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    Post  Carol Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:33 am
    Published on Feb 15, 2016
    2016 Bank Bail-ins, Financial Crisis - Whats next? The war on your money

    OK and hello everyone
    Im going to tell you today about something that the mass media has all but ignored but affects every person with a bank account.

    On jan 1 2016 the EEC put into effect its new bank bail in regulations, this will mirror the similar regulations on bank bailing in the USA, Australia and NZ and eventually into every developed nation in the world 

    Whats a bank bail in?

    well in 2008 the world banking system was about to collapse, virtually all banks were insolvent and governments were forced to bail them out by printing unimaginable amounts of new money to give to the banks to prop them up. the bill for all that printed money, which ran into trillions went to the taxpayer, that you and I and it came in the form of increased taxes and austerity measures on the poor. 

    Since then they should have find the bank problem but they never did. instead they devised new rules so that in the next crisis, and yes there will be a next crisis, you, the depositors will pay for the banks errors directly by allowing the banks to seize your deposits, thats your savings.

    how can they do this?

    most of you have no clue that when you put money in your bank you are giving it to the bank, yes i said giving it, because legally and practically you become a creditor of the bank. the money is not longer yours, you are now an unsecured creditor, if you don't believe me, check it out yourself.

    so when a bail in is enacted the banks can recapitalise themselves by taking the deposits of the unsecured creditors, they do this by cancelling your deposit and in doing so they no longer have a liability to you not heir balance sheet. its like a friend giving you $ 100 and then you saying I'm keeping that i don't owe you it back, you wont be getting it back.

    thats how a bank bail in works but its totally legal

    Now the regulations say its only the deposits over 100k that can be seized and the rest should be insured against the banks failure.

    now you might say i cont have more than 100 k in the bank so it not a problem for me. well listen up.

    first, if the governments cannot afford to protect your deposits the way they did before , in fact its now illegal for those governments to bail out the banks with public money, who is going to protect those deposits? the regulations say it should be insured but who can cover these massive losses?

    in the USA the FDIC protection scheme has 25 billion in it, that's peanuts, the total deposits as of q1 2015 was 10.5 trillion dollars.

    so there is no backup plan, its another case of smoke and mirrors from the central bankers. in actual fact all bank deposits are at risk as are any cash deposits held in pension schemes, in fact any money anywhere that the banks hold is at risk and this includes savings and loans , building societies and any institution large or small that keeps savers money.

    so this does include you

    second, when the next crisis hits banks all over the place will close their doors, just as they do last time. there will be tales of software glitches, irregularities, extended bank holidays and long weekends, its all been done before and will be done again.

    whats the effect on you?

    the hole in the wall wont work, it'll be empty
    you cc wont be accepted
    your bills wont get paid
    your loans wont get paid 
    and your mortgage wont get paid and you will be in default. 
    even if its with the same bank that is keeping your money form you!!!!

    even when banks reopen they will restrict the amount you can take if there is an left. in cypress nobody could get more than 200 euros a week, in greece it was the same.

    this all happened last time and millions of people have never recovered from it

    this time it will be much worse and its already beginning

    heres a few examples



    in 2008 the alarm bells began to ring when legmen brothers one of the oldest merchant banks in the world suddenly inexplicably went bust, but heres the thing, the rumours were there already

    june 2008 rumours about lehmans and march 2008 about bear sterns both being potentially bust, both would be denied but both would be proved correct , they were bust.

    fast forward to today

    what's happening

    well we know that banks in europe are bailing in their depositors

    back in 2008 lehmans share price plummeted 75%, it went up and down and people all said they were sure it was a solid bank

    but heres the airy thing look at Deutche bank, the great german bank

    its share price has lost 53%, its price has bounced up sometimes as much as 10% in a single day, the german chancellor merely has said she stahnsds behind th bank

    it all sounds like an echo from 2008

    you have been given forewarning, do yourself a favour and act on it.


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
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    Post  Carol Sun Apr 17, 2016 12:34 pm

    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 34 20160416_snail_0
    "If You Like Your 'Peddled Fiction', You Can Keep It..."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:43 pm

    The Final Days of the Federal Reserve - Operation Disclosure

    Gold Backed Yuan Soon  
    Many factors are aligning to indicate a Gold backed Chinese Yuan may displace the dollar and lead to a huge devaluation of its purchasing power. Why is the President, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, and the World Bank all having "Behind Closed Door Meeting"?

    Sources are reporting the Chinese may soon come out with a Gold Backed Yuan. They report that China will no longer accept payment in dollars, and it's expected that Russia will follow their lead with their own Gold backed currency.+

    sources are reporting the Chinese may soon come out with a Gold Backed Yuan. They report that China will no longer accept payment in dollars, and it's expected that Russia will follow their lead with their own Gold backed currency.

    The implications for Americans is dire, as such a move by either country would propel other nations to abandon the dollar in their trade. According to Dr. Jim Willie, this movement is well under way, and could lead to a decline in the circulation of the dollar in international trade as much as 50%.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:44 pm

    An interesting read to say the least....
    What to Expect on April 19, 2016 

    1. The Rock:  I expect the UN Corp doing business as the IMF (which is merely doing-business-as the “UNITED STATES” and as the “United States Treasury”) to try to stick us with all their debts, because they are crooks and they naturally don’t want to pay their own debts out of their own profits. They are basically trying to stage a repeat of what FDR did back in the 1930’s when he got the clueless Americans to assume and pay the debts of the “United States of America, Inc.” --- a bankrupt privately owned and operated governmental services corporation – under conditions of constructive fraud and semantic deceit. 

    [ Special Note about the "New Republique": You may be have heard via a Mr. Cottrell that the French Government filed the paperwork to set up a “new Republic” for us in filings with the Hague.  

    Now, why would we want or need the French Government to do that, when we have already done that for ourselves? 
    The IMF and its parent, the UN Corporation, are chartered in France-- and it is technically the French Government’s fault that these corporations have been allowed to terrorize and bilk the entire rest of the world and to defraud the innocent people of the United States under color of law.

    The French supplied the corporations and the British supplied the mechanisms to create this debacle ---and at the end of the day, the rats who masterminded it all, have fled to China.

    If the French Government wants to keep a lid on things, they have to keep a French Corporation providing us with governmental services and forcing us to pay its bills.  This is the “New Republic” that the Joint Chiefs have colluded with and which Paul Ryan is proposing to lead.  

    The so-called “New Republique” is just as fraudulent as the rest of what has gone before and it still depends on a system of human enslavement and “bonds” and “I.O.U.’s” to pay for debts that we don’t owe. The American People have not been given full disclosure and have not accepted this contract and in fact--- we have told Jacob Rothschild and the French Government, thanks, but no thanks, we have made other arrangements, notice of which is on file with the United Nations Secretary General.   

    The “New Republique” is just making us another offer to scapegoat us for the sins of criminals---an offer that would be to our everlasting detriment and to which we solidly object.  We want and need no such masters--neither British Bunko Artists nor French Freemasons need apply.]

    2. The Hard Place:  I expect the Federal Reserve banks to try to force us back onto the Gold Standard, because they have stolen and control all the world’s gold, and the only way they can realize truly obscene profits from that investment is if they succeed in making us trade in gold. 

    3. The Path Between:  I expect Americans to jerk awake and realize that their own national currency, the American Silver Dollar, is alive, well, and ready to trade.  The rats have not been able to corner the silver market, so that provides us with a Third Way—and the only way for us to both repudiate the odious debt and beat the Federal Reserve at its own game. 

    We are not the same as the “United States” entity that has been ruining the whole Earth.  We have in fact been victims of it ourselves. 

    On Tuesday, 19 April 2016 (as the world headlines will read it) the gold-backed Chinese Yuan will become available for trading on a new trading platform and all the disgruntled, disgusted, and many fearful investors will rush in to drink Jacob Rothschild’s Kool-Aid.  

    Many people will do this in the firm belief that they are getting away from the Rockerfeller/Rothschild/Rubenstein Cabal, but they will in fact be vastly profiting the Cabal which has simply moved the focus of its operations to China with the blessings of the Chinese Government. 

    The Federal Reserve (which is not and never was the American People or any part of our lawful government) owed the Chinese Government a huge amount of gold and interest ever since 1928; the Federal Reserve never even bothered to pay the interest they owed, and in 2011, when Neil Keenan sued the rats, they pleaded bankruptcy protection.  

