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    Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program


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    Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program Empty Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

    Post  Carol Mon May 04, 2015 7:16 pm
    Project Camelot Conference: Duncan O'Finioan & Miranda Kelly (Axe) MK-Ultra & Super Soldier Program

    Robert Duncan O’Finioan is an author and martial artist. Born in 1960, he was taken at a young age by his parents and delivered to a secret government program known as Project Talent, a sub-project of the notorious MK ULTRA Program. The program used severe trauma to split his personality into several alternate personalities, one of whom was trained and enhanced to become a Super Soldier known as Omega Unit 197. It was only as an adult, after years of missing time, blackouts, odd experiences, and terrifying nightmares, that a car accident restored some of Duncan’s memories of involvement in these clandestine projects. Duncan also came to learn of the existence of three distinct other personalities in addition to 197. Duncan wrote his first book prior to the accident which caused him to regain his memories. Years later, he realized that his subconscious mind, or perhaps his other personality, was leaving him clues about his then unremembered past in the pages of the book he wrote

    Dani and Duncan on "Shoot from the Hip": Video Archive

    Last Friday night, May 1, 2015,  I joined Duncan O'Finioan on his show "Shoot from the Hip". ....

    .... and OHhhhhhhh, what rabbit holes we dove into!!

    Duncan and I definitely went deep into several "woo woo" topics- way deeper than I usually go on shows, lol.   The conversation was amazing and I can guarantee that it's just the first of many- Duncan and I have a LOT to talk about!!

    Friday night Duncan and I discussed several different aspects of CERN and the opening of portals into "astral/demonic/higher/lower" realms or dimensions- depending on your personal terminology.  We dug into the astral/dimensions that are being controlled and are controlling humans through multiple methods- including astral travel, transcendental meditation and direct mind control. I said, we seriously got into the deep energetic stuff.  But also discussed Jade Helm and the control mechanisms of the Cabal.

    You can follow Duncan's show "Shoot from the Hip" on CCN every Friday night at 11pm BDT/ 6pm EDT.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Fri Jul 26, 2024 11:05 pm