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    Post  alphaomega Fri Sep 17, 2010 9:42 pm

    The nation of Israel politically speaking is an outlaw nation, a criminal nation, and a nation that was placed under a curse by God in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. I can show the scriptures that state this if anyone wants to see them.

    The nation of Israel today Spiritually speaking is cursed also, and is controlled by a secret group of people from one family called the Kenites. The word Kenite means the sons of Cain or the children of Cain, Cain from the book of Genesis.

    Cain was the son of Lucifer/Satan who are the same entity, by the Mother named Eve from Genesis, wife of Adam. Adam Eve and Lucifer had a sexual threesome and from that Cain and Able were born, paternal twins. Cain killed his younger brother Able because his Father Lucifer told him to. This is why the first recorded murder is of the child of the Prince of Death lucifer/Satan.

    After the sexual threesome the actors Adam and Eve tried to hide behind a FIG LEAF used for clothing as they were naked until the threesome took place.

    God found them and asked why are you clothed? They answered, because they were naked and felt ashamed. God said who told you that you were naked? Adam answered, the tree of the good and evil knowledge whom you told us to stay away from. That tree was of course Lucifer/Satan, and God knew they disobeyed his commands to stay away from this being.

    Today in the world the children of Cain still live and control all the wealth of the world. The Jews do not control all the wealth as 99.9 percent of all people think they do? This is the secret. There are no Jewish people in the Illuminati. The Illuminati hate the Jewish people. The Illuminati go around telling people they are Jewish when in truth they are not jewish at all but are liars and are still trying to hide behind the FIG LEAF just as Adam and Eve did so long ago to hide their shame.

    The Kenites know they can use the FIG LEAF to hide behind because in this world you are NOT ALLOWED TO ATTACK THE JEWISH PEOPLE, Because if you do you will be persecuted and destroyed by the world system that belongs to and is controlled by the Illuminati?Kenites who have deceived the whole world as to their true identity.

    Now if this web site is not honest, I expect to be banned from posting here again.

    And if I am you others might want to ask WHY? If my words are of no value?

    Posts : 163
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    Post  Linda Sun Sep 19, 2010 3:25 am

    Gee, I never heard the story presented like this and thank you. I was never religious, but do believe that everything has been twisted by those who own everything like you mention.

    This 'twin' birth mention is very intriguing.
    That would explain the interest Mengele had in twins....I heard that he was a twin.

    There is a Brazilian village full of blond-haired, blue-eyed twins. All with the clean-cut Aryan features that Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele wanted in his genetically altered master race.

    Currently, there are 44 sets of twins living there. That's 100 percent above the global average for twin births.

    Village of the 'cloned'

    Also, did you hear about those twin women from Sweden who survived being hit by trucks on the freeway in England? They were not human and one killed a man after the incident. The whole story stinks to high heaven.

    I think it all ties in to what is happening today. All sinister, clones, hosted people by dark entities, all done by luciferians.

    The first orgy, the first bisexuals, the first twins, the first murder....that is alot to think about to help connect the dots with the "Angel of Death" name among other things.

    Blaming the real Jews when it's the Kenites.......starting to make sense knowing how deception works.

    Thanks for starting this thread.

    Posts : 25
    Join date : 2010-09-11


    Post  alphaomega Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:36 am

    Numerology plays a critical role in our lives. My original post here on this forum about Israel is numerically aligned and spontaneously aligned with Biblical numerology, and that is aligned with the Law of attraction and the Unitron Matrix or I do not think it would have happened this way. Anytime you have two sets of numbers being in agreement during a spontaneous act of something like posting a thread, I have learned to pay attention anytime I see those things.

    "All things are established in the mouth of two or three witnesses" is another universal Law that cannot be broken or changed. When I posted this thread it was not by design that I made these things happen, I did not "scheme" this to happen, it just did through another universal Law the Law of confusion, in order to bring harmony to something being seen in this 3D Matrix, where the Law of confusion reigns supreme. The universal rule behind the Law of confusion is to bring about harmony in a vortex of confusion here in this confused 3D construct of what we call reality.

