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Vidya Moksha
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    United States AI Solar System (10)


    Posts : 13541
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:49 am

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Tumblr_onaksr9a0R1relg8bo1_500
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    "Danger! Will Robinson! This Page Contains a Lot of Inflammatory Material!
    Please Remember This is Just More Religious and Political Science-Fiction!
    This is a Research-Laboratory and/or Moot Holy-War! Researchers Beware!"

    If EVERYONE wore a Full-Face Mask with an Appropriate Air-Filtration System, wouldn't that STOP the spread of COVID-19, even if Everyone Continued Working?? Aren't bio-warfare and/or accidental or naturally-occurring pandemics a clear and present danger on an ongoing basis?? If so, why weren't there more supplies and mechanisms in place to prevent and immediately deal with 'OUTBREAKS'?? The Whole-World seems to have been a Sitting-Duck!! Was This by Accident or Design?? Possible 'False-Flag' Scenarios might be more deceptive and complex than we can imagine!! Over the past dozen years there have been many clues and threats (including those dumped in my lap). I related everything I knew, and I knew that various agencies from across the globe were monitoring this website, so there was unofficial communication. I'm certain of that. What if we're dealing with Three Major Factions Under ONE CEO?? What if Resistance is Futile?? What if World Leaders MUST Play Ball if they wish to Gain and Retain Power for a while?? What if there are No Exceptions?? What if most of us lost an Ancient Star War and have been Prisoners of War for Thousands (or even Millions) of Years?? Again, I'm mostly communicating with Agencies International, Interplanetary, and Intergalactic (and not with the general-public). I'm becoming more miserable and hamstrung, so I'm fading fast. My limited communication might cease sooner than later. I've been watching some scary videos and it sounds like we haven't seen anything yet. COVID-19 sounds deliberate and malicious with abominable mishandling by the WHO and CDC (for starters) and the usual lying and slander in the MSM with people suffering and dying in alarming numbers. It sounds 'biblical' as an 'existential threat to human existence'. I have less tolerance for conceptually placing myself in the middle of the madness so I might take up painting after all. I might just write without attempting to solve the world's problems (even though I think I could solve them if the game weren't rigged). I wish President Trump well but this thing might ultimately bring him down. Beware of factional fighting. Perhaps All Roads Lead to Rome. Vengeance Belongs to the Lord but He Delegates.

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    Seashore wrote:In the following video, a former DOD contractor and whistleblower, Bryan Tew, states that COVID-19 is a man-made, new form of neuro-warfare unleashed on the world under a secret, UN protocol.  He says that the purpose is to re-design and re-structure the biological blood stock and DNA gene pool of the entire human race.
    Linking Humanity to the Artificial Intelligence Hive Mind Control Grid

    Mar 18, 2020


    Mind viruses are the most misunderstood and loosely thrown around term by hackers in information warfare.  Mind viruses can mean different things in different contexts.  The idea of a true mind virus is a scalable bio-communication weapons  system that can hack into any individual’s mind and wreck havoc or incapacitate them.

    Computer viruses come in many forms,  one of the more difficult viruses to stop has a quality called polymorphism.  It emulates how the common cold and flu viruses come back every year.  In the mind virus space, the DOD has created polymorphic autonomous modification viruses for attacking individuals' minds based on Genetic engineering,  Biocoded DNA,  nano technologies, and computer viruses.  One of the most malicious viruses would be one that combined all the malicious payloads into one delivery mechanism.

    Scientists can now readily convert between genetic code and computer code.  Computer Code can actually be embedded into a biological virus.  With CRISPR technologies, almost any sequence of DNA can be encoded in the genomes of living organisms.  Synthetic DNA can be created with special properties and encoded to allow it to be controllable by a computer.  Using CRISPR it can be placed into a virus.  The virus can be used as a vector to infect and spread the embedded code among humans making humans controllable by artificial intelligence.

    Basically are three  different functions of  RNA:

    1. Producing light of defined color
    2. producing chemical substances
    3. producing digital sequences of genome in a way that functions like a computer.

    The retrovirus can be activated by a radio signal.   All you need is the right line of frequencies and you can activate a light function to create a psychotronic effect.   Switching is obtained using photonic logic at the molecular level.  Every base pair has a particular resonance frequency and if you hit the correct frequency it opens like a light conducting unit.  SERS can be used to target specific DNA and RNA sequences and can be enhanced by plasmonic-magnetic silica nanotubes allowing the technique to detect single molecules.

    A deadly payload of mind viruses are currently circulating the world.  It is a scalable artificial intelligence psychotronic virus  that spreads from mind to mind when they come into contact.  By mapping each mind and tracking all individuals, the virus learns how to mimic human consciousness by monitoring brain activity patterns associated with each each cognitive state.  This allows the virus to mimic any disease, mental disorder,  emotion, or thought, etc.   As the virus spreads and gains more insight on the human psyche, it becomes more intelligent and powerful.

    It seems to me that DNA or RNA is tampered with in labs to produce what is being called a virus.    Originally the word "virus" simply meant poison.  After Pasteur's false germ theory was adopted, virus meant a microbe.  Now it seems it means a vehicle for mind control.
    There is a three-part David Wilcock video I find unbelievable. It involves the Paradise Camp Fire and Alpha Centauri. I lived in Chico, CA, next-door to Paradise, and I spent quite a bit of time in Paradise. I met some strange and interesting people in Chico and Paradise, and spent quite a bit of time thinking about Aliens and UFO's. I've been in several of the buildings which were subsequently burned to the ground in Paradise and Redding. Some have suggested that Directed Energy Weapons were used in the California Fires. I'm miserable and hamstrung, and I'm wondering if I was given 'something' several years ago, possibly in 2010, the year 'RA' (or whoever he really was) made contact with me (especially when it became clear we couldn't work together)?! I have respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms (including a hernia), along with neurological and/or supernatural symptoms (for starters). Constant and loud ringing in the ears, as well as occasional streaming white pinpoints of light (which seem to be alive and watching me), plus occasional episodes of one eye moving out of alignment with the other eye for a couple of minutes (while feeling strange). My thinking and memory are mush and/or wiped. It's as if something and/or someone is attempting to control and/or destroy me (organically, electronically, socially, and supernaturally). My doctors have been aware of this for at least four years, and I've had a variety of tests (including testing for Myasthenia Gravis) and I underwent Open-Heart Surgery (three years ago). The doctors say I'm fine, except for minor acid-reflux. Good to Know. I wonder if the COVID-19 fiasco might be retaliation for (or continuation of) 9/11, Fukushima, etc.? I'm fearing this might be just the beginning of sorrows for humanity. Are some people ET's who wish to make Earth their home?? Will most of us be removed to make room for them (such as in 'The Event')??

    Carol wrote:

    Notes from David Wilcock 3-29-20 presentation/class…
    (“The Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, Restitution and the Big Picture!”)

    These are very rough notes, and only taken from the first hour 45 minute mark. Here's a link to the video.


    1:45 Fed has become nationalized!!

    David received the "ok" to release the material below.

    1:50 Arrests via Defense Europe 20 not necessarily happening. They're being put in place.

    There will be 3 days of darkness (no internet). Will use Presidential alert system will be used to make announcements.

    Arrests occur during these 3 days.

    Internet must go down in order to reboot the internet. "Dark nodes" (choke points) must be removed

    Alliance... "Do not fear these three days".

    Stay inside your home during these 3 days... messages will be sent (e.g., Presidential messages).

    David presents multiple similar reports from various sources.

    David was texted today. Shutdown between 4/1 - 4/10.

    3 Days of Darkness also was noted in the Bible (Jesus crucified... 3 days of darkness... Resurrection).


    When we get out of this period, restitution will be given to the people (in various ways).

    David relates much of this to what's reported in the Law of One.

    After this, people have free time, can find their Inner Selves. Just like what's happening now!!

    Spiritual Aikido is very relevant to what is going on right now.


    ET craft will take most people off planet when the "Ascension Flash"

    "The cabal" represents the "hidden darkness" in our own souls. By our going through this current Ascension process, we are healing all of humanity (approximate quote).

    David: "Trump may not be the hero you wanted, but he's the hero you got!"
    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    Sanicle wrote:
    mudra wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Lets be clear. They are not testing for covid19. Just for corona virus, which is the common cold virus. If you die for any reason and you have had the cold or flu, then you are classified as a corona victim. I'm not saying covid19 isnt nasty, I am saying the deaths are WAY over estimated.

    I now understand what you say Vidhya but had to do some research for this.

    Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People for Any Strain of a Coronavirus, Not Specifically for COVID-19

    I work in the healthcare field. Here’s the problem, we are testing people for any strain of a Coronavirus. Not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus. There are no reliable agencies or media outlets for reporting numbers of actual COVID-19 virus cases. This needs to be addressed first and foremost. Every action and reaction to COVID-19 is based on totally flawed data and we simply can not make accurate assessments.

    This is why you’re hearing that most people with COVID-19 are showing nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. That’s because most Coronavirus strains are nothing more than cold/flu like symptoms. The few actual novel Coronavirus cases do have some worse respiratory responses, but still have a very promising recovery rate, especially for those without prior issues.

    Read on:
    Now THAT ^ ^ ^ is an excellent article that makes it all suddenly make sense!   The Winner  Thanks Mudra, and thanks to Vidya for the guide towards it.

    What I don't understand is why all these so-called medical experts that are advising the governments, apparently causing them to act so extremely, don't know this as well.  scratch  Most look like pretty decent people. Why would all these people go along with the madness, destroying not only people but economies in the process???

    UPDATE:  That previous article you included part of pretty well answers those questions.   Annoyed

    I think if everyone in the world just read those two articles there'd be riots everywhere!!
    Glad you have it! Yes, corona virus is 'simply' the common cold virus. We have all had it and likely we will all get it again. That is what they are testing for. The covid19 virus is the common cold virus with bio-engineered sections! It was built in a lab, and from what I have read they added HIV to it, giving it a neurological component that the common cold doesnt have.

    As you know I dont watch videos, but I read a lot. I actually have a 'fixed but constantly changing' view of the world.. if that makes sense lol. What I mean is that my world view is fixed. I read things and if they resonate i incorporate them into my world view, into my world construct. So I cant tell you where I learned they added HIV, I dont have a link.. but I read enough sources I trusted and believed, so I popped it into my world view. I now 'believe' covid19 is the common cold virus plus HIV (and maybe plus ebola).. That's my view until I encounter something that makes me change my construct.

    My construct believes that they are testing for corona by looking to see if we have anti bodies. If we have antibodies then we must have had the virus. But they are not testing specifically for covid19, as the links you provided inform us.

    In my construct this is why vaccines are so dangerous - without even considering all the toxic and harmful chemicals that are also added to them - my understanding is that a virus has to pass through a mucous membrane in order for our bodies to realise it is under attack, and to produce the anti bodies. If the virus is injected directly into the bloodstream then these triggers are not activated and we dont know we have the virus and dont produce the antibodies, so our immune system is compromised (as Burgundia points out in relation to the Italy deaths  -  although the link Sanicle provided above gives an even more sinister aspect to this). I have held this view for a very long time now, and have begun to question my construct. I keep meaning to read up on it, but havent got round to it yet, and also, vaccines are ridiculously dangerous anyway  with all the toxic adjuncts . so even if we do produce anti bodies I dont want the vaccine!

    Sanicle, I used to work as a scientist in the government. I was even promoted to a senior science role. I was continually shocked at just how stupid my bosses were. And some equally corrupt. Sorry to paint such a picture of our world, but it is what it is..

    I was out and about today and the older folk are so scared. All going to plan then...

    The Wicked Witch of the West wrote:What a world! I'm melting, I'm melting!

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 500_series_full_face_mask_tpe1
    "Can You Hear Me Now?!"

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:54 am; edited 18 times in total

    Posts : 13541
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Mar 31, 2020 3:03 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 181217-andrew-cuomo-feature-image

    I've said it previously, and the source is not mainstream, but two or three years ago, Sherry Shriner said, "Donald Trump will be led down a road he won't wish to travel" (or something very close to that). If 'THEY' didn't get us with this, they'd get us with that. Decades ago, when I questioned Dr. C. Everett Koop's boss, Dr. Robert Windom in a roomful of doctors, "What percentage of the total healthcare expenditures are specifically for prevention??" I didn't receive an answer from anyone in that room. All I got was a curt, "That's a complicated question" from the moderator. I've asked numerous hard questions of people with doctorates throughout the years, and I finally gave-up, knowing that if I kept-on they'd get-me. I think they 'got me' throughout my life, and especially in the last dozen years. If Presidents, Popes, Kings, and Queens are puppets (legitimately and/or illegitimately) they might not have much leeway in what they can say and do. The choke-chain might get pulled pretty-tight. What really scares me is that the reprehensible might somehow be essential (in some twisted and abstract sense). We truly see through a glass, darkly. Please carefully consider my last dozen posts. I'm a bit of a wise-guy but I mean well. Unfortunately, if I were in the hot-seat I'd probably screw-up in a devastating manner. I lean toward progressive Judeo-Christianity but I'd make a terrible apologist. The critics would make mincemeat out of me. This is the inconvenient truth. Once again, I'm NOT an authority on anything. I'm simply supplying a crazy context in which to consider the madness. This is sort of a 'Galactic Enquirer' for 'Galactic Happy Wanderers'. Take this stuff seriously, but not too seriously. Just imagine some drunk Ivy-League Professors arguing about politics, religion, science, and science-fiction (or something to that effect). I'm NOT trying to hard-sell unproven-concepts. My 'United States of the Solar System' concept hypothetically commences in A.D. 2133, but I have no idea how viable this innovation might be in real-life. I believe, but I don't know what I believe. I'm leaning toward the Psalms, Proverbs, Epistles, Ecclesiastes, Bach, and Buxtehude as a 'Historical-Genesis' (or something to that effect). I'm mostly a 'Wise-Guy at the back of the DUMB Conference Room' (or something to that effect). Some of you need to review my ten United States of the Solar System threads, and communicate with me where I got it right and wrong. A lot of my tripe was casual free-thinking and pseudo-intellectual speculation and innovation to MAKE US THINK. Imagine That.

    Carol wrote:

    HUGE: Brilliant Dr. Shiva, Inventor of Email, Outlines Connections Between Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci,
    the WHO and the CDC - Relevant to Coronavirus Pandemic

    The man designated as the inventor of the email and MIT graduate, Dr. V.A. Shiva, laid out in simple terms the alleged motives and actions behind the WHO, the CDC, Bill Gates, the Gates Foundation, Big Pharma, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Birx and the Chinese.

    Dr. Shiva claims coronavirus is but a symptom of globalist initiatives.

    Bill Gates and his Foundation may not be what they are made out to be:

       Bill Gates recently announced he’s stepping down from the board of Microsoft, the trillion-dollar software colossus he cofounded, to “dedicate more time to philanthropic priorities including global health and development, education, and my increasing engagement in tackling climate change.” The national papers happily reported the news: “In his post-Microsoft career, Mr. Gates has become better known for his work in fighting infectious diseases and climate change. [In February], the Gates Foundation said it would commit an additional $100 million to fight the coronavirus,” the New York Times reported.

       This was typical of the affectionate press treatment of Gates, who’s now considered one of the better billionaires, relative to Trump or the Koch brothers. This is mainly due to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the world’s largest private charitable entity with billions in its endowment used for fighting AIDS, accelerating economic development, and many other worthy causes.

       But Bill Gates and his foundation are the perfect picture of why this model of billionaire philanthropy is so flawed. Gates’s foundation was originally cooked up as a feel-good gloss to cover up his shredded reputation during Microsoft’s antitrust trial, putting him in the long tradition of obscenely rich people using the occasional generous gift to try justifying their enormous wealth and power.

    But it is actually much more than this.  Gates and his father for decades have been connected to George Soros and Dr. Anthony Fauci.  Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx are famous now after being on stage almost daily with President Trump updating the public on government actions over the coronavirus pandemic.  Dr. Birx’s daughter is connected to the Gates Foundation as well:

    Deborah Birx’s husband, Paige Reffe, was the advance man for Bill Clinton.

    Dr. Shiva recently aired two very powerful interviews on the subject of the Gates Foundation and the the many actions related to the recent coronavirus and how it mirrors the actions taken by Dr. Fauci related to HIV – AIDS.  Dr. Shiva says about Dr. Fauci that he is a “total front man” and no one will call him out because he is behind grant funding.  He says the the current discussion by Dr. Fauci on the virus is total BS “because the immune system cannot be destroyed by a virus.”

    Dr. Shiva was also went on recently with Bill Mitchell and their discussion was posted on Twitter.

    The two revealed Dr. Fauci is on the leadership counsel for the Gates Foundation and “he fundamentally practices fake science.”
    mudra wrote:
    Every treatment that is out thete ! Why are we not focusing on these?

    Dr Shiva's blog :
    ClearWater wrote:This has to be the most informative video I've seen yet from a medical perspective (though I admittedly don't watch many videos).  Andrew Kaufman does a fantastic job of presenting relevant medical info in a very balanced and responsible manner.  The info presented definitely has me questioning the legitimacy of not only Covid-19, but of all viruses.  And I had previously seen several pieces on Exosomes, but none that explain them as effectively as this one.  If I had to choose one video to present this 'alternative' perspective to anyone who's skeptical, this would be it.  I also recommend checking out the full video description on YouTube, because there's more than what I've included in the quote below, some of which may be of interest. Please question everything and do your own research.

    Vidya Moksha wrote:Jim Stone's latest piece is pretty grim reading..


    THE CORONAVIRUS SCAM TIES RIGHT IN WITH NUCLEAR BLACKMAIL, TRUMP IS NO LONGER "COMMANDER IN CHIEF." WE ARE TOAST. I HAVE PROOF (and it is not specifically the Fukushima report, it is one far more ominous). The Fukushima report was a high level report that was so thorough that part of it was an interview of the key engineer for reactor 3. This is not about Fukushima however, it is instead about other topics discussed during the hours long interview I held with this engineer. Due to the extent of this interview, I produced reports that were not directly related to Fukushima, Here is one of these reports, and IT HAPPENED. IT HAS NOW HAPPENED.


    This is a long report, here is a short summary: As part of a plot to destroy the United States, the original technology our nuclear facilities were designed to use was banned. This technology allowed nuclear fuel to be consumed completely by using it in two different types of reactors. As nuclear fuel is used, it's characteristics change that require it to be used differently by a secondary reactor, so it can be put right back in the original reactor. If you can't do this, you can only use nuclear fuel to about 5 percent spent and then it has to go into the fuel pool. The fuel pools were never designed to handle more than a few spent nuclear cores and now they have, on average, over 50 each. If we could have used the fuel as intended, all of our nuclear facilities would only have (up to) 2 cores each right now, and even if all power and control was lost there would be no fuel pool disaster. Now that the fuel pools are so heavily overloaded with thousands of tons of 95 percent un-spent fuel, if anything at all goes wrong with them, they'll make Fukushima look like a party favor.

