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    Beware Empty Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 11, 2017 6:22 pm

    A thread for posts regarding wisdom found in unexpected ways and places found through writers with 'new' eyes on the mundane.

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  Carol Mon Sep 11, 2017 8:55 pm

    Hi Joe, nice to see you posting again. Toast

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Wed Sep 13, 2017 12:28 am

    Wisdom is all around us, all you have to do be still and listen. The silence is deafening.

    But that silence does not have be silent unto itself, it has creative license to spread it's wings unchained by any one convention.

    It's no mystery, what can I say, we're blind by design

    Sit back, relax, begin
    It's too early for surrender
    Too late for a prayer
    We can't go to hell if we're already there
    They say the end is coming
    And I need to prepare
    We can't go to hell if we're already there

    Beware The-mind-is-its-own-place-and-in-itself-can-make-a-heaven-of-hell-a-hell-of-heaven-7

    (Thanks Carol)

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:04 am

    Greetings JoeEcho.

    Beware 8248b5379f03734ef7e4cc1db4d283f5--positive-quotes-wisdom-mindfulness-quotes-positive

    Beware Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSL2ke3BwQ3NMRpc95JI1XFib1fwcszd_1TuEvM4_22oKPtEESI

    Love from me

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Wed Sep 13, 2017 4:56 pm

    Greetings mudra

    Beware 48fae006b11702f6bd58a2840b477bd6--bad-treatment-quotes-the-silent-treatment-quotes


    True worth is beyond what the spiritual world or mundane world is capable of quantifying. If spiritual or worldly wisdom should quantify silent/ still equal to zero and talk/ action equal to one then they both fail in true worth.

    Is this post of true worth? Hardly.

    The pointer is not the point and neither is it's point. They both come and go like quantum entangled 'particles or waves'.

    Beware Tumblr_nb12vqpuli1txj3wto1_500

    The question then arises: Why say or do anything at all?

    The equally relevant question is.....

    Why not?

    If something exists because something exists, and something doesn't exist because something doesn't exist, then something exists and something doesn't exist. But if something exists because something doesn't exist and something doesn't exist because something exists, then something exists, doesn't, and something doesn't exists, still doesn't!  (Modification of a quote by Menachem Mendel of Kotzk)

    Are we clear?

    Beware B89371c748ef07fd3ce7639960a1bfff41152f881648466f8d0b52b16328e534

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:51 pm

    How often do you THINK you're 'with it'? Thank again.

    Beware When-you-accidentally-get-lost-in-the-sauce-2576329

    Beware We-all-get-lost


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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:31 am

    I am grateful when words are as generous to me as a tree bearing apples plenty is.

    “A good writer is also an avid reader. A good reader is also a vivid dreamer. A good dreamer is also a good learner. And a good learner is definitely a good listener. A good listener is always looking to what the heart speaks. A spoken heart talks directly to a silent soul. And a silent soul is most of the time in pace with a peaceful thought. A peaceful thought is also a good writer...”

    Ana Claudia Antunes

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Thu Sep 14, 2017 2:31 pm

    Beware Bright

    Mind magic light
    A magicians delight
    An audiences muse
    A lit fuse
    Magic light all over

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Sun Sep 17, 2017 12:41 pm

    What is it all about?

    It's not about the individual no matter how praised.

    It's not about the collective no matter the accomplishments for the greater good of humanity, the planet or beyond.

    Then what is it all about?


    Beware 287c8c3c0a422e11622fb43019c5c58b

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  NANUXII Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:08 pm


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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:19 am

    Beware Animated-welcome-image-0291

    to the

    Beware Impossible

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:36 am

    The One foe you will never defeat is your imagination.

    Any attempt to defeat imagination will use imagination and that will be what's left. Some even believe what's left is real, image that?

    Imagination is always one step ahead of itself.

    You've defeated all your demons and vices. I imagine you have.

    You imagined your equal and now the cats out of the bag, Pandora's box is open. Good luck figuring out which one of you is the imagined one.

    Beware Fanari-1

    Beware Will-the-real-slim-shady-please-stand-up-18877566

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 18, 2017 10:30 am

    "Don't let the illusions of your past or future rob you of the infiniteness of your present."

    Look to this day,

    for it is life, the very breath of life.

