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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering


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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  enemyofNWO Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:45 am

    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering


    "It seemed to be time something is said, to warn the unwary. Several years ago, the government said they would engage in counter-intelligence using the internet. And clearly they kept their word.

    Lately, many of us have been receiving unbelievable, unrealistic-BS fear-mongering emails in our in-boxes. Who are the unwary people? For many, the closest to the government they ever have been was taking their tax return to the post office or visiting a historic site in WA, DC. We must take the time to turn a light on and get out a big magnifying glass before believing anything emailed to us. And at the same time, apply a hefty dose of common sense.

    Below is an example of a recent email I received. This is one of many utterly unbelievable emails which quickly made the rounds to others who soon after sent to me again:


    "Largest Russian Air Cargo Plane lands at secret Mexican Air Base at night. Each plane capable of carrying 500 Chinese troops. Chinese have six (6) bases under construction in Mexico and have at least one super cargo carrier converted for carrying troops.

    Bases capable of supporting 600,000 Chinese troops.

    China cut a deal with Mexico that they can have Texas, California up in the air, Arizona not mentioned, but Mexico drug cartel now controls a good portion of Arizona."

    (I have left out the name of the radio show also referred to in the email.) ++++++++++++


    1. Are we to believe that China needs a Russian transport plane to carry their troops around? Is there suddenly a loving relationship between China and Russia the world doesn't know about? For China to do this is equivalent to the US military asking the Australians to borrow one of their planes to move US troops.

    2. Where are real photos of these converted super cargo carrier? If they have the ability to do these conversions, WHY would they be using Russian transport planes?

    3. Bases supporting 600,000 Chinese troops? Apparently the creator of this piece failed to consider that a base of this size requires building a large city about the size of Detroit, MI - population 706,000 as of 2011.

    4. China cut a deal? With who? Giving states away like Texas? And no one would notice this? Are millions of Texas residents sworn to silence, refusing to tell the world they have to mail their property tax payments each year to another country? Is another country going to pay BILLIONS of dollars to buy Texas - and not even change a road sign? I think not.

    At first glance it all sounds alarming. But the BS alarm should go off inside the head of anyone with an IQ greater than the number of balls on a billiard table.

    Someone, somewhere is cranking out much of this material. Some of this originates from alarmist, sensationalist civilians trying to pedal their radio show or Tyranny-B-Gone soap. But others may be created by more serious government personnel who's sole purpose is to cluster-screw the civilian population.

    Now combine together...

    * Plastic caskets documented by Jesse Ventura on his suddenly-cancelled television show. Thousands of large molded plastic boxes, each deep enough to hold several corpses, were stacked on the side of a road in the south out in the open. Photos of these are all over the internet. No fence or signs and all in full view of the public. After Mr. Ventura visited the site they were all moved somewhere else. Of course these boxes had to be moved - to impart the impression you're not supposed to know they exist. HOWEVER - If the government wanted to hide all those caskets and lids which covered several acres, they would have never been seen by anyone. But they WANTED the public to see them.

    * Consider the POW camps supposedly built for Americans located all around the country - more than 200 of them at last count. Locations are not hidden and are easily accessed by anyone. Many of these camps are now in ruins, constructed decades ago of unpainted, untreated wood. Even these camps can be just a propaganda ploy to instill fear in the public mind - reinforcing the word OBEY over and over with a liberal dose of fear factor.


    We have witnessed the fear and disinformation campaign created by Nibiru , Elenin , 2012 ( we are in october now and nothing is in sight ), and untold other scare campaigns , psychological operations and experimentation .
    Every day we hear about the elite buying underground refuges , drones killing people from 5 Km up in the sky , wars , pestilences , apartheid and crimes against humanity . There are very few good stories around worthwhile reading about it .
    What is certain is that the criminal Elite is acting as if there was no accountability , no day of reckoning for crimes committed . If there is going to be any accountability at all is probably going to be due to the financial meltdown and Earth disasters . The corrupt system is playing us like a fiddle . Think about the Cow dung delivered over the years by Camelot , Alex Jones , Hoagland ( how can a person forget the claim that Elenin was piloted ?) , Marshall Masters , John Moore , Quayle and a lot of New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables ......

