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    Out of Pocket Wake Up!


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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Jenetta Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:33 pm

    by Bob Livingston
    Personal Liberty Alerts

    Information regarding the dollar, gold and silver


    came the sober warning from a Nobel Prize-winning MIT economist... "probably the kind of disorderly run that precipitates a global financial crisis..."

    ...while other monetary experts now warn, "We're in the terminal stages of the world's most gigantic pyramid scheme" set to vaporize assets of the average citizen.


    Heed the unmistakable warning signs in this Summer 2010 URGENT ALERT, or risk missing your FINAL OPPORTUNITY to protect what's left of your nest-egg, before the crushing weight of national debt collapses the once-mighty U.S. Dollar, rendering...


    Dear Concerned American:

    All signs point toward the U.S. dollar – which has already shed fully a third of its value relative to foreign currencies – streaking at supersonic speed for a precipitous and historic crash.

    Anyone holding dollars (or dollar-denominated assets) is sitting on a ticking time bomb with the Zero Hour fast approaching. Given the massive currency inflation generated in just 18 months by a grossly misguided Obama administration, we've no time to lose before a worldwide rush to the exits.

    Your family's security rests on you reviewing this Summer 2010 Urgent Alert right to the end. I urge you: read this letter now, because if you wait 'til later, you may indeed be too late.

    Unmistakable warning signs – each of which I'll reveal here in detail – point to a monetary crisis on the verge of spinning wildly out of control, leading to massive INFLATION and quite possibly, a sudden and catastrophic dollar collapse that will change our nation forever.

    Let's take a closer look at events unfolding now, and the best steps you and I can take today to protect ourselves.

    Under intense pressure to generate immediate cash flow to shore up a virtually bankrupt U.S. Treasury, federal regulators are systematically destroying, seizing, and otherwise transferring to federal control trillions of dollars in private assets. The all-but-certain impact on our currency, on your purchasing power, and on your standard of living could be both sudden and devastating.

    Obama & Co. spent recklessly to gain controlling interests in the titans of the U.S. banking, insurance, and auto industries. At one point, Mr. Obama chortled in front of C-Span cameras –

    "We are out of money now. We're operating in deep deficits..."

    For months we were told that the full impact of Obama's bailout would come to oh, no more than $787 billion. Then the independent Congressional Budget Office checked the math and found that just this first bit of "Obamanomics" will, in fact, bloat deficits by $862 billion. But even that is just the tip of the iceberg of what's already been spent or committed.

    Major foreign investors such as China are quickly catching on to the hard reality of burgeoning U.S. debt and our impending insolvency. They see that we are out of moves, and are coming to the inescapable conclusion that the only way Washington can keep its Ponzi finances going is to run the monetary printing presses non-stop. (More about what this means in a moment.)

    While ALL currencies on the globe are falling against
    tangible assets, the U.S. dollar is falling faster.

    As I mentioned, the dollar has already surrendered fully a third of its value relative to other weakening world currencies in less than a decade. This and other facts lead inescapably to the conclusion that Western economies and markets will shrivel relative to those of ascendant countries in Asia.

    A massive, catastrophic dumping of the devaluing U.S. dollar looms large like a dagger over our heads. The upshot is – if you don't immediately begin taking basic precautions with your money as I'll outline right here, you stand a good chance of acting too late and getting caught with your britches down.

    The good news is that you don't have to sit by passively and watch your fortunes erode along with those of your country. Not only can you protect yourself, but you can actually profit from the selected types of opportunities that my years of detailed research and analysis have developed.

    Even mega-investor and high-profile Obama cheerleader Warren Buffett has caught wind of what's happening. The Oracle of Omaha has admitted publicly that the recent spate of frantic spending and money creation will soon trigger a currency-destroying inflation that will be much more severe than in the 1970s. Translation: get out of the dollar now!

    Another truly big-time investment guru, Jim Rogers, dispatched this sobering assessment in a strongly worded email –

    "The world at large does seem to understand
    innately that governments are bankrupting themselves
    and destroying paper currency."

