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    Post  JoeEcho Mon Jun 26, 2017 2:40 am

    This could be a one post thread or something else entirely.

    Do you ever get interesting thoughts about life seeming out of the blue but they really don't have any specific thread they could be placed in at the moment?

    Maybe it's just the one piece of their personal puzzle the person reading needs to have everything fall into place.

    Maybe this is the place for random puzzle pieces to hundreds of different puzzles, each piece a piece to someone else's personal puzzle.

    This could be a thread Puzzle+pieces

    Here is a piece. Not the answer, just some random piece of puzzle:

    A Vision of the Journey

    The most difficult part of any journey is the last step. It's the most difficult because it represents the sum total of all the steps that came before. I'd like to think that when I take that last step that it will be done without hesitation. Without regret. To regret nothing including the final result.  

    I am beginning to think that every path worth taking ends with a leap of faith eventually.

    Inspired by A Nightmare on Elms Street wrote:"If you die in your dreams, do you die for real"?

    Experience is like standing on the precipice of Hell and imagining what it would be like to fall. As it turns out, that imagination is pretty intense. A common expression from the intensity is, "What the Hell?" or "What the Hell."

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    This could be a thread What-the-Hell

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    What the hell, I can fly!


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    Post  Pris Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:21 pm


    What the hell!

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    Post  mudra Tue Jun 27, 2017 2:09 pm

    Don Juan and don Genaro stepped back and seemed to merge with the darkness. Pablito held my forearm and we said good-by to each other. Then a strange urge, a force, made me run with him to the northern edge of the mesa. I felt his arm holding me as we jumped and then I was alone. ~ Carlos Castaneda, Tales of Power

    Jumping into the Abyss

    Love Always

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    Post  Pris Tue Jun 27, 2017 7:43 pm

    Why the struggle with one's self?

    Awareness of the players -- awareness that they are different aspects of the same psyche in the same mind.

    You are the playwright.

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    Post  JoeEcho Tue Jun 27, 2017 10:57 pm

    The abyss, one of those words that is difficult to impossible to define.

    There are a number of 'things' I feel are near to impossible to define but like a jocolor , I try.

    If one was to describe that difficult something by using the Universe as a type of abyss, seemingly infinite in scope, I would then describe The Abyss as superior to that definition to the point that there is no comparison.

    Now, someone may move the words around in that last sentence to suit their own personal puzzle but I feel the essence of the message has merit.

    It's like living on the Plains your whole life with a hill outside town that is the highest 'mountain' in all the known land. At the end of your life you're taken to the base of Mt. Everest and your whole paradigm of what a mountain is changes in an instant. There is no comparison to what you knew a mountain to be and what it ACTUALLY is.

    A couple future taking points I can see would expound on the subject are.

    1) Partial lyrics to Mad World, "I find it kinda funny. I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying. Are the best I've ever had."

    2) Black Mirrors

    3) High-place Phenomenon. (described on a web site as: "There you are, driving across a bridge spanning a deep ravine, when suddenly you sense an urge to drive off it. Yet you’ve no desire to kill yourself.")

    4) Quantity vs. Quality


    I like where this thread is going. Just random stuff about life that catches someone attention/ curiosity as a muse to share with others that read the thread.

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    Post  Pris Tue Jun 27, 2017 11:55 pm

    JoeEcho wrote:The abyss, one of those words that is difficult to impossible to define.

    Maybe these images can help stir up feelings, emotions...

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    This could be a thread The_abyss_by_nightpisces-d4cc8tu

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    Post  Pris Wed Jun 28, 2017 12:04 am


    Facing your personal 'abyss'...

    Luke:  What's in there?
    Yoda:  Only what you take with you.

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    Post  Swanny Wed Jun 28, 2017 5:05 am

    JoeEcho wrote:

    A couple future taking points I can see would expound on the subject are.

    2) Black Mirrors

    Mobile phones and flat screen teles

    Your own personal scrying mirrors, don't leave home without yours Hypnotize

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    Post  JoeEcho Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:32 pm

    There is no 'I' in black.

    The deepest darkest black has no surface (reflection). It does not exist, per say.

    Reflection, reflection looks to reflection for clarity finding clearly reflection. It's of no wonder then where man find's it's gods.

    A house of reflections has only itself to turn to for answers. Word = Echo, Echo = Word.

    Have you heard the Word?

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    Post  Pris Wed Jun 28, 2017 2:39 pm


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    Post  Pris Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:02 pm

    JoeEcho wrote:There is no 'I' in black.

