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    Robert David Steele Has Died


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Tue Aug 31, 2021 6:10 pm

    Strangely enough, this has not been announced on his website yet, although he died on Saturday, August 28.  I found out about it from a Jim Fetzer video where he announces it and said that Steele died in the hospital and had been put on a ventilator.

    I knew he was sick because that was announced on the website:

    Robert’s Condition – 08/17/2021

    Robert David Steele Has Died G5tkLoa

    With love to all of you, I survived!  I went in at 77 oxygenation.  I’m up to 94.  I will not take the vaccination, though I did test positive for whatever they’re calling “COVID” today, but the bottom line is that my lungs are not functioning.

    The good news is that I will survive with a few days off.  I should be back up and at least functional soon.  This is been a near death experience, very much like a new death experience the whole country is going through right now.  We will never be the same because now we know that we’ve all been lied to about everything.  But,  now we also know that we can trust each other.  I’m alive today because I had a network that put me into a good hospital in Florida.

    Steele was on his tour of the U.S. advocating election reform.

    Of course there are numerous articles announcing his death and making fun of him for dying of COVID when he had said the pandemic was a hoax.

    Here's the Jim Fetzer video.  Louisa remarks that she has heard others who were on the tour with him have gotten sick, too.


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:19 am

    In Memoriam – Robert David Steele

    Robert David Steele Has Died ZbR19vY

    Sadly Robert David Steele passed away on 28 August 2021 of COVID-19 pneumonia.

    Donations are still being accepted in order to honorably close out the Arise tour as planned.

    All donations are guaranteed to be used exclusively for the debts incurred through expenses outlined under the Funding tab.

    Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers, and continued support for Robert’s vision.

    It may be that it was the ventilator that killed him.  I hope there is a follow-up investigation by an independent reporter.  

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Carol Wed Sep 01, 2021 8:40 am

    He was likely taken out.

    A bit of truth from behind RDS's facade.

    Some people were fooled. RDS attacked mostly women, like Dr. Katherine Horton and Sarah Westall for talking about Human trafficking and exposing RDS/Sacha Stone’s front company the ITNJ. There was no justice in the International Court for Natural Justice. “Natural” means the perverts get to do whatever they want without consequence. Naturally.

    Steele also viciously attacked Canadian crusader Kevin Annett for exposing Human trafficking and murder.

    Ask Jason Goodman at Crowdsource the Truth and his team how it went with RDS. After agreeing to do a show with them and reneging, Steele filed a lawsuit against them and threatened to add ME to it when I shared the video Goodman published stating what Steele did. Why did Scott McKay refuse to work with the clown any more on the tour this summer?

    Steel is probably not who you think. He and his buddy at Veterans Today Gordon Duff had a plan to get elected into the upper echelon of the government—that failed. After Trump was elected Steel also bragged about being able to solve the wall problems in mere days.

    From what I could see, Steele (doubt if it’s his real name) hooked up with various patriot truthers to steal their subscribers so he could get more donations and build his fake empire as a patriot while he did whatever it was he did behind the scenes to further the cabal’s agenda—and his own.

    He mentored a nobody named Jordan Sather and put him on the map. Steele was the first person Sather ever interviewed on YouTube. Coincidence? Many people have said Sather is a shill but eyes and ears are still closed.

    Steele was all smiles for Jordan’s interview, but when Jim, the Unknown Lightwarrior had him on the Ground Crew Command radio show, Steele was rude, condescending, and wouldn’t answer some of Jim’s questions. Jim politely responded, “Understood.” I couldn’t believe my ears, but Steele continued to disappoint over the years and showed who he really was.

    Robert David Steele was a nasty con man and the world is now a better place. I knew it was only a matter of time before he was taken out. The White Hats allowed him to go with people believing he died of Covid. I would not have given him the privilege. I suspect he had a tribunal and was sentenced as a traitor. A message to the rest, perhaps?

    The exclamations of disbelief on Telegram about the death are disappointing but someone in the know posted the following in the comments there. Thank you White Hats for doing the right thing. What took you so long? Question withdrawn.

    I just heaved a big sigh of relief. Truly. The sun is shining a little brighter today.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2198
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Wed Sep 01, 2021 9:12 am

    Carol wrote:He was likely taken out.

    A bit of truth from behind RDS's facade.

