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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???


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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  malletzky Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:07 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote:There are 1267 registered-users on The Mists of Avalon -- with only two-dozen regular (or semi-regular) contributors. I know this site is well monitored and spied-upon -- but most everyone seems to be internet ambulance-chasers -- without sticking their necks out -- or otherwise contributing anything of significance. I'm sorry to be shrill -- but when Rap-Videos routinely have one-hundred million views -- the pathetic participation on this site is really species-damning. The noose is tightening on the throat of humanity -- and when the trap-door swings-opens -- most people are going to gasp "Why Didn't Anyone Warn Us??!!" These might be humanity's final-words -- and I wish I were kidding. The regular posters are probably on dozens of lists throughout the solar system. I wonder how much time, money, and effort have been expended analyzing this site and it's major-contributors?? I think I gave-up around the onset of puberty -- and I've just been going through the motions ever since. The response to my internet exercise in futility has mostly confirmed my belief that "resistance is futile". I think most people are kneeling at the feet of the New World Order -- regardless of whether they realize it, or not. The angry-malcontents might be more controlled than they can imagine. Neutral-Observers might be the greatest thread to a Corrupt-Corporate Solar-System -- since many of them conceptualize Idealistic Solar-System Governance. I have no current plans to be a Lone-Ranger in Shining-Armor. I mostly just wish to sit-down and shut-up -- living out the rest of my pathetic-life in quiet-desperation -- in some sort of a Minimalist-Makeshift Shallow-Underground 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment -- Fiddling with my #$%^& while Rome Burns. It's easier that way.

    Oxy, I think you 'nailed it' with this post.  But I would like to ease you a bit off...what you call a pathetic participation and your analogy to the highly viewed videos on various tube channels online is nothing more and nothing less the reality in which we live nowadays. I'm not implying to take that for granted, for it's a serious issue really. But you shouldn’t expect that you, any/-or all of us together can save the whole humanity  Mad  Embarassed . That’s simply impossible and in my opinion not the way the universe is settled to work.

    I’m really grateful to have discovered the original PA forum and meet all of you wonderful teachers to me back then. It helped me a lot to grow and become another person today, going thru this realm with my eyes opened and going thru other, spiritual realms with my heart opened.

    As the old saying goes…when the student is ready, the teacher will appear. Well guess what…there are a many enlightened teachers here in the MoA, each one with his special skills, just waiting for new students to come  Wink . But still…the students must start searching to find us (as forum) and it would be wrong to expect that anyone should just join here and participate without any basic knowledge of what’s going on in these realms we’re consciously (and unconsciously) participating in. And the complexity of all topics one should go thru in order to learn is really enormous and time consuming. Even the ‘teachers’ still have to learn, be it from each other, be it in their own environment…or be it from their students.

    So when the time comes…what belongs together comes together. Let me tell you a short and true story: despite the fact that I had and still have my own ‘personal teacher’, you can imagine my surprise when few years ago,  he told me that actually he didn’t see himself as my ‘teacher’, but revealed to me that he’s learning a lot from me too. His growth helped me grow further…so you see, ‘learning’ is an ongoing process of interacting with each other on many levels and on many platforms.

    One of these platforms is something we have managed to establish here in the Mists. And even if there’s one single soul still to come and discover the enormous library which the MoA became in this past years and learn something from us (and I am sure some did), I would be much more grateful.

    Thank you all, you wonderful souls, for being who you are and being here Very Happy  

    Much respect

    Posts : 13791
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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:40 am

    Thank-you Pris and Malletzky. I'm nastier on this site than I am in real-life. A lot of this is an act I've been cultivating for several years. It has a lot to do with wondering what conversation and debate might be like in the City of London and/or the Dark Side of the Moon -- with Humans and Other-Than-Humans -- regarding Galactic-Issues. I'm trying to drop the act -- and get back to some form of normal -- but some of the act seems to be sticking to the roof of my brain.

    Posts : 1851
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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jul 14, 2015 12:00 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:There are 1267 registered-users on The Mists of Avalon -- with only two-dozen regular (or semi-regular) contributors. I know this site is well monitored and spied-upon -- but most everyone seems to be internet ambulance-chasers -- without sticking their necks out -- or otherwise contributing anything of significance. I'm sorry to be shrill -- but when Rap-Videos routinely have one-hundred million views -- the pathetic participation on this site is really species-damning.......................................................................................................................................

    The response to my internet exercise in futility has mostly confirmed my belief that "resistance is futile". I think most people are kneeling at the feet of the New World Order -- regardless of whether they realize it, or not. The angry-malcontents might be more controlled than they can imagine. Neutral-Observers might be the greatest thread to a Corrupt-Corporate Solar-System -- since many of them conceptualize Idealistic Solar-System Governance. I have no current plans to be a Lone-Ranger in Shining-Armor. I mostly just wish to sit-down and shut-up -- living out the rest of my pathetic-life in quiet-desperation -- in some sort of a Minimalist-Makeshift Shallow-Underground 600 Square-Foot Office-Apartment -- Fiddling with my #$%^& while Rome Burns. It's easier that way.

    Species-damning? Wow, you have a way with words, ortho Wink First I had a good belly laugh, before I replied here, I can't help it that your cynical choice of spot-on-words triggers that in me. Don't get me wrong, it's partly also a clownish laughing, for of course I sense the sadness in those words too. Did you know that scientists have to be cynical and question everything, also other people's scientific explorations? Treating all discoveries as a given non-fact? Even those found by themselves, although there must be some "Wow!" moments to keep it all going, of course.

    I believe you are a genuine scientist, ortho, in the world of non-sense... uhhh sci-fience... ehmmm seiance... ohh.. de-sci-finance.... stopping the nonsense. Mainly that last one. Truly! For I've never found someone who's that great in efforts of sifting the antics of our
    present times, restlessly finding truth in the most by-wayish way Toast

    Don't underestimate your presence here, ortho. Or your presence on this planet, for that matter, pun intended. For it may be that your audience is
    joining you, consuming your communications here, happy or sad, in a similar by-wayish way. I'm an exception, am I? Lmfao

    Thank you, Malletzky, for being a teacher and student with us here Cheerful I always enjoy your wisdom and calm manners,
    like in these words of yours, in fact the entire post.
    Malletzky's words:
    "So when the time comes…what belongs together comes together. Let me tell you a short and true story: despite the fact that I had and still have my own ‘personal teacher’, you can imagine my surprise when few years ago, he told me that actually he didn’t see himself as my ‘teacher’, but revealed to me that he’s learning a lot from me too. His growth helped me grow further…so you see, ‘learning’ is an ongoing process of interacting with each other on many levels and on many platforms.

    One of these platforms is something we have managed to establish here in the Mists. And even if there’s one single soul still to come and discover the enormous library which the MoA became in this past years and learn something from us (and I am sure some did), I would be much more grateful.

    Thank you all, you wonderful souls, for being who you are and being here Very Happy 

    Much respect

    Posts : 1887
    Join date : 2015-04-24

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:54 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Pris and Malletzky. I'm nastier on this site than I am in real-life. A lot of this is an act I've been cultivating for several years. It has a lot to do with wondering what conversation and debate might be like in the City of London and/or the Dark Side of the Moon -- with Humans and Other-Than-Humans -- regarding Galactic-Issues. I'm trying to drop the act -- and get back to some form of normal -- but some of the act seems to be sticking to the roof of my brain.

    Not at all. Cool  I don't think you're 'nasty' at all.  You're just a bit cynical, perhaps.  Whoopee.  I enjoyed your... rant... in a good way.  It was 'species-affirming' as far as I'm concerned.  Thanks! cheers

    If this helps, I think those video 'views' are fixed to make us think tons of people are watching that shite. cyclops

    It's a challenge to not take everything so seriously.  I offset the insanity with humour as best I can.

    On the subject of teachers...

