For What's Coming?

    Fauci - twisted, mentally deranged. What a fecking tragedy pitted against humanity. How many millions has he been responsible for murdering or leaving with incurable illnesses from his franken vaccines. He makes Dr. Frankenstein look like an angelic saint.

    Fauci's NIAID Spent Nearly $500,000 'to Turn Monkeys Transgender'
    The taxpayer watchdog organization American Transparency has revealed that the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases spent nearly $500,000 to try and turn monkeys transgender. The shocking experiments were covered in the organization’s annual Where’s The Pork report, but were originally uncovered in January by The National Pulse. According to the report, “Fauci’s agency awarded grants…


    More of the same diabolical agenda let loose on innocent children.

    FDA Approved "First Oral Blood Thinning Medication For Children' Ahead Of Vaccine Rollout For Ages 5-11.

    Yes they know....evil SOB
    This ONE Thing Will Decide Whether You Suffer Or Thrive | BIG SHIFT!


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 3:38 pm
    Is CERN A Cause For Concern?
    Witchcraft: The Truth Behind The World's Fastest Growing Religion (Pagan Documentary) | Timeline
    Britain’s Wicca Man tells the extraordinary story of Britain's fastest growing religious group - Wicca - and of its creator, an eccentric Englishman called Gerald Gardner.
    British government resignations expected
    Two British cabinet members, Treasury chief Rishi Sunak and Health Secretary Sajid Javid, resigned on July 5 amid questions about Boris Johnson's knowledge of sexual misconduct allegations against Deputy Chief Whip Chris Pincher, a senior member of his government. Pincher resigned on June 30.

    Still want to buy an EV? Here's a Tesla charging line in California. Looks like only an 8 hour wait, if you're lucky. 45 minutes to charge one.
    Google Altering Location History To Favor Libs


    White Rabbit Q COMMs


    Prepare For Change  Ben F

    No matter how hard you try to avoid reality, it eventually catches up to you. This is the lesson the privately-owned Western central banks are now learning as their fiat money hallucination crashes into the real world. The across-the-board collapse in financial markets seen recently is no ordinary market move. It is a system’s collapse.

    The Dow Jones industrial average has been down 11 out of the past 12 weeks; something that has never happened before. The closest was in the great crash of 1929 when it fell 10 out of 11 weeks. Normally, when stocks fall, bonds rise as people rush to “safety.” However, US Treasuries are having their biggest collapse since Nixon took the US dollar off the gold standard in the early 1970’s. Crypto-currency markets for their part are down two-thirds from their peak and have evaporated $2 trillion in imaginary money.

    The consensus among top financial industry veterans is that stocks are going to fall 90% before this ends.

    Today, June 20th, all financial markets in the US are closed, supposedly for a Juneteenth holiday. However, since the summer solstice on June 21st is a key day for Satanic sacrifices, CIA sources say “they” are going to use this as an excuse to shut banks and steal people's savings.

    The sources note the fall in crypto has been much faster than the rest of the market because “Bitcoin and its close associates are being destroyed so that the Fed and its KM Central Bank allies can create their own digital currency… we always knew that the KM cabal had a back door into Bitcoin and are ultimately controlling it. As it was created by the Pentagon,” the source’s comment.

    The “they” of course is the small inbred satan worshipping family group that owns the Western central banks and 90% of transnational corporations. They disguise this control through foundations and funds. However, you can confirm that Vanguard, Black Rock plus State Street and Banking control 40% of US stocks. If you look at who owns them, you will find the usual Rockefeller/Rothschild etc. suspects. They in turn are now slaves to an Artificial intelligence system that controls 70% of all stock trades. This group is now in the process of trying to buy all houses and real estate as well.

    Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us, they are now learning the ancient Shinto tale of the black dragon. According to the tale, if you invoke the black dragon you will be able to see weaknesses in others and exploit them for your own benefit. Eventually, you will accumulate great wealth and power. However, it has a fatal flaw, because once you have this power, you will have no friends and be doomed as a result.

    This tiny group of people used their money to buy politicians, doctors, freemasons, judges, generals etc, and thought they were beyond any form of justice or punishment.

    Now though, what has happened is that they have accumulated so much wealth and power that the vast majority of people will not be affected when their financial hallucination ends. In other words, the collapse of the markets will mainly affect the 0.01% who own them.

    As their financial control grid implodes their own people are in revolt while an international alliance closes in on them. This video of Khazarian mafia would be puppet leader Juan Guaido being attacked in Venezuala shows what awaits all KM fake politicians.

    >Cyberattacks hit German oil companies and European oil port terminals

    News emerged that port facilities in Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium had been targeted by a large-scale cyber attack primarily aimed at oil terminals. Many tankers have been prevented from delivering energy supplies, and German judicial authorities have already launched an investigation into the suspected extortion of oil operators.

    According to S&P Global Platts, 17 terminals in total have been affected so far. Belgian authorities are currently investigating disruptions caused by the cyber attacks at ports in Ghent and Antwerp-Zeebrugge.

    An official told AFP: “The software of several port terminals has been hacked and they can’t process barges, basically, the operating system is down

    The attacks come just as the U.S. and its European allies are preparing sanctions against Russia should they invade Ukraine. Germany is also suffering from an energy crisis as the country phases out its nuclear and fossil fuel power plants in favor of renewables

    Critical infrastructure is being increasingly targeted by hackers

    The full extent of the cyber attacks is still not known, but the incident does highlight the increasing risks posed to the world’s most critical infrastructure

    The attacks come just as the U.S. and its European allies are preparing sanctions against Russia should they invade Ukraine. Germany is also suffering from an energy crisis as the country phases out its nuclear and fossil fuel power plants in favor of renewables

    White Rabbit Q COMMs

    21,000 CIA Agents in the world
    15,000 CIA secondary Agents (who work privately for the CIA)
    Over 2. Million informants world wide//
    14,000 FBI AGENTS

    OVER 60,000 black ops Soldiers
    From 14 different Privately owned MILITARY companies in the U.S. 

    18 U.S. Intelligence AGENCIES
    _Close to half a million Agents together...

    ///Many are fighting each other's agencies.. Many are fighting amongst themselves in their own agencies.....


    +DONG JINGWEI gave the keys
    Much is happening behind the scenes ..


    ... Military Equipment is being moved in the cover of night to borders//))
    Past article;

    In September, as Serb unity was celebrated as part of a new national holiday, President Aleksandar Vucic said the army was “five times stronger” than a few years ago, as he announced greater expenditure.

    Following a June military drill in the Sandzak region, Vucic said that the army will be “drastically increased in the next nine months”, and will “always be in a position to defend our country and people”.

    Reuf Bajrovic, co-chair of the US-Europe Alliance organisation, told Al Jazeera that he believes Vucic is preparing to use military force in Kosovo and Bosnia when international circumstances change in his favour – such as when US troops withdraw from KFOR (the NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo) or when Russia – Serbia’s ally – decides to directly intervene in the region.

    “Russia-trained mercenaries in Bosnia and Montenegro are an integral part of the Serbian military strategy for the region. It is a carbon copy of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s pre-invasion actions in Georgia and Ukraine,” Bajrovic said

    We have 14 MiG-29s now,” Vucic recounted telling Western officials on a Serbian talk show. “They thought I was joking … Does Serbia not have the right to [use] its helicopters and planes in central Serbia?”

    Serbia would have to abandon any EU ambitions if it acted militarily against Bosnia or Kosovo, said Serwer, adding, “But Vucic appears to have already given up on EU accession.

    “The situation is dangerous. NATO needs to make clear that it will not tolerate Serbian mobilization of forces against its neighbors, as it did last week against Kosovo, which has no army.”

    The announcements have made some in neighboring countries such as Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo and Montenegro wary about Serbia’s motives, especially amid calls by Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin on forming a “Serb World”
    [NATO] >WILL.< be [exposed] (..( Human trafficking, WORLD WIDE Weapons trafficking, drug trade, corruption connected to The UN and central BANKING systems, Rockefellers foundation, Who.cdc. Big pharma. ECT ECT. ect. )///>Military World _ EVENTS are taking place and starting and positioning ///

    The BALKANS will come back into the News February, March
    Europe heading into STATES OF WAR<
    [DS] doesn't want anyone to know they Created the virus ( BIOWEAPON) with China. UN. Deep State Obama, FAUCI ROTHSCHILDs/Rockefellers World banks, GATES.. ECT ECT ECT.....)///

    >In the END this MILITARY MOVEMENTS will lead to marshal LAW in major countries

    And the military will turn against their corrupt governments and courts. FALSE science, fake news orgs and all who colluded with the PLANDEMIC<<


    Protocols in Ever MAJOR country taking place...<<<

    Military is the only way


    You are watching a movie.. 

    The fall of the CABAL

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:37 pm

    White Rabbit Q COMMs

    Satanist funeral of the president's wife "Lady Bird" Johnson Johnson, the wife of Lyndon B. Johnson 
    (36th president of the USA)

    It is said that he commissioned the assassination of JFK.
    And that he really sparked the Vietnam War.

    Pay attention to the hand signals of the "funeral attendants", the hand is formed in the devil's salute, in homage to Satan. (can't post video).

    Go back to SANUSSI/HASSAN Family- ISIS Creation 1855. 
    Sanussi Family works for UK Royals.
    Kings of Morocco & Libya.

    HASSAN in the Q drops

    Remember in 60's Crown Prince & King of Morocco/Libya met JFK.




    To become King you must Disband the QUEEN.

    The QUEEN OF ENGLAND owns CIA & Mossad

    She is Commander in Chief
    She Signed Off on 9/11

    Remember Inseminated by Rothschilds. UK Rothschilds - Created Israel & Mossad.

    NSA (USA)
    CIA (UK)

    I have shown you all these connections.



    Spanish Flu released by CIA UK Royals & German

    I don't know about everyone but the timing is lined up perfectly from 2 years ago. [ELIZABETH]

    November 28 2019 - Queen goes to hospital. Festival of Lights begin
    November 29 attack on London Bridge
    Ghislaine Maxwell court.
    December 5 (Photoshop Queen released from Hospital) That is the 7 to 9 day Operation London Bridge.
    Also the same day George Scherff Jr (Bush Snr) Funeral in 2017.

    The UK Royals own the CIA and other intel agencies. 
    Was it to get Hillary or to get the Queen?
    Corona = Crown
    1776 is and was the key 
    [Elizabeth] [9]
    EAM Loyalists will fight?
    Elizabeth Alexandra Mary

    White Rabbit Q July 4th COMMs


    1) Ukrainian document released to Russian media outlet (TG-izvestia), showing decree from Zelensky to destroy all files on Ukrainian defense service members, employees and staff of the state, and any involvement with Hunter Biden’s biolab METABIOTA, on 02/24/22, the same day the air strikes on Ukraine began. 

    See original document above on the left and then translated in English on the right. But there’s a lot more..

    Look at the Golden seal on his Captains Hat.
    Murdoch from the Titanic is the Kraken.
    General Flynn is Murdoch.
    The Titanic was built by JP Morgan and Rothschilds in order to kill those in opposition of their Federal Reserve.

    From Inception in 1913 to its bankruptcy to NESARA in 2020 was 107 years.
    God Wins.

    Have at them Captain.
    We have been waiting a long time for your arrival

    Remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? 

    Remember until what date Trump controls the US military under the Presidential transition enhancement act 2019-2020?

