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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Carol Sat May 27, 2017 1:27 pm

    Oxy... if you had spent years in meditation chanting "neti, neti, neti" (NOT THIS, NOT THIS, NOT THIS), it would have been easier to clear off the table and only leave the essentials behind. All of your conjectures are just that - conjectures, not facts. And even if your conjectures were to end up as facts later on - do they serve you, enrich your life, make your life more meaningful?

    I realize that there is so much out there that it's impossible to hold it all in one's mind so to understand it one must become mindless, sans ego, in order to experience singularity where one's conscious awareness experiences itself as everything and nothing.

    I suspect your conjectures are a form of self-entertainment, a means for you to keep delving down into the rabbit hole.

    Having explored the rabbit hole I came to realize that to enjoy life it was easier to just take a few essentials and enjoy them. Essentials for me is living in a beautiful natural setting, being surrounded by loving family, taking care of the critters, enjoying the fruits of the land and what it has to offer.

    I tend to shun crowds and prefer self-seclusion due to how peaceful it is. Inner peace is constant except when it comes to the window the internet provides to the outside world. We have no TV and anything that comes into our inner sanctuary is pre screened ahead of time. Turkeys fly over the fence into the yard, a white peahen struts about amid the hens, this morning the hen fluffs her feathers up and chases the turkey 3 times her size across the yard, the mini horses graze on the green hill sides, and the cats provide entertainment in play straddling and tackling the dog. Essentially by eliminating the non-essentials life is drifting peacefully along providing points of interest in nature and sometimes with others.

    I've been pondering a lot lately about a number of things. One of those self-reflections had to do with what I really wanted in life. Ironically ,unplanned on a conscious level, but an underlying theme was a fulfilling family life. Just the basics. Someplace beautiful to live, peaceful surroundings and harmonious interactions. Getting here was the challenge. Sometimes I wish that I had had a burning desire to do more in the world on the world stage. The bit I did do provided numerous painful and rewarding lessons - more to follow to be sure. There is still much more to be experienced. However, this little eddy in the river of life is precious in-and-of itself. It's meant to be enjoyed to the fullest. Savoring the present is what I'm enjoying best.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sat May 27, 2017 5:18 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sat May 27, 2017 8:35 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sat May 27, 2017 9:34 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sat May 27, 2017 9:48 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sat May 27, 2017 9:57 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat May 27, 2017 11:55 pm

    Carol, I understand the Simplification-Principle. I've eliminated TV and other common things, but now I think I need to attempt to eliminate the internet, and allow its influence to be filtered by various books and newspapers in the context of nature. I might try to write, but I'm not sure what, at this point. Writing seems somewhat pointless at this point. What Would Oblio Say?? What Would Ringo Say??

    Pris, the sentence I've highlighted in blue caught my attention, but I don't wish to say why, and it's probably nothing. BTW, what if Sherry Shriner is interviewing herself in that Interview with the Devil?? I'm into "Questioning Authority" without "Rejecting Authority" in a Reasonable, Rational, and Respectful Manner.

    Which "Commandments" are Jesus referring to in the Gospel According to John?? Do a "Commandments" Word-Study in Strong's Concordance. I think we might have a Legal-Problem of Biblical-Proportions!! What is the Universal Legal Singularity?? Heisenberg Was Uncertain!!

    My point regarding combining Ray Billington with Robert Morning Sky, is that Robert's God is an "In-Between God". Not "No God" and Not "Almighty God". Robert's God might fit into some of Ray's Gaps as a "Neo God of the Gaps". When Professor Ray Billington entered the classroom, we would often start saying "You Can Call Me Ray, Or You Can Call Me Jay!!" from an old TV Beer Commercial!!

    RedEzra wrote:
    Pris wrote:

    There you are.  Hi Red! Very Happy

    More quotes from the Bible.  That's nice.  

    What is it with this 'authority' nonsense.  No one has authority over anyone.

    Hi pris i'm still here and got my head on so i'm able to post : )

    We can wish that we lived in a world where there were no authorities and nobody more equal than others but this is still a fantasy. And if we don't have the luxury of living in a self-sustaining bubble but are actually working in the real world then we have to respect the law of the land and the various authorities which are integral parts of what we call civilisation.

    According to GOD's book the bible an angel has been given authority over the kingdoms of this world. And so nobody can hope to make it big if they do not serve that angel who is "the serpent of old who is called the devil and satan who deceives the whole world." - Revelation 12:9

    So one can understand why the world is as it is when an angel fallen from GOD is pulling the strings of kings and ministers who rule the nations.