    Posts : 4104
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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  Floyd Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:06 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:

    We have witnessed the fear and disinformation campaign created by Nibiru , Elenin , 2012 ( we are in october now and nothing is in sight ), and untold other scare campaigns , psychological operations and experimentation .
    Every day we hear about the elite buying underground refuges , drones killing people from 5 Km up in the sky , wars , pestilences , apartheid and crimes against humanity . There are very few good stories around worthwhile reading about it .
    What is certain is that the criminal Elite is acting as if there was no accountability , no day of reckoning for crimes committed . If there is going to be any accountability at all is probably going to be due to the financial meltdown and Earth disasters . The corrupt system is playing us like a fiddle . Think about the Cow dung delivered over the years by Camelot , Alex Jones , Hoagland ( how can a person forget the claim that Elenin was piloted ?) , Marshall Masters , John Moore , Quayle and a lot of New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables ......


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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 05, 2012 9:17 am

    I often where folks come up with some of this stuff as it's clear much of it is just someone's imagination run amuck. If it were for someone I know personally who said he saw PX at the Vatican Observatory, I'd probably not put much stock in this claim either. However, there is so much more that we don't know that the best rule of thumb is just stick with the facts that we do know and refuse to go into fear about what is a potential as compared to what is occuring as a reality. We passed another planatary alignement with earth changes in some areas of the planet and the sun vollying off huge masses of plasma away from earth. On the whole, were good. However, winter has already started in a number of areas and energy prices continue to increase. Prepping is based on these types of realities. Even the ants are out in mass prepping and I figure nature has a way of knowing ahead of time to prepare for the coming cold season.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  mudra Fri Oct 05, 2012 5:51 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:
    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering


    We have witnessed the fear and disinformation campaign created by Nibiru , Elenin , 2012 ( we are in october now and nothing is in sight ), and untold other scare campaigns , psychological operations and experimentation .
    Every day we hear about the elite buying underground refuges , drones killing people from 5 Km up in the sky , wars , pestilences , apartheid and crimes against humanity . There are very few good stories around worthwhile reading about it .
    What is certain is that the criminal Elite is acting as if there was no accountability , no day of reckoning for crimes committed . If there is going to be any accountability at all is probably going to be due to the financial meltdown and Earth disasters . The corrupt system is playing us like a fiddle . Think about the Cow dung delivered over the years by Camelot , Alex Jones , Hoagland ( how can a person forget the claim that Elenin was piloted ?) , Marshall Masters , John Moore , Quayle and a lot of New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables ......

    Whether hoax as some claimed it or real I think the Iron Mountain report is still an interesting read as it sheds light on much of the things we are witnessing nowadays and ties them together .

    Report From Iron Mountain

    An old book from the late sixties called Report from Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace2 was allegedly authored by the Hudson Institute future-prying think-tank at the request of then US Secretary of Defense Robert S McNamara. Many say the book is a hoax. But it uncannily reflects the realities of the past half century.

    The book includes the claim it was authored by a Special Study Group of fifteen men whose identities were to remain secret and that it was not intended to be made public. It concludes that war, or a credible substitute for war, is necessary if governments are to maintain power.

    Report from Iron Mountain states that, “wars are not ’caused’ by international conflicts of interest. Proper logical sequence would make it more often accurate to say that war-making societies require – and thus bring about – such conflicts. The capacity of a nation to make war expresses the greatest social power it can exercise; war-making, active or contemplated, is a matter of life and death on the greatest scale subject to social control.”

    The report goes on to explain that, “the production of weapons of mass destruction has always been associated with economic ‘waste’.” Iron Mountain stresses that war is an important tool, because it creates artificial economic demand, a demand that does not have any political issues: “war, and only war, solves the problem of inventory.”

    Not surprisingly, Iron Mountain concludes that “world peace” is neither desirable nor in the best interests of society, because war not only serves important economic functions but also plays key social and cultural roles. “The permanent possibility of war is the foundation for stable government; it supplies the basis for general acceptance of political authority… War is virtually synonymous with nationhood. The elimination of war implies the inevitable elimination of national sovereignty and the traditional nation-state.”

    Thus, “war has been the principal evolutionary device for maintaining a satisfactory balance between gross human population and supplies available for its survival. It is unique to the human species.” So, in order to guarantee its own survival through its entrenchment inside the US, UK, European and other power structures, the Global Power Masters need war, the threat and rumours of war, just as fish need water, tigers need weak prey, and dogs need trees… and all for similar reasons! But the United States, Britain and their allies cannot have just any enemy. They need a credible, dangerous, “scary” enemy: first it was Germany, then Japan, the Soviet Union, the global “Red Menace”; today it’s “Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorism” and, increasingly, China and Russia are going centre-stage on the Global Power Master’s geopolitical radar screen.

