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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Trace Tag Terminate Disintegrate

    Post  SiriArc Fri Sep 24, 2010 1:43 am


    We Are Energetic Probes Created By The Universe

    This occurred during one of the Deep Journeys of Discovery:

    Three Simultaneous Awareness's of “Self":

    *Frank laying on the bed.

    *From “space", A Spark of Light looking at a sphere of what IT considered black worms.

    *Someone/Thing “behind" the Spark, looking on.

    As the Spark observed the sphere of black worms, it thought:

    “There’s no Love here"

    And then it went into the black mass !!!

    This was Shocking, and “I" was immediately jolted back to “Frankness" and the room, with eyes open and haunted.......

    Over the ensuing years, The Spark has been considered to be:

    *The Sun
    *Earth as a Singularity

    Regardless of title, It’s US
    Sent / Programmed by The ALL as a Probe / Noocyte to enter and dissolve this tumor in the “Larger Self".

    From The Center Of Your Essence To The Circumference

    And Simultaneously

    From The Circumference To The Center

    Trace Tag Terminate Disintegrate

    the parasitic factor

    #20 Our Work is other: Eradication of the virus

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Eajrr6


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Instigator Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:11 am

    Very interesting Brook, i agree with your summation of "the woman", maybe i was distracted Shocked watching the flips and shifts in tags ..... interesting about the Michael energy, what does this say about the Metatron ?
    Seems the darkies are pullin out all the stops right now, if we thought this shift was going to be easy then we had better re think our journey so far, we entering the home straight and must expect anything and everything, each and everyone of us have to reach that finish line no matter what they throw at us. bounce

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:33 am

    Lionhawk advised me to post this...............A world where anything is possible Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Icon_wink

    Free your mind Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Icon_cool

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:40 am

    Yeah, what you reap is what you sow! Thanks for the clip, Lionhawk.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 11:07 am

    Instigator wrote:Very interesting Brook, i agree with your summation of "the woman", maybe i was distracted Shocked watching the flips and shifts in tags ..... interesting about the Michael energy, what does this say about the Metatron ?
    Seems the darkies are pullin out all the stops right now, if we thought this shift was going to be easy then we had better re think our journey so far, we entering the home straight and must expect anything and everything, each and everyone of us have to reach that finish line no matter what they throw at us. bounce

    Instigator...I don't know all of the content of these various programs, so I know nothing of the Metatron. All I did was follow the tag in this woman...and read the energy stream and follow it to it's source. And I'm here to tell goes on as far as my eyes could see. And that was huge.

    I only sourced this one branch of the energy stream..and the ones in her were "Merovingian", with a branch off "new age version"
    Attached to a much larger one......Thoth origin source....the root program.

    Now I seriously don't know a thing about the Merovingians...I was 'guided" to that link. I really had no idea of the "Michael" program...and the connection, until I was guided as I said to that information. I'm sure there are more connections than I'm truly aware of...but I was guided to see the connection, and where it led.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 1:08 pm

    Okay now......I'm preparing to do a rather long post....(yawn) get your popcorn and while I'm writing it.....have a look at this video.....

    it's simply beautiful Cool

    Don't forget to take notes Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Icon_wink


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 4:16 pm

    Ahhhh yes...that was simply beautiful Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Herz And there is not much I can disagree with in it. So much much light, it will open your heart chakra...and you will is true. Oh my yes. But wait......something is missing. Can you guess what it might be?

    I want universal light to flow through me....I know it has to come into my auric field..and through my chakras. To be able to feel it in my physical body as well as my light body. To direct energy to my endocrine glands, nervous system and blood. I want most of all for it to give me spiritual well being, and provide me with 'secret keys". I want to reach the eternal divine stars....and transcend...I need this to facilitate my spiritual journey!

    And this is the GODS TRUTH! know it because you can feel it in your heart center!...all warm and fuzzy......nothing feels quite like it. I know this as I have experienced it "firsthand".

    So....what it missing here? Two very important is Grounding. As we are coded to this EARTH...we need to be grounded to it to receive, for our higher tap into the real universal light. As that is after all who we are...we are now a race of our own....we are sovereign light beings of this planet.....and don't let anyone one else tell you differently. You may be a walk in, or a hybrid being..but you are first and foremost of this earth. And if you are are an alien....who cannot stay here for any length of time, as you will deteriorate unless you have an outside source that allows you to be in this atmosphere. I will cannot go outside in this physical body without the assistance of some kind to allow it....this is why most travel in dimensional body's. And this is why most outside alien factions arrive in "dimensional" ships, and show themselves in dimensional frequency.

