I take this website 'As-Is'. They've been quite accommodating, especially when taking our obvious philosophical and methodological differences into account. I have my theories about a lot of things, but I try to maintain 'Responsible-Neutrality'. One of my theories is that most (or all) of the fancy-technology and alien-beings were brought here in antiquity by US!! The theory goes that we came here from Orion, and that we might've been fighting with each-other for a very, very, very long-time!! I'm honestly shutting-down regarding the madness. I've had quite enough for one lifetime. Perhaps I'll be 'back in the saddle' in my next incarnation. Who Knows?? I suspect the Computer-Management of This Solar-System for Thousands of Years, with strict-guidelines, yet with a form of direct-democracy which asks "What Do You Want??" in the manner of Mr. Morden from 'Babylon 5'. In other words, what we want determines what we get. This hypothetical-system might've kicked-in when we rebelled against God (by whatever definition). I've recently been thinking about the movie '2001: A Space Odyssey' and wondering if some aspects of this movie actually occurred in 12001 BC??!! I could continue, but I'm feeling REALLY BAD. Could it be that a 14,000 year-old HAL 9000 makes damn-sure that I never succeed??!! What Would David Bowman Say?? What Would Dr. Peter Venkman Say?? But what if a 14,000 year-old HAL 9000 makes damn-sure that no-one succeeds at the Top of the Pyramid for any significant length of time?? What if, in antiquity, the Real God said "If I Can't Have Them, Then Nobody Can!!" I once heard Dr. Robert H. Schuller shout those exact words (but I don't remember the context)!! Where did Bob learn those words?? I wonder as I wander!!
I'm going to attempt to practice what I preach by studying Job through Daniel side-by-side with Luke through Jude in a variety of translations (while listening to the Music of Dietrich Buxtehude). If any of you try this, notice what each-group actually teaches without outside-interference. If you don't know what I'm talking about, you might need to take a sabbatical. Context is Everything. What Would Joseph Fletcher Say?? He told me that Christianity was BS (or something to that effect) in the Randall Visitor's Center at Loma Linda University!! Honest!! The Music of Dietrich Buxtehude Performed on French-Romantic Organs with French-Romantic Interpretation might be the Way of the Future!! Actually Silbermann combined with Cavaille-Coll might be a Match Made in Heaven!! Why aren't Minimalist French-Cathedrals with Cavaille-Coll Organ-Replicas Model-Churches for the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church?? The Architectural and Musical Modernism of the Last-Half of the Twentieth-Century is Truly Heretical and Reprehensible!! But What Do I Know?? I Don't Know!! Consider the following divisions:
1. Genesis.
2. Exodus through Deuteronomy.
3. Joshua through 2 Kings.
4. 1 Chronicles through Esther.
5. Job through Isaiah.
6. Jeremiah through Daniel.
7. Hosea through Malachi.
8. Matthew and Mark.
9. Luke through Acts.
10. Romans through Galatians.
11. Ephesians through Jude.
12. The Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Here's Heresy: What if one rewrote Group 9 (Luke through Acts) by incorporating all relevant portions of the other groups into the storyline?? We seem to desire satisfying-answers and certain-statements, but what if the reality of Biblical-Research is just the opposite (by accident or design)?? All churches and believers pick and choose (here a little, and there a little) don't they?? The SDA Church reflects an idealism which isn't necessarily presented in Sacred-Scripture (when read from cover to cover). The stack of EGW-Writings and Denominational-Publications rise like the Tower of Babel. Similar observations could be leveled at all churches. Is this sort of thing a necessary-evil?? Must we have a Matrix of Confusion to generate an Eschatological-Ideal?? Religious-History isn't nice. Not nice at all. But what if the Pain and Suffering have somehow been necessary?? How many people have submitted to the Discipline of Scripture?? I'm presently leaning toward the Music of Dietrich Buxtehude and Volume 4 (Isaiah to Malachi) of the 'SDA Bible Commentary', as a Remedial-Road Less-Travelled. Unfortunately, I'm so miserable that I find it difficult to concentrate. What if 'Witches and Warlocks International' are F@#$%ing Up My $hlt 24/7??!! If so (or some variation on this theme) why is this allowed by God and Heaven?? Is this alleged-phenomenon somehow reflective of God and Heaven in This Present Madness?? This thing might be nastier and more-complex than ANY of US can possibly imagine.
I was at Norton Air Force Base when the SR-71 was video-taped as shown below. George H.W. Bush supposedly flew on a SR-71 in connection with the 'October Surprise'!! What Would John Lear Say?? UFO's were supposedly kept at Norton AFB. A 'Best in the World' Motion-Picture Studio was supposedly located at Norton AFB!! Norton AFB is mentioned in the 1992 film 'Sneakers'. Dan Aykroyd's character 'Mother' states "O.K., boss, this LTX-27 concealable mic is part of the same system that NASA used when they faked the Apollo moon landings. Yeah, the astronauts broadcast around the world from a soundstage at Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino, California. So it worked for them, shouldn't give us too many problems."
I had a terrific view of Norton AFB from my bedroom-window. I spoke with Steven Spielberg's stepmother (in Dr. Graham Maxwell's Sabbath-School Class) about a Science-Fictional Life of Christ Super-Movie (based-upon 'The Desire of Ages') just a couple of miles from Norton AFB. What if 'A Beautiful Mind' REALLY Occurred at Norton AFB and Loma Linda University Medical Center in the 1940's and 1950's?? What if a Scientist of Interest was converted to Seventh-day Adventism at that time?? What Would Dr. A. Graham Maxwell (University of Chicago doctoral-graduate) Say?? What Would Professor Ravenwood (of the University of Chicago, in 'Raiders of the Lost Ark') Say?? What Would Dr. Richard Rice (University of Chicago doctoral-graduate) Say?? What Would Charles Hartshorne (of the University of Chicago) Say?? What Would Dr. Louis Venden (doctoral-graduate of the Princeton Theological Seminary) Say?? What Would John Nash (of Princeton University) Say?? https://rbsc.princeton.edu/sites/default/files/Non-Cooperative_Games_Nash.pdf What Would Indiana Jones Say?? What Would Jupiter Jones Say?? What Would Paul Tillich (of Harvard University) Say?? What Would Jack Provonsha (doctoral-graduate of Harvard University) Say?? What Did They Know?? When Did They Know It??