    The Case of Russia

    In recent times, Russia has variously played the role of Buffer, Brake and (now, hopefully) Wall against Western power aggression. When Russia acts like a Buffer, the world feels frustrated as the cases of Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya and Palestine show. In all these cases, Russia sounded adversarial, “confronting” the US/UK/EU/Israel in word but certainly not in deed. The Western powers always got their way, even at the UN.

    In recent times, however, Russia is increasingly acting as a Brake on Western hegemonic ambitions, notably in Syria and Iran. In November 2011 and February 2012, Russia vetoed two US/UK/French sponsored UN Resolutions against Syria which, if passed, would have had the same devastating effect on Syria as UN Resolution 1973 had last year on Libya. Also, Russia has refused to support IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) pseudo-reports and sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program. In addition, Russia has dispatched credible dissuasive military forces to counteract NATO’s militarisation of the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean.

    Here we begin to wonder whether a gunfight might actually break out. This has had the sobering effect of forcing the US, UK, France and Israel to drag their feet in carrying out their threats of unilateral attacks on Iran and Syria. The downside is that this is cornering the US and its allies to resort to covert and criminal tactics involving engineered insurrection and civil war – aka “Arab Spring” (see below).

    The key question is what needs to happen – what outrage must the Western powers commit – for Russia to start acting as a solid Wall, telling the Western powers in no uncertain terms, “This is as far as we’ll let you go; this is as much as we will tolerate!”

    If and when Russia finally does that, will the Western powers stand down or will they bulldoze their way through the Russian Wall? This is the key question because it holds the answer of whether or not the near future will see the unleashing of World War III.

    More importantly regarding the West’s decision-making process, all we say about Russia also holds for China which the Global Power Masters see as their real long-term enemy, because of its huge economic, political, demographic and military growth, and China’s increasing geopolitical control over the Pacific Basin and Indian Ocean.

    The Case of China

    As great air and naval powers, the US and UK well understand that China has many more options to control major oceans than does Russia, which is basically land and ice-locked. Add to this the fact that China holds over two trillion dollars in US-Dollar denominated government bonds, plus another trillion in Euros and then we begin to understand that China holds the financial valve that can trigger sudden collapse of US Dollar hegemony. We must move away from just thinking in economic/financial terms as most in the West do, concluding that China would never swamp international markets with one or two trillion in US Treasuries because that would destroy their worth and, in a boomerang process, have a negative economic impact on China itself whose reserves would thus evaporate. But China – the Empire of Ten Thousand Years – has a different thought process.

    China bides its time when it plays chess with the American Adolescent Empire. China might even decide to play a geopolitical – not financial-economic – card, sacrificing all its Dollar reserves just to cripple the US behemoth’s monetary free-ride with which it pays for its gigantic military machine. Will China fire the first geopolitical shots on the global financial stage?

    In 2010, Wikileaks reported that in 2009 then Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd discussed with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton how to deal with China, both voicing their fears over its rapid rise and multi-billion dollar store of US debt, prompting Hillary to ask, “How do you deal toughly with your banker?” Both agreed that the Western powers should try to “integrate China into the international community, while also preparing to deploy force if everything goes wrong.”

    The Pentagon knows full well that its long-term enemy after 2020 is China. US News & World Report quotes Aaron L. Friedberg – a former close Dick Cheney advisor, PNAC3 and Council on Foreign Relations member, and Princeton University professor – as saying that the US should spare no effort to “keep the Chinese dragon in its lair” because “strength deters aggression,” and warning “this will cost money.”

    Keeping China in mind helps to better understand US moves in other far-away places as direct or indirect stepping stones on the road to China. Take the Middle East, for instance, where geopolitical positioning and control over oil reserves by the US also acts as a beachhead into Russia’s Heartland and is geared at closing off oil sources to China – notably from Iran.

    Wikileaks also exposed Kevin Rudd telling Hillary Clinton that China was “paranoid about Taiwan and Tibet,” adding that, “the West should promote an Asia-Pacific community intended to blunt Chinese influence.” Yet another example of Western double standards and misrepresentation because contrary to the US and Europeans, China has no global hegemonic ambitions. Rather, China seeks to continue being the dominant power in the Asia-Pacific basin steering traditional Western intrusion, colonialism and interference away.

