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    The Galactic Federation of Lies


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  sabina Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:46 am

    and no word about the oil spill like allways this sulasa say eveythig will get fine but Iam missing this time that she says we will come soon.
    normaly salusa say we will land soon no more about that is this mike Quinsey changing his mind and he sees finally they never will land on earth.
    it is with all this channelings it´s trickster stuff from the lower astral plane!!!!!!

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:36 am


    Once you get your teeth into something there is no letting go, and it cheers us immensely to see your determination to lift your levels of consciousness. They are progressing in leaps and bounds, and as they do so they are bringing other dear souls out of their old dream world, into the reality of who they really are. People all over the world are responding to the higher energies flowing into the Earth’s grid. Suddenly what you need to do to put your evolution onto a different path is becoming clear. Most importantly you realise that you have the power to change the direction that Humanity was heading into, and put it on course for Ascension. The old World Order no longer has the control over you that has led you blindly into their clutches. Their domination of you has been severely weakened by your awakening, and your desire to create a new reality that brings peace to the world.

    What is also clear is that you are able to hold your focus on the wonderful future you visualise, and are no longer fooled by the tactics to distract you from it. It is your belief in the future that is giving you the strength to rise up against those who would put obstacles in your way. As you now know, everything is possible when you set your minds firmly on what you want for the good of all. It was always seen that you would eventually have sufficient understanding of what was required of you, to succeed in creating the peaceful existence denied you previously. Duality has shown you what happens when the Light has been suppressed, and how it deadens your senses to your ability to rise above any difficulties. It is now the time for you to claim your sovereignty, and collectively demand that your rights are honoured.

    Meantime the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is attracting worldwide attention, and even those countries that are not immediately affected are extremely concerned at its threat to the ecology. It has highlighted the dangers of continuing with your dependence on fossil fuels. A serious look at alternative sources of energy is needed, and as you know by now they already exist and are pollution free, but have been suppressed and ignored by Governments who are beholden to the big oil and energy corporations. The changes will be enforced and the multinationals will be re-structured, so that they no longer have such influence and power. Freedom of the people will be the object of First Contact, and the establishment of a system where the wealth of the world can be fairly distributed. The next step will be to banish poverty and we are well prepared to ensure it is quickly carried out.

    We have often intimated that times would get worse before there were changes for the better. You are entering such a period, but you are more prepared to see it out now because of your understanding of the issues involved. More to the point, you know that at the same time our allies and we are on the verge of achieving our aims to put our plan into operation. It is still the timing that is of importance, and we are helping create the ideal conditions to enable the go ahead. We are not idle while we wait for the order to do so and still closely monitor all activities on Earth. They are under our control so that we can exercise limitation where massive damage is likely. We have been doing it for a long time, so as to ensure you safely reach the end time.

    Now is the time when great decisions are being made, and that applies equally to individuals as well as groups, who can decide your future. The calls for changes reach the ears of those in power, and they dare not ignore you for too long. Those who are well known in their own right also help your cause, and we applaud them for seeing the people of the world as One. The feeling of being your Brothers keeper, comes with having compassion and love for all life. That is what has been lacking for a long time, but with the increasing levels of consciousness more of you are opening up your hearts in this way.

    Whatever type of lives you have had, each one of them has been planned to further your evolution. Lessons to be learnt are measured to suit your ability to benefit from them, and no one is given challenges unless it is known that they can cope with them. Naturally in the run in to Ascension, you have tended to pack your lives with as many opportunities as possible. That is why some of you have had such action filled lives, and they often involve relationships with souls that have been a part of your previous lives. These can often lead to disappointments, as you are not given to know that all outcomes are pre-arranged. It is in adversity and even pain that the greatest lessons are learnt. You seek happiness on Earth, but not many can claim to have achieved it for any length of time. Happiness like beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

    However, once you have passed beyond duality and take your place in the higher dimensions, you will find all of the peace, joy and happiness you can wish for. Balance and harmony is everywhere around you, and life will be one continuous experience of fulfilment. It is where you should naturally reside and have journeyed through before. Duality is simply the testing ground for souls that want to advance their evolution quickly. Not only that, by passing through it you are helping all other souls that may follow after you. Service to others becomes quite natural when you have restored your levels of Christ Consciousness. Seek to elevate yourselves into a position where you can be the personification of Unconditional Love.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and tell you that we of the Galactic Federation are not religious in anyway as you understand the meaning. We find all knowledge within, and have manifested our god selves having become unified with God. You too are heading this way, and we know that already some of you have achieved great progress in this respect. Now you will understand why you cannot enter the higher dimensions, unless you have already lifted your vibrations to that level. Prejudice is prevalent on Earth, but once you can accept that you are all One it begins to fall away. Look at people and see their soul before you, seeking, as you are the path to freedom and happiness. Let your Love and Light be your guide, and it will lead you to the heavenly peace you seek. Know also that our love accompanies you, and you can turn to us for help.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    Mike Quinsey.


    Thank you for nothing, SaLuSa!!!

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:01 pm


    There is so much going on you could be excused for losing your way. There are Man’s attempts to find solutions to your problems, and ours that do not always follow yours. Our view of them means that we see a great deal more, than you can possibly comprehend. We oversee government officials, and anyone directly involved in decision making. We are there when covert operations are planned, and our allies and us benefit from such knowledge. It helps us avoid any major actions against you, that might otherwise have caught us off guard. As you have found out, there is nothing quite like a good intelligence system. For us the added benefit is that we cannot be fooled, and we have the means to determine whether people speak truthfully. Indeed, when face to face with you we can tell so from your auras, or read your mind. From our point of view, you can literally be read like a book. We can see if you are spiritually evolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light. It is this that you can feel from these ones when they come close to you.

    Man is sensitive to another’s vibrations, but normally most people are such a mixture that it is only when it goes to extremes that you register the energy. Have you ever passed another person and felt shivers run up and down your spine, because if you have you will have known that they indicate something unpleasant about them. What does indeed attract you to each other, if not the energies being given off? Like attracts like, and you know that sometimes you can have an instant rapport with another person, and equally of course an instant dislike. When you rise up you will have powers of perception, but in the higher dimensions the souls you meet will have already ascended, and you will not find evidence of the lower vibrations. You will clearly see each other’s Light, and with it also be able to 'read' which ray they are working on. The Seven Rays are ones that you work with now, and have a great influence on your expression of Self.

    As we have mentioned before, life in the higher dimensions is very different from your experiences on Earth. For a start you are more Self-aware and know that you have unlimited power, but you will also have reached a point of understanding of your responsibilities where they are concerned. Again this is why you cannot enter such levels, unless you are of a like vibration. How else would harmony be achieved, if there were such a mix of people as on Earth? You range from the enlightened to the unenlightened, and Ascension will ensure that as the changes take place you find your right level. You have to admit that duality has pushed you to your limits, and when you can still rise up out of the darkness, you are truly one who has found their true self. Every so often due to the cyclic nature of everything you are given the opportunity to ascend. It keeps occurring until at some stage, each and every soul will have returned to the Light. That is your destiny, and it is why you do not need to worry about the progress of other souls.

    All choose how they will progress on the spiritual pathway back to the Light. The whole nature of your experiences is to evolve, and you have no pressures on you to work at anything other than your own speed. It should also be noted that there is no status connected with being of the Light. People of a lowly class or lacking education are not lesser Beings, but simply in a role that gives them experiences they have chosen. Often it places them in lives where they work closely with Mother Earth, and so much can be learnt from them. The simple life can bring you closer to the truth than wealth, which can take you anywhere and buy you anything you desire, but there is no substitute for hands on experience.

    By now you will have had so many lives on Earth that you will so to say, have done the rounds and there is little left for you to experience. For many of you that means playing out the last days preparing for Ascension. You should be able to sense if you have fulfilled your life plan, as you will feel no pressures upon you and relaxed even in these times of turmoil. You are partway to the higher levels and have that air of confidence and knowing. Your peaceful mien and relaxed approach to life, is helping others calm down and look for their own safe haven. Without some place to retire to and be able to find quietness in which to meditate, the stresses of life will take their toll.

    Dear Ones it is easy for us to talk about matters that are peculiar to you on Earth, but only because we fully understand the nature of your problems. We have lived them with you, and can comprehend the pain and distress that you experienced. In fact we have tried to lessen it by sending you our Love and Light, and to uplift you in your moments of depression or sadness. We absolutely admire you all for undertaking the challenge of duality, as it was known how tough it would be. The fact that all along you have received help, does not in the least take away your courage and tenacity in the face of hardships. You have fought a battle for your souls and have passed all tests, and now stand proudly at the portal to Ascension.