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun May 28, 2017 4:50 pm


    Last edited by Pris on Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun May 28, 2017 6:34 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun May 28, 2017 6:37 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Swanny Fri Jun 02, 2017 7:24 am

    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 BsUHTDI

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:06 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Jun 03, 2017 11:20 pm

    I come from a tradition which claims the Whole-Bible as God's Word. But then they have a stack of Inspired-Books which reach from the floor to the ceiling. They claim the Bible has veto-power, yet it often seems to work the other way around. I've recently reduced that stack of books to three, as being a Whole-Bible Bible-Study for Devotional-Purposes. What concerns me is the Perfect Law of the Lord throughout the Universe, and prior to the Creation of Humanity. Where Is It?? Are Earth and Earth-Humanity a Rogue Planet and Race with a Rogue New World Order?? In the case of Jesus, why was his incarnation so long in coming?? Why are there so many Pagan Christian-Precursors?? Why didn't Jesus write the Whole New-Testament Himself?? Why has he been absent for 2,000 years after winning the battle against Satan?? Why has he been so long in coming the Second-Time?? I side with BOTH the Atheists AND Theists, but I do it in a MUCH different way. I think the REAL Greatest Story Ever Told would drive 87% of us insane. I really think it's that bad. I also think that Job through Malachi must be thoroughly mastered prior to examining other portions of Sacred-Scripture. I think the Bible should be studied by scholars, but NOT crammed down the throats of the General-Public. The Catholic Church sort of did this when they restricted the Bible from the Masses, and created a Latin Mass, but they did it in a corrupt and shoddy manner, complete with torturing and burning people to death. God is Love?? Really?? I'm honestly a "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" kind of guy, but the Truth must somehow emerge in a reasonable and rational manner. BTW, I used to LOVE to do organ-improvisations on Picardy in empty churches!! My father's favorite song was How Great Thou Art. Some secular-songs are more spiritual and inspiring than the traditional religious-songs!!


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  JoeEcho Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:30 am

    (I, Jesus, am Lucifer) Excellent ages old yet at the same time such a relevant subject matter NOW.

    It's incendiary subject matter in so as if taken to it's conclusion has the ability to remove so many religious/ spiritual illusions (and more). Many foundations called on the carpet. And not just there but across the spectrum of knowledge in general and beyond. Yes, I know, BIG claim, but you'll see if you go down the rabbit hole under your own tailor made (re)search, certainly not by what I say or any one else. As a side note, everyone is experiencing the rabbit hole now with the difference being that many are experiencing it through a false perception.

    At one point in my life I would have thought such things as harebrained and/ or blasphemous but when one runs into so many fundamental inconsistencies in religion/ spirituality, the best thing I did was to run towards the fire instead of a tendency of wanting to run away from it.

    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 B05107f72229eceec3324436375da779

    Last edited by JoeEcho on Sun Jun 04, 2017 1:36 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  JoeEcho Sun Jun 04, 2017 9:19 pm

    Rabbit Hole

    In an irrational reality, a hierarchy to the absurd is, in and of itself, absurd.

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:24 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sun Jun 04, 2017 10:42 pm

    Sometimes I wonder if you might be Sherry Shriner??!!
    Sometimes I wonder if this thread might be about you??!!
    Pris, sometimes I wonder if this might be you in antiquity??!!
    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Ap_wallpaper5_1600_1200

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:03 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:31 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:42 am

    Thanks Pris, been traveling across the stars of perception, a perception that feels like coming home.


    Jesus and Satan are aspects of the same deception. It looks like the coin has a heads and tails but really it's only a coin. What do you get when you flip a coin? A coin of course!

    Jesus and Satan are symbolically binary code and binary code, at it's core, is artificial intelligence or false perception.

    (cues X-files)

    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 110a98d34c7b246d8ada8a466434c525

    Do I? Do I have your attention?

    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 555947_645191108830830_1631777800_n

    (The last meme is a throwback to Pris, thought I'd flip the coin and see where it landed.)

    Last edited by JoeEcho on Mon Jun 05, 2017 2:19 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : grammar)

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  JoeEcho Mon Jun 05, 2017 12:59 am

    Pris wrote:
    Lol well said, Joe!  I think a hierarchy in and of itself is absurd, but that can wait for another day. Very Happy

    Certainly but it's not off topic for, as the story goes, there is a hierarchy between Jesus and Satan. Classic divide and conquer routine for control of the masses. And that is just part of the rabbit hole.

    P.s. Bring plenty of carrots!

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Carol Tue Jun 06, 2017 2:05 pm

    Pris, as I'm reading through and looking at the pictures you and Joe posted, along with Oxy, I'm laughing my head off. Love the one about the cheese burger not being done. Don't eat the mushrooms is pretty funny too along with Swanny's beer.. and I liked the YAHWEH one too. Insanely Happy

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:10 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:27 pm


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    I, Jesus, am Lucifer - Page 2 Empty Re: I, Jesus, am Lucifer

    Post  Pris Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:25 pm


    Last edited by Pris on Fri Jul 14, 2017 7:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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