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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.


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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:05 am

    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.
    Whitby (UK) Town Councillor Simon Parkes exposes government lies, global plans and more. His mother and grandfather worked for UK military intelligence (MI5/MI6).

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:19 am

    The Alien Agenda What THEY don't want you to know Simon Parkes New Horizons 2014

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:22 am

    Simon Parkes Blackpool 2014

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  orthodoxymoron Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:23 am

    I wonder what the Top Solar-System Management will look like in ten years?! Things are changing SO quickly. What worked ten years ago, doesn't really work today. Is humanity growing-up or blowing-up?? I'm becoming increasingly paranoid and frightened. I'm a possibility-thinker -- and the possibilities are beyond my ability to properly process them. The Leaders of the Future might be hard-pressed to simply keep-up and stay out of the way.

    Last edited by orthodoxymoron on Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:33 am; edited 2 times in total

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:26 am

    SIMON PARKES : The Project Avalon Interview

    Published on Jan 13, 2014

    Welcome to the Project Avalon Forum interview with contactee and experiencer Simon Parkes — who himself is a longstanding and highly respected Avalon member. 

    The interview, which took place at Simon's home on 15 December 2013, was facilitated by Avalon moderator Karelia.

    Questions were prepared and supplied by Avalon Forum members, and were re-ordered for clarity in the final editing. Avalon founder Bill Ryan, on Skype, asked a few of his own questions at the end.

    Simon discusses and expands on the future of Earth, the Mantid and Reptilian influences, his own role as one of many arbiters on the planet, our free will, our individual responsibility and the opportunities that lie before us, the part played by the Illuminati and the other Global Controllers, the history of our planet, and much, much more. He is very active on the Avalon Forum in a members-only area, and regularly answers questions there.

    An audio-only version can be downloaded here:

    A Spanish-subtitled version is here:

    The mantra over the opening and closing credits is Re Man Eh Bidh Jog Kamao, by Snatam Kaur.

    Join the Avalon Forum:

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:27 am

    Simon Parkes at The Bases Conference
    Published on Aug 29, 2014
    Simon Parkes is an Experiencer, who has mastered trhe issue and able to give wide perspectives, and with a family with a history in British MI5 and MI6, gives his data with some authority. Simon normally speaks for 2 to 3 hrs, so listen carefully in this 1 hr brief. He also gives greater insight in the Q&A sessions,and in his Project Camelot interview recorded during the 3 day conference by Kerry Cassidy.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:45 am; edited 2 times in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:31 am

    Uploaded on Aug 23, 2011
    Simon Parkes discusses his highly detailed and complex contacts with Extra & Interdimensional beings called Mantis, and the Greys and Reptilians. In Part 2 of this highly detailed interview Simon Parkes continues to discuss the details of his early life with Reptilians, Greys and the Mantis nonhuman extra-dimensional beings. 

    Continues with Win Keech in Part 3, and a regression in Part 4. Interviewed by Joanne Summerscales, off camera questions by Miles Johnston of the AMMACH Project. AMMACH is dedicated to highlighting contactee, abduction and Mind Control issues in the British Isles.
    These AMMACH Witness statements are personal statements by the witnesses. The AMMACH project provides this platform for the high level researcher, and must be viewed in that context.

    Joanne claims to be the founder, she is not. The project was founded by three others, Miles, Dave and David as well as her, all who have left the project after witness abuse.

    Last edited by Carol on Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:33 am

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 9:36 am


    Published on Aug 13, 2014

    This is a ground breaking even explosive interview in terms of content. This interview was filmed on location in Avebury, England and during the 1st International Bases Conference. This is a very insightful look at the man and his relationships with ET/alien races and the larger picture of what's going on here on Planet Earth. We cover ascension and how that factors in to the game being played by the Praying Mantis or Mantid race and Reptilian races and humans in power. Also discussed is the relationship of Exopolitics to earth politics and a planned EMP attack on the United States to be attempted by those in power sometime before 2016.  

    Simon covers the role that "Majick" plays in the upper echelons of power both on the ET and human sides as well as more pragmatic subjects such as the downing of Flight MH 17 -- apparently a "dirty bomb" containing biowarfare aimed at a Russian city... The role of the Mossad and the true ET race behind the scenes in Israel. 

    This interview is a must-see for anyone seeking to understand what is really going on here on Planet Earth.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Location : Druid county UK

    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Beautiful tubbies!

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Jan 16, 2015 3:42 pm

    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Flower10

    Thank you, Carol, for sharing these goodies....spirit foodies Hugs
    To me, Simon Sparkes is a respectable man in integrity.

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Fri Jan 16, 2015 4:03 pm

    You're welcome Baghor.

