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    Dear White people your days a numbered


    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Dear White people your days a numbered  Empty Dear White people your days a numbered

    Post  enemyofNWO Sun May 03, 2015 3:21 am

    John Friend and and Jeff Rense talk about  " Dear White people your days a numbered  "

    Just have a look at what happens in the EU ..... ( Italy , Sweden , Norway ... ) in the USA with the open door to migrants . All that is happening is part of a policy invented by certain group to destroy countries that are highly homogenous . Our society  is run by  bought off traitors

    Posts : 1471
    Join date : 2010-04-10
    Location : Trieste ,Italy

    Dear White people your days a numbered  Empty A new Stockholm to be built in 6 years

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon May 04, 2015 3:42 am

    "The Swedish political elite have plans to build a new city, funded entirely by Swedish taxpayers, to accommodate the massive wave of incoming immigrants. This radical plan also proposes the confiscation of summer homes and the conversion of old historical buildings and churches in order to facilitate the arrival of new immigrants. Meanwhile, Sweden's welfare system is plummeting as politicians suffer from Stockholm syndrome, trying to be a "humanitarian superpower." Native Swedes have been chosen to carry the weight of the world, sacrificing themselves on the altar of multiculturalism. "

    The Swedish Authorities are a bunch of political correct traitors and  puppets controlled by zionists.
    Those politicians should be certified mentally deranged a disease that is affecting most politicians in the EU .

    And then the Swedish police will not be able to enter that territory .
    And then the new comers will enable Sharia Law ........
    Then there will be a civil war  and the inhabitants of New Stockholm will declare independence and will be supported by NATO .....
    a repeat of Kosovo........

    Posts : 1851
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    Dear White people your days a numbered  Empty Re: Dear White people your days a numbered

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon May 04, 2015 5:55 am

    enemyofNWO wrote:John Friend and and Jeff Rense talk about  " Dear White people your days a numbered  "

    Just have a look at what happens in the EU ..... ( Italy , Sweden , Norway ... ) in the USA with the open door to migrants . All that is happening  is part of a policy invented by certain group to destroy countries that are highly homogenous . Our society  is run by  bought off traitors

    Thanks for sharing the news of our worlds stage, enemyofNWO. I can relate to your anger, at the same time.
    Although the outside world shows up with agendas with number 21 or boundless other numbers, to me those will soon
    be "outnumbered" and not made relevant, never again. I truly cannot find an agenda in reality that will make it come
    true that we are being ruled and will make us suffer from treason.

    There's one though, dangerously close and highly clever. It's man's worst enemy, to me. This sounds a bit serious, but
    forgive me, I'm with the other Dutchees remembering the WW2 on this day May 4th. Though not in tears. I find more
    and more evidence of our own view through glasses that we create ourselves, offering images and sensations, proving
    to ourselves in our mind, that these are the truth.

    No offense, what needs to be dealt with needs to be dealt with. In your own way and in mine as well. The choice is
    yours with freedom introducing that choice and following it, I wish you this find. All of this dealing with our inner world
    and outside world, the mirrors that they are, to me, is part of an agenda that is inside of you and me. Nobody else can
    ever take that autonomy of choice in freedom away from you, except yourself.

    I do hope you can get what I mean, enemyofNWO. So that it is clear, that this post of mine isn't a critical one. It's an
    attempt to relate to your and each others posts and share in an open discussion.


    Posts : 13536
    Join date : 2010-09-28
    Location : The Matrix

    Dear White people your days a numbered  Empty Re: Dear White people your days a numbered

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon May 04, 2015 8:43 am

    I'm almost to the point of not agonizing over anything -- and not trying to change anything. Perhaps it's enough to be a careful observer. People don't want to be told what to do. People do not wish to be made to think. People want what they want -- regardless of whether it makes sense or not. I hate to say it -- but perhaps learning to profit from the way things are is the way to live in this screwed-up world. People will probably have to learn the hard way -- if they ever learn at all. Perhaps not making things better or worse -- staying out of the way -- and giving people what they want (for a price) is that which might keep one off the Red-List -- and out of the Poor-House. Being crucified is SO overrated.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:54 pm