Billy Graham went soul-searching in the San Bernardino Mountains (if I remember correctly) when troubled over the Reliability of the Bible, and Billy decided to take a Leap of Faith. I wandered in and out of faith and doubt in those same mountains (many years later) and I'm still wandering in and out of faith and doubt. My threads are really a Matrix of Faith and Doubt, but I never took the show on the road, and I doubt that I ever will. I probably need to write a book at some point, but I don't know what to write, because I suspect that if I write a book, and do book-signings, this will open Pandora's Box and the Star-Gates of Hell. I think my hereditary and cultivated weaknesses would make me an easy-target for some VERY Pissed-Off Angels and Demons (for legion reasons)!! I think the Bad-Blood might go WAY Back!! I recently met a Beautiful-Woman who told me she "Felt Solid." I'd never heard ANYONE say THAT before!! Was she telling me she was Completely-Materialized?? Damned If I Know!! I Never Know Who I'm Dealing With!! A few days earlier I encountered another Beautiful-Woman who I didn't know, yet seemed to know. She had a very composed and definite disposition and stride. What is the meaning of this?? Welcome to the Hotel California?? This could be Heaven or it could be Hell.
What if 'Norton AFB' is the 'Hotel California' AND the 'Stairway to Heaven'??!! Norton AFB was in San Bernardino, California, as is a Mission with Bells, close to a couple of Desert Highways (leading to Palm Springs and Las Vegas -- in addition to leading to Hollywood, which is probably an hour's drive). What if the San Bernardino City Mission was the Apollo Moon Mission?? 'The Eagles' Have Landed?? Think of the 'Woman' in 'Hotel California' and 'Stairway to Heaven'!! Could this be the smart and tough 'Iron Lady' I've suggested might run Earth (and possibly the Solar System)??!! What Would Sigorney Weaver in 'Paul' Say?? Think about alleged UFO's and a Moon-Mission Faking-Studio at Norton AFB!! San Bernardino is supposedly a Hotbed of Satanism!! Think of the request to the 'Captain' for wine in 'Hotel California'!! There are 'Captains' in the 'Air Force', aren't there?? Think of the mention of '1969' in 'Hotel California' which is when the Apollo 11 Moon-Mission was supposedly faked!! What if Faked Moon-Missions and Secret UFO's were somehow Necessary-Evils??
Think about the images and videos below. Think about Tonya and her mother (including the possibility of similar individuals). What if Wars, Drugs, and Deception were somehow necessary to fund a somehow necessary Empire of UFO's and Underground-Bases (for who knows what reasons??)?? Consider multiple-meanings of 'Inland Empire'. I recently encountered someone who looked and acted a lot like Buzz Aldrin, and he didn't seem to like me!! Think about what I've posted in this post!! You don't suppose??!! What Would Bart Sibrel Say?? What Would Marduk-Ra Say?? He told me he was more powerful than the Queen, but he didn't say whether he was referring to the 'Queen of England' or the 'Queen of Heaven'. 'RA' told me about "Stolen-Technology". 'RA' told me "You should make a Freedom of Information Act Request." I Did Repeatedly, and Received Zero Information. 'RA' said "I Built Las Vegas with Bugsy." 'RA' said "I'm Rich." Rich congratulated me for winning something, but I never received anything. He told me "Wait Until People See What Those Who Were Loyal to God Got." He said "There Will Be Pandemonium." He said "An Extermination is Inevitable and Immanent." 'RA' told me "You'll Be Sorry If You Try to Save Humanity." I Have NO Idea Who Various Individuals of Interest REALLY Were. I Have NO Idea How to Interpret Their Comments.
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This is one of the most upsetting posts I've ever made. It's really a composite-post, constructed from several-posts, so there's a lot of repetition. Please continue to consider my posts and threads as Religious and Political Science-Fiction. This is NOT a Scholarly Work. I honestly Do NOT Know where the Truth ends and the BS begins, regardless of who I might've (or might not have) been in Antiquity. I'm honestly a Completely Ignorant Fool in This Present Incarnation. That's the Inconvenient-Truth. Sorry About That. Could an Alphabet Guy and/or Gal Brief Me, At Some Appropriate Time and Place?? Sort of like Martin Sheen briefing Jessie Marcel in 'Roswell'. Even If I Knew Too-Much and Talked Too-Much, No One Would Believe Me!!
One of my theories is that Everything is in the Process of Being Revealed to Everyone (for better or worse, I know not). I've referred to a Hypothetical Investigative and Executive Judgment (possibly terminating in A.D. 2133). Some of this is based-upon Unorthodox Biblical-Interpretation (mostly from the Wisdom-Books and Major-Prophets of the Old-Testament, but also from the Gospels and Pauline-Epistles of the New-Testament). Some of this is based-upon a sort of Eschatological Legal-Theory. This is all very-tentative to me, but the technology and world-conditions are such that it is becoming more and more possible and believable. I've been living within this speculative delusional-system for several-years, and it seems to be destroying me, so I think I might need to do something else (like sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll, perhaps). Just Kidding. Astronomy in a Small Mountain-Observatory is one of the leading-possibilities. Watching Heavenly-Bodies is probably easier than Watching the Past, Present, and Future Unfold.
