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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Thu Aug 03, 2017 2:06 pm

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 H-R-McMaster-WH-640x480-AP-640x480
    Peter Schweizer: Obama Holdovers Gain Ground in Trump’s National Security Council

    Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, talked about the purge of “America First” members of the National Security Council on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily. SiriusXM host Raheem Kassam argued that the staff of the National Security Council has come to resemble “effectively the people that Hillary would have had in there if she was president.”

    “I think there’s a couple of things going on here, Raheem. That’s exactly right,” Schweizer agreed. “You’ve got a cadre of people on the National Security Council that are holdovers from the Obama administration, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon.”

    “The problem is that people in the White House staff are loyal to the people that hired them, particularly when the boss – the person that hired these NSC staffers who are still there – worked for Barack Obama. Barack Obama, of course, is highly critical of Donald Trump. You’re not going to have the kind of loyalty that you need from a White House staff,”
    he said.

    “I don’t mean loyalty in the sense of, everybody walks in lockstep,” he added. “You want to have a diversity of opinions. But there’s just no question that NSC staffers hired by Barack Obama who obviously identify with his policies are not going to be supportive of the kind of policies that Donald Trump wants to carry out.”

    “Part of the problem, I think, is that with H.R. McMaster you have a gentleman who is a distinguished military officer, and in the military, in a sense, command staff is interchangeable. If you work for General Smith, and you get transferred to work for General Jones, you are supposed to make that transition seamlessly, and a lot of them do. That’s the sort of professional ethos in the American military, and that’s what McMaster is used to,” Schweizer explained.

    “That’s not the way things work in political Washington, D.C. The vast majority of the leaks that are coming out of the White House are coming out of the NSC from these Barack Obama holdovers,” he observed.

    Schweizer said there was still hope for the NSC if President Trump becomes directly involved, “making it clear to General McMaster that he wants people there that are loyal to his agenda.”

    “There’s no question, as you put it, that Barack Obama’s people are making up ground and advancing at the National Security Council,” he told Kassam. “People that have been let go are recent hires, so what you don’t have are people that are Trump supporters, that share Trump’s view of the world, making up ground and getting the sort of institutional knowledge that you need to have from people who are serving in the White House.”

    “It is a lot of people in Obamaworld that are steering the information, and more particularly the advice, that’s being given to the president,” Schweizer cautioned. “Again, I can’t emphasize enough: General McMaster, very esteemed military officer, that’s where he came from. He does not have political experience outside of the military, and the American military is completely different in this regard than an institution like the White House, where political loyalties are hugely important and staffs are not interchangeable.”

    Schweizer stressed that he holds McMaster in very high regard, but questioned his view that “the American military works so effectively in this regard, and that people are interchangeable, and that people are loyal to the mission.”

    “I think he is transposing that in the White House. I think that’s part of it,” said Schweizer. “I think you also have, no question, there’s a tug-of-war going on in the White House between people who have what’s been called a more ‘globalist,’ or a worldview that essentially wants the United States to be more interventionist, be involved in things like nation-building around the world, and a faction that is more reflective of what at least Trump had said during the campaign, which is he wants the United States to have a far more limited role around the world.”

    He placed McMaster squarely in the “globalist” group, but added he also has a clear desire to “serve the president well.”

    “I just don’t think he’s doing so right now, in the manner in which he is handling the National Security Council,” Schweizer lamented.

    Kassam asked if McMaster was being steered in this unproductive direction by outside influences, a question Schweizer found difficult to answer, although he was inclined to believe McMaster follows his own philosophy.

    “I think it’s kind of naive, frankly, about the way Washington works,” he said. “But you also have, there’s no question, other people circling around the president and in senior positions in the White House who do have a philosophical or ideological view of America’s role in the world that’s very different from the president’s. That grouping, of course, would include people like Gary Cohn. It would certainly include Jared Kushner.”

    Schweizer said this group has been “far more favorable to the globalist view – the United States needs to be involved in a lot of international institutions, we need to have a lot of international obligations like the Paris treaty.”

    “I give McMaster a pass in the regard that I don’t think he has that same ideological commitment that others do, but that said, he’s still not serving the president well because I don’t think he is grasping the sort of institutional machinery that you need to have in the White House, the fact that you need political loyalists there giving it advice,” he said.

    Schweizer repeated that presidents “need to be given diverse opinions and views,” but their advisers must retain the mindset that “we want this American president to succeed, to look good, and to ride high.”

    “You’re not going to get that from people on the NSC who are hired by Barack Obama and are loyal to him,” he contended.

    Kassam concluded the interview by asking Schweizer for his take on Wednesday’s RAISE Act press conference, announcing a new merit-based immigration policy. Schweizer said Kassam was correct to describe it as the policy Americans voted for in 2016.

    “For the life of me, I’m not quite sure what all the objections are to,” said Schweizer. “You know, the United States is often compared to other countries, whether it’s the U.K. or Canada, and the argument is always that those countries are so much more humane in so many areas. Well, these are in effect the immigration policies that lots of those other countries have.”

    “The simple point is that there is no ‘right’ to immigrate to the United States,” he said. “My parents were immigrants, they came from Europe. I believe in immigration, but we should be encouraging, and we should be insisting upon, immigrants that come to the United States have skill sets and are a net benefit to the country. I don’t mean they all need to have PhDs, but they do need to be people that work hard.”

    “I think it’s a very good step forward, and I think the reaction that a lot of activists on the left are having is going to backfire, because this is a common-sense move that I think the vast majority of Americans think makes complete sense,” Schweizer said of the RAISE Act.


    Report: H.R. McMaster Gave ‘Explicit Instruction’ Not to Mention Obama ‘Holdovers’ in Trump Admin

    A source for the Washington Free Beacon says that H.R. McMaster, National Security Adviser to President Donald Trump, protected “Obama loyalists” on his staff by forbidding employees from mentioning the fact that they were “holdovers” from the previous administration.
    The report further claims that McMaster plans to fire “at least four other senior NSC officials” loyal to President Trump in the coming weeks — after firing three nationalist senior National Security Council officials.

    From the Washington Free Beacon:

    One veteran GOP foreign policy hand who has been in constant contact with the administration since its transition to the White House told the Free Beacon that McMaster has sought to downplay outstanding issues with Obama-era holdovers believed to be undermining the administration.

    “One of the first things H.R. McMaster did when he took over the NSC was order all the staffers who came in with Trump to stop talking about Obama ‘holdovers.’ It was an actual, literal, explicit instruction,” the source said. “He didn’t want anyone pointing out how Obama loyalists were still in place, undermining President Trump, and leaking against him.”

    “After he was done protecting the entrenched bureaucracy McMaster went on offense, which is what you’re seeing now,” the source said. “He’s purging the people who came up with Trump and are genuinely loyal to him.”


    Jerusalem Post columnist Caroline Glick wrote Wednesday evening that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is purging pro-Israel staff from the National Security Council (NSC), turning the administration against President Donald Trump’s policies.
    In a Facebook post, Glick noted that “all of these people” whom McMaster has fired this week — Rich Higgins, Derek Harvey, and Ezra Cohen-Watnick — “are pro-Israel and oppose the Iran nuclear deal, positions that Trump holds.”

    She noted that the firings were the latest evidence that NSA McMaster is “deeply hostile to Israel and to Trump”:

    According to senior officials aware of his behavior, he constantly refers to Israel as the occupying power and insists falsely and constantly that a country named Palestine existed where Israel is located until 1948 when it was destroyed by the Jews.

    Many of you will remember that a few days before Trump’s visit to Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו and his advisers were blindsided when the Americans suddenly told them that no Israeli official was allowed to accompany Trump to the Western Wall.

    What hasn’t been reported is that it was McMaster who pressured Trump to agree not to let Netanyahu accompany him to the Western Wall. At the time, I and other reporters were led to believe that this was the decision of rogue anti-Israel officers at the US consulate in Jerusalem. But it wasn’t. It was McMaster.

    And even that, it works out wasn’t sufficient for McMaster. He pressured Trump to cancel his visit to the Wall and only visit the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial — ala the Islamists who insist that the only reason Israel exists is European guilt over the Holocaust.

    Glick noted that the three latest firings were not McMaster’s first attack on pro-Israel officials, or those critical of radical Islam. Two others had already been assigned to other jobs outside the National Security Council, she said.

