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    Post  Carol Sun May 15, 2016 11:49 am

    Recession May Loom for Next U.S. President No Matter Who That Is
    Summers sees significant chance of downturn within three years


    Zimbabwe’s trillion-dollar note: from worthless paper to hot investment:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun May 15, 2016 12:27 pm

    Washington is determined to preserve the US dollar dominance by hook or by crook, F. William Engdahl notes, shedding light on how US financial elites have shifted their focus from the golden dollar to the petro-dollar and then… to the narco-dollar.

    The Panama Papers leak has left an unpleasant aftertaste for those who closely monitored the case: instead of nailing real wrongdoers for their illicit operations and tax evasion, the exposure has played directly into the hands of a brand new tax haven, namely the United States of America.

    Read more:

    Give Yourself Credit: Money Doesn't Grow On Trees!

    This book honors the 77th anniversary of House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 which Congress passed to suspend the gold standard and abrogate the gold clause of our national Constitution. Since then no one in America has been able to lawfully pay a debt. Read this book at your own risk:

    No money exists to pay debt. 

    All demands for payment are demands for money. 

    Since no money exists, all you have is your signature and your exemption number to pay a debt. 

    Fiat Federal Reserve notes do not pay debts. 

    Federal Reserve Notes only discharge debts. 

    By using Federal Reserve Notes a debt is not paid, it is simply transferred to someone else -- not paid

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Sun May 15, 2016 5:14 pm

    Six Reasons Why Goldman Is Suddenly Warning About A "Large Drop" In The Market

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/14/2016 - 20:11INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Kostin%201
    After recent (and in some cases very dramatic) bearish conversions by the likes of JPMBofACiti and UBS, the only bank that steadfastly held a bullish view on stocks during the recent market squeeze higher was Goldman Sachs. Not any more.
    He also hinted that with 80% of fund managers underperforming their benchmark, the probability of irrational capital allocations increases, and as a result there is a "reasonably high probability" of a large drop (or "drawdown" as a sudden plunge is called in polite circles) in the S&P500 ahead of his year-end 2100 price target.
    Then overnight, Kostin dedicated his entire weekly kickstart piece to just the topic of a drawdowns, saying that "Unbalanced distribution of upside/downside risks suggests “sell in May” or buy protection." He adds that "we continue to expect S&P 500 will end 2016 at 2100, roughly 3% above the current level. However, a shift in investor perception of various risks could easily trigger a drawdown."
    Goldman's stark and unexpected warning is driven by risks which include "elevated valuation, investor positioning, money flow trends, uncertain interest rate policy, weak economic growth, and election year politics. A 5%-10% drawdown in S&P 500 during the next few months implies an index level of 1850 to 1950 and a forward P/E of 15x-16x based on bottom-up consensus EPS."
    Of course, a 10% market drop never ends on a dime, especially in a market as illiquid as this one, and if the recent warning by JPM's Marko Kolanovic is correct, should stocks stumble by 10% in the absence of another round of central bank intervention, we may be looking at the first official market crash in the post-cri
    And just like that Goldman has joined the bearish camp. 
    To be sure, for Goldman faders and contrarians, this may be the most bullish catalyst yet because after the anti-Dennis Gartman ETF, doing the opposite of what Goldman recommends has historically been the most profitable trade. 
    Still, perhaps this time Goldman is not seeking to unload its book on muppets. Here is the full reason behind Goldman's bearishness.

    Following a tumultuous first quarter, S&P 500 has stabilized in 2Q 2016. Realized volatility averaged just 10 in April, the lowest level since May 2015. Implied volatility as measured by the VIX averaged 23 during the first two months of the year before retreating below 15 in May. Equity investors seem complacent rather than bullish about the near-term prospects for US stocks. 

    Looking over the horizon for the next few months, we see a variety of risks that lead us to revisit the adage and ask whether investors should “sell in May and go away” and not return until after Labor Day.
    A drawdown during the next few months could find the S&P 500 index falling by 5%-10% to a level between 1850 and 1950. 16 drawdowns greater than 5% have occurred since 2009, including the 13% correction that lasted 3 months and ended in February (Exhibit 1). S&P 500 trades at 2047 and has a forward P/E of 16.7x based on bottom-up adjusted EPS of $123. A 5% pullback would lower the P/E to 15.8x, implying an index level of 1950. A 10% correction would reduce the P/E to 15.0x and the index level to 1850.
    [url= 1.jpg]INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Kostin%201_0[/url] 
    We continue to expect the S&P 500 index will end 2016 at 2100, roughly 3% above the current level. Not all is bleak, with possible upside arising from the recent trend of positive earnings revisions, as discussed last week, along with the possibilities of investors adding more length and a dovish Fed surprise in June. However, upside/downside risks are not evenly distributed. S&P 500 will likely experience at least one drawdown between now and year-end. We recommend selling upside calls to fund downside protection given the options market prices a below-average probability of a 5%-10% drawdown during the next three months (see Exhibit 2).
    [url= 2.jpg]INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Kostin%202_0[/url]
    The six “known known” risks listed below are currently quiescent but investor perception could easily shift and trigger an equity index drawdown.
    1. Valuation is a necessary starting point of any drawdown risk analysis. At 16.7x the forward P/E multiple of the S&P 500 index ranks in the 86th percentile relative to the last 40 years. Most other metrics paint a similar picture of extended valuation. The median stock in the index trades at the 99th percentile of historical valuation on most metrics. The most likely future path of US equities involves a lower valuation.
    2. Supply and demand trends also suggest downside risk. During the first quarter, the lack of investor positioning in domestic equities was the most bullish argument for a share price rally. Even as the S&P 500 index rebounded from its February 11 low, institutional and hedge fund US equity futures positions remained net short and our Sentiment Indicator hovered near 10 (out of 100, see page 5). A low sentiment reading represents a bullish trading signal for the subsequent 4-6 weeks. Sentiment has shifted sharply during the past few weeks. Since the end of March, investors have bought $23 billion worth of futures positions, lifting our Sentiment Indicator to 32, a less bullish level compared with mid-winter.
    3. Corporate buybacks represent the single largest source of equity demand but may wane during coming months. Most firms completed 1Q earnings season by early May and have now resumed their discretionary buybacks, providing near-term support for the market. The month of May typically witnesses 10% of annual repurchase spending. However, spending normally decelerates in June and again in July, when just 7% of buybacks occurs as companies enter a blackout window ahead of 2Q earnings reports.
    4. The fed funds futures market currently implies an 83% probability of zero (41%) or one (42%) rate hike in 2016. Our economists expect two hikes this year. The two upcoming FOMC meetings (June 14-15 and July 26-27) and the July Humphrey-Hawkins testimony to the House and Senate will offer opportunities for Chair Yellen to guide the market in the direction of the FOMC central tendency, which also anticipates two hikes in 2016. Put differently, given current futures market pricing we believe more likelihood exists for an incremental hawkish surprise than a dovish surprise.
    5. Now-dormant economic growth concerns could awaken at any time and provide a catalyst for a sell-off. Official “total social financing” data shows China credit growth surged by $1 trillion in 1Q but acceleration in credit creation is needed to prevent a slowdown in activity by 3Q (see Asia Economics Analyst, May 3, 2016). Decelerating growth in China would cause investors to re-focus on the prospect of a US recession, a topic that has receded from client conversations after dominating discussions in 1Q. Our US-MAP index of economic data surprises has slipped back into negative territory and reinforces the risk of a slowdown (see page 20). The UK “Brexit” referendum on June 23 represents another imported economic risk.
    6. The US presidential election is now part of every client conversation. The closeness of the race appears to be underpriced by the market given polls in prior presidential elections tightened as voting day approached. History shows that during a typical presidential election year, the S&P 500 index remains relatively range-bound until November (see Exhibit 4). But thus far 2016 has hardly followed a regular election playbook. The upcoming party conventions (Republicans on July 18-21 and Democrats on July 25-28) will almost assuredly raise political uncertainty and weigh on equity valuations.
    [url= 3.jpg]INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Kostin%203_0[/url]
    So fade Goldman again, or assume that after a series of abysmally incorrect calls in the past year it will finally be right? We let readers decide.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon May 16, 2016 12:58 pm

    Posted by benjamin

    May 16, 2016

    The battle for the planet earth is raging on many fronts. The financial war remains the most important of these fronts. Here the Chinese military and the Dragon family behind them are now insisting gold will only be made available to the West if it goes through the White Dragon Foundation and is used to establish world peace, Chinese government sources say. We will talk more about this below but the other big development is that a hand written note was delivered to this writer that said “The Kamikaze will try to assassinate Bummer in Hiroshima.” The meaning is that a suicide bomber will try to kill US President Barack Obama when he visits Japan towards the end of this month.

    Another intriguing, and possibly related, happening is that Japan’s national NHK broadcasting network put out a documentary stating that in 1944 a Japanese military airplane factory was hit with a pinpoint earthquake. Following this, US B29 bombers dropped leaflets saying “what shall we do to you next after the earthquake?” The seismograph of the 1944 earthquake is identical to the pattern seen in the earthquake swarm that was centered on Japanese military bases in Kyushu last month. Here is a link to the Japanese language NHK documentary about the earthquake attack.

    The most likely technology being used for such attacks would be based on Nikola Tesla’s Oscillator which was turned into a military secret by the US government in the 1930’s. The Japanese underground brought this documentary to our attention and say they will get their revenge for the latest earthquake attacks.

    Russian sources, for their part, have forwarded detailed evidence of systematic killing of civilians by the Khazarian mafia in the Ukraine and elsewhere for the purpose of harvesting their organs for transplant. Some of the evidence is attached at the end of this week’s report. You can be sure the perpetrators of these crimes are being hunted.

    The Khazarian mafia, desperate for a refuge from the ongoing purge, has temporarily succeeded in overthrowing the popularly elected Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff. The new government of criminals has already set about “privatizing” (looting) large sections of the economy. You can be sure the battle of Brazil is not over and the new kleptocratic government will not be stable or long lasting.

    Khazarian Nazi faction senior honcho Henry Kissinger, who was not killed as Alexander Romanov of the illuminati wrongly informed us, was summoned to the Pentagon on May 9th, the date of Russia’s victory over Germany in World War 2, Pentagon sources say. There Kissinger was told

    More at website as member:“kamikaze”-in-hiroshima/

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Age : 60
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    Post  Eartheart Tue May 17, 2016 9:45 am

    I apologize for not responding sooner, but I had much more important matters to attend to, and I truly spent much too much time on this internet nonsense already. You have made many statements and assumptions I am again obliged to address in a public venue. This preferred method of communication without a modicum of privacy is but a stream of verbiage designed to create some sort of “he said she said” environment, the purpose of which escapes me at the moment.

