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    Robot Nation


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    Robot Nation Empty Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Thu May 26, 2016 3:19 pm

    China’s Factories Are Building a Robot Nation

    Labor Woes and Cost-Cutting Have Spawned World’s No. 1 Market for Industrial Automation
    March 10, 2015

    Every day, two quality-control supervisors monitor four robots tirelessly assembling remote-control devices for home appliances at a Midea Group factory in Foshan, in the southern province of Guangdong.

    The robots recently replaced 14 workers on the plant’s assembly line for remote controls. And soon, according to Midea’s Home Air Conditioner Division Deputy General Manager Wu Shoubao, more robots will arrive to replace the quality-control supervisors.

    Midea, a major appliance maker, is in the forefront of a full-blown charge by China’s manufacturing sector into robot-powered factory automation. Companies nationwide over the past five years have ramped up robotics in the face of labor woes, such as worker shortages and rising wages, and to cut their production costs. In the process, they’ve helped build a new market for Chinese robot manufacturers that are competing against multinational rivals.

    Labor shortages are partly linked to what Wu says are changing attitudes among young workers. Young adults historically formed the backbone of the country’s assembly-line workforce, but he said many born between 1990 and 1999 now shun manufacturing jobs for other pursuits.

    The working-age population—defined as those between ages 16 and 59—is slowly declining. The National Bureau of Statistics said this age group’s population fell by 371,000 in 2013 to about 915 million last year.

    Moreover, companies looking for inexpensive labor in Asia are no longer focusing on basing plants in China alone, as labor costs in many other countries are far lower. The International Labor Organization says an average worker’s monthly wage is the equivalent of 911 yuan in Vietnam and 603 yuan in Cambodia, for example, but 3,483 yuan in China.

    Midea’s automation push got under way in 2011, just as Guangdong-area manufacturers were starting to grapple with labor dilemmas including worker shortages and high turnover. The company imposed a hiring freeze and then implemented a policy requiring that divisions with high turnover install automated systems.

    The transformation is continuing today at Midea. Its residential air conditioner division, for example, plans to cut 6,000 of its 30,000 workers by the end of 2015, and another 4,000 by 2018.

    Midea invested 800 million yuan between 2011 and last year to install automated systems with some 800 robots. It plans to spend up to 900 million yuan to add another 600 robots this year.

    Not only are robots helping Midea resolve labor issues, Wu said, but they’re also improving production and product quality.

    Growing Demand

    The International Federation of Robotics (IFR), which represents robot manufacturers and research institutes, said China last year surpassed Japan to become the world’s biggest market for industrial robots. Some 200,000 were operating in China at the end of 2014, the IFR said, with 32,000 installed in 2013 alone, accounting for 20 percent of worldwide installations that year.

    The robot-to-worker ratio in the country is still relatively low, the IFR said, with 30 robots working in manufacturing plants per 10,000 employees. Japan’s ratio is 11 times higher.

    Four multinational companies—Switzerland’s ABB Group, Japan’s Fanuc Corp. and Yaskawa Electric Corp., and Germany’s Kuka Robot Group —are the dominant suppliers of robotic systems for factories in China. Mir Industry, a Chinese industrial consultancy, said the four account for about 58 percent of the nationwide market.


    Love Always

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Thu May 26, 2016 3:24 pm

    The world's first robot-run farm will harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce daily

    Jan. 27, 2016

    The Japanese lettuce production company Spread believes the farmers of the future will be robots.

    So much so that Spread is creating the world's first farm manned entirely by robots. Instead of relying on human farmers, the indoor Vegetable Factory will employ robots that can harvest 30,000 heads of lettuce every day.

    Don't expect a bunch of humanoid robots to roam the halls, however; the robots look more like conveyor belts with arms. They'll plant seeds, water plants, and trim lettuce heads after harvest in the Kyoto, Japan farm.

    "The use of machines and technology has been improving agriculture in this way throughout human history," J.J. Price, a spokesperson at Spread, tells Tech Insider. "With the introduction of plant factories and their controlled environment, we are now able to provide the ideal environment for the crops."


