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    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization


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    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization  Empty Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization

    Post  mudra Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:42 pm

    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization

    The advent of agriculture gave rise to the meteoric development of nation-states around 6,000 years ago. Dr. Rita Louise delves into the mundane topic of agriculture and the domestication of wheat and corn and uncovers a number of odd twists of fate.

    Was the advent of agriculture and its associated stratified society a natural part of man's natural social evolution or was there some intangible factor involved? Could the miraculous changes that transformed these humble grains be natural, or were they genetically modified into their current form?

    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization - Part 1

    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization - Part 2

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    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization  Empty Early agriculture

    Post  Gwen Thu Mar 13, 2014 12:37 am

     flower As an anthropolist, I'm inclined to believe agriculture was a natural part of human evolution. Especially, because its emergence was developing simultaneously around the world. The earliest known cultivated plant was flax in the area of what is now known as Russia. The second oldest known, wheat, in the area now known as Egypt. The third known, cannabis, in Spirit Cave, Thailand.
    Even the natives in the Ohio river valley area of the USA were nuturing native plants, cahokia, prior to the invasion of Europeans.

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    Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization  Empty Re: Ancient Aliens, Genetic Engineering & The Rise Of Civilization

    Post  Mercuriel Thu Mar 13, 2014 3:25 am


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