    In the interview with Bill Ryan I really liked what Simon had to say about the soul and white light. Ironically, I've heard this before from elsewhere (John Lear). Basically the white light is a trap to capture the soul, wipe it's memories and recycle it back on earth. Not much different then what is described in India about the Wheel of Karma where the soul is continuously recycled life after life. Simon implied that the souls energy in human form is a source of food for some of the 4th dimension alien types like the Reptiles. Of course the big question how does one get off the wheel. When I mentioned to my husband about the white light being a trap, much like the flame is to the moth, he went into an existential crisis. Being a hospice worker he's often advising his patients to head for the white light. I tried to console him about this being the way it has been for a very long time. He hasn't listened to this last interview yet.

    This "white light" scenario also reminded me of something that John Lean communicated to me years back about how the souls are trapped on the moon by this large obelisk type object on the moon's surface. In the interview, Simon said the way to get past this "white light trap" is to turn in the opposite direction of the light and head that other way. He also mentioned that the light will reappear and to again turn one's back on it heading in the opposite direction telling oneself that to go back to Source. Basically using one's intention has a lot to do with where one will end up in the spiritual realms. In moving toward Source one energetically reconnects to all their past life memories.

    Last edited by Carol on Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Jan 16, 2015 7:09 pm

    Carol wrote:You're welcome Baghor.

    In the interview with Bill Ryan I really liked what Simon had to say about the soul and white light. Ironically, I've heard this before from elsewhere (John Lear). Basically the white light is a trap to capture the soul, wipe it's memories and recycle it back on earth. Not much different then what is described in India about the Wheel of Karma where the soul is continuously recycled life after life. Simon implied that the souls energy in human form is a source of food for some of the 4th dimension alien types like the Reptiles. Of course the big question how does one get off the wheel. When I mentioned to my husband about the white light being a trap, much like the flame is to the moth, he went into an existential crisis. Being a hospice worker he's often advising his patients to head for the white light. I tried to console him about this being the way it has been for a very long time. He hasn't listened to this last interview yet.

    This "white light" scenario also reminded me of something that John Lean communicated to me years back about how the souls are trapped on the moon by this large obelisk type object on the moon's surface. In the interview, Simon said the way to get past this "white light trap" is to turn in the opposite direction of the light and head that other way. He also mentioned that the light will reappear and to again turn one's back on it heading in the opposite direction telling oneself that to go back to Source. Basically using one's intention has a lot to do with where one will end up in the spiritual realms. In moving toward Source one energetically reconnects to all their past life memories.

    Thank you, Carol, I understand fully that your husband went into an existential crisis, it's such a deeply ingrained belief and custom, to "just surrender to the light... the white light". I think I'll do my final jump by using a rainbow bridge Wink Personally, I believe that we're all in our last incarnation on this planet, in this way and manner and that we will be witness to (for our mind) inconceivable changes in consciousness and how the reality of our world outside presents itself.

    Regarding that human soul-energy, being food for some of the 4th dimensional alien types like the Reptiles, what I know of the human energy system present in a physical human body, due to my schooling of intuitive development, is, that the lower astral levels of the 4th dimension, hold thoughforms and entities, without a physical form, that are part of (or sometimes even appearing as self contained creatures) formed by emotional residu,
    phantomlike or illusionary creations, left by a human soul after physical death.

    These illusionary creations (illusionary only from a 3rd dimensional point of view) present themselves on an astral level as creatures, dragonlike..... reptilelike.... what have you. When we leave our physical body, we travel through dimensional levels and pass through these lower astral levels of the 4th dimension. Purgatory, it's called by the Catholic Church. So many hellish demons have been depicted through history, in warnings of threats to us humans, in our neglect of obedience to God. It's one of the most clever and succesful manipulations, the invention of hell, this projecting on an outer source, Satan, of our shadow side, our animus and anima, our inner dragons and reptile aspects, representing our human unsolved emotional issues!

    For the reality of these hellish experiences is proven, by living it in emotional states of all sorts. For when we are ruled by these states, they begin to take a form of their own, ruling us. Appearing as imaginations of our mind, tempting us to think we go mad. As long as we don't understand what fear is. Therefore it's so cleverly used as an instrument to control people, instead of teaching them to address their own emotional health and the digestion of emotional residu within a lifetime, learning about the meaning of suffering and leave the body in clarity of consciousness.

    This emotional residu, leftovers of states of fear and power games in both victory and loss of life force energy, remains in that place, waiting to be picked up later, in free will conditions, if the person who is the creator of it, chooses to return in the wheel of karma by incarnating on this planet and work on these issues, connected to that residu, dis-solving the reason for its existence.