    The West’s worst nightmare-scenario – as noted by Samuel Huntington in his “Clash of Civilisations” theory in the 1990′s – is if China achieves two key geopolitical goals on which it is progressing slowly but surely:

    Bonding closer ties, cooperation and agreement with Russia and India on the Asian continent, and

    Negotiating closer cooperation and overcoming the distrust of the past with Japan. If Japan and China agree a common geopolitical strategy as France and Germany did after World War II (leading to the EU), then the whole Asia-Pacific region powerhouse with two-thirds of the world’s population would be hands-off for the West. Just imagine marrying Japanese cutting-edge technology with Chinese resources and manpower!

    The Five Types of War…

    When Report From Iron Mountain was written back in the sixties, its authors went so far as to study whether substitutes could be developed for war but – alas – they surmised that war had to be maintained, even improved in its effectiveness, .

    War could, however, take on unexpected and more subtle characteristics with fabricated “pretexts” and justifications. The Report’s recommendations included:

    * A giant space-research program whose goal was largely impossible to achieve (a black hole, budget-wise and hence able to feed the economy);

    * Invent a new, non-human enemy: e.g. the potential threat of an extra-terrestrial civilisation

    * Create a new threat to mankind: for example, pollution

    * Implement new ways of limiting births: via adding drugs to food or water supply

    * Create fictitious alternate enemies [the Global War on Terrorism]

    Almost a half century later, some of these “recommendations” have been implemented (e.g., 1: a military and civilian space program), others are on-going or in the making (3, 4, and, if Hollywood’s PsyOps machine is any indication, number 2 is no doubt on the books), but 5 is the real keystone: “creating fictitious alternative enemies,” of which we’ve seen so many recently: Iraq, Afghanistan, Serbia, Libya, Venezuela, Cuba, North Korea, Islamic Terrorism, and now: Iran and Syria.

    The huge challenge mankind faces is that the US is increasingly resorting to covert, clandestine and technology-driven warfare over outright invasions, as Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan looked really bad on the Evening News…

    Thus, there are basically five types of war used by the Global Power Masters through their US/UK/NATO proxies, each characterised by increasing PsyWar and strategic/logistic complexity:

    Military Invasion – Clearly visible, very territorial and using overwhelming military force and economic strength. As the Colin Powell Doctrine from the 90′s recommends, “the US should only wage war against foreign enemies where American military power is so overwhelming that victory is guaranteed.” Can a more ruthless doctrine by a major power be imagined? Cowards bombing people half-way around the world using a joystick and screen inside some safe facility.

    Military Coup – Identifies dissident and treacherous elements inside the target country’s armed forces, egging them on to removing the local legal authorities and backing them with arms, money, “positive” global and local media coverage and diplomatic support. A favourite method used against Latin America in the 50′s, 60′s and 70′s, it’s still being used here and there, as Egypt shows.

    Financial Coup – Consists of first cornering a country into an unpayable “sovereign debt” morass with the powerful global mega-banks. Then, when the target country cannot service that debt, the banksters send in the IMF/World Bank leeches supported by global media and rating agencies. They trigger economic and social hardship, financial and monetary collapse leading to widespread social upheaval, thus “justifying regime change.” Throughout Latin America they perfected the “Sovereign Debt Model” that is now being wielded against Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland and – soon to come – the UK and US.

    Social Coup – Consists of financing political activists to bring about controlled regime change in the target country. Here the local US/UK/Israeli embassies support all sorts of dissident groups rendering them ample financing and media coverage, plus the logistics to generate constant street turmoil, which ends up grouping around some US-friendly political party or movement. In the 80′s, they used the so-called “human rights” movements in Latin America of which Argentina’s “Mothers of Plaza de Mayo” were a leading case.4

    Engineered Civil War – Consists of financing, arming and supporting militarised “opposition” groups against the target country’s on-going government. Normally, a key “national liberation” or some such “council” is set up, as in Libya, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere, around which other militant groups, thugs and mafias can revolve. Here, CIA, MI6 and Mossad fronts play a key role and, in the cases of Libya and Syria, CIA offshoots like Al-Qaeda also play a fundamental “freedom-fighter” role. In the Middle East, they dubbed this the “Arab Spring,” presenting it to global public opinion as a spontaneous, genuine and legitimate fight for freedom by the local population against allegedly repressive and authoritarian regimes. Thus, local conflicts ready to explode are taken advantage of: regimes that have been in power for too long (as in Egypt and Libya); religious divides (Shiites against Sunnis). It comes as no surprise to learn that Bassma Kodmani, a “member of the executive bureau and head of foreign affairs” at the Syrian National Council, attended the Bilderberg Conference last June in Virginia, USA.5