    The "big bad monster Putin." How evil you'd have to be to ban the Rothschilds.  Remember when Tzar Nicholas II of Russia rejected the Rothschild central banks and the Rothschilds said they would wipe his bloodline off the face of the earth if he didn't reconsider? Then they did and from there came the story of Anastasia (Romanov's daughter) the girl who escaped the massacre in the basement? Bolshevik revolution. They killed them and stole their gold. And let's not forget the Chinese opium wars where the Rothschilds facilitated getting China addicted to opium. Now China and Russia are teaming up to corner the oil market with a gold back currency via the Chinese Yuan. Bye bye U.S. dollar that fuels the Rothschild central bank globally. China has a slough of dark factions too of course, same with Russia. Dark and light in all nations. I know I've been repeating this for years but Xi of China, Putin of Russia and Trump are really, behind the scenes, on the same page with this push to dethrone the dollar and return the gold standard.

     A couple days ago oil dropped to negative cost for the first time ever, think of what that does to the petrodollar. If I charge you negative 5 bucks for bread that means I have to give you bread and 5 bucks, you just get to receive. They have to pay people to receive oil. People have to pay in dollars in order to get oil from the oil kingpin Saudi Arabia hence it being the petro-dollar and the world reserve currency. 

    No oil, no economic fuel. Been this way since the 1973 deal Henry Kissinger made with the Saudi Royal fam two years after the gold standard was abolished. The was "We protect your oil reserves with our military and back you militarily if you make every pay for oil with the fiat paper known as the dollar. Funny money. Now Saudi has to pay U.S. dollars to people so they take their oil. Redistribution of dollars, etching Saudi's global ruling via oil out of the equation leaving room for Russia becoming the new oil source leveraging for a gold backed currency. Gold backing the currency directly instead of oil and birth bonds (monetizing humans) will break the chains of financial slavery, both the Fed Reserve act of 1913 and HJR-192 where Franklin D. Roosevelt called for all U.S. citizens to turn in their gold bullion and gold certificates to any fed reserve bank or member bank of. Breaking the chains of debt slavery AKA usury AKA lending with high interest rates that are impossible to pay off leaving the people in more and more debt every time they spend a dollar causing the dollar to hyper inflate and the cost of living to rise more and more til next thing you know you more people are living on the streets or subject to gov assistance than are thriving, let alone getting by.

    So, remember when Putin banned the Rothschilds and their central banks from Russia? A former KGB member would have his hands in some big intel and means of conveyance. You're damn right Putin tampered with the U.S. elections, same with the U.S. military... Now think of the sanctions Trump set in place. Sanctions undermine the trade deficit that props up the dollar that enslaves the world. Rothschilds did fund Trump at one point. Why wouldn't they fund someone who was moving their money in such a way and why wouldn't a business man take big funding? It doesn't stand as evidence that Trump is in cahoots with the Rothschilds though I do figure the Trumps were extorted by them via the Rockefellers back when Donald's gpa stepped on Rockefeller toes at the gold mining opp. What better way to break free from extortion than to make a deal with Putin and the U.S. military to get in as the U.S. president/commander in chief of the highest funded military in the world. Remember when Putin gave Trump the soccer ball for the world world cup victory?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Tue Jul 05, 2022 4:56 pm

    White Rabbit Q July 5th COMMs

    So let me get this straight, it's announced there are going to be Hearings for the J6 Capitol incident  starting in June, and Son of a gun they just so happen to "catch" somebody at the Capitol with ammo and body armor  right as we enter June...  

    Thats almost as convenient as the time a PA Bridge Collapsed the same Day Biden Arrived there to talk about infrastructure.

    Or that time Clintons Campaign lawyer's trial wS scheduled to start May 16th and May 14th the Buffalo Shooting happened!   ...or how once booms started happening in said trial in the form of the FBI and her former staff throwing her under the bus Uvalde happened!

    Or like the time Hillary Clinton was Scheduled to testify on Benghazi "as early as next week" and exactly one week later Sandy Hook happened!

    Or like the Time the Benghazi Master Mind's Trial was Scheduled to start on Oct 2nd and on Oct 1st the Las Vessage Massacre occurred...

    C.Sign was killed because he kept digging even after the Tarmac story

    (Clinton met with Lynch & stopped the FBI investigation into wife HRC)

    >Sign kept digging & soon Comey >Epstein >VATICAN >Wayfair>
    C_aFBi >>puzzle emerged<

    _he came into possession of VIDEOS recently> Then killed. 

    This story will boomerang and come back around


    DELTA for today

    This was a white hat operation against the Rothschilds in the UK 2017 that went wrong. Captain Mike Green was killed in a Plane/Helicopter Crash.

    Now it says 2 days prior to the event and it also asks us to make memes as it does for ON THE CLOCK drops. The ending reads as if an event is set to take place that starts the STORM.

    answer the questions
    build the big picture
    break it back down
    make memes for the normies to calm & educate

    so we'll be ready for the Storm.

    So you know it starts in London.
    Queen death starts it

    Plane/Helicopter Crash?
    Missile attack like they did on POTUS?
    This is going to trigger the Fake WW3 Event.
    Poseidon etc etc

    White Rabbit Q July 5th COMMs

    Trump knew his warnings wouldn’t get through to these thick skulled lunatics. Hence why we’re in the situation we’re in right now. 

    Telling them was never going to be enough. Not with the Fake News Media.

    Trump knew the only way would be to show them first hand what life is like under a radicalized socialist extremist government. Then, and ONLY then will people wake up and realize how good they had it under Trump’s America.

    Then you also have to account for the fact that Big Pharma, Big Tech, Hollywood, the Vatican, MSM, the CCP, Iran, & Compromised DC Swamp Officials all wanted Trump dead. 

    They wanted him dead so badly that they tried assassinating him more than 30 separate times over the course of 4 years. It got worse once Epstein was in prison. And it got even worse when Trump cracked down on Big Pharma price gouging. 

    He told us he needed to go away for a while. He told us we won. He told us we will see the triumphant return a lot sooner than we think. He told us how important “Optics” are playing this dangerous game. He told us that we’d be victorious in the end. He told us there’d be a transition into the next Trump administration. He told us how important having faith in Jesus Christ is. He told us the best is yet to come. 

    Well it’s been roughly a month since he’s been out of office & I’m still comfy.

    I know what’s coming.

    Going Quantum

    The only way to let your chakras open up and spin properly, permanently at full Quatum speed is to grow your self mastery.

    It is vital that we come to understand the connection between our individual energy field and the collective energy field of planet earth, connecting us to the universal power grid of Light. 

    The light that Tesla discovered that supplies us with free energy.

    We humans are made of energy, that flows through our physical body and around us in a magnetic field, that connects us to all that is. 

    We connect through our hearts and minds and navigate these energies through our chakra system.

    This genius system supplies us with a guidance centre to understand what happens in ourselves and supplies us with unlimited data and life force energy.

    As we navigate these energies in daily life we tap into the information of energy from the people, places, situations, foods and things we come into contact with around us. 

    We then interpret the energy into thoughts, feelings and behaviors. 

    The long lost knowledge of tapping into the field information of energies below and above us via the ether is the next step in mastery.

    The next step in rediscovering ancient knowledge in the evolution. 

    We seem to have narrowed our supply of life force down and depend on force from life around us, what we call the 3D. 
    This dimension is run and protected by the ego Mind that believes it is faulty, in debt and dependent for survival and energy for love, shelter and food.

    It is through mastering your internal energies you will be able to break through the 3D and open up to receive the higher energies from the ether above and the earth grid below you. 

    The free quantum energy zone where you can get high on your own supply.

    The earth has a chakra system equal to the human system. This is what connects us to each other via the mind and the heart, with the Universe.

    It is like a natural WiFi network with an unlimited source of data.

    Anchoring you into high peaceful and unconditional loving energies and collective ancient records of knowledge we call the 5D.

    This dimension is run by your higher Self, your divine Spirit, the infinite God source inside us all, connecting all.

    By becoming a master of your own energy, you break out of the so called 3D matrix that holds you back in the narrow ego belief system.

    When you learn how to master the ego, you become your quantum, higher infinite Self.

    You have to declare how you overcome fears, shame, blame, illusions, ego's attachments, lies, grief, so more Light of the quantum field can enter into your field.

    You have to reach a level of spiritual understanding of every thought and emotion inside.

    Declaring purity of intention is how you overcome your Darkness, how you remove the blockage of specific chakra,s.

    Letting go of concepts of fear, shame and guilt is the portal to the new beginning with so much more potential in Life.
    Basically you have to declare and act to remove every specific block in order to resurrect.

    And so it is.

    >EUs biggest bank 
    "We will get a major recession," Deutsche Bank economists wrote in a report to clients on Tuesday.(Not reported in MSM the banks in Collapse)

    >UKs biggest banks
    "I can’t see it getting any better’: could the UK be heading for a recession" (Not reported in MSM the banks in Collapse)

    >U.S. biggest bank COLLAPSE and bought out by smaller bank
    "Bank of America warns ‘recession shock’ is coming"
     (Not reported in MSM the bank Collapsed!)
    Tens of thousands of small banks close across the world<

    _THE BIG BANKS that would not Sign onto the NEW Quantum system are Collapsing or being bought out///

    >)WIRES:; WELLS FARGO BANK comes into FULL control of WHITE HATS//)> RV...

    White Rabbit Q July 5th COMMs


    _This is not about another Election


    You will love the ending...

    It's Q)UANTUM

    The beauty of the true Knowledge from Medbeds 
    Quantum Movements
    {E=mc2 (all things carry Energy inside of it.... a piece of paper has enough energy inside of it to give power to New York City for one month} 

    >>>Imagine what your true mind can do when it's fully Awake to 100% use.......

    You are not alone

    Thousands and thousands have entered the process of awakening and transformation since the current world events. 

    Covid has proven to be both a curse and a blessing in disguise, as so many are finding their way now, towards the light of truth.

    Truth that triggers your awakening.
    Truth that grants freedom in the transformation to become who you truely are.
    Truth that accelerates the desire and need for change.
    Truth that connects us in the higher dimensions of the different improved reality we all search for in this life.

    This improvement will be the effect of the Great Awakening. When we connect in the desire and mastery of autonomy, health and harmony.

    The beginning of this change starts within you.

    Many people are experiencing stress due to the unrest, uncertainty, dissatisfaction and some even the beginnings of bad health at this moment on the planet. That is the signal from your intuition, your soul. The signal that something else is needed. Deep down, a voice calls out for your attention and your action for a much needed change. 
    Many start by adjusting their lives on the level of exercise, healthy food, yoga, reading about consciousness, listening to podcasts, etc.

    At this level there is some improvement to be gained in terms of well-being and energy, but it does not bring about real change.

    And the superficial solutions that people are currently being presented within the field of health care are even misleading and harmful.
    Soon you will come across, consciously or unconsciously, deeper blockages, effects in your body and patterns in yourself, which prevent change and improvement in your life.
    This may give you the feeling that you are back to square one, that you keep going round in circles.

    And you are.

    The negative spiral of low frequency that we call the matrix.
    Learn how your human system really works.

    Learn which mental ego structures are blocking the flow of energy and keep you stuck in the matrix of the Mind.

    Learn to listen to the language of your emotions, what they want to tell you and which themes in your life it affects.

    Learn how you can connect to you inner guidance and activate your moral compass on your journey.

