B.B.Baghor Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:02 pm
Ha, this is a cute test, thx for the excersize!
I guess we're a pretty smart bunch here.... we simply have to be, finding our way in the mists
Only it became quite tricky in the end, for my logical brain.
Suddenly my time was up, while I wasn't finished yet.... I think... my brain is still crackling
My results are 102, is that hopeful or what?
Couldn't post the results in an image, but 100 was mentioned as normal.
Boy... what a disappointment... I felt quite smart while doing the test.
Now I feel dumbfounded.
I need a bit of bragging.... how great I am... at the age of 10, on my roller skates at the busstation,
on my own roundabout platform, doing all kind of waltzes for the passengers, who are watching my antics.
Smiling benignly down at me. Now I feel better and I am curious how others are doing the test here.
Ha... such fun in this!