In One of the Images Below, (in a composite-reenactment) "I" Might Be Talking With Mitchell (first-name) and Mitchell (last-name), But I Don't Want to Talk About It. It's Complicated. What Would Edgar Mitchell Say?? What Would Mr. Edgars Say?? What Would Mitchell Marduk Say?? What Would Elizabeth Mitchell Say?? What Would Agent Evans Say?? What Would Anna Say?? What Would Ava Say?? What Would Sophia Say?? What Would Tonya Harding Say?? I knew a ship-captain who called her "Tonya Hard-On"!! She reminds me of Miss Pris!! "I, Pris, Am *******!!"?? What Would Tonya's Mother Say?? She reminds me of the Oracle in the 'Matrix', Kate in 'East of Eden', Dr. Josephine Mataros in the 'Termination' episode of 'Earth: Final Conflict', Starbuck's Mom in 'Battlestar Galactica', and the Girl Next Door in the Hospital!! What Would the Borg-Queen Say?? "If You Want the Money, You're Going to Have to Come Here and Get It!!" "How About Doing a Table-Dance for Me??!!" "Why Did You Do THAT??!!" "I Don't Want to Talk to You Anymore!! Good-Bye!!" BTW -- I went to school with the Borg!! Honest!!
It's been nearly a year since I had my Open-Heart Surgery, and I recently noticed that when I close my eyes, moving them quickly from left to right, I see a bright-white 'C' to the left and right!! Occasionally, one eye moves significantly out of alignment with the other, while I feel very-strange, for a couple of minutes. Does this mean that I'm 'Mind-Wired'?? What if Jeffrey Daugherty is Sherry Shriner is Marduk Ra?? Listen for the 'Squeaky-Chair'. Jeffrey Daugherty is the Christian Whistle-Blower!! What if Monica Lewinsky is the Liberal Whistle-Blower??!! 'RA' told me "I Like Bill Clinton!!" and "The Bush's Sold-Out Very-Quickly!!" Honest. We got-along in a very strained sense!! I felt like Chad interviewing Anna!! What if Chad Decker IS Amen Ra??
I've got a high-fever and I'm delirious!! I need to sleep, and I might need to get a room in the Bethesda Naval Hospital (after I go to the press)!! JUST KIDDING!! Put down those M16's!! Perhaps it's simply my fever and aches which are driving me crazy, but I'm unusually agitated today. I was rude to someone who tried to help me. Perhaps that's why I'm in the predicament I'm in. Perhaps I'm NOT Safe to Save. It is written "The Truth Shall Set You Free" but is this REALLY True?? I continue to suspect that this civilization was overthrown in antiquity, and has been ruled by secrecy for thousands of years (for better or worse, I know not). If this civilization overthrew a Truly-Righteous God in antiquity, is there redemption, or simply an eternal-verdict, such that this NEVER Happens Again?? What if the God 'we' overthrew was replaced by Supercomputers, Bio-Robots, and Bad@$$ Greys and Reptilians (in Bad@$$teroids)??!!
My threads represent a Narrow-Road Less-Travelled Research-Project. They Do NOT Represent My Idealism. I've frankly hated this project. It's been a Nasty-Task, but someone had to do it. I Have Removed Everything I've Posted On the Internet From ALL Tables (Real and Imaginary). My Internet-Potpourri is for Mental and Spiritual Exercise Purposes ONLY. My Tripe Isn't Even Close To Being Ready For Prime-Time. I keep hearing the Best and Brightest Researchers speaking of the Elites Setting-Up a One-World Government, but I continue to suspect that a One Solar-System Government has existed for Thousands (or Millions) of Years!! I further suspect that we are building a Technological-Prison for Ourselves with Technology Supplied by Our Hidden-Rulers (for better or worse, I know not). I wonder if there are relatively-undeveloped planets in the universe with highly-ethical, highly-intelligent, highly-organized administrations presiding over civilizations without crime, war, pollution, overpopulation, industrial-accidents, technological-nightmares, etc.?! Some of us must study the 20th century in excruciating-detail, while we still have a chance. What if this Solar System Is a Big-Business Run By Hidden-Factions for Nefarious-Purposes?? What Would This Solar System Look Like Under a Hell-Model, Purgatory-Model, and Heaven-Model?? Which Model is Best for Business?? Which Model is Best for Us?? How Good Is Too Good?? How Many Trillions Are Enough?? Must the Corrupt Rule the Stupid for All-Eternity??
My Grief is Beyond Description Because There is No Resolution or Reconciliation, But Hope Springs Eternal. The Bible seems highly-problematic, and the Alternatives seem highly-problematic, but what if one MUST Properly Study and Interpret the Bible as a Prerequisite to Achieving and/or Receiving Clean Sheet of Stone Solutions?? Read the Holy-Bible Straight-Through, Over and Over, to Determine What It Teaches. As I leave you, please at least study this thread (in great-detail) from beginning to end (repeatedly, if possible) and then arrive at your OWN Conclusions. This thread is SO crazy and sad, that it's almost funny!! Almost. I Know That I Don't Know, But Fence-Riders Form Splinter-Groups, and I'm probably making things worse for myself, but how could they be any worse?? The End Might Be Near. Again. Then Again, Perhaps We Can Have a Conversation in A.D. 2133. What Would Lucio Bernardo Silvestre Say?? What Would Chad Decker Say?? "World Without End. Amen."
