B.B.Baghor Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:34 am
Thank you, mudra, for this valuable you tubby. I've dwelled in the world of conspiracies quite a bit, in highs and lows.
Ole is very dedicated and humane in his emotions, while presenting his truth.
By laying the carpet out of sometimes very painful truths, a design of delusional schemes and interwoven patterns of lies,
that makes sense to my common sense, but causes pain in my heart sometimes.
Ole's presentation and style creates more understanding and I feel more pieces of the puzzle falling into place,
resonating with my intuitive knowing, which isn't a fixed quality in me, but always evolving by life experiences.
To me, sharing is healing in a special way, when truths are presented in these realms of whistleblowers.
When the person sharing it is genuine. For always I feel part of that field of intention, to bring the truth out in the open,
in order to serve life and the evolution of love present in the world for freedom of creation.
Thank you, dear mudra, you always seem to explore and find beauty in the things you share with us.
That's a wondrous gift of yours, as I feel it.
With love B.B.Baghor.