    So if you do not are out there with your root chakra floating free. And that brings up the second thing missing in the video......a shield.

    When one puts up a shield from getting any outside source see only "divine" information...from the creator, and your higher self.. And set your shield to be on ALWAYS...when you travel. Your light-body that works in conjunction with the chakras can be 'tagged" so easily...and using your heart chakra to hear these words of "wisdom" from an energy will gravitate to it.....truth will always grab your attention.

    Using that woman I was guided to as an example....she has her heart open to hearing the truth...and gets confronted by this beautiful warrior from Mars.....Michael. Who, ,in turn tells her she is the long lost "Destiny" to save her 75,000 Pleadian brothers and sisters from the evil Draconian. Sounds like a great idea...a message of hope for sure...and one of valor. And this "program"...tells her many that was what caught my attention in the first place. advise of grounding...and no advise of shielding from any outside dark energy. Not the wisest advise in my way of thinking. And exactly where did I get this video? Where you can see so many others just like it. In a place where I saw yet another tentacle. It had a name of it's own...and is growing fat.

    And this program has a fear attached to of annihilation...unless you direct yourself and a whole group of others to follow these teachings. One that the author directly projects the teachings of the
    “Quetzalcoatl connection”......if you will recall....that is Thoth....and we all know that Thoth spouts all of this wisdom, and truth...and injects a fear program as well.....can you say sacrifice?

    So where did this come from? And what is this program? Obviously one of a "new age" stream. Where did I pull that video? Where there is so much love and light connected to it? So much truth and divine intent? Where the author of this energy stream...tells of great tragedy to Mother Earth...and yet a "rebirth"...and warns to find safe run and duck for cover. And Even tell to stay away from Astral...and go to the center of the Milky Way. Whaaaat? The center of the Milky Way! Are you kidding me? One who even carry's the name of that which he states to stay away from? Yes my friends....the very one and the same......Astralwalker. Promoting fear first..then advise of a safe haven in the Milky Way center.....a super massive black hole.

    The one who has gathered 3600 souls at last I gather together...unshielded.......having all participate in a global "healing" meditation for mother where? The Milky Way? Our galactic center? This is our last resort if we do not survive on earths surface?

    To follow the "signs" of crop circles...put there by Aliens? And to trust that they are of a benevolent source? A guide for us to follow? To even "spin" those crop get messages from them in a "hypnotic" message?

    To promote messages from Vrillon...of the Ashtar Galactic command....

    Full 1977 message transcript:

    This is the voice of Vrillon, a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.

    For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies. We speak to you now in peace and wisdom as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this, your planet Earth.

    We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take to avoid the disaster which threatens your world, and the beings on our worlds around you.

    This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius.

    The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race, but only if your rulers are made aware of the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

    Be still now and listen, for your chance may not come again.

    All your weapons of evil must be removed. ........

    One who give stout advise......


    Many things. But mostly, to stay alive till the arrival of the first few beams. They will become visible on Dec 13 2012, and the first one will arrive after 8 days exactly on 11:11 when the alignment will take place.

    - After the arrival of the first few beams from the Galactic center, we are safe.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Galaxy

    They will be strong enough to clean the astral plane, and afterward sit doesn’t matter even if we lose our physical bodies. We are safe. The Nexus will clean all the dirt in it.

    Advice 1: if the things went as they will, don’t go to the underground facilities that will be offered to you. It’s better to stay outside then to hide underground. The Way Down leads to New World Order – distorted idea that stretches all the way back to the ancient Atlantis.

    Besides that, there is a big question with tectonic anomalies like previously presented as gravitational pull from the Super Massive Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way, our Sun and the huge celestial passing body close to our solar system, will something be left of what is build under the Earth’s surface.

    Who states here there is a "super massive black hole".....but wants us to go there as a last resort?

    Leaving in any direction, means infinitive choices, but I recommend redirecting your astral body directly towards the center of the Milky Way, high speed astral flight in that direction and intercepting the beams that are coming this way.

    It the only place, that I’m sure it’s safe!

    Yes my friends...I saw a tentacle with the name......Nexus.....and traced our very own "Astralwalker".

    Who advises in that very same post......

    There is high chance that (we have to be open to all possibilities)that the most of the population with the coming events, after leaving the physical bodies will come directly to the astral dimension.

    The adjustment of the consciousness has to be done as soon as possible. I would not recommend entering to dark tunnels with the light at the end. This could be easily one more manipulation from the multidimensional entities that are not friendly to us.

