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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old


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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  Carol Sat Dec 19, 2015 12:43 pm

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Sphinx
    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is 800,000 years old
    December 19, 2015 by Joseph P. Farrell

    Ms. Kelly M. shared this article with me, and given my fascination for all things Egyptological, I simply am compelled to blog about it, because as the title of this blog indicates, I was simply stunned at the dating now being proposed, and oddly, somewhat satisfied. I'll explain the satisfaction in a moment, but first the article itself:

    Now as the article itself indicates, the redating of the Sphinx became a subject of considerable controversy when Dr. Robert Shoch, a geologist, examined the weathering on and around the monument, and concluded that the structure showed signs of water erosion, a fact first suggested by the renowned esotericist and "alternative Egyptologist" Rene Schwaller DeLubicz:

    The starting point of these two experts is the paradigm shift initiated by West and Schoch, a ‘debate’ intended to overcome the orthodox view of Egyptology referring to the possible remote origins of the Egyptian civilization and, on the other, physical evidence of water erosion present at the monuments of the Giza Plateau.

    Because of these water weathering and erosion features, Dr. Schoch concluded that the Sphinx had to be a far older structure than standard Egyptology was willing to grant, for significant rainfall could only be dated to its most recent period in that region of the world, the so-called sub-pluvial period, and thus the Sphinx had to be approximately 8000-10,000 years old. In other words, it was older than ancient Egypt itself(at least, by standard Egyptological chronologies). Needless to say, Dr. Shoch's conclusions were met with a storm of denunciation from the "science" of Egyptology.

    But the re-dating being proposed exceeds Shoch's by an order of magnitude:

    Manichev and Parkhomenko propose a new natural mechanism that may explain the undulations and mysterious features of the Sphinx. This mechanism is the impact of waves on the rocks of the coast. Basically, this could produce, in a period of thousands of years the formation of one or more layers of ripples, a fact that is clearly visible, for example, on the shores of the Black Sea. This process, which acts horizontally (that is, when the waves hit the rock up to the surface), will produce a wear or dissolution of the rock.

    Manichev and Parkhomenko firmly believe that the Sphinx had to be submerged for a long time under water and, to support this hypothesis, they point towards existing literature of geological studies of the Giza Plateau. According to these studies at the end of the Pliocene geologic period (between 5.2 and 1.6 million years ago), sea water entered the Nile valley and gradually creating flooding in the area. This led to formation of lacustrine deposits which are at the mark of 180 m above the present level of the Mediterranean Sea.

    According to Manichev and Parkhomenko, it is the sea level during the Calabrian phase which is the closest to the present mark with the highest GES hollow at its level. High level of sea water also caused the Nile overflowing and created long-living water-bodies. As to time it corresponds to 800000 years.

    What we have here is evidence which contradicts the conventional theory of deterioration caused by Sand and Water, a theory already criticized by West and Schoch, who recalled that during many centuries, the body of the Sphinx was buried by the sands of the desert, so Wind and Sand erosion would not have done any damage to the enigmatic Sphinx.

    However, where Schoch clearly saw the action of streams of water caused by continuous rains, Ukrainian geologists see the effect of erosion caused by the direct contact of the waters of the lakes formed in the Pleistocene on the body Sphinx. This means that the Great Sphinx of Egypt is one of the oldest monuments on the surface of the Earth, pushing back drastically the origin of mankind and civilization.