    Learn which knots you can untie within yourself to take control of your own autonomy, health and Light in your life and that of your loved ones.

    Conscious, awake, stable, strong and autonomous souls are needed right now to contribute to the altering, shifting and changing of the collective systems that are running the show in our communities today.

    What the world needs is new systems build with the right intentions to nurture humanity and the planet back to higher states of well being, freedom and harmonious living in peace.
    It all starts with you.

    If you don't, listen to this call of that voice within there's a good chance that your soul will continue to demand attention through your physical body and your life experience.

    Attention in the form of stress and chaos in your private or work life and relationships. Or even serious attention in the form of illness.

    Signs from the higher universal dimensions to tell you it is time to do what you came here for old soul.

    Signs that show you the internal work of healing that has created a loop of pain and suffering for many generations that can be stopped by you.

    If you and I keep going round in the karmic circles, essentially nothing changes.
    The Universe gives you a nudge, then a push, and finally a punch to knock you over and bring you to a stop. Until your soul gets your attention and you have to change.

    The dark night of the soul has a purpose.
    To force you to find the path on your journey that will guide you and many others towards the light.

    In my book you learn about the stages of consciousness, awakening, mastery and enlightenment in the process of ascension to higher forms of living from different angles and perspectives of knowledge, but especially from my own vision and life experience. 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:03 pm

    White Rabbit Q COMMs July 5th

    >SOURCES: China preparing for “D-Day” INVASION of the continental United States, with forces to land on the beaches of California, as Biden and Newsom serve as China’s accomplices

    Leaked audio that appears to have originated from a meeting of China’s top war generals reveals elaborate plans for a land invasion in the near future, waged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and augmented with cyber warfare, orbital space weapons and the activation of CCP civilians currently embedded in corporations and governments around the world.

    This is the bombshell that has emerged from the leaked audio out of China, for which a full English translation and transcript has now been published by whistleblower Jennifer Zeng. 

    > China’s shutdowns of Shanghai and Beijing were actually a cover story to allow the military to use sea port infrastructure to load cargo ships with military supplies in preparation for a large-scale “D-Day” land invasion.

    > Although the United States is not specifically mentioned in the leaked audio, the preparations refer to a “Final War” and are deemed far too extensive to merely be targeting Taiwan.

    > The invasion forces would cross the Pacific disguised as merchant ships / cargo ships. Once they arrive within short-range rocket range, containers on the top of these ocean vessels would open up and launch short-range rockets, including tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, striking National Guard and military bases in California

    Chinese troops would then land on the beaches. They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. From there, China would have established a beachhead similar to the way allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.

    > Both China and Russia have pre-staged large caches of weapons, uniforms, RPGs, automatic weapons, night vision equipment and other military gear across the United States, county by county. These equipment caches will be activated when the CCP and Russian civilians are told to “go hot” and begin carrying out domestic sabotage operations targeting the US power grid, fuel refineries, railways and other infrastructure targets. From the transcript of the leaked audio, “We should take the way of using civilians to cover and support the military. We will mobilize overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese organizations to actively participate in supporting our military operations.”

    > China is deliberately stockpiling massive quantities of food supplies (grains), microchips, ammunition, commodities and other items in preparation for being economically cut off by the West, just as the USA and NATO did to Russia. This further implies that China is preparing to attack the West and is anticipating the West’s response by watching what the USA and NATO have done to Russia.

    this is only the beginning.

    :Cables:, Water infrastructure is next
    Gas lines in Europe is fighting an attack not mentioned/

    If you think this is bad

    Imagine 50,000 Ships on the ocean who move 90% of Global trade and food  / They are almost all digital CONTROLLED//
    Putin warns.. "THERE CAN BE NO FORGIVENESS" >>for those__ nurturing aggressive plans (aimed at Deep State)

    RUSSIA supplies near 50% of natural gas and oil to EU
    He has wide hidden control over 17 Major countries//

    EVENT comes closer

    [b]White Rabbit Q COMMs July 5th[/b

    The Russians captured a large number of migratory birds that had been numbered and had microchip-controlled capsules containing various plagues attached to their bodies, Russian and Chinese sources add. When these birds fly to Africa, Asia, Latin America etc. the plague vials could be opened by satellite command where they would cause the most damage.

    ussians also accused President Joe Biden, former President Barack Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and billionaire George Soros of involvement in the conspiracy. The Chinese and Russians insist that “whoever commits such immoral and inhuman acts must be punished.”

    The Russians note that since the Americans broke a 1976 treaty not to use biological, weather manipulating, earthquake causing and other weapons of mass destruction, they are now entitled to use their own arsenal of such weapons.

    The head of MI6, upon getting this evidence promised “We will sanction the United Nations on a shoot to kill.” In other words, the named officials, including those working at the WHO and UN, will be shot on sight.

    The US military, meanwhile, responded by sending –in defiance of the Biden regime- a military plane with more than 100 generals representing all military units to avoid a comprehensive nuclear war the KM was trying to trigger, Pentagon sources say.

    As a result of this meeting “Biden’s days are numbered, regimes will collapse and heads of those countries participating in this scheme will be overthrown,” the sources promise.

    [b]Who is Rodney Joffe and just why is he important?

    Rodney Lance Joffe, born 1954, is a South African-American entrepreneur and cybersecurity expert.  Joffe is also known as ‘Max’ and ‘Tech Executive-1.’  According to Wikileaks he is a recipient of the FBI's Director's Award for Outstanding Cyber Investigation for his role in uncovering the Maripisa botnet.  He is also one of four people who investigated apparent communications between computer servers at The Trump Organization and Alfa-Bank in Russia. 

    It was reported that Joffe's firm had a cybersecurity contract with the Executive Office of the President to keep track of its DNS.  (DNS: ‘Domain Name System’ which basically serves as the phone book for the Internet by translating human-friendly computer hostnames into IP addresses.)

    For traffic after the Russian hacking of White House networks in 2015 and 2016, Special counsel John Durham had alleged in February 2022 that Joffe had exploited his access to internet traffic from Trump Tower and the White House to seek derogatory information on Donald Trump.  

    This Feb. 11 Durham filing shows that Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid a technology company to spy on Donald Trump in an effort to establish an “inference” and “narrative” to link Trump to Russia.  Durham’s February 11 motion focused on potential conflicts of interest related to the representation of former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent, according to Fox News.  In a section titled “Factual Background,” Durham’s filing reveals that Sussmann “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive-1) at a U.S.-based Internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.”

    Trump White House adviser Garrett Ziegler noted in a Telegram Post that Rodney Joffe is the person referred to as “Tech Executive-1” in Sussman’s indictment. The new Durham filing, Ziegler added, shows that “Joffe et al. monitored Trump’s Internet traffic while he was President of the United States.” 

    Trump said in a statement:
    “The latest pleading from Special Counsel Robert Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia. This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution. In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”

    Durham’s filing revealed that Sussmann and Tech Executive-1 (Joffe) had met and communicated with another law partner, who was serving as General Counsel to the Clinton campaign. Sources told Fox News that lawyer is Marc Elias, who worked at the law firm Perkins Coie.  Durham’s filing states that in July 2016, the tech executive worked with Sussmann, a U.S. investigative firm retained by Law Firm 1 on behalf of the Clinton campaign, numerous cyber researchers and employees at multiple internet companies to “assemble the purported data and white papers. In connection with these efforts, Tech Executive-1 exploited his access to non-public and/or proprietary Internet data. Tech Executive-1 also enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing large amounts of Internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract.”  The filing continued: “Tech Executive-1 tasked these researchers to mine Internet data to establish ‘an inference’ and ‘narrative’ tying then-candidate Trump to Russia. In doing so, Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain ‘VIPs,’ referring to individuals at Law Firm-1 and the Clinton campaign.”   


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:50 pm

    White Rabbit Q COMMs July 5th

    7/9/2021 - Woman holds in her hands a 2011 newspaper which says in black and white that Bill Gates is going to start "Depopulation through compulsory vaccination", as it will be the most "environmentally friendly solution."  This article has been scrubbed and can no longer be found.

    Pentagon advisor Col. Doug Macgregor on Russia-Ukraine WAR
    > The issue for the Russians from the very beginning has been, ‘How do we proceed without killing large numbers of civilians and inflicting a lot of property damage?’  

    And Putin gave very strict orders from the outset that they were to avoid these things.  The problem with avoiding it is that it has slowed the progress of the operation to the point where it has given false hope both to the Ukrainians, but I think has been seized on by people in the West to try and convince the world that a defeat is in progress when, in fact, the opposite is the case.  So, the war itself at this stage of the game could be decided very, very rapidly—permanently if Putin were to give the order and allow the forces to disregard the concern for civilians and property damage.  But he hasn’t done that.  He has continued to negotiate even though he recognizes that the people sitting across from him really are not in a position to deliver very much.  They’re being told what to do, and it’s very obvious that Washington wants this to continue as long as possible in the hopes that Russia will be desperately harmed. I just don’t see that happening.

    70 percent of the Russian population is firmly behind Vladimir Putin.  That’s a very large percentage in any conflict, for any president to enjoy.

    Ukrainian forces are still active are entirely surrounded, cut off and isolated in various towns and cities.  The Ukrainian forces are incapable of anything but an occasional pinprick attack on something that doesn’t appear to be very robust or dangerous.  So, the war, for all intents and purposes, has been decided
    Lots of White HATS.. Lots of behind the scenes OPERATIONS

    > PUTIN was going to be assassinated by the DAVOS/ Rockefellers (CIA,) DEEP STATE > OPS for betraying them

    > Fortunately WHITE HATS in EU./U.S./RUSSIA all stepped in and started mass Arrests.. Through EU. INTEL agencies and RUSSIA Mil. Black HAT(s) leaders...

    PUTIN decided to KILL 3 birds (Biolabs, coup > assassination, bring down central BANKING)  with one stone (UKRAINE)
    Col. Doug Macgregor 
    'The biggest lie I’ve heard repeated on television is, ‘Russian troops have been told to deliberately murder civilians, Ukrainian civilians.’  It’s absurd.  It’s nonsense.  Nothing could be further from the truth.

    The Russians will be successful in what they’ve set out to do"


    mafia Organization/>CIA
    ROTHSCHILDs/Gates/Rockefellers/VATICAN/GPMB/World banks runned Organization).. And VACCINES.. These President had Dirt on CIA and MICROSOFT.. FACEBOOK.

    > Jovenel Moise Haiti's President denied WHO . & VACCINES 
    Moise had all evidence on CIA & HUMAN TRAFFICKING through Clinton foundation/Epstein connections and hundreds of thousands of missing Haitian children. Evidence on Stolen gold by CIA/Clintons

    > Tanzanian President John Magufuli denied the Vaccines and had full evidence on WHO, WEF Conspiring with Facebook Google CiA GPMB WORLD BANKS.. >>He was then killed and replaced with a female President Samia Hassan who is directly connected to WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM

    > Pierre Nkurunziza President of Burundi Expelled W.H.O from his country and denied the Vaccines... He had evidence on CIA>> W.H O WEF social media Facebook CONTROLLED CIA operation >>to Google and his countries Servers.


