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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)


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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)

    Post  enemyofNWO Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:14 pm

    VANCOUVER, BC – In an Exopolitics TV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Kevin Annett, Field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) discussed European police raids this week that freed thirty children from traffickers. The raids were based in part on evidence provided by ITCCS and its recent common law court cases.
    Targeted for human sacrifice, 30 Romanian children were rescued, over 2 tons of drugs seized and 1027 arrests made by European INTERPOL police in a nine-day sting that ended last week. Evidence leading to arrests of suspected Ndrangheta mafia and Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members from six countries was provided from recent pedophilia and murder cases of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels according to Kevin Annett in today’s exclusive interview.

    “Further cooperation with the police is expected, included in taking down executives of the Cargill corporation in Minneapolis who are engaged in child trafficking and killing” Annett indicated. Police in three European nations were working directly with the ITCCS to arrest global elites who feed children into Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifices and pedophilia. Reverend Annett acts as North American Field Secretary for the ICLCJ Court and International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State which has been prosecuting Ninth Circle cases since 2010.

    The Ninth Circle was said to be populated by Popes and Vatican officials, British, Dutch and Belgian monarchies, prominent politicians, government officials and global businessmen such as those of the Cargill Corporation. These global elites of the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult were believed to pay big bucks for the Vatican and Ndrangheta mafia to supply children for their monthly child sacrifices.

    The Brussels International Court has spent the last 4 years investigating and prosecuting Vatican-led members of the Ninth Circle, but not without cost. “There have been two attempts on my life in recent weeks,” Annett claimed. “I believe these assassination attempts resulted from our recent arrests in Montreal of Ninth Circle cult members who were preparing for a child sacrifice, plus the success we have had in recruiting police to help our efforts. The brake lines of my car were cut, causing a serious accident. Then I was physically assaulted on September 20 while traveling in the US. I have recovered and am presently under protection.”

    Authorities in the US, Australia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Colombia cooperated in the hundreds of raids on this Ninth Circle child exploitation ring suspected to be run by an office at the Vatican. “Since last spring, I have personally provided evidence of the identity of known child traffickers to INTERPOL and police agencies in three European countries” said Annett. “The recent arrests in Europe included members of Ndrangheta criminal syndicate who were transporting thirty Romanian children to ritual sacrifices in Belgium and Holland. We identified these criminals to the police as well as the addresses where they were being sent, including in Zwolle, Holland and a suburb of Brussels.”

    Police in at least three European nations were working directly with Annett’s ITCCS to track child trafficking networks and make further arrests according to an ITCCS press release. “The European police agreed to work with us in these recent arrests after the success we had in securing the help of police in Montreal, Canada on August 15 in stopping a planned sacrifice of two children at a Catholic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult ritual in a home in Outremount,” Annett said.

    “Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick is among the suspected Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members” Annett continued. “Months ago a survivor testified that as a child they were taken to Cargill Corporate Headquarters in Wayzata Minn where they were forced to observe a child sacrifice. From what other eyewitnesses reported to the ICLCJ Court, Ninth Circle members appear to be very influential and able to get away with doing child sacrifices across the globe.”

    The Italian mob known as Octopus or Ndrangheta, was believed to work with police and Catholic orphanages in Montreal and Dublin to provide children for monthly Ninth Circle blood sacrifice rituals. According to mob wife Anne Marie van Blijenburgh, her husband Kees van Korlaar along with his three brothers, formed the criminal organization that ran with the Vatican, a child exploitation syndicate. The child rape, torture and murder was thought to be funded by European royalty, celebrities, politicians, businessmen and other global elite seeking feelings of power through Satanic worship.

    Blijenburgh claimed in a recent hearing of the ICLCJ Court, “By order of Dutch Queen Beatrix the Ndrangheta Mafia worked from 1960 through today organizing the murder, torture and rape of children of Netherlands youth detention centers. I have been taken to their ceremonies three times and seen a child killed each time.”

