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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?


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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:12 pm

    Pop Culture and Esotericism: An interview for Conscious TV
    by Gary Lachman
    10 Sep 2010

    I'm very happy that Greg Taylor has invited me to contribute a blog to the Daily Grail, one of the best sites for esoteric news that I know of, and to start off I'm posting a link to a recent interview I did here in London for Conscious TV. Although the name Conscious TV may sound like an oxymoron, don't let that fool you. I was very pleased that Iain McNay, the interviewer, gave me the opportunity to talk about my life and experiences, both as a writer and as a musician. I was also glad that we had a chance to talk about a few other things as well. It may seem a bit of a jump to go from playing rock and roll in an underground but soon to be fairly successful band, to discussing the importance of C.G. Jung's life and ideas, but as I mention in the interview, my interest in Jung, Steiner, Ouspensky and the other thinkers I've written about, began around the same time as I started playing music. In many ways it's not surprising that there remains a link between some kinds of popular culture and esoteric or occult ideas: both in different ways occupy a kind of penumbra around the central body of 'mainstream' cultural life. In that no man's land, that fringe of slightly 'dangerous' ideas, odd combinations occur, and links are made between cultural forms that might otherwise never meet. I recently had an opportunity to recognize this again, when Nicola Black, a filmmaker in Glasgow, invited me to be interviewed for a documentary about the avant garde filmmaker Kenneth Anger. I've always been a fan of Anger's work, and wrote about it in my book Turn Off Your Mind. I had also written a long essay on it for the British Film Institute's box set of his Magick Lantern Cycle, released last year, and later hosted a showing of his film Rabbit Moon at London's National Film Theatre. Anger's films, like the Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, Invocation of My Demon Brother, and Lucifer Rising, are good examples of how otherwise disparate themes and ideas, stemming from occultism and pop culture, can come together to create a unique atmosphere that partakes of both, but somehow transcends them to arrive at something new.

    The main occasion for the interview, though, was the publication of my latest book, Jung the Mystic, subtitled "The Esoteric Dimensions of Carl Jung's Life and Teachings." Much, of course, has been written about Jung, and I wouldn't be surprised if some readers ask if yet another book about him is necessary. Indeed, after Deirdre Bair's monumental and exhaustive biography, to tell Jung's life story again does seem redundant. But what struck me about much of the writing about Jung - and the reason I wrote the book - was how his life-long interest - obsession, even - with what we would call the paranormal, the occult, and the esoteric, was either skimmed over, applauded uncritically, or used as a stick to beat him with. In one sense, that writers come to such antithetical positions about Jung's involvement with the occult makes sense, as Jung himself was, for most of his life, of two minds about it. One, the public Jung, the persona of the no-nonsense Herr Doctor that he showed the world, was adamant that he was first and foremost a scientist. But practically from the start, in his personal life Jung was smack in the middle of the strange, ambiguous world of the paranormal that most scientists - these days at least - avoid like the proverbial plague. This has led to some confusion, with some died-in-wool Jungians chucking out the occult ideas in order to save the science, and other equally Jungian apologists eschewing the science in order to celebrate the esoteric parts. As I have no argument with either science or the occult, and have been reading Jung since the early 70s, I decided it would be a good idea to sort this mess out. Two themes then run through my book. One is to look at Jung's esoteric ideas sympathetically but critically, and to articulate the similarities between them and those of other thinkers, like Rudolf Steiner, Gurdjieff, and Swedenborg, all of whom I have written about. The other is to understand Jung's ambivalence about the occult. Was it sheer professional prudence that made him play his cards close to his chest, or was something else behind it? After all, Jung was making a name for himself at a time when the kind of narrow-minded, reductionist 'scientistic' thinking dominant today was gaining ground. Again, Jung is a good example of that odd meeting ground between esoteric ideas and popular culture, because, for all his insistence that he was a scientist, it was with a popular,lay audience that he gained his greatest following. The 'hard-headed' scientific community might not have accepted him, but by the middle of that 'mystic decade', the 1960s, Jung was celebrated by some of the most famous people in the world, like the Beatles - his face, remember, is among the crowd of 'people we like' on the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band.

    In any case, I hope visitors to the Daily Grail get something out of the interview. All the best and here's the link:

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 07, 2010 9:33 pm

    Carol wrote:I accidently put this post in your post, hence the reason for the edit script opps.

    Now onto the response.

    Goodness, Oxy you are on a symbolic roll aren't you, yet your theme seems to view women as evil or potential evil. What is that all about? Stop and think for a moment... what interests one has are the glasses they look at the world through.