    For a while, it looked like all the Chinese could do was (1) go to war or (2) take the loss. 

    But…. back in 2002, in a relatively minor suit brought before the World Court by Dr. Hendo Henderson and the Government of Sudan, the same rats were denied the option of claiming bankruptcy protection. The Chinese found out about that and the Federal Reserve was finally brought to justice. 

    However, human nature being what it is, the Chinese did not stop with mere justice for themselves, and the Federal Reserve cut them a deal they couldn’t refuse: help us institute a gold-based monetary system and we will generate profits beyond your wildest dreams. 

    It’s the same old story throughout history.  The Good Guys catch the rats, the rats make them a deal they can’t refuse, the Good Guys become complicit in the crime-after-the-fact and embroiled in the whole web of lies.  

    [Oh, one more thing about the Synagogue of Satan--- they use your own virtues against you. They play upon your natural sympathies, your sense of fairness and justice, your desire to do the right thing.] 

    So the Chinese accepted the proposition with honest enough intentions, agreed to set up the gold-backed monetary system, took the bait, and the Khazarians moved to China. 

    The "Chinese Elders" (couldn't tell the truth and involve the official Chinese Government in such a shady deal, so the invention of the Chinese Elders became the First Lie)  came forward and promised to release vast amounts of gold, freely, back to the world for the purpose of economic rebirth and humanitarian aid and infrastructure projects.  Just as the Chinese got back what was lawfully theirs, they proposed that everyone else should be repaid, too. 

    But then, something predictably happened--- or is happening.  

    Some Chinese got greedy behind the scenes.  A kind of madness sets in, in the presence of vast amounts of money, no matter who you are or how good your intentions are. They have started claiming (and indeed, other truly nefarious people have started claiming FOR them---sound familiar?) that all this Federal Reserve wealth--- not just the Chinese portion of it---rightfully belonged to the Chinese all along.  The rest of the world had no part of it.  

    Let’s just ignore the fact that the American People are now and always were the Priority Creditors of the Federal Reserve, that the Americans were grossly defrauded, and that this fact is recorded in literally millions of records.....

    So, now instead of the Khazarian Mafia sitting snug behind the shield of the IMF dba “UNITED STATES” and the Pentagon, they are sitting behind the shield of billions of Chinese---- the point being, oh, Mankind, that the parasites destroying everyone and everything are still high and dry and buying everyone off and spinning lies that would make the Devil blush and preparing to realize 10,000% profits when everyone stupidly rushes to buy gold-backed Yuan next Tuesday. 

    This will tank the value of the “US Dollar"and cause panic--- but will also make the value of the American Silver Dollar which was, is, and always has been our actual national currency---soar in secondary silver markets.  Indeed, modest old silver stands to make far larger percentage gains than gold. 

    The Problem for THEM:  neither the IMF nor the Federal Reserve have the rights to our Silver Dollar.  Their incorporated Boards of Directors operating as “Congresses” don’t have the authority to issue actual money in the name of the States of America----but we, the living Beneficiaries of the United States Trust, do.  

    The Problem for us: getting the word out to the rest of the world.  The Russian and Chinese Governments have to be prodded to admit the truth ---that the United States of America and the united States of America --- are not the same entities at all and never were.  There are plenty of “US Government” officials who deserve to be sacked or otherwise punished and even more members of the British Government and French Government, too, but the American People are innocent victims of the same dirty schmucks who tried to cheat the Chinese in the first place and we are not responsible for the sins of the Federal Reserve nor the IMF. 
    Brace yourselves for impact on Tuesday.  Take no wooden nickels.  Accept no debts.  Place the blame where it belongs in all respects.

    Last edited by Carol on Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:16 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:48 pm

    U.S. Stocks Decline With Commodity Currencies as Crude Tumbles
    U.S. stocks joined a decline in global equities and currencies of commodity-exporting nations slumped as crude oil tumbled after talks between major producers ended in Doha without any agreement on limiting output.


    A big move this way comes .... and not just in the price of crude oil 
    For those of you who don’t speak fluent emoji, check out this more traditional take.

    On the economic front, the Saudis realize that the world is growing less dependent on oil by the decade. Meanwhile, the advent of U.S. shale wrecked the existing world order in crude in just half a decade. It will never be the same.

    On the geopolitical front, the Saudis are becoming more independent. The Iran nuclear deal was the latest blow to their esteem. They fear a detente between Washington and Iran, while still a long way off, will diminish their clout in the region.

    Iran, meanwhile, had always made it crystal clear it had no intention of entertaining a role in an output freeze. With the lifting of sanctions, Iran is eager to sell every additional barrel it can produce and has no incentive, even with oil prices at recent lows, not to stop producing until it hits its goal of producing at its pre-sanctions level of 4 million barrels a day.

    Once concern is that the retreat we’re seeing this morning — though it has abated somewhat — could very well accelerate from here. Michael O’Rourke of Jones Trading points out in this chart that “80% of the speculator positions in crude are long, thus making the commodity ripe for a pullback."

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:49 pm

    Multiple Clinton Connections Emerge As More "Panama Papers" Names Revealed
    As McClatchy reports, Hillary Clinton recently blasted the hidden financial dealings exposed in the Panama Papers, but she and her husband have multiple connections with people who have used the besieged law firm Mossack Fonseca to establish offshore entities.

    Among them are Gabrielle Fialkoff, finance director for Hillary Clinton’s first campaign for the U.S. Senate; Frank Giustra, a Canadian mining magnate who has traveled the globe with Bill Clinton; the Chagoury family, which pledged $1 billion in projects to the Clinton Global Initiative; and Chinese billionaire Ng Lap Seng, who was at the center of a Democratic fund-raising scandal when Bill Clinton was president. Also using the Panamanian law firm was the company founded by the late billionaire investor Marc Rich, an international fugitive when Bill Clinton pardoned him in the final hours of his presidency.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:51 pm

    The FDIC Issues Letter Warning of Economic Collapse-Martial Law Drills Are Everywhere

    Peter Schiff Warns Of Economic Collapse In 28 May 2016 (14:39)
    Since the first week in March, Schiff has been screaming atthe top of his lungs that the American economy is going to fail and when it begins to fail, it is going to happen quickly.

    Forget Peter Schiff and the unprecedented banker meetings, The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is telling all who can read the English language that an economic collapse is upon us and quite clearly, the banks know it, the people know it and now now all of you should take notice. The following communique should serve as your red alert. The Federal Reserve is out of ideas, no more band-aids can keep the banks and the American economy afloat, and your money is still in these banks?

    At the top of page 11, of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s (FDIC) letter to JP Morgan, has revealed a 19 page letter sent to JP Morgan/CHASE Bank the Federal regulators reveal that they have “identified a deficiency” in JPMorgan’s wind-down plan which if not properly addressed could “pose serious adverse effects to the financial stability of the United States.”  Straight from the government’s mouth.

    Martial Law Drills Are Occurring All Across the Country: Example #1

    Here is a brochure distributed by a local Wyoming business to its employees about an upcoming martial law drill. It was obtained from a friend of the Common Sense show’s health reporter, Katy Whelan.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 6:59 pm

    It's All Suddenly Going Wrong in China's $3 Trillion Bond Market
    There’s little sign that China Inc. is on the road to recovery. Non-financial companies traded in Shanghai and Shenzhen are generating just enough operating profit to cover the interest expenses on their debt twice, down from almost six times in 2010, data compiled by Bloomberg show. 

    Analysts, meanwhile, are getting more downbeat. Twelve-month earnings forecasts for Shanghai Composite companies have dropped by 7.8 percent this year, the most since 2009, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. S&P has cut its credit ratings or reduced its outlook on 63 Chinese companies this year while upgrading just two, on course for the highest annual ratio of downgrades to upgrades in 13 years.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:01 pm

    Ron Paul: What Did Fed Chairman Yellen Tell Obama?  (4:38)

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:36 pm

    Sunday, April 17, 2016

    Neil Keenan, the Chinese, the "All of It" -- by Judge Anna

    by Judge Anna

    What I know for sure is that the Nationalist Chinese government placed a LARGE sum of gold on deposit with the New York Fed in 1928 just before the fall of the Nationalist Chinese government.  The Fed used that gold for years and were supposed to pay interest on the use of it, and didn't.  They didn't like the Communist Chinese government, so they just wrote off their own fiduciary responsibility to the Chinese people --- the lawful heirs of the gold horde---and proposed to keep it for themselves. 

