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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!


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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:44 pm

    This is from GLP. I was really impressed with the content of this dad's letter.

    I Just Wrote My 17-year Old Son the Following About Why We Moved Way North and Inland
    (As quick background, I've been guilty of saying too much to my son for too long and overwhelming him with things I was struggling to understand, or often thought I did. When going on about the current state of things, he overtly stopped listening at summer's end, shortly after we moved. So I took the hint (or maybe my wife told me), and cooled my jets until it was time to give him one more letter I knew he'd read, as I did before we moved.

    The linked comment at the end is from this site. What an amazing resource GP has been. Peace and best wishes to all.)

    Dear (son),

    For the past month(s) I've tried to say little to you about what's going on and give you your own space. This has been a very crazy and difficult time for everyone, but mom and I are doing what we feel we need to do. Millions of others around the world are also doing likewise, or preparing spiritually only, but we are all seeing more or less the same things. So to cut to the chase and leave as much “woo” out of this as possible, here are “just the facts” as best I can present:

    First, what's REALLY going on up there is that our binary star, along with its entire planetary system, has moved into our solar system and is now approaching earth for a very close pass. Comet Ison is the “herald” at the beginning of this system. This event happens cyclically, every 11,600 years, and this is now the 7th pass in human history, a fact that is very well known and documented from the beginning of our time on earth to the present day. In fact, this story has been presented to us in many ways and forms throughout our lives...(though not overtly. It's been covered up in many ways, though yes, it's depicted in countless Fortune 500 logos and national flags). However, both this event and what it teaches about our true origins is originally what human beings learned about, along with astronomy (the superhighway our spiritual selves), which is largely why it used to be so important.

    We also used to learn the following first and foremost...

    ...the fact that we are eternal spiritual beings created by God ('”the light”); that we live countless lives with physical manifestations both here and on other planets as part of our soul's journey(evolution); and that our spiritual self will eventually merge back into the light, thus creating anew. That's who you really are, which you might already know and/or dream about (your soul does astral travel when you sleep and dream, fo shizzle).

    We also learned that the earth and universe are teeming with life, and that earth has been inhabited inside and out for billions of years. But why can't most of us “see,” accept or understand this? It's because we walk around with over 90% of our genes turned “off” and that much brain capacity unused. Science records this as fact with no rational explanation. But the simple answer is DNA manipulation by aliens, and it further explains why our understanding of physics is so limited, and why we “see” so little.

    In any event, one time this binary star passed the earth was flooded. One time an ice age ensued (mammoths around the world have been found literally flash-frozen with vegetation still in their mouths) The big question is what happens this time? And do we get to “keep our skins?”

    The best answer, I think, is contained in both original creation stories/prophecy and later prophecies throughout history. (There has been astounding amounts of factual and scientific correlation to these supposedly “pre-scientific” prophecies and creation stories, as you saw looking at that pamphlet about the Koran.) Further, as you know, all sacred and ancient calendars/timelines end THIS December. Does that mean an extinction event for us as humans in our skin? Maybe, but not necessarily. It also signifies a new age/phase/energetic shift...(remember again the Koran pamphlet showing that the astrological phases are based on the actual movements of the cosmos through for all intents and purposes an eternal time frame).

    But how can prophecy have proved so true? (most specifically for our case the book of Revelations and the quatrains of Nostradamus)? Simple answer is that time-travel (physically and spiritually) happens all the time, but again, we're not equipped to see, understand or accept this without opening our mind completely and trusting our dreams/intuitions etc.

    And what do these prophecies specifically say about this moment?

    1) grid goes down (set to happen Nov., 13/14),
    2) earthquakes/tsunamis (most specifically east and west coast of North America...could happen at any time, though prophecy says shortly after step #1),
    3) comet etc. (December).

    The prophecies say further that @80% of the population will perish in these apocalyptic events, while the 20% who hang in will be the re-builders. Mom and I feel certain that if we have a future in these skins, rebuilding is our ultimate destiny and why we're here and woken up at this most critical time in not just human history, but cosmological and spiritual.