    "Bankrupting." "Destroying." Strong words indeed, but truly meaningful only to those savvy enough to take action now before the other shoe drops with a thud. And specifically which nation's government and currency are on a fast-track to monetary doomsday? As Rogers recently told TIME magazine,"America is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world."

    Do I have your attention? I trust that I do, because this is but the tip of the iceberg...

    The Dollar's Coming "Reckoning Day":
    National Turmoil on Par With
    Pearl Harbor and 9/11?

    The dollar's coming Reckoning Day will be a traumatic, game-changing milestone in the decline of our beloved nation as a financial powerhouse.

    As I'll detail in a moment, the sheer havoc unleashed by a dollar crisis will be nationally jolting at least on a par with the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, JFK's assassination, and 9/11. Yes, it's fully possible (if not likely) that the bottom will drop out in just one harrowing day.

    Here's just a glimpse of the likely fallout as I see it:

    A PRICE EXPLOSION as Americans scramble over one another to obtain tangible assets or simply hoard basic necessities, before the dollar's purchasing power evaporates fully.WIDESPREAD SHORTAGES, sparse grocery store shelves, and the return of long gas lines.FAILED BUSINESSES and economic dislocations far eclipsing anything we've seen to date.A BREAKDOWN IN COMMERCE, as longer-term transactions become impossible to do.RISING CRIME with rampant unemployment far beyond today's "official" 10% jobless rate.GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS DRYING UP, with the dependent class – angry, hungry, and desperate – taking to the streets. Looting, arson, and general lawlessness will quickly follow.

    You can – in fact, you must – take key steps to protect your family's way of life. And you must do it soon. "Waiting it out" is not a plan for anything short of a catastrophe. I'll explain.

    Respected economist and forecaster George Whitehurst-Berry has offered an astute explanation of the financial gyrations rocking U.S. markets, as quoted in the opening of this letter:

    "We are in the terminal stages of the world's most gigantic pyramid scheme," he explained, referring to the ultimate collapse of the U.S.-led monetary order that will permanently impoverish millions while making a handful of smart thinking, ahead-of-the-curve investors very rich.

    Even the Pentagon is Secretly Planning for
    Dollar-Collapse Scenarios that Dramatically
    Tilt the Geo-Political Balance

    The looming dollar crisis is no idle theory.This threat is so real that top Pentagon experts are running live "planning scenarios" in which resource-rich nations like Russia and China exploit U.S. indebtedness to wreak sudden havoc in our financial system and basic economy.

    In the 2009 Unrestricted Warfare Symposium at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, intelligence analyst James Richards unveiled a blueprint detailing how U.S. foes could manipulate the dollar – dropping its value by a shocking 75%, crippling our economy overnight.

    This report's conclusions are nothing short of chilling. So vulnerable is the U.S. to this scenario, Richards urges U.S. intelligence agencies to pay close attention to global gold supplies and financial maneuverings of rival powers (something I do on virtually a daily basis for my valued subscribers).

    Richards' prescient paper came out days before Zhou Xiaochuan, governor of China's central bank, challenged the U.S. to step aside to allow a new global currency to replace the dollar.

    The international news media recently reported another Chinese connection to the coming doom of the dollar. The Financial Times of London, for one, noted: "China has quietly almost doubled its gold reserve to become the fifth biggest holder of the precious metal." Yet as usual, the celebrity-obsessed U.S. media totally glossed over another harbinger of what is to come.

    Or as the always-reliable Casey Report added: "On the bigger global screen, this revelation [about China's gold hoarding] stops the concept of gold as a 'barbarous relic' as bankers had hoped it would become in the past 50 years..." Translation: The day of the paper-backed dollar is coming to an ugly end, and soon.