    More at the link above

    Link to the Iron Mountain report on Scribd: Arrow

    Love Always

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  ceridwen Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:27 pm

    We have witnessed the fear and disinformation campaign created by Nibiru , Elenin , 2012 ( we are in october now and nothing is in sight ), and untold other scare campaigns , psychological operations and experimentation .
    Every day we hear about the elite buying underground refuges , drones killing people from 5 Km up in the sky , wars , pestilences , apartheid and crimes against humanity . There are very few good stories around worthwhile reading about it .
    What is certain is that the criminal Elite is acting as if there was no accountability , no day of reckoning for crimes committed . If there is going to be any accountability at all is probably going to be due to the financial meltdown and Earth disasters . The corrupt system is playing us like a fiddle . Think about the Cow dung delivered over the years by Camelot , Alex Jones , Hoagland ( how can a person forget the claim that Elenin was piloted ?) , Marshall Masters , John Moore , Quayle and a lot of New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables ......

    Hear, hear! Thubs Up Double Thumbs Up


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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  magamud Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:58 pm

    Be afraid, be very afraid.....



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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 07, 2012 5:15 am

    ceridwen wrote:
    We have witnessed the fear and disinformation campaign created by Nibiru , Elenin , 2012 ( we are in october now and nothing is in sight ), and untold other scare campaigns , psychological operations and experimentation.

    If there is going to be any accountability at all is probably going to be due to the financial meltdown and Earth disasters . The corrupt system is playing us like a fiddle . Think about the Cow dung delivered over the years by Camelot , Alex Jones , Hoagland ( how can a person forget the claim that Elenin was piloted ?) , Marshall Masters , John Moore , Quayle and a lot of New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables ......

    Hear, hear! Thubs Up Double Thumbs Up

    There are plenty of others who have been fueling the fires of these untruths such as Lieder, Wilcock, Patrick Geryl, in addition to countless channelers, alien cults and contacts. But we would be here all day dealing with them and they have not escaped attention in the past.

    I think you are being a little too kind in terming the new religion of Ascensionism as a 'fable' when one considers its origins and its undertones.

    Which brave and noble souls will be remaining in the wasteland of 3D to counsel the unwary and unqualified sad remains of Earth once the elite light bodies have floated up like little corks into heavenly realms having fulfilled all the prerequisites for membership?

    It reminds me of this in relation to another religion.

    "We are the few, the chosen few, let all the rest be damned,
    So fasten up those pearly gates, we cant have heaven crammed!"

    I agree with you that economic collapse and planetary degradation are the biggest challenges facing humanity but am willing to put my last three dimensional pound coin on there being no 'splitting of the dimensions' on the winter solstice of this year or any other date, as oft is told by many a disembodied entity and profiteering guru.


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    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:28 am

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:41 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  magamud Sun Oct 07, 2012 10:39 am

    The 2012 Collective Shift & the Secret History of End-Times Prophecies

    Gregory James
    Sun, 30 Sep 2012 11:10

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:35 pm

    enemyofNWO wrote:

    New Age pushers of Ascension and other fables

    Hello Enemy of the NWO,

    I would be interested to hear more of your views on this particular subject.

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:36 pm

    Greeting Floyd,

    We read very often the sentence " raise your vibrations or frequencies " .
    But nobody is able to specify which vibrations or which frequency . For a start Vibrations are some low frequencies oscillations such as an elastic band or a relay contacts or a vibrator , But the term frequencies implies much higher oscillations .
    It has been demonstrated that humans D.N.A. can be re-programmed with sounds and frequencies or even the human voice . But to re-program a human body to give it super human abilities such as telepathy or immortality i don't think it is going to happen with normal exposure to cosmic rays, sun rays or other form of energy . A sudden re-programming of the genetic code , might result in death . It may happen if humans are slowly reprogrammed in the space of many human generations .
    I am not an expert in genetics but that's what i think .
    So the process of " ascension " if it ever happened , would affect all humans the bad , the ugly , the good , the poor and the wise . So there are no clubs for " chosen ones " . In a physical phenomenon over which we have no control , changes of D.N.A. might also bring unwanted features .
    However we humans are prone to be taken for a ride because we like people , that have the ability to tell the public what the public likes to hear . People like to hear of hope , Indulgence and forgiveness . When we hear a speaker talk about " ascension " the first thought I have is " it would be fantastic " ! But after a little bit of thinking I realize that it was only a pipe dream . Of course this potentially remote event attracts the ones that desire to acquire advantages from the gullibility of people and for this reason they have invented the " special clubs for the chosen one " . They have re-packaged the old pie in the sky .