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I've been asking seemingly thousands of simple questions over the past few years, with seemingly only dozens of genuine-answers and half-hearted answers. Everything seems to be either Obvious-Lies or Half-Truths. The Second-Coming of Christ was supposed to occur 2,000 years-ago, and it's always "Right Around the Corner" century after century after century, and one is called a "Mocker At the End of Time!!" if this glaring-problem is pointed-out. Is it too much to ask who Sherry Shriner REALLY Was?? Is it too much to ask if Sherry Shriner is REALLY Dead?? Is it too much to ask "How Did She Die (Or Appear to Die)??" I'm going to make this one post on this new thread, and just let it go. I recently heard the theory that JFK was a faked-assassination!! But what if cloning was highly-advanced in 1963?? Or what about possible Hitler-clones in 1945?? What if Sherry Shriner was a clone?? She said there were several Obama's!! We seem to live in a Solar System of Lies and Illusions, and I'm frankly sick of the whole-mess. Everyone seems to LIE. The LIE is Different At Every Level. What Would Richard Hoagland Say?? I suspect that this Solar System was overthrown in antiquity, and the only way to maintain the takeover for thousands of years was through LIES!! An Individual of Interest told me "God Can Run Things However He Wants To!!" This same Individual of Interest said they had "Helped Me!!" If Sherry is REALLY DEAD, "Good-Bye Sherry!! Thank-You for the Years of Disclosure!! I'll Miss You and Your Show!! I Hope Things Somehow Work Out Well for All of Us!! No Matter Who We Are, and No Matter What We've Done!! Hope Springs Eternal!!"orthodoxymoron wrote:Pris, I probably shouldn't have made it personal, but I guess I'm modeling the concept of an Ancient Egyptian Soul with Dozens of Bodies and Personalities, Who Might be Linked to a Mainframe, and Might've Ruled This Solar System for Thousands of Years by Controlling EVERYTHING and Playing ALL Sides!! I'm Tired of Casting My Speculative-Pearls Before the Swine, and I Think I Simply Wish to Silently Watch Things Play Out. My Health is Deteriorating, and I Don't Feel Like Working for Nothing to Accomplish Nothing. I Just Think We'll be Shocked When We Learn How Things Have REALLY Worked in This Solar System for Thousands of Years. I might not post again for a very-long time. I frankly might not be around much longer. Geronimo.Pris wrote:orthodoxymoron wrote:Sometimes I wonder if you might be Sherry Shriner??!!
Sometimes I wonder if this thread might be about you??!!
Pris, sometimes I wonder if this might be you in antiquity??!!
Lol I'm not sure... but I'm guessing this is sort of a compliment coming from you, Oxy. Thanks... I think.![]()
Btw, if I was Sherry Shriner, I wouldn't put this up, would I?![]()
A book review on Sherry Shriner's 'Interview With The Devil':
?https://www.amazon.com/Interview-Devil-My-Conversation-Lucifer-ebook/product-reviews/B01G5L1CMM/ref=cm_cr_getr_d_paging_btm_2?ie=UTF8&reviewerType=all_reviews&sortBy=recent&pageNumber=2#R16YUUMW04J7TPAvoid at all costs.
By Sane Human Being on June 6, 2016
Format: Paperback
This woman is a delusional loon. Her crazy mythology seems to combine every conspiracy theory you ever heard with some weird version of the Christian bible, sufficiently skewed to grant herself a position of power and influence in the story. It shows a childish lack of imagination as if she just went on conspiracypedia.com and cut loose with the copy/paste until she had a new religion in her hands.
Do not feed this troll. She will end up a footnote on local news having shot and eaten one of her own relatives for being possessed or some other such nonsense. I suspect the positive reviews are all from her existing cult members who seem to follow her around like lost puppies hanging on her every insane word. I shudder to think what traumas these unfortunate individuals must have suffered in order to render them susceptible to her poisonous rhetoric.
Carol wrote:
Great new vid by the late Sherry Shriner who died last week (in case you weren’t aware.) She was one of the few who actually talked about the clones in DC and Hollywood on a consistent basis. She will be greatly missed. Good compilation of latest clone mishaps. Their metabolism is horrible and they must be replaced often. This is exactly how it always happens…they start staring off into space and pass out. And if you don’t believe me watch, this 2nd video where the dude is DEFINITELY a clone on his last leg.https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=aznatNOLVes
Illuminati Ritual Season III: THE PRINCE & THE QUEEN
I don't know why I'm asking this, but is the Alleged Death of Sherry Shriner somehow related to the Nuclear Missile Scare in Hawaii?? I think I found out about Sherry's supposed death on January 12, and I asked how she died, and I wondered if her passing somehow indicated that things might be going to hell?! The next day, the Hawaii Missile Scare occurred!! A few days later, someone told me that someone I've somehow associated with Sherry Shriner said to say "Hello" to me!! All of the Above is probably a real-stretch, but I wonder as I wander!! Three days prior to Fukushima, 'RA' told me "I'm sorry we couldn't work together. Too much water has gone under the bridge." I replied "Oh Well." Approximately three months prior to Fukushima, 'RA' told me that preparations had been completed for an undisclosed something. Honest. I've given up. I keep asking questions which never get answered. I keep sensing deception and obfuscation. I Eschew Obfuscation!! BTW -- It's now January 25, and Sherry hasn't had a show since January 5. That's three weeks without a show. This has never happened before. 'RA' knew that I was a regular listener to Sherry's show (without me telling him). I'd appreciate some inside-information regarding All of the Above. I'm tired of being 'Out of the Loop'. I'm forced to guess about EVERYTHING. No One Tells Me ANYTHING. Sherry Shriner has been talking about 'Clones' and 'Soul-Scalping' for quite a few years now. Her shows have been quite a wild-ride (which has apparently ended).orthodoxymoron wrote:I'm shocked!! A few hours ago, I found out about Brook's grave illness, and now I am told that Sherry Shriner is DEAD!! I noticed that her last show was 01/05/18, and she usually has shows on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Brook and Sherry probably have had more to do with my strange research-threads than anyone else, with the possible exception of the individual I've referred to as 'RA'. Do we know any particulars about Sherry's death?? She's claimed for years that she was near the top of a Government Hit-List, but that things had seemed to be better since Donald Trump was elected President. Sherry claimed to be the Granddaughter of the Biblical King David!! She claimed to be a Leader of Israel!! She seemed to have first-hand knowledge of events it would seem to be impossible to know anything about. There's something I liked about Sherry, yet I always remained Wary of Sherry. The content was almost always negative and horrific, with a disproportionate focus on Revelation and the End of the World. Paul and the Pauline-Epistles were mercilessly bashed by Sherry. People were chided for not knowing their Bibles, yet those who spent too much time on the Bible were accused of 'Bible Idolatry'. Going directly to the 'Father' was preferred to any other source, and presumably Sherry got her info from the 'Father' so perhaps all one had to do was listen to her show three times a week for the Real-Deal.