    Experts Deliver Dire Prognosis on the Future
    of the U.S. Dollar: Your Hard-Earned Money
    Will Be Debased to Alleviate Federal Insolvency

    The late Nobel Prize winning economist Dr. Paul Samuelson – Harvard doctorate, advisor to two U.S. presidents and author of the best selling economics textbook of all time – characterized U.S. financial imbalances as so severe and "irreversible that we must accept that at some future date there will be a run on the dollar. Probably the kind of disorderly run that precipitates a global financial crisis."

    Or as Dr. Ron Paul, presidential candidate and a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, recently noted about the rampant, unprecedented money creation going on, "If we continue doing what we are doing right now, we will literally destroy the dollar."

    U.S. Finances Are an Even Bigger Mess
    Than is Generally Understood

    Even before Obama was sworn in, unfunded federal liabilities had blown past $500,000 per U.S. family of four. In fact, federal finances are in such shambles that David Walker, Comptroller of the Currency, resigned in disgust at the tail-end of the Bush administration.

    Worse is what's happened since Walker resigned. As Rep. Ron Paul recently wrote, the trillions of dollars created to bail out banks in just the past six months have added the equivalent of a whole new federal establishment to Uncle Sam's bloated obligations.

    Obama's new spending obligations stagger the imagination, amounting to...

    More spending than the socialistic New Deal...More spending than the Korean War...More spending than the 1980s savings and loan bailout...More spending than the entire Iraq War...


    And that was even before the Congressional Budget Office discovered that minor little $75 billion miscalculation I mentioned earlier in the Obama team's math.

    Now another CBO report shows that rising unemployment and falling tax revenue will likely force the Social Security "Trust Fund" into the red as soon as this year – a full decade before the Comptroller General's office had previously warned it would happen.

    The Next Financial Train Wreck
    Could Be the "Fail-Safe" Bond Market –
    Are You Properly Hedged?

    Recently Bloomberg tabulated the continuously-growing U.S. government takeover of the private-sector (in the form of loans, guarantees, and other commitments). So far, taxpayers have been saddled with an ADDITIONAL $12.8 trillion in unpayable debt.

    These federal bailouts now amount to 90.14% of America's annual gross domestic product – nearly our entire output for a year! Imagine that for every $1.00 you make, brand new federal bailouts now have a claim to more than 90% of your hard-earned money!

    What's especially infuriating to me is the Fed's refusal to disclose who has been on the receiving end of all its bailout dough, or exactly what's now on its ballooning balance sheet. The Fed's own Inspector General in recent Congressional testimony admitted after much waffling and obfuscating that she cannot account for trillions of dollars in off-balance-sheet transactions and has absolutely no idea how much the secretive central bank is losing on its "investments."

    As scandalous as the massive corporate bailouts are, they pale in comparison to those that will be required for Social Security and Medicare. An editorial in Barron's stated flatly – "Medicare, Medicaid, pensions, indeed the full freight of the federal government constitutes a Ponzi scheme in plain sight. Income is recycled to pay benefits; no new wealth is created."

    How ironic that the feds locked up Bernie Madoff and threw away the key (and rightly so) over his multi-billion dollar Ponzi swindle...

    ...when the U.S. government itself is the operator and tireless defender of the most gigantic, multi-trillion dollar Ponzi scheme ever, with you, me, and millions of Americans holding the bag!

    U.S. public and private debt now amounts to nearly four times the gross domestic product. In the midst of the Great Depression, total debt topped out at three times GDP. That suggests the current financial crisis could be even more severe in magnitude and length.

    So it should come as no surprise that Standard & Poor's quietly reported last year that Treasury bonds are poised to lose their AAA-rating because of the way Washington is indulging in emergency cash creation and massive spending.

    Lest there be any doubt over the reliability of the warning from S&P, Moody's Investors Services issued the identical warning on February 3, 2010. When Moody's and S&P both cast a dark shadow over the safety of hallowed U.S. Treasuries, any investor, taxpayer, and regular American citizen ought to sit up and take notice.

    Yet when asked by ABC News to share his own views on Moody's latest warning of a coming downgrade in U.S. Treasury ratings, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner predictably replied: "Absolutely not. And that will never happen to this country."