    She could just be a pretty lady and the artist liked the color red. And if you find her and ask for her hand if she is free... I hope she says yes. cheers

    Carol, I don't view women as evil or potentially evil. I am simply looking at the evidence regarding who runs the show in this solar system - and I am leaning toward a young, pretty, pigmented, female or hermaphroditic, and very possibly human/reptile hybrid - such as is represented in the 1983-85 and 2009-10 versions of 'V'. I do think that the male and female roles and mindsets are highly disfunctional (throughout history) - but this does not mean that either male or female human beings are evil. In a sense - I don't even think the Queen of Heaven is evil - just out of touch, and possibly insane - and in dire need of retirement (and a hot date perhaps). That's all.

    Thank-you again TRANCOSO. We might be surprised if we knew how deeply into the occult the leaders in science, religion, politics, literature, etc. really have been and are. I have my theories - but very little evidence - and very few believers. Oh ye of little faith! Perhaps I should tell people that they'll go to hell if they don't agree with me - and give me lots and lots of money!!!!! I hate to say this over and over - but those who say that the masses must be ruled by deception and manipulation may be correct - as unethical and reprehensible as this may be. I have been attempting to use calm and fair reasoning for a couple of years now - and it's not working. The subjects and editorial positions have been controversial - but my approach has been very low key. This approach does not seem to work. If I had tried to whip people up into a frenzy of fear or anger - with lots of conflict and fighting - the view counts would likely be a dozen times what they are presently. I am very capable of the theatrics necessary to accomplish this - but I continue to think that this is wrong, very wrong, and wrong to the nth degree. I don't wish to be a crusader either. I just wish to attempt to make sense, and to get people to think for themselves - even though this approach seems doomed to failure. I think we really may be heading into a New World Order scenario - via Anarchy. Things may go to hell - and then the PTB will undoubtedly deal with the situation swiftly and firmly to restore order and further consolidate power.

    Sometimes I feel like starting a non tax-exempt church - based upon a Modified Latin Mass (sung alternatim, based upon the Sermon on the Mount, and without communion), the Teachings of Jesus, and the U.S. Constitution. Sermons would center on world and solar system governance. I don't doubt that such a hypothetical church would be quickly shut down or destroyed - but it is fun to think about. I really think I'll have to walk alone, as I have throughout my life.

    I wish I were a focused individual who illuminated minds. Perhaps there is no legitimate and ethical way to do theology and to do church. I have some architectural and procedural concepts which I think would knock the socks off of anything in existence - in this solar system at least - but I have a sinking feeling that no matter how we attempt to put things together - it will always ultimately be wrong - and enough to drive a god or goddess insane.

    I want to make this perfectly clear - I do not wish misery, harm, or death to come to anyone - including Reptilians, Greys, Hybrids, Nephilim, Angels, Demons, Illuminati, Satan, Lucifer, Shiva, Kali, KRLLL, The Logos, The King or Queen of Whatever, The God or Goddess of Whatever, et al.


    If anyone hasn't watched this video series - PLEASE DO SO!! It brings so many things together in an understandable manner. Stop the video - and read the fine-print. I think this video series is extremely important!

    At some point - I might like to work with all of those listed above - once I got used to them! What about that debate-date, Kali??? You must REALLY hate me...

    OK...a lot of people hate me. I have been blocked by several YouTube channels - including the poster of the video series mentioned above. ufohypothesis (Rick Keefe - who interviews Alex Collier) has blocked me. Another one - which is critical of the Roman Catholic Church - has blocked me. This is very, very odd - since I am mostly editorially on-board with the blockers!!! None of them told me a damn thing - so I have no idea why I have been blocked. Two of my websites have been taken over by someone I have never heard of - and one has been removed from the internet - even though I am paid-up for several years. I am very paranoid - and they probably really are out to get me. Strange world we live in.

    What's odd - is that I really and truly have no animosity toward anyone. Period. Although - to be honest - I am annoyed by just about everyone - especially myself. But I have no seething agenda or fecal list. I really and truly am seeking a big-tent solution - rather than something which is narrow and exclusive. It's an equal-opportunity big-tent for males, females, hermaphrodites, and all races - including aliens and hybrids! I think I'm probably way too accomodating and easy-going.

    Imagine Kali designing the churches. Imagine Kali composing the music. Imagine Kali as being Anna (Ashayana? Annunaki? Ashtar Commander?). Imagine Kali playing the music.







    Sometimes I wonder about the true source of a lot of French Romantic Music. Does this music have something in common with William Shakespeare, Charles Darwin, and Albert Einstein? Who was the architect of Chartres Cathedral? Does anyone have any idea of what I am talking about? Anyone?

    I'm not going to be too specific - but if one looks at French Romantic Organ Music as a whole - what personality lurks within the music? Is it the Creator God of the Universe? Is it Jesus Christ? Is it Lucifer? Is it Mary? The individual composers? The complexity and abstractness is overwhelming. The level of genius in the design and construction of pyramids, temples, and cathedrals is likewise overwhelming. Yet something dark and troubled seems to lurk within. Could this be representative of the 'good-side' of Kali? If I'm right about all of this - do I at least get a Cracker-Jack Prize?

