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    Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers


    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2010-04-12

      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Empty Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers

    Post  sunflower Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:39 am

    July 28, 11:22 PM Seattle Exopolitics Examiner Alfred Lambremont Webre

    An apparent active industrial site on the surface of Mars with a “large nozzle shooting a liquid spray” onto an apparent industrial waste area has been successfully located and explored in a remote viewing study conducted by the Farsight Institute in March 2010 using nine highly trained remote viewers and methodologies developed by the U.S. military.

    According to the Farsight Institute, the original discovery of the active industrial site and giant nozzle spray “was made by [Mars anomaly researcher] Patrick Skipper” from photographs of the site taken by Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). The JPL photos were taken 16 October 2000 at Mars Longitude of image center: 19.73°W, Mars Latitude of image center: 3.08°N.

    Reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre attended a July 6, 2010 Montreal presentation of the results Mars remote viewing study by Dr. Courtney Brown, and the following is based on his notes.

    During the presentation, Dr. Brown indicated that tentative results of the study, based on high clarity scores of the remote viewing sessions, included the following:

    • A large dome at the site is an artificial structure;

    • Tunnels connect various chambers at the site;

    • The original builders of the site were ancient;

    • Current occupants of the site do not understand its original technology;

    • The level of the original technology is high;

    • There is a shortage of spare parts at the site;

    • The site may be used for power or energy generation;

    • There are intense flashing lights at the site;

    • There is a sense of despondency among the occupants of the site;

    • There is a laboratory setting at the site, occupants wear uniforms, and there are more men than women;

    • The site occupants view this as a hardship post;

    • The site occupants cannot return home and knew that when they accepted;

    • There is No ET (extraterrestrial) content detected at the site;

    • The occupants at the site could be human;

    • The occupants of the site are of unknown origin;

    • The site may be a black budget operation.

    • The remote viewing interpretations of the site may be a decoding error

    The remainder of the article re the corroboration of whistleblowers can be read here

    A two-part video of Dr. Brown’s presentation of the remote viewing
    study of the Figure A Mars industrial site is available in the article above.


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      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Empty Re: Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers

    Post  Micjer Tue Aug 10, 2010 8:16 pm

    This is awesome info. Here is a link that a friend showed me that outlines the drawings that the viewers drew. It is way more that a coincidence.

    There is one that looks very similar to the inside drawings of the great pyramid of giza with the shafts going from one chamber to others. Interesting how there is a theory that the great pyramid was an energy producer and the remote viewers are coming up with the same with this on mars.
      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  379626

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      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Empty Re: Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers

    Post  TRANCOSO Tue Aug 10, 2010 11:53 pm

    Sunflower... (  Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Icon_flower)
    Excellent find!
      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  374937

    nb. ...   Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Icon_scratch ...   Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Icon_idea... not banned!

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      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Empty Re: Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers

    Post  Floyd Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:32 am

    The best and most detailed description of facilities on Mars I have seen is in the book, Angels of the Cosmos by Masao Murata (Japanese author), a very little known book here in the west.
    Murata is taken on board several craft and taken to several planets, all vibrating on a different dimension of course. Throughout the course of the journey, we see how the entire solar system is alive and that earth is following an evolutionary path to join its planetary neighbours after an undergoing a kind of spiritual crescendo.
    The deatail of both planets and craft and beings is most fascinating.
    Anyone interested in UFO's and the possibility of life within our own solar system shpuld read thos book.

    Posts : 62
    Join date : 2010-04-12

      Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers  Empty Re: Mars active industrial site located by remote viewing, JPL photos, corroborating Mars whistleblowers

    Post  sunflower Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:34 am

    is awesome info. Here is a link that a friend showed me that outlines
    the drawings that the viewers drew. It is way more that a coincidence.

    You're right, Micjer. I looked at it quickly but will get back to it this evening.

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