    If you believe that happy talk, you might as well throw this letter away. I can't help you. But if you have a hunch as I do that when both Standard & Poor's and Moody's are onto something and that U.S. Treasuries are headed for trouble, please stay with me.

    MarketWatch recently reported another disturbing and telling warning sign: The cost to buy insurance against U.S. sovereign debt has surged by a factor of seven as compared to two years ago.

    A collapsing U.S. bond market will spell disaster for the pension funds, mutual funds, and insurance companies that hold bonds by the billions. Of greater concern to me, when the bond market ruptures, millions of retirees on fixed income could find themselves destitute.

    Global worries about the debasement of the dollar are quite VALID. Massive expansion of the money supply at the end of the Bush administration has been eclipsed by even more massive dollar-printing by the Obama administration. With U.S. economic output stagnant, massive inflation is inevitable as the Federal Reserve and the politicians try to prop up the economy with loose money.

    Financial Sense analyst Brian Pretti has produced a thoroughly documented report demonstrating why the Fed has had no option but to begin directly funding U.S. government debt (nearly $2 trillion worth of new IOUs were issued in 2009 alone) through the creation of even more printing press money because of flagging demand from China, Japan, and private investors.

    We are witnesses to the end of a 39-year experiment – in which global currencies linked to the dollar (and with no gold backing anywhere) are reaching the final inevitable stages of all fiat money. When the Weimar Republic, and more recently, Zimbabwe, began to monetize their debt, the countries plunged into hyperinflation.

    In short, the United States is attempting to print its way out of debt and recession. And that means the value of the dollars you hold is destined to go down significantly.

    The Smart Money Stampede Out of the Dollar
    Has Already Begun

    If you've already heard a little voice in your head warning you that Wall Street paper assets are highly-manipulated certificates of financial folly, you got this letter just in time. While rampant money creation may force the DOW upward in nominal terms, the DOW index itself has been collapsing against the value of hard assets for some time.

    The Dow may once again fall to a
    1:1 ratio with the gold price.

    For example, it currently takes barely 8 ounces of gold to buy a share of the DOW industrials. Yet as recently as 1999, it took 44.8 ounces of gold to buy a DOW share – that's a whopping 80% crash in the real value of the DOW.

    The money magicians in Washington can fool millions of investors in the short-term, true. But they can't fool those who measure their wealth in terms of precious metals, which retain their value over time. Gold is the mortal enemy of big government borrow-and-spenders. When the gold price shoots up, it signals to the world that the currency upon which government Ponzi finances operate is losing value.

    For more than four years now, my Independent Living newsletter has discreetly advised my subscribers to accumulate physical precious metals. The investor flight to precious metals I predicted would occur (back when gold was quietly trading in the $400s) has, since the onset of the financial crash of 2008, been global in scope and has resulted in physical gold and silver flying off the shelves everywhere.

    ALERT! Why You MUST NOT Fall for the
    Illusion of "Sector Diversification"

    What really motivated me to do this project is one of the biggest myths that, even now, they continue to perpetuate on Wall Street: The false security of "diversification." Your broker and the Wall Street media tout the value of diversification – and in theory, they are right! BUT mostly their diversification is limited to dollar-denominated stocks and bonds. Never forget – anything denominated in dollars loses its purchasing power with each passing month.

    If you've ever tuned into Jim Cramer's Mad Money on CNBC, you've seen this faulty logic in action in a segment called "Am I Diversified?" A caller will indicate that he has one utility, one tech stock, one financial, one industrial, and one durable goods stock, and presto – the mad money maven blesses the portfolio as "diversified." But since most U.S. investors load up on dollar-denominated instruments, such a portfolio is likely to lack the safety of true diversification.

    What YOU need to know about and engage in is true diversification – among currencies, stock markets, financial instruments, commodities, and precious metals which are not tied directly to the sinking dollar. Yes, most brokers recommend investment in many sectors of the U.S. economy but this is of little value if ALL your investments are tied to a declining dollar.