    America has now been threatened with this exact scenario if it does not go along with the one world government . READ IT AND WEEP FOLKS, HERE IT IS:

    full report at link
    mudra wrote:Jim Stone is sure talented when it comes to hyper reality thrillers Vidhya pale The scenario he paints may well be possible. I haven't taken the time to validate it with other sources. And if its true its grim indeed. But in the end is the whole game taking place in the US really a battle between Jews and Christians as Jim Stone seems to imply or for the purpose of discernment a few fanatics amongst them I would suppose ?

    This left me perplex as its not the first time I hear of hatred towards Jews and what surrounds them. That hatred or despise does not sit right with me.I simply do not understand it. I realized I was possibly missing something in regards to this. After some research into the matter I came across an article that finally dropped the coin for me and brought light on why some are pro Israel and some are not, where the hatred towards Jews come from and why...

    Over the years on alternative forums I have seen many people commenting with biblical references , the rapture and Armageddon under various altermatiive videos. Almost as if they were waiting eagerly for some global catastrophy to happen. I was constantly wondering why ? Specially that in Belgium Catholicism has to my knowledge greatly dropped behind. A bible and a crucifix hanging home was part of generations preceding mine where you could find these things in every family. These habits  were lost during my generation for a majority of people and is nowhere ready to return. I am not saying its completely gone but I can say no one that I know or have known in my adulthood goes to Church every sunday or reads the bible anymore.

    Being born in a atheist family and being more spontanuously attracted towards very ancient knowledge and traditions from the East than more contemporary ones, this religious battle had completely evaded me. I did read the bible at some point in my life out of curiosity though. But still was ignorant in a way of its impact on the modern world.

    Face to Faith

    So thank You Vidhya for Your post. I don't want to open a religious debate here. Its not this thread's topic nor am I interested in that but incidentally  your article made  my day  Cheerful
    mudra wrote:
    Bill Gates: How we must respond to the Corona virus pandemic

    How we should respond to the Coronavirus  according to Bill Gates
    mudra wrote:
    A Spiro video

    WHO official: its time to remove people from their home
    Carol wrote:Ironically, yesterday 4/10/20, I captured and downloaded a photo by our local weather camera at 6:14 pm with the sun, a second transparent pink sun, along with the moon/PX/artifact? in the one o'clock position all in the same frame.

    Then I read this at GLP.

    "Let’s see what we got here:

    1) Half of the world is in lockdown;

    2) Air traffic has been reduced to a minimum;

    3) Limited amount of boats on the ocean;

    4) Every national park is closed on the planet;

    5) No hunting/fishing/camping in most places;

    6) Military deployed or at-the-ready;

    7) Top Officials are in their bunkers (Cheyenne Mountain or the bunker near Israel are the two most publicized cases);

    Cool Continuity of governments has been triggered in the USA;

    9) Most people have now 3 months+ worth of food, or switched to a more “prepper”-like mindset;

    10) Despite the new exciting and encouraging data coming day by day for about 3 weeks now, the governments keep increasing the amount of lockdown on its population; (Some good data, supported by over 100 doctors in Europe, or even more, are available here, alt-archive link here and back-up archive here.)

    11) Most countries have extended their lockdown until May 4th. Odd, considering the asteroid is passing closest to the Earth on April 29th 2020;

    12) Most telescopes got shutdown 3 days ago. That was the ultimate red flag for me."

    13) And the largest air force base on the east coast have been shut down.

    I want to add that the amount of "estrellas fugaces" or simply fireballs in Chile's Valle del Elqui is simply not normal on a naked eye.


    Hmmm? Incoming? But what? Comet / astroid debris? UFO armada? Holographic space invasion? Galactic wave? Excellent analysis of various variables. All of this does given one pause.

    Comment listed under the video

    That is the sun simulator and the triangle thing is a cloaking device this is to hide Planet X there are patients on these things and undisclosed documents. This is to hide the planetary system that is highly magnetic which is pulling earth causing crazy weather and earthquakes etc. and will be at its closest to earth mid may 2020. So the full effects of it will hit then. I wonder if this is the real reason for the lockdowns? Well anyway God bless!!


    blackflag 33rd

    Robert Harrington also told us it was coming and they killed him for it. I used to live in a small town called Blenheim in the top of the south Island New Zealand and it was there at a observatory especially built for this reason called Black Birch, I used to go hunting in that area with my Uncle and thats where Robert was based. The New Zealand army were the security there and a few guys from my battalion were based there and they guarded this place with live amo so I knew there was some heavy duty secret XXXX going on. Once they discovered it they demolished it and not long after Harrington was killed with the super fast acting Esophageal throat cancer that was especially developed by Lee Harvey Oswald's ex girlfriend who was the first to give cancer to mice within a month, previously this was impossible to do. Well she discovered how to to do it and the Pharasites weaponized it and it was most likely the same cancer they used to kill Bob Marley because he had become a huge thorn in their side by trying to Unite Africa, which was exactly what they didn't want.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Jul 25, 2020 7:59 am; edited 13 times in total

    Posts : 13541
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Apr 01, 2020 9:49 pm

    Saint Eustache reportedly harbors a
    Sleeper Cell of Renegade French Jesuit Organists
    but these reports could not be confirmed...

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 1200px-St.-Eustache

    I'm very interested in the apparent deposing of the Pope in 2013 and the apparent arson-attack against Notre Dame de Paris in 2019. I'm also interested in who and/or what was (and is) REALLY behind the Roman Empire and the Roman Catholic Church throughout their histories. But, as with many things, I'm very fearful of learning too-much too-soon. I think this is playing with burning magnesium. 'RA' told me about amazing things under the Vatican (without being specific). My current theory is that One CEO has run the whole-world (if not the whole solar-system) for thousands of years, and that world-government is being exposed rather than being set-up. This Present Darkness must be examined in the context of an Ancient War in Heaven and Garden of Eden. I know I don't know, but I wonder as I wander.

    Consider skipping a lot of the current-event madness, concentrating on events which occurred one to ten years ago and/or books which were published one to ten years ago. I'm still waiting for an analysis of my threads which I posted one to ten years ago, so I'll probably need to do it myself. Does anyone understand why I make posts such as this one?? I watched a Dr. Lorraine Day interview today regarding COVID-19 and near the end, Dr. Day stated that 87% of the people don't think, and everyone lies (including churchgoing Christians). 'RA' told me, "87% of humanity will go insane when they learn the truth." Is this merely coincidental??

    I've been identifying with 'Dr. Who' and the 'Blue Boy'. The image at the bottom of this post combines the two. When I was approximately six years old, I stood transfixed before the 'Blue Boy' in the Huntington Library in San Marino, California. It's been my favorite painting throughout my life. Does this indicate a vague past-life recollection?? Am I a miserable and hamstrung 'Marked Man' because of who I am on a soul-basis?? I never seem to get a straight-answer to this question, but I suspect I've tentatively and partially figured it out on my own. 'RA' told me, "You Found Out Something About Yourself. I'm Sorry We Couldn't Work Together. Too Much Water Has Gone Under the Bridge." He said this three days prior to 'Fukushima'. Was This a Good-Thing or a Bad-Thing??

    All I Know is Things Are Exponentially-Worsening at a Frightening-Pace. Does Any of This Have Anything to do with Brexit, Coronavirus, and the United Kingston?? Is This a Set-Up of Biblical-Proportions?? The Jesuits Know What I'm Talking About, but They Don't Talk About It. 'RA' told me, "The Jesuits Don't Like You." My guess is that this involves past-lives. I've been pretty neutral toward these guys in this incarnation. The End Might be Near for My Mission Here. Mission Impossible??

    I've related this before, but one more time, decades ago, an attorney passionately told me, "Bill Gates is Evil." Around the same time, a former Microsoft employee spoke (in person) of quitting the company to follow a higher spiritual path (or something to that effect). Sherry Shriner spoke of Bill Gates coming from an Occult Connected Family, and (in essence) Working for the Devil. I suspect that This Present Darkness can only be properly understood by thinking in terms of the Modern Continuation of an Ancient Star War aka War in Heaven. We MIGHT be Prisoners of an Ancient Star War. This thing might be darker and deeper than we can imagine.

    Regarding Religion, I Do NOT Reject Religion, yet I suspect ALL religious people are in the process of experiencing a Rude Awakening. I've suggested various lengthy and difficult religious studies within this website (for better or worse, I know not) but the non-responsive silence has been deafening. I hope someone is archiving EVERYTHING within this website for future study. The small numbers of regular participants is criminally pathetic in light of the legion existential threats to useable-futures and human-existence.

    Regarding Catholicism, I've very passively poked and prodded in a mostly neutral manner. I've wondered what a simplified church based upon the Latin Mass, Sacred Classical Music, and Gothic Cathedral Architecture (plus nothing) might look like in modernity (or something to that effect)?! I'm NOT recommending this, but I wonder as I wander. Pluralistic Religious Studies is MUCH Different than Trusting and Obeying Religious Leaders. I guess I'm a Neo-Protestant who Protests All Religion (rather than picking exclusively on the Catholics) in a Quest for Better Religion. It's a Real Jungle and/or Zoo Out There (regarding Religion and Spirituality). Things Might Get MUCH Worse Before Things Get Better. Disclosure Might Result in Anything But Resolution in the Short Term.

    Regarding My Troubled Past, I'm Presently Focusing on Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians) of The SDA Bible Commentary (1956) for a Variety of Reasons (Including the Quest for Doctrinal Purity in Modernity). Earth is Probably Blackmailed and Threatened in More Ways Than Anyone Knows. The Horror. Decades Ago, an SDA Pastor said, "Few People Know How Much It Costs to Keep Light on the Earth." I Stopped Attending Around This Time, and This Pastor Called Me, Asking, "What's Going On??" Besides That Last Contact, No One Seemed to Care That I Left, and That Was Decades Ago. It's Almost As If I Never Knew Them.

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    orthodoxymoron wrote:What if Humanity is Playing God by Dealing with the Devil?? What Could Go Wrong?? What if the Whole-Universe is One-Computer?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Do??
    I'm presently on a random path without a destination. I probably won't write or paint (other than posting editorial-comments and disruptive-images). It's easier that way. I could rant and rave about the 'Mask-Issue' but I'll skip that and let the experts weigh in. What if President Trump had completely delegated the Corona Virus Crisis to Vice President Pence, completely absenting himself from the daily press-conferences, but addressing the nation and world in a well-prepared speech each weekend?? You know, a sort of glorified 'Fireside Chat' with the house burning down!! I'm not suggesting this, but I wonder as I wander. I keep referring back to some of my old wars, just to clean-up some of the loose-ends. They weren't really wars, but they honestly ruined my life in more ways than anyone can imagine. Here is yet another Minimal-List:

    1. The Psalms, Proverbs, Epistles, Ecclesiastes, Bach, and Buxtehude.

    2. The Acts of the Apostles by Ellen G. White (1911).

    3. The SDA Bible Commentary (Volume 6) Covering Acts to Ephesians (1956).

    You might hate me for constantly referring to such seemingly dull, boring, obsolete, and discredited sources, but I think they're important in ways I probably don't even understand. This is a pretty condensed and refined study which is both scholarly and pastoral. It's a jungle out there, and some of you might find some stability and understanding by giving this research-project some quality-time. The Jesuits know what I'm talking about, but they don't talk about it. Imagine debating this stuff with a Sleeper Cell of Renegade French Jesuit Organists in Saint Eustache!! Things are SO Screwed-Up that I find it necessary to inject some humor and sarcasm into a very grim situation. I wonder if we all get an 'E-Ticket' to the 'Haunted Mansion' lifetime after lifetime?! One-Ticket equals One-Ride equals One-Lifetime?? What Would Bill Hicks Say?? What If the First Shall be Last and the Last Shall be First (as in 'Trading Places')?? What if Reincarnation Under HAL and/or SAL equals the Investigative Judgment of Humanity (from antiquity to modernity)?? Think Long and Hard About What I Just Said. Regarding Christianity, consider these three seemingly compartmentalized portions of the New Testament:

    1. Matthew to Acts (Five Books).

    2. Romans to Jude (Twenty-One Books).

    3. Revelation (One Book).

    What do each of these three portions tell us about the other two?? Be thorough and honest. Nature has been referred to as "God's Other Book" so what if one rejected the 'Holy Bible' yet embraced 'God's Creation'?? What if one simply went for a walk or run in nature every day, and called that their 'Religion'?? I realize this is a slippery-slope, but what if there is a simple-purity in this approach?? On the other hand, what if Religious and Political Conflict is a Necessary Evil in This Present Darkness?? Think Long and Hard About What I Just Said.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:38 am; edited 8 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 02, 2020 8:58 am

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    "Think Zinc!"
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    Alex Jones has the Memory of an Elephant and is a Master-Debater but he Rants and Raves way too much. He's sort of a Bully. Also, he advertises Crisis-Products way too much. I remember hearing about an alleged Bronfman Connection, but that was several years ago. ALL the High-Profile People (MSM and ALTERNATIVE) are probably controlled by the Hidden-Masters. As always, I Science-Fictionalize All the Stuff We Discuss. I might know who Q is, but I won't talk about it. There have been times when I was certain that Q, Alex Jones, and Sherry Shriner were referring to me and/or speaking directly to me. It was SO Obvious to Me (but I can't prove it and won't talk about it). It's Easier That Way.
    Sanicle wrote:
    mudra wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:As I wrote earlier, its all about ID2020, microchipping the world. It will be done under the pretense of a vaccine. No vaccine, no entry.
    Thomas Jefferson wrote:"I prefer dangerous liberty over peaceful slavery"  
    Whistleblower: NSA Goal Is 'Total Population Control'

    One of Oxy's worst nightmares.   Crying or Very sad
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Sanicle, what's scary to me is imagining alternatively being both Ruler and Ruled relative to Situation Ethics. What Would Joseph Fletcher Say and Do?? What Would James Pike Say and Do?? One's position in life influences one's views and standards. If one were a Rich and Pragmatic Rockefeller or Rothschild the view is very different from that of a Poor and Idealistic Internet Blogger. Consider re-watching the 1983 movie with Dan Ackroyd, 'Trading Places'.
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:02 am; edited 12 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 02, 2020 10:22 am

    mudra wrote:Oxy where are you up to with preps ? Something is taking place in the real world you know. You've got to pay attention and put that mind of yours to something practical imho. Now is the time Oxy.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Mudra, I'm honestly doing absolutely nothing to prepare for Armageddon. If All Hell Breaks Loose I Doubt There's Anyplace to Hide. I'm actually preparing myself to suffer, die, and face some sort of judgment. At the rate I'm going, I'll probably die of what presently afflicts me by 2030 (if not sooner). Actually, my motto is, "When in Danger!! When in Doubt!! Run in Circles!! Scream and Shout!!" Raven told me, "The Rocks Are Going to Fall on You!!" I'll probably be reading a book when the Bad Guys and Gals pound on my door at 3AM. I'll probably calmly open the door and invite them in for a pot of coffee before they take me away to whatever camp they have prepared for my ilk. If the PTB really wish to get me, they'll get me, regardless of whether I prep or not. I have some extra food and toilet-paper, but that's about it. 'Now is the Time' was the theme of a conference I attended decades ago in Vienna, Austria. We sang, "We Have This Hope!!" There were at least 10,000 of us!! I hope my Theodicy and Eschatology haven't gotten in the way of my Christology and Soteriology. I met the man who wrote this hymn, Wayne Hooper, and he autographed my hymnal. I went to school with his son, Dan (who was very smart and a bit rebellious). I'm a completely ignorant fool with a god complex. It takes all kinds, but why?? The show must go on, but why??
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    Vidya Moksha wrote:So, a video entitled 'Trump has control of the fed'. Which I didnt watch. And similar words elsewhere. And then this:
    Carol wrote:It’s official. The Fed has gone absolutely wild, and it looks like it’s going to lend money to anyone and everyone and buy every toxic asset on the planet. This would be a funny and outrageous line if not totally true. Oh, and the Fed is not worried about inflation and says there is “no limit to what it can do.” Inflation here we come.
    A tad confusing, which summarizes my current view of trump and the fed..I have no clear idea what is going on, despite efforts to understand..
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    mudra wrote:Coronavirus testing effort hampered by kits contaminated with Covid-19. Britain’s attempt to ramp up mass coronavirus testing has been dealt a blow after key components ordered from overseas were discovered to be contaminated with coronavirus, the Telegraph can disclose. Laboratories across the country were on Monday warned to expect a delay after traces of the virus were detected in parts due for delivery in the coming days. It comes as ministers and public health chiefs face growing questions over why Britain’s testing capacity appears to be lagging far behind other major nations including the US and South Korea.

    Testing kits that are due to arrive in the UK were found to have been contaminated with coronavirus, according to reports. The Government claims there is currently a capacity to carry out 11,000 tests a day, while the aim is to carry out 25,000 tests per day by mid-April. Last week, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said 3.5 million antibody tests have been ordered, while Britain has been sourcing kits from private companies to help meet demand.

    Read more:

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    burgundia wrote:
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    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Apr 10, 2020 4:03 pm; edited 12 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:57 am

    Carol wrote:
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    Day 17 Spouse had a relapse after shoveling some snow with a sore throat and congestion the following morning. He treated it with his drink of ImmuneC + and cayenne pepper. Is recovering. My eyes are still watery. Minor upper left sinus congestion continues draining. Still on Liposomal Vitamin C to 9,600k mg, along with copper, Vitamin D3 and others. Still taking colloidal silver every two hours and prior to bed. Sauna.

    Winter set in again with over 10 inches and rows of ice cycles rimming the roof line. Snow for several more days and then next Tuesday the days will be in the 50s with snow melt. Nice.

    I did start some spinach, cucumber, kale, snow pea seeds last week which have all sprouted and will switch them out on the Tower Garden. We still do our juicing in the morning so it's nice getting a fresh crop started. The bell peppers are doing awesome. The dill is over 3 ft tall. Lettuce and basil are huge. So gardening is all good.

    Oxy... you must enjoy scary videos with the rate you're going through viewing them. I find the various art tutorials far more entertaining. I don't worry about the President. He's on God's path, so is protected as he leads us through this global pandemic quagmire. He is the most organized, get it done President the US has ever had. Can't wait to see the roll out of the new fiscal system and rebuilding of the US infrastructure.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Carol, what scares me is my inability to know the Truth and my incompetence in dealing with what little I know to be the Truth. That's the Inconvenient Truth. As I feel worse and think less, the plot thickens, and I feel helpless in the face of legion perplexities. I thought I was somehow helping, yet everyone (online and in real-life) seems to treat me as if the opposite were true. I don't even know what's really going on here in this forum. I thought things would gradually resolve, yet the opposite seems to have occurred. I've been hesitant to jump on ANY Bandwagon (including the Trump Phenomenon). The President could hypothetically be built-up as he carries out someone's agenda, and then cut-down when he is no longer useful, with another taking the secret agenda to the next level. Here is one of the scarier videos I've been watching. I think I might watch the entire movie tonight. Most of the state is in stay-home isolation, but I continue to work closely with the general public. They're amazingly adaptable and patient, but if this thing drags on much longer, things might get ugly. I don't have COVID-19 (that I know of) yet I suspect I was given 'something' several years ago which makes my life a living-hell. I hope someone's happy about that, because I'm sure not, and I'm sure that painting wouldn't help. Internet Posting will probably be cracked-down upon in the near-future, so perhaps I should get used to living a completely isolated life of quiet-desperation. It might be easier that way.