    Rather than a line by line answerback, I will just give you my thoughts as they come to me and in the end, I hope to present a different path for the OITC to take rather than this “kill the infidel” approach.

    The current attempts of many from all walks to come forward to make a difference to our Humanity, and the predicaments we all face as a result of a long period of being trodden on, are clearly evident from the messages of Benjamin Fulford, Neil Keenan, Karen Hudes, Anna von Reitz, Alex Jones, Sheldon Nidle, and many others too numerous to mention. The common thread of trying to help our Humanity is present in each individual and/or group. This is undeniable and clearly evident as per the messages given. Helping is in our nature.

    The investigation of the current state, uncovering and understanding historic facts, timelines and bloodlines, assembling the evidence, and properly disclosing and presenting an element that has gone wrong and harmed Humanity is the goal of each individual and entity on the internet it seems.

    The methodologies, positions, and postures differ from one to the other, but the common thread is in existence throughout. However, although the common thread of helping Humanity is deep in each case, the top and visible part of differing opinions causes much strife. Strife is undesirable as it only feeds emotion critters, and a unity of purpose and understanding is preferred. Given that disseminating this information to the rest of the world is clearly evident in the writings and messages we see on the internet, finding a path to walk on to the benefit of our Humanity is the second common thread that runs through all the information disseminators on the internet.

    But, here’s the but, because of the amount of differing thought, opinions, systems (and checks and balances not quite evident for whatever reason), these provide differing paths to the exclusion of others where they are deemed as improper or incorrect. Strife is created at this point. This is clearly the point reached here with OITC and Landa, and OITC and others.

    Each and every one wishes and intends the benefit of our Humanity from their particular system or method. The difference in approach and execution has resulted in attacks against each other, and has created a circus. Many times strife appears to be created for apparent good reason, but sometimes only for a differing opinion.

    Regardless of the disparage between individuals and entities on the internet in their views, the common threads are what I choose to pursue to the exclusion of anything else. It is the one choice that makes the most sense to peruse, and the rest of the strife can go pound sand.

    On the internet, different sources of information and real time events are disclosed for scrutiny by all, and it is from this the strife comes into being via these “he said she said” skirmishes and wars online.

    We can see a good example in Karen Hudes. She is a lawyer and economist by discipline. As lead counsel for the World Bank for 21 years, she found financial information being fiddled (her words), and she of course reported that to the Audit Committee as was her duty. When no results came, and the condition persisted and was being ignored, she pursued the next level of authority. She went to the US Treasury Department. When that did not work, she went to the US Congress. When that did not work, she went to Ben Bernanke. When that did not work, she went to the people and the internet, where she is currently. Now, for whatever reason, her writings on the internet have come under attack as she tries to bring light on the events she knows about.

    It is also clear by the above sequence, that the cabal is there by virtue of the reluctance of the various levels to look into the matter and set it right. The fiddling of the books is as corrupt as you can get, so it is clear the corruption runs deep.

    Those on the internet are actually trying to do something about the human condition, and that is extraordinary by itself as such awareness did not exist until 2 university kids kick started it. But again, the methodologies by which each is going down some path that seems to make sense at the moment, are rubbing each other the wrong way and strife kicks in.

    From the supposed Red Dragon, to the admission and acknowledgement of the one true authority of the Golden Dragon, to the revelations of collateral accounts and the purpose of the Alpha Omega file for Humanity’s prosperity, to many other startling informations of our times kept secret so long, the evolution of information that makes more and more sense as to how the pieces fit together on the world stage, has remarkably changed people and made them seek paths to help Humanity at this time. A change or evolution of consciousness if you will.

    In this respect, I present the following for your inspection.

    Firstly, in respect of your writings, I must remind you that in order to be guilty of a crime, one has to do a crime. Thus far, a crime has not been committed despite best efforts to prove otherwise. Statements made are just that, and we all know that it is very easy to make a statement without concrete proof as evidenced by the previous writing of the American Lawyer.

    It is also very easy to say that certain pieces of paper called treaties and agreements and such were signed into existence on a global basis that prove validity and authority for the OITC. I have seen my share of fraudulent documents photoshopped to perfection. However, my understanding is that attempts to misuse and assemble the collateral accounts under one person of authority is impossible according to the rules. Is it possible that the OITC is mistaken in its assertion that it has full authority over everything?

    As we all know, there have been attempts to re-assign the collateral accounts many times, and massive fraud has been attempted over time in their respect. Some specific ones were successful and detrimental to the condition of our Humanity. The corruption that was installed a while ago and which has affected us all in great measure, is now coming out to the open and is being dealt with finally.

    The opinion of the OITC having jurisdiction in all matters to do with the global collateral accounts is of interest of course, but that statement contradicts certain informations that I was given in respect of bloodlines, responsibilities, the identifiers associated with those responsibilities. If the OITC is receptive, I can provide a poem that when answered back properly, can provide a clearer path for the OITC in its mandate to help Humanity and actually clarify much.

    I feel that the merits and standings of the OITC need to be more transparent, instead of a blanket statements and dates of treaties that may or may not be valid according to the rules. I suggest you place such evidence directly on your website. Good transparency, and if allowed at this time, would be a good thing. It would clarify the other treaties and agreements made, and completed, with some ongoing for many as the sequence of events and treaties would make sense and clarity would be accomplished.

    The adherence to the rules is of concern to me as they were set forth a long time ago by the Grand Father. These rules are for the safety of the collateral accounts, and indeed for the rest of the wealth of our Humanity. I will say that if the OITC has in its possession and authority: the sun moon elements with a picture of Washington and Victoria, then I will acknowledge the authority represented by that. If the OITC can state with precision the exact person in the Marcos bloodline that is currently in possession of part of the master codes to come out now, and knows what is to come, then I will acknowledge and it will put me at greater ease and I can help with something else. If the OITC can give me the Master’s identification code (that should be easy) or tell me his country of origin, or if the OITC can give me one of the earlier codes of Grand Father or his other name, then I will abase myself and recognize the OITC as the authority.

    There are many thought to be dead, that are not. The Grand Father I speak of is centuries old, and installed the rules of the Keepers and the general conduct. He is alive much to the chagrin of the various people and entities that wished he was dead. He has investigated the current situation, and I can tell you that the general cleanup of many in Keeper positions is completed, and the inappropriate ones are already gone and blacklisted.

    Long ago, the matrix was created for the entities of the UN, BIS, WB, Fed, etc., to be working together in a system for the benefit of our Humanity. These systems became corrupt because of the early shenanigans performed prior to Nathan Rothschild, and certainly later by him and his club of bandits. The cabal found these mechanisms of great use in subjugating our Humanity, and they did exactly that by misusing the mechanisms created for the benefit of our Humanity. Upstairs said point blank they were ready to lose almost all the assets to theft and stupidity, but as long as there was 10% left, that would be enough for the Reconstruction. Are you aware of this and if so, do you have connection to the entity that made and represents that statement?

    Grand Father holds the keys and the authorities. I recognize him, the Master who has responsibility keeping the accounts safe from plunder, and a very few others of the royal level. In that respect, I do not know any Romanov and others you allude to, but I have talked with the supposed King and when I asked HQ about him, I was told that Santiago Martin was a fake and put there as a distraction with zero power to do anything. That makes sense and fits with what the OITC said. The same goes for Johannes Riyahdi and Wilfredo (the Willy) Saurin and a bunch of others. And don’t forget the biggest thief of all, Dr Albert Zvonko. He has caused much harm. So many of these idiots around. Like rats.

    You claim the bonds everywhere right now being dealt with belong to the OITC. The legality of that claim is still to be proven I think as Grand Father has a different opinion. In history, the support of the historic assets had an origination point, one which was Queen Isabela of Spain. You can of course reference the AO file for her and the others responsible for that one. But the properties covered under OCT 01-4 Philippine archipelago code 010-L-50 as amended October 4, 1976 known as backup of managerial papers currency C-1-C-2-19-21-777 maturing 2005 are valid to this situation I was informed. I can continue to the involvement of Archangel Michael Almatin, the Order, and all the other things that happened, but what is most interesting here is the date of 2005.

    This is when the Master attempted to do the change then with the 5 in HK. The change was tried many times, notably 2003, 2005, 2008, 2012. Each time greed and ego dominated and nothing happened. The meeting with the 5 in HK with the Master ended with all in agreement (eventually) with one abstaining stating (in essence) “if I die with the most riches (even if I can not touch them), I win so piss on all of you”. I trust you are aware and remember this attempt and result? This was a sad day as all was ready for launch at that time.

    But I digress. In respect of the collateral accounts, from my understanding they can not be accessed or utilized unless all authorities having jurisdiction are in agreement. This is much like if a Keeper who wishes to access his account in his keep, must have (firstly) the approval of the governing authority, and two others must be present at the bank with the bank officers involved and in agreement. Then and only then can the account be released and become useful. I am sure the OITC can not dispute this rule.

    In the same manner of a safety, the world governing authorities as above must be in agreement as per the rules set down by Grand Father. That is why attempts over the years have met with a zero success rate. Anybody that tried to access and use the collateral accounts or the main principal accounts that comprise the collateral accounts, had the accounts frozen, and were blacklisted by the Master by a red line drawn through the account on the monthly account book that was sent over to the Master by the Fed every month. I know this because he showed me this book and the lines through various accounts that were naughty. In this manner, the safety of the system was assured. Does the OITC know the entity that gets the books, and has the red pen? And what is the color of the other pen?

    When you speak of the theft of the collateral accounts, yes there have been both attempts and thefts, but these thefts consisted of either one of two methods in the majority of cases. One I would think was to unfreeze the account as fast as possible before the next account report and get the money moved, and the other and most common was to block the account in an administrative block, and use it in a technical trigger for a credit line for the purpose of trade. All successful attempts like this made were met with the returns being placed back on the screens and frozen. Many accounts grew considerably by these freezes. There have been zero successful attempts to steal any of the collateral accounts or the master accounts, and I can assure you the collateral accounts are safe and can not be raped and pillaged. This was proven to me.

    By extension, it is impossible for Landa to steal these, so your assertions to this effect are without weight or merit, and a correction should be published by you.