    So the numbers alone should pique your interests in this post, unless of course you choose not to know about the numbers and or the Laws behind them and the Matrix in which they are produced. Numbers are signposts to all that seek and look. Sometimes the little things can be of great value.

    After posting I noticed the post number changed from 13 on the original post to 14, to align with this current post number. I have a screen shot of my original post where it shows the number 13 on the post to match the time stamp of the same post as being 13.

    The numbers are the number 13. My post about Israel was my 13th posting. The time stamp on that post is also 13. The number 13 is God's favorite number. Which God you ask? Good question. Any God you want it to be, pick one, after all it is up to you.

    This is just for edification as to what I have seen about this particular thread and I pass it on for what it might be worth to you. But if you would like to think I "made this happen" then you give me to much credit, I am not that smart or coordinated.

    Just food for thought about the things that happen around us in little ways.


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    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:29 am

    I find your first post very very interesting. Will you please give us some more information? Are the Kenites spread out all over the world? Do they have a human leader at this time whom we would recognize? I know there is great controversy within some American Jewish Reform congregations. The reform congregations are being told by visiting Israeli rabbis that they (the reform congregations) are not really "Jewish", even if their bloodlines tell them so. This is very mixed up and crazy and I'd like to sort it out. Can you name some names of this elitist group? Would we recognize them, or are they so deep in the dark background that we never see them? I remember reading prophecies about the Sons of Cain. Are they the Arab brother? I know very little here, not trying to disrespect anyone.

    What bloodlines are represented in the present day descendants of Cain? Does is have to be bloodline (dna) or is it high dark magic? Am I touching a political nerve that should not be energized right now? Who ARE these "people" and when will they be fully exposed, do you think? I dare say I've met some. It's the look "out of their eyes" that is so telling. What positions might they be holding in the Federal Reserve? Was William Cooper onto something with his charts? Do I sound like orthodoxymoron?

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    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:51 am


    There is only one book on this planet that I know of that teaches the Kenites and their true identity. I have studied other so called religious books as well as the Bible and this is the only book I know of that reveals this information.

    I have been looking for many years for a reference on the internet about the Kenites being the children of Lucifer/Satan, and have searched out print books on this subject for years as well. The point I will make here in this paragraph is the most important point about this subject. WHY ARE THERE NO REFERENCES ANYWHERE, SUCH AS ENCYCLOPEDIAS PUT OUT BY THE WORLD SYSTEM OF EDUCATION THAT SAYS WHAT I AM SAYING ABOUT THE KENITES. YOU CAN LOOK FOR ANY WORLD SYSTEM REFERENCE YOU CAN FIND AND THEY WILL NEVER SAY WHAT I AM SAYING HERE ABOUT THE KENITES? Why is this? The easy answer is of course because I am not right and that is why you cannot find a Kenite reference in the world reference books that says they are the children of Cain and Satan. That is the easy answer to dodge the real answer.

    There are many people that have been brainwashed by the world system that the Bible is not trustworthy, a myth, old wives tales stolen from other civilizations prior to the Bible period of time. That is a outright lie established by the Kenites many years ago. Millions of dollars have been spent saying the Bible is not true, and many people even on many forums believe this lie to this day.

    The Illuminati who are the Kenites started this lie of course to hide behind the fig leaf, because the Bible is the only place to find this story. Please do not believe my words about this. Pray and ask your Spirit to verify this information, look for yourself, you too can see it simply because you have asked.

    I can tell you some of the names of some of these families. They are the old familiar names of the Illuminati. The Rothschilds, DeBeers, there is a family named Koch, there name is pronounced Coke, and I might have misspelled their name? The usual suspects.

    If a DNA test were to be done between a real Jewish person and one of these Illuminati families/Kenites, the DNA would prove that the Kenites have a different father than the Jewish people do. This is why a DNA test will never happen because it would reveal the lie behind the story that it is the Jewish people that are the trouble for all things, when in fact it is the Kenites who claim to be Jewish.

    Y'shua Messiah the greatest teacher that ever lived taught this story that the Kenites are the problem. Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 are the words of Y'shua Messiah and he says this there twice, without ever using the Kenite name.

    For your information and anyone that knows how to think, The Bible cannot have been changed by the world system to obscure it's message. How can I say that? Because the Bible says that MAN created by God cannot be greater that the maker of man.