    White Rabbit Q COMMs July 6th


    CFC (Controlled Foreign Corporation) has ]INFILTRATED[
    Top Elite Hollywood companies and agencies and is working with Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) in July 2010, the National Council of Statewide Interoperability Coordinators (NCSWIC)

    >> NCSWIC was Established by the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY who are currently protecting important assets, movie stars, musicals (Britney Spears) ect.. whom were all used in the human trafficking of Hollywood/CIA/CCP paid owned companies.

    These Important WITNESSES have first hand accounts and evidence of pedophilia, satanic rituals, Adrenochrome drugs industry sales and Full information on Hollywood's 120 year reigns on human trafficking and connections to FBI's full involvement in the century long Dark Operation into the Satanic cults connected to Bohemian Groves Rockefellers/ Rothchilds world wide operations.

    >> The PLAN is much larger than any person can imagine and has its roots corrected to JFK JR. who created The SPECIAL FORCES>>

    -Whom were created to protect the U.S. citizens in case the U.S. Gov.(CENTRAL BANKS) tried creating a totalitarian state!
    Lots going on behind the scenes

    Stay vigilant!


    To put it simply.

    They killed our compatriots to achieve their goals.

    For globalists, we are not human. We are chess pieces in the game of power.

    A man (King Trump) changed this circumstances and woke us up forever.

    They use different methods to achieve their dirty goals.

    They turn people against people and we fight together, so that they can safely continue their corruption (drug trafficking - child trafficking).

    Unity and awareness is the way to victory.

    If your life is still dependent on the bank, you are not ready. 

    If you are still using McDonald's, you are not ready. 

    If you are still buying tickets to Satanist concerts, you are not ready.

    If you watch Hollywood movies, you are not ready. 

    If you use Facebook, you are not ready. If you have a Disney account, you are not ready.

    If you are worried about Israel and unaware of Yemen, you are not ready.


    Alice = HRC
    Mad Hatter = Johnny Depp
    Both have been Front & Center in the news recently. 
    Q mentions Alice & Wonderland quite a few times.

    I went down the Q rabbit hole and noticed a theme. 

    05-Nov-2017 (5.11)
    We need to get organized.
    Things need to be solved to understand what is about to happen.
    Let's start w/ Alice & Wonderland.
    Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.
    Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland.

    Snow White.
    Wizards & Warlocks. = Galactic Federation

    05-Nov-2018 (5.11)
    & another prior to.
    MEMES locked on target?
    Fire when ready.
    High priority targets today/tomorrow.

    11-May-2020 (5.11)
    We are ready to unleash hell.
    Memes ready?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Wed Jul 06, 2022 8:12 pm

    Intergalactic SpaceForce - Galactic Federation

    10,000 D.U.M.B's around the world
    U.S has 1800 ... It's not a simple job to fix this.. Kill this. Take control. Lots of variables.. Humans. Children
    Weapons. WMDs . Bio facilities, clone factories. Engineered Super soldiers. Kill switch. Traps..ext.

    7.7 Billion people on Earth
    _.02 percent SUPER ELITE1,540,000 Million
    _1% PERCENT Elite=77,000,000 Million Elites

    _10% 770,000,000 million MILITARY.cia across the world three letter AGENCYs. In so countries.. Corrupted police. News station. Managers. Militias organizations. Mercs. Underground Blackwater soldiers.. Corrupt doctors. Lawyers scientist. Officials. Pharmaceutical companies. Big Tech industries...




    Using the city layouts and buildings to cover child trafficking entrances, markers
    provide a visual reference. Marking entrances, tunnels and deep underground military bases
    their purpose is to illustrate areas where trafficking and torture chambers resided underground.
    The reason for the increased amount of construction during *COVID-19* is simple, It's a Live
    Military Exercise - Pedophiles Are The Virus,
    Ram Dass - The Unimaginable

    There are times when we just need a word of encouragement to help us realize it's possible to make it through the day.  In 'The Unimaginable' Ram Dass offers just what we all need to hear to help us weather the storm.  With an acoustic guitar and small backing band of drums, bass and cellos, he reaches out a friendly hand with understanding and compassion for how challenging it can be to be human and want to do well in the world.  Ram Dass brings his eclectic mix of talents as producer, singer, composer and multi-instrumentalist to this unimaginably inspiring debut as singer / song-writer.


    Speak out, love
    Remember what you’re made of
    Live out, love
    You can trust that you’re enough

    I know that it gets lonely in there
    And there’s no one left to blame
    The whole world is walking with you
    And a change is coming just the same

    So stand strong
    And you’ll weather the storm
    Stay soft
    And your heart will be warm
    And the unimaginable is all you’ll see
    It’s all that you will see

    So you don’t have the answer
    And yet time marches on
    No road seems to lead you to hope
    And the noise is louder than the song

    I know that it gets lonely in there
    And there’s no one left to blame
    The whole world is walking with you
    And a change is coming just the same

    So stand strong
    And you’ll weather the storm
    Stay soft
    And your heart will be warmPray
    And the unimaginable is all you’ll see
    It’s all that you will see

    I know it gets lonely in there
    And there’s no one left to blame
    The whole world is walking with you
    And a change is coming just the same

    So stand strong
    And you’ll weather the storm
    Stay soft
    And your heart will be warm
    And the unimaginable is all you’ll see
    It’s all that you will see
    It’s all that you will see

    #RamDass #TheUnimaginabl

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 8:20 am

    From Trevor McGrath

    Geneva Switzerland is where CERN is located. 
    Geneva in Germanic tongue means "Juniper tree"

    The Juniper/Geneva tree is the tree Elijah sat under in despair and depression asking God to take it all away. Juniper/Geneva is symbolic of cleansing and protection, the berries of the Juniper/Geneva tree have been used in rituals to protect people from evil forces.

    I felt good earlier when I meditated and tuned in to the CERN reactivation. Had a good feeling about it despite all of the fear speculation based on it.
    True awakening comes from within but what we hold within manifests externally, and forms a world. In this case, a world with a particle collider searching for dark matter which is a building block to quantum reality and a portal/doorway to dimensional travel and timeline shifting. 

    Dark=unknown, not "bad" or "evil".

    666=human atomic structure (material world) 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons to human carbon-based DNA.

    Shiva is the deity of destruction and transformation. Destruction isn't inherently bad, potentially the destruction of an old timeline that no longer serves us. 

    After meditating during the CERN launch I hopped on Facebook and the first post I saw that wasn't about CERN was about a topic I've been keeping a close eye on for about 7 years now. The Zimbabwe currency. I never see posts on this aside from the posts I've done in the past. Not saying I'm privy or one of the few who knows, just saying the time was incredible in regards to CERN changing the timeline of humanity for the better this time given financial relief would be the first step in opening the door for humanity to exit fight or flight mode which in modern times aside from past trauma and toxicity is focal to financial despair. No money, no food unless you grow your own. No money, no means to make your own garden optimally unless you have time to learn how to pull from nature in that way, and still, no money, no time to focus on anything other than meeting base level needs, to the ego at least. 

    We all say "money isn't everything." True. 

    "Money can't buy happiness." True.

    But let's not undermine the foundation money can bring that can make everything else more realistic and lasting to obtain given our current societal structure. 

    Now back to Zimbabwe currency. 

    They are issuing a gold coin, essentially a bridge to a gold standard, as of, today. The day CERN turns on and runs for 4 years. Mind you, the Celtic deity Cernunnos (CERNunnos) is often depicted with a pouch of gold coins. 

    Why is Zimbabwe the hinge of the world's economy?
    Because it has the most in-ground assets. Primarily, gold. 

    The house of Enki is located in Zimbabwe, a place where the Anunnaki were claimed by some to have originally touched down to seed humanity for the sake of mining gold, which may be a deeper metaphor not regarding malevolent intentions to use humans as slaves. More so, an alchemical metaphor. 

    From here we could spiral into many topics, focally the ark of the covenant, monoatomic gold and the purpose of the pyramids and cathedrals but to keep from straying too much from my point let me revert back to present day currency affairs. 

    There is a collaboration of nations that we in the states an other countries have been taught to fear mostly. Mainly 2 who I'm going to list. This group is called "BRICS" which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China's and South Africa (which Zimbabwe is included in". These nations are teaming up to bring back a gold standard and recent realize oil purchase. Hence why they are trying to get Saudi Arabia and Iran on board. Saudi as of this year is veering away from the US dollar and looking to back their oil in the Chinese gold-backed "yuan." 

    If you know what the dollar truly is, you can read between the lines here and see that the financial slavery of the world is on the verge of ending

    Shortly after the gold standard in the 70's was fully abolished, Henry Kissinger traveled to Saudi to meet with the royal family, the oil kingpins of the world.

    Without the release of Tesla tech and other means, zero oil=zero economy.

    The leveraged deal was this.

    Kissinger essentially said "Hey, we have this worthless paper not backed by anything so we'll offer you guys our military protection (most advanced at the time) in exchange for you making every nation pay for your oil in US dollars."

    Thus, the petro-dollar was born and becomes the "world reserve currency".

    But now, Saudi is gearing towards backing their oil instead with a gold-backed currency, the Chinese yuan. 
    China and Russia made a deal a while back, Russia's oil for the Chinese Yuan. 

    Remember what the Rothscilds did to the Romanov's and Ras-Putin for rejecting their central bank?

    See why they want us to fear Putin?

    Don't just follow the money, follow the gold specifically. 
    9/11 was a gold heist (WORLD TRADE center, lots of gold in there).

    Biden is now calling for Sanctions on Russian gold. :) Feeble flight Icarus.

    The two biggest suppliers of oil (Saudi and Russia) are both looking gold backed, meaning if any nation wants an economy they'll need to use a gold-backed currency to get it oil to run their economy, at least until zero-point/clean energy tech is fully disclosed. 

    Therefore, a global gold-standard is imminent and no matter where you go, gold is gold is gold implying a full currency reset back to a 1:1 exchange rate globally. Meaning those Zimbabwe notes that have been hyperinflated (say the trillion dollar Zim note that barely covers their monthly food bill) will be worth, a lot..... An unfathomable amount, along with the Iraqi dinar, Russian ruble and other currencies. The meek shall inherent the earth at that point. Third world countries are only poor because they have the most riches and have been oppressed, pillaged, plundered and stripped of them by the Khazarian-Roman-British empire's dominance that has created a system of usury which in modern times hinges on the US dollar existing. 

    There are humanitarian trusts that have been hoarded for longer than we'd ever guess. Birth bonds backing them (strawman bonds). Lucis trust, Saint Germain trust and Cestui Que Vie trust all compiled, pending to be redistributed back to the world's population after the global currency reset takes place.

    Right out of the gate I saw the Zimbabwe movement after CERN flipped back on. That's what inspired me to post this and synthesis all of these points. Took it as a sign. Even if you haven't invested in one of the "hot currencies" all will be covered and cleared. The trusts belong to the people, citizens have just been siphoned off of and have largely forgotten their true worth, which is far beyond a price tag.

    I'm not here to tell you what to think about CERN, for it's up to us to choose our own timeline. If you'd rather perceive it as "bad" then that's up to you and fine by me. Beyond it being good or bad (duality) it's incredibly powerful. We can all agree on that.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

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    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:16 am

    WhipLash347 COMMs 7/7/22

    PROJECT JURA explores the direct transfer of euro and Swiss franc wholesale central bank digital currencies (wCBDCs) between French and Swiss commercial banks on a single DLT platform operated by a third party. Tokenised asset and foreign exchange trades are settled safely and efficiently using payment versus payment (PvP) and delivery versus payment (DvP) mechanisms.