    The checks and balances provided for the safety of the wealth were extensive, brilliant, and correct, and still are. Any attempt to steal these accounts will be met with the same freeze and non-usability as for the previous decades of attempts whether the OITC is present or not, as the Mater has jurisdiction and is responsible.

    In passing here, I must mention the global gold as per the 1950 bilateral agreement created by Congressman Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, or as it is known as the special trust that contains just about all the world’s gold from the past. The gold comes from King Solomon’s era, the Conquistadors who took gold from the Inca, Yamashito during WW I and WW II, and others. He put this gold in the trust for 50 years for the benefit of our Humanity. He may have done things personally that were not so good, but Ferdinand never stole anything from the government or the people. He was and is a credentialed Chinese Family member and one of the high level Keepers (or Guardians if you will). Cleverly, he installed safeguards to prevent the theft of this wealth and used the statute of limitations as the mechanism to ensure the gold was provided to our Humanity. If nobody stepped forward to claim the gold and proved they owned it, the gold became Humanity’s gold. Many have tried to claim it, and failed. So the question I have is: who is the administrator of this gold now belonging to Humanity.

    For further information, see the Bilateral Mines Field Breakthrough Successor Agreement (August 11, 1950) signed for 50 years gold reserve loan programme ending in 2005. There’s that 2005 time/date stamp again.

    As the Grand Father I speak of is a few centuries old, and holds the keys and the authorities, and is the one that originally set the ground rules for Keepers and Guardians, I believe I have correct information from the right entity.

    Our only involvement is to provide the proper venue for the utilization of funds for the purpose of the Projects according to the 22 point Project Directive list on our website. Historic bonds, that may or may not belong to you pending clarification with Grand Father, are only one item that is being dealt with in the overall effort and comprises a very small part of our structure.

    We have other sources of funds meant for the purpose of Projects that have nothing to do with the collateral accounts, so the collateral accounts are irrelevant and really of no interest to us. Your claim that Landa is stealing or attempting to steal collateral accounts, is incorrect and we again request a retraction.

    The current authorities that seem to have the right credentials for dealing with the compensation of the historic assets (the bonds), are the only choice available that have credentials and authorizations dating back to Queen Isabela. Further, they are actually attempting to get the stolen property out of people’s hands and back into the system and consolidated with everything else that was just consolidated and will begin the change in a few days, and have the compensations used to benefit Humanity. Is this not the goal of OITC? Another common thread seems to be here.

    The consolidation is pretty well complete from my understanding and intelligence reports from the Chinese Family side as well as the Europe royal side, and the GCR and RV are scheduled to take place early next week. Is the OITC cognizant of these events? Are they prepared for what is to come now?

    OITC claims to be the M1. Ok fine. Be that as it may, it is certainly not the aspiring Swissindo who proclaimed himself as that, or Chang, or Lee, or a plethora of other so called elders that had some measure of wealth in their keep, and visions of being the M1. My understanding is that an M1 was proclaimed in secret towards the end of last year I think. Do not remember the exact time as that was not important for me to remember. But if such is the case, then the OITC could not be the M1. Ferdinand had something to say in this I believe.

    In respect of the various elders running around with substantial accounts, they forgot their mission by virtue of not getting the right information passed down, and many thought that they were destined to be the M1. At least the Princess I met with who squandered over a trillion did not believe that, but still believed the China Trust to be the one, and was bamboozled into giving up her guardianship instead of trying to use it herself. I believe she was one of the innocents, but she still gave up her guardianship contrary to instructions and the rules and Humanity lost that piece she held for us. The majority of such Keepers all believed that they were the M1 for lack of a clear successor. Grand Father is pondering this, but he was not aware of the OITC when I talked to him about the OITC.

    There are many more instances I can cite of such conundrums, but I have forgotten more secrets than I remember. So many things have happened, all extraordinary in terms of greed and ego, the driving forces of these attempts to rape and pillage. I used to know many details, but all of these have become irrelevant in view of the current state of affairs and the Work ahead of us now. The rest can be relegated to the history books, and being in the now is much better for the purposes of the Projects.

    If the OITC is indeed the M1, that’s fine. It makes no difference to us or what we do, and how we do it. As I previously said David, if you have undertaken such responsibility of the position you hold (and it is real), I tip my hat. I understand what such a position is in terms of load. But I still can say that the OITC being M1 does not impact our goals or methodologies of delivery of help to our Humanity. We have our own funds and mechanisms to deal with those funds for the benefit of our Humanity, hence our past and current disinterest in collateral accounts. This paragraph is a clear and definitive statement of fact, and our official position.

    The OITC should also be aware that Landa was the first one to advise everybody that held historic bonds, actually held and carried stolen material, because Keepers opened boxes of bonds, and sold them contrary to their missions and responsibilities. This created stolen goods that were, over time, sold and resold for good faith money without the knowledge of the real history. Other Keeper heritors were not passed down the full instructions, and thought the wealth they guarded was theirs for disposal and were confused as to why they could not touch a penny. All of these informations critical to the understanding of the historic assets were published by Landa or provided on conference calls to help people understand and to provide clarity to the situations. I would think that you would agree with such an action to educate and provide for clarity on the part of Landa, yes?

    Our attempts to provide clarification are ongoing, but obviously I find your information is in some places contrary to my understandings. Attempting clarifications on several levels in a public domain that you have forced, is difficult at best as opposed to a private email and a telephone call. I can not provide certain detail that may be useful in understandings, as I can not violate the trust that was placed with me by others.

    At this time, until we are understanding of the relationships proffered by the OITC, we have to recognize the authority of the UN, the WB, Fed, IMF, and the other regulatory bodies having jurisdiction. Interestingly, the authorities reclaiming the bonds have documents requiring that the holders of bonds acknowledge that the true owner is somebody other than themselves, and we revised many documents to address such issues. If and when historic bonds are compensated correctly whether by OITC or the designated authority we are aware of, and any funds are allowed for the Projects, we will utilize any allowed funds for Project purposes. I again state we are not involved in the collateral accounts and our focus is on Projects only.

    Our understanding is that compensations provided are meant to fuel Projects. This of course begs the question as to whether the OITC has any plans or mechanisms to recover the historic assets, under what authority contrary to the current authority, when, and how the OITC plans to benefit our Humanity. If the OITC is successful in these endeavours and proves itself as the correct entity to handle these items, then we stand equally ready to utilize the funds for the benefit of our Humanity through the global Reconstruction Projects. Our direction has remained the same, and will continue to be the same since our inception.

    In view of the above, it is clear that there is a much more here than meets first blush. I do recognize that this communication is actually an introduction that never would have happened without these internet forums that are used to disseminate information. The key to the usefulness of such is to utilize introductions in a positive way instead of the typical he said she said internet war venue that causes much strife.

    On a side note and as I briefly mentioned above, it is of historical interest to understand that the beginning of global awareness regarding the cabal and the wealth of Humanity was started purportedly by 2 fellows at a university that one night said “hey, let’s put together a wish list and make it really cool and desirable and build a virtual next step for Humanity and fill it with really good goals and results and call it NESARA”. This exploded all over the internet and became almost a cult, and so awareness of a different path for Humanity was created.

    Many since have confirmed the various elements of the Divine Plan here and there, and even by its own admission, the OITC is confirming that it is here to provide for the health and welfare of our Humanity. Seems to be a common thread in many places, right?

    Whether the NESARA became a reality by Clinton or not, is irrelevant. What matters is that an awareness occurred of a different path for Humanity, and the world changed. Look where we are now. We are unearthing the reality of what has occurred in respect of the history of the world, global collateral accounts, historic bonds, wrong doings in the various bodies of authority, thefts, murders, cover-ups, and all manner of disclosure.

    The opportunity in enabling clarity to reign supreme is here and now. How this and other matters are handled from hereon, is important to define for understanding on levels beyond the immediate “he said she said” would you not agree? Your current stance is that of assertion of facts that you believe to be true, and discreditation of other sources of information and suppositions. Clarity is really needed in view of the information I have provided.

    The other parts to this picture are held by the current cabal dominated elements in the overall structure as evidenced by Karen Hudes inability to have fiddling corrected right to Ben Bernanke level. The UN, BIS, EU, WB, 300, Fed, Treasuries, etc. have clear administrative control over the assets at the moment, but we are aware that the corrupted control structures inherent in these organizations are being dismantled en masse and that is all being “fixed” internally for the Divine Plan to succeed.

    These entities were created as part of the initial Plan, and were to serve as real-time service providers to Humanity. As before said, they were unfortunately corrupted over time, and are now in the process of correction as the royals in Europe and China are largely responsible for the safety of the assets and the purity of the control structures. Again, I can provide a poem if you so desire to provide another path and connection to another level for you.

    We know that according to the rules, all of the above organizations are required to be in assent if anything is done with the collateral accounts. If there is no assent, the assets can not be used. No one entity or organization can use the assets unilaterally. Further, the efforts of the non-cabal side of authority has ensured that the cabal’s accounts were frozen and/or confiscated if there was theft. Remember Japan and the Rothschilds. One day the money was there, the next “poof”.

    But back to my point that the schools of thought here on the internet all share one thing, and that is the advancement and help of our Humanity. The common thread.

    The Truth filters up and becomes known because of this awareness. It is an inexorable and inevitable process and we are grateful for it. It allows the changes that must be made when the lessons are learned and gifts therefrom incorporated into our next iteration of ourselves – which is another way of saying “the I AM evolving towards its best form”.

    What we have here is a blessing from one of those gifts. We have an awareness second to none because of the internet, and now we have become aware of each other. What do we do with this gift?

    Do we squander it in the old paradigm of “sue the bastards because they do not think like us?”, and perpetuate the strife thing with the “he said she sad [said]” thing? Or do we use the connectivity here to compare notes and evolve.

    Everybody dies, but not everybody lives, and the evolution to living a full life is upon us. Why waste the moment by engaging in strife? Put aside the strife and the he said she said, come to a gathering of minds, compare notes, and make the path stronger and better for our Humanity. That is my suggestion and one that makes sense to me.

    Since my understanding is a tad different from yours in this matter, and I carry a somewhat different perspective than yours, the resolution can be forthcoming from a number of ways the main one being from the centuries old entity that has full jurisdiction in most matters, including the collateral accounts to be sure. He also has a direct hand in historic matters by being there at the time, that being something that nobody else can claim. This is by virtue, as you say, bloodline. Ferdinand had the successive authority by virtue of his bloodline, which came from Grand Father. When Marcos will make a statement, it will be listened to I would think. But the source of the bloodline is quite clear.