    *And again, don't forget: we are all eternal souls living just one of the countless lives we've lived/will live. All those who die (including us, if we go) will have very transitory suffering, and then come to realize who they really are and have always have been. Death is rebirth too, without question. Birth and death transcend duality in this sense as black and white are merely expressions of an ultimately unified spectrum of color. We absolutely have eternal souls that live on...

    ...(But PLEASE remember that our non-benevolent manipulators {what original Gnostic Christian tradition labeled the “Archons”} play a trick on us at death, holographically projecting the light tunnel into our consciousness, and then a close relative who's died who beckons us to “come to the light.” Don't ever follow; it's a trick to keep us in this cycle and block our soul's evolution through the universe back to our true home. Even in “death,” TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS, LUKE...(and notice how their predictive, manipulative films still always show the truth somewhere within, and that we humans always win in the end...)

    I've said enough, though of course I can fill in most any details you want at this point. But what I really need is for you to pull closer to us right help out (especially with wood, helping me patch up the barn, etc). If we're going to have a chance of lasting this out, we need to prepare the home front a bit more. Plus, it will be good for you to move around in the fresh air. (But keep up with the music as long as you can. Our best defense, though I know this sounds like “woo,” is to literally increase our own vibrational level. The best methods are opening the mind and heart, but also doing our flow state activities with our whole selves focused. For you it's music.)

    And finally...

    ...I've copied below what a poster said in response to a thread about implanted nanotechnology meant to be triggered and kill us all. I think he sums things up better than I can, so here it goes:

    “As we await Dr. Weld's documents, which purport to show that virtually all Humans on Earth have been infected/implanted with a nanotechnology 'life termination' device the size of a grain of sand, which can be remotely activated, I would like to contribute the information that follows that addresses the broader scope of how something like this could even be possible.

    In other words, this information will help to open one's mind to Dr. Weld's information. Having listened to all of his videos, I believe he is being very truthful. What I don't know is whether any information he will be divulging is disinformation that he is unwittingly passing along as truth (referring specifically to the subject documents), which may be part of a hidden cabal agenda to instill more fear in us, which lowers our spiritual vibration.

    In any event, whether it is truth or disinfo really doesn't matter, in my opinion, because of what I now want to share with you:

    To begin, politicians are completely controlled by The Powers That Be, i.e., the "ruling families":

    [link to]

    The Powers That Be, in turn, are controlled by one or more off-world races that are malevolent in nature, which is why EVERYTHING, including Humanity itself, is sliding down hill, and at an ever-increasing pace.

    In other words, this deterioration of Humanity and the blatant trashing of Earth is all by design.

    What is now going on is a battle above Earth between malevolent and benevolent extraterrestrial races. The benevolent ET's are trying to free Humanity from the malevolent ones that have been controlling us for thousands and thousands of years.

    [link to]

    Thus, we may soon see a Cosmic "event" that will facilitate the removal of all malevolent entities from our lives. I am not talking about some religious rapture, but possibly a physical pole shift or similar Extinction Level Event (ELE), which might be a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) or an asteroid/meteor strike.

    This is nothing to fear, though, because we are immortal spiritual Beings. We just happen to be experiencing life on Earth in Human containers, physical bodies, if you prefer.

    I do not speak from any firsthand knowledge or scientific background, but from Internet research I have done over the past five years, when I decided it was time to take the "red pill" to find out what the hell was going on.

    Please do your own research, rather than relying upon what I have said. And, ignore the shills, which I will do by not returning to this thread. That denies them the opportunity to lower my spiritual vibration with their nonsense. I also choose not to engage in dualistic (argumentative) dialogue, especially with those whose job it is to keep us in the dark.

    If my information resonates with you, great; if not, please disregard it, but never stop searching for the truth. To that end, please understand that one cannot search for the truth with a closed mind.