    Some might say that the theory proposed by Manichev and Parkhomenko is very extreme because it places the Great Sphinx in an era where there were no humans, according to currently accepted evolutionary patterns. Furthermore, as it has been demonstrated, the two megalithic temples, located adjacent to the Great Sphinx were built by the same stone which means that the new dating of the Sphinx drags these monuments with the Sphinx back 800,000 years. In other words, this means that ancient civilizations inhabited our planet much longer than mainstream scientists are willing to accept. (Emphasis added)

    Now why do I find this both stunning and somewhat satisfying? Well, I've long been on record as having suspected that the other famous monument of the Giza plateau, the Great Pyramid itself, is a far older structure than even most "alternative" research is willing to entertain. Years ago, the late George Ann Hughes of the Byte Show asked this question of my, and I responded that the structure might be quite old, and proposed various dates in this range. If one recalls the arguments Alan Alford which I reviewed in The Giza Death Star Deployed, he discerns three different chronological layers of construction at Giza: (1) the oldest layer, with the most precise construction, represented by the Great Pyramid, (2) a more recent, but still very ancient and pre-ancient-Egyptian layer, represented by the Sphinx, the various Giza temples, and the Second Pyramid, and finally (3) the most recent and purely ancient Egyptian layer, showing a distinct decline in construction. Thus, if one combines the paper of Manichev and Parkhomenko redating the Sphinx to ca. 800,000 years ago, with Alford's "three chronological layers of construction" hypothesis of the plateau, then one ends with an age for the Great Pyramid considerably older than that.

    Of course, I don't expect for a moment that Manichev's and Parkhomenko's paper will be met with anything but extreme derision in the Egyptological community, any more than Shoch's was, and there's every possibility that it will be too much and too extreme even for the alternative research community. But if it eventually should be corroborated by some other finding or research, then it does perhaps constitute a kind of loose corroboration of Mr. Christopher Dunn's machine hypothesis - and let it be noted that Mr. Dunn, to my knowledge, has never advanced such an extreme antiquity for the Great Pyramid - and more importantly, such extreme antiquity would seem to corroborate the types of hypotheses I was advancing my Giza trilogy and in The Cosmic War.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  bobhardee Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:19 pm

    With the article above showing that civilization started much earlier than known, maybe there was a "great forgetting"  Enjoy this article.
    Bob H.

    Have You Heard of The Great Forgetting? It Happened 10,000 Years Ago & Completely Affects Your Life
    By Deep Ecology Hub /

       This article summarizes the ideas of Daniel Quinn, first written about in The Story of B, which was a sequel to Ishmael. The longer, original essay can be read here, and comes highly recommended.

    The Great Forgetting refers to the wealth of knowledge that our culture lost when we adopted our new civilized lifestyle. The knowledge that allowed indigenous cultures to survive, the knowledge that we had once also been tribal and the understanding that we were but one mere culture of thousands. All of this disappeared in a few short generations.

    The Great Forgetting accounts for an enormous cultural collapse as once tribal people found themselves in a new and strange mass centralized society. New beliefs, new ways of life rushed into this cultural vacuum to fill the void. But without being tested by natural selection over thousands of years this new culture was evolutionarily unstable.

    It is only recently that the Great Forgetting has been exposed. Understanding it holds the key to making sense of our destructive culture. And remembering what it is that was forgotten holds the key to our future.
    How The Great Forgetting Took Place

    It began around 10,000 years ago when one culture in the Near East adopted a new way of life that humans had not tried before.

    They began to practice an intensive form of agriculture which enabled them to live in a settled location.

    They developed large food surpluses which led to a population and geographic explosion. What began as farming communes eventually turned into villages, then into towns, and then kingdoms. Civilization began.

    But it was a long time before anybody began to write down history, several thousand years later in fact. What happened in between was that the people of this culture forgot what had happened. They forgot that they once were hunter gatherers and foragers who lived a nomadic lifestyle. They assumed that mankind arrived on the planet at the same time as civilization. They assumed that civilization and settled agriculture was the natural state of mankind, as natural as living in a herd and grazing is to buffalo.

    Naturally this gave rise to the belief that we were only a few thousand years old, that mankind had began when civilization began.

    The primitive cultures that lived on the fringe areas of early civilization would appear to suggest that humans had lived another way. But they were easily explained away. They had fallen from the natural state of civilization; they had degraded into savagery. They had once lived as fully fledged humans but they had forgotten the way and now they were inferior, they were sub-human.
    The Philosophical Roots of Our Culture

    This collective cultural memory lapse; this belief that humans had arrived in the world as civilization builders was held by the foundation thinkers of our culture.