    Meanwhile, she noted, McMaster has replaced pro-Israel officials with anti-Israel, anti-Trump officials, and he allowed anti-Israel Obama holdovers to continue in their jobs:

    [McMaster] fires all of Trump’s loyalists and replaces them with Trump’s opponents, like Kris Bauman, an Israel hater and Hamas supporter who McMaster hired to work on the Israel-Palestinian desk. He allows anti-Israel, pro-Muslim Brotherhood, pro-Iran Obama people like Robert Malley to walk around the NSC and tell people what to do and think. He has left Ben (reporters know nothing about foreign policy and I lied to sell them the Iran deal) Rhodes’ and Valerie Jarrett’s people in place.

    (Malley was notoriously fired by Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign for meeting with the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas and advocating negotiations with them. He was later brought into President Obama’s administration to negotiate with Iran, and advised Obama — evidently poorly — on how to fight the Islamic State.)

    Glick noted that “McMaster disagrees and actively undermines Trump’s agenda on just about every salient issue on his agenda,” including the Iran deal: “As for Iran, well, suffice it to say that McMaster supports the deal and refuses to publish the side deals Obama signed with the Iranians and then hid from the public.”

    She also noted the irony that Trump had only hired McMaster, under pressure, because he was recommended by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ):

    Finally, there is the issue of how McMaster got there in the first place. Trump interviewed McMaster at Mara Lago for a half an hour. He was under terrible pressure after firing Flynn to find someone.

    And who recommended McMaster? You won’t believe this.

    Senator John McCain. That’s right. The NSA got his job on the basis of a recommendation from the man who just saved Obamacare.

    Glick expressed disbelief that Trump could fire former General Michael Flynn as NSA “essentially for nothing,” while allowing McMaster to attack Israel, and undermining the rest of the Trump administration’s foreign policy, with impunity.

    She suggested that Trump replace McMaster — or else Israel might begin to reconsider its embrace of Trump:

    If McMaster isn’t fired after all that he has done and all that he will do, we’re all going to have to reconsider Trump’s foreign policy. Because if after everything he has done, and everything that he will certainly do to undermine Trump’s stated foreign policy agenda, it will no longer be possible to believe that exiting the nuclear deal or supporting the US alliance with Israel and standing with US allies against US foes — not to mention draining Washington’s cesspool – are Trump’s policies. How can they be when Trump stands with a man who opposes all of them and proves his opposition by among other things, firing Trump’s advisers who share Trump’s agenda?

    She said that Trump should not fear criticism for firing another adviser:

    One source claims that Trump’s political advisers are afraid of how it will look if he fires another national security adviser. But that makes no sense. Trump is being attacked for everything and nothing. Who cares if he gets attacked for doing something that will actually help him to succeed in office? Why should fear of media criticism play a role here or anywhere for this president and this administration?

    Glick added, wryly: “Obviously, at this point, Trump has nothing to lose by angering McCain. I mean what will he do? Vote for Obamacare?”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:07 pm

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 _97213076_hi040923452
    US attorney general says four charged in crackdown on leaks

    US Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced four people have been charged over leaks as he launched a crackdown on disclosure of classified material. He said the suspects stood accused of unlawfully divulging classified information or concealing contacts with foreign intelligence officers. America's top prosecutor said the administration has tripled the number of active leak probes since January.

    President Donald Trump has criticised Mr Sessions as "very weak" on leaks.
    Leaks 'staggering'

    At Friday's news conference, Mr Sessions said no government could be effective when its leaders could not talk freely in confidence with foreign leaders. "I strongly agree with the president and condemn in the strongest terms the staggering number of leaks undermining the ability of our government to protect this country," he told reporters.

    Trump calls US state 'drug-infested den'
    Trump 'pressed Mexico to stop wall talk'

    What Trump really meant in those phone calls:

    He said there had been a "dramatic" increase in recent months of unauthorised disclosures to the media and even foreign adversaries. The attorney general also said he wanted to review policies on media subpoenas - compelling journalists to testify in court - to balance the role of the press with protecting national security.

    Analysis by Anthony Zurcher, BBC North America reporter: Jeff Sessions spoke about the Justice Department's efforts to crack down on national security leaks before television cameras and reporters, but his intended audience was almost certainly the man in the Oval Office.
    Last week the president lambasted his attorney general for not doing enough to stifle a torrent of leaks over the past six months. On Friday morning Mr Sessions essentially replied: "See? I am doing something!"

    What's more, the attorney general served his anti-leak entree with a generous helping of media-bashing, warning that while he respected freedom of the press, he was reviewing when prosecutors could force journalists to reveal their sources - or face criminal sanction. That's a dish specially crafted for the president's tastes.

    Earlier this week, newly minted chief of staff John Kelly reportedly called Mr Sessions and told him that, despite the president's recent swipes, his job was safe. Perhaps Friday's event is part of a larger effort at fence-mending between the commander-in-chief and his former political confidant.

    The attorney general will have to deliver results, however. If he can't stop the leaks, it is doubtful the president will be satisfied. And if there's one truth in Washington, it's that the leaks never really stop.

    The move is likely to send a chill through US newsrooms that have been breaking almost daily scoops attributed to unnamed sources, which have embarrassed the White House. Mr Sessions was joined by Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, who issued a stark warning to leakers.

    "Anyone who engages in these criminal acts is betraying the intelligence community and the American people," he said. "We feel the pain of those betrayals intensely and I can assure you that I will do everything in my power as director of national intelligence to hold those people accountable.

    "Understand this, if you improperly disclose classified information, we will find you, we will investigate you, and we will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, and you will not be happy with the result."

    Only this week transcripts of rancorous calls between President Trump and foreign leaders surfaced in the Washington Post.. The US leader told Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto that the US state of New Hampshire was "a drug-infested den".

    On the line to Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Mr Trump referred to himself as "the world's greatest person that does not want to let people into the country". He also complained it was "the most unpleasant call all day". Mr Sessions did not share details of the four leak arrests.

    But in June a 25-year-old National Security Agency contractor, Reality Winner, was arrested for removing classified material from a federal site in the state of Georgia.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 12:15 pm
    Greg Hunter - Weekly News Wrap-Up 8.4.17
    On Watch Live: The Awan Bros' Gang & National Security
    BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 8/4/17:Hannity - Trump's attorney reacts to Mueller

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:29 pm
    The Still Report: Mueller Legally Cannot Serve as Special Council, 1735
    Napolitano: Mueller found something worthy of subpoena

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:34 pm

    The National Credit Union Administration is doing their best to renegotiate the terms of a 2009 agreement with two private law firms. They paid more than $1 billion to the attorneys. The GOP Congress is freaking out.

    That massive number was funded to pay the firms for the 26 cases they served on behalf of the NCUA.

    The agency was actually the liquidator for five corporate credit unions. They were the credit unions they were trying to bail out.

    The lawyers, who were kept on their retainer fees did actually help the NCUA regain $5 billion from banks that put money into failed credit unions. That arrangement is too generous to the attorneys, one GOP Congress member said.

    “The payment of over one billion dollars in legal fees to private counsel raises serious questions about the propriety of the NCUA’s legal fee arrangements, including whether the arrangements were in the best interest of the NCUA,” Rep. Ann Wagner (R-Mo.) put forth in her letter to the chairman Mark McWatters that she isn’t happy with the results.

    She is looking for more info from the agency and the agreement with the two law firms. She should be upset because they spent $1 billion of taxpayer dollars.

    Another agency, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, had its own deal with two other law firms to recoup money on behalf of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. FHFA has recovered more than $25 billion, and those law firms, based on an hourly fee basis, have received more than $400 million.

    Trial lawyers are all in the pockets of the Dems. They work for them as long as they keep funding them. It seems like a fraud racket. There isn’t a surprise that fiscally conservative GOP Congress is upset about this.

    There will be even more investigation into this in the future.

    What do you think about this?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:41 pm

    Fake News Reporter Admits Fabricating Kushner Quote
    A Turkish reporter confessed that he lied about a quote by Jared Kushner.

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Imran-dnc-debbie-1-370x246
    STUNNING: Debbie Wasserman Schultz Now Says Computer She Threatened DC Police Over

    Former Chairman of the DNC, Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with ‘consequences’ for holding equipment that she said belonged to her, The Daily Caller reported back in May

    TGP previously reported on the Pakistani brothers currently under investigation. From February of this year:

    Three brothers who managed office IT for government officials were relieved of their duties last week on suspicion that they accessed specific computer networks without permission, also known as hacking.

    Abid, Imran, and Jamal Awan were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives Thursday.

    They accessed computers unauthorized. They were getting foreign information. The three brothers were making $161,000, $165,000, and $160,000.
    One of the brothers has a criminal background.