    The deepest darkest black has no surface (reflection). It does not exist, per say.

    Reflection, reflection looks to reflection for clarity finding clearly reflection. It's of no wonder then where man find's it's gods.

    A house of reflections has only itself to turn to for answers. Word = Echo, Echo = Word.

    I'm thinking the only true 'I' is the 'I' you find reflected in the black.  It's there if you go deep enough.  It will look back at you.

    Superficial reflections are not true.

    Most people do not go deep enough, afraid of the things they might find...

    It's an individual journey that can only be taken alone.

    A 'team' won't guide, protect, and save you.  You must 'go it alone':

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    Post  Pris Wed Jun 28, 2017 3:27 pm


    Here's a bit of a 'synchronicity' for you...

    Here we are talking about the 'abyss' of the mind, 'light versus darkness'... Last night after I posted all those 'abyss' images in here, I did some reading before going to bed. I'm reading the book, 'The Neverending Story' for the first time. Last night, I just HAPPEN to get to the part where the main character of Fantastica has to face his own 'abyss'. There was even a creature living in there with all the eyes, legs, claws, fangs... what-have-you, the archetypal image of darkness, fear, chaos... and the main character has to allow the thing to sting him -- essentially kill him -- in his quest to save Fantastica.

    Of course, I know he can't 'die' since he's immortal anyway (as we all are, soul/spirit cannot die) but also because he's got the anti-venom for his physical body right inside himself... urine, or the AURYN, symbolized as an amulet he wears around his neck (two snakes entwined eating each other's tails, light and dark in balance, river of life -- Water of Life, looping...). And, then he 'travels' instantly to the other side of Fantastica?... That's no different than having a lucid dream or an 'out-of-body experience'.

    Curious... the timing, don't you think? I didn't expect it. This happens a lot to me so I'm not surprised, just amused by these... confirmations.

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    Post  JoeEcho Thu Jun 29, 2017 12:09 am

    Pris wrote:
    Swanny wrote:
    JoeEcho wrote:

    A couple future taking points I can see would expound on the subject are.

    2) Black Mirrors

    Mobile phones and flat screen teles

    Your own personal scrying mirrors, don't leave home without yours Hypnotize

    I heard this... don't know if it's true or not.  Supposedly, the old mirrors made with real silver on the back... reflect light (purely, the wavelengths?) in such a way... that if you stare into them long enough you can see things (from your perception, what you believe, what you 'make real') 'on the other side'.  

    I had not heard that. I think I read that the mirrors NASA uses in telescopes etc. are of the purest variety. Could you imaging a mirror so pure that when one gazes in it that they lose themselves in it? So much so that it puts the mind in an unrecoverable loop and if it wasn't for 'something' outside the situation to pull the one lost.....out...they would have been lost forever inside that loop.

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    Black Mirror, no reflection of even of the black mirror.

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    Post  Swanny Thu Jun 29, 2017 3:29 am


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    Post  mudra Thu Jun 29, 2017 6:15 am

    JoeEcho wrote: Could you imaging a mirror so pure that when one gazes in it that they lose themselves in it? So much so that it puts the mind in an unrecoverable loop and if it wasn't for 'something' outside the situation to pull the one lost.....out...they would have been lost forever inside that loop.[/size]

    Yes... it's in every blade of grass, in every drop of water, in every face you meet , in every mirage, in every dream you make, in every image that lands on the shore of your experience. Everywhere you look and wander until that " something " outside the various situations makes you See.

    This could be a thread  Castaneda : But don Juan thinks that what he calls seeing is apprehending the world without any interpretation; it is pure wondering perception. Sorcery is a means to this end. To break the certainty that the world is the way you have always been taught you must learn a new description of the world--sorcery--and then hold the old and the new together. Then you will see that neither description is final. At that moment you slip between the descriptions; you stop the world and see. You are left with wonder; the true wonder of seeing the world without interpretation

    Carlos Castaneda on Seeing Arrow

    I asked him if his statements were a pronouncement that what he had called "seeing" was in effect a "better way" than merely "looking at things."

    He said that the eyes of man could perform both functions, but neither of them was better than the other; however, to train the eyes only to look was, in his opinion, an unnecessary loss.

    "For instance, we need to look with our eyes to laugh," he said, "because only when we look at things can we catch the funndy edge of the world. On the other hand, when our eyes see, everything is so equeal that nothing is funny."

    He remained silent for some time.