    In its brief course lie

    all the realities of your existence

    Love Always

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:54 pm

    One reality defines all realities as its reality as such so confined.

    Beware A70c83a4c6d43866f4ddc5ac91894586--break-free-wise-words


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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Tue Sep 19, 2017 12:15 am

    The greatest secret of all-time revealed is NOT the greatest secret of all time.

    Beware CD0A6670-C437-48F3-AAC4-A6B1051F6E97

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Thu Sep 21, 2017 10:20 pm

    The question and/ or answer on whether there really is space of not is immaterial.

    Beware Thoughts

    Did you catch that?

    Beware 1305635144_dog-catching-ball

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Fri Sep 22, 2017 2:04 am

    JoeEcho wrote:The question and/ or answer on whether there really is space of not is immaterial.

    Beware Thoughts

    Did you catch that?

    Beware 1305635144_dog-catching-ball

    Thubs Up

    It's uncatchable Wink

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Fri Sep 22, 2017 12:40 pm

    mudra wrote:
    JoeEcho wrote:The question and/ or answer on whether there really is space of not is immaterial.

    Beware Thoughts

    Did you catch that?

    Beware 1305635144_dog-catching-ball

    Thubs Up

    It's uncatchable Wink

    Love from me

    Beware Theres-going-to-be-a-3d-jesus-movie_h

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  Carol Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:03 am
    Dolores Cannon Presents Moving into the New Earth

    Dolores Cannon is experiencing an evolution in her work as a hypnotherapist. Her clients (who are coming from all over the world) are no longer experiencing regressions into past lives. They are returning to the Source (God) to explain why they are living here in the world now.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Sun Sep 24, 2017 12:25 am

    You know what is sexy?

    You know that I know without words exchanged.

    Beware 525053dea8b49b0f60bb19742ec62714--best-songs-white-light


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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:04 am

    All conscious/ thought is illusory but it is, from this wonderful dream, to catch a glimpse of that which is not.

    How does one escape all dreams without dreaming about it and should one have evidence they have escaped all dreams how do they know THAT issn't a dreams as well?

    There is no better mode of travel then a dream.

    If I could see something
    You can see anything you want, boy
    If I could be someone
    You can be anyone, celebrate boy

    If I could do something
    Well you can do something
    If I could do anything
    Well can you do something out of this world?

    Beware Flat,800x800,070,f

    I dreamt of nowhere and nothing and here I am, I guess I need to be a little more specific next time. (a little existential humor)

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Mon Sep 25, 2017 3:50 pm

    Who You Really Are ~ Kirtana

    Who You Really Are

    Could there be more
    to this life we call "mine"
    than a journey through space
    or a story line? -
    More to life than the body can sense
    than the mind can conclude
    from experience
    Does who we are begin with breath,
    depend on form or end with death? -
    Strip away these roles, these names
    and tell me what remains
    And who you really are,
    who you really are

    We measure success
    by the things we accrue
    or the bonds that we form,
    or the deeds we do
    But these too shall pass,
    as hard as we try
    to hold on to form; form will die
    But inherent in this dance of form
    Is the chance to see what's yet unborn
    And the choice to throw this chance away
    And be caught up in the play
    of who we think we are,
    who we think we are

    This is your lifetime; it could end at anytime.
    Where is your attention?
    Where is your prayer?
    Where is your song?

    In a fortunate life,
    comes a call to be free
    From the cycle of bondage and misidentity,
    to wake from the dream
    and finally realize
    the truth of one's being
    before the body dies
    So before the final scene is past,
    see the screen on which it's cast.
    See what's seeing this me and you.
    And then you will see who...t
    who you really are, who you really are
    Who you really are, who we really are

    Love Always

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Sep 25, 2017 10:35 pm

    There will be no dethroning, for the emperor has no clothes (or furniture).

    Cannot lose what never had and cannot gain what is not to gain.

    It is interesting that in one realm, something is held in high value but beyond that realm, it is not.

    Try using Monopoly money to buy a cup of coffee.

    Beware 130206_o85to_monopoly-chat_sn635

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:16 pm

    Beware 05596f983a019807e67d97eeaebe1aa0--love-and-lust-dreams

    Love Always

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    Beware Empty Re: Beware

    Post  mudra Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:34 pm

    Beware B62674985c84a6684d69fb1c91d478f1

    Love Always

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