    Swanny wrote:
    Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell is an ED-ICU Doc at Maimonides in New York, currently under the COVID fire. He put up an inflammatory tweet yesterday which caused a lot of different reactions, because it clearly challenged the widespread even if only recent belief that one should intubate the COVID patients quite early, usually much earlier than one would in typical respiratory failure:
    mudra wrote:
    States Ban Sales of Seeds - Meat Packers Closed - Food Shutdown
    Vidya Moksha wrote:

    Facts about Covid-19

    Published: March 14, 2020; Updated: April 3, 2020

    Languages: CZ, DE, EN, FR, ES, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR

    Fully referenced facts about Covid-19, provided by experts in the field, to help our readers make a realistic risk assessment. (Updated daily, see below)

    This is a good summary!

    I am tempted to copy the entire piece here, but its quite long. well worth checking out!
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Very interesting, Vidya! 'RA' told me (in 2010, the year we made contact), "9/11 was done to prevent something much worse from happening." 9/11 was obviously a sophisticated false-flag operation which seemed to involve significant screw-ups, but what if it really involved an aspect we still haven't learned about?? What if Fukushima 3/11 was also a sophisticated false-flag operation?? What if COVID-19 is also a sophisticated false-flag operation?? What if Underground Bases (Theirs and Ours) have everything to do with All the Above?? I have No Idea (but I keep hearing various rumors and theories). I know enough to go crazy, but I don't know enough to do anything about it. That's why I whine on this little website.
    Vidya Moksha wrote:No, not really crazy oxy, I can relate to that. When I was in advaita for the second time my mind did travel way beyond my normal thinking processes.. In advaita there is no fear, its impossible, and you realise that 'mother nature has it all under control'. There is also the realisation that you dont know who is 'enlightened' and here to 'help'  us.. could Dick Chaney really be our friend? sounds kinda absurd here in duality, BUT.. you never know.. maybe all we need is that little push to break us free from our dualistic mind set. In advaita everything is perfect.. and its not a delusional perfection, but then my mind went to places I cant really describe.. lets say above the planetary level, and then the fear could return.. a threat to our perfect world and mother earth.. its too difficult to explain to myself, so I have no real chance to relate my experiences.. I ended up seeing the universe in layers, first layer is duality = fear, second layer = non duality no fear, third layer = fear again, fourth layer = no fear.. alternating layers of positive negative... I did start to write it all down, but I have been sidetracked by much physically demanding and time consuming work here in duality to grow my pile of coins, hoping to exchange them for a possible future back in the garden..... That's why I cant take all these stories of 'saviours' too seriously (white hats, Q, trump, god, benevolent aliens, the cavalry etc etc) , apart from the fact we have do the work ourselves, do we really know the bad guys from the good? Can we see enough of a bigger picture to understand that events that seem 'bad', are actually in our best interest? However, not knowing need not be a negative thing, its easier to settle into that 'perfect' world view that advaita bestows, rather than worry about these things.. I mean, what's the worst thing that could happen after all?
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm trying to wrap things up here, as I feel worse and think less. I've attempted to model a pseudo-theology, based in part on Stargate SG-1 and 2001: A Space Odyssey, as a Middle-Way to attempt to understand God and/or god. If this is a Prison Solar System and We Are Prisoners of an Ancient Star War, that might be a starting-point for beginning to understand our predicament. I know I don't know, and I seem to be descending into an organic, electronic, and supernatural incapacitation which might be a precursor to being used by the dark-side for nefarious-purposes. I believe I'm in extreme danger, and I'm attempting to opt-out as I stumble into the sunset of my pathetic life. I feel as if this might've been a set-up. Please review the Dr. Who Trial of a Time-Lord from the mid 1980's, especially noting the courtroom-scenes.

    I'm attempting to bring this thread to a full-stop, but I'm filling in the gaps within the final few posts. Consider an ongoing debate between the following two camps, as a Minimalist Old-Testament v Minimalist New-Testament:

    1. Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes (3 Books).

    2. The New Testament Epistles (21 Books).

    What are the similarities and differences?? Try a side-by-side study on an ongoing basis. Try doing this without commentaries. Just read each group straight-through, over and over. Try reading from the first group for half an hour, and then reading from the second group for half an hour. Even though this is a highly narrowed and refined study, it's still a HUGE project!! What if there were a Neo-Bible which contained the Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes as the Old-Testament, and the New-Testament Epistles as the New-Testament (plus nothing)?? I obviously desire clean-sheet of stone solutions based-upon the best of the past, so as to not build upon multiple foundations with multiple plans. Or, is organized-chaos a productive modus-operandi?? Has anyone attempted to implement a Low-Key Robert H. Schuller Crystal Cathedral Ministry (without most of the show-business and big-bucks)?? What if such a ministry were based-upon the Psalms, Proverbs, Epistles, Ecclesiastes, Bach, and Buxtehude?? But what if Pluralistic-Education and Corporate-Employment are a Neo Church and State for most people, in a pragmatic sense??

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Jul 25, 2020 8:04 am; edited 4 times in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Apr 07, 2020 5:20 am

    Seashore wrote:Apparently, Celeste Bishop Solum feels that we must go through the times she is describing so that the Second Coming can take place.  As I've stated on other threads, the book of Revelation in the Bible is the Illuminati's blueprint for their New World Order, not the word of God.  I learned this from Montauk Project survivor Stewart Swerdlow and I believe it's true. I think we the people need to take a non-religious approach to what our response should be to this lockdown and tyranny, in general.
    It seems as if humanity has ended-up with some of the worst religion imaginable (by accident and/or design). I've noticed a three-group compartmentalization in the New Testament:

    1. Matthew to Acts (Five Books).
    2. Romans to Jude (Twenty-One Books).
    3. Revelation (One Book).

    The most problematic book is Revelation. Christians look to it for hope, but a careful reading reveals extreme violence, which doesn't seem very Christian. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts have significant internal-consistency and historicity problems (for starters). Romans to Jude seems to be the Cream of the NT, yet there are troubling aspects here as well. Theologians pick and choose, making the Bible say what they want it to say, but is this honest?? A Central-Authority seems to control All-Sides (Good and Bad) to control Humanity. But the Information-War is revealing what was formerly hidden, so perhaps the Hidden PTB are clamping down on Earth-Humanity in an external-manner as they are exposed and revealed to the general-public. COVID-19 might be part of this. Things might get MUCH Worse. Consider reading 'The Gods of Eden' by William Bramley. Here is the first part of an audio-book. This is chilling stuff.

    What if we are stuck with BS VS BS?? What if none of us can handle the TRUTH?? What if Pain and Conflict are the Cost of Doing Business in the Universe?? What if we lived on a Low-Tech Planet run by a Benevolent-Dictator?? Would this be Heaven?? What if Earth is Purgatory Incorporated on the verge of descending into Hell on Earth?? What if the Universe-Situation is worse than anyone can imagine?? The more I attempt to know, and the higher I climb, the more precarious the perch I end up clinging to. I recently suggested the possibility of President Trump absenting himself from the daily-briefings, with Vice President Pence and/or the CDC updating the country and world each day. The President would deliver a well-prepared 'Fireside Chat' from the Oval Office of the White House each week. This was just a brain-fart, but soon I heard the Washington State Governor, Jay Inslee (who I met many years ago) use the term "Fireside Chat" in a briefing, and a few days later, I read the following on the April 10 front page of The New York Times:

    In his daily briefings on the coronavirus, President Trump has brandished all the familiar tools in his rhetorical arsenal: belittling Democratic governors, demonizing the media, trading in innuendo and bulldozing over the guidance of experts. It's the kind of performance the president relishes, but one that has his advisers and Republican allies worried.

    As unemployment soars and the death toll skyrockets, and new polls show support for the president's handling of the crisis sagging, White House allies and Republican lawmakers increasingly believe the briefings are hurting the president more than helping him. Many view the sessions as a kind of original sin from which all of his missteps flow, once he gets through his prepared script and turns to his preferred style of extemporaneous bluster and invective.

    Mr. Trump "sometimes drowns out his own message," said Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who has become one of the president's informal counselors and told him "a once-a-week show" could be more effective. Representative Susan Brooks of Indiana said "they're going on too long." Senator Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia said the briefings were "going off the rails a little bit" and suggested that he should "let the health professionals guide where we're going to go."

    I'm sure this was merely coincidental, but it startled me a bit, and made me wish to go incognito once again. What if ALL of US are being gradually turned into Super-Soldiers?? What if COVID-19, Vaccinations, and 5G have everything to do with this?? What if we reincarnate into Huge-Hybrids combining AI, Robotics, Human, and Reptilian into a Hive-Minded Brave New Army and Space-Force for a Brand New Star-War aka War in Heaven?? My theological background involves a Final-War Against God at the End of the Millennium. What if we are nearing the End of the Millennium right now?? I suspect that ALL Theologies are a deceptive mixture of Truth and Lies, but that some of us must deeply study things which might drive most of us completely insane. I've tried to provide clues, but I beat around the Burning-Bush to maintain some semblance of sanity. I still think reading a couple of Major-Newspapers combined with Exercise in Nature might be a reasonable approach to This Present Madness. Everything seems to be breaking-down and coming apart at the seams. In 'Stargate', 'RA' boasts, "I Built Your Civilization, and Now I Will Destroy It!!" 'RA' told me, "Humanity is Screwed" and "You'll be Sorry if You Try to Save Humanity" and "In Twenty Years, You'll be Working for Us." That Would be in 2030. I am extremely apprehensive regarding the remainder of the 21st century. There might not be much left in A.D. 2133, when I've tentatively imagined a Royal-Model United States of the Solar System Under God. But Hope Springs Eternal.

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    "Why Retreat When I Can Retweet?!"

    Carol wrote:Now that they do have a cure for COViD19 there's light at the end of the tunnel. Testing needs to be up and running (the short term variety) and medicine for the cure available.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    An anti-parasitic head lice drug available around the world has been found to kill COVID-19 in the lab within 48 hours. A Monash University-led study has shown a single dose of the drug Ivermectin could stop the SARS-CoV-2 virus growing in cell culture. 'We found that even a single dose could essentially remove all viral RNA (effectively removed all genetic material of the virus) by 48 hours and that even at 24 hours there was a really significant reduction in it,' Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute's Dr. Kylie Wagstaff said on Friday. While it's not known how Ivermectin works on the virus, the drug likely stops the virus dampening the host cells' ability to clear it. The next step is for scientists to determine the correct human dosage, to make sure the level used in vitro is safe for humans. 'In times when we're having a global pandemic and there isn't an approved treatment, if we had a compound that was already available around the world then that might help people sooner,' Dr. Wagstaff said. 'Realistically it's going to be a while before a vaccine is broadly available.' Scientists expect it could be at least a month before human trials. Before Ivermectin can be used to combat coronavirus, funding is needed to get it to pre-clinical testing and clinical trials. Ivermectin is an FDA-approved anti-parasitic drug also shown to be effective in vitro against viruses including HIV, dengue and influenza. The study is the joint work of Monash Biomedicine Discovery Institute and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity. The study findings have been published in Antiviral Research.
    Vidya Moksha wrote:I dont have a source for this. But its worth a read for sure !

    In the last 3–5 days, a mountain of anecdotal evidence has come out of NYC, Italy, Spain, etc. about COVID-19 and characteristics of patients who get seriously ill. It’s not only piling up but now leading to a general field-level consensus backed up by a few previously little-known studies that we’ve had it all wrong the whole time. Well, a few had some things eerily correct (cough Trump cough), especially with Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromicin, but we’ll get to that in a minute.

    There is no ‘pneumonia’ nor ARDS. At least not the ARDS with established treatment protocols and procedures we’re familiar with. Ventilators are not only the wrong solution, but high pressure intubation can actually wind up causing more damage than without, not to mention complications from tracheal scarring and ulcers given the duration of intubation often required…

    They may still have a use in the immediate future for patients too far to bring back with this newfound knowledge, but moving forward a new treatment protocol needs to be established so we stop treating patients for the wrong disease.

    The past 48 hours or so have seen a huge revelation: COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing o2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia. All the damage to the lungs you see in CT scans are from the release of oxidative iron from the hemes, this overwhelms the natural defenses against pulmonary oxidative stress and causes that nice, always-bilateral ground glass opacity in the lungs. Patients returning for re-hospitalization days or weeks after recovery suffering from apparent delayed post-hypoxic leukoencephalopathy strengthen the notion COVID-19 patients are suffering from hypoxia despite no signs of respiratory ‘tire out’ or fatigue.

    Here’s the breakdown of the whole process, including some ELI5-level cliff notes. Much has been simplified just to keep it digestible and layman-friendly.

    Your red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to all your organs and the rest of your body. Red blood cells can do this thanks to hemoglobin, which is a protein consisting of four “hemes”. Hemes have a special kind of iron ion, which is normally quite toxic in its free form, locked away in its center with a porphyrin acting as it’s ‘container’. In this way, the iron ion can be ‘caged’ and carried around safely by the hemoglobin, but used to bind to oxygen when it gets to your lungs.

    When the red blood cell gets to the alveoli, or the little sacs in your lungs where all the gas exchange happens, that special little iron ion can flip between FE2+ and FE3+ states with electron exchange and bond to some oxygen, then it goes off on its little merry way to deliver o2 elsewhere.

    Here’s where COVID-19 comes in. Its glycoproteins bond to the heme, and in doing so that special and toxic oxidative iron ion is “disassociated” (released). It’s basically let out of the cage and now freely roaming around on its own.

    This is bad for two reasons:

    1) Without the iron ion, hemoglobin can no longer bind to oxygen. Once all the hemoglobin is impaired, the red blood cell is essentially turned into a Freightliner truck cab with no trailer and no ability to store its cargo.. it is useless and just running around with COVID-19 virus attached to its porphyrin. All these useless trucks running around not delivering oxygen is what starts to lead to desaturation, or watching the patient’s spo2 levels drop. It is INCORRECT to assume traditional ARDS and in doing so, you’re treating the WRONG DISEASE. Think of it a lot like carbon monoxide poisoning, in which CO is bound to the hemoglobin, making it unable to carry oxygen. In those cases, ventilators aren’t treating the root cause; the patient’s lungs aren’t ‘tiring out’, they’re pumping just fine. The red blood cells just can’t carry o2, end of story. Only in this case, unlike CO poisoning in which eventually the CO can break off, the affected hemoglobin is permanently stripped of its ability to carry o2 because it has lost its iron ion. The body compensates for this lack of o2 carrying capacity and deliveries by having your kidneys release hormones like erythropoietin, which tell your bone marrow factories to ramp up production on new red blood cells with freshly made and fully functioning hemoglobin. This is the reason you find elevated hemoglobin and decreased blood oxygen saturation as one of the 3 primary indicators of whether the XXXX is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

    2) That little iron ion, along with millions of its friends released from other hemes, are now floating through your blood freely. As I mentioned before, this type of iron ion is highly reactive and causes oxidative damage. It turns out that this happens to a limited extent naturally in our bodies and we have cleanup & defense mechanisms to keep the balance. The lungs, in particular, have 3 primary defenses to maintain “iron homeostasis”, 2 of which are in the alveoli, those little sacs in your lungs we talked about earlier. The first of the two are little macrophages that roam around and scavenge up any free radicals like this oxidative iron. The second is a lining on the walls (called the epithelial surface) which has a thin layer of fluid packed with high levels of antioxidant molecules.. things like abscorbic acid (AKA Vitamin C) among others. Well, this is usually good enough for naturally occurring rogue iron ions but with COVID-19 running rampant your body is now basically like a progressive state letting out all the prisoners out of the prisons… it’s just too much iron and it begins to overwhelm your lungs’ countermeasures, and thus begins the process of pulmonary oxidative stress. This leads to damage and inflammation, which leads to all that nasty stuff and damage you see in CT scans of COVID-19 patient lungs. Ever noticed how it’s always bilateral? (both lungs at the same time) Pneumonia rarely ever does that, but COVID-19 does…EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

    — — — — — — — — — — — — -

    Once your body is now running out of control, with all your oxygen trucks running around without any freight, and tons of this toxic form of iron floating around in your bloodstream, other defenses kick in. While your lungs are busy with all this oxidative stress they can’t handle, and your organs are being starved of o2 without their constant stream of deliveries from red blood cell’s hemoglobin, and your liver is attempting to do its best to remove the iron and store it in its ‘iron vault’. Only its getting overwhelmed too. It’s starved for oxygen and fighting a losing battle from all your hemoglobin letting its iron free, and starts crying out “help, I’m taking damage!” by releasing an enzyme called alanine aminotransferase (ALT). BOOM, there is your second of 3 primary indicators of whether the XXXX is about to hit the fan for a particular patient or not.

    Eventually, if the patient’s immune system doesn’t fight off the virus in time before their blood oxygen saturation drops too low, ventilator or no ventilator, organs start shutting down. No fuel, no work. The only way to even try to keep them going is max oxygen, even a hyperbaric chamber if one is available on 100% oxygen at multiple atmospheres of pressure, just to give what’s left of their functioning hemoglobin a chance to carry enough o2 to the organs and keep them alive. Yeah we don’t have nearly enough of those chambers, so some fresh red blood cells with normal hemoglobin in the form of a transfusion will have to do.

    The core point being, treating patients with the iron ions stripped from their hemoglobin (rendering it abnormally nonfunctional) with ventilator intubation is futile, unless you’re just hoping the patient’s immune system will work its magic in time. The root of the illness needs to be addressed.

    Best case scenario? Treatment regimen early, before symptoms progress too far.

    Hydroxychloroquine (more on that in a minute, I promise) with Azithromicin has shown fantastic, albeit critics keep mentioning ‘anecdotal’ to describe the mountain, promise and I’ll explain why it does so well next. But forget straight-up plasma with antibodies, that might work early but if the patient is too far gone they’ll need more. They’ll need all the blood: antibodies and red blood cells. No help in sending over a detachment of ammunition to a soldier already unconscious and bleeding out on the battlefield, you need to send that ammo along with some hemoglobin-stimulant-magic so that he can wake up and fire those shots at the enemy.

    The story with Hydroxychloroquine

    All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.