    TGP also reported earlier this week that Congressional aides fear politicians are being blackmailed by the Pakistani IT suspects in security breach.

    Wasserman Schultz threatened police in May to return her computer they were holding.

    Wasserman Schultz: “So if a member says that they have equipment that’s been lost, and you find it that it will be returned to the member?… If ownership is proven. But if the member owns the equipment and there is no case it is supposed to be returned.”

    Now this…
    Wasserman Schultz NOW SAYS the laptop she wants from Capitol Hill police belongs to Imran Awan.
    Debbie Wasserman Schultz (Fired DNC Chair) Tries To Threaten US Capitol Police Chief

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:45 pm


    A retired attorney in Virginia Beach is so incensed that Republicans couldn't repeal the Affordable Care Act he's suing to get political donations back, accusing the GOP of fraud and racketeering.

    Bob Heghmann, 70, filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court saying the national and Virginia Republican parties and some GOP leaders raised millions of dollars in campaign funds while knowing they weren't going to be able to overturn the ACA, also known as Obamacare.

    The GOP "has been engaged in a pattern of Racketeering which involves massive fraud perpetrated on Republican voters and contributors as well as some Independents and Democrats," the suit said. Racketeering, perhaps better known for use in prosecuting organized crime, involves a pattern of illegal behavior by a specific group.

    The lawsuit lists as defendants the Republican National Committe and Virginia's two national GOP committee members, Morton Blackwell and Cynthia Dunbar, as well as the Republican Party of Virginia and state party Chairman John Whitbeck.

    In an email, Blackwell dismissed Heghmann's complaint as a "frivolous, nuisance suit that should be thrown out of court by any judge."

    In a separate email Dunbar sent to Blackwell that was forwarded to The Virginian-Pilot, Dunbar referred to it as "ridiculous."

    But at the same time, both said they understood where Heghmann was coming from. Blackwell said the suit is a "sign of conservative anger that the Republican-controlled Congress has not yet repealed and replaced Obamacare."

    He argued that “progressives” had taken over the Democratic Party, and seemed to lament that "conservatives" had not yet taken over the Republican Party.

    "Too few conservatives are willing to invest their time, talent, and money and personally participate inside the Republican Party," Blackwell said. "A Republican majority will mean a conservative majority if and when a sufficient number of conservatives figure out why the success of their principles depends on their personal involvement in local, state, and national Republican Party committees and in party nomination contests."

    A spokesman for the state party did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Heghmann's suit comes a week after the Senate failed by one vote to approve a bill to repeal and replace the ACA.

    It argues that the national GOP raised more than $735 million and Virginia's party more than $20 million from 2009 to 2016 in large part by promising to repeal the Affordable Care Act.

    Heghmann said he has standing to sue the GOP because has been a contributor. Federal Election Commission records show he gave a total of $875 to New Hampshire's GOP, but no donations were noted for the national party or Virginia. He was a Granite State resident for more than a decade – and a Trump campaign volunteer there – before moving to the Beach last year.

    He wants the party to either return campaign contributions to donors or exert pressure on Republican legislators to repeal the law under threat of losing GOP financial support. He acknowledged that members of the House of Representatives and Senate cannot be sued for failing to abide by campaign promises, but argued that political parties don't have the same protections.

    "If the candidates don’t deliver, it’s incumbent on the RNC to go to the candidate and say, 'You can’t do this,' " Heghmann said before filing the suit, referring to the Republican National Committee.

    Heghmann's suit contends that Republicans knew the GOP wouldn't be able to repeal the health care law after President Barack Obama's re-election in November 2012, but continued to raise money on the promise it would.

    As evidence, he pointed to comments by then-House Speaker John Boehner just after Obama's re-election.

    "It’s pretty clear that the president was re-elected. Obamacare is the law of the land," the Ohio Republican said when asked if the GOP-controlled House would push again for a repeal of the 2010 health care law. "There certainly may be parts of it we believe need to be changed. Maybe we’ll do that. No decisions at this point."

    Heghmann's suit states: "In making this statement Speaker Boehner was sending a message to House Republicans and others that Repeal was not going to happen. He was trying to put the issue to rest. ... Nevertheless, the Republican Party continued to use the mails, wires and interstate commerce to solicit donations and votes to secure House and Senate majorities and ultimately the Presidency.

    "Now that the Republican Party has won the House, the Senate and the Presidency the effort it is making to Repeal and Replace Obamacare is itself a Fraud upon Republican Voters and Donors."

    The "pattern of racketeering" extended to the party's response to Trump's candidacy, his suit states. The GOP units raised money to push the health care repeal or Trump's promises but "never intended to implement the Trump Agenda or fulfill the promises of the Republican Platform."

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 3:54 pm

    Lie detector tests on the table for West Wing staff as leak hunters get serious
    about publication of Trump's embarrassing calls to Mexican and Australian leaders

    Read more:

    Washington — Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Friday that the Justice Department was pursuing three times as many leak investigations as were open at the end of the previous administration, a significant devotion of law enforcement resources to hunt down the sources of unauthorized disclosures of information that have plagued the Trump administration. Mr. Sessions vowed that the Justice Department would not hesitate to bring criminal charges against people who had leaked classified information. He also announced that the F.B.I. had created a new counterintelligence unit to manage these cases.

    McMaster Refuses to Use the Phrase ‘Islamic Terrorism’, Purges Critics of Islam

    NatSec Advisor H.R. McMaster is purging anyone who mentions Obama holdovers or criticizes Islam. McMaster refuses to use the term ‘Islamic terrorism’ and believes jihadists are perverting Islam. Not only are McMaster’s views extremely dangerous, they are to the contrary of what President Trump believes. Many in the alternative media are now calling McMaster a Deep State plant; he must be fired and replaced with someone who is on the same page as President Trump.

    The New York Times reported on McMaster’s refusal to say ‘Islamic terrorism’ shortly after he replaced General Flynn as NatSec Advisor, back in February:

    President Trump’s newly appointed national security adviser has told his staff that Muslims who commit terrorist acts are perverting their religion, rejecting a key ideological view of other senior Trump advisers and signaling a potentially more moderate approach to the Islamic world.

    The adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, told the staff of the National Security Council on Thursday, in his first “all hands” staff meeting, that the label “radical Islamic terrorism” was not helpful because terrorists are “un-Islamic,” according to people who were in the meeting.

    That is a repudiation of the language regularly used by both the president and General McMaster’s predecessor, Michael T. Flynn, who resigned last week after admitting that he had misled Vice President Mike Pence and other officials about a phone call with a Russian diplomat.

    “McMaster, like Obama, is someone who was in positions of leadership and thought the United States should not play into the jihadist propaganda that this is a religious war,” William McCants, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution said.

    Of course McMaster’s views about Islamic terrorism do not align with President Trump’s views. President Trump has accurately named the enemy ‘Islamic terrorism’ or ‘radical Islamic terrorism’. It is a religious war and to say anything to the contrary would be fooling yourself. 1400 years of history supports President Trump’s views.

    As previously reported, Ezra Cohen-Watnick was the senior director for intelligence on the National Security Council and was dismissed as the purge continues.

    According to Conservative Review Ezra Cohen Watnick held anti-Islam views and has been described as an “Iran hawk” who wanted to revamp counter-Iran efforts in the Middle East, and sought to reform the intelligence community to rein in the “deep state” of unaccountable bureaucrats with rogue agendas.

    The Atlantic also reported earlier Wednesday that NSC official, Rich Higgins, a member of the Nationalist faction of the White House, was fired after penning a memo outlining the Deep State threats facing President Trump. The Atlantic article also noted that Rich Higgins’ memo also claimed that globalists and Islamists were collaborating to subvert Trump’s policy agenda.

    The Daily Caller exclusively reported that McMaster is thwarting Trump’s foreign policy prescriptions:

    National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is thwarting President Donald Trump’s foreign policy prescriptions, two former senior NSC officials told The Daily Caller News Foundation.

    “Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview. “Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue — McMaster doesn’t. You know, across the board, we want to get rid of the Iran deal — McMaster doesn’t. It is incredible to watch it happening right in front of your face. Absolutely stunning.”

    One former official characterized McMaster as a “sycophant” of retired Army Gen. David Petraeus.

    Laura Ingraham tweeted out an article from Frontpage Mag written by Daniel Greenfield, detailing McMaster’s disdain for anyone who criticizes Islam:

    Just like in Iraq, Harvey began digging at the NSC. He came up with a list of Obama holdovers who were leaking to the press. McMaster, the new head of the NSC, refused to fire any of them.