    The philosophers, historians and theologians of the ancient civilizations: Sumer, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, India and China wove the Great Forgetting into their work.

    Those that followed – the Hebrew authors of the Bible, Moses, Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah and Jeremiah, the great Western thinkers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the great Eastern thinkers Lao Tzu, Gautama Buddha and Confucius -  all wove the Great Forgetting into their work.

    The thinkers of more modern times also followed suit, they didn't take any Great Forgetting into account. Why would they? They had no reason to believe that humans had not come into this world as civilization builders. They had no reason to believe that this wasn’t our natural state. So Thomas Aquinas, Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton and Rene Descartes carried on our culture with the Great Forgetting at its root.
    The Truth Is Revealed

    Palaeontology exposed the Great Forgetting. Palaeontology made it clear that mankind had not arrived on Planet Earth when civilization emerged. We had lived for a very long time, millions of years in fact, in a completely different way. Mankind hadn’t fallen from the natural state into primitive living. That was how we began.

    Looking back on it one could assume that the exposure of the Great Forgetting would have been a momentous discovery. It should have shook the very foundations of our way of thinking, the very foundations of our culture. One could have assumed that this would have led to some fundamental changes about who we are and how we should live.

    But it didn’t. The Great Forgetting just got explained away. Instead of admitting that two very different and legitimate ways of living had been adopted by mankind in his history the thinkers of the 19th Century came up with this: man may have been born into this world as a primitive savage but he was destined to become a civilization builder.

    In essence they said: “Who cares that we didn’t arrive as a civilization builder. It was our destiny to become a civilization builder. Now that we are here who cares what went before us. Those people that lived before us were just a precursor to us. They weren’t important.”

       We didn't arrive as a civilization builder. But it was our destiny to become one.

    The historians came up with a convenient way to disregard those humans that walked the earth those millions of years before our culture emerged.

    Instead of accepting that they were part of history the historians relegated them to pre-history. They were before history, because history began when civilization began. We are the good stuff; we are the ones who are fulfilling the destiny of mankind. We are the ones who should be studied.
    The Myth of the Agricultural Revolution

    Our culture’s transition from hunter gatherer to civilization builder was also explained away. The term our thinkers coined was “The Agricultural Revolution.”

    This is how it was explained: Before the agricultural revolution humans didn’t know how to farm or how to practice any kind of agriculture. They lived as hunter gatherers and foragers. Once they discovered farming they were then able to settle down and build civilization. The agricultural revolution was the foundation from which all the greatness of humanity stems.

    It was explained in such a way that leads us to believe that the agricultural revolution was:

       Something that happened more or less by everybody.
       Something that happened more or less at the same time.

    The story is told so we think that one group of people figured it out and those nearby saw what they were doing and thought “aha what a better way of doing things, what a better way of living.” Once a group was enlightened with the knowledge of agriculture they immediately stopped their primitive hunting and gathering ways and settled down to practice the better way. They could see that this was man’s destiny and they eagerly took it up.

    This myth has permeated our culture since the 19th century thinkers created it to support their idea that civilization is the divine destiny of mankind. However the agricultural revolution was not a revolution and it had absolutely nothing to do with agriculture.

    Agriculture had been practiced in many different ways and forms by thousands of different cultures around the globe. Agriculture is not unique to civilization. What is unique to civilization is a particular form of agriculture, that Daniel Quinn terms totalitarian agriculture.

       The Agricultural Revolution had absolutely nothing to do with agriculture.

    Totalitarian agriculture subordinates all life forms to the relentless single minded production of human food. It is the belief that the whole world is ours by right and we should turn all of the land into human food.

    This generates huge surpluses which generates rapid population growth and rapid geographical expansion.