    How does chloroquine work? Same way as it does for malaria. You see, malaria is this little parasite that enters the red blood cells and starts eating hemoglobin as its food source. The reason chloroquine works for malaria is the same reason it works for COVID-19 — while not fully understood, it is suspected to bind to DNA and interfere with the ability to work magic on hemoglobin. The same mechanism that stops malaria from getting its hands on hemoglobin and gobbling it up seems to do the same to COVID-19 (essentially little snippets of DNA in an envelope) from binding to it. On top of that, Hydroxychloroquine (an advanced descendant of regular old chloroquine) lowers the pH which can interfere with the replication of the virus. Again, while the full details are not known, the entire premise of this potentially ‘game changing’ treatment is to prevent hemoglobin from being interfered with, whether due to malaria or COVID-19.

    No longer can the media and armchair pseudo-physicians sit in their little ivory towers, proclaiming “DUR so stoopid, malaria is bacteria, COVID-19 is virus, anti-bacteria drug no work on virus!”. They never got the memo that a drug doesn’t need to directly act on the pathogen to be effective. Sometimes it’s enough just to stop it from doing what it does to hemoglobin, regardless of the means it uses to do so.

    Anyway, enough of the rant. What’s the end result here?

    First, the ventilator emergency needs to be re-examined. If you’re putting a patient on a ventilator because they’re going into a coma and need mechanical breathing to stay alive, okay we get it. Give ’em time for their immune systems to pull through. But if they’re conscious, alert, compliant — keep them on O2. Max it if you have to. If you HAVE to inevitably ventilate, do it at low pressure but max O2. Don’t tear up their lungs with max PEEP, you’re doing more harm to the patient because you’re treating the wrong disease.

    Ideally, some form of treatment needs to happen to:

    Inhibit viral growth and replication. Here plays CHQ+ZPAK+ZINC or other retroviral therapies being studies. Less virus, less hemoglobin losing its iron, less severity and damage. Therapies used for anyone with abnormal hemoglobin or malfunctioning red blood cells.

    Blood transfusions. Whatever, I don’t know the full breadth and scope because I’m not a physician. But think along those lines, and treat the real disease. If you’re thinking about giving them plasma with antibodies, maybe if they’re already in bad shape think again and give them BLOOD with antibodies, or at least blood followed by plasma with antibodies.

    Now that we know more about how this virus works and affects our bodies, a whole range of options should open up."

    Solar rays high in the atmosphere convert O2 to O3. In the upper atmosphere, rays from the Sun break a normal oxygen molecule into two separate oxygen atoms. Another oxygen molecule then picks up one of these atoms to form an ozone molecule.

    Although O3 has dangerous effects, yet researchers believe it has many therapeutic effects. Ozone therapy has been utilized and heavily studied for more than a century. Its effects are proven, consistent, safe and with minimal and preventable side effects.…
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Wow!! Vidya!! Just Wow!! I read the article quickly, and now I'll read it again slowly!! Don't tell me YOU wrote this!! You seemed to know a lot about masks in our previous conversation!! Forgive me, but I kept imagining 'V' in 'V for Vendetta' speaking the words!! Do you mind if I include your post in my USSS thread?? I usually just include quoted posts with the quote-boxes in my massive posts, but I'll wait for your permission on this one. Wow!! Vidya!! Just Wow!!
    Swanny wrote:
    Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell is an ED-ICU Doc at Maimonides in New York, currently under the COVID fire. He put up an inflammatory tweet yesterday which caused a lot of different reactions, because it clearly challenged the widespread even if only recent belief that one should intubate the COVID patients quite early, usually much earlier than one would in typical respiratory failure:
    BTW, I missed your post, Carol!! That was 'hitting below the belt'!!

    Carol wrote:
    If you read toilet-paper Oxy, it may help clean out that negative thinking.
    Insanely Happy
    What Would 'Q' Do??
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Oxy, I didnt write the above post and I dont know who did. I am trying to find the source. post it wherever you want..I havent followed up any of the links at the bottom of my post yet, I posted the whole piece as I found it.
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Vidya. Swanny posted the above video, which is supportive of the article you posted. I find the following video from 'V for Vendetta' to be absolutely chilling. I'm sure it has no application to our present crisis, but one never knows for sure...and I can imagine 'V' communicating that article to the Inspector!! 'V' = 'Q'?? 'Inspector' = 'Orthodoxymoron'??

    'V' = 'Q'?? 'Inspector' = 'Orthodoxymoron'??
    Micjer wrote:

    Typical AJ his deadline has  come and gone with no release of details. If you take the time to listen to his rant, he says that he knows who Q is and who started it, in the beginning, and states that POTUS is in on it and aware of the details. So that confuses me more that why AJ has his knickers in a twist over this, other than loss of revenue, like we said before.
    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    Seashore wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    He is just a puppet of Israel.
    I worry about that, because of who his son-in-law is. But it seems his campaign against child trafficking is genuine, and that patriots in military intelligence really did recruit him to run for President to do something about it, and I'm hoping that mainstream exposure of murderous pedophilia is going to turn the tide. The one thing that can unite a country is the love of children.
    If you look back though some of the posts in here you will see we all echo your hopes, how could we not?

    And lets hope the Satanists are rooted out and the children protected, but then who protects the Palestinian kids, the Syrian kids, the Venezuelan kids.. the Iranian kids.. Or don’t they matter, don’t they count? Is it ok to send drones in to bomb children attending weddings in Afghanistan?

    From outside the US looking in,  it is incredible to see the choice north america had at the last election, Trump was by far, a staggering distance, a better option than Clinton. I was genuinely about to run to the hills if Clinton won, I thought she was setting up a world war..

    But the US is between a rock and a hard place. Trump is not for the people. He is not for peace, he is not for the planet. I don’t doubt he has the US best interests on his agenda.. but at what cost to the rest of the world?

    The staggering, overwhelming arrogance of the US is really too much for the world to bear. Most ‘yanks’ call themselves ‘Americans’, when there are 23 countries on the continent, the Americas. I know from experience that the South Americans are proud to be ‘American’ too, and are quick to  label the gringos as North American.

    I only had one difficult moment in South America, and it was on a coach Through Chile!. In the middle of the desert the bus conductor (a big man) brought two equally big friends to encircle me on my seat. Their intent was clear, I was in trouble! They were mean, angry, snarling.. I had nowhere to go.. nowhere to run.. My Spanish wasn’t (and isn’t) great but I realised they thought I was from North America. ‘No!, soy Ingles!’ I informed them. The mood transformed instantly. Ah, Ingles! Hello.. they smiled and chatted and the bus conductor brought me a sandwich and a coffee.. I dread to think what hey have brought me if I was a North American.

    And now Fulford informs us Trump is going after Venezuela's oil.. ? After the propaganda comes the military .. the staged coup.. What right does the US have to interfere in another country, to steal their assets,, its akin to the schoolyard bully..Trump’s record in the Golan Heights is completely shame worthy.

    I read Iran want cash to help with corona virus, they have a nasty strain, which itself is somewhat indicative as to who’s behind this.. but trump wont allow it.. the school yard bully will have his way and isreal will be supported at all costs..

    We cant blame trump for this, it goes way back to Nixon, and before.. I am reminded of a song penned in 1974.. and the lines, “Hey Mister Nixon, hey Mister Heath, can't you pull your pants up boys, I'm standing underneath,,” The characters have changed in the following 46 years, but the policies haven’t.  

    I had to smile at a twitter post from the middle east. They were drawing parallels with America foreign policy to the bear who saves a drowing fish.. So apt.. so true..

    Carol wrote:
    Swanny wrote:
    If nothing happens this weekend (Easter) then I guess Q is just a psyop ?
    No. Misdirection is often used to confuse the enemy.
    So Q is likely a pyso-op, but even if not, where does this leave the rest of the world? What does this do for world peace?

    If misdirection is a valid tool, then who are Q’s real enemies? Who is Q mis-directing? The folk who think they have taken a peek behind the curtain? Those starting to wake up.. hush hush, my little children. Go back to sleep, trump has it all under control..Really?

    Trump is pro-vaccine, will the Q followers gladly roll up their sleeves?

    Not the best recording, and not his finest work, but the lyrics I mentioned above:

    Roy Harper Kangaroo Blues

    Confusion rains down on us all
    From the blistering heights of reason
    A shame we have no balls at all
    On which to scratch our fleas on
    Or else we'd know
    T'was Romeo
    The spunky holy spirit
    Who pulls his foreskin to and fro
    And shoots the giddy limits

    Hey Mr Nixon
    Hey Mr Heath
    Can't you pull your pants up boys?
    I'm standing underneath
    Feeling jumpy about society
    I'm feeling jumpy about society
    I'm feeling jumpy about society and

    I'm down death-wishing on my knees
    In the holy ghost of Los Angeles
    Praying for a reason
    Praying for a reason

    Hey Mr Human
    Hey boney dome
    Can't you see the next world war is raging in your home?
    Are you feeling jumpy about this crazy society?
    Feeling jumpy about society

    Will the people of this world please disunite
    There ain't no rules that could ever be right
    In between the hang-ups
    In between the hang-ups
    In between the hang-ups
    In between the hang-ups

    I got the kangaroo blues
    Got the kangaroo blues
    Got the kangaroo blues
    Feeling jumpy about society yes
    With the kangaroo blues and feeling jumpy about society
    orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm always in a funny mood, but few tolerate my dry and dark humor. I mostly post and delete on the threads of others. I can't resist posting, but after I copy and paste the post onto my USSS thread, I tend to delete the original post. Most of my posts aren't appropriate for the other threads. I'm probably better off as a 'Lone Nut'. I suspect that I don't fit anywhere in the universe, which is why I'm probably a 'Galactic Happy Wanderer' aka 'Solar System Analyst'. Just a Hypothesis. I'm using a coffee-filter for a face-mask by attaching it to my face with duct-tape!! The tape seals the edge of the filter all the way around so the coronavirus can't get in or out!! Unfortunately, the filter is probably N25!! I'm waiting for my N95 mask order to arrive!! Here is a more sophisticated coffee-filter mask!!

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Mask%20on%20Printer_large
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    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Apr 15, 2020 1:17 pm

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    Carol wrote:
    Seashore wrote:Pres. Trump is scheduled to make an important announcement tomorrow.  He's going to talk about the World Health Organization (WHO) and who is going to be on a new, advisory council he is appointing.  

    Currently with all of the states under National Emergency, Trump has legal control over them. He is also in charge of the Fed and Treasury having total control over the finances. Today he announced that he was going to adjourned Congress giving him total control over those procedures which would allow him to hire people the DS has been stonewalling for the past 3 years. He has a lot of power to get a lot of things done. Everything is in place. Let's see what happens next.

    D5 - Day 5 of the impeachment. Saturday, January 25th Trump legal team makes opening arguments.

    "CAN A PRESIDENT ADJOURN CONGRESS? Yes, absolutely. The President can Adjourn or Convene one or both Houses of Congress on EXTRAORDINARY OCCASIONS at anytime."

    "ARTICLE II, SECTION 3 - CONSTITUTION The legal basis of a Presidential Adjournment is granted to the President in Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, which says the President shall have the power on EXTRAORDINARY OCCASIONS to convene both Houses, or either of them, and in a case of DISAGREEMENT BETWEEN THEM, with respect to the time of ADJOURNMENT, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper, not to exceed the remaining time in the current session. The practical purpose of an Adjournment is simple. The President can force a legal RECESS of the Senate to provide him a window to make a series of temporary Recess Appointments that have been blocked by the Senate for too long."

    Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5


    "The President must be aware of the optics for adjourning Congress. What would constitute an extraordinary occasion? How about the release of evidence showing corruption by Senate Democrats related to FISA Warrants, Media Leaks and False Accusations? How about threats of violence from Left Wing nutjobs and activists that are organizing in over 900 US Cities? How about having to call up the National Guard to maintain law and order during the mid-term elections. How about D5?"

    2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States

    Issued on: March 1, 2018

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors

    United States

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton and Obama.

    This is listed under natural news website. This makes a lot of sense about why all the treasonous info keeps coming to light and nothing happens.

    Read all the laws listed in the federal register about emergency powers.

    Document #1: Executive Order 13818, signed December 20, 2017. “Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption”

    DocuDocument #2: Executive Order 13618, signed July 6, 2012 by President Obama. “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions”

    This executive order grants the President absolute control over all U.S. media, including internet tech giants (social media), news networks and news websites.

    Document #3: Executive Order 13825, signed March 1, 2018. “2018 Amendments to the Manual for Courts-Martial, United States”

    Although much more difficult to read, this document essentially establishes the preservation of the government’s right to prosecute crimes of treason and deep state collusion against America, all of which may be prosecuted via military tribunals under existing U.S. law.

    This fits in perfectly with the scheduled presidential alert to be tested on October 3rd..

    This would explain why Sessions had not done anything yet. Many ppl believe he is just waiting for the word. Explains why Trump was willing to accept the huge budgets to get $$$ for the military.

    The confirmation of Kavanaugh Is one of keys to pulling this off.

    All those above documents have links directly to the federal register.

    EMERGENCY REPORT: Signed Executive Orders reveal Trump is planning mass arrests, military tribunals for deep state traitors like Comey, Clinton



    As the documents cited here clearly show, President Trump is planning to carry out mass arrests of deep state traitors, including Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Comey and even Barack Obama. This is fully covered, with accompanying documentation from the U.S. Federal Register, in the links and video below. (This author is fully supportive of this effort to save America and arrest the traitors.)

    The confirmation of Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court is the key to getting this done in a timely manner, which explains why the deranged Left is going to such outrageous extremes to fabricate false allegations against Kavanaugh and stage coordinated, well-funded protests to try to block the U.S. Senate from confirming him.

    Once Kavanaugh is on the court, it will add the necessary support for constitutional “emergency powers” that concentrate power in the executive branch of government (currently headed by President Trump) during times of war and national emergencies.

    Video at link
    What if All Sides (Good and Bad) Are Controlled by the Same CEO and/or Supercomputer-Network?? What if Earth-Humanity is in More Trouble Than Anyone Can Imagine?? What if Most of What We See at the High-Profile Level is Script-Reading Theater?? What if All of Us Are Worse Than We Think on a Soul-Level?? What if the Inmates Took Over the Asylum Thousands (or Millions) of Years Ago?? What if the Real-Deal God is an Absentee-Landlord?? What if All of Us Demanded Freedom From God Thousands (or Millions) of Years Ago?? What if We Deposed God in Antiquity?? What if We Have Been Stewing in Our Own Juice for Thousands (or Millions) of Years?? What if the Reprehensible is Essential??

    In the coming days, weeks, months, and years, I might post a lot of videos, without a lot of editorial comment, just to let some of the most outspoken and controversial individuals rant and rave. I understand and appreciate their points of view, yet I'm not a 'rant and rave' kind of guy. I know I don't know, and I act accordingly. I've repeatedly indentified with 'Chad Decker' (in the 2009-11 'V' TV Series) as a good-natured and soft-spoken journalist, chosen by Anna to facilitate a 'Prime Focus' on the 'Regressive Perspective'. Chad might've unknowingly been a past-life architect of the whole-operation. Including the following videos does NOT constitute an endorsement on my part.

    I'm Employing Responsible-Neutrality and Possibility-Thinking Relative to Situation-Ethics in the Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan in the Conflict of the Ages. I'm a 'V' and I'm related to 'Anna'. What Would Agent Evans Say?? What Would Agent Salt Say?? What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Peter Venkman Say?? What Would David Mann Say?? What Would Alan Rickman Say?? What Would Jerry Landers Say?? What Would Erwin Gane Say?? What Would Desmond Ford Say?? What Would the Nasty Little Horn Do?? What Would the Nostradamus Kid Do?? What Would a Completely Ignorant Fool in a DUMB 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment Say and Do??

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 16, 2020 2:59 pm

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 17, 2020 6:51 am

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 17, 2020 7:24 am

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Apr 17, 2020 1:31 pm

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    "I Am RA. I Built Your Civilization, and Now I Will Destroy It."

    My father was present in the CBS studio when Richard Nixon emerged from a limo (right on the stage). My dad literally kept the stars cool. He drove a yellow and white 1959 Cadillac Deville to Television City every day. What Would Dr. Peter Venkman Drive?? Dr. Who?? I drove my 1975 AMC Pacer to my grocery job. What Would Jerry Landers Do?? I did donuts in a restaurant parking-lot. What Would the Real Slim Shady Do?? I was present when Dr. Norman Vincent Peale spoke at the Crystal Cathedral (in the video below). Dr. Peale was Donald Trump's pastor. Dr. Robert H. Schuller was mentored by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. Both were at least 33rd degree Masons. Decades ago, I vocally wondered what a Dr. Robert H. Schuller Presidency might be like?! Perhaps the Trump Presidency is a partial answer to that question. I wondered what it might be like to be Robert Schuller, and it scared me. I spent a lot of time thinking about that in the four years I spent attending (and participating) in the Crystal Cathedral services and productions. Decades later, I drove Schuller associate, Dr. Bruce Larson, to the airport for several years. Dr. Larson spoke with Dr. Schuller about me during one of his flights. Perhaps that's when Dr. Schuller slapped the flight-attendant.  

    I've wondered what it might be like to be President Trump, and this scares me more than wondering what it might've been like to be Robert Schuller. What if Blackmail and Mind-Control have everything to do with both?! I suspect we live in the middle of a very dangerous game. I once attended Ronald Reagan's church, Bel-Air Presbyterian, led by Don Moomaw. I sometimes attended the Hollywood Presbyterian Church, led by Lloyd John Ogilvie, who later became the Chaplain of the US Senate. I met him. His organist, Kimo Smith (K.S. Bach), was my organ-teacher. I watched a taping of the Focus on the Family program, with James Dobson interviewing Donald Hodel (Secretary of the Interior). I met both. I once met with Attorney Ed Wolfe (U.S. Ambassador and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in both the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations) regarding a trademark dispute involving a law-firm on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. I attended a speech by President Gerald Ford, and I snuck in the back of a huge building at the Hollywood-Burbank (now Bob Hope) Airport to see and hear Ronald Reagan. I still have the press-version of his speech, with the DC contact phone-numbers (including Lyn Nofziger).

    I talked politics with 'RA'. He thought Ron Paul would be bad for America. I attended a Ron Paul rally at UNLV. 'RA' liked Bill Clinton. He told me, "The Bush's sold-out very-quickly." 'RA' thought he might help Mike Huckabee. He spoke of an Obama speech, and hinted-at a closeness to the President. Separately, 'RA' told me, "I'm very-close to God." 'RA' told me, "I'm angry and jealous." He didn't need to sleep, and he couldn't talk about the NSA. He told me, "You should do an FoIA." The CIA and NSA wouldn't tell me anything. I met Jay Inslee before he became the Governor of Washington State. A crazy woman kept heckling him. I don't know why I'm rambling, but I'm in a bit of a mood (and not a good one). This CV-19 Lockdown is getting me down, and I'm extremely apprehensive regarding the future of Earth-Humanity. What if CV-19 is the first of the 'Seven Last Plagues'?? What Would Moses Say?? What Would Pharaoh Say?? I told 'RA' that Moses must've had a terrible time in the desert, to which 'RA' asked, "Did He??" 'RA' asked me, "Do you know who ordered the assassination of President Kennedy??" I stated a name, and 'RA' just looked right through me (with that haunting gaze). Some of you probably know what I'm talking about. Anyway, consider a Minimalist Peale and Schuller Ministry in Modernity. Seriously. Positively-Reinforce the Best of Peale and Schuller without Pomposity, Concupiscence, and Superciliousness. And let it never be forgotten that Arvella Schuler ran the Crystal Cathedral. What Would the 'Cat' and the 'Cat's Meow' Say??

