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    Huron South Dakota 1973


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2010-08-15

    Huron South Dakota 1973 Empty Huron South Dakota 1973

    Post  Omeron Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:34 am

    How this all pretains to them being contactees, Huron, South Dakota, Norbo Mechanics, 1973. Robert Baumer, Veron Olmstead , and E. H. Baumer(my Father)
    created a full working UFO singulation engine. The Greys came down, using their psionics, blanks from the towns people all memory of a Craft landing literally on
    someone's front lawn. The Greys told them of the Truman treaty and how they were in violation of it and how this could lead to mankinds being wholly wiped out.
    As a side note, we can hide nothing from the greys, and use of technology on par with anything they have will give off an energy signiture that will point to you like a Giant
    neon arrow from a GTA game to the ANY ALIEN CULTURE.
    I give this Information at my risk, but with progress comes risk. Namely from the top 1% rich and elite of humanity who are scared of loosing their money and power and will kill to keep it at all costs.
    Good Luck finding these people, there is another veron olmstead in south dakota that has NOTHING to do with ANYTHING, I have already contacted him
    The other Vernon Olmstead is dead, goverment seized all his property
    Robert Francis Baumer is almost blanked from history, I almost have a grandfather that doesnt exist, Died Halloween 1994, i dont know when he was born, neither did dad really.
    My Father's name will not fully be disclosed till his death per his wishes
    The parts to remember is this, the greys are humanities Probation Officers, not our saviors

    Posts : 23285
    Join date : 2010-04-09
    Age : 69
    Location : belgium

    Huron South Dakota 1973 Empty Re: Huron South Dakota 1973

    Post  mudra Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:53 pm

    Welcome in the Mists Omeron and thank you for having the courage to speak your truth . That's the freedom we have and that no one can take away from us .The moment we give that up we give up Consciousness.

    Love from me

      Current date/time is Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:37 am