orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:26 pm
Thank-you Mercuriel. Those Moon-Pictures were Awesome!! Those images, and more, would be most-appreciated (in your own way and time). I removed most of my off-topic previous-post. I just couldn't resist including all of that stuff, to see what you'd say. I won't pursue this further, at this time, and in this place. "There's a Time and Place for Everything". Your reply was much milder than I thought it might be. I'm simply attempting to understand the so-called "Great Controversy Between Christ and Satan in the Conflict of the Ages" in an Alternative-Research and Science-Fictional Context. But this has just about completely-destroyed me. Faith can equal Delusion. Facing-Reality can equal Losing One's Faith. Perhaps Positive-Thinking in the Context of Possibility-Thinking is a Middle-Way or Happy-Medium. What Would Dr. Robert H. Schuller Say?? What Would Seymour Cray Say?? What Would Mr. Edgars Say?? What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? What Would Brother Rich Say?? What Would Edgar Mitchell Say?? What Would Mitchell Say?? What Would Sister Angie Say?? What Would the Humble Janitor Say?? What Would Anchor Say?? What Would Anubis Do?? What Would Cicero, Cleopatra, Mark Antony, Virgil, Horace, Ovid, King David, King Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Bull, Ram, Enlil, Enki, Christ, Antichrist, Ra, Anti-Ra, the Tokra, the Lamb Slain from the Foundation of the World, HAL 9000, Gabriel, Michael, Lucifer, the God of This World, the Queen of Heaven, Josephus, Lord Ba'al, Kitesh, Vala Mal Doran, John Sheridan, Anna Sheridan, Delenn, Anna and the V's, Ellen Goa'uld White, the Piso Family, and the Apostle Paul Say?? I obviously need to stop. In ten-years, I'll probably be babbling to myself in a secret-government nut-house (instead of babbling to myself in my car). I'm going to try to just post those WSJ editorials. I now return this thread to its originally-stated purpose. I just received an official-warning, telling me this website is unsafe!! I've known THAT for YEARS!! Namaste, Godspeed, Mea Culpa, and Geronimo.