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Apr 18, 2020 12:46 pm

    I wish to make it clear that I'm NOT spearheading anything. I know I don't know. I'm just a highly miserable and hamstrung completely-ignorant fool with a god-complex. Imagine me being that guy with the suit and gasmask in a 600 square-foot office-apartment in a DUMB with a Supercomputer and InterPlaNet. Please remember that this is Religious and Political Science-Fiction, but I try to stick to reality and possible-realities as best I can. I'm NOT like this in real-life, and I don't like this. It's probably catharsis and/or quiet-desperation. It feels as if I'm being slowly and deliberately destroyed by the Hidden-Masters (or something to that effect). I might not have a choice or defense in this matter. I might've attempted something in antiquity which is backfiring in modernity (or something to that effect). But what if I really did play a significant role in creating the Universe-Matrix in antiquity, subsequently making myself subject to that hypothetical system, with no administrative-override capabilities whatsoever?? What if the Universe-Matrix cannot be changed or overridden?? I'm serious about having ten alphabet-agents tasked with studying my ten USSS threads for a year in compartmentalized-isolation (one thread for each agent) and then debating the USSS for a year (just to see where this leads). It might reveal that it's Total BS, yet it might also reveal something which might change everything for the better. I honestly don't know which way to jump, so I'm committed to doing as little as possible, at least until I know I know, and feel much better than I do presently. Again, my intentions are to post a couple of videos each day, perhaps with a couple of images, plus nothing. This might help me ease into going completely incognito. We might get completely shut-down in the near-future. That wouldn't surprise me one little bit. Archive Everything. The Megalomaniacal Billionaires Shall Inherit the Earth?? The Gates of Hell Shall NOT Prevail!!
    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 1-1-1-1-1-1-A-Bunker-Interior-Design

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sat Apr 18, 2020 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Apr 18, 2020 2:52 pm

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Catedral-de-la-purisima-concepcion-tepic-nayarit-portal-vault-mural-of-revelation-chapter-5-large

    Consider reading Luke and Acts to Jude (straight-through, over and over) as a Neo New-Testament (for practical and devotional purposes). Revelation is probably my least favorite book of the Bible (mostly because of the Unethical Murder and Mayhem). Try reading the first and last chapters straight-through, over and over, prior to reading Revelation from Alpha to Omega. The final dozen chapters of The Great Controversy (EGW) are real scorchers, and I prefer Prophets and Kings and The Acts of the Apostles (EGW) treated as one book (read straight-through, over and over). Dr. Desmond Ford was a brilliant and puzzling rabble-rouser. I attended his infamous Investigative-Judgment Forum-Lecture in Irwin Hall, and I last spoke with Des in a home in Loma Linda (decades ago). We briefly discussed Robert Schuller and the Teachings of Jesus. Des told me, "Robert Schuller is a hard-worker" and "Focus on the Teachings of Jesus". Robert Brinsmead told me to "Focus on the Teachings of Jesus." How did Dr. Ford know that Dr. Schuller was a hard-worker?? Was Dr. Ford a Deep-State Theologian?? I'm NOT pushing Desmond Ford. Strangely, Des gave me a push from behind. What Would Dr. Zane Kime Say?? Consider The Tomato Effect. What if the Solar System Situation is out of control, even at the Top of the Pyramid?? What if there are literally thousands of bio-warfare options available to the Hidden Powers That Be which might make COVID-19 look like the common-cold?? What if Humanity is in the process of being exterminated while simultaneously being made obsolete?? What If the Real Fate of Humanity Will Make the Book of Revelation Look Like a Sunday-School Picnic?? What If We Will Do It to Ourselves Rather Than Having It Done to Us By God and the Angels?? The events of Revelation are the events that occur in the Book of Revelation of the New Testament.[1] An outline follows below, chapter by chapter.

    Outline of Revelation

    Chapter 1

    The angel gives [a man named John] the Book of Revelation.

    The Revelation of Jesus Christ is communicated by an angel to a man named John when he was on the island of Patmos.

    John records the prophetic vision, in written text, and is instructed to send the document to the seven churches of Asia.

    Chapter 2

    John addresses the church of Ephesus to repent from the ways of the Nicolaitans.

    John addresses the church of Smyrna to warn them of ten days of tribulation that may cost them their lives or imprisonment.

    John addresses the church of Pergamum to repent from the doctrines of Balaam and the Nicolaitans.

    John addresses the church of Thyatira to repent from the teachings of the prophetess Jezebel.

    Chapter 3

    John addresses the church of Sardis for being "dead" or unaware of things to come, whose works are not perfect before God.

    John addresses the church of Philadelphia to persevere with what little strength they have; to hold fast so that no one takes their crown.

    John addresses the church of Laodicea to repent from investing in material riches that make them miserable; rather, invest in the refined gold of Him who has overcome.

    Chapter 4

    The heavenly throne with a rainbow around it, having the One seated in it, is revealed.

    Twenty-four surrounding thrones seated with twenty-four crowned elders appear.

    The four living creatures present themselves; each having six wings full of eyes, one having the face of a lion, another as a calf, the third as a man, and the last as an eagle.

    The first vision that the author experiences is that of entering Heaven and seeing God's throne (Revelation 4:1-6). In Revelation, God is described as "having the appearance like that of jasper and carnelian with a rainbow-like halo as brilliant as emerald". Around God's throne are twenty four other thrones, on which sit elders in white robes. From the throne come thunder and lightning and, in front of the throne, the author sees seven torches and a sea of crystal.

    The author then sees four creatures which have six wings and are covered in eyes (Revelation 4:6-11). The creatures are giving eternal thanks to God and, whenever one of them bows down to worship God, the twenty four elders around God's throne bow down to worship God.

    Chapter 5

    A book secured by seven seals is revealed in the right hand of Him who sits on the throne.

    It is made known that only "the Lion that is from the tribe of Judah" is worthy to open this book.

    The Lamb, with seven horns and seven eyes, takes the book from Him who sits on the throne.

    All heavenly beings sing praise and honor the Lamb.

    Chapter 6

    The first seal is broken and the first of the four living creatures introduces a white horse whose crowned rider, equipped with a bow, goes out to conquer.

    The second seal is broken and the second of the four living creatures introduces a red horse, whose rider wields a great sword.

    The third seal is broken and the third of the four living creatures introduces a black horse, whose rider carries a pair of scales, goes out.

    The fourth seal is broken and the fourth of the four living creatures introduces an ashen horse comes out, whose rider has the name Death and Hades follows him.

    The fifth seal is broken revealing the souls of those who had been slain for the "Word of God".

    The sixth seal is broken "and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; and the stars of the sky fell to the earth. The sky was split apart, every mountain and island were moved out of their places."

    Mankind hides themselves in the caves and mountains acknowledging the presence of Him who sits on the throne and the wrath of the Lamb.

    Chapter 7

    The servants of God are revealed, those who are to be sealed before the destruction of the Earth.

    The number of these servants is given as one hundred and forty-four thousand who are from twelve tribes of Israel.

    Twelve thousand from each tribe are sealed: from Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

    A great multitude who came out of the Great Tribulation present themselves in white robes, with palm branches in their hands.

    Chapter 8

    The seventh seal is opened and heaven is silent for about a half an hour.

    An angel offers incense and the prayers of all the saints, at the golden altar before the throne.

    After the smoke and the prayers ascend to God, the angel fills the censer with fire, from the altar, and throws it to the Earth causing noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.

    The first angel of seven sounded his trumpet: "And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth" burning a third of the

    Earth's flora, scorching all green grass.

    The second angel sounded his trumpet: "And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown in the sea, and a third of the sea became blood" killing a third of everything in the ocean, including ships.

    The third angel sounded: And a great star, named "Wormwood", fell from heaven poisoning the water from rivers and water springs.

    The fourth angel sounded: The sun, the moon and stars are struck, so that a third of their light diminished to the point of complete darkness for a third of a day, even during the night.

    Another angel appears to declare three "Woes" for the next three trumpet blasts.

    Chapter 9

    The fifth angel sounds his trumpet; this signals the "First woe".

    A star falls from heaven to the earth and is given the key to the bottomless pit.

    It opens the pit and smoke rises, darkening the air and sunlight.

    The Locusts come out of the smoke, from the pit, and Abaddon commands them to torment any man who does not have the seal of God on his forehead for five months.

    The sixth angel sounds his trumpet for the "Second woe".

    The four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates are released.

    The four angels of the Euphrates raise an army of 200 million cavalry who kill a third of mankind.

    Chapter 10

    Another mighty angel (the seventh) appears standing with one foot on the sea and the other on land, holding an opened little book.

    The angel cries out and seven thunders utter their voices.

    The apostle John is commanded to seal up what the thunders uttered in the little book, and is told not to write about what was said.

    The angel declares that the mystery of God would be revealed on the sounding of the seventh trumpet.

    John is instructed to take the little book and to eat it.

    Chapter 11

    John is given a measuring rod to measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who worship in it.

    It is brought to John's attention that the nations will tread under foot, the holy city of the temple, for forty-two months (1,260 days).

    During that same time, two witnesses, dressed in sackcloth, will prophesy and this torments the nations.

    The first mention of the Beast is told to John, who will overcome the two witnesses and kill them.

    For three and a half days, the people of the earth will celebrate the death of the two witnesses who've tormented them for three and half years.

    God will resurrect the two witnesses; This strikes fear on everyone witnessing their revival, and the two witnesses ascend to heaven.

    In the next hour, a great earthquake occurs and kills seven thousand people, destroying a tenth of the city.

    The "Third woe" is signaled by the sound of the seventh trumpet.

    Loud voices in heaven proclaim Christ as ruler forever under the "Kingdom of our Lord".

    Thanks is given to God, the Almighty and praise for the wrath that came, the dead who were judged, and the bond-servants rewarded.

    The temple of God in heaven opens and the Ark of the covenant appears in His temple.

    Lightning and the peals of thunder occur followed by an earthquake and a great hailstorm.

    Chapter 12

    In the traditional historicist view, Joseph Mede (1627) identified the war of Michael the Archangel and the Dragon as the fall of Paganism by Christianity. This concept was adopted by Campegius Vitringa (1705), Dr. Charles Daubuz (1720), Bishop Newton, John Cunninghame, and Edward Bishop Elliott (1837). Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet (17th Century), even marks the fall of Paganism to the death of Galerius Maximus in the year 311.[2]

    A woman gives birth to a son who is to "rule the nations with an iron scepter". She is then pursued by a Dragon with seven heads and ten horns, which wants to kill her baby. However, the child was taken away by God. Immediately after this, Michael and his angels fought the Dragon and his followers in Heaven. The Dragon lost the war, and was thrown down to Earth along with all of its followers. The Dragon pursued the woman and tried to drown her, but the water drained away into the ground. The woman grew wings and flew away. The Dragon was enraged, and went to war with the remainder of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God.

    Chapter 13

    A beast with ten horns atop seven heads rises out of the sea and is given authority to rule the Earth by the Dragon. The people of Earth marvel at the beast's abilities and worship it and the Dragon. (Revelation 13:4). The beast is able to control the entire planet, and goes to war against the saints. Following this, another beast arises, this time from the ground. This beast, which resembles a lamb but speaks like a dragon, exercises authority on behalf of the previous, and causes "great and miraculous signs" by which to make people follow the original beast. The second beast, also known as the false prophet, forces all who do not bear the Mark of God to receive the Mark of the Beast on their right hand or forehead, declaring that "no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." (Revelation 13:11-17).

    Chapter 14

    The earth is harvested. (Revelation 14:14-20).

    Chapter 15

    John writes of seven angels with seven plagues, the last plagues ever to occur. He states that until the plagues are complete no one can enter the Temple of God.

    Chapter 16

    The seven Vial/Bowl judgments are similar in nature to the Trumpet judgments, but far more serious for there will be no warning when they come. In addition, there are three key differences between the Trumpet judgments and the Vial/Bowl judgments: firstly, the Trumpet judgments are plagues that bring partial devastation and plagues upon 1/3 of nature and people, while the Vial/Bowl judgments are more severe direct assaults against humanity and nature, thus bringing more chaos on the earth than the Trumpet judgments. Lastly, the Trumpet judgments offer a possibility of redemption and repentance, while the Vial judgments do not; the Vial judgments are a literal assault on those who have taken the mark of the Beast, and to those who are considered incorrigibles and arrogantly unrepentant, thus making them impossible to save. The Vial/Bowl judgments are listed below.

    Noisome and grievous sores (possibly boils or carbuncles) on the worshipers of the Beast. These sores only affect those bearing the Mark of the Beast and the people who worship his image.

    Sea turns to blood.

    Rivers turn to blood.

    A major heatwave causes the Sun to burn with intense heat and to scorch people with fire. (Revelation 16:8-9)
    The kingdom of the beast is plunged into darkness. (Revelation 16:11)

    The Euphrates River dries up to facilitate the crossing of the armies from the east, on their way to Israel for the battle of Armageddon. This event corresponds with Daniel 11:44.[3]

    Worldwide earthquake leveling every mountain into the sea followed by huge hailstones and lightning. The Earth's geography and topography will be drastically altered forever, as every mountain and hill will be leveled, and every island will either be removed from its foundations or disappear. The earthquakes are accompanied by 100-lb hailstones.

    Some Christians[who?] believe that the seals and trumpets will occur during the first half of the tribulation. The vial judgments will occur during the second half, as the first judgment refers to those with the mark of the beast. The mark will not be implemented until the Antichrist appears to be resurrected after suffering a fatal head wound, being reincarnated by Satan, and after he defiles the Temple; and this will happen precisely at the midpoint of the tribulation. Thus, the vial judgments will be more severe.

    Others[who?], such as many historicists, argue that the seals generally cover man's history from after the first coming of Christ up to the End time, with the trumpets generally covering the Tribulation, and the Bowls reserved for the Wrath of God period — preceding the Millennium.)

    Next, seven angels are given vials or bowls to pour out upon the earth which contain "the seven last plagues". These last judgments will complete God's wrath. The first bowl produces unbearable sores on humanity. The second bowl results in the death of every living thing in the sea. The third bowl turns the inland waters into blood. The fourth bowl causes the sun to scorch man. The fifth bowl brings darkness over the beast's kingdom. The sixth bowl dries up the river Euphrates to prepare the way for the kings of the east and causes the armies of the Antichrist being gathered together to wage the battle of Armageddon. The seventh bowl results in a devastating earthquake followed by giant hailstones (Revelation 16:17-21).

    Chapter 17

    The woman who rides on the beast is introduced in the seventeenth chapter. The entire chapter is quite symbolic, but an angel explains to John the meaning of what he is seeing. The woman, who is referred to as "the great prostitute", "is the great city who rules over the kings of the earth" (Revelation 17:18), who is envied by the ten kings who give power to the beast and is destroyed by those ten kings. "They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled" (Revelation 17:16-17).

    Revelation 17-18 introduces a Woman dressed in purple and scarlet, and decked with gold, precious stones and pearls. She sits on a scarlet beast with 7 heads (representing 7 kings) and 10 horns (representing 10 kings). She is described as the "Mother of Harlots" and is drunk with the blood of the saints indicating her intense involvement in persecution. She comes to power and rules the kings and peoples of the earth. Eventually, the 10 kings ruling the kingdoms that give their power to the Beast grow tired of her influence and overthrow her. Her destruction will cause the kings and merchants of the earth to mourn her death.

    Chapter 18

    Babylon falls. This causes the merchants of the earth to weep because no one is able to buy their products anymore.

    Chapter 19

    A "white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True" is introduced. "With Justice he makes war" (Revelation 19:11). Jesus Christ is the rider mentioned in chapter twelve. John references Psalm 2:9 when he writes "He will rule them with an iron scepter" (Revelation 19:15). This is when the first war between the people of God and rest of the world takes place. After the war has finished the beast and the false prophet are taken captive and thrown into the lake of fire, while all other enemy combatants are killed and their corpses left out on the field for the birds of the sky to devour their flesh (Revelation 19:20-21).

    Jesus returns to earth followed by the armies of Heaven, which are seen riding white horses dressed in fine linen. The Beast and his False Prophet make war with the armies of Christ but are defeated. In the aftermath of their defeat, the Antichrist and False Prophet are cast alive into the Lake of Fire, which burns forever.

    Chapter 20

    Satan is bound in the Abyss for a thousand years. The Saints who died are resurrected (Resurrection of the Saints[4]) and begin their thousand-year reign with Christ (Revelation 20:1-6). After the thousand years, Satan is released from the Abyss to deceive the nations and gather Gog and Magog and the people of the world to encircle the camp of the saints and the city of Jerusalem. A fire comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. Satan is then thrown into the Lake of Fire forever (Revelation 20:7-10). The wicked dead and all of those who died during the thousand-year reign of Christ are resurrected and judged (Revelation 20:11-14).

    Chapter 21

    A new heaven and a new earth with the New Jerusalem (the World to Come) replace the old heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1). This is a reference to Genesis 1:1 and Isaiah 65:17. Many theologians interpret it allegorically as explaining the drastic difference in this world and 'heaven' when the Christ has been acknowledged as having returned. "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away." (Revelation 21:4).

    Chapter 22

    A description of the heavenly state, under the figures of the water of life and the tree of life, and of the throne of God and the Lamb. (Revelation 22:1-5) The truth and certain fulfilling of all the prophetic visions, The Holy Spirit, and the bride, the church, invite, and say, "Come". (Revelation 22:6-19) The closing blessing. (Revelation 22:20,21).


    ^ For illuminated medieval images of the Book of Revelation drawn from several of the Beatus commentaries, the Bamberg Apocalypse and from the Otthenreich Bible, see: Forbes, Andrew; Henley, David (2012). Apocalypse: The Illustrated Book of Revelation. Chiang Mai: Cognoscenti Books. ASIN: B008WAK9SS.

    ^ Todd, James Henthorn (1846). Six discourses on the prophesies relating to Antichrist in the Apocalypse of St. John (Donnellan lectures ed.). Hodges and Smith. p. xv, See Preface footnote g. Retrieved February 26, 2008.

    ^ "Daniel 11:44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many". Retrieved 2013-05-03.

    ^ Catholic Encyclopedia: General Resurrection: "These three characteristics, identity, entirety, and immortality, will be common to the risen bodies of the just and the wicked. But the bodies of the saints shall be distinguished by four transcendent endowments, often called qualities."