    Through sheer weight of numbers totalitarian agriculturalists overrun neighboring regions obliterating other cultures and their way of life. The agricultural revolution wasn't something that started and finished thousands of years ago. It is still happening today, being driven forward by our cultural doctrines which tell us that the earth is a foe that must be conquered.

    The agricultural revolution wasn’t about humans finding a better way to live. It was about a single culture out of thousands beginning to live in a way that only worked through exponential growth. Civilization didn’t spread because it was a good idea. Civilization spread through force. The exponential growth of the totalitarian agriculturalists displaced anybody and everybody else. It wasn’t a revolution; it was an experiment that became a runaway train.

    So when the Great Forgetting was exposed it was quickly covered up. Our culture went from believing this:

    First Humans

    To believing this:

    First Humans
    Paleolithic Humans
    Mesolithic Humans
    Neolithic Humans

    When in fact the reality looks more like this:

    First Humans
    Paleolithic Humans
    Mesolithic Humans
    Neolithic Humans
    Great Forgetting

    |                              |
    10,000 other cultures             Us
    A New Way of Thinking

    The realization of the Great Forgetting gives us a fresh perspective on human history and our place in the world. It gives us the opportunity to see that another way of living legitimately existed on this planet.

    The answer to this ecological crisis doesn’t lie with bumbling along the same way we have been trying to perfect for ten thousand years. It doesn’t lie with manically trying to fix a way of life that can only succeed by growing. Eventually it was going to grow so big that it would run out of room to keep going. That time has arrived now.


    Instead of trying to tweak and change our lifestyle to somehow make it work we need to have a complete overhaul of the way we live.

    Now we can study indigenous cultures and say they haven’t degraded into savagery.

    They haven’t been left behind in the march to progress; they aren’t the most undeveloped peoples of civilization.

    They live in a way that is completely different to us.

    A way that is not inherently inferior and a way that is in no means a precursor to civilization. Now we can look on them with fresh eyes, with newfound respect and listen to what they have to say.

    They have lived sustainably on this planet for millions of years. We have much to learn from them.

    We can now see that with the ecological crisis the problem is not humankind. Humans are not parasitic. Humans can and have lived sustainably. The problem is a single culture. The culture that began 10,000 years ago with totalitarian agriculture and still practices it today. We don’t have to change humans. We don’t have to fix them. We just have to abandon a single destructive culture.

    We aren’t 99% of the world’s population because we have a better way of living. We are 99% because our culture grew and displaced those who didn’t need to grow.

    We can find a new way.

    Help spread the word by sharing this page on your favorite social networking sites. Thanks for your help!

    This article summarizes the ideas of Daniel Quinn, first written about in The Story of B, which was a sequel to Ishmael. The longer, original essay can be read here, and comes highly recommended.

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  orthodoxymoron Sat Dec 19, 2015 7:29 pm