    Neil Keenan brought suit against the New York Fed in 2011 to correct this.  But they had already bankrupted the old Federal Reserve System in 2009, so they pleaded bankruptcy protection.  Technically, the gold had been held by member banks in the old bankrupt system, so it was argued that all those assets were part of the holdings of the bankrupt banks and blah, blah, blah.  It was only after the discovery of prior known bankruptcy fraud and willful disregard of fiduciary management on the part of the Federal Reserve that the perps were eventually cornered and forced to cough up. 

    Now, I have no reason to like the Communist Chinese government, but like it or not, they are representing the Chinese People and the gold belongs to the Chinese People.  It does not belong to us.  It does not belong to the New York Fed.  It needed to go back to China and the interest on it needed to be paid. 

    Neil Keenan fought hard for that. Any right thinking human being on this planet who would want their property returned in a similar situation has to agree with him and with the Chinese government. It was a lawful debt, fair and square, no question about it. 

    Unfortunately, when the bankers got to thinking about their options, they decided to turn their lemons into lemonade.  Having been forced to pay the Chinese off they said----what the Hell?  If you can't beat them, join them..... and they moved their focus of operations to China. 

    And suddenly, the Chinese Elders appeared. 

    I don't know why the Powers That Be treat us like little children and invent fairytales for us, but they do.  

    The Fed banks stole us and our parents and grandparents and virtually everyone else on the planet blind for over a hundred years-----not just the Chinese.  

    The banks are like Pawn Shop owners caught with stolen loot they need to offload. So the Chinese who had finally gotten their own back, took delivery "in behalf" of everyone else, and "unofficially" have been trying to return the world's wealth to the actual heirs.  Of course, those participating in this whole hand-washing effort become accomplices-after-the-fact, but so long as they carry through on a fair distribution of the wealth and pay back the debts everyone else is owed, I think we can thank Neil Keenan and those who have fought the fight to this point. 

    Somebody had to do the job.  It might as well be Neil Keenan and his group and the Chinese.  The one real beef I have so far is that a clean breast of it is not being made.  People are once again being told fairy tales and given excuses, which leaves everyone building on lies and sand.  Better that the Whole Truth come out and that the banker's games come to a permanent end. 

    The danger now is that certain elements in the Chinese Government might have short memories, especially under the goading of the Federal Reserve bank criminals who are obviously trying to convince them that they can get away with doing unto us and everyone else what the Fed so recently tried to do to them---- ignore their fiduciary responsibility to return other people's property,  claim that all the assets "recovered" rightfully belong to the Chinese----when they don't all belong to the Chinese any more than the Chinese gold belonged to the Federal Reserve Banks.   

    This is why there is a danger of WWIII and that is what the "Federal Reserve" Banks are trying to foment anyway, because they make out like bandits whenever there is a war. 

    Now, again, if the Chinese officials are thinking things through, they know that the records are the records and that the whole world will consider them criminals if they don't return the property of the other nations, but now the political shoe is on the other foot---- they, quite rightly, don't want to give our money back to the criminals in DC who are responsible for stealing it from us in the first place.  And just as the Federal Reserve banks tried to justify keeping the Chinese gold and not paying the interest to the current Chinese government on the basis that that government is Communist, the Chinese government is loathe to give back American gold to the rats in DC, because they know DC is a criminal empire and the gold will not go to the American People and will instead go to evil purposes. 

    Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. 

    This has resulted in many desperate efforts to give the gold to any responsible American organization willing to represent the actual American People in this matter. I have had at least two dozen organizations approach me wanting to give me gold for the American People--- but here is the problem as cited above, it's a damned if you do and damned if you don't proposition. This is profoundly dirty money---money derived from embezzlement, identity theft, credit theft, enslavement, bankruptcy fraud, unlawful conversion of titles and asset ownerships----filthy money.  The bankers and politicians want to pretend that "it never happened"--- just empty the vaults of the loot, give it back to the owners--- and no admissions are made, nobody held accountable. Total black out and immunity.  Everyone has a big party with the "pennies from Heaven" or the "Chinese Elders" or "SWISSINDO" or  Neil Keenan  or whoever takes on the responsibility of distribution.  

    People all over the world have accused me of being a Girl Scout and a prissy little prig who doesn't want to get her hands dirty, a moralist who denies the practical good of distributing the wealth back to the actual people who own it, or an even nastier kind of moralist who wants to see heads roll and bankers and politicians hung by the neck until dead, etc., etc., etc., ----- but the plain fact of it is that I don't believe that such a snow job can succeed in the modern world and I don't think that the world should be rebuilt on lies and fairytales. I think we all have to take a share of the blame, hang our heads, and admit what has happened here. 

    America has been one of the most enslaved nations on the planet.  That's the fact.  Most of the world has been enslaved for generations by corrupt mostly western governments and banks and lawyers used as the attack dogs of banks.  That's what has happened here.  All this new-found wealth is built on the blood of soldiers who have been lied to, on the blood of innocent women and helpless children, on gold teeth extracted from Jewish corpses, on slave labor in India and Bangladesh, on farmland laid waste, on water defiled, on innocent animals being abused, on every kind of evil you can think of.  We have to admit that. We have to stare it in the eye, and if only for a brief time, we have to own the facts and remember how we got here.  

    It is not just a petty sense of morality that requires it.  It's the danger of going forward into a New World without such a reckoning.  I am not going to ally myself with the fraud or try to protect it, and I certainly won't try to prolong any continuance of it.   I am not going to stretch out my hand without a clear recognition that what I receive is only what is rightfully mine, a stolen inheritance being returned. 

    The men who knowingly created this monstrous "system" are long dead and gone.  All that remains are their heirs and second and third generation cappos who "did what we are told" and for the most part they never stopped to question anything.  As one judge in Alaska told me, "that's the way we do things....that's the way we've always done things...."  It didn't occur to him that what he was doing was wrong, much less that it was criminal.  The fraud had been set in motion so long ago that nobody even recognized it as crime.  It's time that we did--- not out of vengeance or any need to cause further harm, but simply to recognize the truth and avoid ever going through such a debacle again. 

    Men are by nature creatures of habit.  We become easily indoctrinated.  We function on assumptions.  We label things and try to shove reality into boxes. We even try to shove each other into neat little thought containers--- "black" and "white", "Jew" and "Muslim", and so on.  Knowing this about ourselves gives us an opportunity to rise above our current condition and these known weaknesses. We can learn to entertain a healthy degree of skepticism.  We can learn to laugh at ourselves.  We can learn to forgive. 

    The one thing we can't do is hide our heads in the sand and leave our butts in the air anymore.  

    So how do the Americans get their share without feeding the Beast in Washington?  We establish a National Depository on neutral Native Tribal land and use the Post Offices as distribution and service centers to deliver banking services. We use Money Orders instead of checks. 

    We do what people all over this country have done and are doing.  We rebuild the lawful government we are heir to, establishing Jural Assemblies, county by county. We mint our American Silver Dollars and issue certificates based on them, until such time as block chain technology renders the old banking system and its limitations archaic. It shouldn't be long. We organize our states on the land again and call for a Continental Congress. We send our delegations of elected state deputies (fiduciary officers, not "representatives").  We do all the housecleaning and housekeeping that has been neglected for 150 years.  

    We explain to the rest of the world that our proper governmental system was usurped by banks and self-interested corporations and that the "United States" is not "America" so please stop using these names in the same breath as if they ever were one-in-the-same.  They are not and haven't been since the foundation of this country---they've just been deliberately confused by venal men engaged in semantic deceit, seeking to defraud other people and other nations. 

    The American People are not alone in this condition. More than half the world is in the same boat. If we feel stupid, we've got plenty of company.  

    Please understand that Americans were victimized and duped as bad or worse than everyone else. Understand that 98% of the foreign aid we gave in good faith was stolen by criminals who were merely under contract to provide us with governmental services. Over 80% of the money we gave to help the poor in this country never reached its intended destination, either.  Understand that we were lied to and robbed blind.  Understand that we were conscripted into all sorts of "federal programs" against our will and have suffered under armed racketeering that was protected under color of law for many years.  

    Instead of being afraid of the "Apocalypse"---- which merely means the drawing back of a curtain or revelation--- be glad.  Like popping a boil or draining a wound, it may hurt a bit, but it is the only way we can heal the past. 