    "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

    Not ready.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 9d703ebfd1ee477f18bf5993edd4027b

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:55 pm

    Pris wrote:

    Not ready.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 9d703ebfd1ee477f18bf5993edd4027b

    Sooooo sweet, Pris! Such a great way of distracting its bossy, away from the virtual world!Cheerful

    I agree with your point of view on offsetting insanity with humor as best as you can. Thubs Up

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:04 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Pris wrote:

    "When the student is ready, the teacher will appear."

    Not ready.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 9d703ebfd1ee477f18bf5993edd4027b

    Sooooo sweet, Pris! Such a great way of distracting its bossy, away from the virtual world!Cheerful

    I agree with your point of view on offsetting insanity with humor as best as you can. Thubs Up

    Awww, thanks! Blushes

    Ahhh, but who is the bossy, who is the teacher, and who is the student?  Insanely Happy

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:10 pm


    Oh, and what is virtual? Hypnotize

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  B.B.Baghor Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:33 pm

    Pris wrote:.

    Oh, and what is virtual? Hypnotize

    Ask.... and you shall be given... ahem... hmmm, let's see..... study

    Oh, here it is:
    Merriam Webster Dictionary


    adjective vir·tu·al \ˈvər-chə-wəl, -chəl; ˈvərch-wəl\

    : very close to being something without actually being it

    : existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet

    A bit like this? Tacodog Or this bat catbeast in a dark night without a moon?

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Tumblr10

    Your question, Pris: "Ahhh, but who is the bossy, who is the teacher, and who is the student?"
    Bossy is kitty's friend online in front of that screen she's hanging on to, teacher and student are on holiday now Heh heh
    With Mother Superior as chaperone


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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:10 pm

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    Pris wrote:.

    Oh, and what is virtual? Hypnotize

    Ask.... and you shall be given... ahem... hmmm, let's see.....  study

    Oh, here it is:
    Merriam Webster Dictionary


    adjective vir·tu·al \ˈvər-chə-wəl, -chəl; ˈvərch-wəl\

    : very close to being something without actually being it

    : existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet

    A bit like this? Tacodog Or this bat catbeast in a dark night without a moon?

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Tumblr10

    Your question, Pris: "Ahhh, but who is the bossy, who is the teacher, and who is the student?"
    Bossy is kitty's friend online in front of that screen she's hanging on to, teacher and student are on holiday now  Heh heh
    With Mother Superior as chaperone

    Awww-some! Very Happy Love the bratty bat-cat. Big Grin 2  

    What's the truth?

    The cat is the boss,
    ....the teacher
    .........and the student,
    and we're the observers and creators
    ....of a world that is more virtual than 'real'
    .........since it's mostly 'not there'.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 H82DAD824

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 0dccbf16a3476cf3f444d2f5ee5a2bf3

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Does-catching-the-red-dot-really-matter

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 9feb85e4945bc69b7eac12b0b383906daa3fb5da07d389a20972a875e24f8d17

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:26 pm

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 On_The_Internet_No_One_Knows_You_re_A_Cat

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:38 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 On_The_Internet_No_One_Knows_You_re_A_Cat

    Yup!  That's me! cat

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Cat_out_of_the_bag

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 You-let-the-cat-out-of-the-bag

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  JesterTerrestrial Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:23 am

    Well we have not given up as was the advice given to those who had access to the administrative controls during a power struggle still choking for air. Seems to me that good old fashioned money is still the issues that the humans are crying about as nothing constructive can come from star seeds working together when ideas are stolen for cash generating business lol dont even get me started. Had you not of banned the original round to cover up the cover up of the cover up something would be different. But what? And! Can it still be obtained!

    The answer is enlightening at the very least. As for the most well, I guess you may never know.

    Well lots of people around here dont know much about much just a great bit waste of time Adv2



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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  mudra Wed Jul 15, 2015 1:37 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:There are 1267 registered-users on The Mists of Avalon -- with only two-dozen regular (or semi-regular) contributors.

    A similar ratio to what's happening on planet Earth Oxy. 7 billions people with a few regular contributors .
    Maybe this tells us it's not about gathering everyone around a same goal not even the goal  we want to reach but rather the journey itself.
    Let's not forget the power of One.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 You-just-change-your-attitude-toward-life-4-638

    The power of One

    Love from me

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Jul 15, 2015 5:01 pm

    Thank-you Pris, Jester, and Mudra. Perhaps there are some things I should simply leave alone. Perhaps there are some legitimate reasons why the societies are secret. My level of discomfort has been unbearable for most of my life -- but I feel compelled to consider all of the possibilities -- regardless of the source -- and regardless of whether they make me (or anyone else) feel good about ourselves, or not. Unfortunately, I seem to ultimately make everyone (including me) hate me. I was told a very long time ago that 'giving people what they want, and telling them what they want to hear, is the way to go'. Perhaps this is why humanity has seemingly been ruled by secrecy and deception for thousands of years. Wasn't it Helena Blavatsky who said 'What is one to do, when to rule men, it is necessary to deceive them?!" Do we demand deception -- or do we gladly take the red pill? Here are some interesting posts by Brook and Lionhawk on the first 'Red Pill' thread. They are sequential, but might be separated by dozens of posts. They should write a book together. Siriusly. Notice especially the Feline references.

    Brook: "For those of you afraid to take the red might want to stop reading and participating in this thread now... as I've found from personal experience, that it will activate within you, if you let it...certain "knowings” that will surface at any given time. And in that knowledge, you may find it will not be everything you wanted to know. But then again remember...the truth will set you free. And in knowing the truth...remember you have free will...and can make choices accordingly.

    That being said, I will start by recommending a thread that was started by Orthodoxymoron, who I might add was brilliant in his deduction from AV1, and as it progressed I believe it brought to light some things that will stimulate your way of thinking about the “Egyptian” folklore of the “gods” they worshiped, and the symbols now being currently used in the Illuminati scheme of things.

    Some would think that it is not necessary to delve into the past, as one member had mentioned. However to understand what might possible be the truth to much of what we deal with today..the symbolism in our faces daily if you look around.... It might be good to know what it all the face of taking the red pill that is.

    If you dig deep enough you might even see where our own DNA may possibly have been tampered with, and fragmented our sense of self and way of life as we know it now.

    So I'd like to continue where some of the key points that triggered in me some “knowing” and see what input you all may have in these aspects of history and how it might have an effect on how we live today in the shadow of some of the great secrets that still to this day haunt us and most likely won't ever be known until we reach ascension and see the truth...or then can take the red pill and dive in...see what you come up with …

    so lets start off with one of the posts from that thread and look at Ptah....


    The origin of Ptah's name is unclear, though some believe it to mean 'opener' or 'sculptor'. As a god of craftsmen, the later is probably correct. He was a patron of the arts, protector of stone cutters, sculptors, blacksmiths, architects, boat builders, artists and craftsmen.

    It was believed that Ptah created the heavens and the earth.

    Ptah created the giant metal plate that was believed to be the floor of heaven and the roof of the sky, he also created the struts that upheld it. He created the universe by speaking words through his Tongue (linked to the god Thoth) and by thoughts coming from his Heart.

    There came into being as the heart and there came into being as the tongue ...The mighty Great One is Ptah, who transmitted life to all gods, as well as to their kas... Thus it happened that the heart and tongue gained control over every other member of the body, by teaching that he, Ptah... is in every body and in every mouth of all gods, all men,and every thing that lives, by thinking and commanding everything that he wishes.

    Thus the ka-spirits were made... by this speech... Thus were made all work and all crafts, the action of the arms, the movement of the legs, and the activity of every member, in conformance with this command which the heart thought, which came forth through the tongue, and which gives value to everything.