    I am sure that the OITC, Keenan, Fulford, Hudes, Anna von Reitz, Sheldon, and many others would just love to get away from this strife mode, and work together in enabling true help and service for our Humanity. I am not wrong here according to the evidence of the common threads.

    From what I see, some OITC directives are in keeping with the Divine Plan and the intent of upstairs to create Heaven on Earth. The lack of clarity and cohesiveness in other facets of the whole, in particular the history (the real one), has an ongoing thread that once investigated, will bring clarity. This is why I counsel transparency and the comparison of notes, otherwise the pissing contest will continue to the detriment of our Humanity and play into the other side’s hands.

    Then, the comparison and filling of the holes and tie-ins can be seen and a formulation to amend perspectives can be achieved. The decision rests with you and all on this global stage as to what is going to be done next.

    If this communication and note comparison is achieved, a cohesiveness can occur. This is a path that is desirable and effective, and the forum of interests we utilize on the internet as far as blogs, information dissemination points, and networks of the right hearted and like minded folk that participate in the scrutiny of the informations posted, is an effective meeting ground of connection points necessary for the fulfillment of the uplifting of consciousness. Evolution occurs, right?

    The evolution of our Humanity to the next steps we are to take in understanding our community both below and above, and joining in the effort to move past the highly undesirable strife, and progress and evolve into the next iteration of the human species, is what is required to be done now. The WE ARE have much to do and learn and grow into what we are to be here for for the next thousand years. This is actually a responsibility, and of the highest order of responsibility, to not only ourselves but those standing next to us and those across a galaxy.

    It is all too easy to cause strife and sue each other, but why when we are striving for the same result. Would it not be faster if everybody compared notes, and worked together to make it so? Would that not get the rest of the show on the road much much faster without the negative dynamics of strife?

    Your message was strong and kept focus on the old paradigm. It was presented well. Dwelling there does no real good anymore as we must of needs evolve out of the strife mode, and decline to provide more food for the critters. Humanity will evolve, and the only thing we as people can do is work towards that in clarity and Truth to make it faster to the next iteration of ourselves. This is desirable and effective. As I said, we can do things much better and much faster.

    In view of the above, you have some choices to make. To continue in the old paradigm, to choose to compare notes, to pave a path for the benefit of Humanity, or to continue to threaten and beat some drum and maybe with good justification. I do not know your thoughts other than the ones you portray, but regardless of the back and forth, the rest of us I am certain will progress to the Reconstruction Projects and leave strife behind.

    You can respond publicly or privately, it matters not to me. But be aware of one overriding thread through all these aggravations and issues between you and everybody else out there: you wish the best for Humanity as much as the others wish the best for Humanity.

    My question is: why is everybody fighting if everybody wants the same thing. Rather strange, yes? Creation of strife is the goal of the cabal, and you and others are progressing that agenda. Please stop, and look around and ask what’s that sound.

    So other than eloquent slaughter of factual information, and the inexorable demise of logic, there is really nothing here that can not be put on track and resolved to the benefit of Humanity regardless of who is right or who is wrong.

    I await you response. Hobie, please give David my personal email if you would, but really it should be Mr Doug Jones, Exec.VP Historic Assets at that should be addressed in regard of historic assets and their disposition. It is late and I must get back to real work. Much thanks.

    Kind regards
    On behalf of and for
    Landa China Development Investment Corporation.
    Jerzy Babkowski

    Last edited by Carol on Tue May 17, 2016 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Did you know that Jan 20, 2015 - Zap is Jerzy Babkowski, an international con-man, known widely for his fraud in China, Hong Kong, Europe, Canada and many other countries. He also asks for $ on a regular basis.)

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue May 17, 2016 2:46 pm
    Published on May 12, 2016
    Sub for more: | Jay Syrmopoulos for the Free Thought Project reports after a global call to arms, the Anonymous campaign against the global banking industry, OpIcarus seems to be gaining major momentum, as eight more financial institutions have been taken down after the initial attack on the Central Bank of Greece – followed by a similar DDoS attack on the Central Bank of Cyprus. According to a video released in conjunction with OpIcarus, the attack on Bank of Greece marked the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue May 17, 2016 4:23 pm

    HSBC axes 840 IT jobs in Britain in first big wave of planned cuts


    Russia, Vietnam to Expand National Currency Transactions

    Russia and Vietnam are going to expand the national currencies usage in mutual trade and develop cooperation in the banking sector, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Monday.
    Russia and Vietnam intend to expand the use of national currencies in mutual trade and develop cooperation in the banking sector, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said Monday.
    "We have agreed to develop cooperation in the field of banking, and to extend where possible the scope of the use of national currencies in bilateral turnover," Medvedev said after meeting his counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc.
    The Russian head of government noted that the two countries’ business circles voiced interest in telecom and IT cooperation

    The 'audit the Fed' movement is taking a big step forward in Congress this week

    .An effort to conduct an unconventional audit of the Federal Reserve is gaining traction in Washington and on its way to a potentially important milestone this week.
    The Federal Reserve Transparency Act will undergo the markup process this week in the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. A product of the "Audit the Fed" movement, the bill seeks not a financial exam of the U.S. central bank but rather a peek behind the curtain of how monetary decision-making happens. The markup comes after several failed efforts to move the legislation ahead, and supporters believe there now is enough backing in Congress to go forward.
    The Fed's policymaking arm, the Federal Open Market Committee, does not meet in public and only communicates its decisions through carefully worded statements at the end of its meetings and through officials' remarks at speaking engagements and through the press.
    Former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul of Texas has been the leading voice behind the Fed auditing effort; his son, Kentucky Republican Sen. Rand Paul, has been spearheading the bill in Congress. The Campaign for Liberty, which Ron Paul chairs, believes this week's legislative effort marks a significant step.
    "Given the tenor of what people seem to be signaling from the campaign trail in both parties, it's not necessarily seen as a good year to be siding with the Federal Reserve, the big banks and international financial institutions against the majority of Americans," Norman Singleton, president of the Campaign for Liberty, said in an interview. "The best possible outcome is for a more fully informed public about Fed monetary policy."
    Scrutiny into the Fed's practices comes as monetary policy has played a central role in the economy and financial markets since the days of the financial crisis.
    The U.S. central bank kept its interest rate target near zero for seven years before hiking a quarter point in December 2015. Also, the Fed conducted three rounds of bond purchases known as quantitative easing that ballooned the bank's balance sheet to more than $4.5 trillion.
    Stocks moved almost in tandem with the Fed's QE operations, overall gaining more than 200 percent since the crisis lows in March 2009 but almost always falling during lulls in the program. The S&P 500 index is up only about 3 percent since the Fed ended the third QE round in late October 2014.
    Fed critics believe the process of how and why the central bank made its decisions should be more transparent.
    "While the Fed has taken the position that we're already audited, the fact is that audit is a financial audit and just provides the figures. It doesn't really give you a full glimpse of the Fed's conduct of monetary policy," Singleton said.
    Indeed, the Fed undergoes a variety of checks. The Government Accountability Office and the Fed's Office of Inspector General conduct multiple exams of Fed business, its financial statements are scrutinized by an independent auditor, and the Fed posts its balance sheet online.
    However, critics are demanding more.
    "The meetings of the Fed, talking about monetary policy, is just the tip of the iceberg about the unprecedented autonomy and capacity that the Fed wields," said Larry Jacobs, a University of Minnesota professor of political science and co-author of the book "Fed Power: How Finance Wins." "There's no other domestic institution that enjoys that kind of power."
    Opponents of the "audit the Fed" movement believe the ultimate consequence will be to remove the Fed's policy independence from political pressure. They believe that independence is necessary for a group that needs to be able to make decisions "reasonably and in the national interest," in the words of former Chairman Ben Bernanke.
    "The Fed should continue to strive to improve its transparency and accountability, and in particular to ensure that Congress has all the information it needs to fulfill its oversight responsibilities," Bernanke wrote in a blog post earlier this year. "However, this goal is not best achieved by overturning longstanding practice and effectively inserting Congress and the GAO into monetary policy decisions, calling into question the Fed's independence."
    However, the political winds do seem to be blowing against the Fed on this matter.
    Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has voiced support for the bill and Democratic challenger Bernie Sanders, a senator from Vermont, voted for the legislation in January. Even Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has supported shaking up the central bank.
    "It's the Fed and the Fed alone that's a radical example of independence and power. The question being raised in the presidential campaign is, 'is this too much and is this the time to look at scaling back the Fed's powers?'" Jacobs said. "There should be a serious vote on audit the Fed. I think it's a reasonable proposal."

    Singapore’s central bank says banks should maintain high level of IT security

    Singapore’s central bank has said banks should maintain a high level of security for their critical IT systems following recent cyber attacks using the SWIFT financial messaging system.
    The Monetary Authority of Singapore “expects financial institutions to implement strong controls in their IT systems as set out in the MAS Technology Risk Management Guidelines,” a spokeswoman said in response to media queries.
    “This includes maintaining a high level of security for their critical IT systems, such as SWIFT.”
    Vietnam’s Tien Phong Bank earlier this week said it had interrupted an attempted cyber heist that involved the use of fraudulent SWIFT messages, the same technique at the heart of February’s massive theft from the Bangladesh central bank.
    Singapore’s MAS will continue to monitor the security landscape and threats faced by the financial industry and provide guidance where necessary, the spokeswoman said.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri May 20, 2016 3:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue May 17, 2016 4:26 pm

    Most US stock investors don't pay taxes on gains: Report

    "Corporate earnings are largely tax exempt at this level," the report said.
    The report found that retirement accounts hold roughly 37 percent of stocks. Foreigners, who generally don't pay U.S. capital gains taxes on their sales of stocks, hold about 26 percent of U.S. stocks.

    "This decline in stock ownership by taxable investors has been hard to spot since it is not obvious in data published by the Federal Reserve and others," the report found. Yet it "affects many of the current tax policy debates," the authors said.

    UK and Singapore fintech tie-up will benefit firms in both countries, say experts
    A new 'fintech bridge' between the UK and Singapore was announced at a meeting of officials and industry representatives from both countries in London last week.

    The deal will involve the sharing and use of information on 'financial services innovation' by the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and Singapore's Monetary Authority (MAS), a statement issued by the Singapore regulator said:

    As part of the deal, the FCA and MAS have also put in place a 'regulatory cooperation agreement'.