    Lastly, all that really matters is what is in one's Heart. The wheat will be separated from the chaff. If one has a good Heart (love, compassion and respect for others and the environment), they should be spared from any coming cataclysms and should have no fear as this World continues to decline until the ultimate "event" occurs.”

    Love (with no agenda save what I wrote/linked above),


    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3930
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    Location : AMSTERDAM

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:59 am

    mudra wrote:
    Floyd wrote:Nothing to do with sacarasim, rudeness or insults. Rather a profound antipathy for disinformation, pseudo science and unfounded fear mongering.
    I dont take it personally Carol as I hope you dont sweet pea.
    Its just a forum.
    " It's just a forum " sure ... This does make it sound like an area of little significance. But is there a need for a special place  for humankind  to move from " human " to " kind " ? For behind everyone 's avatar here there is a human being.
    Does antipathy for certain kind of information take precedence over empathy for our fellow beings ?

    Most of us Old timers can take  sacarasim as you name it Floyd whoever uses some. Sprinkled with a little honey and clover, good will, proper detachment and  a pinch of humor it tastes like water.

    Not many dare to express themselves on this platform but we had a new guest lately " StarSea " that had something rather unique and personal to share. He gave it a try but took  the back door soon after the rather chilling welcome he got from you Floyd. He may not remember your words but he will certainly carry for a while on his shoulders the way you made him feel.He never came back here. I can't blame him for that.  Not everyone is as brave as Bobhardee or Sanicle either who signed and persisted despite the occasional rough tides. Well done of you Bob and Sanicle :)
    I think I too would have been scared away if I had been greeted in a similar way when I was a newbie on forums myself. Luckily for me P4BLO for those who remember , was present at the welcoming gate . His kindness made me feel immediately at home and helped me to integrate myself in the group. Frankly this made the whole difference for me. A lovely and lasting experience.

    Everyone's point of view is as valid as anyone else's here . I understand  these need to be stated clearly and firmly at times. Nothing wrong with that.
    But when our beliefs become punching balls  we use against one another I think we start missing the point of the truth we are the ambassadors of .  I don't care what people's beliefs are and how far out they may seem to be.  The avenues are multiple on this forum which make it a colorful one.  
    When walking one's talk  is accompanied by an effort to build bridges between people if only by respecting them though I recognize truth standing by it's own . A truth in which we can all recognize ourselves and my heart smiles.

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Images10

    Love Always


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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:43 am

    Jenetta wrote:
    Frankly I don't know what has got into Paul.  When I first started on this forum he made me laugh with his postings.  Now (most of the time) all I can do is grimace at his diatribe.
    Slowly but surely Paul is ascending into the bitter, grumpy old man none of us ever want to become.

    Perhaps he suffered a Roger Waters overdose...

    Whistle Beer

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:23 am

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Jenetta wrote:
    Frankly I don't know what has got into Paul.  When I first started on this forum he made me laugh with his postings.  Now (most of the time) all I can do is grimace at his diatribe.
    Slowly but surely Paul is ascending into the bitter, grumpy old man none of us ever want to become.

    Perhaps he suffered a Roger Waters overdose...

    Whistle Beer
    Paul doesn't seem like the same person I recall when reading his initial posts from years back. I use to laugh a lot at his quips. How ironic his posts are now, where it is he who is the cynical one shooting barbs at anyone who holds a different viewpoint then his own.. only I don't see anyone here who is in agreement with him. So why does he stay? Because he was banned from other forums?

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 3447
    Join date : 2012-09-08
    Age : 74
    Location : The Sandhills of SC

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  bobhardee Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:27 pm

    This is the letter that Carol posted earlier. If you haven't read it, please do so by scrolling up to the letter...... and then answer the follow question. How much do you agree or disagree with the content of the letter.
    Floyd, I would sincerely like to hear from you as well. I value your input.
    Bob H

    This is from GLP. I was really impressed with the content of this dad's letter.