    Ptah was a creator god, the third highest god in Egypt. He was the god presiding over the Second Egyptian month. From a local god of craftsmen to the deity who crafted the universe and the other deities, Ptah was only overshadowed by the sun god Ra, and the hidden god Amen. He fashioned the universe through words of power and by thought, as well as creating different parts by hand. He helped the dead on their travels through the afterlife, allowing them to transform into his divine figure, or by building the boats on which they could travel. He was the one who allowed the dead to be like the living after death

    Sounds like a pretty powerful guy to all of this legend and metaphor.

    As on member brought to my attention in post number 277

    What did the Masons know? It is clearly worship of Ptah....but was he really such a good “God”? He is clearly worshiped in Egyptian folklore as a “God of Creation” ….stressing the word “creation”....what exactly did he create that should be worshiped in such “glory” for the Masons to revere? Then you clearly have a statue of Ptah with scales...

    And what about the Merkaba.....
    Mer... meant a kind of light that rotated within itself

    Ka ....meant spirit, in this case referring to the human spirit

    Ba.... meant the human body — though it also could mean the concept of Reality that spirit holds

    And so the entire word in ancient Egypt referred to a rotating light that would take the spirit and the body from one world into another.....

    Then you have Thoth...that's one for the records.....and if you read the Emerald see sparks of truth....also sparks of manipulation to a way of thinking that sounds very much like much of the “new wave” line of hypnosis....not to say there is not truth there...but in reading the Emerald tablets that are might find yourself getting a slight to moderate headache....triggering something of a remembrance....or could it be a trigger to forget.....but of what? It certainly triggered me....and opened up a flood gate of things that seemed to fit into a neat little conspiracy in and of itself. More questions then answers from the Egyptian “history” that we seem to get.
    There are still many “secrets” out there left to be uncovered...and on a global scale, I think if enough people got “triggered” in their own “knowing” of what the truth may just astound you...and set the history books a blaze.

    So for now have a look at some of the information on that thread..and soon enough I will add more. I really wish ODM was here to he was very in tune with it..but we all have a past here to look at the truth. And many of you hold a “key” of let the triggers begin. Namaste."

    lindabaker: "Lionhawk: Forgive me if I am repeating a question that has been asked of you in previous forums. Tell us how you know all of this very interesting information, if you don't mind doing so. Are you an immortal who can remember a lot, or are you someone who has access to historical records previously unknown to most earth people? If the discs are not gold, what is their composition? By duplicates, do you mean discs that also work, kind of like burning another music cd? Why do the discs I see in my dreams look to be the size of large oranges? When will the information on the discs be revealed, and by whom, and where? What will the reaction be, do you think? Which Star family are you aligned with? Is your alignment with the Christ Energy, and if not, which alignment best describes your position?"

    Lionhawk: "Calling me out, eh? No worries. When I look back on Av1 and Av2, I guess what I got hammered with most was where did I get my training. Simply because I think I scared some individuals with what I had revealed. How was I able to penetrate the secrets of those who had hidden agendas that participated on those forums? I never did answer the question simply because I felt it was a trap to do so. Plus, they wouldn't understand the answer even if I gave it to them. All I can say is I am who I am because I chose to be. Now that might sound like an egotistical statement, but without my ego I would be a blank. I am like the many who seek the real truth and will expose it when everything is in such alignment to do so. I also use what is in my toolbox by that I mean what spiritual tools I do have. Copy and paste is not a spiritual tool.

    Where I get my information in regards to Egypt is not from the Internet. It is so packed full of lies, that if I did use that information, I would be caught red handed in seconds and probably burned at a stake somewhere.

    Let me just say that I am from the Orion sector. My star lineage is the Family of An. Pronounced "on." It is the middle Star of Orion's Belt. EL-AN-RA. I am an Angelic in the Warrior Cast from that sector. Mother Mary, as far as lineages go, is my Mother. She has many sons and daughters and I am simply one of them. She informed me of this 2 years ago at my house in Florida in the kitchen. She said I was one of her Royal sons and wondered what had happened to me. I also know as of this moment why she stated that. Till very recently, her visit troubled me and I couldn't figure out why. Then she visited me once again and it was a very sad visit, as she had apparently gone to find out what had happened to me and why I was off her radar for so long, after her first visit. It all fits now as I have so much recall as to what had occurred and why she said what she said. Yes, Jesus is my brother. I am very proud to have a brother who has accomplished so much and who continues to serve in his present capacity. He is one of the commanders of the real Galactic Federation. Also let us not confuse him with a replica provided by the darkside called Lord Sananda, who serves as their version of Jesus of their copy and pasted Galactic Federation. You know the one where all the channeled messages come from.

    How this recall occurred, is also an interesting story. As it turns out I had done it to myself and did such a good job at it. Somewhere, I had taken half of myself and gave it amnesia. There was a very important reason to do so. Reminds me of Claudia Black that did something similar to serve on a mission on the SG-1 series. Don't remember the episode. Of course there was a trigger word that would snap me out of it. That word was spoken to me on February 11th of this year by my mate. Everything changed at that moment. It was my name back in those Egyptian days. Mind you I didn't say I was Egyptian.

    In any regard, I discovered that I had married into the Feline Race. That's how I ended up and why I have a current affiliation with them in the present. The marriage came about from two life streams from two separate countries, where both got involved with each other because of these discs. That involvement grew and became a sacred union as in such a way that had never been experienced before on the Earth. It was so profound as that sacred union also represented the unconditional love they had for each other and for the entire Earth and all of her people to such an extent that the Creator took notice and said that this sacred union would be used as a template in this Universe to go by in terms of unconditional love. This was a wonderful occasion where the Mother Mary linage and the Feline lineage came together in oneness. It was also sounded across the Universe so it is well known by other races as well. So if there is anyone out there who has any doubts as to what I have thus far written, feel free to get off your chair and find the answers. If you are all that connected to these other races that is.

    These two life streams were obviously killed by the corrupt Draconian figure heads of those distant times in Egypt. Not necessarily for what they did to create a new universal template, but for defying the power elite's will. If they could not use you, consider yourself dead. That thought pattern still exists today. But when it all went down, these Bastards found out that they couldn't use everybody.

    In the present, I am now living with a whole remembered heart. I am fully activated in the physical. I pay attention to many things now that I use to take for granted. For instance two butterflies flying through the air at incredible speeds, never extending more than a few inches from each other as they are flying through an area full of birds and predatory insects, celebrating their union with each other in flight. Also no fear. The one I married back then is the one I am with now. We are still married as we never allowed our love to be compromised by anyone or anything, even though they may have killed us at different times. William Wallace you say.....or did I say that? hahahhahhaa!!

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 200px-MacDougall_of_MacDougall_arms.svg

    The above Coat of Arms is where the trail jumped from Egypt to Scotland. Talk about triggers from Egypt. And you may wonder how it has anything to do with William Wallace. To be brief, these two love birds incarnated into this time line. My name was Alexander MacDougall and although I was married and had a castle, I also had a mistress, hidden in the hillside. This mistress was my sacred love. Her name was Isadora and she originated from Norway. She was murdered by some reptilian thugs. 4 of them attacked her while on route to help my son, John. Thus, her death started my new career in head loping. Talk about getting on a Karmic bicycle. I was also allied at this time with William Wallace against Robert the Brus. Also notice in the coats of arms, the lions and the ships. In other coat of arms you will also find the dragons. Again, it comes down to the conflict of the lions vs. the dragons.

    Not to get out of topic here, but this thread is also about triggers. And if you were to look in your present life in the past, you will see things that came up and said here I am for a split second. As in how you might be drawn to an image or something that was said that ringed something within you. All these little rings bounced around for years and I never found an explanation for them until Feb. 11th 2010. All these little reminders fell into place. The little things that made you curious in that moment that you couldn't explain as to why it rang something inside you. Like maybe why you might had a curiosity about a certain figure in history but couldn't explain it.