    The Bible also says in the last four verses of Revelation that if anyone tries to change the Bible in a deceitful way they will be killed. Many have tried and many have died. How do I know this? Again because there is no reference anywhere for this ever happening, and very often you can learn a lot by what "THEY" do not say.

    I hope this helps.

    Also to lindabaker,

    The bloodline I am referring to is the DNA mix between Lucifer/Satan and Eve through sexual intercourse. This mixture would be different than the mix between Adam and Eve. This mix of Lucifer/Satan in Eve would in effect be a half breed of Human and Angel combined. So the Kenites are in fact part Angel DNA, and because of the evil nature of Lucifer/Satan this is what drives the Illuminati to their evil behavior like trying to kill millions of people here on this planet. And then they go around telling people they are Jewish in order to hide amongst the Fig leaves.

    If you stop and consider this possibility as true think how smart this plan would be, because now in a lot of countries you can go to prison for talking down about the jewish people? The Jewish people are the only people on this planet that you can be destroyed for talking about them.

    The cool part of this info is, I love the Jewish people and do not blame them. I also have been taught to love the Kenites because they are beings as well, but I hate the things they do more than any others. I am able to make that distinction.

    Last edited by alphaomega on Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:44 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  Carol Sun Sep 26, 2010 10:43 am

    I do recall reading about some of this in the past and appreciate the other info you shared here alphaomega. Thank you.

    I have heard rumors (from those who see into the future) that Israel will be blown off the map. It certainly would solve one problem yet likely create a number of others as a result.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 26, 2010 11:12 am

    Carol wrote:I do recall reading about some of this in the past and appreciate the other info you shared here alphaomega. Thank you.

    I have heard rumors (from those who see into the future) that Israel will be blown off the map. It certainly would solve one problem yet likely create a number of others as a result.

    Hello Carol,

    I do not know the future other than what is already written. The only way I could say these things are if this is a second time around for us here in the 3D world of Illusion as I tend to think it is. I do also think that is how Biblical prophecy specifically can always be true simply because this is act number two of a three act play. The first two acts are basically the same., and we are currently in the latter stages of act two coming to its conclusion.

    According to the Law of One, every 3 out of 10 are wanderers. If that is also true then the wanderers will eventually "remember" what their purpose here is all about and will continue on with their part in bringing act number 2 to a conclusion.

    There is also a formula that I found from Greg Braden, which was financed by a college to find out how many people does it take using intention to change a city for the better. An interesting experiment for sure. The college folks found that through intention by a group of people with the same motive to bring about peace and Love to a city, that the city they used as an example, and there were more than one city used, there were several, that the crime stats all the way across the board changed in a dramatic fashion.

    I wish I had the link to the study but I do not have it at hand as I did not know I would be sharing this at this time. But I will look for it and post it here later. So the intention study showed success, now I don't remember the formula either, but using the formula I figured it would take about 10,000 people to be on the same page to change this planet. That is not very many at all, and there are more wanderers than 10,000.

    So I guess I am saying we win in the end against the service to self Illuminati/Kenites that want to kill all of us, so it is good news as that is the way the scripts were written for the 3 acts to conclude here on our little planet.

    Food for thought.

    I could not find the quote at a quick look about the college study, but it is in either Gregg Bradens book "Fractal Time" or "The Divine Matrix" as I read both. I am sure it can be found on the web but at a quick glance I could not find it.


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    Post  mudra Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:24 pm

    alphaomega wrote:
    There is also a formula that I found from Greg Braden, which was financed by a college to find out how many people does it take using intention to change a city for the better. An interesting experiment for sure. The college folks found that through intention by a group of people with the same motive to bring about peace and Love to a city, that the city they used as an example, and there were more than one city used, there were several, that the crime stats all the way across the board changed in a dramatic fashion.

    I wish I had the link to the study but I do not have it at hand as I did not know I would be sharing this at this time.

    here is what you are looking for alphaomega

    Ancient Understanding of the Heart Field Gregg Braden

    Love from me

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    Post  Brook Sun Sep 26, 2010 2:12 pm

    I read somewhere.....

