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    Crimes of the Educators


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    Crimes of the Educators Empty Crimes of the Educators

    Post  Seashore Wed Apr 29, 2015 3:45 am

    A Red Ice Radio interview:

    Alex Newman - Hour 1 - Crimes of the Educators
    April 27, 2015

    Alex Newman is an international journalist, educator, author, and consultant. In addition to serving as president of a small media and information consulting firm, he writes for a wide array of publications in the United States and abroad. He currently serves as a foreign correspondent for The New American magazine and teaches advanced economics to high school seniors. He has co-authored two books, including a just-released major exposé, "Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America's Children," the topic of our discussion. Alex starts the conversation with a brief overview of UNESCO, the largely socialist and communist-led United Nations organization designed to influence and create standards for education, science and culture on a global scale. He explains UNESCO’s Education for All initiative, which seeks to make mandatory changes in the values and beliefs of all of humanity under the guise of educating. Alex reveals some of the very startling ideas that hatched this international scheme, along with the big money that has funded its methodology. We delve into Common Core and the “look-say” reading method, curriculums that are destroying early literacy education and usurping the role of parents into the state. Further, we discuss how billions of dollars of Obama stimulus money has been used to strong-arm state education systems into surrendering to the Common Core consortium. We take a close look at the role public schools are playing in the globalist agenda to socialize Western civilization via dumbing down the population and chipping away at family values.

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 12:07 am