    All I can say is that I had thought my life to have been blessed before and now I look upon it as miraculous. It has taken a lot of inner work to get here but it has been worth it. Granted the inner work never seems to stop but I can relax a little bit now as I know things will be slightly easier. If you do the work you will find that your story is an amazing one. Also make note that I am not trying to put myself on any kind of stage here. I am just sharing it and I left a lot out. So for the ones that might have pithy comments, spare me. It isn't because I am the one who is insecure. I say what I just said so that I don't have to deal with your insecurities and I am sure there are others out there who are sick of that old record as well. I think we should spend more time celebrating those who are getting there instead of the bashing from those who are either jealous or just lack, period. You have to earn it, for yourself.

    So I leave this here. I hope I answered more than you questioned Linda."

    orthodoxymoron: "Wow Lionhawk! Your posts always floor me! Can you tell me if Reptilian Beings have Human Souls? OR -- do Human Beings have Reptilian Souls? Are we all Human/Reptilian Hybrids --- with various percentage differentials? Are Greys really Reptilians? Do Humans, Reptilians, and Greys have more in common than we think? Is most of this madness homegrown --- going back thousands of years --- right here on Earth --- mostly in North Africa and the Southwestern United States? Is the U.S. really the 'Head of the Snake'? Do the Underground Bases and the City States constitute the Biblical Babylon? Is Lucifer the Whore of Babylon? 'What fate Omoroca?' (Stargate SG-1 'Fire and Water') Nuff said!"

    Lionhawk: "There he is! Good to see you old friend! Always wondered where you went. I know many disappeared for awhile and justly so. Often thought as to what you found in your digging of the truth. You have been missed. Again, great to see you once again.  

    As far as flooring you, I will humbly take that as a compliment. But I'm not out here trying to floor anyone. Personally I think we are all basically truth seekers and we all have an individual way about going about it. Of course the cheap version of the truth is the copy and pasted version. Using only materials that someone researched and wrote out without doing any footwork to support their point of view.

    The better version is finding an idea and pursuing it and then write down what you found. The process of proving it out in real time. How many books have we read where someone just took pieces of information and just pieced a book together? Without any experience being applied or melded in the book. Originality is the best way to go about sharing ideas and working out the puzzles that comprise the truth.

    As to your questions, I will say I am no expert or an authority of other factions soul make ups. In my opinion however, I think the soul is of the same stuff across the board and it is whether how much light is allowed to shine by the free will of that soul or the choices that soul has made, regardless of the species it represents. Or the polarity.

    What is most disturbing is how these Dracs have cheated DEATH. Most systems that I am aware of have a death cycle or a transition cycle. Usually there is a station where the soul goes back to and gets debriefed and adjustments are made and new lessons are given and the soul starts again on another quest. These Dracs have found a way to by pass that and have their own place or station as it were, to re spawn with full memory of who or what they were previously. In part, the technology in Egypt was used to do this. Now I also know there are other aliens who have done this but most of them know of a higher consciousness is present and honor the processes in an alignment with a God presence. The Dracs only honor their own presence. Everything and every life form is considered below them. So when I hear that there are good reptilians out there, I always end up asking where.

    The greys are even a mystery. I think the government has a limited view point on them as well. Simply because they want to compartmentalize these beings. From what I have gathered, there are at least 20 species of this form out there. Not just the 4 types that have been revealed by government sources.

    I have already given you in the past what has happened to Lucifer. That wasn't something made up. It also hasn't changed as to what he chose for himself. It's a done deal. One that I was allowed to witness. That event just amazed me as to the Creator's level of grace that he/she exercises. It is unlimited. It also showed me how deep the Creator's love goes for all of his/her creations no matter what they have experienced in this Universe, good or bad. No matter what polarity or frequency, these souls have chosen to experience.

    This thread is a prime example of what I have mentioned in the above. Or the contents there of. And please don't feel like I dissed you by not answering all of your questions as some of those questions could apply in another thread and not here. I say that out of respect for what Brook is trying to accomplish in this thread.

    Glad you are here ODM!"

    Brook: "....spreading light on "dark secrets" is what I plan on doing with this post. You will not find this information in history books, or on the internet in the form of revealed "secrets" of the PTB. Some light has been shed on speculation of such...but the true nature of exactly what happened has virtually been was the continent of Atlantis, and Lumaria. All that is left is what some might tap into, and how much of that was filtered? Oh for sure there is truth in many of the stories of these kinds....and the puzzle is being slowly put together. So I will provide a piece of that puzzle here now. The role played by some key characters...and what the truth is about the story's they put get you to believe in something quite different.

    One small but rather important piece that only the players themselves would be able to share...but as of yet have not....mainly because...the lies have overshadowed the truth. I have tapped into that truth.....and as such would be labeled a "loon" by the very ones that would see this story remain undiscovered. And for a very long time, I was afraid to share this....for the reason of safety...a fear program.......and because my emotional body was not ready to deal with such exposure, and the nature of the very concepts it surrounds. I have since overcome that emotion...and can now share what it is I have to reveal.....a small portion of the truth that you all have the right to know. And the role of the "players"...and where they stood in all of this. So lets start with some "key" players.....

    Thoth...lineage..pure reptilian...Annunaki

    Ptah...lineage...pure reptilian...Annunaki

    Osiris....lineage....hybrid....Annunaki, feline....of the "royal" bloodline, earth based

    Set...lineage....hybrid....annunaki, feline....of the "royal" bloodline, earth based

    Isis.....lineage....hybrid....feline, earth based ...of direct decent...mother Sekhemt...of the royal lineage....and direct genetic coding to the discs and "throne"

    Ra.....lineage.....sirian.....hybird.....of "Sun" decent....NOT ANNUNAKI....and in charge of operations here on earth, to oversee the Sirian feline earth based seeding.

    So a create a royal blood line....with direct connection to the "Discs", and the "throne"....between Osiris and Isis....set up by Ptah...who is now in control of operations.....a very bad marriage at that. Not the wonderful one painted in history. In fact..the so called "sister" of Isis....was nothing more than a story...she was actually a mistress to Osiris...and Isis had take her under her protect her. It also gave Isis the relief of having to be with Osiris...who she detested. Isis had no such sister....but took on Nephthys as a sister...and taught her how to do many of which was how to tolerate Osiris.

    As the story would have you believe.....Isis gathered together the pieces of Osiris with her "sister"...leaving out one piece...very appropriate....the phallus. She claimed the fish ate it......Now that's a fish story! and then she created the "book of the dead". to resurrect Osiris...and created a phallus of "sand" and impregnated herself with his seed to create Horus.

    Oh goes....the truth is that tomb of Osiris...a meeting took place. Sekhemt, Ra and Isis.....the egg of Sekhmet the sperm of Ra were joined and Isis was made a surrogate of a "royal bloodline"...not of the Osiris, Hybrid....reptilian line but the feline sun lineage....and was made to be the watcher for Ra...the "eye of Horus" was a symbol of Ra...also know as the "Eye of Ra".....and watch over the goings on from the direct meddling of the Annunaki. And to carry on the line of those who were directly involved in the technology that had been stolen, and used to create for lack of a better term..."abominations"...of what should have been our direct connection to mother earth, and our universal lineage. Rather then fragmenting us and creating a "slave race" be multiplied and used for the purposes that you now hear of..that many have tapped into that truth and are now seeing...but few know how it came about...the actual deeds that created this time line...not the one that source intended.

    Have you all stopped yet to think...what became of Isis? How did she die? did she really carry on to give all of these so call "channeling s" that are so prevalent on the internet and in the "new age" community? And if so....why don't you hear this story? And how come you don't hear of her "passing" as you do of Osiris? And what of this story that Horus is Jesus?....Isis is Mary?.....not hardly.