    "Perhaps there are men of knowledge who never laugh," he said. "I don't know any of them, though. Those I know see and also look, so they laugh."

    Love Always

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    Post  JoeEcho Thu Jun 29, 2017 2:10 pm

    mudra wrote:
    JoeEcho wrote: Could you imaging a mirror so pure that when one gazes in it that they lose themselves in it? So much so that it puts the mind in an unrecoverable loop and if it wasn't for 'something' outside the situation to pull the one lost.....out...they would have been lost forever inside that loop.[/size]

    Yes... it's  in every blade of grass, in every drop of water, in every face you meet , in every mirage, in every dream you make, in every image that lands on the shore of your experience.  Everywhere you look and wander until that " something " outside the various situations makes you See.  

    As well received as can be received in that made entirely of mirrors.

    I climbed a mountain and I turned around
    And I saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    'Till the landslide brought me down

    Oh, climb a mountain and turn around
    And if you see my reflection in the snow-covered hills
    Well the landslide will bring it down

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    Post  Swanny Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:16 pm

    This could be a thread V23KLi7

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    Post  Pris Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:02 pm


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    Post  Pris Fri Jun 30, 2017 7:30 pm


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    Post  mudra Sat Jul 01, 2017 12:33 am

    Pris wrote:
    It's an individual journey that can only be taken alone.

    Alone -All one.

    Love Always

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    Post  JoeEcho Sat Jul 01, 2017 1:57 am

    The Existential Superstore

    Existence is a superstore. I can’t say who the shopper is because that too is a part of shopping. A shopper has always been a shopper and simultaneously, that which is shopped for in the Existential Superstore.

    <using the store’s PA> A shout out throughout the store (to tMoA readers); QUESTION: With a blank slate (empty grocery cart) to start off with, why all the diversity? With unlimited funds and unlimited stock for everyone, again, why the diversity? Remember this is with everyone starting with/ AS a blank slant, no bias at all about anything. Wouldn’t everyone go for the same best thing to go for?

    While free thinking as I wrote this post I had a vision/ answer for the question above that I was asking myself along with those who read this post.

    The answer given me was yes ‘we’ did all go for the same thing, the Apple of the Eye or also referred to as Duality and it’s derives. The Apple of the Eye allows one to see things that aren’t there as if there were. You say you don’t do drugs? Explain this...... where everything is equal........why does all our senses scream duality?

    Thanks for taking the TRIP through the Existential Superstore with me you 'all'. I will meet you in aisle 11.

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    Like what the the above image illustrates, what the shopper bought is what the shopper IS within the Existential Superstore.

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    Post  JoeEcho Sat Jul 01, 2017 8:58 pm

    Why God?

    The problem with ‘God’ is that it doesn’t leave room for anything else. One could argue that it does leaves room for something else, creation. Creation is a substandard guest house when measured up to said 'God'. Sure, it’s in the same zip code but that is where the similarity ends.

    Leave room:
    Leave room for the possibility that the god you know isn’t what you thought.
    Leave room for the possibility that you don’t know everything about anything.
    Leave room for silly love.

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    (just saying.........) cat

    'God' is like that guy/ gal at a party who is always trying to top anyone's story with their own. "Oh yeah, well I created the world in 7 days lets see you top that!"  Big Grin 2

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    Post  Pris Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:48 am


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    Post  Pris Sun Jul 02, 2017 4:52 am

    JoeEcho wrote:The Existential Superstore

    This could be a thread Dog-Pushing-A-Shopping-Cart-3

    Like what the the above image illustrates, what the shopper bought is what the shopper IS within the Existential Superstore.

    Very cool idea, Joe.  The Floyd  Very 'mirror mirror'. Holographic.

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    Post  mudra Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:29 am

    Pris wrote:
    mudra wrote:
    Pris wrote:
    It's an individual journey that can only be taken alone.

    Alone -All one.

    Love Always

    Haha good one, mudra.  I'll have to think about that 'one'.

    It's weird... we may not seem to be alone (by one's self)... but I had to seek YOU out (or, you had to seek me out, whatever lol).

    Otherwise, I figure I AM alone with ALL of myself.  When I'm in that 'space', it's all I need.  I do feel distinctly singular.  I am, after all, a singularity.


    Indeed Pris.
    Alone- All one- Whole One- Whole
    You can't break it further down without damaging it's integrity.
    wHoly you :)

    Love from me

    Last edited by mudra on Sun Jul 02, 2017 5:35 am; edited 1 time in total

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