    I honestly can't talk about this stuff in "Real-Life". I don't channel -- and I am NOT possessed -- but I somehow seem to be able to create some semi-interesting internet-posts. Otherwise, I am honestly a Completely Ignorant Fool. In the "Cold Blood" episode of Dr. Who (from the Fifth-Series) there's a scene where Dr. Who speaks of the "Moon coming into alignment with the Earth" around ten-thousand years ago (if I remember correctly). A group of reptilians overhear this -- and are shocked that he knows about the "arrival of the Moon". What if this was when Earth was taken-over by the occupants of the Moon??!! What if this was when "the Lamb was slain from the Foundation of the World". What if this was when the "Real Crucifixion" occurred?? What Would Dr. Richard Carrier Say?? What if there was an ancient Crystal Cathedral on the Moon?? What Would Dr. Robert H. Schuller Say?? What Would Richard Hoagland Say?? What Would Joseph Farrell Say?? I continue to know very little about Ancient Babylon, Egypt, Persia, Greece, Rome, and Israel (to name just a few) despite looking at this general phenomenon from the sidelines for several years. I seem to have some sort of a mental, psychological, and spiritual block connected with all of this. However, with that Obelisk on Phobos -- City-State Obelisks -- Numerous Pyramids (not just in Egypt) -- Stargate SG-1 -- my own personal-experience with an Individual of Interest looking me in the eye, and saying "I Am RA" and also telling me that "Serqet" had something to do with my relationship to them -- not to mention all of the books by Ralph Ellis, Gerald Massey, and many-others -- I get the overwhelming impression that the Ancient-Egyptian Theme is at the Center of Everything (at least within this solar system). What if Serqet = Jupiter Jones = Isis = Archangel Michael = Pastor Angelicus??? What Would Raven Say?? What Would the Jesuits Say?? What Would the Phobos-Martians Say?? Imagine Ancient-Egyptian Giants giving orders to Little Grey-Alien Stonecutters (aka Masons)!! This stuff REALLY Scares Me!! I'm trying to NOT Think About It!! BTW -- consider listening to Black Scholars talking about Ancient-Egypt -- and about feeling victimized by Christianity and the Caucasians!! I think they have a significant message -- but I try to look past the racial-tension stuff -- and just concentrate on truth-seeking. I continue to wish to benefit All-Concerned (at least until I know a hell of a lot more about what's REALLY gone-on in this solar system).

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Stargate_018_Djimon-in-costume_1000x-@72
    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old 10450851_776530119033753_3767233935257283290_n
    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old E0dc19418cfa238c0f5785bcfc3a99b9
    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old I9UmsAq
    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Trtry7u6576ui76

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:54 pm

    From 800,000 years ago to now sometimes it seems the human spirit will always be challenged with change. Sometimes "things" endure, sometimes not. Yet what does endure is the human spirit and how it has the opportunity to evolve when change does occur.

    The following is from Lynne McTaggart's site:


    Dec 18, 2015
    Lynne Mctaggart

    Amid all the fear-mongering the press has indulged in of late after the terrorist attacks in Paris and Los Angeles and London, it’s easy to overlook the good news in any calamity: the simple power and goodness of the human spirit.

    Take the recent floods in the north of England where I live. Two weeks ago, around Cumbria and the breathtaking Lake District, the heavens suddenly opened and poured down the heaviest rain ever recorded in British history.

    Some 13.5 inches of rain fell between 6 pm on Friday December 4 and the same time the following evening, easily breaching the special defences built by the British government after the 2005 floods had created a similar disaster.

    More than 5000 Cumbrian homes were flooded and more than a hundred people drowned. The press was full of images of deluge and disaster, homes and farms under water, people scrambling out of top story windows.

    A posse of volunteers

    What they largely ignored were the likes of Stephen Brown.

    Brown was working at his job at the basement bar of the Glenridding hotel in Ullswater – a town in the Lake District named by the lake of the same name last Saturday evening - when the swollen river of the tiny tributary leading out from the lake burst over the bank, causing a landslide of water, grit and silt. Torrents of water burst through the doors of the hotel, heading straight for the basement.

    In minutes, Brown watched as the flood rushed into the kitchen, carrying away kitchen appliances and blocking the way out. He and his fellow employees formed a human chain to help guests out to safety. And over the following four days, Brown worked tirelessly with group of volunteers to cart out gallons of filthy gelatinous mud, scrubbing and cleaning up whatever had been left behind, while a team of electricians attempted to restore power.

    They had just finished, when the heavens opened again the following Wednesday, with a similar deluge of rain. Volunteers had been working to dredge the mud and silt that had formed under a bridge immediately outside the town, but the stream banks burst again, water gravel and mud began pouring into town and made their down the steps of the hotel and into the basement bar again.

    This time, though, the freezing water and debris also made their way through to his parent’s grocery store and a small group of nearby flats used by hotel staff – including Brown’s flat on the ground floor.