    There is however a connection to that story. Another surrogate....Mary...named after the Mother Mary lineage.....surrogate to Jesus.....brought here to tell some truth....through a similar fashion as Horus. Propagated by the felines....but Jesus is not Feline.....the only connection is the cooperation of the geneticists...the Felines that helped with his birth. And the the Star of Sirius.....cooperation to recreate where Horus failed...because Horus was found out...and challenged by his brother Set. Brother Set you say????? Wait....Set was the brother of Osiris......Caught them in another lie didn't we? Set the one that murdered after Horus.....a power hungry one he was....And Osiris...the brother of Isis?...........only in the sense that the lineage of a hybrid brought that in true form.....Remember...Osiris..hybrid....reptilian, feline..and earth based being......but not the sister of Isis in any form...other then the feline lineage that they wanted to keep in line with the genetic coding

    And what of Isis? Where did she disappear to? Death the hands of Ptah....who was furious with her, for reasons I will not share here..just yet anyway. But when one does not cooperate with a that's death in a snake pit...and that was her end.....only to be remembered by those who had stories to tell of here such places as Greece. and with her she would bring the most extraordinary gifts.

    Now you are probably wondering how I can relate such a story...and where the information came from. did I channel it?....not really.....but that is something I will not share on a forum. However, I will tell you I have validation.....and that I will not share on a forum either.

    There are many more parts to this story....this is only a small but significant part. There are the Discs....and other factions involved...and this story would make "Gone with the Wind"...look like a child's book."
    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 4412877-red-or-blue-pill
    "I know you're out there...I can feel you now. I know that
    you're afraid. You're afraid of us, you're afraid of
    change...I don't know the future...I didn't come here to
    tell you how this is going to end, I came here to tell you
    how this is going to begin. Now, I'm going to hang up
    this phone, and I'm going to show these people what you
    don't want them to see. I'm going to show them a world
    without you...a world without rules and controls, without
    borders or boundaries. A world...where anything is possible."

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Abyssinian-cat
    "Exactly What Part of "KNEEL!!!" Did You Fail to Comprehend???"

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:50 am


    That was quite the post, orthodoxymoron -- thanks!  I've been thinking about what to say about it for quite some time now, but I still don't know what to say.  Some of it I'm like... yeah, totally.  And, some of it I'm like...  uhh, don't think so.  An interesting read non-the-less.

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:40 am

    Thank-you Pris. I love the cat and message!! It is reflective of how I feel. I am troubled by both pills. Brook tried to give me the red-pill -- but I kept pushing it away -- while I explored other options -- some of which were related to her red-pill -- but much less direct (and with a different context). I've gravitated toward Judeo-Christian Egyptology -- rather than Hardcore-Egyptology. I've created a study-guide which includes Egyptology -- yet which is quite speculative, imaginative, and interdisciplinary. I want the TRUTH -- g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y.....

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:31 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Pris. I love the cat and message!! It is reflective of how I feel. I am troubled by both pills. Brook tried to give me the red-pill -- but I kept pushing it away -- while I explored other options -- some of which were related to her red-pill -- but much less direct (and with a different context). I've gravitated toward Judeo-Christian Egyptology -- rather than Hardcore-Egyptology. I've created a study-guide which includes Egyptology -- yet which is quite speculative, imaginative, and interdisciplinary. I want the TRUTH -- g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y.....

    But... that's just it.  I'm also troubled by it all.  How on Earth is it possible to know what IS truth?  It could all be just a bunch of stories for all I know.  My own personal experience/knowing to verify any of it is meager at best.  Speculation is fun and I'm as curious as they come.  I'll consider anything.  But, we've been handed so much misinformation and lies, we really don't know up from down so my skepticism is in full swing.  I mean... even the Emerald Tablets.  That could be all bull shite propoganda hammered out into rocks from Day One (assuming even the Emerald Tablets are 'real').

    And, let's not forget the illusion of 'choice'.
    It kind of gets messed up with 'truth'.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 31de291

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Kitteh_DOH

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:23 pm

    Thank-you Pris. I keep coming back to the concept of "How Do We Know ANYTHING With Any Significant Degree of Certainty -- Especially Relative to Antiquity and the Other-Worldly??" My United States of the Solar System threads are my feeble attempt to create a Religious and Political Science-Fictional Context -- in which to contemplate various possibilities which I have tried to refine into probabilities. My quest is very passive and quiet. I'd probably push a lot harder if I thought I'd live to tell the story. I'm simply attempting to keep-up with all of the internet-madness -- rather than being a Lone-Ranger in Shining-Armor. I've mostly vowed to keep my tripe within the confines of The Mists of Avalon -- where very, very few people (and other-than-people) pay any attention to it. I've tried to relive some old "in-house" theological-battles, which are probably of zero-interest to others -- but I've presented them in a somewhat organized-form in an unconventional-context. I don't claim to "Have the Truth". I merely create an educational and entertainment resource for those with "eyes to see -- and ears to hear". It probably doesn't do me, or anyone else, any good -- but it's just what I do. I knew a college-classmate who used to solve calculus-problems just for the fun of it. I attempt to solve the universe's-problems just for the fun of it. I started-out trying to solve the world's-problems -- until I realized that Earth's problems could not be solved without reference to the Entire Solar System. Then, I realized that Solar System Governance was directly-related to how the Entire Universe is run. Who and What God and the Universe are REALLY Like has EVERYTHING to do with how business is done on Planet Earth. BTW -- I can't even properly run my own life -- so why should I attempt to run anyone else's life (even if they wanted me to)?? One more thing. I recently met an elderly-woman who reminded me of my conceptualization of who I think MIGHT run the solar system!! She seemed to be very smart and tough -- yet very subtle and unassuming. I just got the feeling that she could make mincemeat out of anything I could say or do -- in no uncertain terms. She used the term "bullshit" -- which I have used repeatedly throughout my threads. Consider a combination of Dr. Josephine Mataros in Earth: Final Conflict -- "Kate" in East of Eden -- Sherry Shriner -- and the Little Old Lady from Legion. What Would the Little Old Lady from Pasadena Say?? World Without End. Almond Raw.

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:04 pm

    That quote "Remember, all I'm offering you is the truth... nothing more" is a contradiction in itself, as I see it, for truth
    can never be offered, only found in a way that is mentioned here earlier "When the student is ready, the teacher arrives".
    That teacher, to me, is the state of awareness you've arrived in, by your own steps on your own road in life, just as it
    should be, for no other way can offer you autonomy.

    That quote is a line present in a movie-script. It's a mental concept, which triggers a deep-seated desire in many viewers
    to be handed the truth. In other words, to be saved by the work of another living being who has done the work for them,
    finding it.

    Taking this a step further, one can become aware of that desire and begin questioning the cause of its presence.
    Both possibilities of discerning the truth of that moment, prove here and now, that the truth is hiding in the folds of
    awareness, the observation of thinking and thought, which is humorously pointed at by David Bohm as a thing of the
    past, thought is past time thinking.

    I've never found a truth as an absolute form in existence, as a stone causing a blue toe while strolling the fields, in a
    night with a new moon. Between all the mewsings, squeeks, sighs and hisses, the questioning and questioning of that,
    I suggest a listen to David Bohm. Not that he tells the truth, but he's one of a rare species passing the boundaries of
    limits in tackling the thought process. The title is therefore "Beyond Limits". This whole idea fascinated Bohm and he
    considers logic as a result of instinctual thinking, a repetition of the same and therefore restricted in a way.

    Copied from the thread I started, on the nature of the mind.

    Ortho's words: "Perhaps there are some legitimate reasons why the societies are secret. My level of discomfort has been
    unbearable for most of my life -- but I feel compelled to consider all of the possibilities -- regardless of the source -- and
    regardless of whether they make me (or anyone else) feel good about ourselves, or not. Unfortunately, I seem to ultimately
    make everyone (including me) hate me. I was told a very long time ago that 'giving people what they want, and telling
    them what they want to hear, is the way to go'. Perhaps this is why humanity has seemingly been ruled by secrecy and
    deception for thousands of years"
    I think you may shake hands with David Bohm, for the urge to go "Beyond Limits".