    The agreement is designed to help companies win authorisation for new financial technology products, services and business models in both jurisdictions.




    Britain and Singapore establish fintech 'bridge'

    Singaporean officials and fintech companies gathered with UK fintech companies at Downing Street to celebrate the launch of the UK's first-ever Fintech Bridge.

    London - Singaporean officials and FinTech companies gathered with UK FinTech companies in Downing Street to celebrate the launch of the UK's first ever FinTech Bridge, which included the signing of a Regulatory Cooperation Agreement between the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS).

    The agreement will enable the regulators to refer FinTech firms to their counterparts across the globe. It also sets out how the regulators plan to share and use information on financial services innovation in their respective markets.

    The announcement is a major milestone for both UK and Singapore.

    For the UK, this is in line with the government's commitment to ensure the UK remains the global FinTech Capital of the world. The UK FinTech sector is going from strength to strength. It generated £6.6bn revenue in 2015 and has a workforce of over 60,000 employees.

    For Singapore, the announcement underscores the government's commitment to build a Smart Financial Centre that is among the best globally for innovation and dynamism.
    It reflects the shared view that FinTech (and this FinTech Bridge) presents an opportunity to scale the use of technology to improve financial services, across two major global financial hubs.

    The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, Harriett Baldwin, attended the FinTech event at Downing Street and said:

    "I am delighted to announce that we are launching the first "FinTech Bridge" with Singapore today. This is a great opportunity for the FinTech industry in both the UK and Singapore - and builds upon the deepened financial and economic cooperation between the two countries. Forging this bridge with Singapore is the next step on our journey to ensure that the UK and Singapore both remain outstanding FinTech centres."

    Christopher Woolard, Director of Strategy and Competition at the FCA, said:

    "We are delighted to sign this co-operation agreement with the Monetary Authority of Singapore's Financial Technology and Innovation Group. This will help innovative firms from Singapore that want to bring new ideas to the UK, helping the FCA fulfil our objective of promoting competition in the interests of consumers. At the same time, this agreement will give those British firms with new ideas who want to expand into Singapore support, making them potentially more sustainable challengers in the UK."

    Jacqueline Loh, Deputy Managing Director of the MAS, said: "The FinTech Bridge that is forged with the UK today is a significant step forward in our FinTech journey. It will support FinTech innovators who wish to use Singapore as a base for collaboration and as a gateway to other markets in Asia. Singapore's vibrant FinTech ecosystem is well-positioned to serve the Asian market, the fastest growing region in the world. The Agreement between the MAS and FCA will also create...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue May 17, 2016 4:27 pm

    [b]Iran, S. Korea to become great trade partners[/b]

    Referring to the fact that Tehran and Seoul have reached a turning point in their bilateral relations, Jalalpour stressed that there are some principles should be considered for developing bilateral relations could be considered for developing bilateral relations.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri May 20, 2016 2:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri May 20, 2016 2:58 pm

    Foreign banks to start Chinese yuan trade settlement on Friday
    Reuters 5/19/2016

    The first batch of foreign commercial banks has registered to directly trade yuan used for overseas trade settlement and can begin doing so on Friday, the foreign exchange market operator said.

    Approved foreign commercial banks include CTBC Bank, Taipei Fubon Bank, Standard Chartered (STAN.L) and Citibank Hong Kong Ltd (C).

    Foreign central banks have already been approved to trade directly in the country's massive interbank forex market.


    NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Federal Reserve To New US Republic Via A Global Currency Reset


    Here is the latest intelligence report that was sent directly to Neil directly:

    In the interest of expediting mutual understanding I have organized the key information:

    1. The “United States” that has been causing all the trouble is only “the territories and District of Columbia”. Those “United States” known as the United States of America (Minor) have committed fraud against these United States (Major) and the entire rest of the world.
    2. As a result, the United States Major has still not come to the table with regard to the eminent changes in the financial system.
    3. The United States Major issued new Sovereign Letters Patent in November 2015 and appointed new Federal representatives. Mr. Jacob Rothschild representing the UN Corporation and Pope Francis as Trustee have both been notified that THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. has no contract, is acting on a for hire basis only, and is obligated to honor the terms and conditions of the actual Constitution while doing so.
    4. The High Contracting Powers have similarly been informed that none of the ESTATE trusts named after living Americans and created by the UNITED STATES, INC. for its own benefit are contractually valid. These private contracts have been created and secured under conditions of non-disclosure and semantic deceit.
    5. The High Contracting Powers have also been informed that we have acted as the lawful Beneficiaries and Priority Creditors and have authorized the discharge of the “National Debt” owed by the UNITED STATES, INC. against our already accrued “National Credit” so as to put an end to all pretense of conflict with or valid commercial claim against the American People and their actual property assets.
    6. The position of the United States Major is one of guarded optimism. Having clearly defined the problem of fraud and misrepresentation by the United States of America Minor, it is now possible to overcome it. That said, we agree that gold has always been the international medium of exchange in modern times and we understand that other nations may desire or require gold in payment for goods and services. We agree that at least for the time being a precious metals standard may serve to restore a degree of honesty and stability to international markets and that new and stringent bank regulatory mechanisms are sorely needed to prevent speculation, insurance scams, commodity rigging and a host of other evils.
    7. We draw everyone’s attention to the fact that the United States Major’s lawful money is and has always been the United States Silver Dollar. We see no reason why our currency would be in any way incompatible with the proposed international return to a precious metals-based system.
    8. We welcome the understanding and the assistance of the international community as we put our house in order and point out that as we have authorized our Trustees to settle all the debts of the UNITED STATES, INC. there can be no complaints or accusations held against the American People nor any continuing claims against their assets based on the fraudulent misrepresentations of the United States of America, Minor.
    9. What remains to be resolved is an arbitration process by which the United States Major is credited back costs which we have incurred by covering the UNITED STATES, INC. debts and which were never agreed to by any fiduciary deputies of ours.
    10. We trust that the banks are well-aware of where the accounts actually stand, the fraud that has been committed against the United States Major, and their own fiduciary culpability. A prompt and just settlement of these issues is in the best interests of the entire planet and we stand ready to do our part.
    We hope this synopsis of the situation clarifies it for everyone concerned.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri May 20, 2016 7:53 pm

    Frontrunning: May 20
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/20/2016 07:26 -0400

    • Lacking new ideas, G7 to agree on 'go-your-own-way' approach (Reuters)
    • Japan's Aso tells G7 FX stability vital, no competitive devaluations (Reuters)
    • Snubbed by West, Russia rolls out red carpet for Asian leaders (Reuters)
    • The Fed Has Something to Prove to Wall Street (BBG)
    • Trump's Supreme Court list: all conservative, some provocative (Reuters)
    • Nasdaq Raises Lawsuit Threat Over SEC’s IEX Speed-Bump Plan (WSJ)
    • Credit-Card Debt Nears $1 Trillion as Banks Push Plastic (WSJ)
    • Alberta's Wildfires Couldn't Have Come at a Worse Time for the Local Economy (BBG)
    • Paris attack suspect refuses to speak at first French court hearing (Reuters)
    • Dollar Divergence Trade Spurs Best Run Versus Yen Since August (BBG)
    • Yahoo Suitors Expected to Bid $2 Billion to $3 Billion, Below Past Indications (WSJ)
    • An American Magnate in Puerto Rico Is Confused by the Debt Talks (BBG)
    • Lawsuit Claims Another Global Banking Hack (WSJ)
    • Why the Original Maker of Heroin Wants to Sell Corn to Farmers (BBG)
    • San Francisco police chief resigns under pressure after officer shooting (Reuters)
    • Negative Rates Scorned by Japan’s Megabanks as Charts Turn Ugly (BBG

    Overnight Media Digest
    - Authorities trying to locate an EgyptAir plane that disappeared from radar Thursday were battling a lack of concrete evidence and conflicting reports to puzzle out what downed the plane. (
    - Bayer AG 's offer to buy Monsanto Co, on the heels of two other giant agricultural deals, would put a significant share of the corn-seed and pesticide market in the hands of just three companies, raising concerns among U.S. farmers and legislators about more expensive products and fewer choices. (
    - Verizon Communications Inc and others are expected to bid around $2 billion to $3 billion in the auction for Yahoo Inc's core business, less than what the troubled Internet pioneer was expected to fetch, according to people familiar with the matter. (
    - Deutsche Bank AG is investigating a series of trades that may have improperly generated millions of dollars in personal profits, some at the bank's expense, for a handful of current and former employees, according to people familiar with the matter. (
    * Deutsche Bank drew scathing criticism from shareholders on Thursday over its dramatic share price decline, costly legal wrangles and public squabbling among its directors.
    * An EgyptAir jet carrying 66 passengers and crew from Paris to Cairo disappeared from radar over the Mediterranean on Thursday in what Egypt said could have been a terrorist attack.
    * U.S. authorities on Thursday charged a former chairman of Dean Foods Co and a professional Las Vegas gambler with engaging in an insider trading scheme that netted more than $40 million and included a tip that benefited professional golfer Phil Mickelson.
    - General Mills Inc is quietly establishing itself in venture capital, investing in some of new food companies. Its latest investment is $18 million in Kite Hill. (
    - Oracle Corp said Alphabet Inc's Google uses copyrighted material in 11,000 of its 13 million lines of software code in Android, and wants $9 billion from Google. Google says it made fair use of that code and owes nothing. (
    - Wal Mart Stores Inc said its quarterly revenue rose 0.9 percent, which exceeded forecasts and signaled that its strategies to combat a tough retail environment were working. (
    ** The National Energy Board of Canada has conditionally recommended the C$6.8-billion ($5.19 billion) Trans Mountain oil pipeline expansion project, a controversial ruling praised by industry and panned by environmentalists.(
    ** Bombardier Inc is lightening the workload on its passenger rail-car plant in Thunder Bay in an attempt to speed up delivery on a problem-plagued contract for new streetcars in Toronto. The company confirmed on Thursday that it will shift production on one of four contracts the plant is currently executing to another facility in Kingston. (
    ** Two Canadians were among 66 passengers and crew killed when a Cairo-bound EgyptAir flight crashed into the eastern Mediterranean early Thursday on an overnight flight from Paris. (
    ** The incoming CEO of the CPPIB Mark Machin says there will be no change in strategic direction when he takes over from Mark Wiseman who is leaving after just four years at the helm. Machin will be the first non-Canadian to lead the organization that invest funds not needed to pay current Canada Pension Plan benefits. (
    ** The Canadian National Revenue Minister Diane Lebouthillier told lawmakers on Thursday that the government's position on tax evasion is unequivocal. The fallout from revelations contained in the so-called Panama Papers, has forced the government to do more to fight illegal means used by tax cheats. (
    ** Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized "unreservedly" on Thursday for his "poor choices" the day before, as the government retreated from plans to give cabinet unprecedented power over the House of Commons.(
    The Times
    Phil Mickelson, the American golfer, made nearly $1 million buying stock based on insider trading tips, U.S. federal securities regulators alleged yesterday. (
    Rolls-Royce is under investigation for bribery and corruption on a third continent. The Serious Fraud Office is understood to be investigating the engineering group over trade with Nigeria. (
    The Guardian
    The race to acquire BHS has entered its final stages with Matalan tycoon John Hargreaves understood to have offered somewhere between 60 million pounds and 75 million pounds to acquire the stricken retailer. (
    David Cameron has moved to quell a rebellion by Conservative Eurosceptics over a controversial trade deal between the EU and U.S., after he faced the first government defeat on a Queen's speech since 1924. (
    The Telegraph
    The Bank of England must stand ready to slash interest rates towards zero if the economy does not bounce back quickly from its current malaise, according to a top official. (
    Sky News
    Tobacco companies have lost their High Court challenge over government plain packaging rules, the day before they are due to come into force on Friday. (
    Cinven, the private equity firm, is in the early stages of evaluating an approach to the board of Restaurant Group, which has seen its shares plunge by more than half during the last 12 months. (
    The Independent
    Monsanto, the world's largest seed maker with a market value of $42 billion, said it received an unsolicited takeover approach from Germany's Bayer, the latest step in the consolidation of the global seed and crop chemical industry. (
    Thousands would be wiped off house prices and rent if the UK voted to leave the EU in a referendum to be held on June 23, estate agents and letting agents have said. (