    I guess I'm passively pursuing a 'Pinky and the Brain - Raiders of the Lost Ark - Lucifer/Shiva/Kali/Mary - and the Temple of Doom' Hypothesis - which includes a good/genius side - and a bad/insane side. What did Spielberg know - and when did he know it? I find myself strangely attracted to the good side - and utterly disgusted and horrified by the bad side. I tend to think that if Lucifer/Shiva/Kali/Mary retired - that the bad side would go away - and that they could serve as an advisor rather than a dictator. You'd have to actually be me to understand where I'm coming from, and to see that which I visualize. I couldn't possibly put it into words.

    I just finished reading 'The Gospel of Mary of Magdala' by Karen King. The cover features a painting of a young-woman with a very dark complexion - dressed in scarlet - with a sun-disk around her head - pointing to an egg in her hand. Could this be Kali? Karen King thinks the Gospel of Mary might have been written in Egypt or Syria, with an authorship date of between 32 and 325 CE. Could Kali be the writer of most sacred texts - including the Bible and the Quran? Ralph Ellis claims that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were of a high class. Nicolas Notovich claims that Jesus travelled to Tibet. Alex Collier claims that our creator (or genetic engineer) is more female than male (not sure which lecture - possibly 2002). He also claims that the Andromedans consider blacks to be genetically superior (I hope I got that one right! Not sure which lecture). In a 2002 lecture - Alex hints at a deliberate removal of the Pa Taal (spelling?).

    I think I'm going to give this thing a rest. I don't really wish to convince anyone of anything. This has mostly been a research project - in a very passive and informal sense. The Jesuits, Alphabet Agents, and World Leaders know exactly what's going on - and they obviously are not stumbling over each other to get to the microphone first - to tell all of us goyim the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. In a sense - I have mostly wished to communicate with Lucifer/Shiva/Kali/Mary and his/her willing and unwilling servants. I continue to desire a top-down reformation of how business is conducted in this solar system. Hope springs eternal - but I'm not holding my breath. Namaste.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:33 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Raven Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:45 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:I washed my hands of all of this madness - but now my hands are dirtier than ever. I am presently taking a look at Tibet, Kali, and the Triinity Goddess. Is this getting very close to the heart of Lucifer? In a sense - the names don't really matter. It's the power structure in this solar system - going back thousands or millions or years - that I'm really interested in. A central individual or group could write all kinds of texts, documents, and books - which are nothing more than cunningly devised fables - yet which could reveal volumes about the author. Could Lucifer be Lilith - Hathor - Isis - Ishtar - Mary - the Rich Young Ruler - the Prodigal Son - Mary of Magdala - the Whore of Babylon - or All of the Above? This could be one big shell-game or guessing-game. It could be a giant real-life game of Monopoly.

    Could Lucifer be Lilith - Hathor - Isis - Ishtar - Mary - the Rich Young Ruler - the Prodigal Son - Mary of Magdala - the Whore of Babylon - or All of the Above? YES
    This could be one big shell-game or guessing-game. It could be a giant real-life game of Monopoly? YES

    Oxy, all of these symbolic figures represent the Creation and the mother of all life. The entire universe is FEMALE in body.

    Have you ever seen this symbol?

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 YinYang
    Yin yang are complementary opposites within a greater whole. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, although yin or yang elements may manifest more strongly in different objects or at different times. Yin yang constantly interacts, never existing in absolute stasis. The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in western cultures.There is a perception (especially in the West) that yin and yang correspond to good and evil. However, Taoist philosophy generally discounts good/bad distinctions as superficial labels, preferring to focus on the idea of balance. The idea that yin and yang has a moral dimension originated in the Confucian school (most notably Dong Zhongshu) around the second century BC.[2]

    In your endless quest for lucifer you are getting close. You only have to look in the mirror to find your answer.
    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHyWinUpD2VpYT6dk9GlYOJh_-c6GyS9bdyuNig1NNSC1AGV4&t=1&usg=__wEYWKhsH5ZnprWEHG5A0fShhkDI=

    Now where is the balance, the MIND of God? If we have a BODY we need a MIND to balance it right?
    The MIND of God is within and is found when you confront all your FALSE images/deamons/devils/ ect ect.
    Christ consciousness or super-consciousness, is the BALANCE for the BODY aka Lucifer/Devil.

    The highly anticipated shift, second comming, ascension, rapture, BIRTH OF NEW CONSCIOUSNESS, return of the star people, ect IS the balance coming to BIRTH the MIND of the Creator within Creation.

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Z

    Keep following the symbols, history and you will find a path of VERY OLD archetypes that will lead you to your answer. Everything is there written in a simple language called symbols, words, pictures. NOW just toss out all the dogmatic crap and you can SEE :)
    Love, Raven


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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:55 pm

    Thank-you Raven. I'm not sure I want to know who I really am. I'm quite frightened by the possibilities. I could be the biggest screw-up in the history of the universe. I really am going to stop now. I've probably done enough damage...