    The Galactic Federation stands by for action and has never been much nearer to coming out into the open, in such a way that will for once and for all time dispel the doubts about our presence. The announcement confirming our benign and peaceful intentions where you are concerned, is needed so that we can immediately start to address the most urgent problems you are experiencing. Some leaders favour an approach to us for everyone’s benefit, whilst others are reluctant to give up their power and acquisition of wealth. However, in the end changes will be made to remove those who do not have everyone’s interests at heart. We must join you when there is an agreement to our coming, and already large numbers of the people are warming to the idea of working with us. Otherwise the outlook is bleak, and a total breakdown of your society will occur unless you face the threats that exist.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling both astonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it has been rejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly represent the mood of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into their homes, and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives to get the changes moving.

    Thank you SaLuSa.
    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_question The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 529827
    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Carol Sat Jun 26, 2010 7:59 am

    Ahhh, but is SaLuSa from Siriu real or just a figment of someone's imagination? Is this an embodied being or an entity from the other side? I think this is the real issue for many as pretty much anyone can channel yet who is to say what is the source of the channeled info. Is it ego? Is it something else and if so, what?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:05 am

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling both astonished and
    sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it has been rejected.
    However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly represent the mood
    of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into their homes,
    and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives to
    get the changes moving.
    If SaLuSa + friends ever had an opportunity to show they're for real, it is right now, giving humanity a hand in the Gulf of Mexico.

    What if SaLuSa is just a computer program that writes the same sort of story over and over again?

    And if SaLuSa is for real, she's the worst kind of c#ckteaser I ever came across. The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 379626

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  mudra Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:58 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:SaLuSa

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling both astonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it has been rejected.
    Mike Quinsey.

    SaLuSa may need to work a little more on himself to move beyond the feeling of victimhood ...

    Love from me

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jun 28, 2010 2:12 am

    mudra wrote:
    TRANCOSO wrote:SaLuSa

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling both astonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it has been rejected.
    Mike Quinsey.

    SaLuSa may need to work a little more on himself to move beyond the feeling of victimhood ...

    Love from me
    For all I know SaLuSa is a female... Unless of course... Oh my God!!!
    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_eek The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 164548

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jun 28, 2010 3:53 am

    The Extraordinary Eclipses of the Grand Cross
    By James Tyberonn

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Metatron_Matrix

    You are entering of one of the most powerful and intense energy crucibles experienced on
    the planet in many millennia,
    and the relative 'temperature' is about to drastically increase. It is the Diamond Triad, and is the purpose behind the encouraging 'OM Wave' that the Cosmic Council of Light have graced you with.

    There are three very significant astrological occurrences over the next five weeks (June 26-August 4). These are:

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Grandcrosspic

    The June 26 eclipse of the full moon is extraordinarily powerful and will set the stage. Indeed this
    full moon eclipse is a double edged sword and can be the impetus of great change to the positive, if correctly understood and utilized accordingly. Or its intensity can rupture your auric field and set you in a downward spiral. It is up to you, depending on if you react in impatience and emotion or if you wisely utilize this resonance for creativity and inward cleanse.

    As is the case of all crucibles, it will use intense heat to purify.

    We tell you that the recent solstice and the impending Diamond Triad of the Grand Cross are among the most powerful energies felt on the planet for millennia, and many of your savant astrologers have recognized this...and so must the wise among humanity. Indeed the 5 planet configuration and associated angles represent an extremely rare and extraordinarily unique frequency that can offer a template of magnanimous change, yet within a resonance that can also be quite chaotic.

    It is well during this time to carefully consider your actions. Be cautious in your demeanor, and take extra efforts to maintain the integrity of your auric field. Think before you speak, and do not allow untoward emotion; that of anger, envy, depression, guilt or doubt to invade your energy. It will be easy to mismanage both communications and emotions in this crucible, and the results could be quite detrimental to relationships and state of mind. Better to use this cutting energy to go inward, and review for hidden habitudes and obstacles that may yet lurk within. There is no better time to release these. And Dear Ones, almost all of you still have cleansings yet to perform. More often than not in duality, those that do not recognize the tarrying residues of negative traits are the ones most needful of the search, including those of you on the spiritual path. Spiritual ego can especially be cleansed, if dutifully examined, in this crucible.

    You see, the obstacles that were easily seen, for most of you seekers, have been dealt with. What now remains are the residual ones your ego's have quietly swept under the carpet, and hidden in the darkness in deeply imbedded boxes.

    But do not be discouraged, and do not feel we are judging you, for all of you will indeed Ascend, sooner or later. But there is a grand opportunity within this crucible to find what is hidden, and perform the needful purge. That that is in shadow will be revealed in this time, and that which could not easily be seen in other sojourns, in other phases of the 'present' lifetime, will be visible if such self-search is truly desired and diligently executed. And Masters, while such an examination will require courage and humility, the rewards are great. For indeed the eclipses and Grand Cross affords you the opportunity to pass through an important doorway, into a higher and more pristine version of true self.

    So we urge you to seek the hidden obstacles and confront and release them on the lunar eclipse. We further and emphatically recommend you to meditate intensely on the attributes you desire to achieve on the solar eclipse, for indeed the ability to be creative in the phase of the solar eclipse is amplified as well. A perfect time for resolve and surprisingly for artistic expression, or manifestation of desire.

    Utilize the interim phase between the eclipses then to decide who you truly are. What are you here to do, what will you do with the years of this sojourn you have remaining. You see Masters, the energy of the period you are entering, offers you the ability to enter a state of profound 'Beingness'. A state beyond the mind, an energy beyond that you term thought. And for many of you, Beingness is a state that you have not truly engaged; such is the control you have given the inner narrator. In a true sense the Diamond Triad offers those of you who can silence the mind, the opportunity to more easily enter the solemn vibration of still wisdom, of 'mindless' Beingness, and truly Masters, it is a state far higher in frequency that that of mindfulness. Does that confuse you? We tell you that there is an identity of your Divinity that is above the mind, and it is an aspect of your soul, and is far closer to your true Beingness. Indeed mind is simply a companion of your Beingness relative to the 3rd dimension, and we beckon you to explore this aspect more deeply in the following 4-5 weeks, for many doorways are opening. You are capable of investing your Beingness in a higher level of engagement during this time, and while this may surprise you, your mind invites this opportunity, in all its aspects of creativity, for it knows that there is a level above it that is quite necessary for your evolvement into higher dimension.

    The Diamond Triad, the Grand Cross and Eclipses are the pathway to the 10-10-10 in this your year of 2010, use this time well, and you will make a quantum leap.

    As we have said, what lies before you is a difficult energy for you to master, but it can indeed be experienced and great gain is possible. The Cosmic Council of Light has sent a wave of energy over the past days, that has been termed the 'OM Wave'. Tap into this energy, and it will serve you well as you navigate the next 5 weeks.

    Dear ones, keep ever in mind, this energy is extremely intense, and is quite capable of throwing you off center, if you do not maintain your guard. It is the Diamond Triad, and can serve you well and offer a quantum leap if you consciously utilize this energy and retain Auric Integrity.

    Be calm, be patient, be creative, be wise, and nurture yourselves and one another.


    Astrological Calendar 2010: The Daze


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:32 am

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 0623aDiagram

    The Crop Circle at Savernake Forest is not a new design. This formation and similar ones had appear for the last 15 years warning the same message: This is our ship. The latest ones were reported on July 10th 2005 and August 15th 2006. But this year is the year of the contact. The name of the formation is :We are here. This is our star-ship . This mean that they are here to begin the rescue mission in the Solar System. More information at my Youtube channel

    Pablo Olivares


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Jun 29, 2010 2:37 am


    The countdown has started and one way or another, opportunities will be created to allow matters to advance more quickly. The will to go ahead with monumental changes is being supported by more and more members of the public. Their awareness of what has been happening in the past has greatly increased, as the truth circulates far and wide. It cannot be hidden away as in the past, and you are becoming much more adept at spotting the deliberate attempts to mislead you. Trust is something that has been lacking for a long time, but with new leaders appearing in many countries all over the world it is returning. It has also given you people who are right for the times you are in, who are ready to move on from the old ways. We are behind them and our allies are supporting them where possible. It must lead to prompt changes, as time is passing so quickly that action needs to be taken now. From many different sources your support is known to be growing, and the pressure has been increased on those who are the decision makers.

    Our message is that you should keep your minds, eyes and focus on the outcome you desire. The energy produced by your mass consciousness is so powerful that it can shape your future, and is indeed doing so. In fact it has carried you forward since the Millennium, and it is now that you are seeing the changes manifesting that you the people have helped create. You have battled with the dark forces and their insidious plans, and have stopped their onward march. All has been up in the air, but you will see before long clear signs of where you are going. Listen carefully to those who shine out, as the White Knights and are leading you all into a New Age. It is their powerful Light that is clearing a pathway to Ascension, and you will recognise them by the work they are doing. Many dear souls are at the ready to help those who are at the forefront of the changes, and you are assured it will be used. The correct timing is still very much on our minds, and it is your state of awareness that is a key factor where it is concerned. The dark Ones still harbour thoughts of causing mayhem, and you must guard against falling for their acts that are simply to create fear amongst you.