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat May 21, 2016 12:42 pm

    The U.S. issued a fresh warning to Japan against competitive currency devaluation on Saturday, exposing a rift on exchange-rate policy that overshadowed a Group of 7 (G-7) finance leaders gathering hosted by the Asian nation. 

    Japan and the U.S. have been at logger-heads over currency policy, with Washington saying Tokyo had no justification to intervene in the market to stem yen gains, given the currency's moves remained "orderly". 
    In bilateral talks ahead of the second day of G-7 talks in Sendai, Japan, on Saturday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso that it was important to refrain from competitive currency devaluations. 

    "Secretary Lew underscored that the commitments made by the G-20 in Shanghai to use all policy tools to promote growth - fiscal policy, monetary policy and structural reforms - and to refrain from competitive devaluation and communicate closely have helped to contribute to confidence in the global economy in recent months," according to a statement by the Treasury Department. "He noted the importance of countries continuing to adhere to those commitments," the statement said..............

    At the same time, French finance minister Michel Sapin said that the G7 did not specifically discuss Japan's currency policies, but that he saw no need for any country to intervene in the FX market at present.

    Global Growth Tops Agenda as G-7 Meeting Kicks Off in Japan
    Update: May, 20/2016 - 18:10
    SENDAI, Japan - Finance ministers and central bankers from the G-7 kicked off meetings in Japan on Friday that could highlight a divide among the club of rich nations over currency policy and how to rev up global growth.
    The two days of talks will see host Japan keen to win an endorsement for its position that fiscal stimulus is the way to kick start the world economy, after a rally in the yen hit the country’s exporters and worsened a slowdown at home.

    But Tokyo’s threat of a market intervention to reverse the rally could put it on a collision course with other G-7 nations, including the United States and Germany which have ruled out such moves.

    French Finance Minister Michel Sapin, attending the talks at a famous hot spring resort in a region badly damaged by the 2011 quake-tsunami disaster, also waved off the idea of countries gaining a trade advantage by manipulating their own currencies.

    "Today we are in a cooperation phase, and not in an intervention or a currency war phase," he said.
    The G-7 group -- also including members from Britain, Canada, and Italy -- will try to hammer out a strategy for keeping a global recession at bay....


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat May 21, 2016 1:10 pm

    Zimbabweans had no choice, but to accept the bond notes
    FINANCE minister Patrick Chinamasa (pictured) has declared that the planned introduction of bond notes to ease the cash crisis was non-negotiable, adding government was determined to implement the new measures despite massive resistance from various quarters of the population.

    Chinamasa told a public discussion, organised by the Southern African Political and Economic Series (Sapes) Trust, in Harare last Thursday that Zimbabweans had no choice, but to accept the bond notes as part of several measures to bring stability into the economy.

    “We are asking Zimbabweans to take a leap of faith into the future. We all lost something in the past, but we cannot be held back by what happened. Some people will have to jump unwittingly. You are going to jump and some of you we will ask you in future how you jumped,” he said….

    "The bond notes will be here until our currency returns when the fundamentals are right. But we will keep on consulting. Nothing is cast in stone regarding the policy pronouncements we have made. But we must make sure whatever we say, we are aware of our unique situation as a country,” he said.

    The Treasury chief accused Zimbabweans of being too sceptical and “specialized in painting a gloomy picture”.
    “We do not need Zimbabweans to make this kind of noise. I can bet when foreigners come to Zimbabwe, they will say how nice the country is, but our people could cry ‘no, it is not’,” Chinamasa said.

    “There is no security risk posed by bond notes. The greatest security risk to our country is an economy that is not growing. We have said this to our colleagues in the security sector. The economy is our first line of defense and the consequences of an economy that is not growing are far worse.”


    Iraq's agreement with the IMF will enable it to issue an international bond
    May 20, 2016
    Direct: agency Fitch Ratings said Friday that Iraq has an agreement with the IMF will open the way to get more international support and the possibility of issuing bonds to global markets.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sat May 21, 2016 2:02 pm

    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 LinkListItem-null-34690F7A00000578-575_308x385
    Leap frogging underwater
    Some times our finances feels like one of those days...

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 11:40 am

    Why The 'Flyover States' Are Hurting - Bubble Finance Is Strictly For The Bicoastal Elites
    We are now in month 83 of this so-called recovery. Yet there are still 45 million people on food stamps——one out of every seven Americans. The median real household income is still 5% below its level in the fall of 2007. There are still only 71 million full-time, full-pay “breadwinner” jobs in the nation—–nearly 2 million fewer than when Bill Clinton was packing his bags to vacate the White House.

    At the same time, we have had monetary stimulus like never before. There has been 90 straight months of virtually zero interest rates. The balance sheet of the Fed has been expanded by $3.5 trillion. For point of reference, that is 4X more than all the bond-buying during the entire first 94 years of the Fed’s history.

    So something doesn’t parse, and that’s to put it charitably. The truth is, the Fed’s entire radical regime of ZIRP and QE constitutes a monumental monetary fraud.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 10:16 pm
    Insider Claims Elite Engineering Total Financial Collapse

    Larry Nicoles is also saying that globally we are at the edge of a economic collapse. US is generally the last one to know. Nicole also said that we're in the middle of the end of the soft coup. First will be the nationalization of the banks... they just did that with Health Care. Second thing is negative interest for once the banks are taken over they will charge you to keep your money in the bank. 3rd thing is repatriation is where they just take your money out of the bank like what happened in Greece. He recommends keeping money out of bank and having cash along with keeping food and supplies on hand.

    Last edited by Carol on Sun May 22, 2016 10:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 10:47 pm

    Bix Weir-USA Must Unite or Die Under Trump/Sanders Ticket

    Published on May 22, 2016
    Financial analyst Bix Weir wrote a recent article that said a “Trump/Sanders ticket would galvanize the nation.” A Trump/Sanders ticket this fall for the White House? Sound crazy? Weir predicts that things will get so bad “the USA must Unite or Die.” Weir contends, “If Trump wins it alone, you are going to see a revolution overnight. You are going to see mass rioting in the streets because there are so many people disenfranchised and angry. Where is the anger going to be placed when people lose their 401-Ks, checking accounts and savings accounts? The banks and the rich. You cannot have Trump leading us forward after that moment. You need both. You need the left and you need the right. I think Sanders and Trump have some kind of back deal going on with the people who are leading their campaigns. They are going to come together when this chaos happens. . . . Any other scenario and you can kiss the United States goodbye in a blink of an eye. The key is, with these guys (Trump and Sanders), they both love their country. They approach it in different ways, but they both love their country.”

    Weir expects his timeline to hit a financial crescendo in the September/October time frame. Weir says, “The Fed and the Treasury are controlling all markets with computer programs. I have proved this a zillion times. They are doing it with the programs that Alan Greenspan wrote in the 1960’s and 1970’s. It has always been the plan to destroy the dollar and go back to a gold standard.”

    Weir ends by saying, “The crash will be electronic. All electronic assets will be frozen and be wiped away. Exchanges will not be open. . . . Nothing will be open and nothing will reopen. We will get rid of the nanny state. . . . There is no way we are ever going to pay off this debt. If there is a crash in the markets, and all the debts and electronic assets were wiped clean, we would win. The U.S. is the largest debtor nation in the world. That was always the plan.”

    Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with Bix Weir founder of

    All links can be found on

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Sun May 22, 2016 11:07 pm
    MUST LISTEN: World Economic Collapse will be SUDDEN and by summer, Gold over $2000! | Bo Polny - Published on May 14, 2016

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed May 25, 2016 2:41 pm

    China Quietly Prepares Golden Alternative to Dollar System
    China, as current chair of the G-20 group of nations, called on France to organize a very special conference in Paris. The fact such a conference would even take place in an OECD country is a sign of how weakened the hegemony of the US-dominated Dollar System has become.

    On March 31 in Paris a special meeting, named “Nanjing II,” was held. People’s Bank of China Governor, Zhou Xiaochuan, was there and made a major presentation on, among other points, broader use of the IMF special basket of five major world currencies, the Special Drawing Rights or SDR’s. The invited were a very select few. The list included German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble, UK Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne, IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde discussed the world’s financial architecture together with China. Apparently and significantly, there was no senior US official present.

    On the Paris talks, Bloomberg reported: “China wants a much more closely managed system, where private-sector decisions can be managed by governments,” said Edwin Truman, a former Federal Reserve and US Treasury official. “The French have always favored international monetary reform, so they’re natural allies to the Chinese on this issue.”