I've tried to construct a very-strange science-fictional alternative-reality, which has probably driven me at least 87% insane. This is all very bizarre. Are these developments an indication that things are about to Go to Hell??? I've vowed to remain mostly or completely silent in 2018, but I've already been editing and adding to my threads, and commenting on Brook and Sherry. I don't know about Brook, but I've wondered if Sherry was somehow Supercomputer-Connected. Her shows were SO Strange and Upsetting, but Sherry never seemed to miss a beat, or become emotional. Was I just one more duped-idiot, or was I exposed to some aspect of cutting-edge disclosure?? I frankly have NO Idea. I feel as if I might've met Brook and/or Sherry without knowing it, but I don't want to talk about it. I don't really want to talk about anything anymore. I've recently become rather rude while talking to a relative about the 'TRUTH'. Truth-Speaking seems to be an Exercise in Futility. A couple of years ago, Sherry spoke of her days being numbered. I suspect that the Historical Management of Humanity is being replaced by a New-Crew presently (for better or worse, I know not). I continue to think that EVERYTHING Will Be Revealed from Antiquity to Modernity (in Great Detail). Is Earth ultimately a Technocratic-Governance Prison-Planet?? Was an Unalterable-Verdict Rendered in Antiquity?? I suspect that the Ultimate Universe-Rulers are Smarter and Tougher Than ANYONE Can Imagine. Don't Mess With Their Check...
I'm surprised that no one is commenting on this thread. I've had a somewhat strange feeling throughout the years, as I've passively researched strange topics within Project Avalon, The Mists of Avalon, Sherry's Show, Alex Jones' Show, and the Internet in General. I've never known who and what I'm really dealing with, or whether such research was fundamentally a virtue or a vice. I pledged Responsible-Neutrality, but what was the reality?? I've sensed a lot of Disclosure-Bullying, but then I'm just a Sensitive-Boy. I've noticed an increasing amount of Fast-Walking Fast-Talking Arrogant Guys and Gals, Who Seem to be Above It All, and SO Superior to We the Sheep. What's REALLY Going On Here?? Does ANYONE Know Any Details About the Death of Sherry Shriner?? Did She Fake Her Death, to Go Incognito?? What the Hell Is Going On Here?? Sherry claimed to have Serious Heart Problems (going back at least a couple of years). I think she had back problems as well (if I remember correctly). She sounded OK on 01/05/18. What Happened?? I just found some comments under one of Sherry's last YouTube videos which mention her passing, but no details whatsoever. There are several videos which are highly critical of Sherry, so researchers beware. I tried to analyze her work as being mostly science-fictional in nature, but possibly revealing some forbidden truth to those with eyes to see, and ears to hear. Her Interview with the Devil was Beyond Creepy. She seemed to have first-hand information about Satanism. Sherry recently said "2018 Will Be a Year of Goodbyes." It Makes Me Wonder.
I've suspected multiple-aspects to 'Sherry Shriner' for years. This is a Real Longshot BUT I just watched a video by Sherry Wilde for the second-time, and then I did an internet-search of her name, and I was shocked by what I found. In the video, Sherry said she was born on December 25, 1950, and she described heart-problems and chronic-fatigue, along with supernatural-attacks. She wished to die because things were so bad for her. She discovered that she had been implanted, and that the implant had been removed by the Dracos. Now, there is an obituary for a Sherry Wilde (same name) of West Carrollton, Ohio, who unexpectedly died on February 19, 2017. This Sherry was born on April 26, 1962. Sherry Shriner claimed to live in Carrollton, Ohio. The Sherry Wilde in the video often sounds a bit like Sherry Shriner, regarding content and voice-inflection. Both Sherry Shriner and Sherry Wilde claimed to have heart-problems, claimed to be under-attack, and claimed to be poisoned. Sherry Shriner was born on December 11, 1965. https://www.mylife.com/sherry-shriner/sherry-shriner Here is the link to the Sherry Wilde (of West Carrollton, Ohio) obituary. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/dayton/obituary.aspx?pid=184211958
WILDE, Sherry A. 54, of West Carrollton, passed away unexpectedly on February 19, 2017 at her home. She was born on April 26, 1962 to Elgin and Janice (Knoble) Olson in Anoka, MN. In September of 1985, she married Drew Wilde and they lived in West Carrollton, Ohio. In addition to her parents, Sherry is survived by her loving husband, Drew; sons, Joshua (Jodi) and Shannon; sister, Michelle; brother, Stephen; grandchildren, Kaden, Kinley, Kyler, and Evy; mother-in-law, Beverly; sister-in-law, Debra; nephew, William, as well as many other relatives and friends. Sherry was a very giving person and proof that angels do exist. A gathering will be held on Saturday, February 25, 2017 from 3:00 - 4:00 pm with a memorial service following at 4:00 pm at Newcomer Funeral Home & Crematory, 3940 Kettering Blvd., Kettering, OH 45439. To leave a special message for the family online, please visit www.NewcomerDayton.com. Published in Dayton Daily News on Feb. 22, 2017
What's a bit strange to me is that I had my open-heart surgery on February 24, 2017, and a couple of days later I indirectly encountered an older-lady who reminded me of my conceptualizations of who might REALLY run Earth (and possibly the Solar System). She seemed to have extreme-importance and a tough-manner, but that's all I'm going to say about that. A few weeks later, while I was leaving the hospital, following a follow-up visit, I encountered a 'Matrix Oracle' sort of person, who claimed to be suffering from cancer. I gave her a couple of dollars for the bus, but she went right back into the hospital, instead of waiting for the bus. Here is the Sherry Wilde video. Remember, the Obituary Sherry was supposedly born on April 26, 1962, and the Video Sherry was born on December 25, 1950. This is the sort of thing which has been happening to me for years!! It's never really conclusive, but what are the odds?? Some of you NSA and CIA Guys and Gals probably know the whole-story, and are laughing at me!! Notice in my previous-post on this thread, that I said that listening to Sherry Shriner's show had been a 'Wild Ride'. Has it been a 'Wilde Ride'?? I know a lady who was having surgery a couple of miles from where I was having surgery, at the same time, but I didn't know about this until many months later. Again, what are the odds?? Here is Sherry Shriner's classic 'Paul-Bashing' show on July 7, 2014. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sherrytalkradio/2014/07/08/07-07-14-monday-night-with-sherry-shriner Here is Sherry Shriner's last-show on January 5, 2018. http://www.blogtalkradio.com/sherrytalkradio/2018/01/05/01-05-18-blacklisted-news-and-bible-prophecy
![United States AI Solar System (5) - Page 9 Ufo-saucer](https://cdn.inquisitr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/ufo-saucer.jpg)
Here is a partial answer to the question "Who Is Sherry Shriner?" http://sherryshriner.com/sherry/intro.htm A lot of people send me emails asking me, "Who are you?" Well frankly, I hate talking about myself so I've copied and pasted here the Introduction I wrote for my first book..naturally all the chapters of this book are listed on this website for free as articles. You can even listen to the book for free at http://www.sherryaudios.com I would never charge money for something the Lord has revealed to me or told me to tell others. The books are a convenience for those who didn't want to read the info on a computer but wanted it in book form. Bible Codes Revealed: The Coming UFO Invasion By Sherry Shriner.