    Love Always

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 26, 2016 4:36 pm

    A few days ago, Windows 10 started installing, even though I didn't want it. I might've clicked the wrong "x". Luckily the installation failed. I suspect that humanity will be computer-managed, misused, and abused for all-eternity in a High-Tech Hell. A few years ago, a Significant Individual of Interest told me "Humanity is Screwed!!" All indications are that this is a correct prognosis. I honestly think we're in the eye of a very-nasty storm. I honestly don't think being "Smarter Than the Average Bear" is going to help. I don't think I have much time left -- and I'm very-fearful regarding what I'll encounter beyond This Present Darkness. This same Individual of Interest said that where I was going it would be Dark -- and that in 20 years I'd be working for them. Somehow, I got the feeling that wouldn't be a good-thing. Later, they said they were sorry we couldn't work together, and that too-much water had gone under the bridge (three-days prior to Fukushima). I'm just a Completely Ignorant Fool in a Brave New World. Bad Combination. I've spent several useless years contemplating a bright, new, beautiful-tomorrow. I've wasted my time posting on the internet. There has been virtually zero interest -- and what little interest has been shown has mostly been off-topic, sarcastic, condescending, and even hostile. I think this thing is past the point of no-return -- and it will simply have to play-out -- for better or worse -- I know not. I just know that I'm not even close to being "in the game" -- and I fear that those who are "in the game" will quickly become obsolete and/or expendable. I've been toying with the idealistic-concept of a highly-refined United States of the Solar System commencing in A.D. 2133 (with some prophetic-support) but Hollywood has been anything but idealistic regarding that general time-period. Regarding what I just said, and regarding the topic of this thread, consider Elysium. BTW -- I think I saw the high-tech gang-leader a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't able to say "hello" but I'm sure it was him!


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    Robot Nation Empty Dear Dr.Oxy

    Post  Eartheart Tue May 31, 2016 7:17 am

    like Pranayama is a highly specialist yogic praxis to change your frequency
    resonant assembly in the autoholon mirroring ("hold tight babe", says the adrenaline juncked driver to his kiddnapped girl on the backseat???) Rolling Eyes
    so is Oxygen-Breath while reading Dr.Oxys Threads a futuristic quantum-method to implode the paradigm to free the holodeck of our lightship from
    ghostspaces and particleresidue - Argh
    Water Hail the Kings Dream and our Queens Loove Water

    Hugs To grasp the bigger picture after the collapse of delusional astral patterns and implants, after the freewilled implosion of fake pixelclouds,
    the original sourcing outside the hologram and resourcing of direct input sensors, an active envisioning and dreaming will allways be paramount for a spiritual civilisation.
    Not to forget the oldwise humor presented by Dr.Oxys remedy to pure panic and black out syndrome. His antidotes to the vipers poison have
    helped around the globe in many mansions. It enabled some of us to even take the Anticrist by his loosh-lash and tickle it till out of breath to allow a trickling holy spirit to poure inn the shared sourcefields...
    Like my beloved "Geronimo" once said: "here we have to hide an oxymoron, so once it can befound!". Inscribing the Realparadox via your aural envelope opens the holodeck for you, dreaming has to be teached to your senses, unity continuiation via quantumtunneling has to switch on higher chakras, overcharge plasmastates can reassemble any configuration, even
    Loove is possible.... The Karen JT Hadriel

    Honoring the despairlike emotional charges of celestials, who having lost their planets/suns to wars, machines, Ai and borgs seems a theme reflected here as well with the obvious recollection, that "Humanity is Screwed!!", whichjust shows how importand it is to find there as well remedy!!!!
    Blessed Harvest Lionhawk

    Posts : 466
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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  Eartheart Tue Jun 14, 2016 2:49 pm

    This sux, braindamaged soulless artists get paid to personify AI


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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:00 pm

    Legal Experts Raise Alarm over Shocking Use of “Killer Robot” in Dallas

    July 9, 2016

    As news emerges that police officers in Dallas, Texas used an armed robot to kill the suspected shooter in Thursday night’s ambush, experts are warning that it represents a sea change in police militarization that only heightens risks to human and constitutional rights.

    Dallas Police Chief David Brown said Friday morning during a press conference that police “saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate” where the suspect had taken refuge in a parking garage as police tried to negotiate with him, adding that he was “deceased as a result of detonating the bomb.”

    The suspect, identified as Micah Xavier Johnson, was killed around 2:30am Friday morning after an hours-long standoff with police. The shootings killed five officers and left more than a dozen people injured. Johnson reportedly confirmed that he had acted alone and was not affiliated with any group.

    Many noted that this appears to be the first time that domestic police have used a lethal robot to kill a suspect.

    According to Marjorie Cohn, Professor Emerita at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law and editor and contributor to Drones and Targeted Killings: Legal, Moral, and Geopolitical Issues, it’s a sign that U.S. law enforcement is continuing to go in “the wrong direction.”

    “The fact that the police have a weapon like this, and other weapons like drones and tanks, is an example of the militarization of the police and law enforcement—and goes in the wrong direction,” Cohn told Common Dreams. “We should see the police using humane techniques, interacting on a more humane level with the community, and although certainly the police officers did not deserve to die, this is an indication of something much deeper in the society, and that’s the racism that permeates the police departments across the country. It’s a real tragedy.”

    Seth Stoughton, a former police officer and assistant professor of law at the University of South Carolina, told The Atlantic on Friday, “This is sort of a new horizon for police technology. Robots have been around for a while, but using them to deliver lethal force raises some new issues.”

    As security expert and University of Pennsylvania professor Matt Blaze noted on Twitter on Friday, numerous safety concerns about the robot’s protocols—for example, how easily it might be hacked—remain unaddressed.

    “How was the control link to the Dallas bomb robot secured? Stakes go *way* up when something like this is repurposed as a weapon,” he wrote.

