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    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals


    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Empty Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:17 pm

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Haybox11

    The haybox in the picture is made by thin triplex wood, lined with hay and some wool, protected by cloth, leaving a space for a pan, the size of 4 liter.
    I made it with a woman who knew about carpentercraft, how to construct the box. She only had 1 day for helping out with it.
    I completed the box on the inside and painting of it. Also the handles at the side, made of rope and wheels for moving it around, were attached by me.
    The lid is placed in a way that the whole box is one square form with edges and smooth surfaces only (except for the flexible handles).

    To make it easy in taking the lid off and putting it on, I made similar marks of the directions of the wind on the sides of the box,
    above and underneath the line caused by the separating parts (the lid and the larger body of the box)
    To explain more clearly, N connects to N and E to E, etc. etc.

    That's why the blue design has this form on the lid, visible in the picture.
    I chose this 4 pointed "star", I vaguely remembered having this form on old maps.
    The lid fits comfortably when matching similar marks and the box is used to this day by the community Zwolle
    in Holland, the first Earthship - village under construction.

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Empty My love for animals, pictures from my neighborhood and the park nearby

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Dec 01, 2014 8:31 am

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Gehoor10

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Kleint10

    Haybox for slow cooking for big households and groups sharing meals Lama_s10

    The white lama was a huge surprise for me, present in one of the stables of the University Animal Department.
    During one of my visits on early Sunday mornings, all silent and without anybody present, illegally entering the place,
    to pay attention to the animals kept inside for experiments. This wasn't a laboratory, for I wouldn't have endured the sight of it.
    This was for research on a digestive functioning and artificial insemination kind of practice, still not very much welcomed by me,
    but no torturous practice was present, so I could be with them and give them attention.

    And receive some by them, for they were often hungry for company. Much alone for long stretches of time.
    This is my kind of investigation, going where no law obiding citizen went before, but with great caution.
    I'm no activist in the sense of group demonstrations and actions involving sirens and handcuffs.
    But I'm close to it, the ranting without end and often angry violent vibes of groups like that, isn't appealing to me.
    I do my tinkering alone, in the cellar, sort of Big Grin 2

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 15, 2024 8:12 am