    We can and do help in many ways that you are unaware of, but at the end of the day it is you who really call the tune. Fortunately our work and that of your Guides and Masters has well prepared you for the present time. You have made the transition from a set of rigid beliefs to those that are more flexible, and consequently you are more open to the truth and not afraid to move on. Your past history shows how you have been mislead to believe in the ruling hierarchy, who have held you back for their own benefit and power. Now you no longer find the need to be told how you must lead your lives. You are sufficiently aware to be able to go within and speak with your personal God. Take time out regularly to meditate and it will benefit you in many ways, not least of all you will become relaxed and less prone to illness. Stress has been your worst enemy for eons of time, but that is changing as the prospect of lasting peace and happiness is within your grasp.

    We say again, that you are sovereign Beings and you have God given rights that will be observed, and we of the Galactic Federation will lead you to the Promised Land. You sometimes talk of desiring Heaven on Earth, and as the changes take place you shall see it forming before your very eyes. It is yours to claim and where you really should be, as duality is not your home but merely a cycle of experiences that were never meant to be permanent. It has served your purpose, and elevated your levels of consciousness to higher ones that are taking you on to Ascension. The plan of the Creator is perfect and with it still allowed your expression of freewill, which has directed your personal experiences in the direction you chose. It is now time to close that period, and the cleansing is under way so that all can eventually be restored once again.

    There is still some confusion regarding Extraterrestrials visiting Earth. It exists even where people are more informed as to such activities, and it results mainly from disinformation by Government sources. However, it is also considered unlikely in view of the talk about First Contact. We have pointed out that it refers to open and official contact, but clearly does not mean that it is the only circumstances through which contact or visits can occur. By Universal Law another civilisation cannot interfere with the development of another civilisation, but can be authorised by us to visit Earth providing it follows certain guidelines. What you often find is that when such visits take place, once the Space Beings are seen that they quickly move away. In the past there have been exceptions regarding actual contact, but these have been pre-arranged with the permission of the contactee.

    So you may ask, how is it that there is talk of Extraterrestrials having bases upon Earth. The answer is once again that providing they do not interfere with the people, they are allowed to have such bases as indeed we ourselves have. They are usually deep within the Earth, or under the sea beds safe from any intrusions. They are protected by advanced technologies so as to keep them safe and secure from the dark Ones ( The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Suspect The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_question The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_rr The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_scratch ) who try to penetrate or destroy them. There have been occasions where privileged persons from Earth have been allowed access but these are special exceptions. Where it often gets confusing is because of the Greys, who have had bases on Earth for many years by agreement with the U.S. government. As we informed you previously, since they were invited to stay we cannot make them leave unless they violate the conditions relating to it. Even the 'abductions' and cattle mutilations were approved, and this aspect was also confused by the U.S. Military who were also involved. It was further compounded by brief skirmishes that took place between the two factions.

    We hope to have clarified this matter and would remind you that Disclosure and First Contact, are necessary to give us the clearance and permission to officially land on Earth, and then we can immediately move into action. The Creator is the only authority that can override such conditions, and when a certain time is reached we have permission to organise First Contact ourselves. These events approach ever nearer, and become more urgent as the conditions on Earth worsen. Fear not, as the Light will be with you always.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Jul 01, 2010 3:35 am


    Depending on your understanding of what surrounds events now taking place you are probably feeling exhilarated, or have a certain foreboding about the future. Man has been conditioned to accept trouble and strife as a natural part of life’s experience, and has never been given the encouragement to think otherwise. Yet as sovereign Beings you are entitled to choose happy and fulfilling experiences. So what has resulted in you losing your way, and what is the answer? Dear Ones, you allowed others to take control, and as the vibrations gradually dropped even lost your memories of having been greater Beings. The path back has been torturous and painful, but to your credit you have never given up. With help to awaken you to your true Self and your full potential, you have begun to realise that you are special. You have lived lives surrounded by so much negativity, that your Light has almost been diminished but you have risen up again. Your Light however dim can be re-vitalised, because the promise is that every soul has infinite life and is immortal.

    As you go through the last years before Ascension, your focus on it will be assailed by what appears to be the end of the world. The prophecies of Armageddon will seem to be coming to fulfilment, and fear will fill many people. However, before events seem unstoppable, amazing developments will turn the tide to one of reversing the trends. Suddenly the answers will come through revelations that are accompanied by the truth. That which was hidden from you will be brought out into the open for cleansing, so that where you have been denied the opportunity to advance yourselves, it will now be placed before you. We refer to many discoveries that would have enhanced and lifted your lives to a more acceptable level, and we along with many other sources are now empowered to ensure that what is due to you is received.

    Like you the Earth must be cleansed, as having had the use of it for your experiences you cannot just walk away from the conditions you have left it in. Remember that you are ascending with Mother Earth, and like you she has to make preparations for it. Nothing would be learnt from your experiences if you did not understand the consequences of your actions, and did not accept responsibility for them. This is very much the same for you as an individual, and you too have to learn from your mistakes. That is the whole point of you passing through the cycle of duality, and as we always remind you, you eagerly put yourself forward for the experience. We might be prompted to ask that now you are in sight of the finishing line, why some should lose sight of the fact that nothing can prevent Ascension.

    In spite of the doom and doom outlook of certain people, try to see beyond the immediate happenings and enjoy what you will experience in the immediate period before Ascension. Even better occupy your mind with what you will become after it, with all its promise of happiness and a blissful existence. Be patient and if you have the opportunity, help others in despair to overcome it and have faith in the future. Many, many groups are forming and pressing for immediate changes, and their protests will not go unheeded. You are becoming the voice of the people, and it carries a potent energy that will attract the means to manifest it. That is how the Law of Attraction works so we ask you to use it where you can.

    The whole Universe is proceeding in an orderly fashion as it prepares to ascend, and yet the attention is being paid to you on Earth as a vital part of it. You must be ready for when the great day arrives, and your Universe will seemingly disappear, only to re-appear instantly in a higher vibration. That is the scale of what is happening, and you may ponder what magnificent Being can wield such power, and think no further than the God of your Universe. Can you imagine for one minute how powerful that makes you, because you all carry the God Spark? You have of course yet to manifest your full potency, but in time as you ascend to even higher dimensions it will gradually come about.

    We urge you to follow David Wilcock and his revelations, if you want to keep abreast with what is happening in the world and beyond it. Get as you might say the low down on many happenings, and the likely outcome. David has assigned himself to bringing you the truth, and is a highly respected soul who has a total commitment to his work. Many look for guidance and seek a reliable source, and he is one that tops the list. David inspires such confidence and assurance that his goal is to reveal the truth. At the same time setting out the likely scenario that will lead you out of the darkness, and into the Light. Our protection goes out to anyone that serves the Light, and there are many of you that do it. You are all loved and respected for your total commitment to the role you have undertaken for the benefit of all. Your beautiful world has been blessed with the presence of so many Beings of Light, that they will bring more Light to it.

    The darkness on your Earth that threatened to destroy it has been stopped from causing such a monumental disaster, that it would have taken eons of time to recover from. It has happened to other planets in your solar system, and it effects every other planet causing displacement and damage. It can even cause a planet to become uninhabitable for many thousands of years. God has decreed that your jewel in the sky, your shimmering Earth shall not be destroyed and the Galactic Federation will ensure that you are safe from danger. You have on more than one occasion faced total annihilation, and we have stepped in for you.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust you are being uplifted by the good news that we bring. You will one day very soon, learn a lot about your past history and the final chapter will end with your Ascension. Once out of the cycle of duality your evolution will steadily proceed, as you move into higher, and higher dimensions. You have everything to look forward too, and nothing you have now will compare with what you will have once you have ascended. Keep it mind when you are distracted by earthly matters, and know that they can have no effect upon you unless you allow it to be so. Our love goes with you all forever.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:51 pm


    Ever since the Millennium commenced you have been tossed one way or the other, by events that have been contrived to place you under firm control. Situations have been engineered to force issues concerning your future, not to release you from constraints but to take away your last vestiges of freedom. When it seemed that you were close to becoming prisoners in your own lands, a revolution of the mind occurred and the grand awakening commenced. It increased exponentially until the energy for change become so powerful as to halt its progress. Consciousness levels rose substantially, and opposition to the dark Ones became more open. Today you stand at the door to victory over them, and their ambitions have been trampled upon by your resistance to their plans for your incarceration.