    When a human being decides to incarnate and these issues are parked, in the lower astral levels, for the convenience of not having to deal with them, during that lifetime, they are food for those beings, be it reptile, dragon... or otherwise. Sometimes, these parked issues catch up later with a person's life, due to triggers caused by dramatic events, or in a meeting with a person, pushing the right button for the trigger to occur. Madness or the return to a complete sanity and understanding, even enlightenment, are possible end result of such a process.

    And in all that takes place on astral planes, invisible to the human eye, there's also a possibility for entities and astral creatures, to meddle with the life of a human being, while in a physical body on the planet. To thexe beings there's an open door when the person involved lacks autonomy over it's energy system. By being company on the Earth plane, part of someone's personality, directing the course of that person's life experiences, working towards a diet with its favored ingredients, be it fear or anger, or lust. This "feeding" can happen from within that "posessed" person and/or from others suffering from that persons actions, in states of fear etc. etc. A feasting from two dishes, so to speak. In all these concoctions there's no accidental thing happening, all players in the game have a relationship with each other and in that way, there's always meaning in all that will occur between the parties involved.
    The discernment of what will work for us or not, what will build us up or destroy us, depends on our awareness and consciousness.

    The last part of your post, quoted here, reminds me of the explanation on the nature of a dimensional shift, happening in 90 degrees motion, according the views expressed in Drunvalo's work. It's described in the 2 books with the often mentioned title "The ancient secret of the flower of life"
    Although not exactly in opposition to the white light, there's something to Simons' reflections on this subject that is connected to this knowledge of dimensional shifts and the geometry of energetics, I believe. I'd like to study this further and I may clarify more after having done that.
    Let's say "to be continued" for now.

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  enemyofNWO Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:34 am

    Greetings Baghor ,

    Whatever is coming from the Catholic Church is mighty suspect
    Remember the case  of the invention centuries ago of the limbo  
    , a theory to accommodate the souls of the non baptized newly born babies . So the Catholic church asked God to organize the Limbo ……..and a few years ago the same  church declared that Limbo is no longer necessary !
    What this tells the readers ? It tells me that the Church is more powerful than God and God is a servant of the Church .
    Regarding the reliability of the biblical translations ….. they are not reliable at all . Who does the translation from ancient texts obey the orders of the employer and very often words are translated to fit the agenda of the church rather than the exact and true translation .
    The monopoly of the translation has given the opportunity to the Church to weave a tale of deception and lies to enslave the population .
    There is this italian author Mauro Biglino that once upon a time was working as a translator of ancient text for the Vatican .
    Got to post 626 read it and watch in the attached Pdf file the symbol Biglino was asked to translate  "a flying sourcer over the water " that the church translated in " the Holy Spirit "

    on another subject

    quote "I believe that we're all in our last incarnation on this planet "

    Could you explain to us what to you mean with that sentence ?

    PS . I read your PM , I thank you , I reached similar conclusions myself .

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  B.B.Baghor Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:46 pm

    EnemyofNWO words
    "quote "I believe that we're all in our last incarnation on this planet "
    Could you explain to us what to you mean with that sentence ? Thanks"

    Just for the sake of using your free will in an original way: Imagine what that would mean for you,
    if you were certain of living your last life on the planet, in conditions similar to the present ones.
    How would you like to live your "next life?" I'm as much interested to hear your thoughts on this
    present lifetime and how you see our evolvement towards a possible future, enemyofNWO.

    To be honest, it's quite a bold statement of mine, causing eyebrow-raising for sure.
    Your question? I can only respond to it by sharing my intuitve nudges and conclusions,
    connecting dots in my mapping of a life, enemyofNWO. And these dots may not be the
    same as in your puzzle of mapping a life. Here are a couple of things that I've based my
    view on, regarding our possible last incarnation on the planet.

    - Manifestations of ideas and thoughts are speeding up, as I experience myself and as I'm told by others
    who are awake, more or less. It's easier to have access to a quickening of a process, working through issues.
    Spiritual knowledge and consciousness is growing fast, affecting our collective consciousness grid around the planet.
    The state of this grid is key to how we perceive our reality here, on the planet and our interpretation of it.
    Why I am mentioning this speeding up of processes? To me it's an indication of a movement towards a new level
    of reality and possibly a new level of how we live, in what way and form we exist. To me, it seems that we're moving
    to a living form that is less dense, less exposed to the laws of the 3rd dimensional vibration. In other words, I believe
    we will leave the necessity to be born again and again... in a physical body in this level.

    The aspect of interpretation, is a tricky one, regarding my right to be stern on the statement we dicuss here.
    For, who knows, we may live in a reality that looks different to you, compared to how I perceive it.
    That's the case already now, isn't it? Hence the urge to create a war, in efforts to prove one is right in choosing
    only one reality as the right one to be the ruling one. No human voiced halleluja for Gaia in that game yet.