    If you are not sure, do not get “friendly” with any entity before the beams from the galactic center arrives.

    There is a possibility, that on the astral plane, huge ships will be parked, with a plan to use their advanced technology to trap as many consciousnessthey can. The same consciousness that were previously in human bodies,and then to cut their awareness, to put them in dream like awareness so they will not know what is going on, (believe that they have technology and the skills to do that)and then to put them inside the energetic containers, then transported to other systems and finally to put them in other bodies so the manipulation and the explanation of the generated energy field called aura which is result of the fusing of our consciousness with the energies in the surrounding space, can continue.

    We also are multidimensional beings, but something happened that lefts us with this double helix awareness, which is enough for reading, testing and perceiving this physical reality (although limited only on five senses)and partial awareness of the astral plane in a form of dreams, lucid dreaming, and partly conscious out of the body experience.

    That is why it is advisable physical dislocation to zones that have multidimensional portals above the ground, places with strong and dense positive energy. Put in simple words – places on the physical plane where the astral dimension is save and secure.

    You'd better believe that...they will be waiting there! But to advise us to go the the Milky Way Center?.....You gotta be kidding me!

    Now I'm sure there are some who are going to yell ...blasphemy! How dare I! Well.....I can only hope those with eyes to see can see. And in the words of someone who was at one time VERY close to our friend Astralwalker.....he was renamed "Astralstalker".

    I bring this out..because this is how it operates, this "program"...grabs you in the heart center....tells you of wonderful truths...then tries to sideswipe you into an agenda. And leaves you believing you are at the core truth...and are doing the work of light.....when it fact this work of "light" is leading to a very nasty end. Another "new age" version of a very old program. One that grabs those who feel the calling...but do not have the grounding to see the end result.

    Never let them make you believe there are not 'dark" ones out there, who are not of the light. Always ground and shield first to get the whole truth...the truth that your higher self "knows"...Don't be led by some "guru' who has gathered a mass of open heart light be pacified into believing this secondhand information. For the creator will be the one to lead you. Much of the information he has gathered, is in some respect true....but much is not that is what you need to need to verify this for yourself....and get some "validation"...and I mean REAL validation! Not a theory of some internet wanderer...who claims to remote view this stuff...but has a great resource of "internet second hand information" and theory.

    Where in Gods name did he get the information to tell those's okay to go into a super massive black hole? OMG!

    He even went so far as to have a class...teaching others how to "create" the Flower of cannot create simply IS...and you have to earn it.
    Like the "duplicate discs" are these flowers of life he is creating.

    Last edited by Brook on Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:38 pm; edited 7 times in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  tacodog Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:15 pm

    Brook: You must have read my mind, I was wondering what your take on Astralwalker's video would be, but I was hesitant to throw a whole bunch more questions at you. Now your take on Delores Cannon: no negative ET's?
    Lionhawk: Thank you for sharing, always look forward to your posts as well.

    Frik: I ain't near ready to go anywhere anytime soon! Crybaby Blink Seems where ever you go these days where there is beauty, lies a hidden darkness masked in light. Luke Shield on: Die Spam Die sunny

    Brook: This has to be one of my favorite threads. Look forward to this thread every day. Thank you Flowers

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:30 pm

    In the Nexus of Star Trek......everything looks wonderful....marvelous in fact.....but it is not real.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:57 pm

    tacodog wrote:Brook: You must have read my mind, I was wondering what your take on Astralwalker's video would be, but I was hesitant to throw a whole bunch more questions at you. Now your take on Delores Cannon: no negative ET's?
    Lionhawk: Thank you for sharing, always look forward to your posts as well.

    Frik: I ain't near ready to go anywhere anytime soon! Crybaby Blink Seems where ever you go these days where there is beauty, lies a hidden darkness masked in light. Luke Shield on: Die Spam Die sunny

    Brook: This has to be one of my favorite threads. Look forward to this thread every day. Thank you Flowers

    Thank you Tacodog Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 224230 I've put a lot of work into finding out some of these things, and it's taken me quite a long time to realize much of this. And it's been a rocky road at that. There is much beauty here, and not all has a dark cloud behind it. I certainly do not want to project that. I just want people to be able to see for themselves.....and see that some darkness can lurk where you least expect it. And before you go trodden down that primrose for the thorns. Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Icon_wink

    As for "no negative ET's".....these Draconian are ET's...and they are very dark. Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 808451

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:25 pm

    Perhaps Astralwalker, and definitely some others I've seen on video lately, have been tagged by the Ashtar Command propaganda artists. It's a made up crock of sh/t, and from very dark sources, yes, sireee. There is just enough information to get people really interested, and then the tentacles start to wind around. There is absolutely no light in the Ashtar Command writings. The various videos out there are more difficult to sort out for source. This is our job here: sort it out, and discern. Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Shaman and author of The Four Agreements, has written a Fifth Agreement. I can't quote exactly, but it goes something like: Be Skeptical.