    The fact that we win is already written. The NWO do lose as it is written. And the numbers to win the fight is written.

    In the book of Revelation lots of people know about the number 144,000 as that number is plainly spoken. There are other numbers that are not soplainly spoken but are just as significant as the number 144,000.

    In the Old Testament, the book of 1st kings there is a very important number written down but is secret.

    Int he book of 1st Kings 7:26 there is written the building of the House Of The Pharaohs Daughter in all its details right down to the measurements for everything. In this house there is a bath numbered at2000 baths.

    Solomon is the builder of this and it is said he is the wisest man in the world. People from all over the world came for anaudience with him as his wisdom gave him great favor.

    So far we have 2000 plus 144,000 = 146,000

    Now to the book of 1st Kings again chapter 19 verse 18 where it says God has kept back 7000 that will not bow down to Baal. Baal is a type of Satan/Lucifer, and 7,000 in reserve.

    Also in the book of John21:11 it says there that the Lord Y'shua Messiah told them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat to catch the fish. They did and they caught 153 fish in one throw.

    So we have 144,000

    This comes out to 153,000 the same root number that Y'shua told the Apostles on how to catch the fish and when they got them in they counted 153fish which means the secret number for changing the world is 153,000people all on the same page by the Spirit of God all at the right moment.

    There will be plenty of others that will also be on the same page as the 153,000, but the 153,000 are what is called God's Elect. They were elected for this specific job at this time. It does not make them better, just different than most.

    So we can be at peace.

    now that's some numerology.....

    Gabriel, along with Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Suriel hear the cries of humanity under the strain of the Nephilim. It was their beseeching of "the Ancient of Days" (Yahweh), that prompted God to call Enoch to prophet-hood.After Enoch informed the Watchers of their fall from grace,

    Yahweh sent the archangels to earth to complete various tasks. In Enoch 10:13, Gabriel was to "Go to the biters, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication, the offspring of the Watchers, from among men; bring them forth and excite them against one another. Let them perish under mutual slaughter; for length of days shall not be theirs." And so, Gabriel instigated wars among the Giants (the children of the Watchers).Enoch 20:7 says that Gabriel presides over "Ikisat" (the fieryserpents) or Seraphim, Cherubim, and paradise, while Enoch 40:9 states that Gabriel presides over "all that is powerful." Gabriel sits on the left hand of God with Metitron.


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    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:46 pm

    Brook wrote:I read somewhere.....

    The fact that we win is already written. The NWO do lose as it is written. And the numbers to win the fight is written.

    In the book of Revelation lots of people know about the number 144,000 as that number is plainly spoken. There are other numbers that are not soplainly spoken but are just as significant as the number 144,000.

    In the Old Testament, the book of 1st kings there is a very important number written down but is secret.

    Int he book of 1st Kings 7:26 there is written the building of the House Of The Pharaohs Daughter in all its details right down to the measurements for everything. In this house there is a bath numbered at2000 baths.

    Solomon is the builder of this and it is said he is the wisest man in the world. People from all over the world came for anaudience with him as his wisdom gave him great favor.

    So far we have 2000 plus 144,000 = 146,000

    Now to the book of 1st Kings again chapter 19 verse 18 where it says God has kept back 7000 that will not bow down to Baal. Baal is a type of Satan/Lucifer, and 7,000 in reserve.

    Also in the book of John21:11 it says there that the Lord Y'shua Messiah told them to throw their nets on the right side of the boat to catch the fish. They did and they caught 153 fish in one throw.

    So we have 144,000

    This comes out to 153,000 the same root number that Y'shua told the Apostles on how to catch the fish and when they got them in they counted 153fish which means the secret number for changing the world is 153,000people all on the same page by the Spirit of God all at the right moment.

    There will be plenty of others that will also be on the same page as the 153,000, but the 153,000 are what is called God's Elect. They were elected for this specific job at this time. It does not make them better, just different than most.

    So we can be at peace.

    now that's some numerology.....

