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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW


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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Thu Jan 05, 2017 2:21 pm

    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

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    Last edited by mudra on Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:49 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  Jenetta Fri Jan 06, 2017 10:27 pm

    mudra wrote:Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Love Always


    Is the above video fake?  Judge for yourselves.

    No Proof of Life for Julian Assange – Hannity Never Met Him

    The Fox News interview between Julian Assange and Sean Hannity did not occur in same room. It is a composite. The reason they would do  this must be because Assange is no longer at the Equadorian embassy.  The picture with word Equador in background of interview is a prop. Did you fall for it?

    Repeat, the alleged meeting between Sean Hannity and Julian Assange is fake. They did not sit in same room and if indeed, Assange is alive and gave the interview remotely, his words were cherry picked to avoid , for example, the Podesta emails.

    Here are two videos so far. The detail on the shadows from wrong direction in first study is important. Look at his nose shadow in the image below, before you click and start video.  It is coming from his left side, but the lights would be behind the camera which is on his right side in all the images showing the two in same room looking at each other.  The video is not a live interview. We have no proof of life.

    See Videos at link below:

    This is a good summary of Assange.  It appears it was updated to include Hannity info.

    Was Sean Hannity also duped by the fake interview with Julian Assange body double and 3rd generation CIA real-time voice duplication software?

    Subject: Was Sean Hannity also duped by the fake interview with Julian Assange body double and 3rd generation CIA real-time voice duplication software?

    From: A former federal agent familiar with this amazing technology
    Date: 16 Dec 2016

    On October 17th, 2016, the real Julian Assange was removed from the Ecuador Embassy in London and traffic camera photos posted at prove it. The world has seen these CIA kidnappings before. They are called renditions. details provided in below links). At the same time Julian was cut off from the internet and Wikileaks was compromised. Since then, Wikileaks has been operated jointly by the CIA/NSA as part of their Operation Mockingbird project – to be a honeypot trap to identify government leakers and potential whistle blowers. (About Project Mockingbird:

    But scrutiny from 1.2 million Twitter accounts and 17,000 redditors at Where is Assange forced them to create the Pamela Anderson ruse and most recently this recent interview with Sean Hannity.

    BUT There is still no VERIFIABLE proof of life people. Radio and video interviews mean absolutely squat. We now have 3rd generation real-time voice duplication technology and RGB video technology used by Disney and the CIA. People have posted examples of it. See and listen to the celebrity voices that have been duplicated. The professional version of this software with double the sampling rate is used by the CIA. It will fool your own spouse friends. In fact a faked telephone call using this technology was used to put Julian’s mom at rest to keep her calm and preventing her from speaking to the media.

    Even live radio and video interviews can still be spoofed. Only if Hannity himself visited face to face with Julian and asked for a cutting of his hair, a drop of blood, or a oral swab for DNA comparison, his fingerprints, and a random handwriting sample, could we have indisputable proof of life. Now you know why the Hannity interview was not done live in London at the Ecuador embassy.

    The coup of WIkileaks is thus far the CIA’s greatest accomplishment in this century and they will spend millions to keep up the facade.

    Do you remember when Snowden said Osama Bin Laden is still alive and Jim Stone agreed with him. People scoffed at them, except Ron Kessler – the author who wrote SECRETS OF THE FBI. Kessler got the FBI director to admit on record that the fingerprints of the Osama they dumped in the sea did not match his official fingerprints. Welcome to the world of spyware and craftwork. It is a grand game of deception, and right now we are all being deceived with this Sean Hannity and Pam Anderson ruse.

    If you still doubt what technology can do, go to Disneyworld and watch the “Walt Disney interview” that Disney & Pixar tecnichians made with Walt Disney for their 50th anniversary a couple of years back and you will ask “How does Walt Disney age so well?” In reality, Walt died over 25 years ago and he has been fabricated with technology that you can try first hand at the OP link.

    Here is another example of how technology can fool people so easily:…

    BTW… Do you think the real Julian Assange would stop releasing the promised leaks of John Kerry, Huma Abedin, The Clinton Foundation, Pizzagate, and the “Treason files” he said were on the way? And the Ecuador government said on October 17th that the internet cut was a “temporary arrangement” made to avoid influencing the U.S. elections. Fair enough. But the elections have been over for a month already. Why has the internet connection not been restored? Because Julian is no longer a guest at the embassy.

    After 911 we were all fooled with the fake Bin Laden video tape produced by the CIA but it took more than two years for people to realize that was not the real Bin Laden in the tape – remember (the ear lobes did not match and NSA analyst Jim Stone leaked the news). Do not be duped yet again.