    Just because there is mention of ETs and Jesus and Angels does NOT mean it's meant for our highest good. When someone says that Jesus aka Sananda can see you from his spaceship, does that not raise a bit of skepticism? When they say they will rescue us in their space ships right before the big bad earth changes, be skeptical. I wouldn't get on one for a ride to the post office. Shocked Think of the kids they are sucking in. Time to call them out.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 6:52 pm

    lindabaker wrote:Perhaps Astralwalker, and definitely some others I've seen on video lately, have been tagged by the Ashtar Command propaganda artists. It's a made up crock of sh/t, and from very dark sources, yes, sireee. There is just enough information to get people really interested, and then the tentacles start to wind around. There is absolutely no light in the Ashtar Command writings. The various videos out there are more difficult to sort out for source. This is our job here: sort it out, and discern. Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Shaman and author of The Four Agreements, has written a Fifth Agreement. I can't quote exactly, but it goes something like: Be Skeptical.

    Just because there is mention of ETs and Jesus and Angels does NOT mean it's meant for our highest good. When someone says that Jesus aka Sananda can see you from his spaceship, does that not raise a bit of skepticism? When they say they will rescue us in their space ships right before the big bad earth changes, be skeptical. I wouldn't get on one for a ride to the post office. Shocked Think of the kids they are sucking in. Time to call them out.

    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Icon_wink

    Funny you should mention lord Sananda..................

    The reason Jesus deliberately sacrificed Himself into
    mass consciousness and further made Himself available
    to all humanity was to change humanity back into its
    original form as the GodSelf or God's Self and Son.
    Following the Lord's defeat of Satan and his cohorts
    during the "forty days in the wilderness," Jesus could
    have translated from His post on Earth and returned to
    His higher state of Creator Michael (Universe Creator).

    The Merovingian program....the "new age version" I saw......Michael...our creator God........this is no accident. Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 808451

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Instigator Sat Sep 25, 2010 7:56 pm

    Lets not forget Miriam Delicado and her "great gathering", also linked to this global meditation No .... what a better way to mass mind control a massive amount of so called "enlightened" beings by promoting a global meditation at an advertised time and place, all ready for a pre set program or a haarp signal. Its amaizing how people follow without thinking about the potentual risks involved..... looks like the sheeple come in many forms.

    If your going to do a group meditation and you value your safety i would strongly reccomend you dont advertise your intent.... talk about open channel, you might as well put a bullseye on your forehead Shocked

    why are these highly promoted contactees always talk about dooms day and focusing on the negative aspects ? sounds like they are clearly part of a program to me

    Namaste cat

    Last edited by Instigator on Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Sep 25, 2010 8:19 pm

    Free your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It was foretold that there would be various false teachings and false prophets in the end of this cycle. When that was written, it wasn't defined for you what those false teachings and false prophets were going to be as far as labels. Can you see the same occurring patterns that developed the religions and other cult organizations that are working in over drive today? Just a different spin. Same result. A soul trapping.

    Another profound thing I see is about the law of one. Not the one that was written for Internet curiosity seekers. But the real one. The real one depicts a vertical teaching as compared to a horizontal one. The new age version is the horizontal one.

    The real law of one is about oneness but in the context that one becomes his own potential as one, thus becoming one with all that is. Unlike the new age version where it says we are all one so that you can join us in a group meditation. The law of one says that you are your own flame. That is vertical. If I can somehow explain this a little better......

    Take two people and these two people each have their campfires to attend to. They get together and before you know it, one of these people is spending more time at the other person's campfire. As time goes on, more time is spent and the one who has left their campfire to attend the other campfire, is neglecting their own campfire. That campfire grows dim. It may seem that the campfire they are now both attending is brighter. But at what real costs? Soon the other campfire goes out more or less as these two people move in together. After a period of time the one that left their campfire starts feeling like something is missing. Does this sound familiar? This is what often takes place in duality and is doom for failure. The reason is simple as the one who let his/her campfire goes out has a need to be self realized and can't because their fire went out.

    The object here is to nurture both campfires and letting the two campfires grow till they merge together into one campfire.

