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    The EVENT


    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
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    The EVENT Empty The EVENT

    Post  Jenetta Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:22 pm

    IS:IS PORTAL ACTIVATION PART 1 * 04-20-2014 / 04-21-2014


    As it is below; so it is above

    Posts : 1978
    Join date : 2010-04-16
    Location : British Columbia Canada


    Post  Jenetta Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:04 am

    For Marian(BB) & Other "Mistees"

    Global Transformation Accelerates: Multiple Astrological Triggers Pulled During April

    Not since this New Millennium began has there been a convergence of so many astrological alignments and geopolitical circumstances which will compel massive global changes. With the numerous and extraordinary astrological events taking place in April, the oft-predicted destiny of HUGE Earth changes can no longer be denied. It is now a matter of when , not if. The simple physics that undergird the political, economic and social spheres of life now dictate that real planetary transformation is on the way.

    Surely the spate of earthquakes and volcanoes has reflected the renewed will of Mother Earth to start rocking’ and rollin’. There has never been such a concentration of major earthquakes as we have already seen this year. The Ring of Fire in particular has awakened from its slumber. And there is every indication, according numerous volcanologists and seismologists around the world, that such seismic and volcanic activity will only intensify.

    As the current Solar Maximum continues to unfold, such earth movements are all but guaranteed. Unfortunately, few within the scientific establishment have acknowledged the true correlations between solar activity and cataclysmic earth movements. Perhaps 2014 will remove all remaining doubt as the anticipated earth cataclysms begin in earnest. Simply put, Mother Earth will be heard, and not just paid lip service as is so often done on the annual April 22nd EARTH DAY.

    Regardless of what the immediate future holds in store for the world, April 2014 is set to release a variety of astrological triggers having far-reaching ramifications and great consequences. Even an armchair astrologer can plainly see the celestial setup which will generate corresponding events everywhere across the planet, not just throughout the entire Middle East, the Ukraine, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand, Myanmar, the Central African Republic, Sudan, Libya, Chad, etc., which we see on the evening news.

    Of course, the Global Economic and Financial Control Matrix is especially vulnerable to the predicted calamities throughout that and other interconnected realms. This is where the raw financial and economics physics graphically illustrate fast approaching breaking points. The blatant suppression of the price of gold is a stark example of where the market controllers can no longer maintain the false illusion of order. All the forces of the marketplace — both real and artificially fabricated — are now working at cross purposes with such intensity that “the man behind the curtain” will be exposed once and for all.

    2014: Chinese Year Of The Wood Horse Forges World Destiny

    The Chinese Year of the Green Wood Horse began on January 31st of 2014. Imagine a wild horse blazing across the landscape with the wind at its back. Now, picture the many “horses” that were let loose across the planet in 2013, as well as during the previous decade since 9/11. Each hemisphere and region, every continent and nation throughout the world has experienced it’s own version of a buckin’ bronco on steroids — breaking out of the rodeo pit — since the Crash of ’08. Now we see just where this “Wood Horse” will run to in a year that guarantees the most profound and fundamental changes of the modern era.

    The FOUR HORSEMEN Herald the Death Knell of Predatory Capitalism

    Complete intensive article at:

    As it is below; so it is above

    Posts : 1851
    Join date : 2014-01-31
    Age : 73
    Location : Druid county UK

    The EVENT Empty The way to do it is..... to be...

    Post  B.B.Baghor Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:04 am

    Thank you, dear Jenetta  Flowers This is my contribution as a side dish to yours.
    With this sharing of info I don't mean to press on you to do workshops and courses,
    with Drunvalo Melchizedek and his wife Claudette.

    It's as I like to express here more often..... and present my truth as solely mine  Wink 
    It's simply for those of you who resonate with it......... to each his own.



    This workshop will be completely experiential, leading you from ordinary dowsing for water and seeing human auras and human prana fields to seeing 4th dimensional beings who will become your friends to assist you even further. There will be moments in your experience that you will think that what is being asked of you is impossible, only to find that you are more than you now know.

    "The Way to Do is to Be" is a quote from Lao Tzu's book, the 'Tao Te Ching' or in English "The Way of Life". Lao Tzu believes that to accomplish anything on Earth one does not have to have a strong physical hand and a will of steel. One must only be in the right vibration and move with the flow of Life and anything is possible.

    The 'Tao Te Ching' is an ancient book and will someday be forgotten, but the truth it holds is eternal.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 07, 2024 3:45 pm