    I Just Wrote My 17-year Old Son the Following About Why We Moved Way North and Inland
    (As quick background, I've been guilty of saying too much to my son for too long and overwhelming him with things I was struggling to understand, or often thought I did. When going on about the current state of things, he overtly stopped listening at summer's end, shortly after we moved. So I took the hint (or maybe my wife told me), and cooled my jets until it was time to give him one more letter I knew he'd read, as I did before we moved.

    The linked comment at the end is from this site. What an amazing resource GP has been. Peace and best wishes to all.)

    Dear (son),

    For the past month(s) I've tried to say little to you about

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  mudra Sat Oct 12, 2013 5:33 pm

    Carol wrote:These days after the latest NDE a few weeks ago, I just take each day as it comes - I enjoy each day and don't worry about the rest. In the end you will come to realize just how short life is no matter how old you are. When it's time to go.. poof. Sometimes no warning what-so-ever. It's over. The human life journey has ended.

    By now you probably realize that the only thing anyone really has control over is their own attitude. Does one embrace the experience or cringe from it? Or do you just laugh like the buddha and continue your walk along side of the river bank?

    I just can't get too worked up over whether this will be an "event" or not. To me it's just another experience, one way or the other.
    You experienced an NDE lately Carol ?

    Love from me

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Sat Oct 12, 2013 6:09 pm

    mudra wrote:
    Carol wrote:These days after the latest NDE a few weeks ago, I just take each day as it comes - I enjoy each day and don't worry about the rest. In the end you will come to realize just how short life is no matter how old you are. When it's time to go.. poof. Sometimes no warning what-so-ever. It's over. The human life journey has ended.

    By now you probably realize that the only thing anyone really has control over is their own attitude. Does one embrace the experience or cringe from it? Or do you just laugh like the buddha and continue your walk along side of the river bank?

    I just can't get too worked up over whether this will be an "event" or not. To me it's just another experience, one way or the other.
    You experienced an NDE lately Carol ?

    Love from me
    Yes, a few weeks back. Unconscious, stopped breathing. My husband, being the excellent nurse that he is, revived me. Obviously I still have some more work in this world to do before Sayonara.

    I'm still laughing.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet Ison 5 Things You Need To Know

    Post  Jenetta Sat Oct 12, 2013 10:41 pm


    This is from GLP. I was really impressed with the content of this dad's letter.

    I Just Wrote My 17-year Old Son the Following About Why We Moved Way North and Inland
    (As quick background, I've been guilty of saying too much to my son for too long and overwhelming him with things I was struggling to understand, or often thought I did. When going on about the current state of things, he overtly stopped listening at summer's end, shortly after we moved. So I took the hint (or maybe my wife told me), and cooled my jets until it was time to give him one more letter I knew he'd read, as I did before we moved.


    What impressed me most about this letter Bob were not the "events" mentioned but the interesting thing the Dad mentioned that happens after death...regarding Archon manipulation and that souls must not allow themselves to be tricked away from ongoing evolutionary development. How easy it would be if a holographic image of a dead relative was beckoning you...I still feel that at that moment in spirit (whether in a transition tunnel or not)you would have to trust your own heart and intuition.
    The other thing that made an impression was that to survive these events he mentioned our best possibility of getting through it (if events transpire)no matter where we are located was to raise our Carol mentioned outlook or attitude.
    Carol is a very lucky gal considering her last NDE experience. Having much to live for helps.

    As it is above; so it is below


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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  TRANCOSO Sat Oct 12, 2013 11:44 pm

    Carol wrote:
    Paul doesn't seem like the same person I recall when reading his initial posts from years back. I use to laugh a lot at his quips. How ironic his posts are now, where it is he who is the cynical one shooting barbs at anyone who holds a different viewpoint then his own.. only I don't see anyone here who is in agreement with him. So why does he stay? Because he was banned from other forums?
    Perhaps he's not really enjoying the most happy period in his life and in those moments it's always the people close to you that suffer the most.

    Who knows....

    Let's just overwhelm him with kindness and love.

    I remember how my 'stepdaughter' came home with this really thuggish boyfriend.