    “So that’s my business flooded, my home flooded, my parents flooded,” he said. “Bloody disaster.”

    The disaster was all the more galling because Britain’s Environment Agency had designated Ullswater as a ‘hot spot’ for flash flooding and supposedly had created an adequate flood defense.

    Nevertheless, during the crisis, the townspeople of Ullswater came together in a way they hadn’t before. One pizzeria in Kendal donated free pizzas to those who’d been evacuated from their homes and were huddled together in the town hall, and a Tasty Hogs company donated half a roasted pig. Supermarkets offered free meals; a leisure center opened up for free beds. Firemen helped to save 120 sheep by easing them into rowboats.

    And to Stephen Brown’s amazement, new volunteers showed up at the Glenridding to clean it up for the second time round.

    The happy wake of Hurricane Sandy

    This experience reminds me of the days after Hurricane Sandy hit lower Manhattan, leaving most of Avenue C in the East Village in Manhattan under water. Zachary Mack, co-owner of Alphabet City Wine Company, wrote that no business along his street had been spared.

    Within minutes of Zachary’s arriving at his wrecked store on the Tuesday, the day after the Con Ed transformer exploded, a group of three regulars showed up with flashlights and trash bags. “What do you need us to do? How can we help you?” they said.

    Before long, Alphabet City Wine Company, open for business by candlelight, had become a command center, where neighbors and other business owners met and made plans. Strangers offered dry clothing to those who were soaking wet; chefs coordinated vast neighborhood cookouts to feed those locals in need for free; groups gathered around a battery powered radio for updates. Morale was higher than it had been before the storm.

    Every morning, the neighborhood would gather, drink hot chocolate provided by another business owner and formulate the day’s plans: who’d find gas for those cars still working; who needed to drive people to find shelter; who would be assigned the task of finding batteries or candles. By the following day, said Zachary, the residents had created a makeshift community center.

    “Neighbors were meeting for the first time, passing information. Kids were playing with one another. People were shouting out random bits of news from their incoming texts or Twitter feeds. And probably best of all: locals installed a bike-powered cell phone charging station. Complete strangers sat and pedaled to give their neighbors the juice they needed to get back up and running,” he wrote.

    When the basement of one of the neighbors filled up with water, he was surrounded by locals who’d stopped working on their own repair jobs to help out.

    “Whatever preconceived notions others have about the spirit of community on New York City, I know that I’ll never forget the way I feel today.

    “The people sitting next to me in Brooklyn tell me they look at the news and they sense desperation. I’m here to tell you that things have never looked or felt better on Avenue C.”

    And up in Ullswater, after this double disaster, Brown remained sanguine, insisting that the wreckage around him isn’t what’s ultimately important. “Oh, we’ll get on. We’ve survived. It’s only stuff.”

    Disaster brings us together and unearths the hidden community that is always there – it gives us a cogent reminder this holiday season that the things most sacred to us are more than just ‘stuff.’

    It’s the people who’ve got your back when the going gets rough. And don’t ever forget: there are so many of them out there

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
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    Location : The Matrix

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 21, 2015 2:57 pm

    I think people are generally good -- yet a dark-side lurks within humanity (in the soul and/or body and/or governance and/or unseen-realms). I think things are bad (when one considers the situation of ALL Humanity -- and not just those living in luxury -- going way, way back in history). But "cleaning things up" in a revolutionary (rather than evolutionary) manner might make things exponentially worse. Someone recently tried to get me to talk about conspiracy-theories in "real-life" but I didn't say a word. I'm resigned to just treating the madness as "science-fiction" in the relative-privacy of The Mists of Avalon -- and I'm honestly attempting to end my online-quest. I'm finding myself being increasingly attracted to a Reformed Peale and Schuller approach to life, the universe, and everything -- wherein that which presently exists is positively-reinforced. I wish to avoid the "Extreme Self-Esteem" often seen at the Crystal Cathedral -- but I wish to avoid "Business As Usual" even more.