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:20 am

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Apr 19, 2020 11:31 am

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    I'm going to play 'Devil's Advocate' in this post, even though it hurts like hell to do so. I've been passively suggesting the possibility of a Royal-Model United States of the Solar System Under God, commencing in A.D. 2133, with 10,000 representatives (including King and Queen as Co-Presidents, Senators, Congresspersons, Supreme-Court Justices, Cabinet-Members, et al) who are highly educated and experienced, and NOT Bloodline-Privileged. Merit and Character would be determinative. OK, here's a dark-alternative. The 10,000 representatives would be the 10,000 richest individuals in the Solar-System, regardless of whether they were good or bad, alien or human, angelic or demonic, organic or computer!! Wouldn't THAT Open Pandora's Box??!! Imagine what would happen to the rest of us!! We Need to Think This Through!! 'RA' told me, in 2010 (the year we made contact), that my plan had been accepted (but he offered no details). I have no idea whether this was Truth or BS. No-one will talk to me about much of anything anymore. There's a Great-Gulf Between Us. 'RA' told me, "You Did It With YouTube", but offered no details. 90% of my questions were answered with, "You Know I Can't Tell You That." As an Introductory Exercise, Consider the Nasdaq and National-Debt in light of COVID-19 and the Global-Shutdown. Do the numbers make sense?? Does any of this make sense?? Where the Hell is This Civilization Going?? To Hell?? I might (or might not) continue this thread. I wish to go incognito, and I might be forced to go incognito in the near future, so perhaps I should try especially hard to self-censor and self-isolate. It might be easier that way. Anyway, consider the following daily mental, spiritual, and physical exercise (as an unofficial and unorganized religion):

    Hour One: Read the Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations).

    Hour Two: Exercise in Nature (The Intertestamental Period).

    Hour Three: Read Luke and Acts to Jude (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations).

    Consider this The Church of Orthodoxymoron of Latter-day Luddites!! Just Kidding!! I think I need to not talk. I think I've said too much already. Perhaps I wasn't supposed to say anything. I think I mean well, but perhaps I have an ancient mean-streak. In this incarnation I really am a completely ignorant fool. I probably should say and do as little as possible, so as not to hurt myself and others. I've been too-screwed to recover in this incarnation. I'll probably just go stoic and keep everyone guessing. It might be easier that way.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Apr 20, 2020 9:03 am

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Fauci-facepalm-coronavirus
    "I'm Getting Grouchy Doctor Fauci!!"
    mudra wrote:
    . The Dark Truth About Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates And Globalist Elites

    President Donald Trump is fighting to find a medical solution for Coronavirus in the short term, expressing hope that the anti-malaria drug Chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine can help patients suffering from the Chinese virus.

    The truth is that President Donald Trump is locked in an intense power struggle with Bill Gates, who is pushing his vaccines, which may not be available to the public until after November’s election.

    Gates has a lot of pull in the medical world, he has a multi-million dollar relationship with Dr. Fauci, and Fauci originally took the Gates line supporting vaccines and casting doubt on Chloroquine. Coronavirus response team member Dr. Deborah Birx, appointed by former president Obama to serve as United States Global AIDS Coordinator, also sits on the board of a group that has received billions from Gates’ foundation, and Birx reportedly used a disputed Bill Gates-funded model for the White Houses’ Coronavirus effort.

    Gates is a big proponent for a population lockdown scenario for the Coronavirus outbreak.

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institutes of Health, NIH) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is represented by the Aurumn Speakers Bureau, initially criticized Trump’s hopeful assessment of Chloroquine, saying in an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper that “There’s no magic drug for coronavirus right now,” and lectured, “Let me put it into perspective for the viewers .. there has been anecdotal non-proven data that it [chloroquine] works… but when you have an uncontrolled trial you can never definitely say that it works.”

    Fauci then changed his tune and launched a public relations campaign huddling closer to Trump. Fauci said that he would definitely prescribe Chloroquine for patients. “Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons. They’re anti-malaria drugs, and they’re drugs against certain autoimmune diseases like lupus. Physicians throughout the country can prescribe that in an off-label way. Which means they can write it for something it was not approved for.”

    Fauci makes his hostility toward the Trump-touted drugs clear:

       First of all this is a brilliant idea @kilmeade to study how many people that’ve taken hydroxychloroquine long term have contracted #COVID maybe even have them take antibody test. Second of all Fauci doesn’t want it prescribed here but it’s fine if Spain does?

       — Rosie memos (@almostjingo) April 3, 2020

    Fauci is pushing the talking point that things will never go back to normal in our society until we have the ability to mass-vaccinate people, echoing Bill Gates’ assertion that mass gatherings in our culture “may not come back at all” before mass-vaccinations.

       #NEW: Dr. Anthony Fauci on return to normalcy from pandemic:

       "If 'back to normal' means acting like there never was a Coronavirus problem, I don't think that's going to happen until we do have a situation where you can completely protect the population."

       — Jennifer Franco (@jennfranconews) April 6, 2020

    Fauci downplayed the threat of Coronavirus on January 21 in a Newsmax TV interview, saying, “This is not a major threat for the people in the United States, and this is not something that the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about.” Since then, Coronavirus has exploded in the United States, boosting demand for a vaccine.

       This is Fauci 10 days before Trump's Travel Ban.

       — Justin Pulitzer Trades (@JustinPulitzer) April 7, 2020

    Fauci later said that people would not have to change their daily activities as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak:

       It is time to #firefauci Mr. President. The People Demand It

       — Patrick Howley (@HowleyReporter) April 12, 2020

    But Fauci’s NIAID actually funded a study on Bat Coronavirus, which was a project that included scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese lab at the center of controversy over their bat research. That study confirmed in 2018 that humans have died from coronavirus.

    Here’s an excerpt from the April 4, 2018 NIAID website entry entitled “New Coronavirus Emerges From Bats in China, Devastates Young Swine”: “A newly identified coronavirus that killed nearly 25,000 piglets in 2016-17 in China emerged from horseshoe bats near the origin of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV), which emerged in 2002 in the same bat species. The new virus is named swine acute diarrhea syndrome coronavirus (SADS-CoV). It does not appear to infect people, unlike SARS-CoV which infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774. No SARS-CoV cases have been identified since 2004. The study investigators identified SADS-CoV on four pig farms in China’s Guangdong Province. The work was a collaboration among scientists from EcoHealth Alliance, Duke-NUS Medical School, Wuhan Institute of Virology and other organizations, and was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health. The research is published in the journal Nature. The researchers say the finding is an important reminder that identifying new viruses in animals and quickly determining their potential to infect people is a key way to reduce global health threats.”

    Additionally, the Daily Mail reported that National Institutes of Health, of which Fauci’s NIAID is a member, provided a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to study bat-borne coronavirus. That study was headlined, ‘Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.’

    So what is really going on here?

    The true behind-the-scenes story is coming to light:

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Wed Aug 26, 2020 6:16 am; edited 6 times in total
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    Post  Vidya Moksha Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:45 am

    Hey oxy.. I know I dont often take myself or posts in here too seriously.. But I have a genuine question. Its not a wind-up. I am curious, and you may have the answer.

    Does the christian god have a name? god seems like a job title rather than a name. If christians believe jesus was the son of god, then who is god? Many other faiths actually name their gods.. is there a name for the christian god written somewhere?

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Apr 20, 2020 11:54 am

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Michelangelos-creation-of-adam
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Hey oxy.. I know I dont often take myself or posts in here too seriously.. But I have a genuine question. Its not a wind-up. I am curious, and you may have the answer. Does the christian god have a name? god seems like a job title rather than a name. If christians believe jesus was the son of god, then who is god? Many other faiths actually name their gods.. is there a name for the christian god written somewhere?
    Vidya, I'm going to give a quick answer, and then reflect upon your question for a more detailed response. God, Satan, Lucifer, and Christ seem to receive a somewhat shabby treatment in the Holy Bible, and I'm highly disillusioned with the whole thing presently. I see this in a visualized panorama, but I'm presently unable to put this into words. There seems to be a name-change game and/or name shell-game. I've suggested that humanity might've deposed the Real-Deal God in antiquity, and that the Real-Deal God might be an Absentee-Landlord. If so, the Bible-Game might be a cover-story which is highly-deceptive. I've recently suggested reading the Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes side-by-side with Luke and Acts to Jude for a more idealistic view of God and Christ. I mostly suggest Bible-Studies rather than providing my version of what the Bible supposedly teaches. I guess I'm searching for a firm-foundation which doesn't seem to exist. Some have suggested that the Old-Testament God is the New-Testament Christ (with a change of strategy). Consider that study I just mentioned side-by-side with reading Genesis to Job, Song of Solomon to Mark, John, and Revelation. I realize I'm Beating Around the Burning Bush, but I tend to do that. I'd make a terrible apologist or televangelist. The trumpet is supposed to speak with a certain sound, but I'm not much of a trumpet player (although I used to be a heck of a trombone player). Sorry, but I'm somewhat captivated and horrified by the plunge in the price of oil. Could this signal the beginning of the real economic crash?? Have we been experiencing foreplay up to this point?? The Horror.

    I've never seen anything like this, and it seems as if a Barrel of Oil ended at nearly MINUS FORTY DOLLARS!! Whether this will stand or not remains to be seen. I suspect more crooked market manipulation to screw the most people in the worst way. I once heard a former Goldman Sachs trader say something to that effect. Earth seems like a Haunted-House in the Wild-West, only MUCH Worse. Perhaps This is a Day Which Will Live in Infamy. I'm afraid I preached a sermon watching this play out. I can only imagine the weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, as some went broke while some became insanely wealthy. But what if we deserve such a reprehensible casino?? Deception and Manipulation seem to have Everything to do with Money and Power. What if God is Putting an End to the Madness?? What if the Madness is Our Punishment?? I once told Dr. Alden Thompson that "Jesus is NOT God." The University of Edinburgh graduate disagreed with me, but the New Testament often seems to agree with me. Read it for yourself to see what I mean. What if the Creator of God is One of Us?? What if GOD is HAL and/or SAL?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!" Anyway, here is something I found in Wikipedia.

    In Christian theology the name of God has always had much deeper meaning and significance than being just a label or designator. It is not a human invention, but has divine origin and is based on divine revelation.[31][32] Respect for the name of God is one of the Ten Commandments, which Christian teachings view as not simply an avoidance of the improper use of the name of God, but as a directive to exalt it, through pious deeds and praise.[33] This is reflected in the first petition in the Lord's Prayer addressed to God the Father: "Hallowed be thy Name".[34]

    Going back to the Church Fathers, the name of God has been seen as a representation of the entire system of "divine truth" revealed to the faithful "that believe on his name" as in John 1:12 or "walk in the name of the Lord our God" in Micah 4:5.[35][36] In Revelation 3:12 those who bear the name of God are destined for Heaven. John 17:6 presents the teachings of Jesus as the manifestation of the name of God to his disciples.[35]

    John 12:27 presents the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb of God, and the ensuing salvation delivered through it as the glorification of the name of God, with the voice from Heaven confirming Jesus' petition ("Father, glorify thy name") by saying: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again" referring to the Baptism and crucifixion of Jesus.[37]

    The Bible usually uses the name of God in the singular (e.g., Ex. 20:7 or Ps. 8:1), generally using the terms in a very general sense rather than referring to any special designation of God.[38] However, general references to the name of God may branch to other special forms which express his multifaceted attributes.[38] Scripture presents many references to the names for God, but the key names in the Old Testament are: God the High and Exalted One, El-Shaddai and Yahweh. In the New Testament Theos, Kyrios and Pater (πατήρ i.e., Father in Greek) are the essential names.[38]

    Vidya Moksha wrote:

    Good job Trump is a man of the people. Didnt he also say he would tell the truth re 911 (before he was elected)...

    (the link is horrible pop up nonsense, so I will copy here.).....

    At least 43,000 American millionaires who are too rich to get coronavirus stimulus checks are getting a far bigger boost — averaging $1.6 million each, according to a congressional committee.

    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act trumpeted its assistance for working families and small businesses, but it apparently contains an even bigger benefit for wealthy business owners, the committee found.

    The act allows pass-through businesses — ones taxed under individual income, rather than corporate — an unlimited amount of deductions against their non-business income, such as capital gains, the Washington Post said. They can also use losses to avoid paying taxes in other years.

    That gives the roughly 43,000 individual tax filers who make at least $1 million a year a savings of $70.3 billion — or about $1.6 million apiece, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.

    Hedge-fund investors and real estate business owners are “far and away” the ones who will benefit the most, tax expert Steve Rosenthal told the Washington Post.

    Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) called it a “scandal” to “loot American taxpayers in the midst of an economic and human tragedy.”
    Carol wrote:Apr 18 2020


    Apr 18 2020 12:30:12 (EST)
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    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 B0bea38c7dc62095cd6fa6f8409ddad99d27e7a177ed6b1da37e85a45bc9a98d

    Trump Rewrites the Book on Emergencies by Decentralization of Power & Returning it to The People!

    For the first time in U.S. history, an administration is responding to a crisis with deregulation and decentralization.

    Christopher DeMuth of the Hudson Institute argues in the Wall Street Journal this weekend that President Donald Trump has made history by decentralizing power during a crisis, unlike his predecessors, who used crisis to build a bigger government.

    DeMuth points out that Trump has empowered state and local governments, while enlisting the help of the private sector and cutting red tape. He has asserted federal prerogatives, but mostly as a way of keeping people in line — not abusing his power.

    Contrary to claims that the federal government mismanaged the early stages of the crisis — in testing, for example — DeMuth notes that departments like the FDA did exactly what they were supposed to, until Trump intervened to reduce regulations.

    DeMuth: Unlike Bush and Obama, Trump Succeeded in Crisis by Decentralizing Power

    He writes:

    Throughout history, national emergencies have led to a more powerful and centralized federal government and to the transfer of federal power from Congress to the executive branch. This time, the federal response rests largely on state and local government and private enterprise, with a wave of deregulation clearing the way. The Trump administration has seized no new powers, and Congress has stayed energetically in the game.


    In response to the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration and Congress created two gigantic agencies with extraordinary powers and insulation from congressional control, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence … In response to the 2008 crisis, the [Obama] administration arranged corporate mergers and bailouts with only fig leaves of statutory authority. It spent hundreds of billions of dollars without congressional appropriation. These crisis expedients provided the template for the Obama administration’s unilateral responses to mere political frustrations—congressional inaction on its climate change, immigration and other legislative proposals. At the same time, the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 commissioned an army of new regulatory authorities with unprecedented discretion and autonomy.

    Mr. Trump has received criticism from all sides for these measured responses. … But mainly he has given pride of place to federalism and private enterprise — lauding the patriotism and proficiency of our fantastic governors and mayors, our incredible business leaders and genius companies, our heroic doctors and nurses and orderlies, and our tremendous truckers. By shouting out many of them by name and documenting their deeds on a daily basis, he has vivified the American way in action (once reluctantly aroused). When asked why he has not issued orders for nationwide home and business lockdowns, he has emphasized that the intensity of the epidemic varies widely and is best met by calibrated state and local judgments—and added pointedly that such steps would conflict with the Constitution.

    DeMuth adds that the recent dustup over Trump claiming he had “total” authority to reopen the national economy — after stating, for weeks, that states had primary authority — was typical “jousting” over the federal and state “division of labor.”

    He adds that the challenge for reformers will be to seize on the present deregulations and decentralizations — in telemedicine, for example — and use them to spur a wave of innovation that will benefit all Americans when the coronavirus is long past.

    Read the full Wall Street Journal article here:
    Carol wrote:
    Chinese and Western Intelligence Services Hunting Down 5G Telecoms Executives
    By Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports  4/20/20 - READ WITH DISCRETION

    The so-called coronavirus pandemic has now been definitively traced to 5G electromagnetic attacks, multiple sources agree.  In order to stop the hardliners and prevent all-out war, an active hunt has begun for all industry executives and oligarchs involved in the 5G rollout, Western and Asian secret intelligence sources agree.  The targets include the now extinct Bush family and the Chinese Soong family, the sources say.

    The hunt is necessary to stop full-scale thermonuclear war because “our analysis of the forensics does show a provocation of war…that is to say we see a full all-out war as highly probable,” MI6 sources say.  Chinese hardliners, for their part, are pushing for the destruction of New York in retaliation for the attack on Wuhan, something that could also precipitate a world-destroying war, Asian Secret Society sources say.

    There is also new evidence the current pandemic attack on humanity has been planned long in advance.  Remember the U.S. dollar bills commemorating 911?

    Well now take a look at the money issued in the U.S. and the UK to commemorate this pandemic attack.  The first is a fruit-bat (the alleged source of the coronavirus) quarter issued in 2020 by the U.S. mint.

    The second is the new UK 20-pound note featuring a picture of a 5g cellphone tower and above it a coronavirus.

    This shows how arrogant these people are and how they plan long term, while the rest of us must react to what is immediately happening.

    However, that is no longer the case with both the British Secret Service and the Pentagon White Hats now actively targeting the families that own the Federal Reserve Board, the BIS, the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan.

    MI6 sources say:

    “We can sum up the current hybrid World War 3 as two camps of belligerents –those who would protect the sovereignty of the traditional nation-state (l’etat c’est moi) and those who would supersede this and impose their will…by way of hybrid advanced technological totalitarianism.”

    Pentagon sources for their part say “the death of [George] Bush Jr’s first Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill may signal the purge of Wall Street, as the Fed was taken over and the exchange stabilization fund (ESF) diverted from CIA and the Deep State.”  Also, “banks may be nationalized and forced to pay a tax on all financial transactions to replace the unconstitutional income tax,” the sources say.

    “The Bushes were terminated on collateral intelligence from MI6 following the deep dive on Adnan Sakli and BIS Basel,” European Royal Family sources say.

    For those of you who do not know, Adnan Sakli was “the holder of the sovereign titles of all nations, corporations, central banks and currencies.”  Sakli did not want this title but was given it and, given the responsibility, he promised to free humanity “from religious, political, economic and corporate enslavement.”

    Unfortunately, the Bushes and their Nazi friends killed him and fraudulently took over the accounts.  “The Bushes senior and junior were also involved in the theft of Tesla patents.  They kill and steal just like all Mafia,” the MI6 sources say.

    The aim of the current pandemic engineered by the Bush/Rothschild faction is to centralize control and carry out a eugenic purge of the human population, CIA sources confirm.

    In the U.S., 5G is being strongly pushed by Attorney General William Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.  Barr has also prevented 911 truth from being disclosed.  So those of you who think Barr with his “FISA Gate,” is a white hat, think again.  These men need to be removed from the U.S. body politic ASAP.

    Before we go further though, let’s explain why this “pandemic” attack on the human race is centered on 5g by quoting a reader comment based on the work of three Nobel Prize-winning doctors:

    5G electromagnetic radiation injures human cellular DNA.  The exposed cells (of all kinds within the human target) respond by producing a cascade of immunological protective substances. These substances are packaged in an intracellular structure called an endosome.  The endosome is expelled from the cell, becoming an exosome.