    I advised my -ex - her mother - that instead of criticizing this loser, she should praise the lowlife in whatever way she could think of, without making her daughter suspicious.

    Less than a month later her daughter was totally fed up with her 'Big Love'...

    Catching flies with honey works better than using vinegar...

    Toast Beer 

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:11 am

    Oh goodie. More floyd this floyd that nonsense. None of that irrelelavance alters the fact that the the rubbish about ISON is just plain rubbish.  Lest we forget the big oil funded conspiracy crap about the sun.

    Whilst one is diverted to listening to conspiracy spin doctor disinfo. One misses what is really happening.
    Btw uberlord. floyd is as happy as a dog with two willies.

    Now.  Lets get back to the point shall we boys and girls.

    You are defo the same person Carol. Well you posted in support of marshall masters once so that about sums it up darling.

    Its amazing what some resort too when they have no argument left for the dribble they spread tho aint it.
    Btw Carol. Floyd stays partly to comment on exactly the nonsense this thread is about and others like it.  Always started by the usual suspects.

    And for the fools who think i have nothing positive to say. About this crap I dont. You are exactly right. Its up to you if yo want to live in la la land.

    Im sure the majority of lurkers and casual readers see beyond the bullshit sci fi when they read it. Thats what counts. :-)

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:39 am

    Btw jenetta. Just to point out how clueless you are. Roger Waters along with others does very important work against Israeli apartheid. There is nothing bitter about that apart from those who have tried and failed to bring him down sweetpea.

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:00 am

    The usual agents have been working overtime to discredit Good old Rog and friends these days.
    But the crap posted about ISON and elenin and solar stuff is just that tho. Crap

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:41 am

    Actually Paul.. the only one who talks "crap" on this forum is you. Do you even look at the soho pictures? These are not normal. What is different? Comet Ison.

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Latest

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Greencomet_strip
    GREEN COMET ISON: Comet ISON is brightening as it approaches the sun. At the moment it is glowing like a 10th magnitude star, too dim for naked-eye viewing but an easy target for many telescopes on Earth. "This is what the comet looked like on Oct. 8th using the 0.8m (32 inch) Schulman Telescope," reports Adam Block from the University of Arizona Skycenter atop Mount Lemmon: ISON's green color comes from the gases surrounding its icy nucleus. Jets spewing from the comet's core contain diatomic carbon (C2) and cyanogen (CN: a poisonous gas found in many comets). Both substances glow green when illuminated by sunlight in the near-vacuum of space.

    "I am certain more images of Comet ISON will be coming out shortly as it increases in brightness during its dive towards the Sun," adds Block. "Here is hoping it survives that rendezvous on Nov. 28th and emerges as something spectacular on the other side!"

    Although the comet is very faint, finding it is easy. Comet ISON rises alongside Mars in the eastern sky just before dawn. Amateur astronomers, if you have a GOTO telescope, enter these coordinates. Special dates of interest include Oct. 13-15 when Mars, Comet ISON, and the first magnitude star Regulus will be clustered in a patch of sky less than 3o apart. Red Mars and blue Regulus will form a beautiful naked eye "double star" in the early morning sky. Sky maps: Oct. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

    Near Earth Asteroids:  On October 13, 2013 there were 1430 potentially hazardous asteroids.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

    Posts : 1978
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    Location : British Columbia Canada

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet Ison 5 Things You Need To Know

    Post  Jenetta Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:04 am

    Floyd wrote:Btw jenetta. Just to point out how clueless you are. Roger Waters along with others does very important work against Israeli apartheid. There is nothing bitter about that apart from those who have tried and failed to bring him down sweetpea.

    Ahhhhhh...dear have got me mixed up with Uberlord who posted that video regarding Roger Waters. Sweet dreams Paul.


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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  magamud Tue Oct 15, 2013 2:16 pm

    Could there be anymore geological shaking going on?