    Gabriel, along with Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Suriel hear the cries of humanity under the strain of the Nephilim. It was their beseeching of "the Ancient of Days" (Yahweh), that prompted God to call Enoch to prophet-hood.After Enoch informed the Watchers of their fall from grace,

    Yahweh sent the archangels to earth to complete various tasks. In Enoch 10:13, Gabriel was to "Go to the biters, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication, the offspring of the Watchers, from among men; bring them forth and excite them against one another. Let them perish under mutual slaughter; for length of days shall not be theirs." And so, Gabriel instigated wars among the Giants (the children of the Watchers).Enoch 20:7 says that Gabriel presides over "Ikisat" (the fieryserpents) or Seraphim, Cherubim, and paradise, while Enoch 40:9 states that Gabriel presides over "all that is powerful." Gabriel sits on the left hand of God with Metitron.


    Your information is correct Brook, as that is the way it happened according to Enoch my brother, who wrote 365 books one for each day of the year. Where are those books? Why do we not need them? Because you have the same Spirit that Enoch had, and you have no need of his reference books as you have the reference within you. the kingdom of God is within according to someone smarter that Enoch, Y'shua Messiah.

    Shall we engage?


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    Post  alphaomega Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:48 pm

    mudra wrote:
    alphaomega wrote:
    There is also a formula that I found from Greg Braden, which was financed by a college to find out how many people does it take using intention to change a city for the better. An interesting experiment for sure. The college folks found that through intention by a group of people with the same motive to bring about peace and Love to a city, that the city they used as an example, and there were more than one city used, there were several, that the crime stats all the way across the board changed in a dramatic fashion.

    I wish I had the link to the study but I do not have it at hand as I did not know I would be sharing this at this time.

    here is what you are looking for alphaomega

    Ancient Understanding of the Heart Field Gregg Braden

    Thank you my dear brother as it is a happy day to see family again. Peace and Love you spread always.

    Love from me

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    Post  alphaomega Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:59 am

    The common people in Israel are not the problem, those people are just fine. It is the leadership and the people that run the country in the back ground the Illuminati/Kenites.

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    Post  WineHippie Mon Sep 27, 2010 10:33 am

    alphaomega wrote:The common people in Israel are not the problem, those people are just fine. It is the leadership and the people that run the country in the back ground the Illuminati/Kenites.

    alphaomega, i do "feel" (believe) that this is
    true of every governed people in every country
    on every continent on this world ....
    and i, too, appreciate your detailed info here, thank you

    Posts : 25
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    Post  alphaomega Mon Sep 27, 2010 11:17 am

    alphaomega wrote:The common people in Israel are not the problem, those people are just fine. It is the leadership and the people that run the country in the back ground the Illuminati/Kenites.

    alphaomega, i do "feel" (believe) that this is
    true of every governed people in every country
    on every continent on this world ....
    and i, too, appreciate your detailed info here, thank you[/quote

    I know your statement is right. You are welcome hippy.

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    THE NATION OF ISRAEL  TODAY Empty Israels Undeclared Nuclear Arsenal

    Post  burgundia Fri Jun 17, 2011 8:25 am

    Much attention has been placed on Iran and their supposed nuclear weapons program by the United States and Israel.

    What isn’t talked about on a regular basis in the corporate controlled media is the fact that Israel has an illegal, undeclared nuclear arsenal.

    While many are already aware of the facts regarding the Israeli Nuclear Program, there is an absurd amount of people who still pretend Israel is a sitting duck surrounded by powerful enemies.

    The reality is that our government knew, as far back as 1974, that Israel most likely possessed nuclear weapons.

    In 2008 the National Security Archive released a once classified CIA document that indicated that Israel already had a stockpile of nuclear weapons in 1974.

    Read more:

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    Post  devakas Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:15 pm

    Israel media


    phone call

    Israeli Army can’t provide me evidence of flotilla’s violent plans, story unravels

    Israelis woke up to a front page Jerusalem Post story claiming flotilla passengers planned violence against soldiers. The story has completely unraveled.
    On June 27, the Israeli army released a highly suspect claim that passengers on the flotilla planned to kill and maim Israeli soldiers. The claim looks like yet another anti-flotilla hoax emanating from Israeli government channels.

    Today, I reached an official from the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit after placing several calls and an email to the office requesting proof to support the army’s claim. The official was unable to supply me with one piece of evidence. Instead, she said, “Basically there’s a trust between the IDF and reporters. And like in any other army, you know, a senior IDF source says something, people are inclined to believe it because this is somebody high up, this is somebody that has a lifetime of experience and credibility and this is like any other army.”