It would stand at the foot of my bed and stare at me as I lay trying to sleep. Fear and sheer terror would grip every muscle and bone I had. It was at least 7 feet tall, dark, and evil. It wore a pitch black cape that completely covered its body from head to toe. I would shrivel under my blankets and pray for it to go away. I did not know what it was other than feeling it was some evil being straight from hell and I certainly did not know what it wanted. Night terrors are real.
I continued to be haunted throughout childhood of this evil, demonic being scaring me at night. Often I would also see other shorter, creepy, black shadows move throughout the room whenever I was trying to sleep. I was too scared to move or even breathe for that matter. Going to sleep for me would mean to close my eyes and keep them closed just so I did not have to look at them however I could always feel their presence when they were around. I developed a keen sense to know when demonic beings were around me even if I could not see them and yet I did not know how to get away from them or what to do about it. I would just pray for the Most High to protect me.
Later in life, I would learn as an adult that the tall one was one of Lucifer’s generals sent to kill me. I did not know who they were, but these beings knew who I was. From the time I was born, Lucifer knew I had a prophetic calling on my life, and that as an adult, I would grow up to become one of his arch enemies. I would learn as an adult how to expose, attack, and tear down his strongholds that he would create to control and destroy mankind. To prevent this from happening, he had assigned one of his top ranking generals to kill me.
Lucifer is on a mission to control the world as the Antichrist. I am on a mission to make it as miserable as possible for him. I despise him.
My mission started by being born to a God fearing family in Cleveland, Ohio during the winter of 1965. From my earliest childhood memories, I cannot remember a time when I did not know who Jesus was. I have loved Him since I can remember. When I was two years old, I was proclaiming His Name. I would become re-born in Him at the age of five. My life has been a journey from wondering how to become closer to Him to learning and building that close relationship that no one could ever replace. My true love in life was and has always been God Himself.
As time passed, I was enrolled in private Christian schools and had attended church almost every Sunday during the 18 years I lived with my parents. But as I was growing up through churchianity or simply the system of religion, I always felt there was something missing. I was miserable and I could not figure out why.
Although I loved Jesus, I hated religion. There was just something wrong with the whole thing, and I could not put my finger on it at the time. Out of 100,000 plus denominations, by luck, I had landed in the denomination that had everything right, and everyone else was wrong. Yes, I am being sarcastic.
But for these reasons, I have always been a nonconformist, and it has been an uphill battle to be forced to live in a world of conformity. As a child, I was the black sheep, the rebellious one who would not conform and believe what I was told to believe simply because I was supposed to believe it. I knew there were doctrinal errors in the churches, which was clear from a young age. I had found my own mind. I had my own views and my own thoughts, and I was determined to keep them even if they had to stay my own. And yet at times, I did not even know where they were coming from or why I had them.
By the age of 12 I had read the Bible from front to back, being partial to the book of Revelation. Not fully understanding much of the book, the beast rising out of the sea with 7 heads and 10 horns fascinated me. By the age of 18, I had probably read the Bible more times than most pastors and had repeatedly read several of the Old and New Testament books.
I became an avid student of Bible prophecy. I could not get enough of hearing about end time events, the arrival of the Antichrist, and ultimately, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It was also during those early pre-teen years that I had read my first Bible prophecy book which I had taken off my dad's bookshelf. Reading Hal Lindsey’s Late Great Planet Earth not only changed my life, but seemed to give me direction. I identified with it, and it seemed to define who I was and who I would later become. As I read the pages of end time events, I knew I would be involved in these events and that I would be a warrior in the last days for the Most High God.
Bible prophecy has always had a strong hold over my life. I can not escape it. I was born for these last days. I was born to be a warrior. For this reason Lucifer had targeted me as a child for death. He had sent his forces to intimidate me and keep me from discovering my relationship with Yahweh or from achieving what I was destined to become. He didn’t succeed then, and he still hasn’t. And every day live, I use to fight against him and the kingdom he is trying to establish here in some way.
From the first time I had heard about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, I was hooked. That is all I cared to hear about. That is all I wanted to hear about. Nothing else about religion interested me much. I had seen enough and experienced enough of it daily to know religion itself was hypocritical. Religion was a road paved with good intentions but rarely traveled correctly by anyone on it. Most people in the churches just seemed pretentious and fake and more centered around man, materialism, and gossip circles than God Himself. And to question theology and beliefs was almost blasphemous to them. By typical churchianity standards, I was certainly going to go to hell if I didn’t believe everything the church taught and the way they taught it.