    McMaster had a different list of people he wanted to fire. It was easy to make the list. Harvey was on it.

    All you had to do was name Islamic terrorism as the problem and oppose the Iran Deal. If you came in with Flynn, you would be out. If you were loyal to Trump, your days were numbered.

    And if you warned about Obama holdovers undermining the new administration, you were a target.

    According to the media, Watnick-Cohen was guilty of “anti-Muslim fervor” and “hardline views.” And there’s no room for anyone telling the truth about Islamic terrorism at McMaster’s NSC.

    McMaster had even demanded that President Trump refrain from telling the truth about Islamic terrorism.

    Another of his targets was Rich Higgins, who had written a memo warning of the role of the left in undermining counter-terrorism. Higgins had served as a director for strategic planning at the NSC. He had warned in plain language about the threat of Islamic terrorism, of Sharia law, of the Hijrah colonization by Islamic migrants, of the Muslim Brotherhood, and of its alliance with the left as strategic threats.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:05 pm
    Lt. Col. Tony Shafer: HR McMaster Kept Obama and Ben Rhodes White House Staffers in Place

    Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer Exposes HR McMaster: He Has Not Fired Obama and Ben Rhodes White House Staffers (Video)
    Jim Hoft Aug 1st, 2017

    For months conservative investigative reporter Mike Cernovich has been reporting that National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is with the globalists and not with Trump. Cernovich claims McMaster has been secretly working against President Trump’s ‘America First’ plans.

    McMaster ousted Trump Advisor Derek Harvey who tried to fire the Obama holdovers. General Michael Flynn’s people are getting forced out and replaced with establishment zombies. McMaster is keeping the Obama lackeys on board while purging the office of Trump loyalists.

    On Tuesday night Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer told Lou Dobbs that this was exactly the case, that McMaster is holding onto Obama lackeys in the White House.

    It is unbelievable!

    Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer: One of the things I heard today was H. R. McMaster has not fired a number of people who worked for Obama. In fact those who worked for some of the staffers, Ben Rhodes for example, well Ben Rhodes has got, his staff is still there. It’s like having a rattle snake next to your bed and thinking some how if you’re just nice enough to the snake it’s going to be nice. It’s not like that.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:44 pm
    Tom Fitton discussing New Docs on the Lynch Tarmac Meeting,
    Deep State Lawsuits, & Abedin Emails - Information being blocked by AG Sessions.

    Daily Caller - "EXCLUSIVE: ‘Everything The President Wants To Do, McMaster Opposes,’ Former NSC Officials Say"


    “Everything the president wants to do, McMaster opposes,” a former senior official said in a wide-ranging interview. “Trump wants to get us out of Afghanistan — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to get us out of Syria — McMaster wants to go in. Trump wants to deal with the China issue — McMaster doesn’t. Trump wants to deal with the Islam issue — McMaster doesn’t. You know, across the board, we want to get rid of the Iran deal — McMaster doesn’t. It is incredible to watch it happening right in front of your face. Absolutely stunning.”

    One former official characterized McMaster as a “sycophant” of retired Army Gen. David Petraeus.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:50 pm
    McCain Caught in Plot to ‘Take Out’ Trump, Gets a Brutal Surprise From Our President
    Thursday, August 3, 2017

    John McCain, the 80-year-old Arizona Senator, is out of control. Last week, he played the role of Benedict Arnold, sinking the hopes of Americans to repeal and replace the scourge of Obamacare. Now, it seems the Arizona Senator is on his high horse again. This time, he has been caught in a nefarious plot to “take out” Donald Trump. However, our president immediately responded with a brutal surprise that McCain will never forget.

    To understand why John McCain is out to overthrow President Trump, we have to go back to McCain’s alliances. McCain is a globalist and a warmonger who gets paid when America is at war. He gets paid to back Ukraine against Russia and make Russia our mortal enemy, and he takes money from George Soros. Simply put, he is for everything Donald Trump is against.

    “The [McCain] Institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from billionaire liberal activist-funder George Soros and from Teneo, a for-profit company co-founded by Doug Band, former President Bill Clinton’s ‘bag man,” reported Daily Caller.

    In reality, McCain is just like Hillary Clinton. He backs everything Hillary’s campaign ran on, and this makes him an enemy of Donald Trump.
    This is why McCain voted against repealing and replacing Obamacare, and now, he has been caught thwarting Trump’s wishes to rethink sanctions on Russia. McCain needs America to be at war across the globe or arming other nations at war, and that’s what Soros and the globalist want and why they pay McCain.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 4:56 pm

    SHOCK: Former FBI Official Reveals DOJ Refused to Prosecute Lawmakers Leaking Classified Intel

    A stunning report from The Daily Beast reveals the DOJ refused to prosecute lawmakers who leaked classified information, despite recommendation from the FBI.

    Daily Beast reports:

    The Justice Department currently has nearly three times as many active leak investigations as the number pending at the end of the Obama administration, he added.

    Sessions also claimed that some news stories based on leaked classified information put members of the American military at risk. His top deputy, Rod Rosenstein, declined to tell reporters afterward which stories they believe put people in danger.

    “We are taking a stand,” Sessions said. “This culture of leaking must stop.”

    Ron Hosko, former deputy director of the FBI, said these changes could result in prosecution of members of Congress and Hill staffers. In the past, he said the FBI identified members of Congress who leaked classified information, who the Justice Department then declined to prosecute. Agents were often frustrated by this, Hosko added. Given the attorney general’s announcement, he said, members of Congress and Hill staffers may be more likely to face prosecution.

    “Let’s face it: Capitol Hill leaks like a sieve,” Hosko said.

    “I think that Sessions is trying to change the calculus,” he added. “He’s issuing a thr
    eat to those who leak and he is, perhaps, telling his own investigators and prosecutors to be more aggressive in finding it and in charging it.”

    Do-Nothing GOP Senate Blocks Trump From Recess Appointments
    While They Are Away Until September


    President Donald Trump won the November 8, 2016 election in an electoral landslide.

    President Trump captured several states that have not voted Republican in decades.

    Riding on his coattails the Republican Party also won back the House of Representatives and won a majority in the US Senate.

    In December 2016 Speaker Paul Ryan spoke about how he would help the new president push through his agenda.

    The new Republican president wanted to pass tax cuts, repeal Obamacare and build a border wall.

    But nothing happened.
    On March 8, 2017 Speaker Paul Ryan told Tucker Carlson Congress had a 200 day play to guarantee the president’s agenda would be passed.

    Paul Ryan’s 200 day plan will run out on August 7th.

    Nothing has happened.

    And Congress will be on break when the 200 day promise flies by.

    Congress is taking August off work – the entire month.

    Congress has 12 days of work scheduled from today until the end of September.

    Today the GOP Do-Nothing Senate went on break until September.

    The GOP Senate failed to confirm over 100 Trump nominations over the past six months.

    Today they took vacation until September.
    But before they left they passed legislation to block President Trump from recess appointments.

    The Hill reported and Conservative Treehouse:

    Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), doing wrap up for the entire Senate, locked in nine “pro-forma” sessions — brief meetings that normally last roughly a minute.

    The move, which requires the agreement of every senator, means the Senate will be in session every three business days throughout the August recess.

    The Senate left D.C. on Thursday evening with most lawmakers not expected to return to Washington until after Labor Day.

    Senators were scheduled to be in town through next week, but staffers and senators predicted they would wrap up a few remaining agenda items and leave Washington early.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Fri Aug 04, 2017 8:33 pm
    Interview with Charles Ortel

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat Aug 05, 2017 11:21 am
    The Still Report: Joe DiGenova – This is a Rebellion, 1740

    I read that Obama was "kindly" updating all the computers etc at the White House before he left so Trump wouldn't be stuck with outdated equipment. Let's all assume that his real motivation was to leave back doors everywhere so his minions could easily hack in and have access to everything Trump's people were doing. I hoped that Trump would have the sense to rip it  all out and install something more secure.  Leaking is breaking the law and they need to go to jail or else we the people will also not obey the same laws they impose on us. This is a rebellion by civil servant Obama high level holdovers who refuse to honor the transfer of power and the will of the people.
    BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 8/4/17:Hannity - Trump's attorney reacts to Mueller

    Published on Aug 4, 2017
    Gutfeld on health care improvements for vetsW. Virginia
    Charles Krauthammer reacts to Trump remarks in W. Virginia

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:17 am
    Roger Stone Reacts to Mueller Grand Jury Announcement

    Mueller linked, involved, helped to the Awan Brothers conspiracy. Muellers appointmnet violated the very laws that create an Independent council, Mueller seriously compromise.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun Aug 06, 2017 2:27 pm

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Bbee4
    Trump Evacuated From White House After Massive 9/11 Spy System Discovered
    Date: Sunday, 6-Aug-2017

    A stunning new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) urgent action bulletin circulating in the Kremlin today reveals a shocking conversation held between Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, just hours ago in Manila, wherein the American’s revealed that President Donald Trump was ordered evacuated from his White House after it was discovered to be “riddled” with listening devices implanted throughout the entire mansion—and whose placements were purposed there to ensure that no evidence related to the 11 September 2001 (9/11) attacks on the United States would be discussed at any level.