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    Post  devakas Thu Jun 30, 2011 7:49 pm

    Gaza flotilla relies on charm to disarm Israel

    THE NATION OF ISRAEL  TODAY Audacity-june-30-athens.n

    Starting from Thursday, all eight boats and two dry-cargo vessels have been under all-day-round protection by passengers, who replace each other on duty every three hours.
    The voluntary duty watch is three hours, and there are more volunteers than watch posts, at least on the boat where I’m accredited.
    The reason for doing this was an act of sabotage on the Irish boat. Paul Murphy, Member of the European Parliament from Ireland arrived on the island and told us the details. According to him, mechanics from the Irish boat found a part of the engine that had been cut with a saw. Murphy says the damage was intended to make the boat sink once it reached the open sea.
    The fleet’s organizers have asked all crews to protect their boats. My boat’s crew had established protection even before that as they were cautious of similar sabotage acts.
    The Irish crew blames the Israelis for the damage as, according to them, there’s only one country that has been aggressively opposing the peaceful fleet aiming to break the five-year blockade on Gaza. According to Paul Murphy, this opinion was expressed at the conference in Athens, as well as in the interview with the fleet’s spokesmen.
    The Israeli media, against the opinion of the accredited Israeli journalists with the fleet, have been spreading the views of various Israeli security structures that the boats are carrying bags with gunpowder and so-called chemical weapons, which the fleet is allegedly planning to use in its attack on the Israeli army. Yesterday passengers and journalists on my boat inspected the vessel, and did not find any bags or suspicious mixtures onboard. Passengers and journalists on other vessels informed each other that nothing of that kind had been found on their boats either.
    The fleet’s organizers have stated time and again that the fleet’s mission is to bring peace, rather than threat.
    All participants on all boats have signed a declaration called “Stay Human”. Nobody, including the media, can be on board without signing it.
    The main part of it declares non-violence in word and deed:
    "I understand that I am obliged to follow these eight rules and general principles of non-violent resistance adopted by the Freedom Flotilla2.
    The eight rules and principles are -
    1. No physical contact with soldiers
    2. No jumping in the water
    3. No throwing objects at soldiers
    4. No starting fires
    5. No using of fire extinguishers (against soldiers)
    6. No use of or display of objects that could be misconstrued as weapos
    7. Respect your roles, hold your ground
    8. Stop active protection when all ships have effectively been commandeered"
    Today the peaceful statements were repeated, and so was the invitation for an independent commission to inspect the vessels. The state inspection of passengers and cargo has anyway exceeded all possible limits, according to the fleet’s organizers. They are convinced that because of the procedures for getting paperwork and inspections, the fleet’s start has been postponed for a week, according to Dr. Arafat Madi from the organizing committee, Free Gaza.
    During our boat’s inspection, the assistant captain caught three rats in an empty hold. These were the only unwanted visitors onboard. The rats were photographed and their removal documented by those on duty on the boat.
    Police at the port where our boat is docked strongly advised the crew to increase the boat’s protection, and to coordinate their actions with them, as the island’s port and police do not want any more sabotage acts there.
    On board one of the ten boats, there are one parliament member, one parliamentary candidate, about two dozen journalists, a world-renowned Italian photographer, engineers, a skipper, a surgeon, three nurses, a teacher, an artist, a designer, a sociologist, and two historians. Many are in their 60s, and even 70s. Most of them are pacifists, vegetarians, Catholics, Protestants, Jewish and Orthodox. On our boat, there are just a few Muslims.
    “Of course I don’t want to die,” a 27-year-old passenger, a son of Jewish Americans told me. “This is certainly very dangerous. But Palestinians have been facing danger from the Israeli army from their birth to their death for 63 years. Some women die giving birth while waiting at checkpoints to be allowed to go to the hospital – and so do their babies. Therefore I hope to overcome my fears, which that are insignificant compared to what the Palestinians go through,”, says Marco Ramazzotti, one of the people on board.
    The fleet’s organizers keep the boats’ departure schedule, the lists of passengers and journalists, and other details confidential in order to avoid sabotage against the boats and people.