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:05 pm

    You may be right Oxy. Although we watched an old black and white Christmas movie over the week-end. All those actors are dead now but the message was profound when it came to someone who died in the film who had no soul to move on. The statement in the film surprised me, yet is also something I've thought about.

    Last edited by Carol on Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 21, 2015 7:20 pm

    Carol, I'm re-watching It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World from 1963, with a star-studded cast -- and I wonder if it was intended as a Historical and Eschatological Parable -- wherein none of those who thought they were going to "cash-in" actually got anything -- but the loot got randomly distributed to "everyone". My dad discussed the movie with Terri Thomas (the Englishman). Speaking of old movies -- I'm planning on re-watching Dead Reckoning with Humphrey Bogart (given to me by an Individual of Interest) -- Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor (1963) -- The Agony and the Ecstasy with Rex Harrison (1965) -- and On Any Sunday produced by Bruce Brown (1971). There's a certain class and innocence within the older movies. On the other hand, I'll probably go see the new Star Wars movie!! Unfortunately, I get the sinking-feeling that we will NEVER have world-peace, simply because we LOVE WAR!! How many people would go see a Science-Fiction Movie with NO FIGHTING??!! Blood and Guts are seemingly fundamental to our Reason to Be. Consider the Eucharistic-Liturgy. "There's Power in the Blood". "Without the Shedding of Blood, There is No Remission of Sin". Shedding-Blood on the Battlefield -- followed by Absolution and Forgiveness through Eating the Flesh and Drinking the Blood -- might go back further than we think. Didn't Frederick Nietzsche write "The role of man is 'warrior' and the role of woman is 'recreation for the warrior'". I must stop. I'm feeling a bit ill. I'll get some rest, so I can listen to Sherry Shriner's show in a couple of hours. Perhaps that will cheer me up.


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    Location : Hawaii

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:02 pm

    I was just checking out that movie and will get the title to you Oxy... and we plan on going to the new Star Wars movie too. Pretty much anything Harrison Ford is in we enjoy.

    As for the "we love War" comment. People who make movies love making that type of film. Many of those films are boycotted by those who know better and prefer something a bit more worthwhile to view.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 13591
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:12 pm

    Thank-you Carol. It might be interesting and instructive to determine the percentage of Non-Violent Science-Fiction relative to Violent Science-Fiction. It might be interesting to observe a Dynamic-Equilibrium of the Medical-Military-Money Complex with the Prevention-Peace-Philanthropy Complex -- perhaps with a Mediating Ethics-Center in the middle. The Bottom-Line is usually the Bottom-Line regarding the Nature and Content of Motion-Pictures. The Movie-Moguls generally Give Us What We Want -- and Tell Us What We Wish to Hear -- so as to Maximize the Bottom-Line. I guess I'm seeking  to Balance the Bottom-Line with the Golden-Rule. Hope Springs Eternal. I spoke with Steven Spielberg's Stepmother regarding a Star-Wars Life of Christ Super-Movie -- but obviously nothing ever came of it. We both regularly attended Dr. A. Graham Maxwell's Bible-Class at Loma Linda University. My United States of the Solar System threads are probably a crude-approximation of what I had in mind regarding that proposed movie. I basically live within the context of such a motion-picture 24/7. It's a nasty and draining task -- but somebody must do it (or must they??)!! Actually, I think I'd rather make this movie the model for my remaining life-experience. Perhaps in my next incarnation. On Any Sunday always makes me cry. I think I met the producer (Bruce Brown) -- but I'm not sure (as strange as that sounds).

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:28 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  Carol Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:23 pm

    Ahh, here is the title of that film made in 1940.

    Beyond Tomorrow (also known as And So Goodbye) is a 1940 American fantasy film directed by A. Edward Sutherland and produced by noted cinematographer Lee Garmes.