    At some point in Bohm's career, he chose to leave science, for he found that scientists focused merely on measurement,
    maths and putting data into a form. He tried to discuss the nature of quantum physics, the change in the material related
    to the thinking process of the observing person present at the test or experiment and the unpredictability of that change
    as well as in the thought process itself. This part is in the 8:15 minutes part of the tubby.

    There you have it: no absoluteness in defining on a quantum level and in a thinking process, see? Bohm found similarities in
    both worlds of physics and consciousness. As far as I've gone into this, truth is an experience of having the realization that
    something is true, immediately (or later) accompanied by the awareness that in a later moment in time, that truth makes
    way for another truth. Or else fanatism turns up, in an implosion of wrongly directed enthusiasm.

    Note: The word enthusiasm comes from the ancient Greek word eufousiasmz EN +THEOS meaning "inspired by or possessed
    by God". In my view as unholy abbess  Rolling Eyes  "God" may be the equivalent of an experience of being in the NOW.
    Enthusiasm is firmly a "present moment" emotion, all of oneself is involved, isn't it? And now I'm looking away from my screen,
    to enjoy the view of the sky at dusk, floating clouds with pink and violet frivolities.....  a meeting of different vibes here  Cheerful

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:09 pm

    The problem with being Part of the Establishment in Any Discipline is that there are expectations
    and restrictions, and one commits "Career-Suicide" if they don't "Play the Game". "Odd Man Out!!"

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 2012-09-14-odd-man-out

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:13 pm

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    The problem with being Part of the Establishment in Any Discipline is that there are expectations
    and restrictions, and one commits "Career-Suicide" if they don't "Play the Game". "Odd Man Out!!"

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 2012-09-14-odd-man-out

    No offense, ortho, I think you've taken it upon you to carry the world on your shoulders in want of solving
    all wrongs and injustice. Your mind seems to go never on a holiday and in that state it's hard to lighten up and see
    things in proportion. I wish for you to hold that world in your hand one day...... and exhale in the sunny

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 13922010

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:49 pm

    Thank-you B.B. This post is supporting-evidence for what you just said. Sorry if it is "Too Much Information". This is enough to drive and man or woman to drink -- but I don't drink. Not yet. I continue to insist that in "real-life" I really am a "completely ignorant fool" -- yet my U.S.S.S. threads often seem to be somewhat profound (with a little help from my friends and other-than-friends). BTW -- I recently saw a young-woman with the nicest legs I've ever seen!! If only I were younger and better-looking!! Perhaps in my next incarnation (if I even have one)!! What was that about Dr. Who's "Final-Incarnation" in Trial of a Timelord??!! An Individual of Interest said that I would experience no pain beyond this life!! We seem to have a difference of opinion regarding the Fate of Humanity. An "Ancient Egyptian Deity" (AED) said that it would be dark where I was going!! I was even told that I should write my memoirs!! I was told "we'll be leaving soon". The AED said that I could choose to keep things as they are presently (or something to that effect). The AED said that humanity was "screwed". They kept speaking of the sun in an ominous-manner. All of the above can't be a good-thing!! I'm presently just trying to leave you with something which might be somewhat beneficial. If I am dealt-with unjustly -- someone please avenge my demise -- and remedy the injustice -- with Extreme-Prejudice -- and I am NOT Kidding!!
    Pris wrote:
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Thank-you Pris. I love the cat and message!! It is reflective of how I feel. I am troubled by both pills. Brook tried to give me the red-pill -- but I kept pushing it away -- while I explored other options -- some of which were related to her red-pill -- but much less direct (and with a different context). I've gravitated toward Judeo-Christian Egyptology -- rather than Hardcore-Egyptology. I've created a study-guide which includes Egyptology -- yet which is quite speculative, imaginative, and interdisciplinary. I want the TRUTH -- g-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y.....

    But... that's just it.  I'm also troubled by it all.  How on Earth is it possible to know what IS truth?  It could all be just a bunch of stories for all I know.  My own personal experience/knowing to verify any of it is meager at best.  Speculation is fun and I'm as curious as they come.  I'll consider anything.  But, we've been handed so much misinformation and lies, we really don't know up from down so my skepticism is in full swing.  I mean... even the Emerald Tablets.  That could be all bull shite propoganda hammered out into rocks from Day One (assuming even the Emerald Tablets are 'real').

    And, let's not forget the illusion of 'choice'.
    It kind of gets messed up with 'truth'.

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 31de291

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Kitteh_DOH
    orthodoxymoron wrote: Thank-you Pris. I keep coming back to the concept of "How Do We Know ANYTHING With Any Significant Degree of Certainty -- Especially Relative to Antiquity and the Other-Worldly??" My United States of the Solar System threads are my feeble attempt to create a Religious and Political Science-Fictional Context -- in which to contemplate various possibilities which I have tried to refine into probabilities. My quest is very passive and quiet. I'd probably push a lot harder if I thought I'd live to tell the story. I'm simply attempting to keep-up with all of the internet-madness -- rather than being a Lone-Ranger in Shining-Armor. I've mostly vowed to keep my tripe within the confines of The Mists of Avalon -- where very, very few people (and other-than-people) pay any attention to it. I've tried to relive some old "in-house" theological-battles, which are probably of zero-interest to others -- but I've presented them in a somewhat organized-form in an unconventional-context. I don't claim to "Have the Truth". I merely create an educational and entertainment resource for those with "eyes to see -- and ears to hear". It probably doesn't do me, or anyone else, any good -- but it's just what I do. I knew a college-classmate who used to solve calculus-problems just for the fun of it. I attempt to solve the universe's-problems just for the fun of it. I started-out trying to solve the world's-problems -- until I realized that Earth's problems could not be solved without reference to the Entire Solar System. Then, I realized that Solar System Governance was directly-related to how the Entire Universe is run. Who and What God and the Universe are REALLY Like has EVERYTHING to do with how business is done on Planet Earth. BTW -- I can't even properly run my own life -- so why should I attempt to run anyone else's life (even if they wanted me to)?? One more thing. I recently met an elderly-woman who reminded me of my conceptualization of who I think MIGHT run the solar system!! She seemed to be very smart and tough -- yet very subtle and unassuming. I just got the feeling that she could make mincemeat out of anything I could say or do -- in no uncertain terms. She used the term "bullshit" -- which I have used repeatedly throughout my threads. Consider a combination of Dr. Josephine Mataros in Earth: Final Conflict -- "Kate" in East of Eden -- Sherry Shriner -- and the Little Old Lady from Legion. What Would the Little Old Lady from Pasadena Say?? "World Without End. Almond Raw??"
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    That quote "Remember, all I'm offering you is the truth... nothing more" is a contradiction in itself, as I see it, for truth
    can never be offered, only found in a way that is mentioned here earlier "When the student is ready, the teacher arrives".
    That teacher, to me, is the state of awareness you've arrived in, by your own steps on your own road in life, just as it
    should be, for no other way can offer you autonomy.

    That quote is a line present in a movie-script. It's a mental concept, which triggers a deep-seated desire in many viewers
    to be handed the truth. In other words, to be saved by the work of another living being who has done the work for them,
    finding it.

    Taking this a step further, one can become aware of that desire and begin questioning the cause of its presence.
    Both possibilities of discerning the truth of that moment, prove here and now, that the truth is hiding in the folds of
    awareness, the observation of thinking and thought, which is humorously pointed at by David Bohm as a thing of the
    past, thought is past time thinking.

    I've never found a truth as an absolute form in existence, as a stone causing a blue toe while strolling the fields, in a
    night with a new moon. Between all the mewsings, squeeks, sighs and hisses, the questioning and questioning of that,
    I suggest a listen to David Bohm. Not that he tells the truth, but he's one of a rare species passing the boundaries of
    limits in tackling the thought process. The title is therefore "Beyond Limits". This whole idea fascinated Bohm and he
    considers logic as a result of instinctual thinking, a repetition of the same and therefore restricted in a way.