    Your natural inclinations move towards peace for all, and given true representation at government level you would achieve it. It is therefore important that such changes occur without delay. Together with our allies we are plotting the downfall of many corrupt groups, and their replacements are chosen for their proven support for you. You have sent up an ever-increasing plea for your release from the dark Ones, and it has empowered us to act in response. The suddenness of changes will undoubtedly surprise you, and so they shall continue until your freedom is fully restored.

    Do you sometimes wonder what is about the Human Race that gets so much attention, particularly at this time, and why it is that every soul has many Guides, whether you are aware of them or not? Firstly your evolution is extremely important, and it must where possible reach a level that makes Ascension possible. Also, your protection is necessary as there are Beings in the lower astral regions, and even Earth bound entities that would 'attack' you and interfere with your life plan, unless they were prevented. However, your Angelic doorkeeper is there to keep them away, and normally you have no knowledge of it. Possession and psychic attacks do sometimes take place, in spite of attempts to prevent them, but it can be part of your intended experience. Countless people can relate to the presence of Angels, and many of what you call miracles are carried out by them. Often what you call a lucky escape from danger is due to their intervention, and indeed the nature of your 'luck' cannot be explained any other way. Talk with them, and call for them if you are in need, and they are more than willing to help you with even quite mundane requests. Their service for you is their love for you, and it is totally unconditional.

    Living in duality your experiences are so different to those of the higher dimensions. Every step you take now could bring up another challenge, and many are in direct contention with the dark Ones. You have to be continually on your guard, as you never know when you might slip up in spite of your Guides helping you along. The wrong decision could temporarily put back your evolution, but fortunately it can often be corrected in the same lifetime. Life is about learning lessons, so that you do not have to face them again. It is about awakening you to your true Self as a Being of Love and Light, and acknowledging your god spark within. Knowing that in reality you have unlimited power to decide your own future. These messages are getting through to people, and together you are creating the pathway out of the darkness and walking into the Light of All That Is.

    God cradles you as a Mother would her baby, watching over you and helping you every step of the way home. God picks you up when you fall, and is ever present wherever you go. God whispers in your ear if you but listen, and answers your prayers. Indeed as we have often told you, you are very special and we say that not to feed your ego, but to tell you how it is. You are Spiritual Beings first and foremost; the Sons and Daughters of God, and we are no exception. All life has its immutable link with God, regardless of what form it takes. It is all evolving ever onwards and upwards as you are now. Such an understanding should enable you to overcome any doubts about Beings from other planets that are unlike your selves in appearance. Only those that have risen to the higher levels will be able to visit you on Earth, and you will readily accept them once you have experienced their peaceful emanations.

    You may recall that it is our expressed intention, to first introduce to you those members of the Galactic Federation that are the most humanlike. As it happens, they will include many of those who have had a hand in your evolution and are your true family. In time memories of your links with them will return, which were only blanked out to allow you to move through duality without distraction. We know that most of you are fascinated by the possibility that you are Space Beings, and in time you will meet us. There will be many re-unions and celebrations, and more than a few tears of joy. Doesn’t all of this lift you up and make you realise that your future is assured, and give you more strength to sail through the remainder of the cycle of duality. It is merely a passing phase of change that will lead you to Ascension.

    The Gulf oil spill is naturally still uppermost in your minds, and will remain the focus of
    attention for quite some time to come. It will go a long way to moving you out of your reliance on fossil fuels, and already alternatives are being prepared for announcement and production. It will quickly move on to more general applications that will go worldwide. It takes a disaster of the magnitude of this oil spill; to wake people up to such dangerous and unnecessary practises, when clean and safe alternatives are already known and secretly being used. Have no doubt Dear Ones, the changes are going to happen and once more your beautiful Earth will be restored.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you we are very active at present. There are opportunities likely to present themselves very shortly, which will give our allies a breakthrough. We are ready to move into action when our presence is needed, and be assured that the desired outcome will be quickly achieved. We know you are anticipating a great move forward, and it will certainly take place. Remember that nothing will deter or stop your ultimate Ascension.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:44 pm


    Do you feel calm in the midst of what is going on all around you, because they are very trying times? Yet if you can rise above them, it is the best way to cope with the pressures they bring. Unlike years gone by whatever happens will have only a passing impact upon you, as it will quickly be surpassed by the more positive actions that will be taken. There clearly has to be a crossover point when the Light once again becomes the dominant force upon Earth. You Dear Ones are bringing more Light to Earth, that is speeding up the path to completion and all of the changes it entails. We can hardly fail to mention the Gulf Oil Spill that is a major concern to very many of you. It may threaten your coastlines, and in the context of the size of the Earth may appear a relatively small incident.

    However, as a newsworthy item it has travelled the whole world, and its impact has impinged upon many, many people. It has highlighted the dangers of Man’s actions, and the crying need to stop raping and polluting the Earth. It often takes a threat of this nature to awaken people, to the impending possibility that the 'fall out' of such a spill could spread far and wide.

    The more people power is used to promote changes, the more likely it is to succeed in getting action. Your leaders are aware that there is a changing mood throughout most countries, and that the people realise it is time to get them to act in their interests. Therefore a new type of leader will step forward who has them at heart, and the dark Ones will be unable to stop them from being elected. Fair and honest elections will be demanded, and steps taken to eliminate fraudulent voting. You will learn that most of them of late have been rigged, to ensure the puppets of the dark Ones are elected. That will all change of necessity as a start to a new period in Man’s life, leading to more honesty and open handed dealing. Spirituality must be expressed in all facets of your lives, if you are to have societies that treat each other with love and respect.

    What you give your power to will blossom and bear fruit, and if your intent is to experience a new way of life that is joyful and happy, it will manifest. That is indeed what is happening now, as so many souls have lifted up into the Light and are bringing down the necessary energies to achieve it. So you find yourselves virtually living in two worlds at once, the one that no longer serves your desires, and the other one that is touching your hearts with its promise of all you could wish for. You choose which one opens up before you, and every effort is being made to awaken those who are struggling to bring the Light into their lives. Believe us because there is not one soul who is condemned to remain in the lower vibrations. Opportunities to rise up are there for you all, but if you should walk past them that is your personal choice.

    As Humans your courage against adversity is legend, and your history is known throughout the Universe. The Earth is very special in this respect having presented challenges so foreboding, yet brave souls have stood their ground and learnt how to overcome whatever has faced them. With your ongoing series of lives, your experiences have made you into warriors who have become unbeatable. Your shields have been the Light you carried, and the sword of freedom in your hands. It is why we can quite positively tell you that you have already won the battle between the dark and Light. Therefore you can strike out towards Ascension, as the final days of the dark Ones are numbered and they can no longer stop your onward march. Try they may but without success, and you shall brush them aside. We of the Galactic Federation shall be with you all of the way home, and our presence will give you every encouragement to cut your ties with all that belongs in the past. You are creating a new paradigm, which will ensure a smooth flow from one to the other. Changes often unsettle people but what is coming will delight you and fulfil the promises that have been made to you.

    You are certainly sensing the speeding up of time more than ever before, and it is becoming obvious that the transition to the higher dimensions is rapidly approaching. Your Ascension is the most important event of all, and what is taking place is specifically intended to hasten your progress towards it. Simply put we must get rid of the old to make way for the new, and our involvement will become more apparent as the weeks go by. Much happens behind the scenes, and we are not always in a position to be able to release information about it. It is sufficient to say that we closely monitor all that is happening on Earth, and as always will play our part to contain the dark Ones.

    As with individuals who have their own life plan, so the Human Race has one that arises from the collective consciousness created over millennia of time. With your free will it could have directed you onto a different path to what you are now on. As with your earlier civilisations, you could have slipped further down the dark road to destruction. However, with the will to lift yourselves up you have averted what could easily have been another disaster. Now the forces of Light are so well established upon Earth, there cannot be a return to darkness that covered it.