    “The Corona Novem, Crown or Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult began at least three centuries ago at the Vatican,” Annett said, “but has expanded to embrace local Satanic child sacrifice cults across Europe and the Americas. Thanks to Catholic pressure, the Ninth Circle affiliated strongly with Nazi cultic groups that had close ties with the Waffen S.S. during the 1930′s and ’40′s.”

    Reverend Annett narrowly escaped assassination directly after exposing the mob-Vatican connection to child exploitation through Blijenburgh’s interview. On Sept. 10 his car was discovered to have its brake lines cut after he barely avoided a lethal accident on a British Columbia highway. To add to the suspicion of Annett on a Vatican mafia hit list that had influence across the globe, prior to Annett’s Canadian “accident” two Belgian ICLCJ Court researchers were picked up and held for a day without charges while being interrogated about Annett’s movements.

    Months ago the ICLCJ Court was notified of Ndrangheta hit orders on their 6 international judges, 28 jury members and other court officials including Annett. They surmised the death threats had roots in their July 19 conviction of Pope Francis for criminal conspiracy, obstructing justice, plus aiding and abetting child trafficking while acting as an Argentine priest and bishop. Earlier this year two adolescent women testified that Pope Francis raped them while participating in child sacrifices. According to a sealed document obtained for Court from the Vatican archives, Pope Francis was a perpetrator in satanic child sacrifice rites while acting as an Argentine priest and bishop.

    Another witness testified that they were present during Pope Francis’ many meetings with the military Junta during Argentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Pope Francis helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into an international child exploitation ring run by an office at the Vatican. Some of those children were suspected to rest in a Catholic-owned child mass grave site in Spain.

    Threats to whistle blowers who testified before the Court have increased as over 60 eyewitnesses to child torture and murder have come forward naming their childhood perpetrators as members of the global elite Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult.

    A ICLCJ Court investigator went missing this year after supplying the Court with possible evidence that Pope Francis Bergoglio and retired Pope Joseph Ratzinger performed child sacrifices in Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult ceremonies. A special office at the Vatican supplied children for the global elite Ninth Circle child trafficking according to former employees of the Vatican Curia who filed affidavits in the ICLCJ Court last year.

    The missing Court investigator brought a total of 14 witnesses who, prior to their testimony before the ICLCJ Court, were killed, died of mysterious causes, or were incarcerated in a jail cell or mental institution without being charged with a crime. That included Annett being held overnight in a London jail without charges, then deported. His crime? He had shown up to support a protest for 50,000 missing native Canadian children, ten of whom disappeared with Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip in 1964 and haven’t been seen since.

    The ICLCJ Court’s problems with the Ndrangheta mafia, Vatican and Queen Elizabeth began when they started collecting evidence for and litigating Ninth Circle cases. Reverand Annett had formed the ITCCS back in 2010, then unable to secure court time in Canada, organized the ICLCJ Common Law Court in Brussels. Annett was seeking justice for the genocide of 50,000 missing Canadian tribal children. Since the late 1800′s native parents had been forced to give over their children to the care of 80 mainly Catholic-owned native residential schools across Canada.

    The ICLCJ Court heard cases against 30 global elites believed involved in the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult pedophilia and murder activities. In a 2013 verdict (see the evidence in Annett’ the Court found that thousands of native children attending Canadian residential schools were starved, beaten, raped, tortured, subjected to sometimes-lethal CIA mind control experiments and watched other children murdered. Over 32 unmarked child mass gravesites were located on mainly Catholic-owned residential school grounds – that since 2008 have been refused excavation by the Canadian Government, Catholic Church and English Crown.

    Among the 33 convicted so far was Queen Elizabeth, Pope Ratzinger and the present Pope Francis. Queen Elizabeth was found guilty in the disappearance of ten children from the Catholic Kamloops residential school in British Columbia. Several eyewitnesses who had undergone Ninth Circle ritual abuse throughout their childhood, named Pope Joseph Ratzinger at child sacrifices. Ratzinger turned in his resignation from office a few days after his Feb. 2013 conviction, although the former Pope still lives at the Vatican protected from legal prosecution.