    Copied from the thread I started, on the nature of the mind.

    Ortho's words: "Perhaps there are some legitimate reasons why the societies are secret. My level of discomfort has been
    unbearable for most of my life -- but I feel compelled to consider all of the possibilities -- regardless of the source -- and
    regardless of whether they make me (or anyone else) feel good about ourselves, or not. Unfortunately, I seem to ultimately
    make everyone (including me) hate me. I was told a very long time ago that 'giving people what they want, and telling
    them what they want to hear, is the way to go'. Perhaps this is why humanity has seemingly been ruled by secrecy and
    deception for thousands of years"
    I think you may shake hands with David Bohm, for the urge to go "Beyond Limits".

    At some point in Bohm's career, he chose to leave science, for he found that scientists focused merely on measurement,
    maths and putting data into a form. He tried to discuss the nature of quantum physics, the change in the material related
    to the thinking process of the observing person present at the test or experiment and the unpredictability of that change
    as well as in the thought process itself. This part is in the 8:15 minutes part of the tubby.

    There you have it: no absoluteness in defining on a quantum level and in a thinking process, see? Bohm found similarities in
    both worlds of physics and consciousness. As far as I've gone into this, truth is an experience of having the realization that
    something is true, immediately (or later) accompanied by the awareness that in a later moment in time, that truth makes
    way for another truth. Or else fanatism turns up, in an implosion of wrongly directed enthusiasm.

    Note: The word enthusiasm comes from the ancient Greek word eufousiasmz EN +THEOS meaning "inspired by or possessed
    by God". In my view as unholy abbess  Rolling Eyes  "God" may be the equivalent of an experience of being in the NOW.
    Enthusiasm is firmly a "present moment" emotion, all of oneself is involved, isn't it? And now I'm looking away from my screen,
    to enjoy the view of the sky at dusk, floating clouds with pink and violet frivolities.....  a meeting of different vibes here  Cheerful
    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    The problem with being Part of the Establishment in Any Discipline is that there are expectations
    and restrictions, and one commits "Career-Suicide" if they don't "Play the Game". "Odd Man Out!!"

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 2012-09-14-odd-man-out
    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    No offense, ortho, I think you've taken it upon you to carry the world on your shoulders in want of solving
    all wrongs and injustice. Your mind seems to go never on a holiday and in that state it's hard to lighten up and see
    things in proportion. I wish for you to hold that world in your hand one day...... and exhale in the  sunny  

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 13922010
    orthodoxymoron wrote: Thank-you B.B. I once sat across the table from a classmate in a college-cafeteria, listening to him describe his state of "uncertainty regarding life, the universe, and everything". He had a conservative-church upbringing -- yet he had no idea regarding the true state of affairs. In that same cafeteria, I spoke with an intelligent young-lady who said that the Bible could be made to say just about anything. In the shadow of that same cafeteria, I heard a young-woman arguing with a pastor, crying "the Bible is NOT the Word of God!!" I stood next to an Episcopal Rector, looking at a shelf-full of Bibles, to which the Rector mocked the term "Word of God". I have spoken with individuals who seemed to be Other-Than-Human who were clearly against Humanity. Another Episcopal Rector told me that I appeared to be "Carrying the Weight of the Whole World" -- and I hadn't discussed anything with him. I could go on and on and on. I fully intend to completely stop public comment - yet I can't seem to bring this soliloquy to a somewhat satisfying conclusion. I've even somewhat jokingly considered placing myself in some sort of facility where I would be denied access to the internet, newspapers, magazines, books, and visitors -- for probably a week -- just to stop "Cold-Turkey". As I stood in a Catholic Church -- a Priest told me I "shouldn't be so hard on myself". That's really saying something -- coming from a Roman Catholic Priest!!! I haven't quite decided which is worse -- the Dark Teachings of the Catholic Church -- or the Dark Teachings of the SDA Church -- especially when one REALLY thinks-through all of the implications and ramifications!! What I've done on this website seems to have done absolutely no good. Just the opposite, in fact. I can cut the hatred with a knife.

    Consider Charles Hapgood and Douglas Vogt. Consider the dates 1958 -- 2012 -- 2046 -- and 2133 A.D. I'm too tired to explain why. Actually, Hapgood's book regarding "Earth Crust Displacement" was published in 1958. It was featured in the movie 2012. Hapgood was struck and killed by a car on December 21, 1982 -- exactly 30 years prior to December 21, 2012. Coincidence?? It is 87 years from 1958 to 2045 -- and 87 years from 2046 to 2133. Douglas Vogt claims that the sun will go nova in 2046 -- which will supposedly produce a lot of the destruction featured in the movie 2012. I have speculated (with some substance) that the 2300 days-years of Daniel 8:14 begins around 168 B.C. -- and ends around 2133 A.D. This involves the "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" -- which implies vindication and restoration -- and the complete removal of that which defiles. I could explain and clarify -- but I'm too tired right now. I simply think there is a possibility that Job through Daniel have been neglected and misunderstood -- and that these 10 books are not particularly supportive of ANY religion!! I've tried to study these books -- but I'm not making much progress. My burnout and disillusionment is seemingly out of control and chronic. I hope it's not terminal. Anyway, despite everything, I'll probably listen to Sherry Shriner before I go to sleep -- even though I know I shouldn't. I am Wary of Sherry -- yet I continue to be a regular-listener -- but not a devoted-follower. Not even close. I could give several reasons why I listen -- but not tonight. Namaste and Godspeed.
    orthodoxymoron wrote: Please forgive the following rant. Consider a Dynamic-Equilibrium Between the Medical--Military--Money Complex -- and the Prevention--Peace--Philanthropy Complex -- rather than engaging in Primitive WWI Trench-Warfare. I think one should become very knowledgeable in ALL SIX AREAS -- and then facilitate a Guerilla-Warfare Internal-Jihad between BOTH GROUPS!! It might take quite a while to see the wisdom in this -- but I didn't just pull this concept out of an anatomical black-hole!! An Ivy-League Ethics-Committee might be an excellent context for this sort of thing to be fully-explored!! Also -- think about this matter in the context of Hypothetical Star-Wars!! This might take years to really sort-out. I could say a lot more -- but it hurts too much -- and you need to think this through on your own. I mostly lead readers to the edge of truth -- rather than cramming it down their throats -- or throwing them into the middle of it. You can lead a horse to water -- but you can't make it pee!! I learned that one from a Boeing-Executive!! Honest!! This same executive thought the internet would be the salvation of humanity (or something to that effect) -- and this was when the internet was first emerging. I attended their memorial-service at a military-cemetery (complete with a 21 gun-salute). They had worked on virtually every new-plane project since WWII. I still wear their suit -- and it really makes me think. I don't know why I said all that.

    We could live Minimalist-Luddite Lives (with probably a hell of a lot less trouble) -- but we might be warriors (going way, way, way back). What we were before we were human might have EVERYTHING to do with the conflicts and realities which exist on Earth today. Ellen White promoted natural and preventive medicine -- yet the SDA church invested heavily in drugs and surgery acute-care medicine!! Follow the fame, fortune, and power!! What Would Dr. John Harvey Kellogg Say?? What Would Dr. Zane Kime Say?? What Would Mr. Edgars Say?? What I'm getting-at is Surgeons -- Generals -- and Financiers are all Warriors -- and We the Peons seem to Worship MONEY -- POWER -- the RICH -- and the POWERFUL!! We Want a God of POWER and MIGHT!! Right??!! Come-On!! Be Honest!! And hell -- if the Aliens Attack -- it's nice to be READY FOR WAR!!! Both the Micro and the Macro should be viewed with a Micro-Scope and a Macro-Scope!! I've suggested that the Bible is a BOOK OF WAR -- rather than a BOOK OF PEACE!! Perhaps that's why General Patton (or was it Macarthur?) read his Bible "every god-damn day"!! Once again -- you might need to spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about this to really get what I'm talking about.