    Sadly, millions of Americans will be impoverished by the coming dollar devaluation. But you can be one of the select few who survive and even prosper in these wildly turbulent times.

    This is from an email by
    Bob Livingston
    Editor, Personal Liberty Alerts™
    Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™


    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Jenetta Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:50 pm

    Today I had the privilege of listening to a Webinair conference to do with purchasing gold in the smallest type of bars 0.5gms, 1 gm and 2 gms. The speaker who hosted the conference is heavily involved with the Company out of Germany who owns the rights to the gold mine. The Company does all of its own manufacturing and distribution.
    The Company is also offering its customers (whether they purchase gold or not) the chance to get involved in a franchise/distributorship networking business; the thesis of the Company being that soon the dollar which is not gold backed will hold zero purchasing power and value. Other points made were that if you put 5% to 20% of your assets into gold at least you would have some security if paper currency became worthless and the economy took a nosedive, that the Company's gold was 999.9% officially certified pure and the customer's gold would be stored in a major secure facility in Switzerland, and (this I took note of) the Company's stated goal was to open up in all countries across the globe (which they currently are in the process of doing) and provide the world with this new currency in its smallest denominations.
    After listening to the Webinair today many questions went through my mind with the foremost question being that if you want to introduce a New World Order currency worldwide (courtesy of the PTB) what better way then to enlist the help of the masses who know their assets are threatened...after all (the Company states) gold has been a desired product for the past 6,000 years.
    All that glitters is not gold..............................Proverb

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  lindabaker Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:56 am

    So what this company promises to do is take your Dollars, buy gold for you, and keep the gold in Switzerland? How do we know that the gold will really be there? And that the gold isn't being sold many times over? Can we trust the Swiss government to make sure that for every yuan or dollar or euro spent to buy this gold, that there is actual physical gold set aside with the owners' names on the gold? Pardon my skepticism, nothing against you, Jen. How would an investor collect if the system crashes? Take the slow boat to Switzerland and demand your cache? Hmmm

    Posts : 1471
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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  enemyofNWO Wed Sep 29, 2010 9:48 am

    lindabaker wrote:So what this company promises to do is take your Dollars, buy gold for you, and keep the gold in Switzerland? How do we know that the gold will really be there? And that the gold isn't being sold many times over? Can we trust the Swiss government to make sure that for every yuan or dollar or euro spent to buy this gold, that there is actual physical gold set aside with the owners' names on the gold? Pardon my skepticism, nothing against you, Jen. How would an investor collect if the system crashes? Take the slow boat to Switzerland and demand your cache? Hmmm

    That's a very good point Linda .
    The gold or silver must be kept by the purchaser not somebody else .The point is to take physical possession of the gold or silver not to leave it in the hand of scammers . They sell somebody's else gold to other parties over and over . An it is happening now .
    There is also the danger that in the USA gold will be seized by the government when things get more desperate as it has happened before WW2 . So it is a very tricky situation if you are US resident . Some people I heard about left the US and live now overseas . Good luck !

    Posts : 1471
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    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  enemyofNWO Thu Sep 30, 2010 1:48 pm

    "Gold dispensing ATMs coming to US "

    In my opinion the gold dispensing ATMs are a good thing because they need Cash and Cash is anonymous . I think a new law has been passed recently with the Health Act making from some time in the future , gold transactions above a certain limit to be notifiable to some government branch ....... But the limit is the key !