    As Popular Science tech editor David Gershgorn also explained:

    Repurposing a robot that was created to prevent death by explosion clearly contrasts with the way these machines are normally used. Bomb disposal robots are routinely used to minimize the potential of harm to officers and civilians when disarming or clearing potential explosives from an area. They are often equipped with their own explosive charges and other tools, not to kill, but detonate other potential bombs in the area.

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    Love Always

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:04 pm

    What Could Go Wrong? US Unveils Artificially Intelligent Fighter Pilot

    July 1, 2016

    The two most aggressive military forces in the world have added a new frontier in their immense ability to deal death and destruction. In the same week, an Israeli firm launched the first-ever torpedo from an unmanned sea vessel while a U.S. artificially intelligent fighter pilot easily won combat simulations against human pilots.

    These achievements are a testament to the sad reality that military interests are often the first to take advantage of wondrous advancements such as AI, just as nuclear physics and other technologies were hijacked for more efficient methods of killing.

    Stephen Hawking pointed this out during an interview on the Larry King show.

    Governments seem to be engaged in an AI arms race, designing planes and weapons with intelligent technologies. The funding for projects directly beneficial to the human race, such as improved medical screening seems a somewhat lower priority.

    The AI fighter jet pilot, known as Alpha, was developed by researchers from the University of Cincinnati and defense company Psibernetix. It used four virtual jets to defend a coastline from two attacking planes with superior weapons systems—without suffering any losses.

    Retired US Air Force colonel Gene Lee was shot out of the air every time after protracted engagements, and could not even manage to score a hit on Alpha.

    The groundbreaking feat was accomplished through the use of “fuzzy logic” to efficiently compute the massive amounts of data from a simulated fighter jet. Instead of analyzing every bit of data equally, fuzzy logic assigns a degree of truth or significance to the pieces of data before making a broader decision.

    “Here, you’ve got an AI system that seems to be able to deal with the air-to-air environment, which is extraordinarily dynamic, has an extraordinary number of parameters and, in the paper, more than holds its own against a skilled and capable, experienced combat pilot,” said Doug Barrie, a military aerospace analyst at think tank IISS.

    “It’s like a chess master losing out to a computer.”

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:08 pm

    19-Year-Old Develops Robot Lawyer That Dismisses Your Unjust Parking Tickets

    June 30, 2016

    Simply and aptly named, DoNotPay, the ingenious business of a 19-year-old Londoner has already saved citizens of the UK an estimated £2.9 million in civil fines for unjust parking tickets. Less than 2 years old, the already popular ‘Robot Lawyer’ service has assisted people in absolving some 160,000 tickets by helping users take advantage of the appeals process, which is generally overlooked and underused.

    DoNotPay uses a simple chat-based interface to guide users through a range of basic questions to establish if an appeal on their parking ticket is possible. These include queries on whether there were any visible parking signs at the location where the ticket was given. The AI lawyer then guides the user through the lengthy appeals process. [Source]

    Receiving too many parking fines near his home, and discovering that most could be dismissed through the appeals process, Joshua Browder was motivated to act, and created the artificial intelligence service that became an instant hit. The service is now free and easy for anybody to use, providing public legal advice that not only helps people to avoid paying excessive parking fines, but also to avoid having to hire expensive law firms to represent them in such relatively simple legal matters.

    ‘I felt bad, because I knew that these drivers would be forced to go to exploitative law firms to get their issues resolved. To solve this problem, I realised that the best way to help people would be to create a computer program that could talk to users, generate appeals and answer questions like a human. I decided to create the UK’s first robot lawyer for consumers.’ – Joshua Browder

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    Post  mudra Sun Jul 10, 2016 1:12 pm

    EU Wants to Redefine Robots as “Electronic Persons”

    June 23, 2016

    As of now, artificial intelligence is nowhere near as aware or as competent as a human. Heck, even the most powerful supercomputers lack the consciousness of a small animal. We don’t even know if computers are capable of achieving rudimentary consciousness. But that hasn’t stopped the European Union from proposing a law that would define robots as “electronic persons.”

    A motion was recently proposed in the EU parliament that would ask the European Commission to consider “that at least the most sophisticated autonomous robots could be established as having the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations.” The reason for this idea, however, has less to do with establishing rights for machines that may or may not become sentient someday, and more to do with money.

    The EU fears that as automation proliferates, it’s going to leave more people without a job. And that of course would mean fewer tax dollars going to the government. The plan would force companies to declare how much money they saved by switching to robots, which would determine the amount of money they have to contribute to social security funds. In other words, the EU wants companies to pay social security for robots, hence the reason why they need robots to be defined as “electronic persons.”

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:16 am

    Killer Cop Robot Kills Cop Killer

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    Robot Nation Empty Re: Robot Nation

    Post  mudra Sat Jul 16, 2016 3:24 am

    10 Real Life ROBOT Humans

    Love Always

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