    According to this bulletin, though many in the US media establishment believe that Trump decided to run for president in 2011 when he was openly mocked by the Obama regime at the annual White House Correspondent’s Dinner, Secretary Tillerson stated to Ministry Lavrov that it was, in fact, in 2009 when Trump determined himself to become president—and was due to the believed to be assassination of his close personal friend Beverly Eckert.

    Beverly Eckert, this bulletin explains, was one of the founding members of the 9/11 Family Steering Committee, that was an organization of twelve relatives of victims of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City—and whose husband killed in this attack, Sean Rooney, was the Vice President of Trump’s global insurance carrier Aon Corporation—who, in 2005, paid Trump $17 million for hurricane damage done to his private Mar-a-Lago club in Palm Beach, Florida, and that Trump, also, paid $300,000 to last year (2016) to insure his presidential campaign with.

    Trump was “deeply wounded” when his “loyal friend” and Aon insurance broker Sean Rooney was killed on 9/11, this bulletin notes Secretary Tillerson saying to Minister Lavrov, leading him to support the efforts of Beverly Eckert in discovering the truth behind this atrocity—but who herself, in February 2009, was assassinated just 6 days after meeting with President Obama in what Russian intelligence experts at the time suspected to be an EMP attack that targeted the aircraft she was a passenger on—and that we had, likewise, detailed about in our 14 February 2009 report titled “Top 9/11 Witness Assassinated In New York Plane Shootdown”.

    Upon taking office, this bulletin continues, Secretary Tillerson explained to Minister Lavrov that President Trump immediately came under a “withering attack” from “Deep State” operatives within the US government when he began requesting classified documents relating the 9/11 attack—with these “Deep State” forces then pitting against Trump a Special Prosecutor named Robert Muller.

    Important to note about Robert Muller, this bulletin details, is that he is a long time known “Deep State” operative who, in 2005, personally ordered a Grand Jury probe into President Bill Clinton’s pardoning of the international fugitive Marc Rich closed for reasons never explained—and whom President Clinton had pardoned just hours before he left office, but who had received from Marc Rich’s wife, Denise Rich, millions in “donations”.

    Most critical, however, to note about Robert Mueller, this bulletin states, is that he was, also, at the forefront of “Deep States” sham 9/11 “Anthrax Attack” investigation—which were a series of attacks that began the week after the 9/11 using deadly US Army militarized anthrax spores—but whose investigation conducted by Mueller targeted an innocent man named Steven Hatfill—and that so destroyed his life, a US Federal Court ordered Robert Mueller to pay Hatiff $5.8 million—and with no one ever being charged for this other 9/11 “Deep State” crime.

    With President Trump knowing full well of Robert Mueller’s “action plan” against him, this bulletin continues, Secretary Tillerson revealed to Minister Lavrov that a US Attorney on Mueller’s “Deep State” team, this past week, requested documents from the White House on a “9/11 related subject” that had only been discussed between two parties in the Oval Office of the White House the previous week.

    Fearing that the White House was bugged, this bulletin notes, President Trump’s new Chief of Staff, General John Kelly, on Friday (4 August) ordered all White House workers to immediately evacuate to the Eisenhower Executive Building where he briefed the top White House officials on the “leaking situation”—while at the same time a specialized military unit of the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS)—that is an arm of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)—swept the entire White House mansion for listening devices.

    To what the DCS discovered in the White House, Secretary Tillerson revealed to Minister Lavrov, this bulletin says, was that it was “riddled” with listening devices implanted by the former Obama regime during a mysterious “renovation” of this mansion that began in September 2010 and lasted for two years.

    After the shocking discovery that the White House was “riddled” with listening devices, Secretary Tillerson further revealed to Secretary Lavrov, this bulletin notes, General Kelly ordered it immediately evacuated—with President Trump, within hours, being evacuated to his private New Jersey golf resort and the White House itself ordered to be “completely gutted”.

    MoFA intelligence analysts writing this urgent action bulletin state that Secretary Tillerson’s relating of these facts to Minister Lavrov should be “believed to be true” as coinciding with what was stated, the US press saddening, and without notice, this past Friday (4 August) reported that President Trump was taking an unannounced and unscheduled 17 day “vacation”—and that was followed 24 hours later with, and again unannounced and unscheduled, reports that the White House was being immediately evacuated and closed for “renovations”.

    Upon President Trump’s evacuation from the White House by General Kelly, this bulletin continues, one of his top allies, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, accused Robert Mueller of “representing the “Deep State” at its worse”—while at the same time, “Deep State” operatives aligned with Mueller, and embedded throughout the US government, vowed continued defiance against Trump—all of which led to former Reagan administration official David Stockman issuing a grave warning stating: “The bottom line is that the Swamp is so undrainable that it will end up making mincemeat of Donald Trump.”

    This bulletin, though, concludes with MoFA analysts disputing Stockman’s belief that the “Deep State” will make “mincemeat” of President Trump as he has already proved himself nearly unstoppable in his already having destroyed the Clinton regime, Bush regime, Obama regime, Democratic Party, Republican Party and Mainstream Media in order to ascend to the presidency—and who is, also, already preparing for what is to come—and as, perhaps, best explained by his personal friend, and one of Americas top radio programme hosts, Michael Savage, who grimly forewarned the “Deep State” of civil war this past week if they try to remove Trump from power, and who gravely stated:

    “Not since the run-up to the Civil War has the nation been more divided.

    The battle lines have been drawn: The haves against the have-nots. I’m warning you.

    All of you leftists who think you’re going to steal our vote, you’re wrong. Millions of Americans will revolt if the globalists remove President Trump from office or render him powerless...that is what’s going to happen in this country. You have not yet seen mob violence in this country.

    You’ve seen some mob violence instigated by George Soros’ mobs.

    But you haven’t seen the thing I’m telling you is coming in this country.

    You haven’t seen the ‘Day of the Locust’ yet.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:45 am

    Revolution to spread to Israel Japan and Middle East this autumn
    By Benjamin Fulford

    The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States was a major step towards defeating the Khazarian mafia worldwide. However, the Trump presidency still represents an attempt to reform the old system rather than a true revolution. Trump has been keeping the United State of America Corporation afloat mainly with money extorted from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other Middle Eastern oil sheikdoms along with funds looted from Japan and South Korea. The Chinese are also playing their part in keeping the old regime going because their huge structural trade surplus with the US gives them plenty of dollars to use to buy friends and influence people around the world. The Rothschild and other bloodline families who have been running the planet successfully co-opted the Chinese with bribes and flattery. The over $1 trillion Chinese one belt one road initiative is their reward for helping keep the old system afloat.

    The Paris accords supported by 19 out of 20 G20 countries, for its part, was an attempt to keep the bloodline controlled IMF, World Bank, UN and other international institutions going by giving the Chinese greater voting rights at the expense of the US, even as they kept these institutions firmly under their control. The problem is that this reform is based on the fraudulent claim that carbon is causing global warming. It is not factually true.

    It also leaves the old families firmly in charge. Remember, the people of the planet earth did not select the head of the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the BIS etc. it was all done behind the scenes by the ruling families.

    For sure the factions behind the Paris accord represent the moderate, non-genocidal group within the bloodline ruling structure, including the royal families of Europe. They were able to secure this accord with the help of the Asian royal bloodlines. Overall they mean well but they are simply not competent to deal with the ongoing systemic collapse of their economic system.

    The current ruling class in the West is presiding over the largest mass extinction event since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite 65 million years ago. People of Europe and East Asia, the most productive on earth, are experiencing demographic collapse. Income disparity in the West is now higher than the levels that led to the collapse of the Roman empire.

    To add insult to injury, the criminals behind 911, the destruction of countries like Iraq, Libya and Syria, Fukushima, the spreading of bio-weapons like SARS, Ebola, AIDS etc. have yet to be arrested or punished.

