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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise


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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  B.B.Baghor Wed May 14, 2014 4:59 am

    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Colorp14

    This is my farewell post, before I leave on June 1st. It is time.
    I arrived on foot, passing by the beautiful Avalon lodge and Brook and mudra at the duck pond.
    I will leave by grabbing the manes of my unicorn and mount it for a new journey, to the land of
    gnomes and elves, Shakespeares beloved emerald isle. My choice to return, early this year,
    was inspired by Jenetta’s recommendation of Sanicles thread on the Elementals. I found this thread,
    just as she suggested, most meaningful and supportive in strengthening my ties to the Elementals,
    that is…….   becoming aware of them and working more consciously with them.

    As I feel it, they’re soooooooo….. ready to be included  and to join hands, in the work to be done in,
    order to restore peace with and within ourselves, in each other and planet Earth. And to integrate our
    soul aspects with our personal story and read the worn out programs in our DNA, rejuvenating the world
    we preceive within and without by applying a brand new vibration of love. To me, the meaning of ascension is not about leaving behind my human condition on/or planet Earth. To me, it’s about including it in the fulfillment of my soul purpose and to find out why I deny love to be present where hurting is crying out for it. And by healing the pain, find new ways of creation, while in a physical body on planet Earth, with the elementals. That’s what ascension is to me, that’s how I feel it in my most down to Earth part and heart.

    Part of my reason to leave this Forum is traceable in my posts on the nature of the virtual world. Which doesn’t imply at all, that I think this is a wrong place to hang out. It’s just not my place to be. I could choose to continue sharing knowledgable, sometimes highly abstract, insightful and well phrased content with my truth and those of others, as sparks of the universal bonfire, sharing our stories in the glow of it. That’s how I love to remember my visit to the Mists of Avalon. It’s not the purpose for which I’m here, I believe. Although there's meaning to my passing by, at least for me. It’s time now to shut my mouth and start living my truth. I’m beginning to become quite good at it, but I leave it to you to accept that statement Wink

    I will always remember the good times of Avalon, old, new or misty. It won’t be hard to dwell on the good memories, while living near King Arthurs Avalon in the UK, in the near future.  I cherish the gifts and insights
    of wisdom, that I have received from you, since I first arrived as BroomBroom. It’s clear that I have something
    to say, as you may have noticed ;)I guess I made friends and foes in that. It’s the life in the homes of wilderness and farmland and the hubs and homes of cities,  where my love is welcomed to flow, in the practice of life.
    This school of life at large and all its playgrounds.

    And to be at peace with that, to relish in the acceptance of ripples and folds of life as a given fact and not as “Hmmmm…. well, let’s see… maybe… hmm…. but… huhh? Oh! Must I, really?” The answer is “Go for it girl. Yes, you may, it can be trusted.” I thank you for offering me the space to share my truth here in this Forum. Thank you, dear sister mudra, for being who you are. Who knows what ripples and folds of life will bring some of us together again?

    Much love and blessings on your journey, from my heart to your heart.

    (Just this moment a great downpour and wild wind starts outside of my window)[/color]

    Last edited by B.B.Baghor on Wed May 14, 2014 5:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : struggle with the unicorn.... ha ha)

    Posts : 2228
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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Sanicle Wed May 14, 2014 10:47 am

    I'm truly sorry to hear you're leaving us yet again BB.  Crying or Very sad I was just beginning to appreciate the way your clever, nimble mind works I think. That you have a good, strong heart has been clear to me from when we first 'met' when you posted here as Broom Broom. I must say though I do envy you your coming journey. I would love to spend time where you are going, hoping that there are still "gnomes and elves" there who are willing to be seen and interact with we humans. I pray that will be part of your journey......AND that you'll find a way to come back here and tell us about it one day. So much history and beautiful scenery at Glastonbury. Will you be near there?