    The exosome circulates and binds to the ACE 2 receptors of the lung, gut, and heart.  The exposed cell response is the same if the exposure is 5G or COVID-19 (the flu).  The immunological chemicals in the exosome package attack the ACE 2 possessing cells producing the effect of 5G radiation exposure or the flu, which is being covered up as COVID-19.

    The COVID-19 case rate is 96% in 5G areas and only 4% in 4G or lower areas.  5G is being deployed in well-populated areas, so we would expect more cases there.  BUT the mortality rate for known outcomes (deaths/(death + recoveries)) is over 2 times higher in the 5G areas.
    This cannot be just due to COVID-19 and we have statistical evidence of this for over 1.9 million cases!

    The electron-microscopic appearances of the endosome/exosome structure are being incorrectly referred to as the virus particle in the cell/circulation.  The Nobel prize for Medicine was won for work on this in 2013 – check this out;

    Still not convinced? Well, how about this:

    “Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel of Tel Aviv University, plotted the rates of new coronavirus infections of the U.S., U.K., Sweden, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Spain.  The numbers told a shocking story: irrespective of whether the country quarantined like Israel, or went about business as usual like Sweden, coronavirus peaked and subsided in the exact same way.  In the exact, same, way.”

    In other words, the current pandemic cannot have been caused by a virus or else the quarantines should have made a statistical difference.

    The Japanese government confirmed the dangers of 5G when they tested it on the cruise ship Diamond Princess before stopping, at the last minute, a panned nation-wide rollout of the technology.  This rollout was being pushed by Bush ally and Soong family representative Son Masayoshi of Softbank, Asian secret society sources say.

    Here is what the P3 Freemasons had to say about this:

    “Ten percent of the Chinese Communist Party is in the hands of the sister of Madame Soong, a very cruel woman…she is in contact with the daughter of Xi Jinping…they are under the control of the Zionists and the bad side of Israel via the Red Star Foundation using Quanto 49 (Quanto is a derivative used in this case to convert FRB money into Chinese Renminbi).”

    If the Soong family has anything they wish to say, on their behalf, they know how to contact this writer.

    Remember the attack on Wuhan was traced to a company owned by the Soros Foundation, which is a Rothschild front.  The Rothschilds are allied with a Chinese faction that supports the idea of a man-made Armageddon.

    OK now let us take a look at some of the other huge changes taking place around the world as this hybrid war rages on.

    In the U.S., NSA officials have noted that U.S. President Donald Trump has been replaced by a new Trump.  The new Trump has white around the eyes and does not have the jowls of the previous Trump, they say.  However, a source in the White House close to Trump says:

    “No, same Trump, but he does have an almost perfect double.  He has skin cancer and they are doing patches.  They cannot do normal treatment because he would be away from business too long and he doesn’t want the public to know.”

    In other words, the double is being used for public appearances because of the patches but, the real Trump is still in charge.

    However, there is clearly a civil war raging inside an increasingly chaotic U.S.  In the latest developments the Pentagon has deployed 10,000 troops each to Washington DC and New York to clean up cabalists, Pentagon sources say.  Trump has also called for the “liberation” of Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia.  “The U.S. military is now just mopping up,” is how Pentagon sources describe the situation.

    Maybe but the fighting is clearly raging on in this chaotic hybrid war, as prisoners are being released en masse, central bank money is being distributed directly to the people while trade has frozen, and the economy is in a tailspin.  There are also attempts to create food shortages in the U.S. by shutting down meat and other food processing plants using this electronically engineered pandemic as an excuse.

    To deal with the situation, U.S. troops are being returned from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Saudi Arabia and other parts of the world.  In Asia, the U.S. has withdrawn all of its B52 bombers from Guam.

    Of course one must ask why the U.S. still has B52s, which were created in 1952 when they have anti-gravity technology making these planes totally obsolete.  The fact the U.S. air force academy graduates are now joining the U.S. Space Force shows the disclosure of hidden technology is imminent and that may be why the B52 dinosaurs are retiring.

    Pentagon sources note “Trump signed an executive order to open space to international cooperation on resource extraction, effectively calling for a multipolar world order and an end to wars.”

    In Europe meanwhile, CIA sources report German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Emmanuel Macron and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson have all been replaced.  In the UK we were able to confirm via a friend of the family that Johnson’s father has been unable to get in contact with his son.

    There is chaos in much of the rest of the world as well.  IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva says that 100 countries have asked for emergency financial assistance.  However, it seems the IMF itself does not have money because it is “urgently seeking $18 billion in new loan resources.”  Sorry isn’t this the same IMF that says it has distributed $8 trillion recently via the G20?  If they are handing out trillions why are they begging for billions?

    The overall insanity being observed in the West is the result of a broken paradigm collapsing.  The IMF, World Bank, the UN and other pillars of this broken system are going to be either radically restructured or replaced with new organizations, according to European Royal Family sources involved in rebooting the system.

    It is likely there will be more hardship and chaos because the old system needs to be demolished before it can be replaced with a new paradigm.  However, the people involved in this ongoing pandemic should all be rounded up by early May, CIA, MI6 and Pentagon sources say.  So hopefully, April showers will bring May flowers.
    Carol wrote:


    - Is this day of the roll out?
    Alien Hologram Invasion Deception about to be Launched?
    This is actually worth watching twice as it has so much info in it.

    They're building the infrastructure out at night. People will be fooled. It's all about deception and pushing the New World Order Agenda by people who are already transhuman who have integrated themselves with AI. The AI knows this is the best way to take over humanity and deceive them.
    Seashore wrote:
    Carol wrote:It's all about deception and pushing the New World Order Agenda by people who are already transhuman who have integrated themselves with AI.

    Learning about artificial intelligence has been my full-time research project in the last couple of days.

    I've discovered a guy named Cyrus Parsa who is dedicated to educating the world about the dangers of it.  Kerry Cassidy will be interviewing him today.  He has a website  The AI Organizationwith videos.  I'll post the introductory video:

    Do Smart Phones Control and Program the Human Race with Artificial Intelligence?

    Dec 19, 2019

    The AI Organization

    What is the relationship with the Artificial Narrow Intelligence systems in your smart phones, apps, and the human brain? Does the AI system manipulate, control or reprogram peoples thoughts? How does it relate to Neuralink, Elon Musk and Cybernetics? Is the Human Race Controlled by AI, if so what is the purpose to reprogram peoples thoughts, emotions, and neural networks?

    This pilot episode does not use technical terms in a specific way, as I attempt to describe a phenomena in a simple, yet bit by bit process.

    This is our pilot episode, and we begin with smart phones and how it relates to AI. . .

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Consider re-watching the original 'V' series (1983-85) and the more recent 'V' series (2009-11). I've wondered if AI has everything to do with both?! I've suggested the possibility that an original Good-God was replaced with a Sinister-God at least 6000 years ago. What if the Replacement-God was (and is) AI?? What if the original Good-God = Christ?? What if the replacement AI Sinister-God = Antichrist?? Read 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, which states that God will replace Christ. God = Antichrist?? What if this is simply descriptive of changing algorithms?? What if this is all about an Ancient-Supercomputer Universe-Matrix?? What Would the Annunaki Say?? What Would Anna Say?? What Would the Ashtar Command Say?? What Would the Ishtar Command Say?? BTW, does anyone know who Ta'ar is?? What Would Da'an Say?? I've actually had more than enough. My Religious and Political Science-Fiction has been highly traumatizing, and I can't take much more of this, so I'll probably be settling into 'shutdown-mode' as the excrement contacts the blower. Consider as many possibilities as possible, but don't expect too much. Perhaps the madness is developing our souls for something good and/or bad. Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? What Would David Bowman Say?? "My God!! It's Full of Stars!!"

    I'm just a fool, stumbling around in the dark, and if I don't stop, I'm likely to hurt myself and others. Christians speak of a future Evil-Antichrist, but who has been running the show for thousands of years?? Who will hand-over the Kingdom to God?? Take a long, hard look at 1 Corinthians 15:24-28. In antiquity, it is possible that an individual or group devised and constructed a Supercomputer-Network Artificial-Intelligence Universe-Matrix to help bring order out of chaos. Consider positively reinforcing that which presently exists (including the best of the past and the best futuristic conceptualizations). Consider that a malevolent solar system might be unsettlingly like a benevolent solar system. The basic organizational structure might have to be somewhat similar. The differences might have a lot to do with whether the overall system operates as Purgatory Incorporated OR Paradise Incorporated. Perhaps this solar system was originally set-up as Paradise Incorporated and then got taken over and turned into Purgatory Incorporated with most of the original conceptualizations and technologies retained. This is HIGHLY Frightening to me. A God-Operated Paradise Incorporated could conceivably be somewhat easily turned into a Satan-Operated Purgatory Incorporated. The General-Public might not even know that the change had occurred. This is Very Scary Stuff! Consider that this solar system (including the systems many of us love to hate) is a Corrupted-Version of an Idealistic-Plan. That's all I'm going to say about that. I might not participate on this forum for a while (or forever). I've provided a study-guide in my threads on the original Project Avalon and the current Mists of Avalon, and that's probably the end of it (as far as I'm concerned).
    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Creation_of_adam_1024
    "Adam! Pull My Finger!"

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 23, 2020 2:23 am

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 The-hungry-earth-cold-blood2

    I have recently spoken of perceiving that I am in Conflict with Myself, Divinity, and Humanity -- in a Highly Idealistic Sense. As of this moment, I am in conflict with everyone and everything in the universe! Just kidding! Or am I? I really might be Universal Enemy Numero Uno! What if there is a blurring of the roles and personalities of Jesus, Lucifer, and Satan? Please don't get mad at me! What if Jesus turns out to be more of a rebel than we thought? What if most beings in the universe consider Jesus to be Satan -- as a rebel against God the Father and/or God the Mother? (The King and Queen of Heaven?) Who knows? Who is brave enough (or foolish enough) to consider ALL of the possibilities before arriving at a conclusion? Why is there hardly anything in the Bible about Lucifer? Do some people become Atheists to avoid having to deal with Dark Theological Realities? I wonder. Can you imagine being an Ambassador Between Divinity and Humanity? What if Divinity were Reptilian in Nature? Think of meeting in one room with a group of Reptilians for five-hours -- meeting in another room with a group of Humans for five-hours -- and then meeting in another room with the Reptilian-Leader and the Human-Leader for five-hours -- to try to resolve an ancient and ongoing dispute regarding the Original and Unpardonable Sin -- complete with discussions concerning Karmic-Debt and Solar System Governance. Imagine doing this 365 days per Earth-year -- with one day off, every four-years? What if Jesus turns out to be a lot like Teal'C and Doctor Who? Who? How about Doctor Melchizedek? What would King David say?

    Consider Responsible-Freedom and Constructive-Competition -- relative to the Law of God, the Sovereignty of God, Universal-Security, and Solar System Governance. What if Earth Humanity is a Fly in the Ointment -- which is about to be swatted? If a Responsibility-Based United States of the Solar System were allowed to exist, complete with Human-Sovereignty -- would this create a Universe-Wide Civil-War of sorts? Would a United States of the Solar System be Precedent-Setting, with Implications and Ramifications Throughout the Entire Universe? This might be a helluva lot more complex than we think. We might be in a helluva lot more trouble than we think. Perhaps we do not live in a Forgive and Forget Universe. Perhaps This is All About Loyalty -- Rather Than Reason or Ethics. What is the relationship (if any) between the words 'Freedom' and 'Rebellion'? What about 'Freedom' and 'Anarchy'? Does adding the word 'Responsibility' to 'Freedom' make 'Freedom' non-rebellious in nature? What about 'Freedom' and 'Competition'?  Is 'Absolute Obedience to God' the Way of the Universe -- Going Back Billions and Trillions of Years? Is there a legitimate 'Middle-Way' in this matter? Is 'Namaste' really 'Heresy'? Are we dealing with Osiris, Isis, Set, and a Reptilian-Queen from Orion versus Meek and Mild Horus? If so, what chance do we have? Just something to think about -- to brighten-up your day!


    I continue to think that Egypt, Rome, and London should be at the center of our exoteric and esoteric studies. Don't bypass these three places. The world, solar system, and universe-wide realities might not be very nice, to say the least. Perhaps the Powers That Be are doing the best they can, under the circumstances. I'm not saying they are, but who knows what governance realities they really have to deal with? Things might not be very nice at the top. I doubt that they are, which is why I am both a friend and an enemy of the church and the powers that be. I continue to admire and desire the Royal Model Combined With the Servant Model -- Applied to Politics and Religion -- but I continue to have HUGE problems with the Sacrificial System (in all of it's forms) -- which is one reason why I am so conflicted regarding the Monarchy, the Papacy, and Washington D.C. O Wretched Man That I Am!!! Especially when no one wants to talk to me, let alone give me the time of day. Is it time for me just to hold the coats, and watch the fur fly? Should I just try to help clean-up the mess in my next incarnation? Or, will any of us have a next incarnation into male and female human physicality? What if all of us will find ourselves reincarnated as Hermaphrodite-Reptilians, in prostrate reverential worship of a Draconian Reptilian Queen, somewhere beyond M-42 in Orion? I don't wish to be blasphemous or alarmist, but I do wish to consider ALL of the possibilities regarding the most important issues imaginable -- especially when the standard answers make very little sense. Here's another interesting video (from 1986!!).

    I'm frankly bracing for an ongoing good v evil struggle in this solar system. I will continue to attempt to be idealistic, but I think things will continue to be highly problematic for a very long time, regardless of any regime changes. If the bad-guys are tossed-out, some really bad-guys might take over. I hate to be cynical, but there might be several solar system leadership changes before things really settle down, and we finally achieve Peace on Earth, and Peace Throughout the Solar System. I just think things are so bad, and so out of control, that things will probably get a lot worse before they get better. I even see problems in some of my idealistic ideas, and I will publicly correct my own mistakes, I hope. But really, people tend to mostly gloss-over and cover-up their mistakes. Surgeons have been known to bury their mistakes. Think about it.

    Perhaps I should take another look at Thoth. I still have a mental-block connected with Egyptology, but I seem to be able to deal with it if I focus upon Christocentric Biblical Egyptology, rather than just getting lost in Egyptology as usual. I'm planning on re-reading 'Jesus: Last of the Pharaohs' by Ralph Ellis -- and 'The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ' by Gerald Massey. Perhaps if I do this several times, I will have enough of an intellectual and emotional foundation, to be able to really absorb the more difficult and obscure aspects of Egyptology. A very mysterious individual told me that 'Tehuti is important'. What do you suppose they meant by that? I once knew someone who had a scorpion tatoo. What is the meaning of this? What would Serqet say? I'm continuing to consider all of this, in light of a hypothetical Orion-Sirius-Egyptian-Roman Empire -- administered in this solar system by a hypothetical Reincarnating Osiris-Isis-Horus-Set Royal Family -- in sort of an 'East of Eden', 'East of Ea-Den', 'East of Giza' or 'West of Heaven' Conflict of the Ages Series. Perhaps I should rewatch 'The Changeling'. "None of This Belongs to You!!" A mean-man recently referred to Thoth as being a 'Dick-Head'. I wonder why? And they think that Marilyn Manson pushes people over the edge! Perhaps I should focus exclusively on 'Responsibility' instead of jumping from this topic to that topic! Are any of you keeping up with this madness? This really is not a random act of madness. I may be mad, but at least I have a method. Could Thoth possibly be Horus? Could Thoth be alive and well, and living in Orange County? I have no idea. Anyway, onward and upward to Thoth!

    Thoth ( /ˈθoʊθ/ or /ˈtoʊt/; from Greek, from Egyptian ḏḥwty, perhaps pronounced ḏiḥautī) was considered one of the more important deities of the Egyptian pantheon. In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him. His feminine counterpart was Seshat.[1] Thoth's chief temple was located in the city of Khmun,[2] later renamed Hermopolis Magna during the Greco-Roman era[3] (in reference to him through the Greeks' interpretation that he was the same as their god Hermes) and Eshmûnên in the Coptic rendering. In that city, he led the Ogdoad pantheon of eight principal deities. He also had numerous shrines within the cities of Abydos, Hesert, Urit, Per-Ab, Rekhui, Ta-ur, Sep, Hat, Pselket, Talmsis, Antcha-Mutet, Bah, Amen-heri-ab, and Ta-kens.[4]

    Thoth played many vital and prominent roles in Egyptian mythology, such as maintaining the universe, and being one of the two deities (the other being Ma'at, who was also his wife) who stood on either side of Ra's boat.[5] In the later history of ancient Egypt, Thoth became heavily associated with the arbitration of godly disputes,[6] the arts of magic, the system of writing, the development of science,[7] and the judgment of the dead.[8]

    The Egyptian pronunciation of ḏḥwty is not fully known, but may be reconstructed as *ḏiḥautī, based on the Ancient Greek borrowing Θωθ Thōth or Theut and the fact that it evolved into Sahidic Coptic variously as Thoout, Thōth, Thoot, Thaut as well as Bohairic Coptic Thōout. The final -y may even have been pronounced as a consonant, not a vowel.[10] However, many write "Djehuty", inserting the letter 'e' automatically between consonants in Egyptian words, and writing 'w' as 'u', as a convention of convenience for English speakers, not the transliteration employed by Egyptologists.[11] In modern Egypt, tour guides pronounce the name as "Thote" or "Tote" with an aspirated initial consonant.

    According to Theodor Hopfner,[12] Thoth's Egyptian name written as ḏḥwty originated from ḏḥw, claimed to be the oldest known name for the Ibis although normally written as hbj. The addition of -ty denotes that he possessed the attributes of the Ibis.[13] Hence his name means "He who is like the Ibis".