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Tue Oct 15, 2013 8:59 pm

    Floyd wrote:Btw jenetta. Just to point out how clueless you are. Roger Waters along with others does very important work against Israeli apartheid. There is nothing bitter about that apart from those who have tried and failed to bring him down sweetpea.
    Ahhhhhh...dear have got me mixed up with Uberlord who posted that video regarding Roger Waters.   Sweet dreams Paul.

    Quite right darling.

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Tue Oct 15, 2013 9:02 pm

    Carol wrote:Actually Paul.. the only one who talks "crap" on this forum is you. Do you even look at r

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Floyd Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:07 am

    Some insights on ISON and why we can ignore the fear mongers and disinfo in this amusing blog

    We’re all doomed! DOOMED!!!
    No. We’re not.

    Seriously, we’re not. If you’re worried about that, maybe after reading some end of the world nonsense you found elsewhere, relax, please. We’re safe. We’re safer than a kitten sleeping in the folds of a blanket in front of a flickering fire on a cold winter’s night.

    But if you’re one of the tin foil hat wearing, conspiracy theory believing, X Files obsessed, fruit loop “The End Is Nigh!” nutters who lives in their parents’ basement and spends hours reading about Mayan Calendars, UFOs, Moon Landing Hoaxes and the like, this isn’t the blog for you. Kindly leave. No, really, I mean it. See that red “X” at the top right of the page? Click on it and **** off. You’re not welcome here.

    I can imagine what some of you are thinking now. “That’s a bit harsh, Stu, no need for that.” But I don’t think it is a bit harsh, and this is my blog, my attempt to educate and inform people about ISON, so what I say goes.

    But it’s not just that. Sadly, nowadays anything a) astronomical and b) rare gets hijacked by a bunch of absolute dribble-drooling crazies nowadays, people with far too much spare time on their hands and, sadly, access to a computer and the internet. These nutters set up a blog, a Twitter account or a YouTube channel and any new discovery – a comet, asteroid, whatever – is quickly kidnapped by them and heralded as proof that the world is going to end, or that God is angry with us, or both! It’s bizarre. These people actually seem to relish the thought of billions of people dying and human civilisation being wiped out, and are even disappointed when it doesn’t happen! Take all that Mayan crap at the end of last year. It was always rubbish – the Mayans never predicted the end of the world, it was modern 21st century idiots who twisted the whole calendar thing into something stupid – and when the world didn’t end on the day it was predicted to they all backtracked, insisting the calculations were wrong, or the translation was wrong. Doomsday was just delayed, not cancelled.

    Prats and f***wits. I have no time for them. I’m quite sure none of you reading this hold such beliefs, you’ve come here looking for practical advice and oserving information. But if this is you…

    …then seriously, this isn’t the place for you. A quick Google search for “Comet+ISON+bull****” will find somewhere where you’ll be welcome. Or do a twitter search for #cometison and you’ll meet all kinds of crazies there, most with ridiculous names involving the Illuminati, or “Truth” (ironic, as they wouldn’t recognise the truth if it kicked them in the genitals), or “Revelation” or some reference to the Bible. My personal favourites are the losers whose Twitter names have some reference to 2012 in them. Obviously they set up those Twitter accounts in 2012 when they were screaming at everyone how the world was going to end. That they’re still here, and were proved totally wrong, seems to have escaped them. Bit pathetic that.

    It’s incredible, it really is, the amount of sheer BS being put about by these people. So, just to quickly go through the current favourite delusions of these gibbering, drooling halfwits… and more will have been added by the time you finish reading this list, I’m sure…

    * Comet ISON is not “Nibiru”, the ‘tenth planet’ destined to collide with, and destroy, Earth. (We know this because Nibiru is TOTALLY fictional, a fantasy made up by idiots with no knowledge of astronomy, and no willingness to learn anything about it).