    In the second ICLCJ Court hearings which began April 19 2014, Pope Francis, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty for the rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children, plus cover up of Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult crimes. Eight eyewitnesses claimed being present at child rapes and sacrifices by global elite members of the Ninth Circle. The most recent murder rites were said to take place during the Springs of 2009 and 2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.

    About the Author
    Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” ( is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on hundreds of blogs and websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau (

    If you have news tips about child abuse issues that may connect to international child exploitation rings, please email Judy You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here:
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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Re: Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:44 pm

    I've been hesitant to comment on the subject of human-sacrifice, because it's just too upsetting and devastating -- and how does one absolutely verify such things?? Still -- human-sacrifice has been present throughout human history (as far as I can tell) -- and it seems to be a high-level phenomenon. We might not like the view from the Top of the Pyramid.

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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued, Mafia Arrests, Whistleblower Evidence

    Post  Jenetta Tue Sep 30, 2014 10:07 pm

    When Joseph Ratzinger was Pope I could not stand to look at his face and eyes in the many pics I viewed. The eyes are "the windows to the soul" and in his eyes I saw pure evil. Could never understand his elevation to Pope. I have heard rumours too that he still controls the papacy from behind the scenes which would partially explain why he is in residence at the Vatican.


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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Re: Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:24 pm

    The BIG question for me is "What Sort of Universe Do We REALLY Live In??" Who do the Pope, Queen, President, and Secretary-General REALLY have to deal-with?? Is the Universe Really Angelic -- with unimaginably righteous and beautiful angelic-beings OR is it filled with sinister and strange beings we might consider to be demonic?? My solar system governance thread is at a standstill -- mostly because I honestly don't know who and what we're REALLY dealing with on Earth, the Moon, the Rest of the Solar System, and Throughout the Universe. I have no idea if Earth-Humanity is fundamentally good or evil -- going way, way, way back. I have no idea if I am fundamentally good or evil -- going way, way, way back. What if there are relatively few Human-Civilizations in a vast universe of Reptilians, Greys, and Dragons?? I've spoken with a significant individual of interest who was against humanity (seemingly going way, way back --  and going forward into the distant future). I've tried to combine Politics, Religion, and Science-Fiction to attempt to get some answers -- but I've mostly opened a Pandora's-Box of Seemingly Unanswerable-Questions. If I ever met the Pope, Queen, President, and Secretary-General -- I would probably be cool and neutral (in a respectful manner). I simply do not know enough about the Top of the Pyramid to be judgmental and vindictive. When I spoke with another significant individual of interest (or was it the same soul in a different body??) -- they indicated that they had "always remained one step ahead of humanity" but that there were those above them who they obeyed. They confirmed the existence of human-sacrifice and demon-possession (among other things). I'll probably just passively keep asking questions -- reading books -- watching science-fiction series and movies -- while hoping for convincing-answers to my endless-questions. Hope Springs Eternal.

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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Re: Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)

    Post  bobhardee Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:59 am

    I vote that humanity is basically good. Of course it helps if there is ample food and shelter. Beyond that I believe that its the individual who has asked the question of "what do I show up? or what do I want? or however you want to frame free will. This of course does not address the victim mentality that is so pervasive in our society today. Don't mean to open a can of worms with that and by that mean that man is basically good when s/he stops and takes account and responsibility for his/her actions.
    Bob H.

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    Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video) Empty Re: Children For Human Sacrifice Rescued; Mafia Arrested; Assassination Attempts On Whistle Blower (Video)

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:48 pm

    Bob, I basically agree with your comment. It is important to consider the following:

    1. Responsibility and Irresponsibility.
    2. The Good and Bad Sides of Nature.
    3. The Good and Bad Sides of Human-Nature.
    4. The Good and Bad Sides of the Holy-Bible.
    5. The Good and Bad Sides of Religion.
    6. The Good and Bad Sides of Government.

    If we are honest -- history is a mess -- and we seem to be repeating history presently. I have been attempting to positively-reinforce life, the universe, and everything -- but this effort has been a failure (for me anyway) -- and I am attempting to unwind my unwise investments -- and simply move-on.

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