    Structured as a B film, the production did not engage any stars who would receive billing above the title, relying instead on a quartet of veteran characters actors, Charles Winninger, Maria Ouspenskaya, C. Aubrey Smith and Harry Carey, second-tier young leads Richard Carlson and Jean Parker as well as "other woman" Helen Vinson, a minor lead/second lead during early and mid thirties, here approaching the end of her career. All seven actors received a "Featuring" billing after the title. The remaining supporting cast included Rod La Rocque, a top leading man of the silent era, now reduced to playing minor supporting roles.

    Because the events of the plot take place during the Christmas season, it is a contemporary but little-remembered example of the Christmas film.[2]

    Engineers George Melton (Harry Carey) and Allan Chadwick (C. Aubrey Smith) work furiously to complete a design on time, even though it is Christmas Eve. Michael O'Brien (Charles Winninger), the third partner in the firm, arrives with presents for all and kindly lets their employees leave.[3] The three old men then go home to the mansion they share with Madame Tanya (Maria Ouspenskaya), an elderly countess dispossessed by the Russian Revolution, for a dinner with prestigious guests.

    When the guests cancel at the last minute, George is convinced it is because of his dark past. To relieve George's black mood, Michael comes up with an idea to obtain new guests for dinner. Each man throws out a wallet containing $10 and his business card into the street. George's is found by Arlene Terry (Helen Vinson), who merely gives the money to her driver and discards the wallet. However, the other two are returned by more considerate people: Texas cowboy James Houston (Richard Carlson) and teacher Jean Lawrence (Jean Parker). They stay for dinner and soon become good friends with the three men and Madame Tanya. James and Jean also fall in love with each other, delighting the three men.

    When the engineers have to travel to another city on business, Madame Tanya begs Michael to take the train rather than fly. He assures her it is perfectly safe, but Madame Tanya's premonition proves tragically correct when their aircraft crashes in a storm, killing all three. When James and Jean come to announce that they are engaged, they receive the bad news. The ghosts of the three men return home, where they are dimly sensed by Madame Tanya.

    It turns out that Michael had bequeathed some bonds to the young couple so they could afford to marry. The story is picked up by the press, and as a result, James is invited to be a guest on a radio show. This is the opportunity he has been waiting for to showcase his wonderful singing voice. At the studio, James bumps into Arlene Terry, an established singing star. She wishes him well and is impressed by his performance. She had been wanting to replace her aging partner; she and her manager, Phil Hubert (Rod LaRocque), offer James a starring role in her new show. He accepts.

    As James spends time with Arlene rehearsing, he becomes infatuated with her and neglects Jean, much to the distress of the ghosts, who are powerless to do anything. When Arlene's ex-husband bangs on her door, she has James leave by the back door, but not before persuading him to take a three-day break from work with her in the country.

    George is summoned to leave the world. Michael begs him to repent before it is too late, but George refuses to be a hypocrite and walks away amid thunder and lightning into the darkness. Soon it is Allan's turn. His son David (William Bakewell) comes to take him to Heaven to be reunited with his wife. When Michael is called, he refuses to leave James, although a voice tells him each person is summoned only once and that he will be doomed to roam the Earth forever if he turns it down.

    When Arlene leaves her apartment to meet James, her ex-husband is waiting. He needs her help to get back on his feet. However, she coldly brushes him off. When Arlene and James drive away, the jealous, estranged husband follows and shoots them when they stop for dinner. James dies on the operating table with his spirit greeted by Michael who then intercedes on his behalf, pleading with a "voice from above", for a second chance for the young man. [N 1] His wish is granted and James returns to life. Michael is reunited with a now-repentant George, and both are admitted into Heaven.[4]

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old Empty Re: Scientists: Geological evidence shows the Great Sphinx is over 800,000 years old

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:31 pm

    Thank-you Carol. I'll probably watch that movie on Christmas-Eve or Christmas-Day. Now I'm going to listen to Sherry Shriner.

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