    The project complements the ongoing G20 work on cross-border payments. The proposed solution design not only addresses existing deficiencies but could also open up new approaches to conducting international financial transactions, including foreign exchange, securities and other financial instruments.

    America's largest bank is already here.

    JPMorgan Chase is a leading global financial services firm with assets of $2.6 trillion and operations worldwide. It’s rich history spans over 200 years. JP Morgan Chase are leaders in investment banking, financial services for consumers and small business, commercial banking, financial transactions processing and asset management.

    This bank is in the first place in terms of volume and capitalization in the United States. 

    And don't forget that PROJECT GUARDIAN is closely linked to JPMorgan Chase.

    Asset JPM ( is fully operated by JP Morgan Chase CEO and it is fully backed by its stocks.

    The “BIG BROTHER” is here.

    Chevron Corporation is a multinational energy corporation headquartered in San Ramon, California, United States. Founded in September 1879, it is one of the successor companies of Standard Oil.

    It is one of the Big Oil supermajors along with BP, Royal Dutch Shell, ExxonMobil, Total S.A., and Eni S.p.A. Chevron is active in more than 180 countries worldwide and has a brand value of nearly 16 billion U.S. dollars, ranking seventh among worldwide oil and gas companies. 

    More info on:

    Asset CHEVRON ( is fully operated and backed by Chevron Corp. Int.

    The USA is now fully in the game along with other countries. 

    Chevron, JP Morgan Chase, Fort Knox Gold, then only more and more.

    Wait for news, changes are coming soon!

    Some announcements for Thursday!!

    * Elon Musk is now Admin. Yes this channel.
    * Did you see Casper Munch [Maersk] Linkedin with Elon?
    * Maersk sent contract to Lobstr.
    * ProjectAurora Elon + Russian Military scheduled for Thursday. Announcement Moscow Evening time.
    * Launching UGANDAN Assets through China BRICS. [WAGAGAI] is the company.
    * Special for RV purposes.
    * I'm sure you are aware of the Indo-Tibetan Rupee on
    This currency will be returning to Earth and it is a special one.
    Tibetan Assets will be launching very possible.
    * Halyk bank/QAZKOM Largest Bank in Kazakhstan launched through VEBRF.
    * Uzbekistan launching
    * Saudi Arabia launching
    * Something else from Shanghai Cooperation.
    * US Assets [StellarUSA] - Chevron, FortKnoxGold & J P Morgan will be introducing a High Roller's program to encourage Big Investors. Starting point 100,000XLM.
    * Argentina says has China's support to join BRICS group

    Britain’s Boris Johnson resigning as PM amid scandal
    LONDON — Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced his resignation Thursday amid a mass revolt by top members of his government, marking an end to three tumultuous years in power in which he brazenly bent and sometimes broke the rules of British politics. UK media: Prime Minister Boris Johnson agrees to step down - The Wash… archived 7 Jul 2022 0

    "I gotta say, this isn’t a great look for Hunter. Especially considering Russia and China are vehemently accusing him of creating biological weapons in Ukraine. 

    Joe, the other ruling families of the DNC, the US government as a whole; are all stuck fighting an uphill PR battle, defending the CiC’s crackhead son. It’s a complete shitshow. 

    Check out my whole article here! "

    BIDEN ECONOMY: Recession No Longer on the Way - IT'S HERE - US GDP Down Seven Months in a Row – October 2021 Was Last High

    EXCLUSIVE: Sentencing For Arizona Ballot Trafficker Pushed Forward After NEW Footage Released - New Hearing Set For July 7th


    FED Chair Jerome Powell Says US Economy Is "In Strong Shape" as Economy Drops into Recession

    Karine Jean-Pierre Has No Answer For Why Joe Biden Left Voicemail For Son Hunter Wanting to Talk About Biden Family Business Dealings in China (VIDEO)

    Arrest Made After 1,000-Hog Death Wave Rocks Small Iowa County, The animals' caretaker initially told authorities that someone had turned off the electricity to the pens and that caused the mass die-off.

    Dr. Clare Craig Says Pfizer's Data Shows More Kids Got Severe COVID in the Vaccinated Group
    Full Show:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
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    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:40 am

    7.5.22 Patriot Streetfighter w/ G Edward Griffin, Wrote "Creature From Jekyll Island", RedPill Expo
    G Edward Griffin, Author of "The Creature Of Jekyll Island", the research of how the group of elite bankers met secretly at Jekyll Island to form a plan to create a Federal Reserve private bank

    Huge Win at the Supreme Court for Religious Freedom and the Important Precedent it Set

    Dominion Day 2022 on Parliament Hill: law enforcement, Antifa, and a whole lot of weirdness…

    Mark & Terri Stemann Say Their Children Have Been Medically Kidnapped with Nicholas Veniamin

    Lewis Herms Discusses Biden's Conservative Bills with Nicholas Veniamin

    Michael Jaco: The gig is up for many in the top tiers as they will be led off the world stage to meet their fates.

    The Different Theories on Time Travel - Joe Rogan Experience
    Taken from JRE #1821 w/Bert Kreischer & Tony Hinchcliffe. Joe talks about time travel with Bert and Tony, and explains some rules that have been theorised about time travel. The movie "Everythin,  Everywhere all at once" is based on this concept, and there is currently a theoretical time machine theorised by a scientist that requires an immense amount of power and energy.

    EXCLUSIVE Look at Pedophile Matrix, Chemtrails and Biblical Floods, Dr. Ardis Reveals Horror - Tuesday, July 5th, The Stew Peters Show i

    Maria Zeee With Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger - PART 2: Zombies, CERN Opening Demonic Portals. How to Remove Nanotech from the Body!

    Massive Arrests! Massive Arrests Soon 07/05/2022
    The persecution of Dr Sam White. The GMC tried, and lost.
    In just 4 short minutes, this video explains the reasons behind and fingers those responsible for the 9/11 psyop attack in America while also explaining the current state of affairs around the world t
    I talk with Major Solomon Berg who was part of a top secret project called Black Kraken. He is a doctor of Anthropology recruited into the military who spent a year on Mars  and eventually was brought on board to handle a captured Sasquatch aka Yeti and established telepathic communication with it and the over-mind of the species. The Squatch as they are actually known, are a nomadic people from the stars who settled on Earth many eons ago. They are more intelligent than humans and also related like us, to the Pleiadians.

    INTERVIEW WITH DR. RAHM regarding her excellent products to assist the body with healing of multiple issues including clearing spike proteins and nano graphene oxide.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 11:53 am
    Mel K & The Brilliant Bernie Of Truth & Art TV On Common Sense & Logical Thinking 7-5-22
    Mark Slapinski Message to the UNVAXXED

    Scientists at CERN observe three "exotic" particles for first time
    Scientists working with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have discovered three subatomic particles never seen before as they work to unlock the building blocks of the universe, the European nuclear research centre CERN said on Tuesday.

    Join CERN in a historic week for particle physics | CERN CERN is set for jam-packed, exciting and ecstatic days starting on 3 July with the first celebrations of the ten-year anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson, a scientific symposium on 4 July and ending on a high note on 5 July, with collisions at unprecedented energy levels at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) marking the launch of the new physics season at CERN’s flagship accelerator. Be it physically at CERN or online from around the world, we invite you to join us in celebrating past and present achievements for particle physics and science, as well as looking ahead to how CERN is preparing future research.   Marking the anniversary of the discovery of the Higgs boson Ten years ago, on 4 July 2012, a packed CERN Auditorium watched the ATLAS and CMS collaborations present compelling evidence for the discovery of the Higgs boson, thus confirming the existence of the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism, first predicted by theorists in the 1960s.  The subsequent 10 years have seen impressive advances in our understanding

    We were told that CERN was compromised by the White Hats 2 yrs ago... and They also took down the CIA headquarters there too.
    Recent SCOTUS Ruling Could BRING AN END to the Power of CDC, FBI, and ATF
    Speaker is Charles Lawson - CERN (2020-2022):  
    More videos abour CERN: 
    "CERN Is Ramping Up To Unprecedented Energy Level On July 5th" 
    Recent SCOTUS Ruling Could BRING AN END to the Power of CDC, FBI, and ATF

    Ep. 2816a - Trump Right Again, The [CB] Is Not In Control Of The Economic Demolition

    Ep. 2816b - [DS] Is Openly Attacking The Constitution, Tyrants Are Being Exposed, Remember Your Oath

    JUST IN - UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid suddenly resigns, saying he can no longer continue serving in this government.

    Reports coming in of Dutch police shooting at farmers!!!
    When states and their enforcers act like this, they deserve whatever comes their way.


    Vaccine, & another 157 million refused a 2nd or 3rd dose according to CDC
    How does the Large Hadron Collider work? [CERN]
    The Large Hadron Collider [CERN] will help answer some of the fundamental open questions in physics such as the structure of space and time. This animated  short video acts as a video glossary to define specific scientific terms or concepts in a fun, easy to understand way.
    7/4/22 Nancy Drew-Video 2-Approx 10:30am- Check Thumbnail Pic-Fountain Aerial View From Google Earth

    Look it up on Google Earth!

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:26 pm
    Bo Polny   "The 24 Hours That Will Change The World"
    Nino had Bo on 2-3 weeks ago..He was talking about God's Jubilee year and that Roe v Wade had to be ruled on the 3rd week on June to fulfill prophecy..which it did. 

    So he had him on again. 

    Bo shared things that must be fulfilled in July and by September. A movement of Yahweh that the whole world will witness and know he did it and people will know he's the one true God. 

    So get ready to see America die.. things and people you look up to as a safety net... will be gone...

    Likened to the Hebrews running away from the Pharoah for days...and they're catching up to them. The Hebrews were trapped.. water infront of them and Pharaoh's army behind them. God showed his hand in a mighty way. Surprising everyone...the Hebrews and the army. 

    So be prepared to be in a survival state. The unbelievers will be in a hopeless state when God shows up.


    GOP Rep. James Comer asks Janet Yellen AGAIN to hand over Hunter Biden international bank activity | Daily Mail Online
    Republican Rep. James Comer asks Janet Yellen AGAIN to hand over any suspicious international bank transactions associated with Hunter Biden and accuses Treasury of running 'cover' for the first family
    The minority party lawmakers claim the Treasury denied their petition for suspicious financial activity linked to Hunter Biden 'unless Democrats join the request.'

    Tommy Robinson on War Room: "Anyone who Goes against the Narrative Will Be Silenced"
    UK activist and journalist Tommy Robinson appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room Tuesday to report on how his new book Silenced has been, well, silenced. Speaking about the Dutch farmer protests, Robinson called the EU attack on farming “the next phase of their climate agenda.”

    We all know that...  silenced, as in 6ft under

    Election Analyst Says Nancy Pelosi Lied To Donors About Democrats' Chances In 2022 Midterms
    Election analyst Nate Silver is accusing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of lying to Democrat donors about her party’s chances of winning the Senate in the 2022 midterms. It’s shocking to even think that Nancy Pelosi would lie about something, isn’t it? It sounds like she was trying to keep the cash flowing by keeping people’s…

    St. Mary's Police Officer Dies Unexpectedly While On Duty

    Always the same wording...
    Mysterious death
    Died unexpectedly
    Family's in shocked
    Rare disorder 
    Doctors are baffled

    When they know it was caused by the JAB!!