    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Glastonburyabbeywideview3_zpsf31ac069

    I love that you said this also, as I now feel the same way and am fully with you in this.
    As I feel it, they’re (the Elementals) soooooooo….. ready to be included and to join hands, in the work to be done in,
    order to restore peace with and within ourselves, in each other and planet Earth. And to integrate our
    soul aspects with our personal story and read the worn out programs in our DNA, rejuvenating the world
    we preceive within and without by applying a brand new vibration of love. To me, the meaning of ascension is not about leaving behind my human condition on/or planet Earth. To me, it’s about including it in the fulfillment of my soul purpose and to find out why I deny love to be present where hurting is crying out for it. And by healing the pain, find new ways of creation, while in a physical body on planet Earth, with the elementals. That’s what ascension is to me, that’s how I feel it in my most down to Earth part and heart.

    BTW I love your unicorn too. That's an amazing piece of art. Well done you.  The Winner 

    Hopefully you'll find time to post a bit more before you leave. If not, I'd like you to know that you will not be forgotten by myself. I'm sure thoughts of you will still come into my heart from time to time as they did last time you 'left' us to continue your own special journeying elsewhere, so good wishes will follow you.

     Hugs Flowers Farewell 

    Posts : 3469
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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Brook Wed May 14, 2014 10:54 am


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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  mudra Wed May 14, 2014 11:28 am

    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Titmouse_taking_off

    It is always sad when we hear someone is leaving.
    I like to see the Mists' gates as doors that are permanently open ,
    that   travellers can cross one way or the other as they choose.
    A place where they can rest, enjoy themselves , share things or be quiet and learn.

    The traces of you BB. you left in our pages we will keep preciously as long as the Mists's existence.
    Those you left in our hearts will remain there forever.
    Happy travels BB. wherever your Heart takes you .
    Your beautiful soul signature will shine bright here long after you left.
    And take something from us with you that is meaningfull to you.
    Carry it around as a blessing on souls .
    In this way a fine energy will spread like gentle ripples in the universe.

    Do you know why the Earth is round ?
    It is so that when people separate on different roads they may have a chance to meet again.

    See You sister

    Much Love for You

     The Karen 


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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Beren Wed May 14, 2014 9:09 pm

    You will never leave...
    As mudra stated... we leave in order to come back.
    I do not write as often as I did before but I am present.
    I keep the energy going and working on another level.

    I felt it was time to do that. For the last whole year or more.

    I think of many dear souls here and wherever we all met and send them my silent blessing.
    It isn't heard but it's working.

    So when you or anyone feel alone, know that you are not.

    We are all one. We met again here on Earth for a reason.
    We are simply overgrowing current ways of communication.  We are heading into divine one.

    Always in Love.

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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Carol Thu May 15, 2014 11:57 am

    I agree Beren.  Hadriel  Enlightened  Hadriel

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  orthodoxymoron Thu May 15, 2014 12:01 pm

    Thank-you for your profound insights B.B. I expect to see you back here -- in some way, shape, or form -- so I bid you farewell -- until next time!! I keep trying to leave -- but I always come back!! BTW -- Interesting Thread Title!! Who are the Fallen-Angels and who are the Unfallen-Angels?? The disguises might be more deceptive than we can imagine -- even to ourselves!! Namaste and Godspeed B.B.


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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Sanicle Thu May 15, 2014 6:21 pm

    BB I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and you were very much on my mind, specifically in relation to you writing this on that other thread:
    I know I have a tendency to keep on trucking,
    until I receive a response, a confirmation of someone out there, telling me it's all good. I'm a funny bird.

    Part of me is still the little girl waiting for daddy's approval, you know?
    Deep ingrained issues never leave their traces. The groove is deep.

    I hope you now realize, due to all the responses you've had on this thread, all of us telling you we don't want you to leave, that you truly don't need to look for verbal confirmation or approval from anyone anymore re what you think and feel, as you've already had it from all of us here just by being who you are.  We are on your team already and want to stay there, walking (or flying) along side you.

    And on top of that, no-one else's truth will be quite the same as your own, so he/she doesn't really have the right to confirm of approve of what your heart tells you is true for you to live by.

     Lawless The Karen

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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Goodbye & Be Well Angels In Disguise

    Post  Jenetta Fri May 16, 2014 9:59 pm

    For you dear Marian (BB & Broombroom) Best Wishes On Your Travels & May You Discover Your Heart's Delight

    The Rankin Family - Fare Thee Well Love 1992

     JT  Jenneta 

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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty My last post here in the mists

    Post  B.B.Baghor Thu May 22, 2014 4:04 am

    Sanicle wrote:BB I was laying in bed trying to get to sleep and you were very much on my mind, specifically in relation to you writing this on that other thread:
    I know I have a tendency to keep on trucking,
    until I receive a response, a confirmation of someone out there, telling me it's all good. I'm a funny bird.