    Heavenly Beings of mighty power know of your future and guide you to it, and it is one of travelling the dimensions of Light. Life on Earth left you isolated from contact with other civilisations, until the latter part of this cycle. Now you are beginning to understand that the Universe is teeming with life. You have gradually been introduced to those like us, who have travelled with you on your journey. It has been a planned program of acquainting you with our craft, and allowing for your natural curiosity to seek knowledge of the intelligence behind them. It has not been easy to guide you to the truth about us, as your sources of information have clouded the issue by giving out disinformation. Fortunately your minds have awoken the vastness of space and life beyond Earth. Your moon and Mars are now known to have carried life as you understand it, and are in fact still used as bases for a number of different extraterrestrials. You shall learn much more about these matters, and proof of the truth as it is already known will be released for you.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at last openly visit you and your beautiful Earth.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at last openly visit you and your beautiful Earth.
    That will be the day!!! The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 164548

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:14 am

    I thought this may be useful


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:00 pm


    Pride has its place in life and there is certainly nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements. In fact where some individuals are concerned it comes from the desire to be cleansed on all levels, as part of becoming more of the Light. Cleanliness and tidiness is a sign of a mindset that desires to present that person as looking to bring perfection into their life. It is caring about self and having respect for the temple that you call your body, which is your physical vehicle throughout life. Thought as always is a creative power, and as you envision yourself so you manifest what you want to be. When you begin to live in the Light you draw harmony and balance into your life, and it is part of your transition to a higher level of expression. However, it does not mean that those who carry no such aspirations are without spiritual understanding. Seeking upliftment is a stage that you go through when you do not feel at ease in the lower vibrations, and it will come to all in good time. You cannot really avoid it as the energies being beamed to Earth, are raising your level of consciousness higher than before. With it comes a desire for beauty and harmony in both a spiritual and physical sense.

    In the course of the changes coming to Earth, the mass consciousness will dramatically change and people will see what is around them in a different light. For example you will move into a preference for new designs particularly in building, and the traditional square shapes will give way to those that are circular. Materials used will be more natural, and you will advance to organic materials such as we normally use. Of course you do use natural materials, but you also cover large areas of the Mothers Earth’s surface with concrete, and it stops her from breathing. You will know already that we build our Spacecraft with organic materials, and they are programmed with levels of consciousness that makes them self-proficient. Visitors to our craft have noted how the crews can interact with them to a very high degree. Naturally when we can move amongst you, we shall share such knowledge with you so that your advancement will speed ahead.

    There is much for you to learn that needs revising in light of the truth we shall bring. It is to be expected that some of your beliefs and theories are inaccurate, and what we shall do is enable you to make a quantum leap into the future. There is as you might say a lot of catching up to do, and also the development of many good ideas you have already been working on. Nanotechnology is one example of what you have seen as a desirable advancement, and it will come into being. It is unfortunate that so many advancements that could have benefited Mankind, have been deliberately hidden away to keep the status quo where profit is put before your well-being. Yet massive amounts of your money have been invested in new technologies for military power. While these policies are followed, you are clearly not going to see peace come to your world. However, that is soon to all change and the war machine will grind to a halt and be dismantled. We shall bring you peace and ensure that all weaponry is neutralised by our higher technologies. We are coming not to perpetuate the old life style, but introduce you to an easier and more satisfying way that will restore your sovereignty. You are to become free to have more time to follow your own pursuits, and the drudgery of life will be removed and replaced with more acceptable conditions that allow time for it.

    The changes are lined up and in a well advanced state, that means once we can commence events will move forward quite quickly to say the least. You can sense that the dark Ones are losing their grip on you, and as they do so they will be unable to re-claim lost ground. We are blocking any moves they may make to establish any major threat, having already averted the potential of a serious incident. We are here to lead you on to a successful conclusion in your quest for Ascension. That result is beyond doubt and is already written in the annals of time. You may therefore set your sights fully upon ascending, and the plan is being supported by many Councils and individuals who are also helping you go forward. You would undoubtedly be surprised if you knew how many of them were with you at this time.

    There are times when you feel that you need extra support, and in such instances it is as well to remember that you can contact your Higher Self. We often mention about allowing time for yourself and this is one of those occasions. If you have the names of your Guides then use them to make a contact, and if you have attached yourself to one of the great Angelic Beings such as Archangel Michael even better. Your prayers or petitions will be heard, and the answers may come in unexpected ways, such as through another source. You are indeed never alone, and in your times of need your Guides draw closer to you and welcome contact with you.

    The Solar Cycle draws to a close and we the Galactic Federation are with you to experience the final days. This time unlike Atlantis you have avoided destroying yourselves, and rightly deserve the opportunity of Ascension. In its time Atlantis was a great spiritual civilisation, but then the darkness descended upon them and they spiralled out of control down the path to oblivion. So many of you now on Earth were there in its demise, and subconsciously you still carry memories of that time. It is why perhaps you have felt fear at the possibility of another collapse leading to extinction. However, the signs are positive and as we mentioned, you are picking it up and it is helping you overcome your doubts. There are however a number of different predictions for the end times, and if you find that confusing rely on your intuitive feelings.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the picture will be come clearer before much longer, and we as much as you are pressing onwards to hasten the final showdown with the dark Ones. Victory is already with the Light, but the final days need to be enacted out for the sake of every soul on Earth. Our love is accompanying you all of the way, and we want this time to be remembered as a successful turning point in your evolution. The fact that it is not just the end of a Solar Cycle, but one affecting the complete Universe makes it all the more important to you, and indeed also to us.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.



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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:18 pm

    You can sense that the dark Ones are losing their grip on you, and as they do so they will be unable to re-claim lost ground.
    To be quite honest all I can sense, is that the grip of Corporate Fascism is getting tighter & tighter, SaLuSa.

    What I also sense is that you & your GFL talk a lot, but have, up untill this very day, absolutely nothing - as in 0.000000000 - to show for.

    This is BlAhBlAhBlAh from Sirius, and I am full of bullsh#t.
    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 83084

    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  Guest Fri Jul 23, 2010 3:13 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    You can sense that the dark Ones are losing their grip on you, and as they do so they will be unable to re-claim lost ground.
    To be quite honest all I can sense, is that the grip of Corporate Fascism is getting tighter & tighter, SaLuSa.

    What I also sense is that you & your GFL talk a lot, but have, up untill this very day, absolutely nothing - as in 0.000000000 - to show for.

    This is BlAhBlAhBlAh from Sirius, and I am full of bullsh#t.
    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 83084

    So true The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_biggrin

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Jul 23, 2010 10:44 am

    Something for the weekend... The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_wink

    You are that near to 2012 that you can almost touch it, and because time has speeded up so dramatically it will be upon you before you know what has happened. We know many get worried as we race through 2010, but be assured that we are aware of the reasons behind the present delays. They will not drag on too long, and there will still be ample time for us to complete our mission. Life at present for you is like being on the Big Dipper, it can be frightening as you are experiencing a series of ups and downs. However, the path is going to straighten out, and your final period on Earth will be smooth and exhilarating. It will help immensely when you have been fully made aware of what it entails, and everyone will know before Ascension takes place. Even now there are many souls quite unaware as to what is happening, that is causing so much upheaval upon Earth. We must change that situation and indeed that will be quite quickly carried out, through incorporating your communications system with our technology. Unlike now it will not be controlled by those who limit your freedom of expression. However, it carries with it a responsibility to use it wisely and for the good of all.

    But for our coming, you would have eventually found yourselves virtual prisoners in your own lands. Even now the Illuminati still look for the means of restricting your freedom further, but it will be pointless as they will be removed before it can benefit them. Their insidious plans played out for many, many years have crept up on you without your realisation, and have relied on creating an false enemy that could be blamed for all of your problems. Dear Ones the enemy has always been within, and have been masquerading as your benevolent friends and carers. With the help of people who have risked their lives and sometimes paid for it that way, you have gradually learnt the truth of how you have been fooled. The battle has not however just been on the physical level, but also for the capture of your souls and to prevent you ascending. You may ask how can they do it, and we will tell you that it is by keeping you trapped in the lower vibrational levels. Fortunately, the Lightworkers have been waking up many souls, and through their work have helped create a powerful grid of Light around the Earth. Through it is fed more Light coming into it from points out in Space, and it has acted as your Wayshower. You attract it to yourself, and everyone benefits as it is grounded upon Earth.

    Your battles at the higher level are simply between the Light and dark, and it goes on with the vast majority of souls having little awareness of it. The dark influences are attracted from without the Earth, and move around and through the Universe looking for a similar vibration. Equally, now that you are lifting up your consciousness levels the Light energies will find you. Your Solar System approaches a high energy point that will lift you even higher, and that will be a gain that will stay with you. The greater plans that control what is happening on a Universal scale are God’s answer to every soul that desires to ascend and are your assurance of success. We see that in the midst of your troubles and concerns it is easy to overlook the greater picture, but it is there for you as well as all other dimensions. Ascension is not complete without you, and in that respect you are as important as any other civilisation in the Universe.

    Our allies are forging ahead with their plans, and as they do more people who are sympathetic to their aims are joining them. It means that they are becoming stronger and when the time comes to get moving, there is plenty of support. The dark Ones felt they had it all to themselves, but that has never been the case as the plan of God allowed for the Light to also develop to keep them in check. It started a long time ago in the higher realms, and has gradually manifested on Earth in time to thwart their final thrust for complete world control. In a manner of speaking we have crept up on them unnoticed, and it is too late for them to recover. Like the wounded animal they are, they lash out at all around them but they fight for a lost cause. Our approach is one of caution in the certainty that when we strike, it will be the precise moment that will bring us success. As you know we do not use force, and can defend ourselves without being involved in altercations. Our defence is being able to disarm our aggressors without being involved in confrontations, and they have no answer to such technologies.