    I've tried to be reflective, open, and honest -- but that hasn't worked. Perhaps I should spend the rest of my life preparing to be a Bad@$$ Warrior in my next incarnation!! I'm really NOT Kidding!! I'm re-watching Clear and Present Danger (with Harrison Ford). I think that movie contains a lot of valuable lessons. Once again -- you'd all respect me if I were Rich, Famous, Powerful, and Respectable -- wouldn't you??? Nobody respects me -- and I don't even respect myself. Perhaps things will be MUCH different in my next incarnation. Perhaps some things NEVER change in this universe. Perhaps an Almighty-Warrior-God with Absolutely-Obedient-Soldiers has been the tried and true Modus-Operandi for Billions of Years!! If you'll excuse me -- I need to spend the next two hours reading about War and Conquest in the Old Testament -- to prepare myself for "Heaven"!! An "Ancient Egyptian Deity" told me that we had "Fought Side by Side"!! Sometimes I think I remember -- but I'm not sure. The AED said that my "Bad-Side Would Manifest Itself". What if I turned-out to be an Ancient "Darth-Vader"?? That frankly wouldn't surprise me!! What if, at some point, I tried to be a nice-guy -- and got royally-screwed by those I tried to help??!! That frankly wouldn't surprise me!! But what if the "nice-guy thing" was simply a "red-herring"?? What if I'm not as simple, stupid, and nice as you might think?? What if this pathetic incarnation of mine was intended to test YOU?? That frankly wouldn't surprise me. So -- where do you want to fight?? My planet or yours?? Just kidding!! Or am I?? Perhaps the Medical--Military--Money Complex comes first -- and then, when you win -- you can worry about the Prevention--Peace--Philanthropy Complex!! In other words -- after you defeat the enemy in good old-fashioned Old-Testament Ruthless-Conquest -- you can consider being nice to the Survivors!! Right??!! Be Honest!! Which was worse?? The Old-Testament -- the Crusades -- the Inquisition -- the Nazis -- or the Communists?? Is the Book of Revelation any better than any of these?? Think About It!! Be Honest!! I've been told that I have "Friends in High-Places"!! Should that be a cause for concern?? Who Knows?? Dr. Who?? Anu?? Who??

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:09 am

    B.B.Baghor wrote: No offense, ortho, I think you've taken it upon you to carry the world on your shoulders in want of solving
    all wrongs and injustice. Your mind seems to go never on a holiday and in that state it's hard to lighten up and see
    things in proportion. I wish for you to hold that world in your hand one day...... and exhale in the  sunny  

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 13922010

    I agree. albino

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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:09 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote: I merely create an educational and entertainment resource for those with "eyes to see -- and ears to hear". It probably doesn't do me, or anyone else, any good -- but it's just what I do.

    How do you know that the information you are... relaying... is 'helpful' in some manner?  I'd be careful to use the word 'educational'.  Would you call 'misinformation' educational (how do you know what you're sharing isn't misinformation)?  And, even if your information was sound, do you really want to 'educate' people, or do you want to 'enlighten' them?  

    As an entertainment resource -- that which you create... possibly.  I guess that depends on each and every person's entertainment (entrainment) requirements.  As for doing it all for those with 'eyes to see and ears to hear'... that's rather presumptuous and slightly egocentric of you to assume you have anything to offer that is worthy of being seen and heard.

    Don't get me wrong.  I'm a big fan of 'ego'.  That's why I like David Wilcock so much btw (like has nothing to do with having to agree with everything he says).  As for having an overblown 'ego'... I see it as a kind of weakness that I find strangely appealing.

    orthodoxymoron wrote: I started-out trying to solve the world's-problems -- until I realized that Earth's problems could not be solved without reference to the Entire Solar System. Then, I realized that Solar System Governance was directly-related to how the Entire Universe is run. Who and What God and the Universe are REALLY Like has EVERYTHING to do with how business is done on Planet Earth. BTW -- I can't even properly run my own life -- so why should I attempt to run anyone else's life (even if they wanted me to)??

    Okay, when you start talking about the solar system and outer-worldy stuff, you lose me.  There's really nothing to substantiate it.  Stories.  Who wrote the words?  Who said the words?  Who cares?  It's all just stories.  There's supposedly giant ETs out there, for example, and their skeletons are all over the place.  Conveniently, all the heaps and heaps of bones are hidden away.  I'd really like to see some proof.

    Also, you're making an assumption that the universe is connected to some kind of God.  Unless you are being sarcastic...  yes, there could be some self-appointed evil 'god' pretending to be in charge of things (not unlike Dr. Evil lol).  Anything's possible.  It's also possible this universe might be an illusion so technically whoever thinks they're in charge are really in charge of Jack Shite.

    And, you cut yourself down with 'I can't even properly run my own life'.  Does that really bother you?  Welcome to the club.  Who cares?  Does it really matter?  Obviously, you wouldn't want to attempt to run anyone else's life -- especially if they wanted you to.

    But, then again, we're all just a wee bit entangled, aren't we?  And, some of us feel needy and vulnerable.  Bad stuff happens when power-trippers take advantage of others in their needy, vulnerable state -- instead of protecting and helping them (to learn to help and empower themselves).

    Posts : 1887
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    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Empty Re: 360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ???

    Post  Pris Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:00 am

    orthodoxymoron wrote: Please forgive the following rant.

    Lol! Wink  Please forgive my response. Very Happy

    orthodoxymoron wrote: What I'm getting-at is Surgeons -- Generals -- and Financiers are all Warriors -- and We the Peons seem to Worship MONEY -- POWER -- the RICH -- and the POWERFUL!! We Want a God of POWER and MIGHT!! Right??!! Come-On!! Be Honest!! And hell -- if the Aliens Attack -- it's nice to be READY FOR WAR!!! Both the Micro and the Macro should be viewed with a Micro-Scope and a Macro-Scope!! I've suggested that the Bible is a BOOK OF WAR -- rather than a BOOK OF PEACE!! Perhaps that's why General Patton (or was it Macarthur?) read his Bible "every god-damn day"!! Once again -- you might need to spend a hell of a lot of time thinking about this to really get what I'm talking about.

    I'm always honest as far as I'm consciously aware, thanks.  As for what you ranted about, speak for yourself.  I am absolutely not interested in all those things (well, maybe just a bit once upon a time when I didn't know any better.  These days, not interested).  It all quite disgusts me.

    And, thank you very little (heavy on the sarcasm), I've thought about it for a hell of a lot of time and have determined that, yes, it all disgusts me.

    orthodoxymoron wrote: I've tried to be reflective, open, and honest -- but that hasn't worked. Perhaps I should spend the rest of my life preparing to be a Bad@$$ Warrior in my next incarnation!! I'm really NOT Kidding!!

    Oh, for goodness sake -- how do you know it hasn't worked?  This isn't all about you, you know.  Maybe what you're sharing is 'working' for others.  After all, 'others' are reading this.  But, to just throw your hands up and 'give in to the dark side' lol...  Why do you need some 'reward' in this lifetime for having done, what you consider to be, the 'right' thing?  Just do the right thing.  Whatever. (I'm still waiting for some proof that reincarnation is really real and/or even necessary, but that's another topic.)

    orthodoxymoron wrote:
    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 566fee299f912992ec84b98ca4c4f8f2
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    Great.  Psychopaths.  And, quotes from psychopaths.  That's all we need. Crazy Happy  

    Finally, on a positive note:

    360 GOOD TOPiCS ON THE MiSTS of AVALON - BUT, no response ??? - Page 2 Big-dreams-kitty

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