I also learned at a young age that other people didn’t experience quite the same things as I did. Looking back, I can now see that I was just more in tune with the spiritual world than anyone else I knew. Of course, as a child, you wouldn’t know what that was. So I learned to keep things to myself and not talk about the things that scared me or the monsters I saw or felt near me. The mere mention of monsters was sure to bring fits of hysterical laughter from others. And it always did.
As I grew up, the beings from hell never went away. They were always stalking me, but I no longer feared them either. I learned that by calling on the Name of the Lord, they would leave, and if they did not I just ignored them. If I moved, they followed. When I was in college, I didn't notice them much, if at all. I do not know if they went away or if I was just too busy to notice. It seems back then, I never just went to bed. I simply passed out from exhaustion. It was when I was in college at Liberty Baptist University in Lynchburg, Virginia that I began a career in radio news. I became the campus radio news director after my first year. During that time, I landed my first job at a radio station in Lynchburg, Virginia as a political news reporter and announcer. At the same time, I also served as an intern political correspondent with a competing station under an alias in Roanoke, Virginia. I was having fun. It had been a long time dream to have a career in television news broadcasting. Radio would be a way to break into it and give me experience and a chance to build my resume. My experience at Liberty University culminated with several journalism awards.
After two years in Virginia, I transferred to Kent State University where I was elected to become the director of their campus radio news department. During that time, I also took a job with a local newspaper focusing on political news. I graduated in 1991 with degrees in Criminal Justice, Journalism, and Political Science.
Shortly after graduating, I moved to Washington D.C. and found there were not any doors opening for me at all. I had my eyes set on the Washington bureau of CNN. The Atlanta bureau had suggested with my political news reporting experience that I get into the Washington bureau. However the Washington bureau said I did not have enough experience. I was going in circles and without any real options. I decided to move back to Ohio and got married shortly after. It was not too long after that when I realized they were back. And it was then that I finally just had enough of them. It was time to find out who they were and why they were stalking me.
I was married, unemployed, had my first child, and was finally staring reality in the face. It was time to confront who these demonic beings were and what they wanted with me.
I embarked on an intense research over the next 5 years into spiritual warfare, hell, demons, Satan, and continued into my favorite areas of end time events and last days prophecies. I studied the deception in the churches, UFOs, government black operations, the New World Order, and much, much more. I went into many different areas and began to learn that the faces of our government and military were much different from their backsides. At the same time, I started to research and learn about spiritual warfare, something the churches just seem to ignore. I learned about hell, and demons, and how to fight against these forces. I went to war against the general, and his forces assigned to me, and I haven’t seen them since. We have power in the Name of Jesus to cast demonic beings into the abyss, and once I learned that, it can became quite an easy task to just kick anything evil around me into the abyss.
As a result, I began to pray daily that the Lord would show and teach me what He wanted me to learn and know. I would ask Him to teach me the truth in all things and to reveal the mysteries of His kingdom to me. And I still pray this almost daily.
My research would culminate over the years into an enormous journey of unraveling conspiracies and lies in our government and churches. Five years turned into ten and I just kept going and have not stopped since. In 1994 I would begin to have visions from God and did not recognize what they were. It would take me a long time to realize that the strange things I were seeing were visions from the Lord Himself.
From this experience, I learned that it takes the heart of a truth seeker to really get to know Yahweh. As you start abandoning and letting go of preconceived ideas and beliefs and realize all the error of being spoon fed by dogma and religion, only then can He teach you, but not until you stop telling Him what the truth is with your words and your actions. And that is what I had to learn, to let everything go, and let Him teach me from the ground up. I had to build my foundation just in Him and on Him and not from my own self obtained knowledge or what man had taught me.
Most importantly, during this time, I learned how to have the one thing that I had always felt missing, an intimate relationship with Yahweh Himself. I learned the difference between having head knowledge of Him and heart knowledge of Him. I learned what it was to go into the proverbial wilderness with Him and just sit at His feet and learn who He is and how to hear His voice. He then became, and still is, my main source for information. If I want to know something, I ask Him. I seek Him direct for the answer. I get up every day and I ask Him to teach me the truth in all things and to reveal the mysteries of His kingdom to me. I ask Him to lead and guide my thoughts. I have learned what it truly means to be walking in His Spirit. Being in His Spirit does not mean speaking in gibberish that is not from Him. It means becoming one with Him in Spirit by seeking Him and walking with Him and learning how to hear His voice and recognize His leading and how He works. When you learn who He is, you learn what He is not, allowing the deceptions around you to be magnified and exposed for what they are. You can see them, recognize them, and know what is or is not of Him.
There is nothing special about me. I just love Him, and I am committed to Him. As He continued over the years to give me visions and prophecies and reveal future events to me, I began to create websites revealing the information I learned through Him and from His leading. Today I have 12 websites on the Internet, and a blogger and as the days come to a close I am busy fulfilling my calling and destiny in Him. I have worked hard building and maintaining websites over the years to educate and inform His people to what has gone on, is going on, or what is coming, and I won't stop until He says it is time to. And as my enemies can attest, I can not be intimidated either. I have received several death threats over the years and have posted some of them on my websites out of amusement. Mostly, I ignore them. I do not fear Lucifer, and certainly, I do not fear man. The Lord is my strength.
In 2001, I was led by the Lord to buy a Bible Codes program and learn how to search for and analyze codes. I had no idea what I was doing, and it was very complicated to learn. There were many times I wanted to just give up, but He would keep me at it, and He began to show me how to operate the program, how to look up terms, and how to analyze what I was finding. In essence, He basically taught me how to decode the Bible Himself. I learned how to decode my own name and I confirmed that the Lord had anointed me to decode His Word, I learned more about my calling in Him and who I was, and why I was born. I learned that I was His messenger, an emissary and a mouthpiece for Him in these last days. I was called to be a Watchman, a Prophet, and a warrior for Him. The Lord even told me and then showed me in His records that I was King David’s grand daughter
When He revealed this to me in 2004, things began to make sense. For years Yahweh would always tell me I reminded Him of David. One day He said to me, “You remind Me of your grandfather.” And I asked, “Which one?” And He said, “David.” When He said that, I was not just shocked. I was completely floored! I had seen royalty terms all over my Bible Code, but I had no idea I was related to King David. He told me to go into the codes, and I would find it. Sure enough, I did. .