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Raven Fri Oct 08, 2010 3:03 pm

    Dearest Oxy, in your endless top down quest you already HAVE your answer as to WHO you are. In your totality you are like the yin yang symbol and ENCOMPASS all things. If your viewing from the TOP, you can surely see this, don't be afraid, the view is spectacular. Loving you as myself, Raven

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 09, 2010 12:21 pm

    Raven wrote:Dearest Oxy, in your endless top down quest you already HAVE your answer as to WHO you are. In your totality you are like the yin yang symbol and ENCOMPASS all things. If your viewing from the TOP, you can surely see this, don't be afraid, the view is spectacular. Loving you as myself, Raven

    I really don't know who I am. I mused that I was from Pleon in the Pleiades - before I knew there was a star in the Pleiades named Pleione. Is my soul really shapeshifting interdimensional reptilian in nature? Is that really the biggest secret? How old is my soul? Will my soul live forever? Am I on the Stairway to Heaven - or the Highway to Hell? Is it the unpardonable sin to wonder if Lucifer is Kali is Mary - and to wonder if they wrote the Bible (By Ba'al?) - and to wonder if they rule the church and the solar system? I'm climbing the mountains of Tibet - and I really don't like the view. Regardless of who Lucifer really is or isn't - I think they have a terrible job. I'm really not trying to torment or agitate them. I'm trying to understand them, and to possibly help defuse a ticking time-bomb. I really don't think that I encompass all things. I am NOT I AM! I use very little religious or new age language. I am truly adrift in very rough seas - and I am being beat to a pulp on the rocks of infidelity. I really don't know my reincarnational history - and I don't really want to know it. My soul could really be bad@$$! I feel as though the human race is serving a thousands of years long torture sentence - leading up to a final judgement and execution. I am feeling absolutely NO LOVE from the Galactic Powers That Be. I feel as though we have been left to our own devices - and to the devices of some very dark beings - while those who could help - refuse to do so. I cannot feel the love tonight. I am on the verge of going underground in more ways than one. Mary! Mary! Quite contrary! How does your Garden of Ea - Den grow? Am l a lab-rat, or just a worm? World without end or meaning? Namaste? Really?

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Raven Sat Oct 09, 2010 2:47 pm

    I. The Presence of YOU, as an Archetype is the Omni-Presence of God

    1. Your Genealogy as the the Family-Tree of God

    i. The Real Story of God, Adam, Eve and their Dog through the PentaGrammaton YHWHY

    Your origins in lineage are very simple. You all have a father and a mother and two grandparental ancestors, one patriarchial and one matriarchial.

    This results in a simple generation count of 7, namely 1=YOU; your parents 2=Father+Mother and your grandparents 4=Paternal GrandFather+Paternal GrandMother+Maternal GrandFather+Maternal GrandMother.

    Each generation is counted as 20 years in the biological self maturity to reproduce in a subsequent generation.

    There are so typically threescore or 60 years between your offspring and your grandparents.
    Because you have two sets of grandparents, the archetype for the genealogies encompasses 120 years or two triple generations, where 'people know each other'.

    This is encoded in Genesis.6.3:
    [size=7]"And the Lord (namely YOU in disembodiment) said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh (as the Lord in spacetime): yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."

    The rest of the article continues here:

    In Lak'ech - The Primal Energy

    In Lake'ch - I am another yourself!

    I send the Love from the Mayan Heart to the family in Exile!

    The City of Light is being built right now above you, should you look up into the sky.
    Depending on the 'rattling' of the Red Dragon's Tail in a release from the Cyan Dragon's Head; some of you might see glimses of it as 3-dimensional cross-sections of the 4-dimensional reality.

    The Moebian-Bottle-Dragon is embedded in a 4-dimensional space as a 3-dimensional toroidal surface and so as the serpentine double-dragon in a metaphysical reality.
    Should Gaia shine her dark light as white antilight towards the heavens, then you could witness the extraterrestrial activity above your heads more easily.

    But Gaia is cocooned and the envelope about this cocoon is so 2 million kilometres from Gaia's centre of gravity.

    And it shall be the birth of a new humanity in Gaia's return to heaven and her rendevouz with 'Big He', which shall also release the dark brilliance to empower the universe through its Minkowski spacetime defined metric Mayan lightmatrix.

    How can this be so, you ask?

    The Template for the Reconfigured Universe for 2012/2013

    The MULTIVERSE then becomes defined as the POINTCIRCLE with the SEED being the Focus Points as a SEEDLING PROTOVERSE."

    "As there are infinite angular displacements possible for the pointcircle rotation/dynamics; an infinite number of multiverses, ALL however pivoted on the Protoverse (of the World Logos being the 'ascended' ChristBody) can indeed exist."