    The same holds true along these lines when one seeks to find oneself. So many people claiming to be waking up and yet fall into another trapping whether it be a new age teaching or some other cult like group. Where they join another campfire and get caught up in that fire and letting their own campfire go out.

    In the Matrix movie, you can watch Neo going through the waking up process. He even denies his potential of his possible identity. That is a natural occurrence since the person is fighting down the walls from all the conditioning. But he eventually find his own self realized potential as he is often putting himself to the test. That is also another missing ingredient. Putting oneself through the tests. Test all things someone once said. Why do you suppose he said that? And how many people since the time he said that actually listened? Just look around.

    Anyone would be better off using the movie as a template for the waking up process than joining any of these so called lighted organizations or groups.

    I have always been very strong in the concept of first hand vs the second hand. The real law of one supports the first hand. It damn sure doesn't support the second.
    And if you look around, what are people consistently doing? Seeking the second hand and compromising their own campfires. There are other ways of putting it but I don't want to harp on this topic.

    Let's face it. This is all very difficult to begin with and back in the day, if you woke up, there were hardly any place to go to help you find out more. Now there is no excuse as there are plenty of places to go and ways to find out information. But again if you don't test every morsel and you settle it as a belief, you have left yourself with an open whole in your foundation. If your foundation is full of holes, how do you expect to do anything with your potential when you have basically self sabotage your foundation from the get go?

    Right now my craw is full of stuff that I have said many times before. I'm not going to perseverate about that.

    How many programs are out there and how many are participating in them? All these programs "PREY" on your hopes. And if you seek outside yourself for the answers, expect to be preyed upon. Some want to play with this stuff and when they find out that they are getting pulled in it, they want to run from it. Many don't get away and if your are fortunate to do so, consider yourself extremely lucky.

    I could also write a thread on some of these programs that are currently running. The Lord Sananda one is that I know all I need to know about and stay away from. It is another program that was designed to hijack the identity of the real Jesus Christ. Mind you Lord Sananda is a real entity. But what he is here to do now is to take over the one that held the so called God in the bible position that you know as Jehovah. The very one that is an alien with pedophile tendencies. He has been put out to pasture sort of speak because he has gotten senile. Lord Sananda is working for the darkside. Also this Haton character who is supposed to be in charge of all communications planetary wise. He is also a tall Grey and is also one dark son of a bitch. Mind you not all these so called ascended masters are dark. There are real angels, there is a real Jesus Christ, and also other ascended Masters that are legit. But Lord Sananda is not Jesus Christ. Not even close. So if you "believe" that, you are a sucker. Don't blame me, but blame your own self. But the dark have duplicated and hijack many of the systems between here and Heaven. Test all things is my answer here. Don't take my word for it or anyone else. Do your own work in the first hand and you will find the truth. It may sound like the hard way but it is the only true way and one that can take years to even get an answer on. But it will be for real when you get it.

    When you see the big picture with all of these programs and agendas, you'll just be very dismayed as to how these so called intelligence beings have really been retarded and most boring. They have abused their free agency along with yours, and dishonored your soul on so many levels it will make your head spin.

    If you are playing a part in these programs, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Wake up!

    Also please save me any of the questions that may come from this. You truly need to find out for yourself as in first hand. What ever I say is second hand to you. Test all things and prove it for yourself if you have what it takes. Good luck at the same time in that endeavor if you so choose.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:08 pm

    Further more.....

    This Astral Stalker character redirected everyone away from your personal source of origin when he says not to go through that dark tunnel with the light at the end of it. That tunnel is called the Tunnel of Life. It is the very tunnel where you can find all of your records. It is basically the station from where you were dispatched before incarnating here. Who said all the records were kept in one place? That station also has other spirits there that "know" you. You want to review your contract? This is the place. The Galactic center is the safest place to go? This guy is taking some kind of drugs. Also paranoid. And someone is following him as if he is some kind of prophet?

    This Planet is the safest place to be. Stay with her and you'll be just fine. The Creator and the God of this Universe is not going to allow this Planet to be destroyed. Mother Earth sent out the call and the darkside won't be able to interfere with where she is going. I know first hand that if they don't have their way with this Planet and all the Kingdoms within it, they are bent on destroying her. Well you can't destroy something that is no longer there.

    Also on this grounding thing. It is also important for you to ground at the end of any session. It locks your frequency in when you step out of your levels. Shielding? I often hear of people say that they don't do any shielding because they are presumably protected by God. This may be so but as I have often come face to face with is someone who allows something to come through even though they claim they are protected. My advise is don't chance it on an assumption that you are. Part of being of the light is to do the little things and insure that your are protected. It is like putting your clothes on. Do it to insure your safety because if you don't, you will be asking for it. Arrogance is not an excuse.