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    Post  devakas Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:54 pm

    Double Thumbs Up

    THE NATION OF ISRAEL  TODAY Gaza_flotilla-396

    JULY 4

    Who’s afraid of the Holocaust survivor?

    Thunderous laughter keeps coming from a gym where an American team is training. I am sitting in the neighboring room where ordinary guests resembling retired military are ironing their clothes.

    Passengers from the US boat of the second Freedom Flotilla take turns in giving me interviews. My interlocutors are changing. So do the tough men with steam irons in their hands. Two hours passed. Then finally I saw a tiny fragile woman. Her eyes were shining with happiness. We hugged each other.

    She is Hedy Epstein. She’s 87 years old. In May last year Hedy and 20 other European diplomats, members of parliament, writers and lawyers wandered like a gypsy band from harbor to harbor in Cyprus in search of a place from where they could sail and join the first flotilla “Free Gaza”. Police helicopters hovered over us. They hovered over Hedy’s head too. Her parents perished in Auschwitz during WWII and she herself got saved by some miracle. I want to believe that those policemen didn’t know anything about Hedy. I want to believe that had they known anything about her life, they wouldn’t have cruised over her head in such a fascist manner to stop her from joining the flotilla.

    Four times we crossed the border separating the Greek and the Turkish parts of Cyprus four times on foot. The diplomats and members of parliament phoned their prime ministers in anger each time policemen stopped us to write down our names. Hedy was the only one who stayed absolutely calm. Late at night we reached the once-inaccessible port of Famagusta. While the rest of the team was ardently arguing with the port authorities, Hedy lay down on a wooden bench and fell asleep with a blissful smile on her lips.

    “This is my fifth attempt to get into Gaza,” Hedy said when we hugged.
    “We are going to organize flotillas so long as they don’t lift the blockade finally and completely,” said another Jew, Dror Fleiler, a musician and composer who was born in Israel, but left the country for Sweden in protest against Israel’s policy. This time he’s heading a Swedish delegation. He is the most rigid man in the flotilla.
    Hedy wouldn’t say a harsh word to anybody. She irradiates love and forgiveness for all people. She’s kissing journalists from Israel who have dared to sail together with the flotilla. She’s kissing the Palestinians for whom participation in the flotilla is potentially fatal. She’s tenderly looking at American writer Alice Walker, the Pulitzer Prize laureate, who’s sailing with her on one vessel.

    Hedy says that their captain has been threatened to be stripped of his US license if he agrees to steer their boat. “Can you imagine how horrible we are? But we are just peaceful and unarmed elderly people.”
    Hedy is sure that one day she will step on the shore of the besieged Gaza. Many journalists would give a lot to see how an Israeli soldier is going to arrest an 87-year-old Jewish woman who survived the Holocaust. By the way, there are ten journalists on the US boat.

    “They’ve invented a word for me in Israel. They call me ‘self-hating’. But I don’t hate anybody,” Hedy smiles, disarming everybody around with her smile. I am sorry that I am accredited on another vessel and I won’t see how an Israeli soldier is going to drop his submachine-gun and kneel down in front of Hedy and ask her and dozens of other American Jews to forgive him for coming to arrest them. I am sorry, but it’s very unlikely that anybody’s going to see that scene.

    The American boat is the most disciplined part of the flotilla. All of them are dressed in black in memory of the nine people who died during the previous campaign: in memory of an Italian whom Israeli security services killed in the Gaza Strip and in memory of Rachel Corrie, who was killed by an Israeli excavator operator who was pulling down the home of yet another Palestinian family. Rachel stood in his way and he ran over her.
    When a sixth American came for an interview dressed in black, I cried out loud, and then Regina Currie, dressed in red, materialized from the depths of the US delegation. She was so excited during the interview that we stopped recording it. But a man who looked like a military kept ironing his sportswear, as he was listening to what we were talking about, until his clothes were about to steam. Regina and I burst into laughter each time we looked at him. After all, we are women and it was very funny for us to see how a man was desperately ironing his sport trousers. That day the Israeli press was actively circulating the news that the flotilla was training how to attack the Israeli army. I heard and saw very well how the American team had been trained.