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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Re: Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering

    Post  Floyd Mon Oct 08, 2012 5:43 am

    enemyofNWO wrote: Greeting Floyd,

    We read very often the sentence " raise your vibrations or frequencies " .

    Dont we just

    But nobody is able to specify which vibrations or which frequency . For a start Vibrations are some low frequencies oscillations such as an elastic band or a relay contacts or a vibrator , But the term frequencies implies much higher oscillations .

    The alleged science behind Ascension and related subjects is pretty awful and thats being kind.

    So the process of " ascension " if it ever happened , would affect all humans the bad , the ugly , the good , the poor and the wise . So there are no clubs for " chosen ones " . In a physical phenomenon over which we have no control , changes of D.N.A. might also bring unwanted features .

    Essentially, ascensionism is a new religious movement with a an elite, exclusive and separatist utopian paradisaical realm the focus of its cosmology that not only takes advantage of the gullible as you say, in psychological and monetary terms but also appeals to those in affinity with racial purists who in turn subscribe to the ascension myth via alienist or ascended master groups that lean to the far right.
    To be honest its a bit like something out of a Star Trek episode. I find the whole idea of ascension repulsive and disenfranchising. Its undertone leads us away from being responsible to the planet. All a bit cloud cuckoo land and im not surprised to see it being pushed by misinformationists.

    Judging by the personality traits I have seen of some advocates of this religion on various forums the sooner they ascend they better as I have found them to be most unsavoury, and a tad super holy. No different from your average religious zealot whether it be Christian or whatever

    However we humans are prone to be taken for a ride because we like people , that have the ability to tell the public what the public likes to hear . People like to hear of hope , Indulgence and forgiveness . When we hear a speaker talk about " ascension " the first thought I have is " it would be fantastic " ! But after a little bit of thinking I realize that it was only a pipe dream . Of course this potentially remote event attracts the ones that desire to acquire advantages from the gullibility of people and for this reason they have invented the " special clubs for the chosen one " . They have re-packaged the old pie in the sky .

    The grass isnt always greener.

    Better the devil you know etc etc.

    Thanks for your thoughts.


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    Beware Of Growing Internet Fear Mongering Empty Internet Shutdown

    Post  Aquaries1111 Sun Sep 29, 2013 8:47 pm

    Can you and your business survive without the Internet? Can you get through the day without communicating through social medias? What will you do if the Internet goes down? Why am I asking you these questions? That is exactly what is going to happen very soon – the U.S. government is going to take down the Internet after a false flag cyber attack.
    Blackberry didn’t announce that they are laying off 4500 employees last Friday because of declining sales. Blackberry sales are still very strong. The underlining reason for this announcement has to do with acting on information they and other major telecommunication carriers received concerning Obama pushing the button to kill the Internet for the general public. What information?
    Former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano ABC News Aug 27, 2013: “A massive and “serious” cyber attack on the U.S. homeland is coming, and a natural disaster — the likes of which the nation has never seen — is also likely on its way.“
    The NSA/DHS is planning for and preparing to excute a “massive and “serious” cyber attack” – “the likes of which the nation has never seen“. A NSA/DHS cyber attack will be caused by a variation of the U.S. Israeli computer malware created virus called Stuxnet. The revised Stuxnet virus has been reprogrammed to attack the banking systems, nuclear power station control systems and communications.
    On June1 2012, an article in The New York Times revealed that the malware program Stuxnet is part of a U.S. and Israeli intelligence operation called “Operation Olympic Games”, started under President George W. Bush and expanded under President Barack Obama. How many movies have you watched recently that the plot references the Olympic games? Stuxnet was designed to cause a meltdown at an Iranian nuclear power station. It was created to mimic a nuclear incident, a natural disaster, without an actual strike against Iran. The Stuxnet variant is capable of doing the same, cause a catastrophic meltdown at a U.S. nuclear power station on the East Coast of the United States. Why the East Coast. Fallout. The radiation fallout will be carried out to the Atlantic with the jet stream. Only the area of the orchestrated meltdown will be contaminated.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 15, 2024 7:58 am