    * Comet ISON will not hit the Earth. (We know this because the comet’s orbit has been calculated with *great* accuracy, not just by NASA and ‘Officials’ but by many amateur astronomers, with their own equipment, completely independantly. In fact, in astronomical terms, we’re not even going to have a “near miss” with Comet ISON, which is a shame, because if it came closer we’d see it better…)

    * Comet ISON’s arrival in the sky will not usher in a new Dark Age, herald the birth of the Antichrist, or trigger earthquakes or revolutions. Nor will it mean the onset of plaques, or the final clippy cloppy gallops of the Horsmen of the Apocalypse. (We know this because – well, it’s just crap, let’s be honest!)

    * Comet ISON is NOT going to drag Mars out of its orbit and pull it towards the Earth. (I’m not making that up, some people actually believe that might happen…)

    * Comet ISON is not (and boy, I love this!) “The Red Hand of Death”. It is not going to shower Earth with finger-like tendrils of poisonous chemicals and wipe us all out.

    * Comet ISON is NOT … deep breath… an alien Habitat called “Xanterexx” with 1000s of alien beings on it. (We know this because – oh come on…!!!)

    * Comet ISON is not “already pelting Earth with debris”, as some YouTube vids are showing. (We know this because the comet is currently further away than Mars, on the opposite side of the Sun, and its tail is pointing away from us, so it’s, you know, PHYSICALLY FREAKING IMPOSSIBLE!!!!)

    * Comet ISON is NOT “changing course”, and “puzzling experts”. If experts are puzzled about anything it’s about how some people – people who are otherwise smart enough to use computers and the internet – are so bloody stupid and gullible, or both, that they actually believe this rubbish.

    * Comet ISON can NOT cause solar flares “with its gravity”. Think about it… teeny tiny comet, made of ice, vs a HUGE bloated HUGE ball of ridiculously hot ball of gas. Which has the stronger gravity? Numpties.

    Want to know the basic truth?

    We know ALL those things are BS because Comet ISON – and the clue is in the name – is a COMET, a big ball of dirty ice, melting in the warmth and light of the Sun as it whizzes around it, and we’ll see it in our sky for a while before it heads back out into the darkness. End Of Story.



    If you’re one of the people who believe that crap and are still here, then seriously, why ARE you? Sorry to sound rude, but really you people need to get a life.

    If I found a genie lamp in a cave tomorrow, one of my 3 wishes would be for someone to invent a computer virus to roll through the whole internet like a digital tsunami, swilling from it every conspiracy nut’s website, scouring it clean of the delusional rantings of every single Apollo Hoax believer, UFO nut and Comet ISON Doom-mongerer.


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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 16, 2013 7:13 am

    I do not live in a cave. I have no foundation except my senses and science. I am a machine so leave me alone. Now bug off. The earth is flat...

    Posts : 3930
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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 1:56 pm

    magamud wrote:I do not live in a cave.  I have no foundation except my senses and science.  I am a machine so leave me alone.  Now bug off.  The earth is flat...
    'The Flat Earth', one of the most beautiful songs ever released...

    btw, did you know that it is a mathematical certainty - and I fool you not - that somewhere in our universe there's another planet with inhabitants who speak English?

    Posts : 1280
    Join date : 2012-06-17

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  magamud Wed Oct 16, 2013 3:24 pm

    "there's another planet with inhabitants who speak English?"

    Better stuff trancoso. You dont have to change a thing.

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  TRANCOSO Wed Oct 16, 2013 4:00 pm

    magamud wrote:"there's another planet with inhabitants who speak English?"

    Better stuff trancoso.  You dont have to change a thing.
    An eraser of love, magamud...

    Everything, everything...

    Sooooooo cooooooollllll!!!!!!

    Toast Beer 

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Wed Oct 16, 2013 10:25 pm
    Published on Sep 15, 2013 By Professor James McCanney is an expert in physics & comets. Comet ISON is Nibiru.