    Meanwhile back on the Earth you wait with some trepidation to find out if the Gulf Oil spill has in fact been stopped, ( The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_question The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_question The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Icon_exclaim )and whether the effects of it will be spread much further when the hurricane season starts. Unfortunately it is inevitable, but however far it extends we will help you clear that up. For a complete recovery, you will have to wait until we are officially invited to do so. We are working on that, and it must happen with prior announcements from your President Obama. We choose this moment to re-assure you that he is the right man, to lead you out of the era that has all but destroyed democracy. However. Like us he is unable to progress until the rogue government is removed, and he has a free hand to implement the real plan for your rescue. There are bad laws to be repealed, freedom to be restored and the Constitution to be dusted down and presented to you once more. The world waits for such a lead, and it will come in the course of the cleansing that is taking place.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I am just one voice that speaks for the Galactic Federation and their mission for the people of Earth, and also Mother Earth. As the days go by so the path for Man to take becomes clearer. The past must be buried and looked upon as a failed attempt to corrupt you, and take away all of your rights. It was an experience that you were intended to go through, and you have been to hell and back and that is no exaggeration. You are all much greater and wiser for it, and it has tested your ability to still lift out of it into the Light. In that respect you have won hands down, but only in the last century when it could have easily gone the other way. What is important now is to complete the victory, by moving as swiftly as possible on to the path to Ascension and clearing away all that no longer serves you. We are with you all of the way, sharing our Love and Light with you. It will be wondrous and fulfilling to feel the happiness with which we will be greeted, and your sigh of relief that the hard times are nearly over.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.


    Thank you SaLuSa!!!
    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 164548

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:00 pm


    The sands of time have nearly run out, and unlike when you prepare to go on vacation and sort out what you want to take with you, Ascension is quite the opposite. You are instead sorting out what you cannot take with you, but of course we do not mean physical objects. It comes down to any attachments that are of the lower vibrations, that cannot exist in the higher vibrations. As part of your life plan, you have arranged that they present themselves to you for cleansing. Many of you have come into life with a dark side, but that should not dismay you as you will have every opportunity to deal with it. Reflect on what it is that does not serve your higher good, and move it out of your life. Let us take the example of pornography because it feeds your lower instincts. Instead of seeing people as objects to satisfy your lust, you could try seeing them as fellow travellers on a journey like yours, and focus on all that is of beauty and love. Clearly this is only one area of life that will prevent you from uplifting your vibrations, and if you are serious in your intentions to ascend you must cleanse yourself of such energies.

    Other problems may be relatively easy to deal with, and many arise from disrespect for others. An aggressive attitude is one, and the longer it persists the longer you will attract like situations to yourself. Perhaps being judgmental is a more general problem, because it is looked upon as quite normal and promoted by the media in many different ways. Let us say that having an opinion is one thing, because it does not necessarily carry emotional energy with it. However, when it does you are projecting it to the object of your attention and far from helping, it actually adds more negative energy to it. There is an exception where someone is well advanced and has evolved into the Light, as it serves as their protection and will simply return negative energy to the sender.

    The battle is often between you and your ego, that can rule your life if you let it. It does it with your permission, because it is you who has put that mindset into place. It represents what you believe you are, and often relates to you in terms of how much 'respect' you demand from other people. You probably know someone like that who is inflated with his or her own importance, and expects it to be acknowledged. The seven deadly sins summed it up very well, and they give you an indication of what may be holding you back from evolving. If you have the desire to ascend and move into the dimensions of Light, then clearly you must begin to live your life as one who wishes to emulate on Earth, what you believe it is to be an ascended Being. We do not mean you have to reach a level of perfection as that would be extremely difficult, but with the intent to do so you will attract the higher energies to yourself and make progress. Once you understand where you need to bring changes into your life, you will focus upon them and can expect to be successful. On this subject, let us finally tell you that if you live as a Being of Light you will have no such problems, because your life will be one that is a true expression of your love for all.

    Dear Ones, we do not want to make your tasks sound too difficult, as they are helped considerably by the incoming energies being beamed to Earth. As you attract them to yourself, so your vibrations lift up. There would eventually come a point where the lower energies could not touch you, and would become transmuted. Imagine millions of souls that have reached such levels and how they would carry others forward with them, because you would be influenced by the energies around you. Let us say that you enter a den of iniquity, the higher your vibrations the more you would 'feel' the lower energies, and they would seem not only coarse and heavy but also very unpleasant. You are reacting in this way wherever you go, but it is only in the extremes that it has a pronounced affect upon you, as normally you do not notice it. Our energies are quite high and refined, which is why when you come into our presence you become very aware of them.

    At a time when Ascension is uppermost in many people’s thoughts, there are many distractions. They do not necessarily have to occupy your time, but do see what is happening around you as signs of the changes that must take place. As always keep your vision on the future and you will cut your ties with all that is of the old paradigm. You cannot continue as it was before and indeed we doubt that many of you would, as the new times promise all that offers a totally harmonious and happy life. You ask us to free you from the designs of the dark Ones, and that call is being answered. Together we are going to establish the new paradigm with all of the attributes of a Golden Age. No more shall you be kept from your divine heritage, and your freedom will be returned so that every soul has an equal opportunity to ascend.

    The sabre rattling between the U.S. and North Korea is symptomatic of countries that interfere with progress of others, and their confrontational postures are dangerous and unproductive if it is meant to keep the peace. It is the lack of intent to seriously approach the desire for a peaceful co-existence, that has kept you in a constant state of readiness for war. It is of course welcomed by those who stand to gain from them, and very profitable for those dealing in arms and other equipment. However, as we have often informed you, we will not allow nuclear weapons to be used. The time is approaching when peace will be declared, and all types of armaments will be banned. Furthermore we will also monitor, Earth and prevent any attempts to falsely start wars of whatever nature.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and now you know that the Galactic Federation is a peace-keeping organisation, which is why we sometimes refer to ourselves as Galactic Policeman. In your terminology, it is probably more accurate to call us Galactic Trouble Shooters. At the heart of our operations is the desire to see all civilisations join us, so that all can become One in the Love and Light. Life does not have to continue as you experience it, and we will ensure that you leave it behind with the coming of the end times. The solar cycle is ending and cannot be prolonged, and will not result in the destruction of the Earth. A new Earth is to arise with all souls that are ascending with it.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Jul 26, 2010 4:16 pm

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and now you know that the Galactic Federation is a peace-keeping organisation, which is why we sometimes refer to ourselves as Galactic Policeman. In your terminology, it is probably more accurate to call us Galactic Trouble Shooters.
    On whose behalf?
    This sounds like a 'you're either with us, or against us - in which case we have the right to invade your homes to conduct some old-fashioned 'trouble shooting'' declaration.

    At the heart of our operations is the desire to see all civilisations join us, so that all can become One in the Love and Light.
    Whether you like it or not!!!

    This 'in Love & Light' thing starts to give me the creeps.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Mon Aug 09, 2010 4:33 pm

    For all the fans:

    These are times when you are dealing with personal battles within. Old beliefs and knowledge that do not carry the new higher vibrations are surfacing for clearing, but sometimes it is hard to let go. You are entering a period of intense changes and the old is breaking down, and the new energies bring truth and all that you require to forge ahead on the pathway to the Golden Age. It will be quite a revelation as you realise the immensity of the changes to self, as your old mindset is easily replaced by all that is pure and wholesome. Indeed, as you progress it becomes easier to move further along the path of Ascension. Making those first positive moves are the hardest, as you will be reluctant to leave your old established ways behind. Sometimes it involves family and friends, and the new you seems somewhat strange to them. You may even experience opposition or direct rejection, as your psyche changes. We would say that it is important to stay your path and not be held back by emotional re-actions. All souls at this time have to decide whether they are going to take the opportunity to ascend, and those that do not are bound to proceed on a different path.

    Most likely when the changes commence, a lot of interest will be generated by them. For those souls that are still awakening it may just be the nudge that lifts them up, and gives them the impetus to open up to the truth. We know that the most reluctant souls will be those who have placed their complete faith in religious orders. They will find it difficult to accept that they could have erred in their understanding, or have even been deliberately mislead. For some the challenge will be too much, and they will prefer to hold onto their existing beliefs. That is of course accepted as a show of their freewill choice, and it will be honoured. Since you are infinite souls and in reality there is no such thing as time because it is all in the Now, you can spend as much time as you desire at any one level. So Dear Ones do not be too concerned if those souls close to you appear to be content where they stand at present. Certainly if their lessons have not yet been completed, they will want to do so before they move on.