    I also have to state for the record that I have been at this game a lot longer than most and I practice what I just preached. I was attacked several times this year. By different factions at that. But one day, one faction succeeded. I paid the price and still recovering from it. I let my guard down and I got blasted from a space station of this faction. It was related to my messages to the Thubans. The ones overseeing them didn't like what I had proposed. What I speak of now has been validated and I am not just talking some story to get attention. So if you are a Thuban and you decide to come at me, all I have to say is, "GAMEOVER!" There will be no discussion.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Instigator Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:16 pm

    Lionhawk wrote:Free your mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The real law of one is about oneness but in the context that one becomes his own potential as one, thus becoming one with all that is. Unlike the new age version where it says we are all one so that you can join us in a group meditation. The law of one says that you are your own flame. That is vertical. If I can somehow explain this a little better......

    Excellent point Lionhawk, we have a twisting and manipulation going on, various sources leaching any indigenous prophecy's as they can as part of this new program to seduce people on the fringes on enlightenment.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  tacodog Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:41 pm

    I have not seen much here on Centering, Grounding, and Shielding:
    I found this:
    Centering is simply returning all of your scattered energies to home base.
    Grounding connects you to the energy of the earth, you connect to the earth by imagining you are connected to the earth.
    Shielding is the process of protecting yourself from the energetic influences around you. While grounded, draw up energy into your being. Use this energy to form a protective barrier between yourself and the negative vibes of those around you, or random free-floating energies. You can visualize a transparent plexi-glass egg around you - the good intentions and friendly emotions around you are free to pass through your shield, but all bad stuff gets deflected.

    Any good links anyone? Meditation 101 for those of us who have never travelled?

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Lionhawk Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:44 pm


    I didn't come here to get my butt kicked to the Black Hole.

    My money is on the Creator intentions and if I know anything, the Creator isn't going to send a wave here to destroy his children. The God of this Universe controls these Planetary systems and up. So these jokers need to get a grip and really connect. Instead of promoting their creations of fear. The thing is that Mother Loves as all and she always mourns for those that get caught when she has to balance energies that we as a mass consciousness create.

    Also my goblin buddies won't allow anyone to go into the black hole. That's not what the black hole is there for. We should be celebrating what is before us. Instead of buying into all this fear mongering by so called light workers who use love and light to entice you when in fact their heads are so far up their arses, that they only wish there was love and light somewhere. Enough said.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:03 pm

    tacodog wrote:I have not seen much here on Centering, Grounding, and Shielding:
    I found this:
    Centering is simply returning all of your scattered energies to home base.
    Grounding connects you to the energy of the earth, you connect to the earth by imagining you are connected to the earth.
    Shielding is the process of protecting yourself from the energetic influences around you. While grounded, draw up energy into your being. Use this energy to form a protective barrier between yourself and the negative vibes of those around you, or random free-floating energies. You can visualize a transparent plexi-glass egg around you - the good intentions and friendly emotions around you are free to pass through your shield, but all bad stuff gets deflected.

    Any good links anyone? Meditation 101 for those of us who have never travelled?

    Sorry, I cannot help you there....on the link thing. I learned the importance of grounding a long time ago...around 18 years ago, when I was studying Robert Monroe methods of out of body techniques. Then of course in the trial and error..I learned the importance of shielding. As I had suffered several psychic attacks, and several tags from the energy vampires that wanted to cling on to me. When you project a certain goes with the territory. So I sought some relief, and in the process learned to shield.

    I'm sure there are sources out there if you search....but they are extremely important safe measures when you delve into this territory, and highly recommended, even if you do not do energy work or's still a good practice. It brings you closer to your roots, and gives you a firm foundation no matter what you do.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  burgundia Sun Sep 26, 2010 3:45 am

    I wonder if you noticed certain "anomaly" when it comes to channels, channelled messages and channeling in general. Everybody agrees that there are not so light entities there who deliver messages through certain people. most of those messages sound positive though. At the same time all channels are sure that their messages are true and come from the benevolent beings. we know that people have been implanted for various reasons, we are not sure who really did that, as they themselves are not 100% sure. Yet, to make their messages more credible they say that they have been implanted by ETs.

    When I take into account all that, i become even more skeptical...

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Oliver Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:36 am


    I had time to read this interesting thread, and it is true that it opens some interesting disputes and questions. I would like if Astralwalker was here to explain some doubts people (including me) have about some of his claims, but I lost the personal connection with him since he left the old Avalon.