    Furthermore, we are not seeing any jubilee or one time write off of debts. Nor are the seeing a redistribution of fraudulently obtained assets. This is especially clear in the case of the Lehman shock were documentary evidence proves the bloodline families created $23 trillion through fraud and used that money to buy up assets worldwide that had been turned into bargains by the financial collapse they had engineered. Why is that money not being confiscated?

    Since the Lehman crisis the central banks have been carrying out so-called quantitative monetary easing. However, the vast sums being created as a result of this policy are being funneled only to financial companies controlled by Khazarian mafia honchos. They have not done things like put money directly into ordinary peoples’ personal bank accounts. That is why the quantitative easing has had the effect of increasing wealth disparity. Forensic analysis shows that most of the money flowed through about 700 individuals so, that means it is not the 1% but rather the 0.0000001% who has benefited from the money printing.

    The reason for this is because the bloodline families still control the privately owned central banks for their own personal benefit, not for the benefit of the planet and its living beings. Donald Trump, who was put in power by the bloodline opposed gnostic illuminati, has not changed this because as president of the most indebted country in world history, he does not have the leverage needed.

    Actually though, he does. Remember the saying “if you owe the bank $10,000, it is your problem but, if you owe the bank $1 million it is the banks’ problem.” It is a fact that the US Corporate government defaulted on May 3rd of this year when its wholly owned Puerto Rico subsidiary defaulted. And yet the Washington DC show is still going on.

    That is because, as mentioned above the US corporations’ creditors like the Chinese, the Japanese, the South Koreans and the Middle Eastern oil producing companies are subsidizing its $700 billion a year losses (the size of the US trade deficit in 2016).

    So, how can we change the situation? The first opportunity comes at the US Corporations’ September 30th fiscal payment deadline. Each year around that time, as the payment deadline approaches, we see all sorts of maneuvers. It will be no different this year and the US Corporate government seeks to roll over its payments past the deadline. This will mean threats of war, blackmail, extortion, begging, bluffing etc. In the news it will appears as threats of war with Russia, China, North Korea, Iran and anybody else who is not coughing up protection money. If these efforts succeed then events will continue along their kicking the can down the road trajectory. This will mean a continuation of the slow fall of living standards in the West that began in the late 1960’s.

    The alternative is world revolution. This means physically occupying the BIS, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of Japan and other bloodline owned central banks.

    This would make it theoretically possible to issue quadrillions of dollars to be used to finance an unprecedented campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and expand out into the universe. Of course the families that own the private central banks have spent years vilifying such ideas with code words like “monetizing debt,” saying it will lead to inflation and irresponsible government spending. That may have been true in the past when certain decadent kings or corrupt governments tried their hand at such things.

    However, stop and think for a minute. What does “monetizing debt” mean? It means turning debt into money. In other words it means ending debt slavery. Remember the debt owed to the central bankers is not legitimate. The bankers did not earn the money they lend to people and governments in the real world doing real things, they just put numbers in computers. So monetizing their debt simply means renouncing debt slavery.

    Of course if you just printed out vast amounts of money, say by depositing a million dollars into every single bank account in a country, the result would be an inflationary orgy followed by a huge headache.

    However, there are examples of government owned central banks that have created huge benefits.

    Canada, from 1938 to 1973 used its government owned central bank to:

    Pay for World War II
    Build the canal system linking the great lakes to the Atlantic Ocean
    Build the TransCanada Highway, the world’s longest,
    Pay education costs
    Pay health insurance costs
    Finance public works
    Pay for the military

    This was all done without taxes or debt.

    The Japanese military government before and during World War II also paid for its gigantic war effort mostly by using money created by a nationalized central bank. While I do not approve of the Japanese military regimes actions in China and elsewhere, the point I am making is that a huge enterprise like the attempted conquest of Asia was financed mainly by a government owned central bank.

    If the Federal Reserve Board, the EU Central Bank and the Bank of Japan were nationalized then it would be possible to finance a quadrillion dollar campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, finance immortality research, explore the universe etc. This is completely realistic and feasible.

    This autumn will be our next chance to make this possible. The time for talk is over, it is time for action.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:59 am

    It is a struggle over who controls the government of the United States.
    After Six Months, a Shocking Clarity

    By James G. Wiles

    Perhaps one James Woods said it best on Twitter (@realjameswoods) over the weekend: "I've never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work for free to make his beloved country a better place. It is pathological."

    Mr. Woods did not exaggerate. The last time the United States saw such a wholesale refusal to accept the result of a national election – and to overturn it – the year was 1861.

    As the Trump administration moves past its 200th day in office, we have arrived at a moment of extreme clarity. It is even – even by the standards of Watergate (which did not start, remember, until President Richard Nixon's second term) – unprecedented in the history of the American Republic.

    Just consider what we've learned since January 20 – and especially in the last two weeks.

    1. Persons holding top positions in our national government (including its national security apparatus) are seeking to force the removal of an American president lawfully elected less than a year ago. To achieve that goal, they have shown themselves willing to compromise the national security of the United States, including the conduct of its foreign affairs, and to commit serious felonies.

    2. The MSM has united with these criminals (that is what the leakers of classified information are) in seeking to achieve this goal. In particular, they are willing to facilitate achieving their objective by publishing information they know has been leaked to them in violation of federal law.

    3. Democratic elected officials, at all levels of federal, state, and local government, oppose all aspects of the president's agenda, upon which he was elected, and vigorously seek to block its implementation. They have made no secret (thank you, Maxine Waters) that, if given control of Congress again, they will impeach and remove the president and, possibly, the vice president.

    4. In a return to the days of the George W. Bush administration, the left is using "lawfare" (litigation for its own sake) to obstruct or defeat implementation of the president's agenda, upon which he was elected. A blog,, offers daily info. Another blog, The Intercept, promotes leaks of classified and other information.

    5. For the first time since the Vietnam War years, there is a national mobilization – calling itself the Resistance – that can put people onto the streets and, occasionally, is willing to use mob violence in furtherance of its goals of ousting this president and stifling free speech. Democratic elected officials have tolerated that violence.

    6. Some Republicans in Congress have joined the Resistance. Many more, even where they deplore the Resistance, openly (or privately) oppose this president's announced agenda, upon which he was elected.

    7. Some Republicans in the Senate and the House who, for the last seven years, voted to repeal Obamacare, in fact, have refused to repeal it now that a Republican president is in the White House who would sign such a repeal.

    8. Prominent conservative media outlets and opinion leaders, such as Erick Erickson of,, the National Review and Bill Kristol's Weekly Standard, oppose this president, hope for his removal or resignation from office and are, moreover, prepared to defend these national security breaches (which are occurring in an attempt to achieve that goal) as regrettable but necessary and to praise those who commit them.

    In a signed editorial, Stephen Hayes of the Weekly Standard wrote on Friday (emphasis added):

    Short-lived White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci was an utterly forgettable political hack. But he said one thing before he was dismissed that's worth reflecting on: "There are people inside the administration that think it is their job to save America from this president. Okay?" Scaramucci was right about that. We know these people, and we admire them. We wish them every success.

    9. Former Bush speech writer David Frum, writing in the Atlantic this week, both deplored and rationalized the leak of transcripts of presidential phone calls to foreign leaders. Yes, he said, it's illegal and compromises national security. But it's really Trump's fault for making such breaches necessary.

    Frum said (emphasis added):

    The risk of national-security establishment overreach looms even larger. The temptation is obvious: Senior national-security professionals regard Trump as something between (at best) a reckless incompetent doofus and (at worst) an outright Russian espionage asset. The fear that a Russian mole has burrowed into the Oval Office may justify, to some, the most extreme actions against that suspected mole.

    The nature of this particular leak suggests just such a national-security establishment origin.

    10. It is quite obvious, in short, that the president of the United States has good reason to believe that he is, literally, being spied on in his own White House, by members of his own staff and by others elsewhere in the Executive Branch – especially including the national security apparatus. And, furthermore, that his most confidential communications are not secure.

    11. This exceeds, by some orders of magnitude, the national security threat faced by President Richard Nixon and national security adviser Henry Kissinger within the Nixon White House in 1970 and 1971.

    Those are facts. What does it all mean?

    First, it means that next year's congressional elections have grown enormously in importance since January 20. The president will struggle to enact his agenda unless he has more allies on the allies on the Hill.

    Second, it will probably take at least two full terms for the president to purge the Executive Branch.