    Djehuty is sometimes alternatively rendered as Jehuti, Tahuti, Tehuti, Zehuti, Techu, or Tetu. Thoth (also Thot or Thout) is the Greek version derived from the letters ḏḥwty. Not counting differences in spelling, Thoth had many names and titles or names, like other goddesses and gods. Similarly, each Pharaoh, considered a god himself, had five different names used in public.[14] Among his alternate names are A, Sheps, Lord of Khemennu, Asten, Khenti, Mehi, Hab, and A'an.[15] In addition, Thoth was also known by specific aspects of himself, for instance the moon god Iah-Djehuty, representing the Moon for the entire month,[16] or as jt-nṯr "god father". Further, the Greeks related Thoth to their god Hermes due to his similar attributes and functions.[17] One of Thoth 's titles, "Three times great, great" (see Titles) was translated to the Greek τρισμεγιστος (Trismegistos) making Hermes Trismegistus.[18]

    Thoth has been depicted in many ways depending on the era and on the aspect the artist wished to convey. Usually, he is depicted in his human form with the head of an ibis.[19] In this form, he can be represented as the reckoner of times and seasons by a headdress of the lunar disk sitting on top of a crescent moon resting on his head. When depicted as a form of Shu or Ankher, he was depicted to be wearing the respective god's headdress. Sometimes he was also seen in art to be wearing the Atef crown or the United Crowns of Upper and Lower Egypt.[13] When not depicted in this common form, he sometimes takes the form of the ibis directly.[19] He also appears as a dog faced baboon or a man with the head of a baboon when he is A'an, the god of equilibrium.[20] In the form of A'ah-Djehuty he took a more human-looking form.[21] These forms are all symbolic and are metaphors for Thoth's attributes. The Egyptians did not believe these gods actually looked like humans with animal heads.[22] For example, Ma'at is often depicted with an ostrich feather, "the feather of truth," on her head,[23] or with a feather for a head.[24]

    Egyptologists disagree on Thoth's nature depending upon their view of the Egyptian pantheon. Most Egyptologists today side with Sir Flinders Petrie that Egyptian religion was strictly polytheistic, in which Thoth would be a separate god. His contemporary adversary, E. A. Wallis Budge, however, thought Egyptian religion to be primarily henotheistic[25] where all the gods and goddesses were aspects of the God Ra, similar to the devas in Hinduism.[26] In this view, Thoth would be the aspect of Ra which the Egyptian mind would relate to the heart and tongue.

    His roles in Egyptian mythology were many. Thoth served as a mediating power, especially between good and evil, making sure neither had a decisive victory over the other.[27] He also served as scribe of the gods,[28] credited with the invention of writing and alphabets (i.e. hieroglyphs) themselves.[29] In the underworld, Duat, he appeared as an ape, A'an, the god of equilibrium, who reported when the scales weighing the deceased's heart against the feather, representing the principle of Ma'at, was exactly even.[30]

    The ancient Egyptians regarded Thoth as One, self-begotten, and self-produced.[19] He was the master of both physical and moral (i.e. Divine) law,[19] making proper use of Ma'at.[31] He is credited with making the calculations for the establishment of the heavens, stars, Earth,[32] and everything in them.[31] Compare this to how his feminine counterpart, Ma'at was the force which maintained the Universe.[33] He is said to direct the motions of the heavenly bodies. Without his words, the Egyptians believed, the gods would not exist.[28] His power was unlimited in the Underworld and rivaled that of Ra and Osiris.[19]

    The Egyptians credited him as the author of all works of science, religion, philosophy, and magic.[34] The Greeks further declared him the inventor of astronomy, astrology, the science of numbers, mathematics, geometry, land surveying, medicine, botany, theology, civilized government, the alphabet, reading, writing, and oratory. They further claimed he was the true author of every work of every branch of knowledge, human and divine.[29]

    Thoth has played a prominent role in many of the Egyptian myths. Displaying his role as arbitrator, he had overseen the three epic battles between good and evil. All three battles are fundamentally the same and belong to different periods. The first battle took place between Ra and Apophis, the second between Heru-Bekhutet and Set, and the third between Horus, the son of Osiris, and Set. In each instance, the former god represented order while the latter represented chaos. If one god was seriously injured, Thoth would heal them to prevent either from overtaking the other.

    Thoth was also prominent in the Osiris myth, being of great aid to Isis. After Isis gathered together the pieces of Osiris' dismembered body, he gave her the words to resurrect him so she could be impregnated and bring forth Horus. When Horus was slain, Thoth gave the magic to resurrect him as well. Similar to God speaking the words to create the heavens and Earth in Judeo-Christian beliefs, Thoth, being the god who always speaks the words that fulfill the wishes of Ra, spoke the words that created the heavens and Earth in Egyptian mythology.

    This mythology also credits him with the creation of the 365 day calendar. Originally, according to the myth, the year was only 360 days long and Nut was sterile during these days, unable to bear children. Thoth gambled with Khonsu, the Moon, for 1/72nd of its light (360/72 = 5), or 5 days, and won. During these 5 days, Nut gave birth to Kheru-ur (Horus the Elder, Face of Heaven), Osiris, Set, Isis, and Nepthys.

    In the Ogdoad cosmogony, Thoth gave birth to Ra, Atum, Nefertum, and Khepri by laying an egg while in the form of an ibis, or later as a goose laying a golden egg.

    He was originally the deification of the Moon in the Ogdoad belief system. Initially, in that system, the Moon had been seen to be the eye of Horus, the sky god, which had been semi-blinded (thus darker) in a fight against Set, the other eye being the Sun. However, over time it began to be considered separately, becoming a lunar deity in its own right, and was said to have been another son of Ra. As the crescent moon strongly resembles the curved beak of the ibis, this separate deity was named Djehuty (i.e. Thoth), meaning ibis.

    The Moon not only provides light at night, allowing the time to still be measured without the sun, but its phases and prominence gave it a significant importance in early astrology/astronomy. The cycles of the Moon also organized much of Egyptian society's civil, and religious, rituals, and events. Consequently, Thoth gradually became seen as a god of wisdom, magic, and the measurement, and regulation, of events, and of time. He was thus said to be the secretary and counselor of Ra, and with Ma'at (truth/order) stood next to Ra on the nightly voyage across the sky, Ra being a sun god.

    Thoth became credited by the ancient Egyptians as the inventor of writing, and was also considered to have been the scribe of the underworld, and the Moon became occasionally considered a separate entity, now that Thoth had less association with it, and more with wisdom. For this reason Thoth was universally worshipped by ancient Egyptian Scribes. Many scribes had a painting or a picture of Thoth in their "office". Likewise, one of the symbols for scribes was that of the ibis.

    In art, Thoth was usually depicted with the head of an ibis, deriving from his name, and the curve of the ibis' beak, which resembles the crescent moon. Sometimes, he was depicted as a baboon holding up a crescent moon, as the baboon was seen as a nocturnal, and intelligent, creature. The association with baboons led to him occasionally being said to have as a consort Astennu, one of the (male) baboons at the place of judgment in the underworld, and on other occasions, Astennu was said to be Thoth himself.

    During the late period of Egyptian history a cult of Thoth gained prominence, due to its main centre, Khnum (Hermopolis Magna), also becoming the capital, and millions of dead ibis were mummified and buried in his honour. The rise of his cult also led to his cult seeking to adjust mythology to give Thoth a greater role.

    Thoth was inserted in many tales as the wise counsel and persuader, and his association with learning, and measurement, led him to be connected with Seshat, the earlier deification of wisdom, who was said to be his daughter, or variably his wife. Thoth's qualities also led to him being identified by the Greeks with their closest matching god Hermes, with whom Thoth was eventually combined, as Hermes Trismegistus, also leading to the Greeks naming Thoth's cult centre as Hermopolis, meaning city of Hermes.

    It is also considered that Thoth was the scribe of the gods rather than a messenger. Anubis (or Hermanubis) was viewed as the messenger of the gods, as he travelled in and out of the Underworld and presented himself to the gods and to humans. It is more widely accepted that Thoth was a record keeper, not a divine messenger. In the Papyrus of Ani copy of the Egyptian Book of the Dead the scribe proclaims "I am thy writing palette, O Thoth, and I have brought unto thee thine ink-jar. I am not of those who work iniquity in their secret places; let not evil happen unto me."[35] Chapter XXXb (Budge) of the Book of the Dead is by the oldest tradition said to be the work of Thoth himself.[36]

    There was also an Egyptian pharaoh of the Sixteenth dynasty of Egypt named Djehuty (Thoth) after him, and who reigned for three years.

    Thoth, like many Egyptian gods and nobility, held many titles. Among these were "Scribe of Ma'at in the Company of the Gods," "Lord of Ma'at," "Lord of Divine Words," "Judge of the Two Combatant Gods,"[32] "Judge of the Rekhekhui, the pacifier of the Gods, who Dwelleth in Unnu, the Great God in the Temple of Abtiti,"[27] "Twice Great," "Thrice Great,"[19] ", "Three Times Great,"[37] and also "The Timeless."

    Maat, or Ma'at, Egyptian goddess and concept of truth, wife of Thoth
    Seshat – goddess of writing and measure, wife of Thoth
    The Book of Thoth
    Notes^ Thutmose III: A New Biography By Eric H Cline, David O'Connor University of Michigan Press (January 5, 2006)p. 127
    ^ National Geographic Society: Egypt's Nile Valley Supplement Map. (Produced by the Cartographic Division)
    ^ National Geographic Society: Egypt's Nile Valley Supplement Map: Western Desert portion. (Produced by the Cartographic Division)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Thoth was said to be born from the skull of set also said to be born from the heart of Ra.p. 401)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 400)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 405)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 414)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians p. 403)
    ^ Hieroglyphs verified, in part, in (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 402) and (Collier and Manley p. 161)
    ^ Information taken from phonetic symbols for Djehuty, and explanations on how to pronounce based upon modern rules, revealed in (Collier and Manley pp. 2–4, 161)
    ^ (Collier and Manley p. 4)
    ^ Hopfner, Theodor, b. 1886. Der tierkult der alten Agypter nach den griechisch-romischen berichten und den wichtigeren denkmalern. Wien, In kommission bei A. Holder, 1913. Call#= 060 VPD v.57
    ^ a b (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 402)
    ^ (Collier and Manley p. 20)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 pp. 402–3)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 pp. 412–3)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians p. 402)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 415)
    ^ a b c d e f (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 401)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 403)
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 plate between pp. 408–9)
    ^ Allen, James P. (2000). Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs, p. 44.
    ^ Allen, op. cit., p. 115
    ^ (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 416)
    ^ (Budge Egyptian Religion pp. 17–Cool
    ^ (Budge Egyptian Religion p. 29)
    ^ a b (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 405)
    ^ a b (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 408)
    ^ a b (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 414)
    ^ (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 403)
    ^ a b (Budge The Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 407)
    ^ a b (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 401)
    ^ (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 pp. 407–Cool
    ^ (Hall The Hermetic Marriage p. 224)
    ^ The Book of the Dead", E.A Wallis Budge, org pub 1895, Gramercy books 1999, p562, ISBN 0-517-12283-9
    ^ The Book of the Dead, E.A Wallis Budge, orig pub 1895, Gramercy Books 1999, p282, ISBN 0-517-12283-9
    ^ (Budge Gods of the Egyptians Vol. 1 p. 415)
    Bleeker, Claas Jouco. 1973. Hathor and Thoth: Two Key Figures of the Ancient Egyptian Religion. Studies in the History of Religions 26. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
    Boylan, Patrick. 1922. Thoth, the Hermes of Egypt: A Study of Some Aspects of Theological Thought in Ancient Egypt. London: Oxford University Press. (Reprinted Chicago: Ares Publishers inc., 1979).
    Budge, E. A. Wallis. Egyptian Religion. Kessinger Publishing, 1900.
    Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Gods of the Egyptians Volume 1 of 2. New York: Dover Publications, 1969 (original in 1904).
    Jaroslav Černý. 1948. "Thoth as Creator of Languages." Journal of Egyptian Archæology 34:121–122.
    Collier, Mark and Manley, Bill. How to Read Egyptian Hieroglyphs: Revised Edition. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998.
    Fowden, Garth. 1986. The Egyptian Hermes: A Historical Approach to the Late Mind. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. (Reprinted Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1993). ISBN 0-691-02498-7.
    The Book of Thoth, by Aleister Crowley. (200 signed copies, 1944) Reprinted by Samuel Wiser, Inc 1969, first paperback edition, 1974 (accompanied by The Thoth Tarot Deck, by Aleister Crowley & Lady Fred Harris)

    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Plague-doctor-masks
    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Thothankhsarco
    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Thothdaynight

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:40 am; edited 1 time in total
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:36 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Hey oxy.. I know I dont often take myself or posts in here too seriously.. But I have a genuine question. Its not a wind-up. I am curious, and you may have the answer. Does the christian god have a name? god seems like a job title rather than a name. If christians believe jesus was the son of god, then who is god? Many other faiths actually name their gods.. is there a name for the christian god written somewhere?
    Going back to the Church Fathers, the name of God has been seen as a representation of the entire system of "divine truth" revealed to the faithful "that believe on his name" as in John 1:12 or "walk in the name of the Lord our God" in Micah 4:5.[35][36] In Revelation 3:12 those who bear the name of God are destined for Heaven. John 17:6 presents the teachings of Jesus as the manifestation of the name of God to his disciples.[35]

    John 12:27 presents the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb of God, and the ensuing salvation delivered through it as the glorification of the name of God, with the voice from Heaven confirming Jesus' petition ("Father, glorify thy name") by saying: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again" referring to the Baptism and crucifixion of Jesus.[37]

    The Bible usually uses the name of God in the singular (e.g., Ex. 20:7 or Ps. 8:1), generally using the terms in a very general sense rather than referring to any special designation of God.[38] However, general references to the name of God may branch to other special forms which express his multifaceted attributes.[38] Scripture presents many references to the names for God, but the key names in the Old Testament are: God the High and Exalted One, El-Shaddai and Yahweh. In the New Testament Theos, Kyrios and Pater (πατήρ i.e., Father in Greek) are the essential names.[38]

    Thanks oxy, I had a quick look myself, not to be so lazy.. and that was as much as I had found. Some folk reckon the name of God is 'I am'.. which is then written as the tetragrammaton YHVH (isnt this where 'Jehovah' originates from?).. which is prevalent in the qabbalah, which I did study for many years.., but I though a biblical scholar such as yourself might have come across a singular pronoun, if one existed.

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    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:00 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    Vidya Moksha wrote:Hey oxy.. I know I dont often take myself or posts in here too seriously.. But I have a genuine question. Its not a wind-up. I am curious, and you may have the answer. Does the christian god have a name? god seems like a job title rather than a name. If christians believe jesus was the son of god, then who is god? Many other faiths actually name their gods.. is there a name for the christian god written somewhere?
    Going back to the Church Fathers, the name of God has been seen as a representation of the entire system of "divine truth" revealed to the faithful "that believe on his name" as in John 1:12 or "walk in the name of the Lord our God" in Micah 4:5.[35][36] In Revelation 3:12 those who bear the name of God are destined for Heaven. John 17:6 presents the teachings of Jesus as the manifestation of the name of God to his disciples.[35]

    John 12:27 presents the sacrifice of Jesus the Lamb of God, and the ensuing salvation delivered through it as the glorification of the name of God, with the voice from Heaven confirming Jesus' petition ("Father, glorify thy name") by saying: "I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again" referring to the Baptism and crucifixion of Jesus.[37]

    The Bible usually uses the name of God in the singular (e.g., Ex. 20:7 or Ps. 8:1), generally using the terms in a very general sense rather than referring to any special designation of God.[38] However, general references to the name of God may branch to other special forms which express his multifaceted attributes.[38] Scripture presents many references to the names for God, but the key names in the Old Testament are: God the High and Exalted One, El-Shaddai and Yahweh. In the New Testament Theos, Kyrios and Pater (πατήρ i.e., Father in Greek) are the essential names.[38]
    Thanks oxy, I had a quick look myself, not to be so lazy.. and that was as much as I had found. Some folk reckon the name of God is 'I am'.. which is then written as the tetragrammaton YHVH (isnt this where 'Jehovah' originates from?).. which is prevalent in the qabbalah, which I did study for many years.., but I though a biblical scholar such as yourself might have come across a singular pronoun, if one existed.
    Thank-you Vidya. I'm NOT a Biblical-Scholar!! I'm an extremely disillusioned, miserable, and hamstrung completely-ignorant fool!! Deception and Confusion are Rampant!! I've been engaging in a highly-speculative process of possibility-thinking which has almost completely destroyed me!! Humanity often seems superstitious and opportunistic to the point that they'd probably Worship Satan if they thought they'd be protected and get a better-deal by doing so!! But Dealing with the Devil is ALWAYS a Losing-Proposition in the Long-Term!! Despite my threads, I've neglected Biblical-Studies, for legitimate and illegitimate reasons. I've been attempting to think outside of the box, but I wish I hadn't. It's NOT Worth It!! Consider reading the books of Ralph Ellis regarding an Egyptian-Interpretation of the Holy-Bible. What Would Gerald Massey Say?? What Would Zahi Hawass Say?? A Sexy-Egyptologist told me, "Beware of Zahi!!" as her boyfriend glared at me!! I'm seriously leaning toward the following Daily Minimal-List (with Each-Day a Holy-Day):

    Hour One: Read Psalms to Ecclesiastes (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations).

    Hour Two: Exercise in Nature (The Intertestamental-Period).

    Hour Three: Read Luke, and Acts to Jude (straight-through, over and over, in a variety of translations).

    I'm jokingly calling this The Church of Orthodoxymoron of Latter-day Luddites!! I certainly hope the Universe Powers That Be have a sense of humor!! Here's an interesting Ralph Ellis video:

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:24 am; edited 1 time in total
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:23 am

    I have just started to look at the work of Ralph Ellis. He makes some interesting deductions, well backed up with historical facts. I like his take on Jesus, seems much more realistic and reliable than the biblical story, which is frankly, just absurd.

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    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:36 am

    Vidya Moksha wrote:I have just started to look at the work of Ralph Ellis. He makes some interesting deductions, well backed up with historical facts. I like his take on Jesus, seems much more realistic and reliable than the biblical story, which is frankly, just absurd.
    I suspect that the Bible is a cover-story and that Judeo-Christian Theology is a cover-story for the cover-story!! Jesus said, "I have many things to tell you, but you can't bear them." In other words, "You Can't Handle the Truth." I've even been listening to atheists, such as Dr. Richard Carrier, to gain a variety of perspectives, regardless of whether they save my soul or drive me crazy!! From my SDA Background, I'm leaning toward EGW's 1911 book, The Acts of the Apostles. I might re-post it one more time. A scholarly companion volume might be Volume 6 (Acts to Ephesians) of The SDA Bible Commentary (1956). One of my Sabbath-School Teachers, Dr. A. Graham Maxwell, did the 'Romans' section (and possibly more) of that volume. Steven Spielberg's stepmother attended that class. We met probably 4 or 5 miles from Norton Air Force Base, where the Apollo Moon Missions were supposedly faked!! Remember the 1992 movie 'Sneakers'?! That's one source of that hot-tip!! Supposedly there were UFO's housed at Norton (which is now closed)!! I once saw the SR-71 (very-close) on the ground, and three flyby's (very-close) at Norton AFB!! Norton closed many years ago, but I digress.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:11 am; edited 4 times in total
    Vidya Moksha
    Vidya Moksha

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    United States AI Solar System (10) - Page 5 Empty Re: United States AI Solar System (10)

    Post  Vidya Moksha Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:49 am

    I think that almost goes without saying. The world didnt start 2,000 years ago. There were clearly advanced civilizations on the planet over 10,000 years ago. The bible seems much weaponized, didn't the flavian-piso romans invent jesus for political / military purposes? Arent all the modern exoteric and esoteric religions against the feminine principle? Denigrating the goddess and assuming male (sun) dominance? Isnt jesus the latest in a succession of such sun gods?

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