    However, I would like to appeal not to simplify all the stuff to a personal level. He offers his view and experience, strongly convinced about the relevance of his approach. He made some decisive moves in his life, treating his whole family, exactly because of his beliefs about the future of the planet -- and this is something that I fully respect.

    Nobody knows the whole truth, nobody will ever know. At the end, everyone will stay with his/her personal choice. There are some references and "proves" in his work I can't accept, but I am not ready to throw away his complete work and experience. I do also believe our destiny is here on Earth and we should stay here, but I am not closed for different possibilities existing.

    Just let us be open for them, respecting the dedication of the authors, also questioning some points that are not acceptable for us, but let us do not destroy the whole house because of few bricks. An enormous effort was made to build it. It is a whole life. When I see a good will to improve the bricks or to upgrade them rather than to demolish the whole building (together with the builder), than I would be ready to consider the new claims with clear heart.


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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:32 am

    Oliver, you are so right. What we must do is discern someone's (or some group's) intent. This is more complicated and sometimes more difficult than it first appears to be. There usually are good intentions in the giving of warnings of future possibilities by "seers" (for instance the warnings by Astralwalker?). Note I said usually. These warnings are subject to some fearful "attachments" along the way. We must discern the intent of the post-good intention, post initial prophecy attachments. It's like some people who get all riled up when they see a fight. They attach emotionally and the dark intentions added in make things a lot worse. However, most of the time we are on to them! It is up to us to sort it all out. I have learned that successful negative prophecies are those that do not come true. If someone can "see" a potential future timeline and outcome, and we do what it takes to prevent it, the prophecy is successful. It does not manifest. If people wake up and make a change, therein lies the power to shift the stream to a more desirable outcome. We manifest it all in a split second anyway. It's focus. Don't get sucked in with the guys who feed on the energy ... when you see a fight, walk away, don't get all in your monkey mind. Good gad, they are still having dog fights and bear baiting in the US. What an analogy: don't stand on the sidelines sucking up the bloodlust energy. Break it up! Walk away because it's not a good show.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:42 am

    Let us not destroy the whole house because of a few bricks......that is a great way of putting it. Oliver, I've seen the dedication of the members attaching themselves to that program. They are extremely dedicated to first of all..healing. And second to opening that heart chakra that I know and have spoken of so often in this thread. The heart ....where this program loves to grab people and create the illusion that a war is just......this program that allows it's recipients to sit back and watch children starve. Watch people sleep in the streets. Watch the slaughter of it's indigenous wildlife. Tear down the heart center of Mother Earth herself....the rain forest for crude oil. And I've sat in awe wondering long it can go on. I've thought many time that a group of light workers could gather and change things...raise the frequency......and that is after all what needs to be done. Yes Oliver.....this program runs on a frequency.......and Mother Earth would love for her children to raise their frequency to assist in this frequency change that is about to take place. Make no mistake about it.....there is a change a coming......and as I said..there is lots of truth in what the "Astralwalker" has said. But for one brief moment realize......the fear "program"that wrote in huge letters.......


    When this alignment happens our planet will be bombarded with the most deadly gamma rays ever found emitting from the Milky Way galaxy, 3.5 trillion electron volts.

    And gives advise to go to the center of the Milky Way.....where these "deadly gamma rays" are emitting from?........claiming that it will be the only safe place?........I feel I don't really need an explanation. It's like the woman who is communing with the "Michael" program.......It's so embedded now in her....she cannot hear anything else. She will not listen to logic. She is is our Mr Astralwalker....consumed in a program. I've seen the work put out.....I've seen the "truth" to arrive at his conclusion. But he has sidestepped too much.....he has not brought forth the basic laws and principles. having read this whole will see a common factor here......I keep telling the readers to find out for themselves.....not to simply trust what I'm saying...but go on a REAL fact finding journey, and find these answers. It is more then possible to find the's in you. And when you do...I cautioned that it is not always "love and light"...there is a dark past attached to is the program running. The program that keeps it's attendants in the dark, until they can find a way to grasp it. And I also do one more important thing in this thread....I tell you to ask your higher self for you know it is the truth.

    Now here is some extremely important information.....In reading some 18 years ago about the Journeys out of Body, by Robert Monroe...who happened to come across this phenomenon quite by accident.....there was an important factor.....he had a "cord" attached, that was like a life line to his body...and it would snap him back with "intended" thought. He always had this cord, and it stretched as far as he traveled..and he did some pretty extensive travel.

