mudra Sat Jul 08, 2017 4:04 pm
JoeEcho wrote:[size=16]Where is the substance?
Where is the light?
I feel time spend here is like living underground, eating from a can.
Even the junk food should at least have some flavor to it.
Re-posting information from the web without thoughts on why a person felt moved to post it feels like road kill to me. Not exactly stew material.
Going through the motions is worse then never having motion. ugh
It's unclear to me if your post is related to mine above but if so sorry it made you feel this way JoeEcho.
No need to be so low spirited. Sounds awful. That wasn' t my intention at all. I had no time to sit and write anything and just posted the video when I found it .
What captured my attention in the above Hitchcock interview is the moment when he mentions a clear viewpoint , clear horizon and creativity being the ingredients of happiness. I can relate to that and when that video arrived on my plate today it came as a sort of echo to these words you wrote in a prior post : "
The greatest gift the mind can give us is a clean slate It's like seeing everything new for the first time " .As an artist I experienced this numerous times. I never know in advance what I am going to paint nor what the next stroke will be, when it will start and when it's it's going to be complete. Much like a magician I pull something out of nowhere and it materializes in front of me , through me. The mind is silent, yet the body is busy and I feel I walk between two worlds with joy.
Love from me