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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan


    Posts : 32044
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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  Carol Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:00 am
    Ablast from the past for us who were at PA - Bill in 2010.
    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan: a Project Avalon video

    In 2017, Project Camelot received 11 pages of information from an insider who was physically present at a meeting of Senior Masons in the City of ?.

    "Hmmm. Is the increase in the frequency an indicator for a global geophysical event? With the EMFs that blanket the atmosphere amplified by the spikes in the Earth's frequency colliding with the solar waves coupled with the natural timing of poles shifts, a few eruptions that will create landslides and tsunamis, which will affect the entire world, and the activity of the super volcano under Yellowstone as we enter the Grand Solar Minimum, perhaps this virus is right on schedule according to the information in the video below. (Sharing in case some have not seen it).

    At 20 minutes, Bill Ryan mentions the "flu-like" pandemic that will destroy China and spread to the rest of the world. (This is needed to eliminate China as a partner to Iran/Syria prior to the start of WW3. At 23:45, he mentions that there is a major geophysical event that will occur and this is the reason to develop armies all over the world. The New World Order is how they will rebuild the world to their liking after this event."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
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    Age : 69
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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  mudra Mon Feb 10, 2020 8:21 am

    Interesting. I never viewed that video before.
    Thank you Carol.
    I wish its would be Tartaria though that would rise From its ashes if a global cataclysm is due to happen.

    I wonder if Bill is ever going to present us any other videos.
    In some of the comments below the video I see Bill has become a perfect stranger.

    Love from me

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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  burgundia Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:54 am

    I do not believe that a high ranking military man happened to be at the meeting of high ranking masons by chance. I think that all that information was to be delivered to the public by some means. And Bill Ryan was that means.

    Posts : 23276
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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 11, 2020 6:52 am

    burgundia wrote:I do not believe that a high ranking military man happened to be at the meeting of high ranking masons by chance. I think that all that information was to be delivered to the public by some means. And Bill Ryan was that means.

    IIt would not have been the first time Bill's position was used to deliver a message to the public. Thinking about the Charles scenario here.

    If a global cataclysm is due than the global population will be greatly reduced anyways so as far as I am concerned the explanation he is coming with does not make sense anyways.

    Love from me

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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  Carol Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:55 am

    Ahh, but what is the means of a global cataclysm. Is it the sun with a solar flare kill shot? Is it from the incredibly high Shuman frequencies? Is it the result of super volcanos erupting? Is it through some earthquakes registering over 9? is it a result of astroid impact? Is it the result of a pole shift? Is it bombardment of gamma radiation from space. Is it the galactic wave? Is it from a pandemic? Is it from the effects of Nibiru? is it triggered by the DS/man-made disasters like Fukushima? Or a little bit of all of the above in drips and drabs.

    Given that Major Doom Ed Dames has been talking about the solar kill shot since at least 1995, beginning on the Art Bell show, followed by multiple doom-sayers over the past 25 years, I just don't pay much attention to any of this anymore - other then to be the observer that we're meant to be and record the various events as they unfold here in the mists. I've come to the conclusion that irrespective of the climate changes, the wars, pandemics, etc. that we're meant to make the best of each day and enjoy what we can. Perhaps life is meant to rejoice in what we have - our relationships with each other, the animals, the birds, all the little critters and creatures, nature, the universe. One can choose what to fill their soul with. Beautiful music, colors, nature, sky with sunrises & sunsets - even prayers of appreciation, thanksgiving and gratefulness. Why worry about what could be when there is so much bounty in what is?

    Once I encountered one of those levitating Zen monks who told me that in people hearts that they seek natural beauty. I believed him and have followed that path since - choosing to live in beautiful natural environments. That in itself was liberating. There's nothing like watching the clouds in the sky, the ocean, running water in streams, brooks, rivers and crashing waves on a shoreline, or a whale breaching next to one to heal the soul. Even watching an ant struggle with his heavy load along the wrong path on a hose going up the steps, then realizing he was heading in the wrong direction, only to turn around and head back down to the ground illustrates how consciousness exists in the smallest of living creatures, with each doing their best to survive - and enjoy the planets bounty.

    I don't think that we're meant to worry about any of this. Of course to be forewarned is to be prepared at multiple levels, yet how are we to know what a person's life lesson is meant to be? What may appear to be a bad event or circumstance may be something that they agreed to prior to incarnation, so that their soul can grow and spiritually evolve. Without life challenges how can one understand about another's struggles?  Were also meant to help one another. For example, how many choose willing to be on the 'front lines' of humanity to help keep those they love safe? Operative word 'willing'. Why? Because love can also mean self-sacrifice.

    A human lifespan is short. Our journeys on the planet in 3rd dimension pass quickly depending upon the circumstances. Meaning if one is fulfilling their soul contracts and learning from them life appears to pass more quickly. And can you imagine what's really going on if we are living all of our past lives simultaneously? Or that we can tap into those lives and switch dimensional frequencies? Everything is possible, including altering future events if one knows how. Hence, why worry? Why not choose to be happy instead.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:57 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 23276
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:06 am

    That is beautifully said Carol. Almost sounds as poetry Flowers

    Actually what I have really been appreciating through my journey on Old PA and here in the Mists is people keeping their cool despite the different dramas being reported in all kinds of arenas even the ugliest or most scary ones.
    I have found a caring attitude for humanity, an inquiring type of mind and compassionate one. Overall cool headed researchers and quite advanced beings I would say.
    Because we put our Heart and soul into what we do we found a way to leave fear behind and enjoy presence instead.

    One may think our greatest contribution is all these lies in the world being exposed but our real contribution imho is our impeccability in doing so allowing for the strengh of a peacefull yet determined mind to pervade the world rather than the victory of fear.

    Love from me


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    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  Swanny Tue Feb 11, 2020 1:38 pm

    I'm an Anglo-Saxon jocolor does that mean I'm safe? rabbit

    Posts : 23276
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    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  mudra Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:28 pm

    Swanny wrote:I'm an Anglo-Saxon jocolor  does that mean I'm safe? rabbit

    I would not worry about this Swanny.
    Just be Happy ☺

    Love from me

    Posts : 1185
    Join date : 2010-04-13
    Location : The Shire of Wilts

    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  Swanny Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:44 pm

    I'm always happy Very Happy


    Posts : 32044
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    Location : Hawaii

    The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan Empty Re: The Anglo Saxon Mission, explained by Bill Ryan

    Post  Carol Wed Feb 12, 2020 8:55 am

    mudra wrote:That is beautifully said Carol. Almost sounds as poetry Flowers

    Actually what I have really been appreciating through my journey on Old PA and here in the Mists is people keeping their cool despite the different dramas being reported in all kinds of arenas even the ugliest or most scary ones.
    I have found a caring attitude for humanity, an inquiring type of mind and compassionate one. Overall   cool headed researchers and quite advanced beings I would say.
    Because we put our Heart and soul into what we do we found a way to leave fear behind and enjoy presence instead.

    One may think our greatest contribution is all these lies in the world being exposed but our real contribution imho is our impeccability in doing so allowing for the strengh of a peacefull yet determined mind to pervade the world rather than the victory of fear.

    Love from me

    Thank you mudra. The one thing that was most important to me with this forum was that it was a place where truth was valued, where people could share their truth without fear of being censored or banned. An attitude of mutual respect between the members who post is essential when it comes to promoting harmony within the context of various world-views and experiences.

    So yes, to post and share info without fear is a blessing that exists here and something to be treasured - as it is a beacon of light of how well we can exist peacefully and yet, still be ourselves without compromising our spiritual integrity.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 7:46 pm