    A soul can at anytime ascend if they are ready, but as you know by now the end of this Solar Cycle allows for everyone to ascend. It is a special time when great effort is made by Beings all through the higher dimensions, to get you prepared for it. Say the word and your guides are with you in an instant, and the Angels will oversee your progress. For your part acknowledge their presence and ask for guidance, as without your approval it will be looked upon as interference. That may sound harsh but nothing is allowed to be imposed upon you by others. You may feel that many of your experiences are uncalled for, but we assure you that they are all connected with your life plan. Have you not been made aware that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that is the reason why they are so important to you? Naturally some coincidences appear of no real significance, and may be of minor importance. However, where you experience the harsh reality of life, it is for your spiritual understanding and development.

    The difference from where you are now in the present dimension and the higher ones is most substantial, and there you will be living a completely different type of life. Gone will be the drudgery and drag of life as you know it, and if you have any concept of what paradise is like you may have just an impression of what it is like. To live it is almost too difficult to put into words, but you could say it is heavenly, idyllic and enfolds you in its beautiful vibration of Light. How often do you feel tired in your physical body, or suffer pain and disability, well let us say that all of it will be put behind you when you rise up. Such conditions will never be repeated again, as none of the physical problems can relate to your Light body. Its vibrations are so high that nothing can manifest except it is in its perfect expression. When times get hard remind yourself of how short lived they will be, and how in next to no time they will become just distant memories.

    The cleansing of Earth moves on and inevitably there will be the passing of many souls as a result. They will be received in the higher dimensions with great love and understanding, and for their part it is something of a release from what is often a very poor standard of living. For those that remain in areas where the worst effects are felt, it is a cry to Humanity to find out whether they can find love and compassion for their own kind. Can you ignore their plight, or are you able to see in others yourself. It is not unusual that in the end times a civilisation is tested to see how far they have travelled their spiritual paths. We see a great change for the better than even the early years following the Millennium, when your consciousness levels had already risen up. You are in times when you must reach for your own destiny and allow others to do the same. There are many different paths to the future that have opened up, which is why not everyone’s reality is identical.

    In some ways you are in a most peculiar time, as you are looking to release yourself from old ties yet they travel along beside you. The cauldron of life bubbles over, and it is a rare mixture of possibilities. However, live your own path and concentrate on what you have envisaged will take you onto Ascension. As you do so the dark energies will be unable to affect you, and a successful conclusion to this life will be assured. There will be more and more distractions, and they are but the final attempts of the dark forces to confuse you. By now you should have learnt how to deal with them, so do not let them concern you or take your focus off your own goal. They are often accompanied by the energies of fear, which is a deliberate ploy to attract your attention. We are most pleased to find that as people wake up to the truth, they are less inclined to fall for the lies and contrived events, that denigrate those who are of the Light and lead people out of duality.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is bristling with excitement, as matters on Earth are reaching a conclusion. The bubble is about burst, and we are urging allies to seize the opportunity to bring an end to the control of the dark Ones. It will be done without bloodshed and in the most positive manner with a loving intent.

    Thank you SaLuSa

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:31 pm


    We refer to Ascension often, because it is the most important issue that you will have to decide. We have mentioned that once you decide to ascend, you are creating a pathway to it. The point we wish to emphasise is that many paths lead to it, so you need not be concerned if others follow one different to yours. You will find that they all lead to a moment in time, when there are great changes involving Mother Earth. Where you go from there depends on whether your vibrations are such that you can be lifted up. If they are not at a level where you can, then clearly you will continue at the same one as before. That means you were not ready for Ascension, and indeed the higher vibrations would not suit you and would make you feel uncomfortable. Fortunately you cannot but advance to a level until you are ready, and that is Universal Law.

    Some people have such a rigid mindset that although they find greater truths around them, they find it very difficult to move on. They have become bound by the chains of their beliefs, they will be amongst those who will continue to experience in this existing dimension. Fear plays a part and they cannot contemplate that they are in a state of denial, yet they invariably have their personal doubts in connection with their beliefs. As we do where all souls are concerned, we place the truth in front of them and it is up to them how they deal with it. When you have found the true path, there is no conflict within as you are at peace with all life. Your understanding also allows for the acceptance of all souls, because you see them as an equally important part of the whole. You are one mighty group soul, and all contribute to the mass consciousness. Due to the efforts of the Lightworkers, it is continually expanding and is helping bring others out of the darkness that engulfs them.

    Levels of consciousness have reached a point, where further upliftment is going to occur at an even quicker rate. Almost every month there are configurations of some kind that are bringing it about. It is extremely good news as the higher you can take your consciousness, it will help manifest the new paradigm. You cannot have a vacuum, and as soon as the old is removed the new is waiting to take its place. The Divine Plan for your release from duality is well established, and all stands in readiness for the first time conditions allow it to proceed. Our allies make steady progress, and have established a strong front against any attempts to prevent the ultimate changes from going ahead. It is not a question of whether they will, they MUST- to fulfil the needs of the people. Also the cleansing must take place to enable the Earth to be restored, and these are all stepping-stones on the path to Ascension.

    We of the Galactic Federation have long ago learnt to curb our desires to rush matters, as we are moved by our strong love for other souls who are suffering. We would dearly love to appear on Earth now, and put a stop to all of the actions being taken that are not in your interests. However, as you surely know by now, we obey the higher principles of Universal Law that prevents us from doing so. What is wonderful is to see is your own response as more of you reach a greater state of awareness. You are putting your energies into use and are taking your own action, and believe us it is having a positive affect.

    So much more is known about us and other Space Beings in general. The subject is increasingly becoming spoken of in public, and no longer is there any stigma attached to having a belief in our existence. The proof of our existence is no longer a matter for speculation, and only the most sceptic amongst you could deny it. It allows us to be bolder in our presence around you in your skies, and also on your Earth. So much is known about us, it will almost be just a formality when Disclosure is announced. However, what it will do is allow the hidden truth to come out about our long-standing relationship with you. You will also learn about our many operations on your behalf, to prevent the dark Ones from destroying you and Mother Earth. After the destruction of Maldek in your Solar System, God decreed that such an act would never be allowed again, and we are charged with ensuring that it is observed. If allowed, such an act would have seriously put back your evolution, and would have also interfered with other civilisations. That could not be tolerated, as this particular cycle was planned eons of time ago to end with Ascension.

    Now you stand in the midst of the chaos, that is a sure sign that the old is breaking up. For some it is an extra painful experience, but understand you are all where you are supposed to be for the end times. The nightmare is real enough, but you have the power to change it through your power of thought. You are creating the way the final days work out, and it can be joyful and exciting or fearful and depressing depending on how you view it. Lightworkers know that it is best to stay calm and centred at all times, and not allow fear to creep in. All life is infinite and whatever happens you will be looked after by Beings of a high vibration, that have the power to bring you Love and Light. We count ourselves amongst them, and our actions are never ones to cause you harm. Even when we have to deal with the dark Ones, we do it from a position of loving all souls. Whatever levels they are at their Light cannot be extinguished, and we bless them for being part of the great experiment that you all agreed to take part in. We are not here to judge anyone, and we know that very soul will one day fully return to the Light.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope that you can stay focussed on the bright future that will take you out of duality. To be in the higher dimensions will be dreamlike compared to what you are experiencing now. There is absolutely no comparison and that is why words are so inadequate. To be in an energy that is all embracing and is so peaceful and joyful is your right, and for too long you have been held back by those who have lost their ability to love themselves, let alone others. They are souls who have become so separated from God, they have lost their compassion and love for all other souls. It is the Light and Love that will eventually lift them up, and in their own way they need it more than those who have already become aware of their Godself.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Fri Aug 20, 2010 1:55 pm


    You may wonder at times what we do to fill in our time. Most of our duties are involved in studying data that is collected by our computers. For example we constantly monitor sites where weaponry is ready to be used. Our brief is to ensure that those of mass destruction are not used, to the point where if they are launched we will destroy them. We are also intent on preventing false wars, and any attempt to raise the tension between rival countries. We are holding back progress towards any further attempts to repeat a 9/11 scenario, because as you will know the dark Ones create chaos and fear whenever they can. It is not just the Galactic Federation that are involved, but also our allies who are often placed at the heart of things. In general terms we monitor Mother Earth, so that we able to predict where and when changes will occur. That gives us time to take action to limit the dangers, as we cannot interfere beyond the margins we are given. Mother Earth must be allowed to proceed with her Ascension, and that is course vital if you are to go forward with her.