    But those are just politics and elections. Here's what should be concerning now:

    If this pattern of the last six months continues, there will develop a real threat to the Republic and to the survival of democratic government. While the national security threats the United States is presently facing – North Korean ICBMs, Chinese man-made islands in the South China Sea, and an expansive Russia – are serious and pressing, the most serious threat may be within.

    We may be confronting a national security threat comparable to that which the United States (unknowingly) faced in the 1940s when American communists and fellow travelers penetrated the federal government, the Executive Branch, and the White House. It was pooh-poohed at the time, called a "witch hunt" and a "Red Scare," but, decades later, the release of the Venona Intercepts and the opening of Soviet archives after the fall of the Soviet Union confirmed that, in fact, Soviet penetration of the highest levels of the U.S. government had occurred – and resulted in the loss of state secrets.

    Here, there can be no dispute. The proof is appearing every day in our American media.

    Attorney General Sessions is, therefore, amply justified in pursuing prosecution of the source(s) of these national security leaks – and, if necessary, targeting their media enablers.

    The question of whether an American Deep State exists can be deferred until another time. May cooler heads prevail until then.

    But for now, the current crisis is not some political sideshow for the annual August "silly season." It is a struggle over who controls the government of the United States.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:21 am

    What are the FBI and DoJ hiding?
    By J. Marsolo
    August 7,2017

    Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton met on an airport tarmac days before the FBI interviewed Hillary, not under oath, about her use of a private unsecured email server and her destruction of over 30,000 emails.  After the interview, Comey announced that Hillary was extremely negligent but absolved her of any criminal intent.  Hillary told us the deleted emails were about yoga and Chelsea's wedding plans.  Lynch and Bubba said they talked about golf and grandkids and Bill's travels.

    According to NPR:

    Lynch told reporters that the impromptu conversation on her government aircraft in Phoenix on Monday centered on social issues, from talk of grandchildren and Clinton's golf game to their recent travels. Nothing came up, the attorney general said, about any ongoing Justice Department investigation.

    On March 15, 2017, Judicial Watch sued the Justice Department to obtain records about the meeting.  It requested:

    - All records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton in June 2016.

    - All records of communication sent to or from officials in the Office of the Deputy Attorney General regarding the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton in June 2016.

    - All references to the meeting held between Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton contained in day planners, calendars and schedules in the Office of the Attorney General.

    The suit was filed because the FOIA request to the Justice Department and FBI did not produce any records.

    The American Center for Law and Justice, the ACLJ, also filed suit because its FOIA request to the FBI produced the following reply from Comey's FBI:

    No records responsive to your request were located.

    Last week, the Justice Department release about 400 pages about the meeting consisting of emails between the FBI and the Justice Department.  Most of the pages were redacted, so we do not know what was said, which will require further lawsuits to obtain the truth.  But the released documents show that the DOJ and FBI were coordinating how to handle the news of the meeting. For example, the email chain said:

    "FBI just called," indicates that the "FBI ... is looking for guidance" in responding to media inquiries.

    Evidently the FBI needed "guidance" from the DOJ about how to respond to the media.  Why not tell the truth, if the truth was that Lynch and Clinton spoke about golf and grandkids?  Does it take 400 pages to explain and record a chance meeting about golf and grandkids?

    The serious question is why the Justice Department, presumably led by Sessions, and the FBI, presumably led by a Trump appointee, are redacting the communications between the Obama Justice Department, then clearly led by Lynch, and the Obama FBI, then clearly led by Comey.  There are no national security issues, so why not release the entire unredacted documents?

    We want the contents of the 400 pages detailing the communications between the Comey FBI and the Lynch DOJ, and why the FBI said there were no documents in response to the FOIA request when there are at least 400 pages.

    Jay Sekulow, attorney for the ACLJ, and Judicial Watch have stated they will go to court to get the unredacted documents.  But why do they have to go to court?  We are entitled to know what happened.

    What is there to hide, and why is the Sessions DOJ protecting Lynch?

    Read more:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:41 pm
    She got a $145 million kickback from a Russian company called "Uranium One" and forgot to disclose this.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:48 pm

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 McMaster-Evan-VucciAP-420x315
    McMaster of Disguise: Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group
    that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal

    TEL AVIV — White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster served at a UK-based think tank financed by a controversial, George Soros-funded group identified by the Obama White House as central in helping to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public and news media.

    From September 2006 to February 2017, McMaster is listed as a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where he served as consulting senior fellow. The IISS describes itself as a “world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.”

    The IISS has been supportive of the Obama administration-brokered 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, and the group has repeatedly hit back against charges that Tehran has violated the agreement.

    McMaster himself has been accused of purging the National Security Council of hardliners on Iran, and he is seen as a leading proponent of the Iran nuclear accord within the Trump administration. He has reportedly urged the White House to recertify Iran’s compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.

    IISS’s website contains a list of groups, corporations and government entities that provide funding to the think tank, including during the period of McMaster’s work there. Curiously missing from the page of donors, however, is the controversial Ploughshares Fund, a grantmaking group identified last year by the Obama White House as central in helping to market the Iran nuclear deal to the news media.

    An archived version of IISS’s donors page lists Ploughshares as a donor.

    Breitbart News has found that IISS is listed as a grantee for Iran issues in Ploughshares Fund’s budget report for 2016.

    That report spotlights IISS as a grantee for Iran work done by Michael Elleman, IISS senior fellow for missile defense.

    In a recent IISS analysis, Elleman cast doubt on charges that Iran and North Korea are working together on ballistic-missile development, claiming “there is little evidence to indicate the two regimes are engaged in deep missile-related collaboration, or pursuing joint-development programs.”

    Joseph Cirincione, president of Ploughshares Fund, is listed as a member of IISS in his Georgetown University bio.

    IISS has not returned Breitbart News requests seeking clarification on the Ploughshares funding and inquiring about McMaster’s work at IISS, including any salary that he may have received.

    Soros-Funded Ploughshares Part of ‘Echo Chamber’ to Sell Obama’s Iran Deal

    Ploughshares Fund is financed by Soros’ Open Society Institute.

    The involvement of Ploughshares in selling the Iran agreement to the public was revealed in an extensive New York Times Magazine profile of Obama’s former deputy national security adviser, Ben Rhodes, titled, “The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru.” The article contains interviews with Rhodes and scores of top Obama administration officials.

    Robert Malley, then a senior director at the National Security Council, expounded on the genesis and execution of the marketing plan to sell the Iran deal.

    Malley explained to the Times that “experts” were utilized to create an “echo chamber” that disseminated administration claims about Iran to “hundreds of often-clueless reporters” in the news media.

    Times author David Samuels wrote:

    In the spring of last year, legions of arms-control experts began popping up at think tanks and on social media, and then became key sources for hundreds of often-clueless reporters. “We created an echo chamber,” he admitted, when I asked him to explain the onslaught of freshly minted experts cheerleading for the deal. “They were saying things that validated what we had given them to say.”

    Rhodes told Samuels that the marketing strategy took advantage of the “absence of rational discourse” and utilized outside groups, including Ploughshares.

    When I suggested that all this dark metafictional play seemed a bit removed from rational debate over America’s future role in the world, Rhodes nodded. “In the absence of rational discourse, we are going to discourse the [expletive] out of this,” he said. “We had test drives to know who was going to be able to carry our message effectively, and how to use outside groups like Ploughshares, the Iran Project and whomever else. So we knew the tactics that worked.” He is proud of the way he sold the Iran deal. “We drove them crazy,” he said of the deal’s opponents.

    Ploughshares says it has awarded hundreds of grants “whose aggregate value exceeded $60 million.”

    A previous investigation by this reporter showed Ploughshares has partnered with a who’s-who of the radical left, including Code Pink, the pro-Palestinian J Street, United for Peace & Justice, the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation and Demos, a progressive economic advisory group where Obama’s controversial former green jobs czar, Van Jones, has served on the board.

    The group says its mission is to support the “smartest minds and most effective organizations to reduce nuclear stockpiles, prevent new nuclear states, and increase global security.”

    Ploughshares is in turn financed by Soros’s Open Society Institute, the Buffett Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    Another Ploughshares donor is the Tides Foundation, which is one of the largest funders of the radical left. Tides is funded by Soros.

    Ploughshares has donated to the Institute for Policy Studies, which calls for massive slashes in the U.S. defense budget.

    It has also financed the International Crisis Group, a small organization that boasts George Soros and his son, Alexander, on its board and where Malley now works as vice president for public policy.

    Last week, McMaster removed Ezra Cohen-Watnick, a Trump aide and Iran deal opponent, from the National Security Council in what the Jerusalem Post reported was a possible “sweep of Iran hard-liners.”