    See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website

    More from Judge Anna

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 7:38 pm

    Economist Says This Chart Proves the U.S. Is ‘Either in a Recession, or It’s a First Since 1919′
    “Based on Industrial Production data, the U.S. is either in a #recession, or it’s a first since 1919!,” Schenker tweeted on Friday, along with a graphic from the St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank, showing the index history going back to around that year.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Mon Apr 18, 2016 8:31 pm

    Collapse Strategist: “We’re In The Terminal Phase… Economic Pain Like We’ve Never Seen Before”
    Original newz story - Click here

    At this point, despite major highs in U.S. stock markets and reassurances from no less than President of the United States himself that the economy is sound, one only need to look around to understand that we are on the cusp of what researcher and collapse strategist Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse Blog calls the “early chapters of a total meltdown.” In his latest interview with Future Money Trends Snyder notes that the fundamental economic problems we face can be seen across the globe. The United States, Europe, Asia, and South America are all crashing and no one will be immune to what comes next.

    We’re in the terminal phase of the greatest debt bubble in all of human history… The crisis that happened last time around… it was just a warning signal of what would happen if we didn’t fix our problems… and of course we didn’t fix them.

    It’s not sustainable… There’s going to be a permanent, massive adjustment and a loss of faith in the current system… as it unravels and implodes we’re going to see economic pain on a scale that is historic, like we’ve never seen before… when this thing finally blows it’s going to bring the existing system down.
    Full Interview via Future Money Trends:

    (Watch at Youtube)

    While most Americans think that near-record breaking stock markets are a sign of recovery and revival in the U.S. economy, Snyder goes on to warn that what we’ve seen in Greece, Cyprus, and Argentina, and what’s happening right now in Venezuela, is a coming reality to Americans.
    That could mean everything from bank holidays wherein governments authorize the seizure of account holders’ deposits, to a full-on collapse scenario like Venezuela where food, toilet paper and basic necessities become totally unavailable.

    Michael Snyder explains that the one asset class to protect and preserve wealth in the midst of crisis is precious metals and well known billionaire investors have been rapidly acquiring everything they can their hands on in recent months. And as we’ve seen just this year, when panic is the order of the day capital shifts into gold and silver as a crisis hedge.

    But that’s not all you can do to prepare for the next wave, says Snyder, and diversifying your approach to collapse-proofing your life will be critical because we simply don’t know exactly how events will play out over coming months and years:

    There’re are different strategies that are required to get through a period of crisis, even if it’s just a recession, but especially if it escalates to a full-blown historic financial crisis. 

    For example. if people have money in financial markets they may want to evaluate what their risk is… because if things start crashing are they going to be able to survive if their investments crash to a 40% or 50% decline… can you weather that? Can you survive that?


    Published on Apr 17, 2016
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    GUEST: - Get Michaels New Book 'The Rapture Verdict':

    01:20 World Depression, Europe's Crash, Greece, Spain, Italy
    07:00 South America: Brazil, Venezuela Collapsing Fast
    08:00 Venezeula has Food Shortages and 700% Inflation
    09:50 China & Japan's Economies Slowing
    14:30 Stock Market Bubble, US Economy Stagnating, Potential Negative GDP
    16:50 How to Prepare in Current World Depression
    18:20 Have an Emergency Fund to Weather 2 months with Zero Income
    19:00 Another 2008-Like Crash Happening Only Worse, Unemployment Rising
    22:10 How will the Future Look at this Current Collapse? 20-30 Year Timeline

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    See our Last Interview with Michael Snyder on February 22, 2016:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:05 am

    Benjamin Fulford: April 18, 2016 Red and Green Asian secret societies 
    under new leadership..
    What happens will make the world SHAKE.

    Benjamin Fulford Report -- April 18, 2016

    Weekly geo-political news and analysis Message from Benjamin Fulford Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise...

    Benjamin Fulford Report -- April 18, 2016[url=]Weekly geo-political news and analysis[/url]

    Message from Benjamin Fulford

    Red and Green Asian secret societies under new leadership promise to “make the earth tremble”

    Posted by benjamin
    April 18, 2016

    Full Report

    Last week a representative claiming to be from the head family of the Hongmen Worldwide Chinese Union informed the White Dragon Society that the Red and Green were under new leadership. He said “when the Asian giant moves, the earth will shake but our goal is world peace.” Not much more can be written about the Red and Blue and WDS talks however, you can be sure big events will unfold soon.

    There is also a lot of chatter from multiple sources including the CIA and the Pentagon that some sort of financial event far bigger than the Lehman shock is imminent. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates, many sources even go so far as to say it will be on April 19th. This is the day the Shanghai Gold Exchange will start its gold trading platform intended to take over setting the gold price from the Khazarian mafia controlled banks.

    It is probably no coincidence then that last week Deutschebank admitted in court that it manipulated gold and silver prices and promised to release all the information it has about other big banks involved in the price manipulation.

    So, we have the Chinese starting a gold exchange at the same time as the Western banks that traditionally set the gold price are being publicly outed for fraud. The Shanghai Gold Exchange will also make it possible for the Asians to monetize the vast off-market gold hoards they reportedly hold. This means the Chinese yuan will become at least partially gold backed.

    This is the probable source of reports such as this one:

    that claim China will announce it will launch an international gold backed Yuan and stop accepting US dollars starting this week. We have not been able to independently confirm this but can say the WDS has advised the Chinese to make such a move in coordination with the US military and agencies.

    Certainly the finance ministers and top central bankers form the G20 nations were all gathered in Washington last week for both regularly scheduled and emergency meetings. The Federal Reserve Board governors also had a lot of emergency meetings.

    One visible result was historically significant news last week about the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation telling banking giants like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, New York Mellon Bank and State Street Corp that their bankruptcy plans were “not credible.”

    To put it another way, some of the top Khazarian cabal banks and owners of the Federal Reserve Board are basically being told they are de facto bankrupt.

    Pentagon sources and CIA sources both also tell us that when Federal Reserve Board Chairperson Janet Yellen met with US President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden that Yellen asked for the US military to mobilize to round up trouble makers and put them in FEMA camps to prevent mass rioting after a planned Fed move to save the big banks by stealing people’s savings. “Let the dollar die and do a bail in,” is how the CIA source summed up Yellen’s proposal. In any case, the military said no, they had other plans. Yellen should have taken the gold deal offered to her last week by the Asians while she had the chance.

    Instead, the military have now forced Yellen to get the Fed to send and publish letter to JP Morgan to let the world know that “it is unstable.” Military pressure was also behind the FDIC warning to the big five banks mentioned above. As a result Wells Fargo and other banks have begun training staff for an “emergency scenario.”

    The US military is also actively working to create a new government issued US dollar backed with silver and Asian gold to keep the US economy running after the collapse of the Khazarian mafia’s Babylonian debt slavery banking system, WDS sources say.

    The situation is not much better in Europe. The IMF publicly stated last week the European banks have 900 billion Euros worth of bad debt and that they could no longer postpone dealing with it. It is a pretty good guess the real bad debt numbers are far worse than what the IMF is willing to admit. In other words, many of the top European banks are also probably bankrupt. Barclays, Deutschebank, Credit Suisse and UBS are being scrutinized by regulators to see if they are solvent, Russian sources say.

    This may be why the Khazarian mafia oligarchs have suddenly launched campaigns in the US and Europe to close offshore tax havens and force or lure the world’s $31 trillion in offshore money into Europe or the US where they can confiscate it and stave off bankruptcy. CIA sources say the Rothschilds have already managed to lure “trillions” of dollars into Reno, Nevada with this cockroach motel scam. You can be sure it is not their own offshore money they plan to repatriate.

    Some money that is sure to be confiscated is Saudi Arabia’s US dollar denominated holdings. Last week there were corporate propaganda media reports that Saudi Arabia would sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of its US assets and treasury bonds if the US government released the 28 secret pages of the 911 report or if it allowed families of victims of 911 to sue Saudi Arabia.

    However, Saudi Arabia does not have that choice and instead will find out that its US holdings have already been confiscated. Even with Turkish and Israeli help the US and Russia could crush them like bugs if they object to such a confiscation.

    In fact, according to Pentagon sources, President Obama will be visiting Saudi Arabia this week to read them the riot act and force them to stop their trouble making around the world. Furthermore, Obama will release the 28 pages after he returns from the visit, the sources say.

