I made a short summary of information from various sources i came in contact with. To a rather large extent my attention went to how this different sources of information combine. How to put it all together. It was an interesting observation to see, for example, one book saying what the other did but in different terms and examples. It was also a sort of a "pleasure" to be able to recognize that. So this is based on many different things in hope it might become a next step in my understanding and perhaps also for someone else. It is of course not all encompassing. It is meant to be as a sort of a foundation. Your input on the matter is welcomed. The information are many but the understanding is not always there. P.S. You might notice i played around a little... If it is too much of a "distraction" do let me know and i will remove it. Also if there are parts of unreadable text just select that part with your mouse to see it. |
of Love Conscience as a living thought (thought that thinks) in a light-geometry-vibration-particle-energy-cell manifestation (holographic body). Body as a biological computer - growing, responding, thinking (7 mind centers), communicating...of which brain is to be a storage unit...a portable library that we can not access in full due to low vibration. Vibration depending on the dimension (the hologram) of consciousness. Light as a binding force of all that is and thought as a creating force of all that is. Love = light (often used in abuse) and knowledge. Love as something that binds together and expands. So love as you and me and your neighbor and all that is. All creation is equal (all=all, no exclusions). For all creation is thought-light manifestation and all creation is love. Love is creation - all that is. You allow love to be, the allowance of others to be as they are, patience for others as they are. One does not "do" love but allows it to be. Patience not to be confused with tolerance-resentment (example - ok ok...you go and do that, but i just hate it...) Love as acceptance. You do not "warrior" what you dislike out of existence. Do not fight against something..if anything...be pro to the opposite (do not be anti war, be pro peace) Acceptance of yourself and others. To accept is not to condition in any way or have expectations or a need to control the actions or output...etc To refuse the acceptance is to hurt. That is no longer love, it is fear. Love does not hurt. Love is creation, denying is to deny yourself....is to deny light. Denying light is to cut yourself further and further from the source (you get sick, you age faster, you have mental disorders...) Fear is not the opposite of love as love has no opposite. There is no such thing as non-creation. Everything that is, is a creation. Fear is a "mental distortion". It is a whisperer in the head. The one that always sneaks up on your thoughts and starts making "suggestions". Suggestions as of how something will not work, how this and that will go wrong, how doing it will hurt you, how you should do it to be safe and secure....etc Whisperer is also very insecure. Thinking or doing something that represents change and is different, new....not as what it does and thinks...that is a big no no for it. The ego some call it or distorted/altered ego. (whisperer:"bah what? you have lack of confidence due to your 3rd chakra being closed? are you insane? get some Prozac and on with the more important business of survival and safety") So love is not something you do by buying flowers, saying it all the time, writing poems, having sexual relations, intimate relations, proclaiming it on radio...etc It is also not to be demanded, expected, proven, wanted...etc It might be that the above could use some other term. I say sexuality and intimacy since intimacy can encompass sexuality and more than just that (for example - most consider what happens when they go to the toilet to be intimate...etc) Love is also not exclusive... it is not love to say you have it for one or few individuals but not for the rest. Love is. It is here. You are here. Accept it, allow it. |
of Sexuality Understanding sexuality is a lot like considering your next shopping experience. Meaning there is this beginning thrill that ends after some "use" and than you have to go and buy something new. Gives some temporary comfort and happiness...but not to you...it gives that tot the above mentioned whisperer. What also tends to be the problem is the daily mind-wash about it. Part of the mind-wash is what people in general term to be "love" and how they connect it to the sexuality. The question that arises is...should sexuality even be tied to what love actually is to be? On the most basic level the male and female can indeed create. They make love by "making love" (having sex). They are utilizing sexual energy of creation. Strong energy. Thus sexuality is not to be approached with the selfish intent. Male sexual organ is primarily in the red mind center (more physical). The female is primarily in orange mind center (more emotional). Both are part of the lower self...the playful child...the base mind centers which have a very important connections - 2nd mind center which is connected to higher self 5th mind center - creativity connected with creativity of expression = process of creation (thought-word-manifestation)...and 