    "So this renders the 'Resurrection of Christ' as the omni-science of advanced quantum mechanics in the wave-particle duality of the Schrödinger quantum paradox regarding the collapse of the wavefunction and the being dead or alive."

    "So summarizing, the holofractal PROTOVERSE becomes your very own merkabah and the Temple of the Resurrection - if you can take the heat and 'Get It'!"

    Where on Earth is Heaven?

    from Jonathan Stedall

    Some people argue that there is no such thing as altruism and that selfless love is an illusion. (Perhaps the nearest that most of us get to displaying any real altruism is as a parent.) It’s certainly true that what we call the Laws of Nature – as exemplified in the phrase ‘survival of the fittest’ – seem to point in that direction, though it seems reasonable to ask the question: Fit for what? Is our obsession with physical survival a distraction? Could it be that quite other seeds – in which consciousness plays a central role – have been sown in our evolving universe? Consciousness, however – by its very nature – involves a separation from that of which we are conscious. The first stage is self-awareness – the capacity to stand back from oneself, and thus the birth of what seems like a double life. One sees this process very clearly in the growing child. The problem is how then to move on from a situation where this sense of separation isolates us in an ultimately unhelpful way from everything and everyone else; what we call, quite simply, selfishness. For without a real effort on our part, above all by developing compassion, we are in danger of becoming merely grown-up children, and far more lethal as a result; not just selfish, but rational and intelligent with it.
    ‘It is the growth of consciousness which we must thank for the existence of problems; they are the dubious gift of civilisation’, wrote Jung in Modern Man in Search of a Soul; hence the significance, he points out, of the description of that first act of consciousness – the eating from ‘the tree of the knowledge of good and evil’ – as a curse. The conscious sense of self, or ego as it is sometimes termed, is a double-edged sword if ever there was one, for what liberates us as individuals can then imprison us not just within our own skins, but within our own hearts and minds. This, then, brings me back to the subject of altruism and love.
    Continued here:

    Last edited by Raven on Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Brook Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:06 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Raven wrote:Dearest Oxy, in your endless top down quest you already HAVE your answer as to WHO you are. In your totality you are like the yin yang symbol and ENCOMPASS all things. If your viewing from the TOP, you can surely see this, don't be afraid, the view is spectacular. Loving you as myself, Raven

    I really don't know who I am. I mused that I was from Pleon in the Pleiades - before I knew there was a star in the Pleiades named Pleione. Is my soul really shapeshifting interdimensional reptilian in nature? Is that really the biggest secret? How old is my soul? Will my soul live forever? Am I on the Stairway to Heaven - or the Highway to Hell? Is it the unpardonable sin to wonder if Lucifer is Kali is Mary - and to wonder if they wrote the Bible (By Ba'al?) - and to wonder if they rule the church and the solar system? I'm climbing the mountains of Tibet - and I really don't like the view. Regardless of who Lucifer really is or isn't - I think they have a terrible job. I'm really not trying to torment or agitate them. I'm trying to understand them, and to possibly help defuse a ticking time-bomb. I really don't think that I encompass all things. I am NOT I AM! I use very little religious or new age language. I am truly adrift in very rough seas - and I am being beat to a pulp on the rocks of infidelity. I really don't know my reincarnational history - and I don't really want to know it. My soul could really be bad@$$! I feel as though the human race is serving a thousands of years long torture sentence - leading up to a final judgement and execution. I am feeling absolutely NO LOVE from the Galactic Powers That Be. I feel as though we have been left to our own devices - and to the devices of some very dark beings - while those who could help - refuse to do so. I cannot feel the love tonight. I am on the verge of going underground in more ways than one. Mary! Mary! Quite contrary! How does your Garden of Ea - Den grow? Am l a lab-rat, or just a worm? World without end or meaning? Namaste? Really? are certainly not Lucifer...and this business of Archetypes is just another stream of the Program I have been referring to. If anybody tells you this, and defines it with the Thuban twists...I would greatly question it's direction. It is a false teaching. Taking basic truths and conforming them to adhere to an agenda. But I'll bet you already knew that Wink

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Raven Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:18 pm

    Are you Sirius? Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 599874
    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 KJV_Titus_1-15

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Brook Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:28 pm

    I'm absolutely Sirius Cool And I ain't buying it.

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  SuiGeneris Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:29 pm

    Brook are certainly not Lucifer...and this business of Archetypes is just another stream of the Program I have been referring to. If anybody tells you this, and defines it with the Thuban twists...I would greatly question it's direction. It is a false teaching. Taking basic truths and conforming them to adhere to an agenda. But I'll bet you already knew that Wink
    Oh there must be a better way to toss some "theory" away than simply claiming it's a "false teaching"

    You claim it's an "agenda"... can you elaborate on what agenda exactly? What exactly do you think is the Thuban's "evil" intentions?