    Some people were fooled. RDS attacked mostly women, like Dr. Katherine Horton and Sarah Westall for talking about Human trafficking and exposing RDS/Sacha Stone’s front company the ITNJ. There was no justice in the International Court for Natural Justice. “Natural” means the perverts get to do whatever they want without consequence. Naturally.

    Steele also viciously attacked Canadian crusader Kevin Annett for exposing Human trafficking and murder.

    Ask Jason Goodman at Crowdsource the Truth and his team how it went with RDS. After agreeing to do a show with them and reneging, Steele filed a lawsuit against them and threatened to add ME to it when I shared the video Goodman published stating what Steele did. Why did Scott McKay refuse to work with the clown any more on the tour this summer?

    Steel is probably not who you think. He and his buddy at Veterans Today Gordon Duff had a plan to get elected into the upper echelon of the government—that failed. After Trump was elected Steel also bragged about being able to solve the wall problems in mere days.

    From what I could see, Steele (doubt if it’s his real name) hooked up with various patriot truthers to steal their subscribers so he could get more donations and build his fake empire as a patriot while he did whatever it was he did behind the scenes to further the cabal’s agenda—and his own.

    He mentored a nobody named Jordan Sather and put him on the map. Steele was the first person Sather ever interviewed on YouTube. Coincidence? Many people have said Sather is a shill but eyes and ears are still closed.

    Steele was all smiles for Jordan’s interview, but when Jim, the Unknown Lightwarrior had him on the Ground Crew Command radio show, Steele was rude, condescending, and wouldn’t answer some of Jim’s questions. Jim politely responded, “Understood.” I couldn’t believe my ears, but Steele continued to disappoint over the years and showed who he really was.

    Robert David Steele was a nasty con man and the world is now a better place. I knew it was only a matter of time before he was taken out. The White Hats allowed him to go with people believing he died of Covid. I would not have given him the privilege. I suspect he had a tribunal and was sentenced as a traitor. A message to the rest, perhaps?

    The exclamations of disbelief on Telegram about the death are disappointing but someone in the know posted the following in the comments there. Thank you White Hats for doing the right thing. What took you so long? Question withdrawn.

    I just heaved a big sigh of relief. Truly. The sun is shining a little brighter today.

    Carol, the first two sentences of your post are your words, and the rest is a copy and paste, correct?

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Carol Wed Sep 01, 2021 6:16 pm

    Correct. The C&P was from someone on Telegram who knew RDS. Shasa Stone also had something to say the day of RDS death in his interview with cristenw. RDS and SS used to be business partners and it seemed Sasha wasn't all the broken up about RDS passing. RDS has a tendency to take advantage of others. I've watched RDS over the years in various interviews and thought him a egotistical opportunist. He would used people to promote himself and his own ideas while disparaging others. At the end he would use truthers to have short round table interviews and then once again promote his own self-centered POV. He really did want to be President of the US and often stated as such, while also promoting Cynthia McKinney as VP. I watched how he was manipulative and compromised by his own self-interests.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2198
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Wed Sep 01, 2021 7:59 pm

    Carol wrote: Shasa Stone also had something to say the day of RDS death in his interview with cristenw.  
    Can you link to that?

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 02, 2021 7:41 am

    I'm still trying to find the cristenw video. Here's another link:

    Found it. They discuss RDS briefly early at the onset of the video.

    New Cirsten W: Hurricane Ida via Sasha Stone Talks Weather Warfare
    Sunday, August 29, 2021
    New Cirsten W: Hurricane Ida via Sasha Stone Talks Weather Warfare

    Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999 and has worked across both the NGO and IGO sectors as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice.

    He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2198
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:11 am

    Carol wrote:I'm still trying to find the cristenw video. Here's another link:

    Found it. They discuss RDS briefly early at the onset of the video.

    New Cirsten W: Hurricane Ida via Sasha Stone Talks Weather Warfare
    Sunday, August 29, 2021
    New Cirsten W: Hurricane Ida via Sasha Stone Talks Weather Warfare

    Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999 and has worked across both the NGO and IGO sectors as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice.

    He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors.
    All he said was that it's a sad day and such is the divine geometry playing out in our world.

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    Location : Hawaii

    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Carol Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:35 am

    Watching him, how he said it and his initial attitude before speaking were telling.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 2198
    Join date : 2010-04-14
    Age : 79
    Location : Virginia, U.S.

    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 02, 2021 9:45 am

    Carol wrote:Watching him, how he said it and his initial attitude before speaking were telling.
    Your copy and paste above does not speak highly of Sacha, either, would you agree?