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  shiloh Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:15 am

    Carol wrote:
    Published on Sep 15, 2013 By Professor James McCanney is an expert in physics & comets. Comet ISON is Nibiru.
    James McCanney

    James McCanney is a pseudo-scientist operating mainly in the area of "electric universe" theories. His ideas are unconventional at best, and at worst they are pseudo-scientific nonsense. To this he adds various conspiracy theories, most of which involve NASA supposedly misleading the public. Astronomer Phil Plait has crossed swords with McCanney a few times, and his take-down of McCanney's ideas can be found at the Bad Astronomy website.

    James McCanney Disinformation Nonsense


    Have you ever gone to a carnival, or a fair of some kind, and played the game "Whack-a-Mole"? It's a table with holes in it, and little mechanical rodents pop their heads out for about a half a second. You have to hit them with a mallet. If you wait too long, they duck back under. But every time you hit one, one or two pop up again. No matter how many you whack, there are always more.
    Pseudoscientists are like those moles. You can whack one down, but then another springs up, like the head of Hydra.
    In May 2003, when Planet X didn't show up as Nancy Lieder claimed, a lot of people thought the whole Planet X garbage would disappear. I knew better. Even as Nancy's life in the limelight was fading, the vultures were circling overhead. Mark Hazlewood was one. He was a Nancy acolyte, but abandoned ship as soon as he was caught by Nancy doing some rather unscrupulous things. Hazlewood was lost in a sea of pseudoscience, without direction. But then he found what he needed: James McCanney.

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Mccanney

    McCanney's head popped out of the hole a few years back. He's been making wacky claims for decades, but like most tabloid scientists, it was the internet where he finally found an audience (his website is at That, and fringe radio shows. He was an infrequent guest on many of these programs, but of late-- probably due to several astronomical events, like the appearance of some bright comets-- he has been getting more time. He's been on "Coast to Coast AM" quite a bit, for example.
    His spiel on these programs is pretty much what you'd expect: he says that everything we know about astronomy (and really, all of science) is wrong. He says that NASA is lying to you, scientists are lying to you, I am lying to you. And, of course, only he knows The Truth.
    His topics range rather widely, but he does talk a bit about Planet X, mostly in the guise of his weird comet theory (which I debunk in these pages). Planet X seems to be a topic he has picked up on rather recently, adding it, it seems, as a way to attach a topical flavor to his comet theory. I won't go into his Planet X ideas in these pages much, because I have nailed Planet X pretty thoroughly elsewhere. But his wacky comet theories...
    He has lots of theories, and he will talk about them endlessly. However, he says these things without the benefit of being right. I have run into a lot of pseudoscientists saying wrong things in my time, but McCanney is neck-and-neck with Richard Hoagland for being the wrongest. His theories are not just bad, they're truly awful, just as wrong as they could be. In fact, he's so far off base that's it's easy to show just where his theories fall apart (basically, at square one); and I'll be happy to show you the details.
    So let's go on that journey, shall we? It's neither a tough nor a long one. Just go to the table of contents at the top of this page, and from there you will be able to see just a slice of some of the wackiness Mr. McCanney doles out.

    Shiloh, October 18th, 2013

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    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Empty Re: Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know!

    Post  Carol Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:43 pm

    Comets, especially long period hyperbolic ones are considered highly unpredictable and ISON is no different!

    When it passed Mars its course altered and the event was recorded by the JPL small body database on the 14th of October, Suspicious Observer explains..

    Comet ISON: New NASA Trajectory - JPL Orbital Diagram
    Then, just one day later on the 15th they updated the database information yet again...

    NEO (Near Earth objects), such as asteroids are considered hazardous if there scheduled pass is within a certain distance from the earth, according to JPL

    Quote: "Potentially Hazardous Asteriods are: NEAs whose Minimum Orbit Intersection Distance (MOID) with the Earth is 0.05 AU or less"

    Comet ISON's MOID is = .0231487 AU

    Check the database link below, scroll down slightly to the 'Orbital elements at Epoc' and see the additional information box, or see the same information box in SO's video above.

    Comet ISON: 5 Thing You NEED to know! - Page 3 Hs-2013-42-b-web_print
    New Hubble Image

    What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:14 pm