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    Dream Weaver Intro

    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2016-02-25
    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:33 am

    Hi Earthlings from Dream Weaver!

    I'm here as a Truth Bringer. I will have much too say as it comes to hand, some of it will make you puke, get a bucket and reach within. Its been some years since I was last here, and I will post a lot more than the truth. Soon I will be leaving this illusion, and return to my twin in a Parallel World where no one dies. I will post whats needs to shared. Mother Creator has just shown her energy by flickering the light in my room, so expect the truth!

    This post is right on cue with the truth! Tune in, or tune out! Go to Rebel of Oz website, click on Yukon Jack, his post is called is-the-universe-the-ultimate-sin

    Its da Wave Its da Wave Its da Wave Its da Wave Its da Wave Its da Wave Its da Wave
    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
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    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:18 am

    This video is for  my twin flame, who is also Mother Creator's Higher Self (And not from a delusional universe that is here, a plagiarized copy of a real world!).

    I have seen my HOME WORLD. When I will return, I become YOUNG AGAIN and have a family. My twin patiently waits for my return to have her first child!

    Dream Weaver Intro Home_w10

    One Portal to Paradise I have visited (Remote Viewing in Color) and the image capture had this text shown, I have Key-Ways to Other Universes!

    Dream Weaver Intro I_am_l10

    Mother spoke to me tonight saying, "Becoming Another Form Has Them Worried" I'm talking about Yahweh, Jehovah and Baal who run this three-ring circus!

    This post is turning up the volume. I now have both my twin and Mother going off the charts!

    Last edited by Dream Weaver on Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:45 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 32048
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    Location : Hawaii

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:25 am

    Welcome to the Mists. Your post reminds me of another member here NANUXII. I wonder if the two of you know each other.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2016-02-25
    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Thu Feb 25, 2016 11:33 am

    I post music energy as it comes from my higher-self with text messages. I channel myself!

    First energy came as...

    Second energy came as...

    The strong energies of Mother flicking my light. You can expect the truth coming from me, just remember to go within, when I dish out the medicine in the coming days, weeks that I remain here! I don't post anywhere else!

    Mother must be very pleased I have returned here. I will report the truth you don't wish to know about heaven on earth. You don't need to know my last earth incarnation here, and I will not reveal my twin flame. To do so, this forum would become ablaze like a front page news story after a postmortem that is part of this illusion. When someone parts this false world, they return to real world, a parallel one. Again, read Yukon Jack last post, he has nailed it, he is on my page!

    Dream Weaver is just a Avatar I'll use because I come right from the truth, posting here was by instruction tonight as I was preparing things to leave! Hopefully, I will try to explain in lay-man's terms just what is going on, going down! I had Archangel like Gabriel talking biblical end days crap! These loonies Crazy Happy are just not on the same page. People have forgotten, this is a Hologram Universe and when it collapses the way its heading! Everyone will just wake up... and its all too late! Our life-force-energy has been sucked in, along with our brain matter, and blown out by some snot-nosed entity dick-head calling himself Jehovah-Satan-Allah!

    Carol, I rarely visit this forum and I do not know NANUXII. Have you some post-links? Reading them may trigger something much bigger, you never know the reason, why I came here to have my say. Light Minds do gather at the same water hole, right!

    Posts : 32048
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Carol Thu Feb 25, 2016 12:31 pm

    "Light Minds do gather at the same water hole, right!"

    The Carol

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2016-02-25
    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:05 am

    Transferred to a new posting titled - Bee Sting!

    Last edited by Dream Weaver on Mon Feb 29, 2016 4:11 am; edited 3 times in total

    Posts : 2228
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    Location : Melbourne, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Sanicle Sat Feb 27, 2016 4:43 am

    Welcome to the Mists Dream Weaver. I'm looking forward to hearing/reading what you have to say. Hopefully you'll stay with us for a while. I love you
    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2016-02-25
    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Mon Feb 29, 2016 3:43 am

    Sanicle wrote:Welcome to the Mists Dream Weaver.  I'm looking forward to hearing/reading what you have to say.  Hopefully you'll stay with us for a while.  I love you

    Its looks like my stay here will be a little longer. Another fruitful post is now in progress about a mirror world I experienced that has to been shown graphically! Some content in this post (the bee sting) will go to a fresh post, rather than side-track from why I am here. I do this so you can follow the paper-trail (so to speak), keeping it simple. What I have to say, will be so easily said to tell you. I can't afford to reveal myself until you know these things first.
    Dream Weaver
    Dream Weaver

    Posts : 58
    Join date : 2016-02-25
    Age : 78
    Location : Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

    Dream Weaver Intro Empty Re: Dream Weaver Intro

    Post  Dream Weaver Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:56 am

    Truth Will Tell

    So let us begin! Its been a ride and a half, I will never forget! It started in phases from 1988, and pulsated along in the background knowing something was not right in this world to 1995. I could take this subject right back and cover everything that bust the mound in 1996, but I will focus on the now that's more important.