    At the same time as Obama visits Saudi Arabia, Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu has been summoned to Moscow. There he will be told to return the Golan Heights to Syria and comply with other UN resolutions concerning Israel or else it will be faced with sanctions and that “all options will be on the table.” This could mean a full blockade of Israel. Furthermore, the sources say Obama, backed by the US military, will not use the customary US veto to save Israel from UN sanctions.

    The Russians will also be asking for the return of gold stolen from the Czar of Russia by the Rothschild family, the real rulers of Israel, the sources say. The Bank of Japan library has a report about Japanese warships arriving in Vladivostok in 1918 to evacuate 10 tons of the Czars’ gold before the communists could get a hold of it. This gold was later shipped to London, according to the BOJ. This is probably just the tip of the missing Russian gold iceberg.

    Speaking about stolen gold, there is a flurry of activity going on in connection with gold stashes in Indonesia. This week Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is visiting Germany, the UK, Belgium and Holland to discuss the Indonesian gold among other things. It turns out the gold was brought over by the Japanese meaning that it was taken from other Asian countries who are now claiming the rights to it, CIA sources in Indonesia say. The Europeans also lust after this gold. Photographs of the Indonesian gold site can be made available to interested parties, the sources say.

    In any case, at the end of the day, it will probably take a deal between the Pentagon white hats (WDS) and the Chinese to sort this out.

    A public sign the US white hats and the Chinese are already reaching deals can be confirmed by the fact that last week the Chinese led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the US controlled World Bank announced their first jointly financed project.

    The next step is to ramp up the scale of investments from the billions to the trillions of dollars.

    Another deal being worked out between the WDS and the Chinese concerns Japan. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who ultimately reports to the Agnelli brothers and Evelyn de Rothschild, needs to go, the two sides agree. The Chinese had been pushing for long term politician and power broker Ichiro Ozawa but he was too anti-American for Pentagon tastes, sources involved in the negotiations say. For that reason Hideo Higashikokubaru, a TV talent and former governor of Miyazaki Prefecture is being considered as Abe’s replacement, the sources say. Higashikokubaru would preside over a jubilee and a redistribution of assets, they say.

    The other development is that Japan is now preparing to fully legalize Marijuana and give control of the resulting business bonanza to Asian secret societies. Otsuka Pharmaceuticals, meanwhile, is planning to be a major player in the medical marijuana industry, Asian secret society sources say.

    While on the subject of Japan, the earthquake last week in Southern Japan appears, from seismographic and other evidence, to have been a natural one. The volcanic ring of fire around the Pacific basin is very active because a new continent is being born in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, according to P2 Freemason lodge sources. This will not happen overnight of course but already new islands are being born in the region.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:08 am

    Jim Willie - HOT 2016 Accelerating Events & Disclosures 

    Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment. Getting informed about collapse and crisis may earn you, or prevent to lose money. 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:16 am

    China launches yuan gold fix in bid to be price maker

    China on Tuesday launched a yuan-denominated gold price fix in its bid to become a price maker in a market dominated by London and New York. 

    Listed on the Shanghai Gold Exchange, the benchmark price is derived from a 1 kg-contract and was set at 256.92 yuan ($39.70) a gram on Tuesday, Reuters reported. The price will be set twice a day.
    China is the world's largest gold producer and jostles with India for the tag of the biggest consumer of the precious metal globally. 

    Eighteen institutions including top Chinese banks such as Bank of China and ICBC, as well as Standard Chartered and ANZ will join the benchmark fixing.

    The yuan gold fix will come up against the London Bullion Market Association's spot benchmark set twice a day with 12 participants.

    Swiss trading house MKS' chairman Marwan Shakarchi said China's growing consumption of gold supports the set-up of the fix.

    "To have a benchmark price in renminbi ... will help both consumers and producers in this part of the world," said Shakarchi. MKS is one of the 18 trading members of the yuan gold benchmark.

    Although the impact of China's gold fix will likely be limited now in a closed monetary system, there is potential for opportunities in the future when the currency achieves full convertibility, Shakarchi indicated.

    "Ultimately...I see them uniting the (offshore yuan) CNH and CNY (onshore yuan). (The currency) will be fully convertible and it will be easier to import gold into China," added Shakarchi.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:43 am

    Interesting email but not verified or confirmed.

    On Tuesday, 19th April 2016, the Chinese will launch the new gold- backed Yuan (the new Chinese currency). They will simultaneously launch a new Chinese electronic payment system so the current western banking system, called “SWIFT electronic payment system”, will not be able to access and exchange the new gold-backed Yuan.

    The SWIFT system will not be able to exchange gold-backed Yuan for any other currency in the SWIFT system; it will only be convertible on the new Chinese payment system. That is why the chairperson of the Federal Reserve in the USA, Janet Yellen, met with Barack Obama this week. You might think that they meet regularly, but the chairperson of the Federal Reserve only meets with the president on issues on national security.

    This development which has been several years in the making, and which is now coming to pass, has many implications for everyone on this planet, but especially the people of the United States of America. This new gold-backed currency is likely to be a far more attractive currency exchange and payment system option, as there is an underlying asset backing the currency, whereas the US Dollar is based on debt owed to the banks that is highly leveraged, with little real asset backing.

    Already there are 188 countries that have agreed to use the new Chinese electronic payment system that comes online on Tuesday (the 10th). What this means is that the fiat US Dollar will be replaced as the world’s reserve currency by the gold-backed Yuan. Further, what this means is that countries that have “bought” and held US dollars to facilitate trade will repatriate their US dollars back to the Federal Reserve and demand exchange for their own currencies.

    This will hold dire consequences for the Federal Reserve because they don’t hold sufficient reserves to repay all these countries, and the value of the US Dollar will come crashing down. Printing more US Dollars will not assist the US in a US economic recovery, as they did in 2008. This act by the Chinese may be viewed by the USA as an “act of aggression and war” so the US is considering its options in this regard.

    Its only real options are a nuclear war with the Chinese, or to accept an “olive branch” from the Chinese to accept the situation and accept the offer from China to back a new treasury issued US Dollar with gold. If the US opts for option 1, it would place the entire US population at grave risk, as well as its allies, and the entire world.

    If it opts for option 2 it would mean the end of the Federal Reserve System and the old US Dollar.

    If option 2 is accepted, then there will be an evaluation and revaluation (RV) of the world’s currency system. This will require a shutdown of all banks for a few days, or even weeks.

    It would also usher in the release of the wealth in the Collateral Accounts, and the World Trust accounts, which will mean a basic income for every man woman and child on the planet, and a forgiveness of all debt (a debt jubilee).

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 11:31 am

    China Launches Yuan Gold Fix To 
    "Exert More Control Over Price Of Gold"
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016 

    Overnight a historic event took place when China, the world's top gold consumer, launched a yuan-denominated gold benchmark as had been previewed here previously, in what Reuters dubbed "an ambitious step to exert more control over the pricing of the metal and boost its influence in the global bullion market." Considering the now officially-confirmed rigging of the gold and silver fix courtesy of last week's Deutsche Bank settlement, this is hardly bad news and may finally lead to some rigging cartel and central bank-free price discovery. Or it may not, because China would enjoy nothing more than continuing to accumulate gold at lower prices.
    The first Chinese benchmark price, derived from a 1 kg-contract traded by 18 participants on the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE), was set at 256.92 yuan ($39.69) per gram on Tuesday, equivalent to $1,234.50/ounce.

    China's gold benchmark is the culmination of efforts by China over the last few years to reform its domestic gold market in a bid to have a bigger say in the bullion industry, long dominated by London where the global spot benchmark price is currently set. As is well known, as the world's top producer, importer and consumer of gold, China has balked at having to depend on a dollar price in international transactions, and believes its market weight should entitle it to set the price of gold. 

    The new benchmark may not be an immediate threat to London, but industry players say over time China could set the price of the metal, especially if the yuan become fully convertible.
    Cited by Reuters, Pan Gongsheng, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China which has been disclosing gold purchases every month since last summer, said that "the Shanghai gold benchmark will provide a fair and tradable yuan-denominated gold fix price ... will help improve yuan pricing mechanism and promote internationalization of the Chinese gold market."