The codes also explained the boldness and lack of fear I had developed in fighting against Lucifer and his new world order. As my ancient grandfather King David fought the giants in his day without fear, I too had stepped forward to fight against the giants in these last days without fear. I had come a long way from being a child who would hide under her blankets.
Without God's anointing and direction, I do not even think it is possible to get very far in understanding or decoding Bible Codes accurately. It is very difficult and not something you can even do without discernment. Sure, there are those who try to decode and even publish their results but I have found very few that are really led by Him to do them. Most interpreters decode out of their own interest and curiosity and make a multitude of mistakes.
Finding a Bible Code is half the battle. You have to know how to accurately read and analyze the information and understand how the Hebrew language uses terms. Without the Lord’s anointing and key to decoding, I would not be the decoder I am today. He has given me a key to the codes. When He told me He had given me a key to the codes, I did not really understand the extent of what He had said until I saw the work of many other decoders and their little if not complete lack of understanding of how the codes really work.
Over the years, God has revealed to me through the codes His records and the plans of mankind. I have learned how to use the codes to unravel daily events and find the truth in them about what is really happening and in the process, expose the media and government lies that are being told to the public. I have also learned how to expose the events that are planned for the future by Lucifer, including the organizations, governments and secret societies working to bring him into power. One thing is certain, the government lies and uses the media as a mere tool for their deceit. And it has been my experience that being an accurate decoder makes a person a prime target of their surveillance.
In 2002 the Lord specifically led me into what I have termed the Alien Agenda and has revealed much information to me about the coming UFO and Alien invasion to America and our Earth. He has shown and continues to show me different routes being taken to spearhead the arrival of end time events and what they really are, as opposed to what the churches and prophecy gurus teach. The Lord has shown me and led me to expose the plans of those who are involved in the various groups within governments, which are unified around the world and competing against one another to bring Satan to power as the Antichrist. More importantly, He has shown me how to tear down their strongholds.
In 2003, the Lord told me “You will speak to the Nations.” The Lord is using me to wake up, warn, and teach His people about coming events and has said, “Lead My people back to Me,” which has become my mandate and one of my messages to the world today. Come back to the Most High God!
In 2004, He proclaimed, “I am raising you up as a Prophet to the Nations.” Today over 116 countries visit my websites on a daily basis, and as of this writing, over 100 countries are listening to my internet radio show athttp://www.sherrytalkradio.com
As an internet radio show host, I expose the Luciferian New World Order, UFOs, Aliens, the Alien agenda, the coming UFO invasion, Planet X, NESARA, the deceptions in the churches, and the coming of the Antichrist to power. Other than with Him at my side, I do it almost alone.
Personal donations help me cover the costs of my websites and radio shows, but I do not have webmasters to design or run my websites, nor do I have a radio producer to prepare my shows or help me put them together, nor can I afford to pay for them. I am just a voice in the wilderness who He has called to stand up against the strongholds of the devil and the New World Order in these last days. I have several venues in doing this, and I am using every one of them to wake up God’s sleeping people and sound the alarms concerning what is coming.
It has become evident you will not learn the truth in the churches today. The cycle of error and deception has continued through every age since Constantine and the Council of Nicea in 325A.D. Most churches today are graveyards for the spiritually dead. It is the churches that are the "Whores of Babylon” and it is America who is modern day Babylon.
Furthermore, most people are clueless concerning what will really happen in the last days and even regarding Yahweh Himself. They do not understand how to have a real relationship with Him because they have allowed their churches to take the place of Him, and they simply do not know how to seek Him. They think reading the Bible and praying is all they need to do, and in this book, I am going to open your eyes as to how you can have a more intimate relationship with Him. Jesus said the last days would be as the days of Noah. The problem is that most churches do not teach nor realize what those days were really like. It was an Alien Agenda then, and it is the same one now, but I am going to reveal what the Lord has shown me and what is really going on behind the scenes in our world today. If you believe our country is one nation under God, prepare to be shocked.
The aliens from the past have hidden themselves from the public view. Nevertheless, they are ready to come back into dominance in these last days as the armies of the Antichrist. Eventually a full blown invasion will occur, and it is coming sooner than you think. The rise of the Antichrist is around the corner. Have the governments and the churches of the world been secretly working together to bring him to power? Have they worked together to suppress and silence prophets of old such as Enoch so those today would not recognize the aliens for who they are? When you are done reading this book your eyes will be opened to the truth that the Lord has revealed to me. (The chapters in this book are available on this website as articles.)
Restored To It's Rightful State!!"
![United States AI Solar System (5) - Page 9 Beautiful-mind-pen-scene](https://2img.net/h/jarviscity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/beautiful-mind-pen-scene.jpg)
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burgundia wrote:
orthodoxymoron wrote:This is a bit strange. I just happened to watch this 'Flat-Earth' video last night, just a few hours after it appeared, and when I saw that another post had been added to this thread, I just knew it would be that 'Flat Earth' video!! I won't get involved with 'Astral-Projection', 'Regression-Hypnosis', 'Ouija Boards', 'Seances', 'Psychics', 'Televangelists', 'Reprobates', 'Papists', 'Molesters', 'Heretics', or 'Charlatans'. Siriusly, I think Earth is probably a Ball, but I doubt that we REALLY Understand the Solar System and Our Predicament.
![United States AI Solar System (5) - Page 9 0b25cc9d3158a8b30726b1f291f888ed](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0b/25/cc/0b25cc9d3158a8b30726b1f291f888ed.jpg)
Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Thu Jun 07, 2018 6:40 pm; edited 83 times in total