1st mind center as entry point of lowers self connected with 7th as entry point of higher self...and 3rd mind center as a meeting point - if the base mind centers are not working properly (are blocked) the dysfunctions comes to be (emotional trauma and ignorant/distorted mind, illness of organs encompassed )...etc Or in other words...the lack of connection with the source, with the light, with love. The word "lower"in this case is just that - lower. It has no malevolent meaning. Like negative in electricity is - negative. The unpleasant sensation one might get reading word "lower, negative" is due to a whisperer...due to programming. So i will state that love is connected with sexuality but sexuality itself is not love...sexuality is not a "must" for love to be experienced and allowed, accepted.... Sexuality is a choice. Your choice of with who, why, when, what, where... It is advisable not to experience sexuality if there is a selfish intent involved or if the person does not understand what sexuality is. The more you give, the more you stimulate and the more you receive as (if) the other does the same....giving energy increases it, taking it...leaves you tired and empty since it is an exchange of energies..as a hologram...it is a frequency or an electro-magnetic exchange. That is why if forced and/or pressured upon to make sexual contact can disturb the person so much. Sexuality as creation mostly depends on intent. Your intent is extremely important as it "defines" your focus. Focus might be hard to endure as it requires stillness of mind and the stillness of mind has many "preliminary requirements". So for many it is not something you just go and do.... Energy of sexuality is strong. Very strong. Just look around you...(a commercial with a muscular man with a new model of some car and those women just having that "hungry" look for him...and many other in a lot of cases much more direct examples) Sexual orgasm is a powerful energy..a glimpse of what can be when "tuned in"....energy follows intention...so dedicate/intent your orgasm to someone/something. What wonders the mind is what all can be counted as a dysfunction of lower self. Once can make a quick guess and state that sexual obsession (mostly visible in males but also females) can be one of those things. Mostly that can be done via pornographic industry - meat level. Other things can also be neglecting/refusing sexuality, manipulative and obsessed behavior patterns, lack of self worth and energy.... One can also wonder about "specifics" such as different sexual practices (with who and how for example) and what can be considered as dysfunction. Given all the bombardment of the topic it can be rather hard to discern on this. The power of the whisperer can also be tremendous... What i personally am noticing is for example a more and more "opened culture" when it comes to sexuality...it is even propagated via the corporate media...and when someone has either a doubt (sadly mostly in form of violence and aggression) that someone is labeled intolerant (it is also a nice example of separating people and creating confusion). Modern sociology studies can be very....modern. And than there are, not so modern, anthropology studies such as those of Sambians. I shall deliberately censor myself and not go into specifics at this time since i do not wish to upset any feelings and there is also the whisperer i mentioned before. Also the term "modern" might be modern if you count in what we call "time". Without time many things might be simply considered to be "recent" or on grand scale o things just a "blink of an eye". Also simply stating that one feels what is "right/wrong" thing to do can be tricky. It might be best if consideration is based on energy (as mentioned above). So in conclusion it can be stated that the topic of sexuality is far from being unimportant and should not be ignored and swept under the carpet for the sake of some morals and alike. |
of Focus Let us start here with the basic - u get the experience of what you think which confirms your thinking. As many of you are from PA1 community which was originally based on hand books and ground crew idea i assume most of you have the understanding of what in the books is termed as "law of attraction, deliberate intent and allowance" (all three forming balance). It is said - state what you wish to experience (it is my intention to experience....) and you will experience it...IF....if you keep your focus on it. 3D is a slow motion. Compared to higher D where thought can be instantaneous (imagine the horror of thought being instantaneous here..or amm...do not imagine that...at least...not too much). I INTEND...this and that.... So if i focus 3-6 times a day on..."how could it be if would it be..." for 10 minutes (30-60 minutes a day) and i spent the rest of cca 23hours doing/thinking/focusing on some other things....what will i manifest? Most likely what my whisperer tells me to. So my question to you is...can and do you keep your focus, how do you keep your focus and what do you focus on? Also if a big enough community would have some common focus...can you see how powerful would that be and why some might not like that? |
EDIT: miss spelling
Last edited by Spregovori on Mon Aug 30, 2010 3:15 am; edited 5 times in total