    The mechanics of the Shanghai fix are comparable to those of London: the benchmark price will be set twice a day based on a few minutes of trading in each session. The London benchmark, quoted in dollars per ounce, is set via a twice-daily auction on an electronic platform with 12 participants. 
    The 18 trading members in the yuan price-setting process includes China's big four state-owned banks, foreign banks Standard Chartered and ANZ, the world's top jewelry retailer Chow Tai Fook and two of China's top gold miners.

    When discussing the Chinese gold fix previously, World Gold Council CEO Aram Shishmanian said that "it is a stepping stone to a new multi-axis trading market consisting of London, New York and Shanghai and signals the continuing shift in demand from West to East."

    "As the market expands to reflect the growing interest in gold by Chinese consumers, so too will China's influence increase on the global gold market."

    It may already be working: according to Reuters, one reason for today's spike in silver is due to "heavy buying of silver in Shanghai, and that has triggered buying in gold as well," said Ronald Leung, chief dealer at Lee Cheong Gold Dealers in Hong Kong.

    Finally, when Chinese capital capital flight into Canadian real estate and offshore tax havens is curbed, we expected that gold could well follow the path of bitcoin, which has doubled since our article presenting it as an attractive alternative to avoiding Chinese capital controls.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:10 pm

    Rob Kirby-Dollar Devaluation Clock About to Strike Midnight  

    Tsunami of Dollars Coming Back to America Soon-Rob Kirby

    By Greg Hunter On April 14, 2016 In Political Analysis 316 Comments

    INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PROGRESS REPORT - part 1 - Page 34 Rob12-300x225
    By Greg Hunter’s (Special Release) 

    Emergency Fed meetings at the White House, the launching of new gold trading market at the Shanghai Gold Exchange, revelations Deutsche Bank admitting it manipulated gold and silver prices, China starting its own global payment system. These may all seem unrelated, but according to macroeconomic researcher Rob Kirby, they are all connected.  Kirby explains, “With China and their upstart CIPS, which is the China Interbank Payment System, China appears to be on the verge of merging their interbank payment system with SWIFT.  My gut is telling me that this will very much marginalize America as the main processor of global payments.  This, in my view, will embody very possibly a global reset in terms which currency is going to be the world’s reserve currency.  I have a very sneaking suspicion that when China merges with the SWIFT system, I believe there is a very strong possibility that China will back their currency with gold.  I do believe this is why China has aggressively been buying physical gold for the past 10 or 15 years.  They have been doing it with a view to dislodging the dollar or greatly diminishing the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  That’s what I think is at play right now.  I think U.S. bankers and regulators have caught wind of this and are aware it is coming.  I also believe this is the reason for all the secret meetings they have been having.  The Federal Reserve Board met in secret behind closed doors (Monday morning), and they gave us some frivolous reason why they were meeting.  The Fed Chairman, that Monday afternoon, walked over to the White House and met with, not just the President, but also the Vice President.  The notion that the President and Vice President would be in the same room at the same time tells you this is national security related.  If you don’t think the preservation of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency isn’t a national security issue, you better think again.”

    Could there be a dramatic and overnight reduction in the value of the dollar?  Kirby contends, “I think this is coming in very short order now.  The trail of bread crumbs is indicating this is what is afoot right now.”

    Does that mean dollar devaluation and a bank “holiday” coming soon? Kirby says, “How quickly this happens is open for conjecture, but that is clearly the direction we are heading.  We are unmistakably headed in that direction.  The only real question is how long these criminal central bankers can MacGyver the system together and keep it together with elastic bands, paperclips and bungie cords.  This is going down.  This is going to happen. I think it’s going down in the next two or three weeks. . . .We’ve all speculated that this would eventually happen.  Now we are here, and the clock is about to strike midnight.”

    What have the President and the VP been told by the Fed Chairman in these emergency meetings this week? Kirby says, “My guess is they are probably explaining to them just how deep the   pooh is that they are about to be thrown into.  It’s deep, and it’s going to be over their heads. . . . Historically, when banks have nothing else they can do, they take us to war.”

    If they don’t take us to war? Kirby says, “Everything is on the table. . . . My thinking is there are an awful lot of U.S. dollars out there right now that are going to be coming home to America. . . . The adjustment in global reserve accounts could create a tsunami of dollars coming back to America in a very, very short period of time. That could trigger something approaching a hyperinflationary event or, at least, stagflation and super inflationary pressure.  That’s the minimum occurring very, very soon.”

    About the recent revelation of Deutsche Bank suppressing the price of physical gold and silver? Kirby points out, “The price rigging ultimately comes back to and will be shown that it really is an operation of the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Federal Reserve. . . . The short interests, or the paper sales of precious metals, have been used on purpose to suppress the growing demand for precious metals, or to make it appear that people are still happy with dollars and don’t prefer precious metals to dollars. . . . Whether the U.S. central bank declares that gold or silver are not money in some hubris filled silliness doesn’t diminish the fact that gold and silver are money, and your U.S. Constitution says gold and silver are money.” 

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:15 pm

    U.S. Treasury readies new tax rules as G20 vows to fight evasion

    The U.S. Treasury Department is finalizing new tax rules aimed at combating the use of shell companies to evade taxes, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said on Saturday amid increased pledges by global finance leaders to cooperate on tax issues.

    In a statement to the International Monetary Fund's steering committee, Lew said the Treasury was finalizing a rule that would require banks to identify the beneficial owners of new customers that are companies.

    "In addition, we are about to propose a regulation that would require the beneficial owners of single-member limited liability companies to identify themselves to the Internal Revenue Service, thus closing a loophole that some have been able to exploit," Lew said.

    In the wake of controversy stirred by the so-called Panama Papers, which revealed widespread use of tax havens and shell companies by wealthy global elites, officials from the Group of 20 major economies on Friday threatened to penalize tax haven countries that do not comply with new information-sharing efforts and moves to reduce tax mismatches between countries.

    They called for criteria by July to identify non-cooperative jurisdictions.

    "Defensive measures will be considered by G20 members against non-cooperative jurisdictions" if progress toward tax goals is not made, the group said in its statement.
    Lew said the United States fully supports calls for all countries to automatically exchange financial account information.

    The new U.S. shell company rules will follow steps taken by the Treasury earlier this month to curb corporate "inversion" deals in which U.S. firms buy foreign rivals to move their tax jurisdictions offshore.

    Those changes were cited as scuttling a $160 billion merger between U.S. drug maker Pfizer Inc and Dublin-based Allergan Plc that would have shifted the combined company headquarters to Ireland, where corporate tax rates are 12.5 percent, compared to the top U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent before deductions and credits.

    "Tax evasion and tax avoidance hurt government budgets, reduce the equity of our tax systems and hinder global growth," Lew said.

    In his statement, Lew also repeated calls for euro-area countries and Japan to use available fiscal policy space to stimulate domestic demand while enacting structural reforms to their economies.

    "Japan should deploy a flexible fiscal policy in the near term that provides a supportive fiscal impulse, while accelerating the implementation of structural reforms, including labor market reforms and opening the service sector to increased competition."

    He offered up a long to-do list for China, saying the world’s second-largest economy “should prioritize reforms that strengthen its social safety net, reduce industrial over-capacity, open up the services sector to competition, tackle rising corporate leverage, confront the associated challenges to the banking system, and allow for a market-determined allocation of credit.”

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Post  Carol Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:17 pm

    Does the Yuan-Gold Benchmark Matter? – Analysts
    APRIL 19, 2016

    (Kitco News) - China’s push for more control in the gold market was seen further with the launch of its yuan-denominated gold price benchmark Tuesday. 

    However, until the country’s currency gains international reserve status, the Shanghai Gold Benchmark Price should not have much of an impact on the gold market, say analysts. 

    “I’d see this as a minor technical change for the convenience of the local market rather than anything with global implications,” Julian Jessop, chief commodities economist for U.K.-based Capital Economics, told Kitco News in an email response. 

    “Some domestic players may prefer to be able to price (and hedge) in renminbi terms. But this will not materially affect the balance of supply and demand in the market,” he added. 

    Jeffrey Christian, managing partner of research firm CPM Group, said that he isn’t paying too much attention to the recent developments.

    "I see it is easy for commentators to read too much into it, saying this boosts the yuan’s stature in international markets (it does not) and may reflect the government’s desire to make gold part of a currency system (it is not and the government does not want that anyway)," he said.

    He added, the Shanghai Gold Exchange benchmark price simply shows a move toward shifting gold’s “price-making” centre away from London towards Asia.