    If you can dispute any of the above points please do so... but don't just say it's a false "teaching" and that's it...

    and it doesn't need to be "scientific"... just tell us with your own words what do you think is false and why.

    In the Vesica,



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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Brook Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:33 pm

    Who said anything about "evil"? Why I'm sure it's all about love and light ....right? After all we are all in it for the we can be Lucifer and ourselves at the same and light all the way...go team go Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 83084

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Oct 09, 2010 7:02 pm

    I'm with Brook on that one!

    Ying and yang??????????????? Look in the mirror???????????????

    ODM, don't worry so. If you look in the mirror, you will see you and not Lucifer or some Archetype, contorted, evil, twisted philosopher, that dances to Draconian songs with Thuban titles. Just another stream coming off the old one as in new and improved. Yeah, ying yang that one!

    It is way over rated and the people who think they know, really don't. If you read the energy that comes off this Thuban crap, you will run away from it, because it is another program designed to distract you from your true quest of knowing.

    I don't have any good things to say about it. I'm really sick and tired of people capitalizing or preying on other people. Call it what you will but I'm sick of it!!!!!!!!!

    Enough said.

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Oct 09, 2010 9:22 pm

    Thank-you all for your contributions. My point was that it feels as though we are in more trouble than we can imagine - and that help is not on the way - and that we may be very lucky to survive, and to emerge from this present darkness with some sort of peaceful and rational self-rule. I'm going to overdose on Branton, Bill Cooper, Commander X (could they be the same people?), Alex Collier, Joseph Farrell, Jordan Maxwell, Alex Jones, Ellen White, Robert H. Schuller, the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist Papers, Science Fiction, All of My Threads (AV1 & MOA), Astronomy, Astrophysics, Biochemistry, Genetics, the Four Gospels, Comparative Religion, Lyra>Aldebaran>Sirius>Tibet>Lemuria>Atlantis>Babylon>Egypt>Greece>Pagan Rome>Ancient Israel>Papal Rome>Nazi Party>New World Order, the Classical Sacred Music Literature, and the Latin Mass.

    I'm not going to spend much time trying to convince anyone of anything - but I will continue to attempt to think Lucifer's/Lilith's/Hathor's/Shiva's/Kali's/Ishtar's/Astarte's/Isis's/Mary's/Inanna's/Anna's/The Whore of Babylon's Thoughts After Her (historically and presently) - Without Aspiration, Veneration, or Condemnation. I doubt that anything much will result from this tempest in a teapot. I'm too far gone - and the world seems to be too far gone. I was serious about going underground - in more ways than one. I've been looking at old missile silos which have been converted into homes - but really even these bunkers may provide little protection from what may be coming. There is probably no place to hide. Siriusly.

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 02, 2010 9:24 am

    So - Lucifer - are you male or female? Who are you - really? Where do you spend most of your time? What the hell are you doing? Or - do you even exist? Is there really just a Council of Ten - or something like that - which rules the solar system? I keep talking about 10,000 representatives - of all nations and races - from throughout the solar system - as an ideal number - for a non-corrupt and organized-decentralized solar system government. But is this too many? What is the ideal method of solar system governance? Perhaps I have not carefully considered ALL of the possibilities, before arriving at my present biases and conclusions. Perhaps I should contemplate the general subject of solar system governance - rather than focusing on a particular type of solar system governance. Or - should I just shut-up, and not even think about it? Is 'One Nation Under Satan' the way things have always been - and always will be? Is everything else simply an illusion, and wishful thinking? Is the whole damn thing set in concrete? We're supposed to take 'baby-steps' - but if we can't see the big-picture - how are we supposed to know which direction to take these 'baby-steps'? This whole thing seems like a sick nightmare of a joke. Mumbo-Jumbo and BS are everywhere. So - when do we get the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? Or - is the truth so bad - that we would all commit suicide?

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:12 am

    Within the context of god source we are all "within" god source. Those that have chosen the path of opposite expression from the prefered desires of God Source and those that have chosen to harmonise with the laws of the cosmos or the prefered desire are equal

    God source gave us free will, and so, all paths are valid. Some paths take you to expansion and frequency accretion or ascension and others do exactly the opposite or de-evolution and reduction to space dust. God source is very fair and while many have tried at the end, those that choose the path of self-destruction will get there sooner or later

    The laws of the cosmos are simple, love others as you love yourself, do as you want to be done to you, what goes around comes around etc. Even those who are not spiritual inclined believe these mantras to be truth because each of our cell resonate with them

    Who is Lucifer? I am told is a collective called samjase and come from the Pleiades and Sirius A but they may very well be in other universes too. They chose to oppose the preferences of source, they are entitled to do so but we don't have to follow them if our desire is expansion and ascension

    God source does not judge us, it just waits for us to return as expanded consciousness or space dust. It matters not what we choose as nothing gets lost within the body of source. It is a personal choice of free will whether we chose the path of joy or frequency accretion and eternal life or the path of sorrow of diminished return and finite life