    Part of me is still the little girl waiting for daddy's approval, you know?
    Deep ingrained issues never leave their traces. The groove is deep.

    I hope you now realize, due to all the responses you've had on this thread, all of us telling you we don't want you to leave, that you truly don't need to look for verbal confirmation or approval from anyone anymore re what you think and feel, as you've already had it from all of us here just by being who you are.  We are on your team already and want to stay there, walking (or flying) along side you.

    And on top of that, no-one else's truth will be quite the same as your own, so he/she doesn't really have the right to confirm of approve of what your heart tells you is true for you to live by.

     Lawless The Karen

    Thank you, Sanicle, I feel your words reflect the coming to my understanding in how I create the conditions in order to find the teachings I need. The most painful truth in finding my own denial at the source of them, has turned into great medicine. How wonderful to turn my weakest point into the most powerful strength within, in order to "go where no one has gone before...."
    Due to that understanding, my journey is taking a new direction.

    By this last post, I thank you all present here, for your warm words and although I leave my membership here, no disconnection of your hearts was meant to happen, nor intended.
    It's a true one for me, this "In Lak'ech".

    At the same time, I have found that I am an North American Indian at heart, acknowledging that we're all connected by the invisible threads of our beings, dancing our dance on planet Earth.
    At the same time, we Indians prefer not to leave a trace when we leave.
    We appear rather by surprise, from nowhere. And we go to nowhere, or so it appears in the mind of others. To me, its part of being in integrity and sobriety, so essential when there's "work" to be done. Not for the satisfaction of my ego, to be clear... ahem.. am I?
    It's got something to do with being "contained" I guess.

    This morning I am reading Carlos Castaneda's book "The Power of Silence" and on page 40 I read:

    "Don Juan reminded me then of something he had repeated to me often, but which I had always managed not to think about. He said that I should not forget, even for an instant, that the bird of freedom had very little patience with indecision and when if flew away, it never returned"

    I am leaving because I've made up my mind and my decision is clear. No hard feelings.

    And if I may comment on your... almost always universal questioning, orthodoxomoron, like in
    "What is an angel in disguise?" etc. and how I sense your purpose in it, I acknowledge your quest in swimming upstream in order to find the answers at the source. You might discover one day, that by going within, you will find the answer to that question, eye to eye with yourself, without the need for a needle....(the biblical one I mean)

    Your answer, of course, not mine. I don't want you to take my advise or obey to my suggestions. You are showing me great perseverence and sincerity in your quest, thank you for sharing that here! Also with me, while going through the eye of the needle, again and again, or so it seems.

    In this way the circle is complete. We all have our unique truth and view on the world we try to live in and make a living. Or who knows, live each others truth, for convenience, or follow leaders. We don't need confirmation from others, in order to tell us it's okay how and what we think and feel. Their message may show a mirror image of their sender creating them.
    Isn't that so, Sanicle? Wink

    Thank you all for sharing a warm fire of hearts. The well of blessings is never empty,
    so here's a fresh pouring... goodbye!

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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Aquaries1111 Thu May 22, 2014 4:32 am

    May this beautiful piece of work remind Us that wherever we are, there is always a warm fire setting waiting for us somewhere. A meeting place that reminds us when we get lonely, that we are not alone, not now, not ever.
    There are others like Us, who wander, get lost, and found again.  

    Last edited by Aquaries1111 on Fri May 23, 2014 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 2228
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    Good bye and be well angels in disguise Empty Re: Good bye and be well angels in disguise

    Post  Sanicle Thu May 22, 2014 1:52 pm

    B. B. Baghor wrote:In this way the circle is complete. We all have our unique truth and view on the world we try to live in and make a living. Or who knows, live each others truth, for convenience, or follow leaders. We don't need confirmation from others, in order to tell us it's okay how and what we think and feel. Their message may show a mirror image of their sender creating them.
    Isn't that so, Sanicle?  Wink 

     Thubs Up  Hugs

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