    However, Ruth Crowell, chief of the London Bullion Market Association, doesn’t seem too concerned, noting that the “LBMA is always supportive of initiatives to increase transparency and price discovery in the bullion markets.”

    George Gero, managing director with RBC Wealth Management, mirrored Crowell’s comments in that he welcomed the change in the gold market.

    “Competition is healthy for price discovery and arbitrage increases Comex volume and Globex volume in gold and longer term swap trades,” he said. 

    However, one analyst does see the Chinese gold fix having more of an impact than perceived. 

    Ken Hoffman, head of metals and mining research for Bloomberg Intelligence, told Kitco News that the benchmark shows China’s commitment to gold and could see this impacting the Chinese monetary system and the gold market.

    “It will be key as to how this develops and if China further integrates gold into their monetary system. With its debt and currency issues. Gold may have a bigger role to play,” he said. 
    The Chinese benchmark price is fixed twice daily by looking at trading from 18 members on the Shanghai Gold Exchange. On Tuesday, the afternoon price was set at 257.29 yuan ($39.795) per gram.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:46 am

    Frontrunning: April 20
    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/20/2016  

    • After big New York wins, Trump and Clinton cast themselves as inevitable (Reuters)
    • Eastern States Take Turn in Presidential Primary Spotlight (WSJ)
    • China's Stocks Tumble Most in Seven Weeks to Break Trading Calm (BBG)
    • Oil falls on end to Kuwaiti strike, supply outlook (Reuters)
    • Oil price's decline weighs on global stock markets (Reuters)
    • Blankfein's Decade Ending With a Thud on a Humbled Wall Street (BBG)
    • Toyota to Resume Production at Most Japan Plants Next Week (WSJ)
    • Apple refused China request for source code in last two years (Reuters)
    • Japan's Trade in Surplus as Imports Drop for Fifteenth Month (BBG)
    • EU charges Google with abusing Android market dominance (Reuters)
    • Saudi $10 Billion Financial District Is Missing One Thing: Banks (BBG)
    • Brazil's Rouseff slams impeachment drive as 'sexist' (Reuters)
    • Lira Rises on Relief Turkey's Interest Rate Cut Met Expectations (BBG)
    • VW resists move for trial instead of EPA settlement (Reuters)
    • Coca-Cola Profit Tops Estimates as New Drink Sizes Boost Sales (BBG)
    • Saudi Arabia close to securing $10 billion bank loan: sources (Reuters)
    • Commerzbank CEO Says Slow Quarter Means `Challenging' 2016 (BBG)
    • EMC Earnings Fall Short as Storage Demand Is Hurt by Cloud (BBG)
    • Germany Asks Belgium to Shut Two Nuclear Reactors (BBG)

    Overnight Media Digest
    - Intel Corp is planning to slash 12,000 jobs, or 11 percent of its workforce, a consequence of the shrinking personal-computer market and the chip maker's failure to take advantage of the industry's transition to smartphones. (
    - United Continental Holdings Inc and two big investors have settled a fight over the makeup of the airline's board of directors, staving off a bruising public battle over the company's future. (
    - Malaysia Airlines Bhd Chief Executive Christoph Mueller plans to leave the carrier as it continues to try to recover from the catastrophic loss of two jetliners in 2014. Mueller joined the company last year in a bid to revive the airline. (
    - Sumner Redstone's granddaughter accused his daughter, Shari Redstone, in court papers Tuesday of pressing for a "do not resuscitate" order and other non-interventionist health measures for the media mogul, over his strong objections. (
    - Wendy's Co named Gunther Plosch as its chief financial officer, effective May 2, filling the spot vacated when the burger chain's current financial chief steps up as part of a previously-announced succession plan for Chief Executive Emil Brolick. (
    - Ministers have let go of plans to abolish automatic payrolls payment of union subscriptions as part of compromises over the trade union bill. (
    - Seeking to reassure sceptical Conservative MPs, Philip Hammond insisted there were no plans for British troops to be involved in fighting against the Islamist militants in Libya. (
    - Prudential Plc is now closer to secure a tax refund of more than 100 million pounds ($143.86 million) in the latest round of long-running battle for compensation over past breaches of European law. (
    - The Financial Conduct Authority said in its 2015 review into conflicts of interest in asset management that industry chiefs were spending large sums of money to woo clients with hospitality attempting to win business. (
    - Banca Popolare di Vicenza <IPO-BPVS.MI> said on Tuesday that it had set a price range for its initial public offering, in which the Italian lender hopes to raise as much as 1.8 billion euros, or about $2 billion. (
    - Intel Corp, the world's largest maker of semiconductors, said on Tuesday that it was laying off 12,000 people, about 11 percent of its work force, as it continues to reel from a long downturn in global demand for personal computers. (
    - The FBI defended its hiring of a third party to break into an iPhone used by a gunman in last year's San Bernardino mass shooting, telling some skeptical lawmakers on Tuesday that it needed to join with partners in the rarefied world of for-profit hackers as technology companies increasingly resist their demands for consumer information. (
    - Anheuser-Busch InBev SA said on Tuesday that it had accepted an offer by Asahi Group Holdings Ltd of Japan to buy beer brands Peroni and Grolsch, as well as certain European operations of SABMiller Plc, for 2.55 billion euros, or about $2.9 billion. (
    ** Manitobans gave Progressive Conservative Leader Brian Pallister one of the province's most resounding victories in decades, handing Greg Selinger defeat and ending nearly 17 years of New Democratic Party's rule. (
    ** Canada and China are set to enter a new "golden" era under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Premier Li Keqiang told Jean Chretien in Beijing this week. (
    ** A three-year investigation by Canada's competition watchdog has resulted in a report that clears Alphabet Inc's Google of any substantial wrongdoing in its search ad business, and closely echoes a 2013 investigation by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. (
    ** The release of an abortion pill allowing women to terminate early pregnancy at home, that is expected to become available in July, is already garnering criticism by way of women's health advocates saying Health Canada's tight controls over its use are unnecessarily restrictive. (
    ** Toronto-based Turo that took the Airbnb model and adapted it to car rentals launched on Tuesday in three provinces, its first foray outside the United States, though it wrestles with the same insurance headaches that other startups in the so-called sharing economy have faced. (
    The Times
    * The proposed 18 billion pounds nuclear power station at Hinkley Point in Somerset could be abandoned without risking power cuts, contrary to the government's previous claims, the energy secretary has admitted. There would be no significant cost to consumers and no taxpayer liability if the project were cancelled, politician Amber Rudd said in a letter to MPs. (
    * Turkey will tear up its migrant deal with the European Union if Brussels fails to deliver visa-free travel for 75 million Turks to Europe by June, according to its prime minister. (
    The Guardian
    * The U.S. Department of Justice has launched a criminal investigation into the widespread international tax avoidance schemes exposed by the Panama Papers leak, published by the Guardian and other journalistic partners. (
    * Yahoo Inc announced falling revenues and a quarterly loss of $99.2 million on Tuesday as the ailing Internet business looks for a buyer. The company reported revenue of $1.09 billion, down 11 percent from the same time last year. The fall shows continuing deterioration in Yahoo's business but was better than analysts had expected. (
    The Telegraph
    * The boss of Associated British Foods PLC, the UK's biggest sugar supplier, has come out swinging against the government's proposed "sugar tax" and the suggestion it will help the obesity crisis. (
    * The City of London could lose its position as the world's leading financial centre in the event of Brexit, Mark Carney, the Bank of England Governor, has warned. (
    Sky News
    * Managers at Tata Steel's Port Talbot steelworks have been briefed about a possible management buyout plan, according to Sky sources. Details of the potential lifeline are expected to be announced as early as Wednesday. (
    * Oil industry engineering company Aker is to cut around 280 jobs in Aberdeen and London as low energy prices squeeze the industry. The cuts represent 11 percent of the Norwegian group's UK workforce. (
    The Independent
    * Renewed Western military intervention in Libya has inched closer after the UK government said it would be ready to consider any request from the new government in Tripoli for naval or air support to help dislodge ISIS from its stronghold in the country. (
    * The UK has approved 122 military licences to the value of 2.8 billion pounds to Saudi Arabia since the regime started its widely condemned bombing campaign in Yemen last March, it has been revealed. Saudi Arabia is the biggest recipient of UK arms by a significant margin, and since 2010 has received military equipment worth 6.7 billion pounds, according to official government figures collated by Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT). (