    Breaking News: Texas Now Must Defend Its Border As The Invasion Becomes Legal Reality

    THE DEEP STATE WAR SERIES : PEDOGATE - The Deep State War - Episode 6 - PART ONE LINK :

    Facebook Is Censoring The Left Now?!
    Whatever you feel about Roe v Wade, Big Tech’s subsequent “content moderation” (censoring posts about mailing abortion pills) demonstrates that even if you support the idea of tech censorship now, soo..

    BREAKING: Texas Counties to Declare “Invasion” at – FULL SHOW 7/5/22
    County officials will reportedly invoke article IV Section 4 of the US Constitution as local resources are overwhelmed by ongoing crisis! Watch & share this EXPLOSIVE broadcast that also contains breaking news,

    7.5.22 Patriot Streetfighter Economic Update, Dr. Kirk Elliott, PhD., Zimbabwe Moves To Gold
    Dr. Kirk informs that another country ties it's currency to Gold. Stock market crash is imminent. Posted for an additional 30-80% loss. Move into Silver with Private Advisors and PRESERVE your assets/

    Learn Who is Behind the Predator Class Creating a Post-Human World
    Jason Bermas guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to expose the predator class working to create a post-human world.

    Learn Who is Behind the Predator Class Creating a Post-Human World
    Jason Bermas guest hosts The A Jones Show to expose the predator class working to create a post-human world.

    Texas Set To Declare War Time Authority To Stop Collapse Of Border
    Attorney Jonathan Hullihan of joins A Jones Show to break down the state of the American border crisis.

    CERN | Why Does CERN Have a 666 Logo?
    Why Is CERN Located On Top of the Former Temple of Apollo? Why Is CERN Trying to Re-Create the "Big Bang?" Why Did Hawking Say CERN Could Accidentally Wipe Out the Universe?
    Bo Polny -  "The Fall of Babylon and the Rise of the Beast" This is part was recorded 3 weeks ago. Then lastnights interview w/ Bo was part 2.
    Unprecedented | Official Trailer | discovery+
    An exclusive look into the lives and actions of Donald Trump and the first family as they navigate his 2020 re-election campaign. Witness the raw, behind-the-scenes footage, including the last interview given by Trump as president. Streaming July 10 on discovery+.

    Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham will not comply with Georgia election probe subpoena | Just The News
    "Senator Graham plans to go to court, challenge the subpoena, and expects to prevail," lawyers said.

    Judge Delivers Huge Ruling on School’s Vaccine Mandate, Segregating Kids into Independent Study - Judge Strikes Down Los Angeles School's Vaccine Mandate as Illegal
    This is a big deal.

    West Virginia Revives 170 Year-Old Abortion Laws
    Country rooooooads, take me hoooooooome…to West Virginia, where all life is valued!

    Was Pence apart of the plan? He was suppose to go against Trump ...he took our enemies side. And was rewarded with a Freemason coin..of a good deed.

    Art of War.... make them think the enemy is winning.

    Q/ Trump had to be this way.


    "2000 Mules" Investigator Gregg Phillips Announces Investigative Team Has Identified Unique Devices from Inside the TCF Center During Late Night 2020 Election Ballot Dump


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 3:29 pm

    Italy's Prime Minister Draghi cancels NATO summit ! He left Madrid to be back in Italy!️ Power is dwindling. The people of Italy are rebelling and demanding the removal of the government! !️
    Trucker convoy returns to DC
    They have made an appearance on the National Mall.

    1776 Restoration Arrest, White House Arrests, Marine One, Air Force One all in one crazy day.
    Today was just crazy, with an arrest at the 1776 Restoration Movement this morning, a Marine One flight out of the White House where I actually saw Biden, Air Force One buzzing over the city, followed by some climate change activists getting arrested at the White House.

    Biden BREAKS RECORD As The Biggest Doofus To Ever Sit In The Oval Office!
    Here is the footage of the event, I upscaled it to 4K but it's still a little blurry. Notice how there seems to bee something coming from the streetlight at the same time, maybe that's where it was placed?
    Georgia Guidestones Getting Leveled After Explosion!

    A sign that they lost.
    I'm sure the white hats did it.. navy seal?

    SHOCKING!!! The United Nations And The BENEFITS OF HUNGER!
    Linda Moulton Howe - Strange UFO Abductions, Minuteman Missile Silo Watchmen Abduction

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:51 pm

    Epstein Island - Shut down
    Ghislaine Maxwell - exposed/jailed
    Roe v. Wade - overturned
    Georgia Gidestones - dismantled
    Fauci Bioweapons - exposed
    Ukraine Biolabs - exposed
    2A CCW Rights - expanded
    DC Bureaucracy Regulator Power - restricted
    Public School CRT/Grooming -exposed/being reversed
    Disney Grooming - exposed/curtailed
    Twitter - Likely acquistion/overhaul
    State Election laws - massive reforms.

    Things look bleak, but these are monumental wins against the world's greatest evil forces.

    This is whats public and recent...the actual list is enormous
    Two World Split In SEDONA
    WOW! Two World Split!!

    Bell Rock 
    Sedona Arizona
    Super Soldier Talk – Ismael Perez Radiant Guardian Ultra Soldier
    Ismael Perez was recruited as an ultra-elite Super Soldier in the secret space program by an off-world group known as the Central race that comes from the future, a.k.a. wing makers, according to the ACIO. He then served about 60 years in the 5th core of Radiant Guardians to fight in the multiverse war against the evil A.I.  The radiant guardians work with higher dimensional beings—beyond the Galactic Federation. 

    During this time, he helped liberate galaxies in the cosmic sector of Enzra, that consist of 100,000 universes.  Our local universe is number 84 our constellation is number 70 and our system in which our planet earth is located is system number 24 comprised of 52 local star clusters. Within that cluster we are known as planetary 606. 

    He now serves as a Cosmic Ambassador representing an intergalactic alliance known as “The Covenant of Palaidor.” It is a cosmic treaty that was initiated by the forces of light in the higher dimensions to protect, and guard the Earth from the Draco forces, and the A. I. There is a collective known as the Animus that The Guardian Alliance has been battling for over a million years, and Ismael was a warrior in many lifetimes as recalled from his many past lives. 

    The majority of the starseeds that have volunteered for the call to rescue this planet, including Ismael; have been selected to come here and help. Ismael is one of the inner council members who is here to bring forth the next level of cosmic disclosure that will restore our planet back to its original glory in fulfillment of the galactic prophecies. The information that He has to bring forth has never been heard of before on this planet. 

    He is also a galactic historian. He’s tapped into several of his past lives, and is also the writer of the book “Our Cosmic Origin.”mThis book reveals the true galactic roots of humanity, the organization of the cosmos, and Earths relationship to the multiverse.

    Here’s the link to Ismael's book
    Our Cosmic Origin: Knowledge in preparation for the ascension of planet earth

    Here’s the link to Ismael's Instagram

    Very interesting. He discussed portals and space wars with AI

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 08, 2022 8:41 am



    New 'Biological Age' Test Reveals How Long You Have Left To Live | KJ 97
    All you need is a saliva sample to find out how many years you have left.

    Abbott Invokes Invasion; Powers to Return Illegal Immigrants to Ports of Entry - Texas Gov. Greg Abbott took an unprecedented step toward mitigating the border crisis on July 7

    "This is not immigration, this is slave trade"
    TEXAS: Judges, Sheriffs and local politicians just held a press conference about the Biden border invasion.
    “These individuals being brought to us… they are not free to go. They are the property of the cartels…
    It is an invasion that is being pushed by the cartels into our country and it must come to a stop.
    This may be hard for some people to swallow, cause you think slavery ended a long time ago, but it did not. It’s taking place in modern America - right now.”

    Why now and not at the beginning...

    Judge Sides With Parent, Strikes Down Los Angeles School Vaccine Mandate
    A plan to mandate COVID-19 vaccine shots for hundreds of thousands of students in the Los Angeles will remain on pause after a judge's ruling.

    NDE Dannion Brinkley - "The Future of Humanity Will Be Fought In Health Care"
    Dannion Brinkley has died twice. He was clinically dead for 28 minutes when he was struck by lightning. During his cross over, he received visions of future events that will affect humanity.


    Attorney Mike Yoder’s client, 1st Lieutenant Andrew Soto will remain in the service after REFUSING the military vaccine mandate and facing a Board of Inquiry.

    The allegations charging 1st Lt. Soto with "Misconduct and Moral or Professional Dereliction" were found to be UNSUBSTANTIATED!



    Boris Johnson has finally announced he is stepping down as prime minister after the resignation of more than 50 government ministers, including a Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, whose successor Nadhim Zahawi, then called for his boss to “do the right thing and go.”

    David Nino Rodriguez:

    We blew up the guide stones on Bush’s “76th” birthday!

    Add the “Q” 17
    And you get 1776

    4 is number of foundation.  

    We broke their foundation/Declaration for destroying the world starting with America.  "Their symbolism will be their downfall".  

    3:33 is their magic number...1/3 of the host of Heaven were cast down with Satan.  we just splattered it.

    It’s the 186th day of the year.  In gematria, the language of numbers.  Here are some correlations

    God is about to flip the cards over on the table.  He is going to reveal his plan…SHOW HIS CARDS…REVEAL HIS HAND!!!!

    It’s Casino Royal for America…this will not be the last hand played however….we are not nearly over, the stakes are high and getting higher!

    July 6th
    NOW - Georgia Guidestones are now completely leveled. 

    The Georgia Bureau of Investigation says the remaining structure has been completely demolished "for safety reasons" less than a day after the incident.


    Patriot Underground Episode 228
    Patriots Given A Win 
    Cultural Compass Set 
    Roe V Wade Curse Broken
    War For The Innocence 
    Final Act This Summer
    Race Against Time: 9/3 looms
    Justice Imminent
    Patience Of We The People
    Transhuman Plan
    Human Body Now Hackable
    Attack On Consciousness

    Juan O' Savin: Dire Intel Update - Save America Now!!!   
    by N.Morgan In his latest video, Juan shares a dire Intel update and states very clearly that time is running out.. He is imploring us to be ready to save our country, our way of life, our FREEDOMS!!  His Intel in this video changes the ball game and we all need...

    Today's July 8th Headlines

    Gateway Pundit

    Local Police and FBI Visit Home of Top Opponent to New China-Owned North Dakota Corn Mill — After She Posts Paragraph from Declaration of Independence on Social Media

    Haiti Did Not Vaccinate Its Citizens, The Current Vax Rate is 1.4% — Yet Country Has One of Lowest COVID Death Rates in the World — Weird, Huh?

