orthodoxymoron wrote:...But it seems as if my local-community has been alerted and mobilized against me by 'Officials' in an almost 'Gang-Stalking' manner. Since I began posting on Project Avalon and The Mists of Avalon, I have felt worse and worse and worse, despite expensive conventional medical examination and treatment (which actually seems to have made things worse, at very-great expense and suffering). Reading, watching, and listening-to Victims of Proven 'Gang-Stalking' seems to reveal parallels between their experiences and my own. I haven't pursued remedies because of fear and mistrust, and because of the seeming impossibility of proving the seemingly unprovable. So I basically 'Grin and Bear It' for better or worse, I know not. In some ways, I seem to be getting better and stronger in adversity. I'm pretty tough and stubborn, but I wonder about the fate of those less grounded than myself. My struggle is almost like having a 'sparring-partner'. I've considered the possibility of an Ancient Artificial-Intelligence Supercomputer-Matrix which mankind might've become subject-to because of Disobedience, Iniquity, and Rebellion Against God. The possibility exists in my mind that some of the Ancient 'Good Guys and Gals' have been thrown to the 'Wolves' in this Hypothetical Ancient-Matrix which reigns-in both Good and Bad individuals. Who Knows??
Oxy there is no need for you to carry this pain on your shoulders longer than you already did.
If you ever go to my spiritual threads and have the courage to read something there one thing will do : The Creation of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts - a Seth materials.
If you ever grab hold of that book and read it carefully , with an open heart you will find your mind is a garden and learn to tend it joyfully. This will change your life completely.
Love from me
Seth on the point of powerThe point of power is in the present; it is not in the past.
Your point of power of being is joyfully NOW.
Your point of power is in the present, and from this point ,you structure your past and your future.
You affect your past through what you think now.
You can make your past a time of tragedy and disillusion that reinforces a present state of powerlessness by bringing up into your memory all of those events that caused you pain- or from this present, you can make your past a time of joy and creativity by remembering , in this present, those periods of peace and exaltation and joy that existed in what you think of as the past.
You form your past and your future in this present moment of your own being. There have been those who taught you to cringe before them.
I challenge you to stand up in awe before yourselves and to face the joyous challenge of your own abilities; to meet yourselves in your own glory, and no one else's; to form your present now , and not cringe back, but accept your own integrity and your own joy; to feel the strengh of your being and realize that you do not need illnesses, that you do not need excuses, to be yourself, to hear again your own energy, and to sense it joyfully . "
Seth Audio Collection CD 27
Seth: "Do you want to know what freedom is? Then I will tell you. Freedom is the inner realization that you are an individual. That you do create your reality, that you do have the freedom and the joy and the responsibility of forming the physical reality in which you live. Then you can change the reality. Then you are free to move. Then you are free to misplace violence and you are free from it. You are not free when you say: “The idea works for everyone but me—but my symptoms are caused by something else—and when I am violent, different rules apply. Everyone else forms their own physical reality but not me—my reality is caused by heredity or environment. Every other nation, every other people form their own violence and is responsible for their own miserable condition, but my people—they are right! Any problems that they have are caused by other agencies beyond them.” Then you are not facing yourselves individually or as a people.
You are meant to look at your physical condition—to compare it against what you want and what is good—and change the inner self accordingly. Any evils in the world are symptoms of you own inner disorders and are meant to lead you to cure them.
Now, imagine this: Within you, there are sounds, colors, sights that stretch backward into infinity. Your faces face this room, your eyes look out upon physical reality. Imagine, however, that you have innumerable faces, for our analogy. And that these faces look out into other realities quite as varied and quite as real. For this is indeed the cause. You can close your physical eyes and focus upon these other realities in which you also have your existence. And you can learn to manipulate in physical reality the better, because you understand your full potential. I challenge you to use all of your abilities and all of your senses. I challenge you to open your inner eyes, to use your minds, to use your inner intuitions. I challenge you to be yourselves and it is the greatest challenge that could be given you, and it is the only way that you will learn.
Seth materials: Class Session, September 2, 1969
Love Always