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:50 am

    Eric Hunsader: The Financial System Is "Absolutely, Positively Rigged"

    Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/19/2016 

    Submitted by Adam Taggart via,
    Eric Hunsader, founder of Nanex, has been at the vanguard of warning about the dangers and the rampant fraud that the rise of high-frequency trading (HFT) algorithims have let loose in today's financial markets.
    While he usually feels like a lone voice in a world happy to deceive itself, he was shocked to receive a $750,000 whistleblower award from the SEC for his efforts. He's been sadly less shocked to see that since the award was publicly announced, the abuses he reported have only become more extreme and frequent.
    Of the situation that led to his award, he says:

    The folks at the NYSE were selling their direct feed for north of $30,000 a month versus the SIP which is under a thousand dollars a month. Their customers are not buying it because it has that much more rich data. The thing that makes it worth $29,000 more is that it is faster, but that is illegal. Up until this point they deny that that is the case. And somehow it works. So the exchanges make all their money from their highest paying customers which are the high frequency traders. And the high frequency traders pay the exchanges exorbitant amounts of money to have a slight advantage.
    That's how the whole system works. It is absolutely, positively rigged. There is no question about it. It is rigged on many different levels in many different ways -- for example, no retail order ever gets to see the light of day of the stock exchange. That's one of the many eye openers. People who aren’t pros in the market don’t realize that it's all a rigged game.
    Hunsader also had opportunity at one point to access the audit trail data from the CME futures exchange, data that the central authorities almost never allow outside eyes to see. What he found was clear evidence that a very small number of very large players push prices and volume around at will to vacuum up profits at the expense of everyone else:

    I got to see the Fed analysis. This is a fascinating little story. It was the Treasury flash crash October 15th, 2014 which was every bit as bad as the stock market flash crash except it was in Treasurys. The Federal Reserve wanted to get to the bottom of it. They got people together to analyze data and they had to break them into two teams – one team got to look at the cash market trading data and the other team got to look at the audit trail data from the CME which told who was buying this order. One team wasn’t allowed to see the other data set.
    If you want to analyze the situation properly you have to look at both sides in order to see what's going on here. You've got to see how the cash and the futures relate. But the teams were specifically not allowed do to this. People on the team that looked at the Treasury data were not allowed to see the cash market data and vice versa. This is data that is extremely hard to get because it is audit trail level. It shows who's behind each trade or order. I got to see some of the stats from the cash side. It is just amazing the percentage of the watched trading going on. Putting in fake orders and the level of spoofing, the level of just bad acting happening.
    And, once again, it was the top 10 institutions who pulled away the lion’s share of the profits. They totally dominate the market.
    I've been apoplectic for so long I am just spent. Nothing would surprise me anymore. I really honestly don’t know how this is going to get corrected. I know it can’t continue.
    But there's more. Last August, Hunsader published a chart showing that US stock futures are routinely and suspiciously lifted in the wee hours of the night when trading volume is at its lowest. The 2:00-3:00am EST hour in particular demonstrates a remarkably predictable behavior that leaves many suspecting outright market price manipulation:

    Every once in a while I look at longer term fundamentals l and, when I did that study, I had to verify it many different times and many different ways because I just didn’t believe it. Basically, between 2 and 3:00am -- you buy at 2:00am and sell at 3:00am -- you would have captured half of the gains and none of the draw down since 2005, which is just unbelievable that it would have that kind of weight. You would expect every hour, over a long period of time, to be equal. It should be randomly equal. But certainly the early morning hours really stand out. And I don’t have an answer.
    I would have thought after I first published that chart last August the anomaly would have been ameliorated or something would have shifted because now the information is out there and I know a lot of people saw that chart – it was widely talked about. I would have expected an effect. But the only effect seems to be it has accelerated to be more egregious than it was before.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:56 am

    ALERT! Big Corporations 'Default On Debt' At Level Not Seen Since Last Financial Crisis

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:59 am

    Panama Papers: US launches criminal inquiry into tax avoidance claims
    Preet Bharara, the US attorney for Manhattan, said he had “opened a criminal investigation regarding matters to which the Panama Papers are relevant”.

    Bharara has written to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), which coordinated the unprecedented leak of 11.5m files from offshore law firm Mossack Fonseca, to ask for further information to assist with his criminal investigation.


    Global markets stabilize as likely ECB support offsets weak oil
    The ECB is not expected to make any policy changes at its meeting on Thursday. But it is expected to reiterate its plans to support the euro zone economy, which was enough to steady markets, analysts said.

    "Investors have realized that the Doha meeting was a flop. Nevertheless, one cannot deny that buying momentum in stock markets remains present, which should prevent equity indexes from losing too much ground," said Mirabaud Securities' senior equity sales trader John Plassard.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 32705
    Join date : 2010-04-07
    Location : Hawaii


    Post  Carol Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:14 am

    Why the failed pharma-based healthcare system is bankrupting America
    Tuesday, April 05, 2016 by: J. D. Heyes

    (NaturalNews) Natural News has regularly covered the chronically flawed Affordable Care Act, from the lies the president and the law's supporters told the American people in order to justify passing it, to the epic failures of each Obamacare pillar.

    With that said, then, it should not come as a surprise to many that over the past year, spending on healthcare was the second largest consumer of private funds, voraciously vacuuming up some $1.9 trillion in real dollars. More importantly, noted Zero Hedge, for U.S. economic growth, such as it was, healthcare spending was the biggest source of incremental costs by almost a factor of two.

    As further noted by the Washington Free Beacon, health insurance premiums rose faster than wages and inflation in recent years, climbing an average of 28 percent from 2009 – President Obama's first year in office – to 2014, despite the enactment of a law that was supposed to trim healthcare spending and cut average consumer premiums and other medical costs by $2,500 a year (see that lie repeated often here). This is according to a newly released report from Freedom Partners.

    'More disposable income is being consumed'
    In its first year in office, the administration expressed concern about skyrocketing healthcare premiums in "The Burden of Health Insurance Premium Increases on American Families," a report that no doubt was mostly intended as propaganda, to help convince the American people to push their representatives to pass Obamacare. The concern then was that premiums had risen 5.5 percent from 2008 to 2009.

    But, as the WFB noted, from 2010 to 2011, after the law was passed and health insurers began to comply with the law's higher mandatory coverage packages, premiums rose by 9.4 percent.

    "In 2009, when the [Executive Office of the President] issued its report, states had seen premiums increase on average by 30 percent between 2004 and 2009," states the Freedom Partners report. "But since 2009, health insurance premiums have continued to grow faster than wages in nearly every state, averaging a 28 percent increase from 2009 to 2014, resulting in a greater amount of disposable income being consumed by rising premiums."

    So much for this president really being concerned about "rising income inequality."

    As further noted by Zero Hedge:

    "Incidentally, with spending on healthcare (courtesy of the Supreme Court's Obamacare tax) soaring, while outlays on the traditionally most consumption-intensive category, housing and utilities, going nowhere for the past several years, it is only a matter of 2-3 quarters before Healthcare surpasses Housing as the biggest use of American cash."

    "We show this just in case there is still any confusion why US households are unable to channel more spending into 'discretionary,' non-mandatory purchases unlike Obama's 'health insurance' tax, pardon, noble venture," the site noted further.

    'By their own standards, the Affordable Care Act has failed'
    According to the Freedom Partners report, though premiums increased 28 percent from 2009 to 2014, wages increased by only 7.8 percent. From 2004 to 2009, though premiums increased by 30 percent, wages increased by 12.2 percent.

    In addition, the data reveals that health costs are rising faster than inflation.

    "The average annual cost of a family's employer-sponsored health insurance policy was $17,545 in 2015, which marks a 4.2 percent increase from the 2014 average of $16,834, while the inflation rate remained low at 0.1 percent," says the report. "With health care costs still rising faster than inflation six years after passage of the Affordable Care Act, it is clear that the law is not helping lower the burden of health care expenses for American families."

    What's more, beleaguered Americans suffering through fewer opportunities for high-paying jobs and stagnant wages are going to see their premiums increase again next year, the group says.

    "The Administration claimed the ACA would bend the cost curve, but our report shows it bent in the wrong direction—premiums didn't slow down under the Affordable Care Act, they sped up," said Nathan Nascimento, senior policy adviser at Freedom Partners. "No wonder the White House is trying to change the national conversation away from health care costs. By their own standards, the Affordable Care Act has failed."


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    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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