    JULIAN ASSANGE WAS RENDERED ON OCTOBER 17th, 2016. There are 39 items of evidence at whereisassange sub reddit. Look at the time line after you read this and understand that a media black out is in place.

    PERSONAL NOTEThis link is important basically it reads that Julian Assange was snatched out of the Ecuador embassy on October 17, 2016 by U.S. agents after John Kerry made threats to Ecuador that Wikileaks releases had to stop.  Assange was then flown to the U.S. aboard what was a "rendition jet"(Guantanamo Bay Express) to Charlotte, North Carolina Smithfield Airbase (which is a notorious CIA rendition airport).  Where Assange is now? Anybody's guess.  Maybe even summarily executed with a hidden mock-up trial under Obama's regime.
    As for Hillary, the open letter link below reveals all....

    And the reason Julian was so rudely snatched away before the elections is because he was about to reveal the biggest government crime in history friends:

    Two whistle-blowers (Kurt Sonnefeld and Bruce Gorcyca) have been exiled to hide this and a third, presidential aide John Wheeler (also a veteran SEC investigator) was murdered less than 2 months after recording a call with Hillary Clinton about this subject. See this about the bizarre murder of FBI informant John Wheeler.

    BTW… Gorcyca was also an FBI informant but says the FBI did not want to hear about Saudis connected to 911 even after his lawyer had this letter and audio video tapes delivered to the FBI Director within one week of 911 by Fedex (Fedex archives confirms the package was delivered)

    Take note of the names listed at the bottom of page two. The source for this letter is from two court files on Canada and New York Eastern District Federal Court in case no. C37836 in Ontario Court of Appeals and in a Habeas Corpus motion filed by Bruce Gorcyca before Judge Jack Weinstein back in 2007, and an official Law Society complaint against a lawyer named William Gilmour. Here is a copy of the actual complaint….

    Here is the Kurt Sonnefeld corroboration:

    Still not convinced? Try these and then go apologize to the truthers we all mocked ten years ago. They were trying to tell us the truth! The Saudi press themselves along with 27 retired CIA agents and former German Defense Minister agree with Senator Bob Graham that 911 was indeed an inside job, and Julian Assange was only days away of proving it through emails of Huma Abedin.

    We have all just been victimized by greatest CENSORSHIP tactic in American history. 1984 book author George Orwell must be spinning in his grave at 1,000 rpm right now.

    As it is below; so it is above

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:02 pm

    Jenetta I read these stories debunking Hannity's interview .
    Yet following my gut feeling I chose to post it as it looks legit enough to me .
    They are both in the same room as far as I can see.Their facial expressions while they speak convey to my own perception that they are in each other's presence . I see a room identical to the one John Pilger interviewed Julian in back in november 2016 at the Ecuadorian ambassy.
    Julian Assange has the same haircut in that former interview than the one he has now only his hair is a little longer which is just the right amount of growth he would have if he didn' t have a haircut in between. This is easily seen as he wears the same suit as in the Pilger's interview.

    I am aware not everything we are presented with is true and things like green screens technology do exist but I realized recently there are people that seem so paranoid that they systematically like to call every news that would deserve attention fake or staged .
    I am also aware there are disinformation agents around that follow their own agenda either to instill fear or doubt.

    Think about it who does it profit to have us think Julian Assange is no longer around and that everything that comes out of Wikileaks is now no longer to be trusted ?

    Of course my perception may be wrong.
    The future will tell us more.

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  Carol Sat Jan 07, 2017 5:08 pm

    This is an authentic interview between the two as Hannity flew there to do the interview and described the inside of the Embassy later. Besides, Hannity is one of the few media people I trust as does Trump. Now who should we really wonder about and what is their agenda to discredit both Hannity and Assange?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 11, 2017 7:05 am


    Julian Assange Reddit AMA (FULL VIDEO) | January 10th, 2017

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:35 am

    Shocking Admission By Obama As Julian Assange Agrees To Extradition

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:01 pm

    BREAKING: Obama Commutes Chelsea Manning, What's Next For Julian Assange Extradition

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  Swanny Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:07 pm


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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:26 pm

    Swanny wrote:

    I saw quite a few videos claiming Assange is dead or taken in custody by the CIA.
    I believe none of it .
    Some people would be all too happy to make us believe this is fact.
    I have come to think this is part of a disinformation agenda.

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Wed Jan 25, 2017 8:54 am

    Julian Assange Interview on TheProject 24 Jan 2017

    Not interviewed by a friend ...

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    Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW  Empty Re: Hannity Interview WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange - Fox News FULL INTERVIEW

    Post  mudra Thu Jan 26, 2017 8:50 am

    Julian Assange Interview with Fernando Morais on Nocaute TV | December 27th, 2016

    Love Always

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