    Biden Set To Sign Executive Order On Abortion Friday

    Joe Biden Sold a Million Barrels of Oil from US Reserves to China Company Connected to Hunter Biden

    BREAKING UPDATE: Maricopa County Republican Committee Votes UNANIMOUSLY To Reject Fraudulent 2020 Election Results

    Getting Rid of Joe Biden–Possible Scenarios

    DEAD!! Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Assassinated in Nara, Japan During Speech — 40-Year-Old Suspect Arrested at the Scene

    RON PAUL: What We’re Facing Today Is ‘A Lot Worse’ Than The Depression (VIDEO)

    MUST SEE: Air Force Expels Master Sergeant for Refusing Experimental COVID Vaccine – “After 19 Years, They’re Gonna Throw Everything Away that I’ve Worked For”

    UPDATE: Uruguayan Judge Suspends COVID Vaccination for Children Under 13 Until Certain “Conditions” Are Met

    VIDEO: Naked Hunter Biden Films Himself Smoking Crack Pipe, Drinking During “Detox” Stint Paid for by Joe Biden

    Poll on Election Integrity: 50% of Americans Think Cheating Is Likely in the Midterms

    China Brags About Giving Taliban $37 Million – They’ve Got Nothing on the $84 Billion Joe Biden Surrendered to the Terrorist Regime

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:30 am

    Today's July 8th Headlines


    'Thor: Love and Thunder' Review -- Kinda Woke and Kinda Stinks

    U.S. Economy Adds 372,000 Jobs in June, Unemployment at 3.6%

    Donald Trump Honors Friend Shinzo Abe: 'A Truly Great Man and Leader'

    Japan Ex-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Dies from Gunshot Wounds

    Mike Johnson: Biden's 'Creating a New Danger' by Using Petroleum Reserve as 'Personal Energy Slush Fund' 

    Report: Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Shot

    Beijing to Impose Chinese Coronavirus Vaccine Mandates

    Report: Joe Biden Sold Nearly One Million Barrels from U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to CCP-Owned Oil Company Linked to Hunter Biden Firm

    Smuggler Sent to U.S. Prison for Holding Migrant Hostage Until Death

    Culture of Death: Biden Flies Illegal Alien Minors out of Texas for Abortions

    Texas Company Bucks Corporate Pro-Abortion Policies: Will Pay Birth, Adoption Costs

    Fecking insane

    Seattle Public Schools Direct Students to Sex-Change Resources

    Blockades Go On: Farmers Turn Down Meeting with Government, Continue to Protest EU Green Agenda

    E.U. Parliament Greenlights Scheme to Rebrand Gas and Nuclear Power as ‘Climate-Friendly’


    American Thinker

    Determining Objective Information versus Indoctrination

    In the Kill Zone

    SCOTUS 2022: What If They Went All the Way?

    It’s Time to Lock Down Red State Elections

    On This Important Metric, America Is a Failure

    Democrats' Anti-Democratic Delusions Require Population Control

    Jordan Peterson in Hot Water over Pronouns (Again)

    It’s Really Time for SCOTUS to Put Restrictive Gun Laws to Bed

    The Mass Psychosis of Liberals

    Follow the COVID Money

    Thanks to Dems, Trump is Still Winning

    How 'Racial Literacy' Erodes Education
    Business News

    Exco Technologies Limited Announces Third Quarter Results on July 28, 2022

    Vicor Corporation to Hold Second Quarter Earnings Conference Call and Webcast on July 21, 2022

    The Millennia Companies® Adds BJ Everson as Director of Asset Management

    AbbVie Dumps An Early-Alzheimer's Candidate Developing In Collaboration With Alector

    Why Jim Cramer Says Applied Materials Is 'Too Good A Company'

    Read How Telsey Advisory Views Levi Strauss Post Q2 Results

    Presidential Cannabis Releases Moon Rock Prerolls And Blunts In Mini Sizes

    5 Value Stocks To Watch In The Consumer Defensive Sector

    5 Value Stocks To Watch In The Basic Materials Sector

    Affinor Growers Announces Resignation of Chairman

    A Vodka-Loving Dragon Series Is Coming To Paramount+ — And Nicolas Cage Is Starring: Here Are The Details

    Read What Is Keeping Alibaba Founder Jack Ma Busy These Days
    Tech News

    Ransomware attacks are rising, but paying up won't keep your data safe says NCSC

    This simple trick gets you multiple icons for apps on your iPhone. Here's how

    How to extend the features of Rocket.Chat with apps

    Data scientist: Industry reaches 'point of maturity' as specializations grow

    The 7 best foldable phones of 2022

    How to edit posts in Slack (and when you shouldn't)

    15TB of secure AI-based cloud storage is just $150 until July 14

    From storytelling to storyliving: How Samsung is building its metaverse for tomorrow

    Does Credit Karma affect your credit score?

    Bowers & Wilkins Px7 S2 review: Premium headphones that rival Sony and Bose

    How do I use my Microsoft 365 Business account to sign in to Windows 11? [Ask ZDNet]

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 08, 2022 10:40 am

    .. BREAKING….One of my top sources is saying Putin is putting troops in Kaliningrad and submarines in the waters north of the UK planning to threaten to explode some munitions..

    BREAKING: Adam Schiff files amendment to NDAA that would conceal any info collected by the U.S. military for use in congressional investigations or court proceedings.

    Massive attempted coverup of enormous proportions and preemptive power grab to prevent GOP oversight next year:
    Kerry Cassidy Interview #4
    Georgia Guide Stones— Car Mounted DEW? Demolition Signal By White Hats Evidence Destroyed Immediately Alliance Going On The Offensive
    > Russian Subs Threatening City of London >
    > Tidal Wave Offshore Weapon Detonation Threat

    > Ethnic Cleansing and Race Specific Bioweapons
    > BRICS Basket Analysis: Will It Displace USD As Reserve Currency?
    > Cuban Missile Crisis Scenario Brewing
    > Airports Scanning For Reptilian DNA?
    > SCOTUS Election Reversal Discussion
    > Commentary On Phil W: Navigating Intel
    > Analysis Of White Hat Disclosure Strategy
    > Trump And The Vax: Accountability Discussion
    > Weaponized Nanotech: Soil On The Evergreen
    > Transhuman Agenda

    > Carrie Medej Assassination Attempt
    > Juan O Savin In Depth
    > Non Terrestrial Disclosure

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 08, 2022 2:54 pm

    "What you are about to go through will be very painful. You will learn that your whole life and the generations before you have been nothing but lies. It will take you a good six months to get over it. Some may never. The entire planet will be rewired. Every system and technology you know now will be obsolete. A lot of money is going to come back."
    “John F. Kennedy.”


    Q DROP 764 


    White Rabbit Q COMMs 7/6/22

    UKRAINE, China, Iraq,...... opens the door far beyond the BIDEN family.
    How do you protect your interests [shelter from prosecution _public awareness]?
    Control [infiltrate] DOJ, FBI, State, Intel, News, ........?
    How many *fired* FBI [Russia _Midyear] received a book deal? 
    Book deals can be lucrative.

    Follow the family. 
    US taxpayer(s) paid for it all.


    (In 2006, the Clinton Foundation had received a $31.3 million donation from Canadian billionaire Frank Giustra, owner of mining company UrAsia, which merged with another mining company in 2007 to become Uranium One.)

    "In 2005, Bill Clinton & Frank Giustra visited Kazakhstan. Giustra, as we have noted is a massive donor to the Clinton Foundation & a beneficiary of Hillary Clinton’s decisiomaking as Secretary of State.

    Giustra’s goal was to buy uranium mines in Kazakhstan. Pursuing this objective, he and Clinton met with leaders of the Kazakhstan government.

    It proved to be a win-win for all concerned. Giustra got major mining concessions, which were approved by the Kazakhstan government. Kazakhstan got Bill Clinton publicly to praise its alleged progress in democracy and human rights. Clinton received a $31 million donation to his Foundation from Giustra, along with a pledge to donate $100 million more.

    The deal with Kazakhstan made Giustra’s company, Uranium One, a major player. It proceeded to buy large amounts of holdings in the United States.

    Uranium One thus became an attractive target for Russia. Russia made a hugely attractive offer to purchase the company.

    Such a deal requires approval by the U.S. government, including by the Secretary of State, who then was Hillary Clinton. During the period when the deal with Russia was under consideration, the Clinton Foundation received millions of dollars from key Uranium One shareholders. These contributions were not disclosed by the Clintons, despite an agreement Hillary had reached with the Obama White House to publicly identify all donors.

    During this period, Bill Clinton also received $500,000 for a Moscow speech from a Russian investment bank that was promoting Uranium One stock.

    Hillary Clinton duly approved the deal. It made the Russian company Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers & brought Vladimir Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

    The deal left huge amounts of U.S. uranium under the control of Russia. The New York Times estimates this share at 20 percent. But Peter Schweizer told Fox News that it amounts to up to 50 percent of projected U.S. uranium output.

    The Russians are free to use the uranium for any purpose. They could sell it to Iran.

    According to the New York Times, at the time the deal was made, both Rosatom & the U.S. government made promises intended to ease concerns about ceding control of the company’s assets to the Russians. But, says the Times, records show that these promises have been repeatedly broken.

    Quite apart from concerns about what Russia will do with American uranium, there is also the fact that America is short on uranium. The Times quotes energy author Marin Katusa who says that while we get one-fifth of our electrical power from nuclear plants, we produce only around 20 percent of the uranium we need, and most plants have only 18 to 36 months of reserves.

    Katusa concludes that “the Russians are easily winning the uranium war.” Adding the obvious, he notes that this “is not just a domestic issue but a foreign policy issue, too.”

    The Russians aren’t the only winners. Frank Giustra won big. So did the Clintons who raised tens of millions, if not more, in this saga. Even Kazakhstan came away with something, though whether it contemplated Russia controlling its uranium is another matter.

    Only America is the loser."

    White Hats >>moves> cards TRUMP

    .>>Pompeo investigation into the House Intelligence Committee reveals Swalwell, Schiff , Pelosi connected to HRC>\ Obama> cabinet members took INTEL from the CIA (also involved) and gave to reporters to create a Narrative about Trump< 
    Last week House Intelligence Committee Rep. Devin Nunes said " Durham report coming soon!"
    They arrested 700 CIA Agents last month across the world gave debriefings/ on Foreign INTERFERENCE in the U S. Elections  connected to German CiA farm which was raided.. Many of the CIA Agents are also involved in the LEAKS in the Russia GATE investigation>>>/Haspel/FBI >Comey  named inside several investigations connected to ELECTION fraud < TREASON> SEDITION..

    /// [They] are now trying to shut down social media Q ANON FOLLOWERS AND TRUTHERS and label all as terrorist and or white supremacists fractions who share all this information coming to Light.
    Many Election FRAUD Media outlets are taken down and much Patriots and Support across the world of the great AWAKENING is being censored at the highest levels of all platforms...
    Stay vigilant PATRIOTS...

    White Hats across the World are working HARD....

    White Rabbit Q COMMs 7/7/22

    Ready to go down another rabbit hole? 

    Apparently, Jim Henson was hired by the CIA to create children’s programming that incorporated subliminal messaging and satanic symbolism. His shows, including Sesame Street, the Muppets (man/puppets) and Fraggle Rock, were staples of many people’s childhood. His movie “The Dark Crystal”, featured scenes depicting adrenochrome harvesting of children. The movie Labyrinth, starring satanist David Bowie, depicted Bowie-the goblin king, kidnapping a baby boy and then trying to seduce a teenage girl (the boys sister) in return for the life of her brother. Sara, the teenage girl, has to travel through a terrifying, underground labyrinth, fending off demonic creatures who want to cut off her head, as she tries desperately to free her trapped brother

    This is a kids movie

    See photos above of Jane Henson, Jim’s “wife”- she looks butch to me. 
    What are your thoughts?

    The truth is humanity has been poisoned.

    Via our food, water, air, skin and hair care products.
    Add to that the fact that we started wearing shoes and miss the grounding and therefore healing effects of the earth.

    Add to that the fact that we completely lost our connection to Spirit and nature.

    And you end up with the damaged DNA of the human field that lost control and knowledge over their own field and energy.

