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    Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town


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    Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide  - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town  Empty Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town

    Post  Carol Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:57 pm

    Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide  - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town  33179ED600000578-3535461-Engineers_have_developed_a_small_turbine_which_runs_on_superheat-a-23_1460453709675
    Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide 
    - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town 

    • Turbine runs on carbon dioxide under high pressure and heated to 700˚C
    • This supercritical liquid state allows for super-efficient energy production
    • Prototype will produce enough power for around 10,000 homes
    • But it could be scaled up to power a city, and could help energy firms repurpose waste gas and heat for efficient and clean energy production


    Engineers have developed a turbine which has the potential to power a small town all the while being no bigger than your office desk.

    Designed by GE Global Research, the turbine could power 10,000 homes and according to researchers, could help to solve some of the world's growing energy challenges.
    But rather than steam, which is typically used to set turbines in motion, the new turbine uses carbon dioxide.

    Engineers have developed a small turbine which runs on superheated carbon dioxide and could generate enough power for 10,000 homes. Pictured is a 3D-printed prototype of the turbine, which GE Global Research says could help to solve some of the world's growing energy challenges

    'This compact machine will allow us to do amazing things,' said Doug Hofer, lead engineer on the project, in Albany, New York.

    'The world is seeking cleaner and more efficient ways to generate power. The concepts we are exploring with this machine are helping us address both.'

    According to MIT Tech Review, the turbine is driven by 'supercritical carbon dioxide', which is kept under high pressure at temperatures of 700˚C.

    Under these conditions, the carbon dioxide enters a physical state between a gas and a liquid, enabling the turbine to harness its energy for super-efficient power generation - with the turbines transferring 50 per cent of the heat into electricity.

    Read more: 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Tiny turbine that fits on your DESK runs on carbon dioxide  - and it can produce enough energy to power a small town  Empty Humour and inventive solutions in the mundane areas of bodily functions

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Apr 18, 2016 10:51 am

    Awesome, how much sources of re-usable matter and energy are tried, these days. This video is about the re-use of ... piss.
    Providing the energy for electricity and through its application, the music for Rio's carnaval TRANC

    When resources are scarce, improvisations are needed. A research team from TU Delft is currently researching the possibilities
    for sustainable water system for developing countries. Such a system could include using human urine instead of industrial fertilizer.

    I've never tried this, but I think I can sort of get it, that it works in a way similar to homeopathy. Just a hunch.

    And what about.... drinking your own urine? A very smart and creative way to describe it:

    The Golden Fountain

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