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Fri Sep 03, 2021 7:31 am

    Former CIA Officer Robert David Steele Is Dead—Who did it & Why?

    Posted on August 30, 2021 by State of the Nation


    “He Worked His Ass Off For The
    Country Like Nobody Else!”

    If you knew Robert David Steele as we did, you would know he would absolutely love the subtitle of this tribute.

    Since Trump first ran for POTUS in 2015, SOTN had the pleasure of speaking with the former CIA officer on many occasions.  You never really knew how the conversation was going to end.  But you did know that RDS was always “working his ass off” doing one of many civic duties, and other important things, on behalf of his fellow citizens.

    During several of those conversations, RDS encouraged us to support the Florida leg of his then upcoming national tour.  He even wanted us to help launch the whole campaign right here in Tallahassee  We gently demurred … time and time again.

    We knew that such a tour was not a good idea FOR QUITE OBVIOUS REASONS.

    During the Covid era, we were quite sure that such a public procession of high-profile events could easily end in disaster.

    SOTN has always held firm to the obvious certainty that COVID-19 is, first and foremost, a highly sophisticated bioweapon.  Not only that, but that COVID-19 represents an advanced form of weapons-grade bioengineering that is now creating the dreaded variants such as Delta and Lambda.

    The bottom line here is that, from the very beginning of this wholly manufactured pandemic, the Covid perpetrators have been methodically taking out anyone they so choose to and then they easily blame it on COVID-19.

    This stealthy tactic is used particularly against all high-profile Anti-Vaxxers.  The NWO cabal has no tolerance for either the Anti-Vaccine Movement or Health Freedom Advocacy Groups.

    Of course, RDS found himself at the crossroads of all of these organizations because of his refusal to get the Covid injection.  Hence, his “raising awareness tour” posed a very real threat to both OPERATION COVID-19 and the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda.

    CAVEAT: Because of what’s truly at stake for The Powers That Be, righteous and aware folks need to know that it’s exceedingly dangerous to ascend too high of a public platform.  Therefore, concerned citizens are highly encouraged to hang in large groups; protest en masse and resist by the millions.  The more any Covid Truth Movement leaders stand out, the bigger the target they will become.

    Surely RDS knew this.  But his mission was way too important to him.

    RDS also know that America’s hospitals have been transformed into death factories.  Nevertheless, he became an inpatient at one right here in Florida and was predictably killed by the notorious vent.

    Not only did his doctors not provide any alternative treatments which he requested, they ensured his untimely death by using harmful protocols that have even been proven to cause geriatric genocide wherever they’re used throughout the American Healthcare System.

    Let’s be very clear: to date, since the Plandemic began in January of 2020, millions have been killed by the COVID-19 bioweapon. Likewise, millions will be killed by the weaponized Covid vaccines.  Similarly, many unaware souls will die in various types of healthcare facilities at the hands of healthcare professionals via iatrogenic homicide.

    People, this is exactly how upwards of 100 million people died during the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918.  It was all planned out that way. In point of fact, that genocidal criminal conspiracy of 1918 was the model for the 2020/2021 Covid Pandemic. . .

    Robert David Steele knew all of this.  Perhaps he unconsciously sacrificed himself for the greater good in order to expose this highly organized and ongoing plot to depopulate humanity via a global biowar and never-ending acts of bioterrorism via COVID-19.

    Bottom Line

    As for who really did it and why? The SYSTEM did it.  The now notorious BEAST SYSTEM, that is!  Of which the American Healthcare System is a major organ as it has morphed into a full-blown Covid death factory.  Just like Nazi Germany where the doctors and scientists were given free rein to experiment and murder at will in the name of ‘scientific progress’, the American people have permitted a similar type of medical tyranny to take over.  Otherwise why would RDS ever have been administered such a toxic pharmaceutical drug such as Remedivir?!

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Sat Sep 04, 2021 11:42 am

    Carol wrote:He was likely taken out.

    A bit of truth from behind RDS's facade.

    Some people were fooled. RDS attacked mostly women, like Dr. Katherine Horton and Sarah Westall for talking about Human trafficking and exposing RDS/Sacha Stone’s front company the ITNJ. There was no justice in the International Court for Natural Justice. “Natural” means the perverts get to do whatever they want without consequence. Naturally.