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Jenetta Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:12 am

    lindabaker wrote:So what this company promises to do is take your Dollars, buy gold for you, and keep the gold in Switzerland? How do we know that the gold will really be there? And that the gold isn't being sold many times over? Can we trust the Swiss government to make sure that for every yuan or dollar or euro spent to buy this gold, that there is actual physical gold set aside with the owners' names on the gold? Pardon my skepticism, nothing against you, Jen. How would an investor collect if the system crashes? Take the slow boat to Switzerland and demand your cache? Hmmm

    As I am not 100 per cent knowledgeable about this new homebased business Linda I've asked a friend to answer your questions...her comments follow:

    This company is a reputable company with a 16 year track record.
    You can sign up as a partner and not have a contract to purchase gold from them and yet build
    a business and get paid.
    If you wish to buy gold you sign a contract for x amount of dollars per
    month and when it is finished you can have it shipped to your address or where ever you want it.
    You can also make a one time purchase for gold without signing a contract or purchase agreement and have it shipped immediately to your home.
    Over 3000.00 euros and it is shipped free of charge. under you pay to have it shipped to you. They hope
    to have depots set up in Canada by next year also in each country as they open. That way the cost
    to send it to you is less expensive. Those who wish to have it stored in Switzerland can do so without
    added cost.
    No the gold is not resold to others.
    The gold we speak of is embedded in a credit sized card. I have one. It is legal tender. The banks
    will give you cash for it. There is no gold with your name on it. It is simply stored in a secure facility in Switzerland till you need it then shipped to you. As a investor in the cards I will want to keep them with me ,it is your choice to keep them where ever you wish.
    There is a number you can call to request your gold cards be sent to you.
    This company has it's own gold mines and refineries. There is no middle man.
    Drinking tea:cup:


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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  lindabaker Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:22 pm

    Please ask which firm does the shipping for instance FedEx or UPS? and what is the origination place of the selling party? Is the corporation a Swiss, U.S., or other national entity? Is it a subsidiary of any other firm? Where is the gold mine and with what name are they registered? Are there limits on the amount of gold an American citizen may hold in their residence? I am just curious about this because if it is a multi level marketing plan, which is fine, the only thing that bothers me is that you can only take one delivery of gold. I'm against digging more gold out of the planet, anyway. I'm just curious as to this "new mine" and the quality and color of the gold. How can we be sure that this is not some gold that was recently purloined, ha ha! Wouldn't that be the scam of all scams!

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Jenetta Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:48 am

    lindabaker wrote:Please ask which firm does the shipping for instance FedEx or UPS? and what is the origination place of the selling party? Is the corporation a Swiss, U.S., or other national entity? Is it a subsidiary of any other firm? Where is the gold mine and with what name are they registered? Are there limits on the amount of gold an American citizen may hold in their residence? I am just curious about this because if it is a multi level marketing plan, which is fine, the only thing that bothers me is that you can only take one delivery of gold. I'm against digging more gold out of the planet, anyway. I'm just curious as to this "new mine" and the quality and color of the gold. How can we be sure that this is not some gold that was recently purloined, ha ha! Wouldn't that be the scam of all scams!


    To answer one of your questions Linda you can take more then one delivery of gold if you sign a purchase agreement or contract with the company over "X" number of months you want the contract for yourself. A one time delivery is for people who don't want to put money aside each month (into a purchase plan with company) to buy their gold and instead use a lump sum of their own money to purchase gold. Customers can go for another one time delivery down the road with a lump sum to purchase their gold. Ad infinitum.
    The link below is a prerecorded Webinair conference your welcome to listen to:

    Questions that are not answered in your latest posting Linda I'll submit for more information.
    All that glitters is not gold.....................Proverb

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  lindabaker Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:30 am

    Oh, Jen, don't do a lot of work on my behalf. It is curiosity on my part about the way businesses are handling the currency insecurities. I'm not an interested buyer, however, it's good to see what's going on out there! Linda

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Carol Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:59 am

    Where to invest your dollars?

    Gold: can be bought over the internet on ebay and some banks. Go for the smallest coins as they will be easier to divest. Although when I last looked at my one ounce gold coin I thought here I pad $300 for it and now it's worth $1300. That was a good investment.

    Silver is the poor man's gold: I went to the bank and bought up silver dollars and 50 cent pieces (coins do not devalue) and get silver bars... also through ebay

    Convert dollars to Canadian and Swiss money: those governments are stable (We also risked and bought some dinars as they may be a hidden surprise for down the road.)