    The Post reported on two other McMaster purges of Iran hardliners:

    Cohen-Watnick’s removal comes after the revelation by The Atlantic on Wednesday of the dismissal of Rich Higgins, another Iran hawk who was the NSC’s director of strategic planning. Higgins was sacked for circulating a memo in which he alleged that there was a “Maoist” insurgency within and without the government of “globalists and Islamists.”

    Also gone is Derek Harvey, who held the Middle East portfolio at the NSC, and who also was an Iran hawk, and who may assume another role in the administration. McMaster tapped Michael Bell, a retired army colonel who has a conventional career portfolio, to replace Harvey.

    Speaking at a recent event held by Ploughshares Fund, former Secretary of State John Kerry implied that McMaster is the best bet at keeping the nuclear agreement alive, according to a Ploughshares Fund description of the June 5, 2017 event.

    IISS, meanwhile, has supported the Iran nuclear agreement and has defended Tehran against reports it has violated tenets of the deal.

    Last month, IISS featured a piece by Mark Fitzpatrick, chief of the think tank’s non-proliferation and nuclear policy program, titled, “Three strikes against claims that Iran is violating the nuclear accord.”

    The IISS piece argued that “criticism of Iran’s conduct in relation to the 2015 nuclear deal does not withstand scrutiny,” and that the Trump administration’s withdrawal from the agreement “would not convince other parties to re-impose sanctions, but could trigger a global crisis.”

    In June, the IISS’s Fitzpatrick opined that “Critics are wrong: Iran remains in compliance with nuclear accord.”

    An IISS strategic comment paper, titled, “Trump’s erratic Middle East policy,” argued that Trump’s confrontational approach toward Iran is “unlikely to lend needed stability to the region.”

    Aaron Klein is Breitbart’s Jerusalem bureau chief and senior investigative reporter. He is a New York Times bestselling author and hosts the popular weekend talk radio program, “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio.” Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:01 pm

    Left-Wing Media Matters All In for McMaster
    Media Matters for America, the George Soros-funded progressive activist organization, is praising Trump’s National Security Adviser, H.R. McMaster, for terminating some members of President Donald Trump’s National Security Council, criticizing conservative media for questioning his loyalty to the president, and his decision to allow former NSA Susan Rice continued access to classified information.
    Media Matters, founded by Hillary Clinton ally David Brock, titled its article “Fake news purveyors, Twitter trolls, and Sean Hannity go all in against national security adviser McMaster.”

    McMaster Ally Bill Kristol Scheming with Jeb! Adviser to Oust Trump
    Bill Kristol, the “Never Trump” saboteur and top national security adviser H.R. McMaster ally, is apparently scheming with failed Jeb Bush consultant Mike Murphy to primary or oust President Donald Trump in 2020.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 1:30 pm

    What are the odds that CNN or another one of the mainstream media outlets will pick up
    and run with this story? A million to one? How about no chance in hell?

    DOJ Releases 400-Plus Pages of Lynch-Clinton Meeting Emails – After Comey’s FBI Said No Records Existed
    Zenny Phuong | CNSnews
    Aug 6, 2017
    Read full article at:

    ( – The Department of Justice on Friday released 413 pages of emails related to a controversial private meeting between former President Bill Clinton and then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch during the FBI’s investigation into then-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi emails. The FBI said earlier such records did not exist. This discharge of information is the result of a lawsuit filed against the DOJ by the American Council for Law and Justice (ACLJ) in November 2016. The newly-released emails mostly include DOJ officials’ conversations with reporters, who were seeking comment on the meeting between Lynch and the former president on an airport tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz. in June 2016.

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Lynch-aclj2

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:12 pm

    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Soros-George-4-508x338
    Politics / Social Media
    Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook
    By Jeff Reynolds August 7th, 2017,

    Even to casual observers, it has been obvious for months that the left is orchestrating a tightly-coordinated campaign to undermine and delegitimize the current presidential administration.

    As an extension of the decades-long campaign to wrestle the narrative away from conservatives, independents and centrists, they’re smearing right-leaning commentators with anything they can find. In the take-down of Bill O’Reilly and Monica Crowley and attempted hit on Sean Hannity, for example, it’s more than evident.

    And just this week, the suspension of Fox’s Eric Bolling provides even more proof.

    We now know how the left is running this non-stop smear campaign and who is pulling the puppet strings.

    We now have the Media Matters Playbook.

    In a 49-page document marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, the entire anti-Trump plan is laid out. Called “DEMOCRACY MATTERS, Strategic Plan For Action”, it lists four leftist partner organizations: Media Matters, American Bridge 21st Century, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.

    These are some of the most well-funded, well-entrenched, and well known leftist organizations in America. Billionaire George Soros is a key backer.

    So, what exactly do they want? Nothing less than complete control over political discourse in America.

    They lay it out plainly in their introduction, saying,

    We are going to contest every effort, at every level of government, to limit rights, rescind protections, entrench inequality, redistribute wealth upwards, or in any other way fundamentally undermine the tenets of egalitarianism that must serve as the bedrock of our democracy.

    Their motivation is obvious: the continued erosion of our constitutional republic, forming a direct democracy with the elite left permanently in charge.

    Of course, Media Matters and American Bridge have been doing this for years.

    Of the latter, the introduction says:

    American Bridge will cement itself as the standard-bearer of opposition research, build on its role as a progressive clearinghouse for information that drives the narrative on Republican officeholders and candidates, and be at the epicenter of Democrats’ work to regain power–starting in 2017 and building to 2020.

    Here’s what success will look like:

    -Trump will be defeated either through impeachment or at the ballot box in 2020.

    -The balance of power will shift back to the Democrats. We will measurably impact US Senate, gubernatorial, and state legislative races.

    -We will free ourselves from solely relying in the press. Our robust digital program will reach voters directly online.

    This is typical for American Bridge, which was formed in 2010 and practically invented the “tracker” position – a paid position for left-leaning activists to record every Republican officeholder and candidate in every public forum they can get into, with the intent of finding any statement they can use against them.

    Media Matters and American Bridge 21st Century were both founded by David Brock and receive funding from the network of public employee unions and liberal super-donors that includes George Soros, Tom Steyer, and many others.

    Brock also serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for CREW, as well as holding a majority ownership stake in Shareblue.

    All four organizations have assignments in the campaign. Media Matters is charged with “disarming right-wing disinformation, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation.”

    CREW is branded as a “leading non-profit ethics watchdog group” that will “demand ethical conduct from the administration and all parts of government, expose improper influence from powerful interests, and ensure accountability when the administration and others shirk ethical standards, rules, and laws.”

    Shareblue will “take back social media for Democrats”. Their purpose is to “legitimize Donald Trump’s presidency by emboldening the opposition”.

    It’s the mission of CREW that is most concerning. According to the playbook, here’s what success will entail:

    -Trump will be afflicted by a steady flow of damaging information, new revelations, and an inability to avoid conflicts issues.

    -The Trump Administration will be forced to defend illegal conduct in court.

    -Powerful industries and interest groups will see their influence wane.

    -Dark money will be a political liability in key states.

    It is ironic that they point to dark money as a target, as all four of these organizations are the epicenter of those very campaigns that are fueling the war against conservatives and others in America.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    SPIES & LIES - PART 1 - Page 28 Empty Re: SPIES & LIES - PART 1

    Post  Carol Mon Aug 07, 2017 7:32 pm

    Loretta Lynch used secret email account in bogus name of 'Elizabeth Carlisle' for messages
    about meeting with Bill Clinton during Hillary probe

       ° Obama attorney-general used a fake name for sensitive emails while she worked at Department of Justice, newly-released documents show
       ° She posed as 'Elizabeth Carlisle' in a secret email account for official business
       ° Name appears to be inspired by her maternal grandmother, while her middle name is also Elizabeth
       ° Revelation is latest secret identity to emerge from the Obama years; as well as Carlos Danger actually being Anthony Weiner, Eric Holder was Lew Alcindor

    Lynch used the account to discuss her notorious meeting on a plane with Bill Clinton while his wife's own email scandal was being investigated by the FBI. Lynch has issued no statement since Comey's evidence under oath and is now facing calls from Republicans to be the focus of a special counsel investigation into the 2016 election. The content of the Lynch emails show how her officials panicked about the revelation of the meeting with Bill Clinton at the end of June 2016. Many of the documents were heavily blacked out despite being issued under the Freedom of Information Act.

    Read more:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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