    Here is a clip from testimony given at the court being attacked above:

    Ronald Bernard - Global Financial sector

    Apr 3, 2020

    International Tribunal for Natural Justice

    Two years ago, Ronald Bernard testified to the ITNJ Judicial Commission about the paedophile rings operating from inside the financial sector. In 2020, the ITNJ releases its Commissioner Report into Human Trafficking and Child Sex Abuse. This report will be available for public access and delivered to politicians and government institutions all over the globe. Standby for truth and reason to influence real change and uphold natural justice. We invite you to stand with the ITNJ.


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Carol Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:11 pm

    I thought you might be interested in what Gene Decode said about RDS in a recent interview Seashore.

    RDS 36 minute mark. "He is not dead. Clone is in GITMO and original is in non-terrestrial prison. He was working in a controlled situation. He had been a dark hat. As an agreement for not being killed he did do the right thing. But he was a bad person. Look at Dr. Horton videos when he was in France. The Alliance made an agreement with him. He got what they promised him, life in prison on non-terrestrial location. Same with Epstein and Maxwell. " 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:42 pm

    Carol wrote:Look at Dr. Horton videos when he was in France.
    Can you explain to me what that is talking about?

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Tue Sep 07, 2021 9:44 am


    First published at 10:47 UTC on September 7th, 2021.


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:49 am


    First published at 21:11 UTC on August 31st, 2021.

    Jason Liosatos

    My tribute to ex CIA Officer Robert David Steele who passed away this week, and some of my talks with him.


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 09, 2021 10:30 am

    Seashore wrote:

    First published at 10:47 UTC on September 7th, 2021.


    What I don't understand is how he accepted to be put on a ventilator at all .
    He had access to the Alt media research.
    Its not as if he was totally ignorant of alternate possibilities I would suppose scratch

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 09, 2021 11:04 am

    mudra wrote:What I don't understand is how he accepted to be put on a ventilator at all .
    He had access to the Alt media research.
    Its not as if he was totally ignorant of alternate possibilities I would suppose scratch
    My understanding is that he brought to the hospital with him his medicine that he was taking.  I think what happened was the hospital refused to give that to him.  

    He became combative with staff so they sedated him.

    Since he had tested positive for COVID the hospital administered the COVID, rather than the pneumonia protocol.  

    That's how he got put on a ventilator.

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 09, 2021 12:08 pm

    Seashore wrote:My understanding is that he brought to the hospital with him his medicine that he was taking.  I think what happened was the hospital refused to give that to him.  

    He became combative with staff so they sedated him.

    Since he had tested positive for COVID the hospital administered the COVID, rather than the pneumonia protocol.  

    That's how he got put on a ventilator.

    Contrast that with what is posted above:

    Per Gene Decode:  "He is not dead. Clone is in GITMO and original is in non-terrestrial prison. He was working in a controlled situation. He had been a dark hat. As an agreement for not being killed he did do the right thing. But he was a bad person. Look at Dr. Horton videos when he was in France. The Alliance made an agreement with him. He got what they promised him, life in prison on non-terrestrial location. Same with Epstein and Maxwell."


    Okay.  He's not dead and he also has a clone.

    Comments anyone?

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:33 pm

    Thanks for your answer Seashore. Its plausible and sad.

    I personally have no comment to make on the Gene Decode note.


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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Thu Sep 09, 2021 4:55 pm

    mudra wrote:Thanks for your answer Seashore. Its plausible and sad.
    You're welcome.

    I think this is happening to a lot of people.

    Did you ever see the YouTube video early on in the pandemic of a doctor in New York who gave a heart-felt accounting of what he was experiencing treating patients?

    He said they seemed more like people who had altitude sickness.

    I believe he got transferred out of wherever he was after he went public with that.

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 09, 2021 5:56 pm

    Yes I did Seashore.
    I posted it somewhere but can't remember where.
    It was in 2020 Dr Cameron Kyle Siddell
    Anyways I found it on youtube now

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Fri Sep 10, 2021 5:57 pm

    mudra wrote:Yes I did Seashore.
    I posted it somewhere but can't remember where.
    It was in 2020 Dr Cameron Kyle Siddell
    Anyways I found it on youtube now

    I admired that guy.

    God love him.

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  mudra Sat Sep 11, 2021 1:20 am

    So did I.
    One amongst the early braves in the Corona saga.

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    Robert David Steele Has Died Empty Re: Robert David Steele Has Died

    Post  Seashore Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:02 am

    Yeah come to think of it he may have been the first.

    I wonder where he is now and how he's faring.

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 16, 2024 11:55 pm