    Their laughter was quite embarrassing. It was literally shaking the entire hotel. The activists’ babies were the only ones who were sleeping peacefully under the growls of American laughter. After a short discussion, Regina and I agreed that laughter was certainly one of the most terrible weapons. Here, the Israelis are certainly right. I don’t doubt that it’s exactly this weapon that the passengers are going to use against Israeli commandos if they crack down on their boats and start firing at people as if they were coins.

    “Alright, I’ll tell you. I’m not afraid of almost anything in the world, except for dogs,” says Hedy. I think an 87-year-old Jewish woman who had survived the Jewish catastrophe can be forgiven for fearing dogs. Just as she can perhaps be forgiven for not understanding why her fellow tribesmen set their dogs on people – the way Nazis were setting their German shepherds on her parents.

    Hedy herself is about just as tall as a large German shepherd; and she certainly weighs less than this kind of dog. But I want to believe that no animal would ever dare attack her. Hedy’s smile is so disarming. That’s what the Israeli army fears – Hedy Epstein’s smile. And her laughter.

    The other day, Israeli propaganda invented a new threat: they informed that the boats were bringing bags of gunpowder, and nothing less than chemical weapons. In other words, the fleet’s team – which mostly consists of gray-haired American and European elderly, pacifists and vegetarians – was equated to some aggregate Saddam Hussein. But even Saddam Hussein was never accused of transporting bags of gunpowder by boat.

    Journalists accredited on my boat (about 20 people) went to inspect our vessel. I won’t deny that I was really horrified: as our captain wandered around an empty, hollow hold, he caught three large rats by their tails – or at least they seemed large to me – and threw them overboard.

    I leave the possibility open that in a few days to come, the world will hear about a secret unit of combat rats and mice that the Free Gaza fleet uses for armament. I’m afraid that in this case, the fleet will be accompanied by the noise suppression of “the enemy”, as all women, except for probably Hedy, will scream with horror when these well-trained rodents march the deck.

    Seriously speaking, the fleet includes ten members of the European and national parliaments: two French, two Norwegians, three Swedes, and three Spaniards. Yesterday, several members of the Irish parliament joined the fleet as well. The fleet has eight boats, and two cargo vessels. Rumor has it that Jordan is preparing an additional boat. If this is true, then the Muslims will be represented in the fleet at least this way – so far, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Stepping out to break the siege are Americans, Europeans, Catholics, Orthodox, Jewish, Agnostics, and only a few Muslims.

    Celebrities are also present in the fleet; for instance, one of the leading Italian photographers, a famous Swedish writer, film directors, historians. Moreover, there are useful people as well: three doctors, two nurses (on my boat alone), an Israeli Army veteran, engineers, a former skipper; as well as musicians, a designer, and a sociologist. And even a retired female US Army Colonel, Ann Wright. The youngest fleet participant is 19, a future medical doctor from the Netherlands.

    Twenty-two countries are represented in the fleet. I’m the only one from Russia, and I’m not even a participant, but a journalist. This circumstance requires explanation. Many Russian volunteers signed up for the Mavi Marmara Turkish vessel, but on June 16 the Turkish organizing committee announced that their boat would not be able to go. It’s not easy for Russian citizens to get European visas overnight. Thus, I happened to be the only one from Russia in this fleet. To my consolation, I was told that China was also represented by just one person, a professor working in Malaysia. At the same time, there are many Israeli citizens on board. And, as these Israeli citizens say, the Israeli army should worry about this firstly, rather than about some mythical bags of gunpowder, or chemical weapon.

    Americans, the slogan experts, wrote “Stay humane” on their black shirts. They believe it works. They believe that the 87-year-old Hedy Epstein, who lost her parents in Auschwitz, will finally, on the fifth try, step on the ground of the besieged Gaza, and will testify that there are Jewswho are ashamed that on their behalf, and that of the Holocaust victims, the occupation and the five-year-long siege is in place.

    “Jews were subject to a collective punishment. How did it happen that now Jews themselves are carrying out a collective punishment of the Palestinians, on my behalf, among other things?” asks Hedy Epstein.

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:47 am