    So, I read that Mr Astralwalker teaches if you do not travel to the center of the Milky Way. My friends....really.....If your earth body don't need to go the the center of the Milky can go back home! You can gather all of your self back together....and be with your soul group. Why in Gods name would you want to go to a black hole? And in that moment of would deliberately project yourself there? To meet with exactly what? Are you kidding me?

    We really have forgotten who we are. And in that forgetting...we are taking advise of one who has also forgotten? Who is in Fear, and projecting an escape from a beautiful event. One that should by all rights be celebrated? Mother Earth is about to ascend..and take her children with her. The only ones that are going to die in this event are the ones that don't have her frequency. Guess who they might be? And if anyone dies from anything...have we not forgotten the most important thing? WE ARE ETERNAL LIGHT BEINGS. They might be able to torture our souls....grab them for what might seem an eternity..but time is relevant....they cannot keep them. Our souls do not belong to anyone but the creator....we are part of the creator. I hesitate to say remember?

    You want to heal the earth? go out to a field, or a forest.....stand and ground as far as your energy will allow....then instead of pulling the energy up.....send your energy down to her. You might even hear her say "thank you". I have. I do that you know...I send her energy...and when I pull energy from her....I ask...and I ALWAYS thank her for letting me pull from her frequency energy. It's the only polite thing to do.

    We take this earth frequency for granted sometimes. And if Mother Earth could talk to you , she would tell you she does not like the negative energy that this "program" is creating in her children. It is quite painful for her. When we hurt...she hurts. did you know that? We are all one...and one with her. She wants so badly for you to remember, and erase this program.....she want to love you, and get love in return. She is a light being just like ascended one...and she is moving into the fifth simply so we can finally get out of the reach of these "low frequency" beings so we can finally remember..and be whole again. I told you about the tentacles......and the programs I saw.....well there was another stream above them...I have not told you about those yet. But I will.....until that time.....I ask that you only search for the truth. And guard yourself from these low frequency programs that have been running since the removal of the very thing that stabilized your DNA to this planet.....we were compromised.....and it was never intended to be that way. And the most important thing I can tell you your Mother....Mother Earth is going to help you free your mind...she is going to break you free from this program.....and you can bet the dark ones know this, and have scheduled a mass delay your ascension with her. The choice is yours....what to believe. But in the end, if you move away from her.....if you are not going to ground with her must make a choice. I only hope you choose wisely.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  lindabaker Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:12 am

    "You want to heal the earth? go out to a field, or a forest.....stand and ground as far as your energy will allow....then instead of pulling the energy up.....send your energy down to her. You might even hear her say "thank you". I have. I do that you know...I send her energy...and when I pull energy from her....I ask...and I ALWAYS thank her for letting me pull from her frequency energy. It's the only polite thing to do."

    If you allow the sun's light (the golden liquid light) to enter through the crown chakra and let it reside in your heart for a breath, you can then send it through your feet or base chakra to the earth. Then, pull up the earth light, which is a glorious green color, and let it rest in your heart for a breath, and then send it out to the sun through the crown. Let the harmonizing heal your body and most important of all, you can be a conduit for the energy exchange that is so important right now. Also, shield first. The dan tien (spelling?)area is the power area that can be recognized as the shield source. If you focus on that center, the navel area of the abdomen, you can surround your body and auric egg with a shield of light. Do it before encountering any negative situations. It will amaze you.

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    Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 Empty Re: Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1

    Post  Brook Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:20 am

    lindabaker wrote:
    "You want to heal the earth? go out to a field, or a forest.....stand and ground as far as your energy will allow....then instead of pulling the energy up.....send your energy down to her. You might even hear her say "thank you". I have. I do that you know...I send her energy...and when I pull energy from her....I ask...and I ALWAYS thank her for letting me pull from her frequency energy. It's the only polite thing to do."

    If you allow the sun's light (the golden liquid light) to enter through the crown chakra and let it reside in your heart for a breath, you can then send it through your feet or base chakra to the earth. Then, pull up the earth light, which is a glorious green color, and let it rest in your heart for a breath, and then send it out to the sun through the crown. Let the harmonizing heal your body and most important of all, you can be a conduit for the energy exchange that is so important right now. Also, shield first. The dan tien (spelling?)area is the power area that can be recognized as the shield source. If you focus on that center, the navel area of the abdomen, you can surround your body and auric egg with a shield of light. Do it before encountering any negative situations. It will amaze you.

    Now that's what I'm talking about! Egyptian folklore and The Red Pill - Part 1 - Page 7 83084

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