    I've have covered glues in most of my posts so far. In the now, the present, when I cruise across website updates its all 3D and hasn't changed in 20 years. Friends I knew then have not changed, so many are just awakened. It really is hard to explain where I come from. My absence to forums has been shot for about five years, I do my own thing and let the world go on its own way. Everyone is still on their journey, why should I show them out of the maze, when you can do it in your own time, its all about bending the rules doing things the opposite way!

    Dream Weaver Intro Surpri10

    In a nutshell, this planet is just binary data, and shown show with Adam Sandler to the movie trailer PIXELS looking like LEGO as our SUN in 3D. Its a portal like a star-gate to other realities. Sandler is code for Sananda-Jehovah and any object heading towards this planet fate is just a program like Nibiru that will eat this planet like PAC-MAN. Its almost like Nibiru is just a programmed environment being re-run, how many times is that?

    Add to all this is the Bible of Lies. Are we living in a 'programmed simulation' and the End Days is just part of the Bible Script -Tour.

    I was shown about 1997, our binary sun is cold and blue-like a star-gate, I looked right into the Sun and did not go blind, please don't try this yourself! The radiance shown on SOHO is just matrix energy, no heat at all. I have seen the End with the Sun turning its energy off like a Matrix Collapse and to this planet is saved going through a black-hole to a alternate universe and those three days of darkness may relate to stasis as this planet will bolt through like a cannon ball. If you watched the INTERSTELLAR movie, it was shown in a dream, a interstellar black hole with a white ring and had a white second ring, both looking like a HUGE UFO.

    Star Wars - Binary Sunset (Episode IV. - A New Hope)

    Black Hole Scene (Interstellar movie)

    I just find so many hope-bringers, like Cobra, Shelton Nidle, Ashtar Command just don't match my inner knowing. In twenty years, not a single energy showing truth authenticity. Humanity has been duped big time. For many a sheep-gatherings on GLP forum, it seems to be quiet normal.

    I almost think we live in the same cell-block of alien criminals that runs our Hologram Universe!

    Showing with my graphics, I have covered it mostly. The point is, so little was said about the 5th dimension in 1996 when I first went onto the WORLD WIDE WEB. Websites like SPIRIT-WEB, were rich in information and those reading became my foundation. All that material has gone. Talking about the 5th Dimension now seems to be as ancient as 3D has become, but that's my view!

    Then came the MATRIX movies, and it became a buzz, then it became a Matrix reboot and then forgotten, it was just a fantasy movie. In this false reality, a Matrix Reboot is coming with talk of prosperity. Its the some old dogs with a new act, cull off the week, enslave the best of the crop and work permits and a ear-tag-chip shown in TV Series Killjoy: The Harvest. Remember Running Man, its becomes a GAME SHOW with those against the Matrix Reboot mayhem as 5D.

    I live day-to-day, what goes on in this world is insane. A face of a woman in pink as I type with a lovely smile of Kelly Osborne. I can see, I have to tell you more!

    Then there was FINAL FANTASY: THE SPIRIT WITHIN. Taking bits and pieces from movies started to explode my path before me, and I was on a fast train.

    I had a reading done, it just didn't fit right so I joined a group circle, listening to changelings. It all sounded promising none the less. I started to write up my dreams, it must be up near 10,000 now. I met a lady called Terry with a energy attraction. As I look back, she was one role-player identifying my twin with statue. This lady cleared many blockages, I was like a rocket on a launch pad about to ignite to lift-off.

    Moving along, one evening about 7:30 before leaving for a circle meeting, a beautiful soft voice spoke within, "I'm five feet tall, nice and soft"

    It was my twin-flame, and now some 18 years later everything now is falling into place with is name Claire. I will introduce myself next and if anyone removes me, readers are going to miss out what true love is all about, and maybe the opportunity of us, showing you a Parallel World.

    Dream Weaver Intro Surpri11

    This was your challenge to see biblical immortality, whereas the hole in oneness is the other way round, everything is back-to-front. As my sister said once, "A boy spends 9 months in the womb, as a man he spends the rest of his lift trying to go back in". The Wand of Light in a Yoni is Heaven Within. It is the Gate Way in Every Woman. Organized Pedophile Religion really has some explaining to do!

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:57 pm