    This is my understanding after much research but please do your own research and satisfy yourself

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:29 am

    Andromeda - is most of what you said taken from Anna Hayes aka Ashayana Deane? I like her - but I believe about 20% of what she says. I am more fascinated by the way she says it - and with the gems which are embedded in what seems to me to be disinformation or disguised truth. I think she knows the whole story - but just reveals bits and pieces. I wouldn't be surprised if she is in some sort of contact with the solar system ptb. Just a hunch. I think there is genuine evil - which should not be pursued under any circumstances. We seem to live in a moral cesspool. I'm not sure that I'm buying the 'space-dust' terminology. We are souls + bodies, and we seem to be stuck in this solar system, whether we like it or not - regardless of how fast or how slow we are vibrating. I expect this to continue for a very long time. We make our bed - and sleep in it. Our planet is how we plan it. World without end. Amen.

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 02, 2010 11:54 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Andromeda - is most of what you said taken from Anna Hayes aka Ashayana Deane? I like her - but I believe about 20% of what she says. I am more fascinated by the way she says it - and with the gems which are embedded in what seems to me to be disinformation or disguised truth. I think she knows the whole story - but just reveals bits and pieces. I wouldn't be surprised if she is in some sort of contact with the solar system ptb. Just a hunch. I think there is genuine evil - which should not be pursued under any circumstances. We seem to live in a moral cesspool. I'm not sure that I'm buying the 'space-dust' terminology. We are souls + bodies, and we seem to be stuck in this solar system, whether we like it or not - regardless of how fast or how slow we are vibrating. I expect this to continue for a very long time. We make our bed - and sleep in it. Our planet is how we plan it. World without end. Amen.

    Not really, it is the summation of reading loads of books about free will. We do not understand free will, we want free will for self but when it comes to others we think they should do as we do and how free is that? Do we really have the right to condemn anyone just because they think different from us

    Why God source will give us free will to tell us after that what to do with it? That is not free will, is a nanny estate

    That there are fallen angels there is no doubt, they get mentioned in all the sacred books. Whether one puts any value on them is a personal thing but what about the wars in the skies from the Mahabharata and the Vedas? If we are all good, why do we fight? the fact that we fight for opinions or other things implies that we are not at ease with dissent

    There is a lot of information out there, Deane has her point of view too and for me it assisted me to tie together many things I was already thinking about life, doctrines, religions

    You see the gnostics and Essenes themselves talk about free will too and how we have to forgive others because everyone is a face of God embarking in the road of joy or the road of suffering. Sanaya Roman has very interesting books that can expand in all this subjects and it really makes you think out of the box

    Fundamental truths are everywhere, one just have to dig deep enough and one can find the similarities

    Saying that I am studying KS but like with everything else I only take what works for me

    I like space dust because it is the raw material of everything but it can be also called black matter or simple dust like in the Dark materials books

    You know who else expresed the same ideas Samael Aum Weor, when he says that some seeds evolve and others return unevolved to Source

    Perpetual existance can only happen when planets and people are eternal. We die and all dies in this planet, we are obviously not eternal. If souls were meant to live for ever, why there are soul snatchers like the greys, why some talk about "soul harvesting" it is worth thinking about that

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:33 pm

    Thank-you for expanding and clarifying, Andromeda. I think I sounded more harsh than I intended to be. I seem to be more on-edge than I usually am. Freedom is key - and the key to freedom is responsibility. These two words should be studied endlessly. A constitution which maximizes freedom and responsibility should be sought - and Comparative Constitutions should also be an ongoing and relentless study. There probably is some sort of a dictatorial Council of Ten - with a ten-foot tall Drac serving as chairman of the board - because We the People are too irresponsible to govern ourselves. I'm pi$$ed-off at everyone - especially myself. I think we can all do a helluva lot better. This is probably the crazy-stage - where people are being hit with all sorts of controversial and conflicting information and concepts - of which probably 20% is actually true or constructive. If we survive this stage - then perhaps we can put together a more rational solar system view, and solar system governance. If I really spoke with Lucifer - they would probably point out how stupid and gullible we are - and why we are being ruled by secrecy, deception, manipulation, force, violence, etc. Lucifer might be a Devil - but we probably have what we deserve. Hopefully things will change for the better, sometime soon. Namaste.