    Add to that the industrialization and cooperation of our farm land, food chain and the commercialization of our education and entertainment.

    Easy to manipulate and control and in daily life and  very vulnerable to any disease to enter into the big pharma wheel of life from cradle to crave.

    It is time to wake up!

    Take back our autonomy, health, knowledge, land, nature.
    For the protection of our future and our children.

    Educate yourself and learn how to master your Mind Body and Spirit

    Awakening is the process of making that, the Source, the Creator, the Light that lies dormant within in your unconscious, Conscious, alive.

    It is breaking through the linear block of believes that forms the veil over your eyes to see, feel, hear and know your Source.

    It is waking up layer by layer, uncovering truths in your consciousness, when you connect more and more to the infinite power and knowledge that lies within you.

    It is a process that is on going and never ending, expanding you on the path of life. 

    It is the turning point in your descending on the earth plane, after you realize you have a choice to take control over the steering wheel towards your highest good that is the ascension.

    All along the power, the answers, the authority, the love, the creation, the Source, the God was there inside. It never left.

    It is finding your self and your God force to merge in the moments when small awakenings click into the great awakening of you, me and us all together.

    Enjoy the unraveling of your path in life and the growing ability of translating awakenings in the creation of your life.

    Find balance in the inner and outer world perspectives.

    Use your own guidance and your own inner guidance only. Your intuition is your soul whispering the word of God.

    Don't let anyone define you.
    You carry the innate blueprint of your divinity and purpose inside you.

    All else covered this blueprint up with layers of external definition.

    It is up to you to uncover your true self by expanding your definition in the life lesson and challenges that the universe presents.

    Enjoy your path
    Find your self
    Be the light
    Be the Love
    Wake up


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32044
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q,  Daily Telegram Updates - Page 16 Empty Re: PART 2 -GhostEzra / Michael Jaco, White Rabbit Q, Daily Telegram Updates

    Post  Carol Fri Jul 08, 2022 3:46 pm

    White Rabbit Q COMMs 7/7/22

    Heavy info

    David Rockefeller’s grandson Mark Zuckerberg’s wife Priscilla Chan is the sister of the co-founder of the Cannibal Club Raven Chan with the Illuminati Luciferian Satanist Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Wicca witch Elspeth Blake, that serves the pedophilia children’s sacrificial human meat dishes of our human homo-sapiens specie to the Illuminati Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar politicians and Hollywood celebrities and television hosts and mainstream media celebrities and music industry idol singers and corporate executives and billionaire bankers and CIA FBI MI6 NSA leaders and royal families and Vatican leaders and so on. The 60 million dollars to create the Facebook company came from the billions of dollars of Japanese tax money and Japan national retirement pension program that the Illuminati Luciferian Satanist Korean ancestry freemason war criminal descendant fake Japanese politicians paid to their real emperor David Rockefeller through the CSIS. Since the Illuminati’s CIA narcotics money and child trafficking money and fraud finances are getting cut off, the Illuminati Korean ancestry freemason Japanese national leaders had to start the Japanese citizens’ ID number national system to squeeze out additional billions of dollars of tax money, in order to pay their Illuminati European black nobility families bosses the embezzled money demands.

    > EUROPEAN UNION >WILL< be the first to FALL


    Are the forces behind the pandemic, world wars,  human trafficking, weapons trade, bioweapon BIOLABS in Ukraine, Nicaragua, Australia  Congo, Nigeria, India, Kenya, Ghana, Haiti, Ethiopia, Georgia, ect ect ect ect.... 

    _The growth of the CABAL after Israel/Egypt (KAZARIAN Mafia dominance) [DS] begins its world domination from the Old Country>EUROPE< >>Italy. The Roman empire the VATICAN, who created the first Centralized banking systems through the Nights Templer a Catholic Military, the most wealthiest of the Christian order who like today's CIA created Wars in many countries for control of resources and installing regimes faithful to the Jesuit/KAZARIAN M. monarchy 

    > The only way to defeat the CABAL is to destroy their Regimen in Europe. [COLLAPSE] the oil and gas. PUTIN knows what he is doing.

    ... Cutting off the Gas/oil..../// The DEEP STATE in EU have been dependent on the oil for many reasons that is connected to Share holders through VANGUARD/ BLACKROCK/State Street 

    ..... Hundreds of BILLIONS € is traded through the resources of oil, gas and petroleum products daily, that connect to shipping,  supply chains, production in all industries through the European Union...

    The boycott of Central banking system backed by USD (in debt nearing 250 trillion $) is happening through the world and systematical COLLAPSE of the EUROPEAN UNION is happening!

    Below from Ben Fulford 

    Russians and others have cut off gas to the E.U  because nobody wants to accept their nothing backed fiat money as payment.Italy and Slovakia reported receiving less than half of the usual volumes of gas from Russia. France has had no gas since June 15th. Poland, Bulgaria, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands have already had their Russian gas deliveries suspended. Germany is also facing a cut off soon.

    The Europeans cannot find gas elsewhere. Algeria, for example, has also cut off half the gas supply it sends to Europe via pipeline

    The fake Biden regime promised Europeans they would replace Russian gas but, their main gas export terminal has been blown up and will not resume full operations before years’ end.

    The squeeze is also being put on oil. The oil the Europeans have been stealing from Libya ever since the murder of Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 has been cut off.

    Also, Ukraine’s largest oil refinery has been destroyed, cutting off another major source of European oil.
    How do you EXPOSE the OLD GUARD CABAL IN THE E.U that controls NATO, UN and the world AGENDA that created the PLANDEMIC and almost everything through the world connected to Jesuits DAVOS/VATICAN KAZARIAN MAFIA ROTHSCHILDS ECT. ORGS???????????




    White Rabbit Q COMMs 7/7/22

    > How do you [COLLAPSE] a world CABAL that controls central banking systems, big PHARMA, big tech, WAR MONGERS, that control deep state Military within all world military regimen?

    > How do you [EXPOSE] the corruption of world leaders, the EU Elite societies, > that created NATO, UN ( \fake peace keepers that steal  wealth, exploit their natural resources)?
    The EU SUPER POWER has been denied by INDIA and Malaysia Indonesia large portions of Africa in their constant fear campaign to wage WARS to Create revenue and money from world countries in their fake agendas to gather sympathetic following in their deep state operations.

    > Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, the Indian foreign minister, said that Europe should grow out of the mindset that its problems are the world’s problems.

    “The world cannot be that Eurocentric that it used to be in the past,” he said.

    "Why would anybody in Asia trust Europe on anything at all,” he added.

    /// Behind the scenes several countries are aligning with Russia/China and Rejecting the EU super power and NATO/EU rhetoric ////

    This SUPER POWER of EU controlled by the Rockefellers/ ROTHSCHILDs/DAVOS GROUP ECT ECT ECT who control BLACKROCK & VANGUARD (worlds top investors firm that control the industry and economy in all Central Banking systems) is in the verge of COLLAPSE....

    ANONS/freedom FIGHTERS/Truth Tellers /world Patriots have been leaking the truth of economic world collapse since last year and been WARNING all that the World Markets reports are fake and the central banking system is inside a MAJOR collapse.... Only till 16 months later does EU Deutsche bank CEO admit a recession is happening (they had lied for months of FALSE economic reports and growth)
    Blame the RUSSIAs for the collapse story is falling apart as Asian countries drop the propaganda and start denying EU super power in their claim for donations .......

    I reported two months ago that several countries inside NATO (generals inside the countries are fighting within their regimen and their Leaders (//// this conflict is coming more evident as DEEP STATE MONEY is disappearing by the days and weeks and months .....

    The USD (United States Dollar) is the world Reserve currency .... Almost every Nation across the world holds the USD as a secure asset!

    But now it's becoming clear to several Nations the EU SUPER POWER Connected to the USD is COLLAPSING..... As several leaders through the Americas deny BIDEN REGIMEN of support and attending invites .... Several middle eastern countries have cut off oil to the U.S..EU and their USD.....

    The U.S. and all it's wealth and every asset is worth 193 Trillion... (But the U.S debt is 90 Trillion+U.S. Unfunded liabilities is 169 Trillion = 259 Trillion Debt )

      259 Trillion Debt
    -193 Trillion U.S. wealth & All assets
    66 Trillion Debt.
    The world countries are seeing the [COLLAPSE] in real time..... And PANIC is hitting everywhere..... The DEEP STATE in EU is finally admitting they have no money and U.S is inside COLLAPSE and nobody wants the USD.

    The COLLAPSE of the CENTRAL banking system connected to USD is in free fall....

    And there  is no more money to fund the WAR MONGERS/PAYING OFF HALF OF MILITARY GENERALS TO OK WARS...... Their is no money currently for FUNDING U.S. MILITARY/ food/
    travel/ pension/ or oil/gas for military vehicles

    ...... The money is disappearing faster than people can imagine?

    The U.S Military is denying Biden REGIMEN to artillery to send to UKRAINE and EU.
    This COLLAPSE HAPPENING is exposing the DEEP STATE at the Deepest roots as they turn on each other.. Dog-eat-dog.

    In due time ( TRUMP cards )

    A Golden age......

    Inside the Storm


    >Military Alliance Operations to capture CERN SUPER COMPUTER  “Tier 0”

    In Early 2012 MiL. Operations began to infiltrate the CIA CERN facility and map the underground tunnels systems that connected the European continent through the world using  Super fast Maglev trains .

    By 2014 over 300 military operators had infiltrated the deep state CERN operations as workers, technicians, engineers and scientists and by 2014 the first waves of tectonic weapons were used to collapsed tunnel systems that connected France, Italy, Austria to the CIA lake Geneva underground head quarters. Operations were conducted from Norway via Germany with ALLIANCE military force ops. By 2017 The eventual sabotage from within CERN and outside tunnel corridor's that housed Nuclear Energy were dismantled by Special forces and short Battle took place beneath lake Geneva
    And by mid summer the Supercomputer came into the hands of Mil. White Hats 

    >SC "Tier 0” of the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG),  conducted via the LHC Optical Private Network (LHCOPN). Data is reportedly sent out from CERN via the LHCOPN to 11 “Tier 1” academic institutions in Asia, Europe and North America via dedicated 10 Gbit/s links. Translation: orders are sent out from CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva to 11 CIA substations around the world, one of which is located in Langley, Virginia. More than 150 “Tier 2” institutions are subsequently connected to the CIA’s 11 “Tier 1” institutions, creating a network of CIA sub-stations that double as Research and Education Network (NREN) centers. Although NRENs are allegedly dedicated to supporting the needs of research and education within a given community, they actually serve as the CIA’s secret sub-station which conducts assassinations, espionage, and terror attacks.

    BY 2019 Whites Hats military operations took Full control of the CERN.

    The technology inside CERN is deeply connected to The ROSWELL CRASH and TESLA CLASSIFIED technology ( both connect time traveling. Roswell UFO technology opens doors to portals 400 Mile's below the Earth's crust and mantel that houses another ocean and hidden society) 

    The French ROTHSCHILDs Elite family who help create the FBI with descendants of Jesuits Army and Napoleon blood lines stole the technology from the United States military in the 1900s....>Until now the Q CLASSIFIED operations has finally back in it's grasp one of humanities greatest machines that measures 17 miles in length and has the power to recreate time/ has healing properties and connects CIVILIZATIONs across the universe and through the Earth's inner most planetary secrets.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 8:04 pm