    A China Youth Daily journalist present in Paris noted, “Zhou Xiaochuan pointed out that the international monetary and financial system is currently undergoing structural adjustment, the world economy is facing many challenges…” According to the journalist Zhou went on to declare that China’s aim as current President of the G20 talks is to “promote the wider use of the SDR.”

    For most of us, that sounds about as exciting as watching Johnson grass grow in the Texas plains. However, behind that seemingly minor technical move, as is becoming clearer by the day, is a grand Chinese strategy, if it succeeds or not, a grand strategy to displace the dominating role of the US dollar as world central bank reserve currency. China and others want an end to the tyranny of a broken dollar system that finances endless wars on other peoples’ borrowed money with no need to ever pay it back. The strategy is to end the domination of the dollar as the currency for most world trade in goods and services. That’s no small beer.

    Despite the wreck of the US economy and the astronomical $19 trillion public debt of Washington, the dollar still makes up 64% of all central bank reserves. The largest holder of US debt is the Peoples Republic of China, with Japan a close second. As long as the dollar is “king currency,” Washington can run endless budget deficits knowing well that countries like China have no serious alternative to invest its foreign currency trade profits but in US Government or government-guaranteed debt. In effect, as I have pointed out, that has meant that China has de facto financed the military actions of Washington that act to go against Chinese or Russian sovereign interests, to finance countless US State Department Color Revolutions from Tibet to Hong Kong, from Libya to Ukraine, to finance ISIS in the Middle East and on and on and on…

    Multi-currency world

    If we look more closely at all the steps of the Beijing government since the global financial crisis of 2008 and especially since their creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the BRICS New Development Bank, the bilateral national currency energy agreements with Russia bypassing the dollar, it becomes clear that Zhou and the Beijing leadership have a long-term strategy.

    As British economist David Marsh pointed out in reference to the recent Paris Nanjing II remarks of Zhou, “China is embarking, pragmatically but steadily, towards enshrining a multi-currency reserve system at the heart of the world’s financial order.”

    Since China’s admission into the IMF select group of SDR currencies last November, the multi-currency system, which China calls “4+1,” would consist of the euro, sterling, yen and renminbi (the 4), co-existing with the dollar. These are the five constituents of the SDR.

    To strengthen the recognition of the SDR, Zhou’s Peoples’ Bank of China has begun to publish its foreign reserves total–the world’s biggest–in SDRs as well as dollars.

    A golden future

    Yet the Chinese alternative to the domination of the US dollar is about far more than paper SDR currency basket promotion. China is clearly aiming at the re-establishment of an international gold standard, presumably one not based on the bankrupt Bretton Woods Dollar-Gold exchange that President Richard Nixon unilaterally ended in August, 1971 when he told the world they would have to swallow paper dollars in the future and could no longer redeem them for gold. At that point global inflation, measured in dollar terms, began to soar in what future economic historians will no doubt dub The Greatest Inflation.

    By one estimate, the dollars in worldwide circulation rose by some 2,500% between 1970 and 2000. Since then the rise has clearly brought it well over 3,000%. Without a legal requirement to back its dollar printing by a pre-determined fixed amount of gold, all restraints were off in a global dollar inflation. So long as the world is forced to get dollars to settle accounts for oil, grain, other commodities, Washington can write endless checks with little fear of them bouncing, stamped “insufficient funds.”

    Combined with the fact that over that same time span since 1971 there has been a silent coup of the Wall Street banks to hijack any and all semblance of representative democracy and Constitution-based rules, we have the mad money machine, much like the German poet Goethe’s 18th Century fable, Sorcerers’ Apprentice, or in German, Der Zauberlehrling. Dollar creation is out of control.

    Since 2015 China is moving very clearly to replace London and New York and the western gold futures price-setting exchanges. As I noted in a longer analysis in this space in August, 2015, China, together with Russia, is making major strides to back their currencies with gold, to make them “as good as gold,” while currencies like the debt-bloated Euro or the debt-bloated bankrupt dollar zone, struggle.

    In May 2015, China announced it had set up a state-run Gold Investment Fund. The aim was to create a pool, initially of $16 billion making it the world’s largest physical gold fund, to support gold mining projects along the new high-speed railway lines of President Xi’s New Economic Silk Road or One Road, One Belt as it is called. As China expressed it, the aim is to enable the Eurasian countries along the Silk Road to increase the gold backing of their currencies. The countries along the Silk Road and within the BRICS happen to contain most of the world’s people and natural and human resources utterly independent of any the West has to offer.

    In May 2015, China’s Shanghai Gold Exchange formally established the “Silk Road Gold Fund.” The two main investors in the new fund were China’s two largest gold mining companies–Shandong Gold Group who bought 35% of the shares and Shaanxi Gold Group with 25%. The fund will invest in gold mining projects along the route of the Eurasian Silk Road railways, including in the vast under-explored parts of the Russian Federation.

    A little-known fact is that no longer is South Africa the world’s gold king. It is a mere number 7 in annual gold production. China is Number One and Russia Number Two.

    On May 11, just before creation of China’s new gold fund, China National Gold Group Corporation signed an agreement with the Russian gold mining group, Polyus Gold, Russia’s largest gold mining group, and one of the top ten in the world. The two companies will explore the gold resources of what is to date Russia’as largest gold deposit at Natalka in the far eastern part of Magadan’s Kolyma District.

    Recently, the Chinese government and its state enterprises have also shifted strategy. Today, as of March 2016 official data, China holds more than $3.2 trillion in foreign currency reserves at the Peoples’ bank of China, of which it is believed approximately 60% or almost $2 trillion are dollar assets such as US Treasury bonds or quasi-government bonds such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac mortgage bonds. Instead of investing all its dollar earnings from trade surpluses into increasingly inflated and worthless US government debt, China has launched a global asset buying strategy.

    Now it happens that prime on the Beijing foreign asset “to buy” shopping list are gold mines around the world. Despite a recent slight rise in the gold price since January, gold is still at 5 year-lows and many quality proven mining companies are cash-starved and forced into bankruptcy. Gold is truly at the beginning of a renaissance.
    The beauty of gold is not only what countless gold bugs maintain, a hedge against inflation. It is the most beautiful of all precious metals. The Greek philosopher Plato, in his work The Republic, identified five types of regimes possible–Aristocracy, Timocracy, Oligarchy, Democracy, and Tyranny, with Tyranny the lowest most vile. He then lists Aristocracy, or rule by Philosopher Kings with “golden souls” as the highest form of rule, benevolent and with the highest integrity. Gold has worth in its own right throughout mankind’s history. China and Russia and other nations of Eurasia today are reviving gold to its rightful place. That’s very cool.

    F. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed May 25, 2016 2:43 pm

    U.S. swaps regulator approves rule closing cross-border loophole

    For fun: Washington Republican primary results: track the votes, county by county

    Currency War Resumes - China Devalues Yuan To 5-Year Lows

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 22:25INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Cid:8A529A9A-4088-4D16-A75B-C930724BAA5F@hawaiiantel
    After a brief haitus from the ongoing currency wars, China fired another salvo at The Fed tonight by devaluing the Yuan fix to 6.5693 - its weakest against the USD since March 2011. After eight days higher in a row for The USD Index, it seems PBOC has turned its currency liberalization plan off, stabilizing the broad Renminbi basket (which has been steadly devalued) and turning its attention to devaluing against the USD. Having unleashed turmoil in August (pre-Sept FOMC) and January (post Dec rate-hike), it appears the rising rate-hike probabilities jawboned by The Fed are decidedly disagreeable to "authoritative persons" in China.

    Japan's Broken Economy - 25 Years Of Failed "Stimulus" & "Temporary Illusions"

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 19:30INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Cid:B1D46CCE-2730-49AD-979E-7E548F0C3B69@hawaiiantel
    Given the history of intervention and “stimulus”, and more so when it occurs and really re-occurs, any impartial observer would be forgiven if they believed that QEs were actually constant impediments to growth. The proliferation of “stimulus” after the Great Recession correlates only with this downshift in the Japanese economy that cannot be due to demographics. At best, QEs have accomplished nothing at all positive, leaving no trace of something actually being stimulated for all the sustained “stimulus”; at worst, QE is the cause of Japan’s further nightmarish descent.

    Why China Is Being Flooded With Oil: Billions In Underwater OPEC Loans Repayable In Crude

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 18:01INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Cid:B5B3B257-0B07-4A3C-8B1E-06E5D053A7AF@hawaiiantel
    Poorer oil-producing countries which took out loans to be repaid in oil when the price was higher are having to send three times as much to respect repayment schedules now prices have fallen.  But while these already poor and corrupt OPEC nations were the biggest losers, one country was a huge winner, the country that provided the billions in virtually risk-free, oil-collateralized loans to any country that requested them. China.

    The War On Cash Is A War On Your Freedom To Opt Out

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 11:20INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Cid:BB067CDD-54A7-45F6-96FB-D99066536133@hawaiiantel
    Cash is a proxy for the freedom to maintain some privacy in an era of Big Brother repression, surveillance and the suppression of dissent. Ultimately, the war on cash is all about increasing control by eliminating privacy and the freedom to abandon the debt-serf rat-race.

    More Young Americans Live With Their Parents Than At Any Time Since The Great Depression

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/24/2016 - 17:00
    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 Cid:7B009A00-FF9D-440F-BEEF-97AFEC922D7E@hawaiiantel

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Wed May 25, 2016 3:49 pm

    In Latest Market Rigging Settlement, Citi Fined $425MM For Manipulating Interest Rates

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2016 - 11:18

    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 220160524_manip
    Another day, another too-big-to-fail bank gets slapped on the wrist after being busted for blatant rigging of the market. The CFTC Order finds that from Jan 2007 to Jan 2012, Citibank on multiple occasions attempted to manipulate, and made false reports concerning, the U.S. Dollar International Swaps and Derivatives Association Fix (USD ISDAFIX), a global benchmark for interest rate products. Notably, while a handful of European banks have already settled criminal or civil claims tied to Libor rigging, Citi is the first U.S. bank to do so. Citi will pay a combined $425 million to resolve this manipulation, and as they proudly note in the press release, with today's actions, CFTC has imposed over $5.08 billion in penalties in 17 actions against banks and brokers to address rigging and manipulation in ISDAFIX, FX, and LIBOR benchmarks.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Thu May 26, 2016 10:49 am

    Free Thought Project 5-25-16… “Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, & Vatican — Total Media Blackout”
    Posted on 2016/05/25 by kauilapele

    A few of you have pointed me to this one. It does seem valid, and I believe this is likely going on in concert with lots of other “stuff”. Stay tuned!!

