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    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds


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    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Empty Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds

    Post  mudra Mon Aug 25, 2014 6:55 am

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds

    From Duchsince facebook page :

    I worked a long time with tatoott assembling these links... a one stop shop for weather, solar, earthquake, volcano, and radiation monitoring.

    All the live feeds and links one might need. The list is updated every few months with new links.

    Be safe, be prepared, have a plan, and use the info to your benefit.

    It costs nothing, but could save everything... stay informed!!!


    Love Always

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Empty Solar Activity Monitor NOAA

    Post  B.B.Baghor Mon Jun 08, 2015 4:36 pm

    That's a large body of info, a job well done, shared by you here mudra. Today I found a note on the SuspiciousObserver website
    "How to add the status monitor to your website" and as a try-out I add the links to this one here. If it's offering more to what's
    already presented in the former post here, I'm not sure. I can imagine that it's handy to have a quick glance and see how topsy
    turvy or higgledy piggledy our solar system moves through space  Cheerful

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds F_211_10
    The sun on June 8 2015

    "The X-ray Solar status monitor downloads data periodically from the NOAA Space Environment Center FTP server.
    The previous 24 hours of 5 minute Long-wavelength X-ray data from each satellite (GOES 8 and GOES 10) is analyzed,
    and an appropriate level of activity for the past 24 hours is assigned as follows:

    Normal: Solar X-ray flux is quiet (< 1.00e-6 W/m^2)

    Active: Solar X-ray flux is active (>= 1.00e-6 W/m^2)

    M Class Flare: An M Class flare has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-5 W/m^2)

    X Class Flare: An X Class flare has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-4 W/m^2)

    Mega Flare: An unprecedented X-ray event has occurred (X-ray flux >= 1.00e-3 W/m^2)
               The designation "Mega Flare" was chosen by Kevin Loch when the status monitor was created on March 4, 1999.
               There is no "official" designation for flares in this range".

    Sun and Earth Watch

    Source: SuspiciousObservers

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 74
    Location : Druid county UK

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Empty Re: Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu Oct 08, 2015 12:36 pm

    (Oct 8 0826UTC) Solar wind remains intense, and so do the magnetic storms.
    Solar flaring is low, and there are almost no sunspots on the earth-facing disk.

    For more, go here:

    Some pretty impressive pictures of Northern Lights:

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Mika-w10

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Sanjan10

    Live Weather, Earthquake, Solar, and Radiation Feeds Sanjan11

    Origin of pictures:

      Current date/time is Tue Jan 21, 2025 8:48 pm