    Stock: The only two stocks that I'm comfortable with and seem to have a solid base of operations is Wal-Mart and Pepsico (coke)

    Rental Property: It's a buyer's market. If your home is paid for, buy something else to live in and rent what you have for additional investment income. The rent you get from the first property can pay the mortgage on the second property. A mortgage is a good tax write off and helps build assets if done where one property is paid off first.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Carol Tue Oct 05, 2010 1:24 pm

    Gold went up some more. Gold hits record above $1,340 as dollar slides

    LONDON | Tue Oct 5, 2010 12:02pm EDT
    (Reuters) - Gold climbed 1.8 percent, its biggest one-day rise since May 11, to record highs on Tuesday as the dollar fell versus the euro and as recent volatility in the currency markets boosted demand for the metal as a safe store of value.

    An announcement by the Bank of Japan that it would create a pool of funds to buy assets to tackle strength in the yen also helped gold. Moves by major economies to curb strength in their currencies are giving a major lift to the metal.

    Brazil on Monday doubled a tax on foreign investors buying local bonds in an attempt to curb a currency rally that has turned into an issue in the country's presidential race.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : straight ahead

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  lindabaker Tue Oct 05, 2010 6:53 pm

    Carol, I think you have given some good advice. I particularly agree about having real estate. Although there may have been a slide in value of homes in the US recently, real estate is still a good way to have stability as opposed to stock or treasury bonds. At least real estate is tangible...I guess that's why they call it real.

    I would like to add one thing to your very wise list. Maybe it would be best to try to have one property paid off before you mortgage the second home...that way, if things get even tougher, you can at least live in your paid for property.

    And a note to our younger forum members: all this talk of money is probably meaningless to you, but there will be a day that you, or your parents, will be glad to have hard assets as opposed to digits in an account somewhere...

    Posts : 52
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    Location : usa

    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Question:

    Post  superhero Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:20 pm

    I can't help but wonder why would the holders of gold be selling it for dollars when they supposedly know that the dollar is on its way out?
    This letter warns us that the dollar is going to fail and only gold and silver will have value, so buy our gold for dollars? And this message is going on ALL over the place - you can see the ads everywhere - "buy gold from us before the dollar falls" like why would these sellers of gold do this for the future worthless dollar?

    Just thinking out-loud... Question

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  lindabaker Tue Oct 05, 2010 7:28 pm

    Superhero, we like that you are thinking aloud, at least, I do it all of the time on here and I haven't been "bunned" but once or twice, ha ha. I was wondering about the same thing. Perhaps these folks selling the gold are moving the money into other currencies for now. Or, perhaps they are buying up all of the cheap real estate as fast as they can. No matter how the middle class Americans and Europeans look at it, it's a gamble. But it does smell of something fishy because it's what "everybody is doing" which makes me want to run in the other direction, ya know? Linda

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  superhero Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:06 pm

    Same here Linda - when I see the masses going in one direction I go in the other. It is like in a Godzilla movie when everyone is running away from the monster, only to get smashed or ate or thrown over the hill, I am always screaming - RUN AT THE MONSTER not from it! LOL albino

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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Oct 05, 2010 8:45 pm

    So... - just thinking out loud - ... people buy gold & silver in large quantitees & stash it - where?
    Not in a bank I presume.
    Because on D-Day ($-Day), when the dollar drops sharply & a run on the banks start, banks will close down & I'll bet they won't let you empty your deposit locker.

    Or is this the next big bubble - the 'Gold-Bubble'?
    Freedom Ancient One


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    Out of Pocket Wake Up! Empty Re: Out of Pocket Wake Up!

    Post  Carol Thu Oct 07, 2010 11:03 am

    We keep it in a lock box at home. Someone would have to first get by the ducks, then the dog, the cats, the chickens and if all else fails I'll sick my teenager on em.

    Gold is up again:

    $1,366... my lone one ounce gold coin has tripled in value.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Tue May 07, 2024 11:37 pm