    “Amidst a global media blackout of Anonymous’ ongoing worldwide attacks on the “corrupt banking cartels,” the hacking collective has now taken down some of the most prestigious institutions in global governance. OpIcarus has recently taken offline the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange, five U.S. Federal Reserve Banks and the Vatican.

    “Operation Icarus was relaunched in conjunction with a video release announcing the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.” Since that time, the scope and magnitude of the attacks have increased exponentially, with Anonymous, Ghost Squad Hackers, a number of Sec groups and BannedOffline coordinating attacks — each focusing on separate financial institutions in an effort to maximize the number of targets hit.

    [Anonymous] “We would just like to make it very clear that all targets of #OpIcarus have been Rothschild and BIS central owned banks. In fact most of the targets so far such as Guernsey, Cyprus, Panama, Jordan, British Virgin Isles, etc are in the top 10 places of tax havens for the elite. No on-line consumer accounts were harmed, no ATM’s were blocked and no personal client data was leaked. This has been a protest against the Central Banks and the 1% — no innocent or poor people were harmed”

    “The operation began with an initial attack on the Central Bank of Greece and was quickly followed up with a similar DDoS attack on the Central Bank of Cyprus. The hackers then targeted the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, the Dutch Central Bank, the Central Bank of Maldives, and Guernsey Financial Services Commission, according to the official @OpIcarus Twitter account, which has been taken offline — presumably by Twitter.

    “Make no mistake that this operation has already been extremely effective — evolving and growing rapidly. The fact that global corporate media is refusing to report on these numerous high-profile attacks is indicative of the fear the 1% have of OpIcarus garnering massive public support. The attempt to conceal the scope and breadth of this operation from public purview reveals the visceral fear the elite harbor toward those they prey upon. It “


    Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, & Vatican — Total Media Blackout

    Amidst a global media blackout of Anonymous’ ongoing worldwide attacks on the “corrupt banking cartels,” the hacking collective has now taken down some of the most prestigious institutions in global governance. OpIcarus has recently taken offline the World Bank, the New York Stock Exchange, five U.S. Federal Reserve Banks and the Vatican.

    After announcing a global call to arms against the “corrupt global banking cartel,” the hacker collective, known as Anonymous, in conjunction with Ghost Squad Hackers, have taken more than 30 central banks offline, including striking many targets at the heart of the Western imperialist empire.

    An Anonymous press release explained the intention behind the operation:

    “The banks have been getting away with murder, fraud, conspiracy, war profiteering, money laundering for terrorists and drug cartels, have put millions of people out on the street without food or shelter and have successfully bought all our governments to help keep us silenced. We represent the voice of the voiceless. We are uniting to make a stand. The central banks which were attacked in recent days were attacked to remind people that the biggest threat we face to an open and free society is the banks. The bankers are the problem and #OpIcarus is the solution.”

    Operation Icarus was relaunched in conjunction with a video release announcing the beginning of a “30-day campaign against central bank sites across the world.” Since that time, the scope and magnitude of the attacks have increased exponentially, with Anonymous, Ghost Squad Hackers, a number of Sec groups and BannedOffline coordinating attacks — each focusing on separate financial institutions in an effort to maximize the number of targets hit.

    In a previous interview with the Free Thought Project, an Anonymous representative clarified that the operation is in no way intended to impact individuals accounts held within the banks, explaining that OpIcarus is directed solely at the 1% perpetuating injustice:

    “We would just like to make it very clear that all targets of #OpIcarus have been Rothschild and BIS central owned banks. In fact most of the targets so far such as Guernsey, Cyprus, Panama, Jordan, British Virgin Isles, etc are in the top 10 places of tax havens for the elite. No on-line consumer accounts were harmed, no ATM’s were blocked and no personal client data was leaked. This has been a protest against the Central Banks and the 1% — no innocent or poor people were harmed”

    The operation began with an initial attack on the Central Bank of Greece and was quickly followed up with a similar DDoS attack on the Central Bank of Cyprus. The hackers then targeted the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic, the Dutch Central Bank, the Central Bank of Maldives, and Guernsey Financial Services Commission, according to the official @OpIcarus Twitter account, which has been taken offline — presumably by Twitter. The National Bank of Panama and the Central Bank of Kenya were also reportedly targeted a day later, according to hacking news publication HackRead.

    Additionally, reported Ghost Squad Hacker, s1ege also tweeted about taking the Central Bank of Bosnia-Herzegovina offline and provided a screenshot to verify. The Twitter account @BannedOffline also reported the Central Bank of Mexico had succumbed to a DDoS attack by the hacking collective. The online hacktivist groups have continued to conduct a series of high-powered distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, which forced the website of Central Bank of Jordan, Central Bank of South Korea, Bank of Compagnie, Monegasque and the Central Bank of Montenegro offline.

    Last Saturday, hackers conducted a series of 250 Gbps DDoS attacks on the Bank of France, Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates, Central Bank of Tunisia, Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago and Philippine National Bank. That was followed up by an attack on  the Central Bank of Iraq.

    The initial attacks were reported in global corporate media, such as Reuters, with subsequent strikes being reported by independent outlets such as the IBTimes and HackRead. The most recent press release from Anonymous summarized some of the attacks of the past week, as global media has curiously stopped reporting on the attacks altogether.

    Greetings citizens of the world, we are OpIcarus a collective of citizens from around the globe working on exposing the 1% through the global banking systems. The elite are responsible for the corruption currently taking place in all governments, media, drug cartels, sex trafficking and money laundering. This last week we have had success in taking down the banking systems of the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank, the Vatican, Morocco, Macedonia as well as the Central Bank of Venezuela. We stand with the people of Venezuela as they protest their corrupt government and all should expect our support through operations during these uprisings wherever they may arise. We are the people, We stand with the people, We support the people.

    After announcing OpIcarus at the beginning of May, Anonymous released a list of institutions the collective plans to target, which is divided into four sections — websites associated with the U.S. Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), sites owned by the World Bank, and over 150 sites associated with national banks around the globe.

    In just a few weeks, OpIcarus hackers have hit dozens of financial institutions listed in their online manifesto. Any questions about whether the hacktivists would be able to take out some of the more high-profile institutions seem to have been answered with the recent successful attacks on the World Bank, the U.S. Federal Reserve Banks, the Bank of France and the Bank of England — the central banks of the U.K. and France – and the Vatican.

    The attack on the Bank of England was unique from the previous attacks, as it reportedly took down the internal email server.

    While some have questioned the effectiveness of OpIcarus, senior director at Corero Network Security, Stephanie Weagle told Info Security magazine:

    “While the impact on the individual targets of the DDoS attack campaign, ‘OpIcarus’ is unclear; obstructing or eliminating the availability of email servers is significant. In an online world any type of service outage is barely tolerated, especially in the banking industry where transactions and communications are often time-sensitive, and account security is of utmost importance.”

    In the world of high finance, time is money and every minute that a bank is forced offline it is losing potential revenue, which in turn hurts the bottom line of those that support the imperial war machine. Thus far, all targeted banks have refused to comment on the damage inflicted by the continuous cyber attacks.

    Make no mistake that this operation has already been extremely effective — evolving and growing rapidly. The fact that global corporate media is refusing to report on these numerous high-profile attacks is indicative of the fear the 1% have of OpIcarus garnering massive public support. The attempt to conceal the scope and breadth of this operation from public purview reveals the visceral fear the elite harbor toward those they prey upon. It seems the only thing the ruling class can do now is attempt to conceal and suppress the information about what’s transpiring in hopes of keeping the populace ignorant.

    Jay Syrmopoulos is a geopolitical analyst, free thinker, researcher, and ardent opponent of authoritarianism. He is currently a graduate student at University of Denver pursuing a masters in Global Affairs. Jay’s work has been published on Ben Swann’s Truth in Media, Truth-Out, Raw Story, MintPress News, as well as many other sites. You can follow him on Twitter @sirmetropolis, on Facebook at Sir Metropolis and now on tsu.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Thu May 26, 2016 9:01 pm

    TOTAL BLACKOUT:  Anonymous Hits New York Stock Exchange, World Bank, The Fed, and Vatican — Total Media Blackout

    Saudis considering unpegging riyal from USD:
    "I just think unpegging the currency is a necessity for the reform plan to succeed. We actually plan to invest heavily in Saudi Arabia after the event occurs," said a New York-based hedge fund manager, declining to be named because of commercial sensitivities....

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri May 27, 2016 11:24 am

    MIDEAST MONEY-Saudi should keep options open on currency peg paper
    By Andrew Torchia
    DUBAI, May 25 Saudi Arabia may need to change its currency's peg to the U.S. dollar if economic conditions shift, researchers at the Saudi central bank suggested in a paper that could shape debate among policymakers as the kingdom grapples with low oil prices.
    The riyal's peg at 3.75 to the dollar has been a cornerstone of Saudi policy since 1986. But the collapse of oil prices since 2014, which created a $100 billion state budget deficit, has fuelled speculation in financial markets over whether it can be sustained for many mor
    I just think unpegging the currency is a necessity for the reform plan to succeed. We actually plan to invest heavily in Saudi Arabia after the event occurs," said a New York-based hedge fund manager, declining to be named because of commercial sensitivities....

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32700
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Fri May 27, 2016 11:34 am

    China's chilling plan to use social credit ratings to keep score on its citizens
    At the core of China's Internet agenda lies the so-called "social credit system". 
    This system, which is currently in the planning phase, seeks to leverage the explosion in personal data generated through smartphones, apps and online transactions in order to improve citizens' behaviour. 
    According to a planning document published by the State Council last year, its objective is to improve "sincerity" in government affairs, commerce and social interactions. 
    The principle is simple: 
    Individuals and businesses will be scored on various aspects of their conduct -- where you go, what you buy and who you know -- and these scores will be integrated within a comprehensive database that not only links into government information, but also to data collected by private businesses.

    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 38 151026183149-china-replacing-workers-with-robots-stevens-pkg-qmb-00000000-medium-plus-169

    Robots take over factory floors 01:57

    Policy documents about how the system might be used remain vague and general. 
    However, they do indicate that an individual's credit score might be used in granting or withholding particular social services, barring fraudulent individuals from certain forms of business, and in order to publicly shame perpetrators of "trust-breaking."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 18, 2024 4:21 pm