    As we sometimes mention to you, our plans are continually being updated according to the feedback we get from our computers and earthly sources. We know where events are likely to proceed to but not necessarily in detail, as a number of options usually exist. The main point is that the outcome of this cycle is assured, and in no circumstances will that be altered. In due course you will all learn of what is planned, and it will give you back your freedom and prepare you for Ascension. There are times when you feel that there is no defence against the dark Ones, but since we know what they plan their threat is limited by us. Remember that we must respect the laws of freewill, and the karmic situations that you have been responsible for. These may go back eons of time, and can be played out at any time when it is appropriate. Your reason for going through duality is to learn lessons, and it would not help you if we shortened them.

    If necessary we are on call throughout the whole Universe, and have millions of ships in our fleet at our disposal. There are also millions of personnel from the different civilisations that work with us, so in fact we can spread them far and wide. They are all like us inasmuch that they have achieved high levels of spirituality, and live in the higher dimensions that have moved well beyond duality as you know it. So why are we here you may ask, and the answer is that all ascended Beings act in service to other souls that are moving into the Light. Also, your whole Universe is involved in Ascension and that is quite an important event. Because you need help to ascend, what is being given to you may be looked upon as disproportionate assistance according to your size. By other standards even in your own solar system, you are in fact quite a small planet. However, your place in Ascension is so vital to a successful completion, that a strong focus is placed upon the Earth and its inhabitants. This will ensure that regardless of what happens in the meantime, you will succeed in reaching your goals.

    Our work is not organised in the same way that you are used to experiencing. We have no need to confine ourselves to strict times of working, although we take our responsibilities very seriously. It is our life, and a pleasure to serve others, and not in the least boring. We are happy at our work, and since we do not use money we have no competition for jobs based on remuneration. All skills are employed where they can be used to our best advantage, and there are no square pegs in round holes. Work is not tiring as we do not experience fatigue because our bodies are more refined than yours, and we continually re-energise them from the energies around us. We can enjoy some small refreshments or light food, but that is more for pure enjoyment. In time you will also reach such levels. Your needs are different as you have a heavy physical body to support, and eating is both essential and a pleasure for you. However, you will find that as your new body develops, and becomes more refined you will eat less.

    As you are beginning to understand, the changes you are to experience will be far reaching and a new Human will emerge. You will go from the illusory lower dimensions, to the levels of spirituality that respond only to the Light. All is in harmony and balance, unlike the imbalances you experience upon Earth. The contrast is so great that it is hard for you to imagine moving from hell to heaven, but that is how it will strike you. Perhaps the most impressive experience, will be feeling the love energy that pervades the higher dimensions, where only the truth can exist.

    Bearing in mind what you are learning about your future, we might comment on the need to keep focussed on it, and do not allow earthly matters to distract you. What is of the old has served its purpose, and the new is waiting to be introduced. First must come the cleansing, and the restoration of your rightful entitlement to all that is given to you for your use by the Creator. By the time you reach the end of the cycle, you will already well along the path to Ascension and ready to go even further. As is often emphasised, the end times are simply the end of duality, and life goes onto to the next stage. At present you are a poor reflection of what you are destined to be.

    When you suffer your aches and pains your disappointments and fears, can you imagine being free from them, because that is your promise. Duality has been a hard lesson to go through at the levels you are in, but your progress up the spiritual ladder has been phenomenal. Nowhere else could you have achieved such results. Perhaps fortunately in some ways, you cannot remember your past lives and know how hard it has been to make progress. That is not important however, as it is what you take from them that determines how far and how quickly you evolve. Those of you who have awakened are able to attract the Light to you, and unless you have an exceptional lapse you are assured of ascending.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like to give you acclaim where it is warranted. You are wonderful souls, that stand at the door of release from all of the attachments to the lower dimension. They cannot in any event exist in the higher ones, and everything is being done to help you do so.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:33 am


    We hear some of you asking if we are here to save you, and if we are why do we not do it. The answer is that we have been with you for a very long time, and have guided you in a way that has enabled you to lift your vibrations, and save yourself. The only way you leave the lower vibrations is by lifting yours to a higher level, so that you can rise up with them. So we are talking about your success in leaving the 3rd. dimension and duality, and placing yourself beyond the clutches of the dark Ones. We will save individuals from danger, but these are exceptions and that is quite different to interfering with your spiritual evolution. To ascend you must have raised your level of consciousness, and so many souls are still held back by their lack of spiritual development. The most difficult task for your teachers is to awaken you to the idea that you are more than simply your body.

    Our presence and that of many souls who have incarnated to help you, has stirred memories of greater knowledge that is held within. Subconsciously you know much more than you imagine, and once you start to awaken you begin to see yourself as you really are. Your limitations no longer stifle you, and the truth becomes less fearful and allows you to recognise the soul that you are. You lose nothing but instead gain everything that will put your feet firmly upon the path to true freedom. Because the Earth is an open prison you believe you are already free, but that is far from the truth. In the past where older civilisations have been concerned, there have been periods of great spiritual achievement. However, these have never lasted as slowly but surely the dark Ones have introduced their lower vibrations. This will always be a problem such as it is now where you are in a period of transformation, yet the lower vibrations remain around you. Your response against them lies with your ability to lift up your own vibrations, high enough to give you protection. The Light as always is the most powerful protection you can have.

    Once you have reached a certain level and can maintain it, you will not in fact be subject to the lower vibrations. It then enables you to become an observer of everything that is going on around you, without becoming involved in it. It is a wonderful level to achieve, as you can become detached and protected from anything less than your own vibrations. In such circumstances you can progress with your spiritual evolution far quicker, and working on an intuitive level can be positively discerning when new information comes to you. A great leap for some of you is the acceptance of our presence, because of the fearful images carried at the subconscious level. Sometimes it is compounded by religious beliefs, but we must mention that the Vatican has officially and publicly recognised us. Accepting that life extends well beyond your planet and that it abounds everywhere, and mostly in the higher dimensions allows for a greater expansion of your consciousness. At some stage you had to come out of your cocoon where extraterrestrial life was concerned. It is now time to meet your ancestors who are your Space family, who have been responsible for the evolution of the Human Race as you see it today.

    You do not exist by some freak of nature, and are not the result of natural selection, but purposefully and lovingly created to exist in your environment. You are a special species of Humans that have taken over from Cro-Magnon Man, and have been genetically engineered to allow for a speeding up in your evolution. That we would say has been particularly successful, and the proof lies in how many of you now stand in readiness for Ascension. On your part it is in fact a tremendous achievement, to have had lives during the darkest hours and to have risen up from them. You are now the untouchables and providing you keep your sight set firmly on ascending, nothing will be able to divert your attention from success.

    Most of what is happening at present is beyond your eyes, but be assured that all still proceeds well. Events are taking shape that will at last ensure there are signs of the direction you are heading into, and it will come from official sources. That will allow a whole sequence of events to commence that will signal a start to the countdown to Ascension. The process is always moving as change is the only constant there is, and the Light and Love continues to grow upon Earth. It has not been achieved without immense help or indeed sacrifice, but that is the result of your great success in lifting up the vibrations. To those who have not made up their minds, we would say that the opportunity that now faces you would not come your way again for a long time. So please consider carefully what the significance is of this time in your present life. You will undoubtedly have been informed about it prior to incarnating, and with freedom of choice it is possible to awaken to the truth in time to ascend.

    We look at your history and see that in the beginning you were gods, and used your power to create whatever your hearts desired. You were as excited children marvelling at your abilities, and playing games with each other. After all, you did not know any different and all that existed was your playground. With time you forgot your origin from the Source, and your creative powers diminished. You eventually became trapped in your own creations, but never lost your god spark and it has been your footstool as you return to the Light. Most of you will find it incredulous to learn the truth about yourselves, yet you now begin the journey back from whence you came. You still have a lot more to understand, and your Light will continue to grow exponentially.

    I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and try to comprehend what you have gone through to get this far. I find it truly amazing that you have been prepared to walk through the valley of death, yet have emerged stronger than ever. Your strength has been your belief in the Creator, knowing that you would never be deserted. You also knew that in your hours of need, you would be assisted to overcome your darkest hour. Now you rise up so much more powerful than ever, having become a warrior of Light. In time this realisation will fully come to you, as the truth about you is slowly revealed. You have walked through duality with one foot each side of the fence, and nothing more could have subjected you to a sterner test. You are indeed great Beings, and I am proud to have an association with you.

    Thank you SaLuSa.

    Mike Quinsey.


    Last edited by TRANCOSO on Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Galactic Federation of Lies - Page 22 Empty Re: The Galactic Federation of Lies

    Post  TRANCOSO Thu Aug 26, 2010 2:34 am

    We hear some of you asking if we are here to save you, and if we are why do we not do it. The answer is that we have been with you for a very long time, and have guided you in a way that has enabled you to lift your vibrations, and save yourself.
    Well, you're doing a great job... Crybaby

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