    - We see many systems that are based on abuse of power, breaking down fast. Social media and internet provide a fast
    communication network and an emotional energy field of anger and disgust, which many people tap into, be it
    consciously or unconsciously. The easiest way to gather a large group of followers, is an emotional appeal to feelings of
    injustice and a presentation of a new messiah. I don't need to go further into this, for it's evident how that is done, isn't it?
    Also within the new age world, many followers are gullible and in surrender to an idea or guru, without making up their mind.
    And thus.... accessible for the most glorious nonsense taken for granted. Solely a game of being entertained and being served
    fairy tales on a golden plate. I've been there, believe me, I'm no better than those present at that table. In all this free will
    trying out of what works for us, I see a tendency towards more people waking up and taking responsibility, which is key to
    a creation of a world alive and in love. When karma is solved, I believe there's no need to return to a physical body in a next life.
    Unless a soul chooses to be a boddhisattva and serve all sentient beings, while in an enlightened state, present in a physical body.

    - When civilisations in the past broke down, this was preceded by an increasing neglect of the education and care system.
    Both are in decline fast now, everywhere in Western society. Rich parties in that civilisation withdrew in ivory towers, built
    with material wealth, poverty was far removed from that place, but present nevertheless, in huge parts of the population,
    often living in a slave state. In a sense, you could consider many people who work in a job for an income, these days, as
    slaves. The pressure to obey deadlines and measure up to increasing work demands, creates drones in a state of  numbness,
    hypnotized and ruled by a 24-7 work-marathon and a 9-5 clockwork. All people living with debts are slaves to the present
    banking system. Including the homeless ones, increasing in numbers. This process of change, or shift, to me, is a sign of
    an end to an era and an opening to a new way of being present here on the planet, with planet Earth moving into the 4th
    dimensional levels with us. Which, to me, is the often mentioned "ascension" not presented in a flash of magic, instant heaven.

    - There are prophecies referring to "the end of time as we know it" created by the Maya ancestor/elders.
    They refer to the time period of 1987-2012 as "The transformation of matter" and they don't have
    any written or illustrated data of the world beyond Dec. 21 2012. There's a blank after that date.
    Many indigenous tribes refer to a time, with the planet going through changes. There's a lot of
    info on that, when you delve into the Wishing Well of Wonders. Ha, that's an old joke of mine  Bleh
    Imagine our solar system, on the edge of the galaxy, moving within an even greater motion, aligning
    with the center of the galaxy. Moving through cycles of 26.000 years, the Precession of the Equinioxes.
    The year 2012 was the completion of a 26.000 year cycle. We are ready for a new and different ride.
    The Maya call that center Hunab K'u "Creator of measure and motion".

    This center is considered to be a radiostation sending messages along frequencies that are in sync with the
    receiver on the other end of the line. Planet Earth is in the best possible position now, in this time we live in,
    to receive the radio messages. You could describe them as coded messages, waking up our dna and our memories
    of who we truly are. That process happens gradually now, as I see it and it needs to be lived through, needs to be
    experienced. It can't be defined theoretically, for we haven't been there with the state if mind, we mainly live by as
    humanity. Never, for it can't be done, unless we remove the veil between our 3d reality of the world and the spiritual realm.

    - I perceive planet Earth going through a transformation towards a preparation for a different way of life,
    without knowing fear. Only we, humans, experience fear, for we live with a mind in 2 halves. Lady Gaia is whole in her being.
    As I see it, she's simply adjusting herself to a new reality coming our way, where the expression of dramatic events, as part
    of that process, is created by us at the same time, by our choice of action in how we treat planet Earth, her body.
    I can imagine also, that we're active in the grander plan of creation, according to our own intentional planning of long long ago.
    In moments of reflection and clarity, shaping our dream for a world that lives in peace. Every part of creation is one dancing dust
    particle in the whirling dance of life. And love is the tune I hear in the ballroom  Cheerful


    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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    British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating. Empty Re: British politician exposes global plan! Fascinating.

    Post  Carol Sat Jan 17, 2015 5:13 pm

    As someone who was initiated into Sant Mat (a spiritual path of the Saints) practitioners are taught to focus on the mantra repititions 2 hours a day. The names of the mantra are supposedly the spiritual beings in charge of the 5 different spiritual realms. One is to reconnect with their spiritual teacher on the other side.. only one does not seek the light upon crossing over. Instead one is to continue to repeat the mantra and "listen for a bell tone sound" to follow into the higher realms where the teacher resides. 

    I did have a unique experience of singularity with Source once so the nexus (a spiritual point outside of space and time) already exists. I'm sure each of us will have a our own individual experience when it's time to cross over. I had wanted to go check out the sun as that is also a portal to somewhere.

    At least not heading into the light has been substantiated by yet another independent source and I don't think that the two know each other.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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