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:55 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for expanding and clarifying, Andromeda. I think I sounded more harsh than I intended to be. I seem to be more on-edge than I usually am. Freedom is key - and the key to freedom is responsibility. These two words should be studied endlessly. A constitution which maximizes freedom and responsibility should be sought - and Comparative Constitutions should also be an ongoing and relentless study. There probably is some sort of a dictatorial Council of Ten - with a ten-foot tall Drac serving as chairman of the board - because We the People are too irresponsible to govern ourselves. I'm pi$$ed-off at everyone - especially myself. I think we can all do a helluva lot better. This is probably the crazy-stage - where people are being hit with all sorts of controversial and conflicting information and concepts - of which probably 20% is actually true or constructive. If we survive this stage - then perhaps we can put together a more rational solar system view, and solar system governance. If I really spoke with Lucifer - they would probably point out how stupid and gullible we are - and why we are being ruled by secrecy, deception, manipulation, force, violence, etc. Lucifer might be a Devil - but we probably have what we deserve. Hopefully things will change for the better, sometime soon. Namaste.

    I think we have a tendency to be too harsh on ourselves, we are where we have chosen to be. This is the starting point. Acceptance is the key with a sensible assesment of our situation and then moving on. The past has pased. The present our point of power to create one's future. It does not matter what others think because they will not suffer the consequences of our actions Hugs

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Dec 02, 2010 1:08 pm

    Andromeda wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you for expanding and clarifying, Andromeda. I think I sounded more harsh than I intended to be. I seem to be more on-edge than I usually am. Freedom is key - and the key to freedom is responsibility. These two words should be studied endlessly. A constitution which maximizes freedom and responsibility should be sought - and Comparative Constitutions should also be an ongoing and relentless study. There probably is some sort of a dictatorial Council of Ten - with a ten-foot tall Drac serving as chairman of the board - because We the People are too irresponsible to govern ourselves. I'm pi$$ed-off at everyone - especially myself. I think we can all do a helluva lot better. This is probably the crazy-stage - where people are being hit with all sorts of controversial and conflicting information and concepts - of which probably 20% is actually true or constructive. If we survive this stage - then perhaps we can put together a more rational solar system view, and solar system governance. If I really spoke with Lucifer - they would probably point out how stupid and gullible we are - and why we are being ruled by secrecy, deception, manipulation, force, violence, etc. Lucifer might be a Devil - but we probably have what we deserve. Hopefully things will change for the better, sometime soon. Namaste.

    I think we have a tendency to be too harsh on ourselves, we are where we have chosen to be. This is the starting point. Acceptance is the key with a sensible assesment of our situation and then moving on. The past has pased. The present our point of power to create one's future. It does not matter what others think because they will not suffer the consequences of our actions Hugs

    I think we are too easy AND too harsh on ourselves. We treat ourselves and each other inappropriately. I think we are where we are by both choice and circumstance. I think we have been lied to and manipulated - but that we have allowed ourselves to be led around by the hooks in our noses. The past may have passed - but we need to study the past endlessly - or we will keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over again. It matters what we think AND what others think. Our thinking affects and effects others. People suffer the consequences of our actions all the time. We are all interrelated - whether we like it, or not.

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Micjer Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:00 pm

    It is becoming apparent that the government in the US is worshipping Lucifer after watching this vid.

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Carol Wed Dec 08, 2010 8:39 pm

    Indeed, the Vatican has been infiltrated and the government as well. Followers of Lucifer abound.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:01 pm

    Perhaps Lucifer is the Hermaphrodite/Hybrid/Reptile/Human/Nephilim/Interdimensional/Physical/God/Goddess of This World (and the Solar System?). Is Lucifer both Amen Ra and Hathor? Did Lucifer create all of the mythologies, theologies, gods, and goddesses - including Jesus and Mary? Did Lucifer create the Dracs and Greys? Is there really only one faction of Annunaki - under the command of Lucifer? Is Nibiru ruled by Lucifer? Is Lucifer the Ashtar Commander? Are we all Fallen Angels - who followed Lucifer to Earth? Have we been left to our own devices by the rest of the universe? Is Lucifer script-writer, director, and actor/actress? Are NASA's Nazis, Masons, and Magicians - all Luciferian? Does Lucifer rule the United Nations, the United States, the City of London, and the Vatican? Were they all infiltrated from day-one? Are the three stars (upside-down or rightside-up) in the Republican logo (and Washington DC) representative of the three City-States? What would you say to Lucifer if you met him/her? I might tell you a story someday.

    One more time:








    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Dec 08, 2010 11:10 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Empty Re: Who is Lucifer? What are they doing?

    Post  Carol Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:37 pm

    Oxy, if you keep this up I know of several good Buddhist monasteries in the Bay Area where you can practice meditation on objectlessness - sitting still just observing what goes by in the mind but not to do anything other then just be an observer. This is called silent illumination. What creates karma is will and intention and the only true companion is fear and lack of faith. If you truly have faith you would give up all this other stuff and ride on the wave of illumination realizing you don't need all this other "stuff" you drag along behind you.

    Time to let go of the dragon. Just hang out with the Quan Yin and ride the wave. PAX

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Kwanyin

    Who is Lucifer? What are they doing? - Page 3 Pyramidup4

    What would I say to Lucifer? I'm here to bring you back home to the Father.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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