You better give up on Paul...Carol. His personality lately is either very sarcastic, very rude, or very insulting. Take your pick. Guess he thinks just because he was responsible for the forum in the beginning he can dish it out however he pleases! Personally I'm get fed up with it.
I share your sentiment Jenetta.
If you pay attention Burgundia it is certain ideologies I comment on. Not individuals. Apart from the odd clown but then we all do that dont we? Needs must.
The bottom line is that ISON will come and go without event just like the other rubbish Hoagland the disinformationist and his piloted craft came out with etc. Hope that wasnt to rude.
(Floyd)Hmmmm...lets see...Floyd's favourite words. Rubbish, bollocks, crap, meaningless, numpties, idiots, clowns, bullshit, disinformation, fraud, arse and the list goes on...
James McCanney says that ISON will be entering from the direction of the constellation Cancer and also notes a quatrain from Nostradamus:
6 There will appear towards the North Not far from Cancer the bearded star: Susa, Siena, Boeotia, Eretria, The great one of Rome will die, the night over.
... we already have a great comet from cancer which is C/2012/S1 ... now if the Pope dies this signifies, according to Nostradamus, a time of great tribulation for earth.
"The orbit of comet C/2012/S1 and an AMAZING alignment is in the brewing IF the comet survives the Mars passage unaltered (next October) and the solar encounter a year from now ... starting around January 8th of 2014 to January 14, 2014 there is a quadruple whammmmmmy of an alignment that involves Earth!! We have Venus at inferior conjunction with earth AND the new moon passing AND none other than Jupiter the big guy ALL ALIGNED electrically with the moon coming out of the blocking position and in what I call "the new moon passing" ... this is getting real interesting ... the comet will be in the clear night sky and we will be looking directly at its nose and we may get to see some real fireworks along with seeing what the ancients saw ... lightning bolts across the heavens with the Earth in the middle and we may witness first hand what in the Moses event they called the RED HAND OF DEATH ... just prior to this we will get a bird's eye broadside view of the comet and it may be interacting with Earth at some of these points in time ... I just have to add another factor that is making this all the more interesting ... the solar maximum will be at its peak!!! get ready folks ... and just remember one little detail ... the bankers and their secret new world order plans CANNOT DO A THING ABOUT THIS !!! although they will be working feverishly to come out of this with full control ... their only option will be to create major chaos around the world including major wars ... are the prophesies coming true?.. are we headed for a modern day passover event ??" -Jim Mccanney
You bet. They are favourite terms of mine when it comes to spreading unmitigated fear and pseudo science based lies. If you got a a problem with that its your problem. Good luck with that.
I was waiting for the next thing after Elenin and the remote controlled asteroid. Ladies and gentleman.... I give you ISON and related nonsense.
Like all the other space stories... time will show who was talking 'bollocks' and who was not. I wonder what comes next after the epic fail of ISON conspiracies. Im sure they will come up with something. Watch this space, so to speak.
Comet Ison will pass nearest Earth at a distance of about 64 million Km, in Dec 2013, close to Northern Constellation of Draco. The comet will come to perihelion (closest approach to the Sun) on 28 November 2013 at a distance of 0.012 AU (1,8 million km; 1,1 million mi) from the center point of the Sun. Accounting for the solar radius of 6.955×105 km, the comet will pass approximately 1100000 kilometres (680000 mi) above the Sun’s surface.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
IS COMET ISON POISED TO DISINTEGRATE? As Comet ISON passes Mars en route to the sun this week, the comet is still faint. Nevertheless, many experts believe the comet is on track to become a bright sungrazer in late November. Astronomer Ignacio Ferrin of the University of Antioquia Institute of Physics in Colombia disagrees. Ferrin believes Comet ISON is about to disintegrate. The light curve of ISON, he argues, resembles the light curves of other comets that have have fallen apart. If he's right, the "Comet of the Century" could turn into a century-class
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
New analysis suggests ISON's disintegration could be imminent
Astronomer Ignacio Ferrin (of "lazarus comets" fame) has reduced the photometric data of ISON's brightness such that the comet's distance to earth is removed as a factor, so that the magnitude measurements are only dependent on the log of the distance of the comet from the sun. He has compared this secular light curve with similar analyses of other comets that have disintegrated in the past and he has found a consistent pattern of behavior.
The secular light curve of ISON stopped increasing quite suddenly at 5.1 AU from the sun. It then experienced a shallow decrease followed by a return to a plateau which it has continued to remain on.
He then took the daily mean values of all photometric observations used to generate the secular light curve and plotted it again:
Now we can see that the SLC started to increase after it was recovered by Bruce Gary, but in the last few days of September it started to decrease dramatically, by about 1 magnitude so far.
This pattern of behavior has been seen before in comets which have disintegrated. Here is the secular light curve of C/2002 O4 Honig: And here is the secular light curve of C/1996 Q1 Tabur: Both of these comets started fading out before perihelion. If the current trend continues with ISON, it may only be a matter of days before it starts fading out altogether. On the other hand, the comet has persisted for about half a year in spite of the secular disconnection event/u-shaped curve signature (Honig took less than two months to fade out after that signature was seen), so if it is disintegrating it may be a more prolonged process. The signature was also seen earlier in the comet's approach, which may be why it has survived this long.
Ferrin is staking a fair bit of his reputation on this; he states that there is a 100% chance that ISON will disintegrate. He may be right, but I'm not going to make the same absolute statement; though a dimming trend is seen in the last few days on the secular light curve, there still aren't enough data points to work with to establish that level of confidence for myself. It does suggest however that the comet will not survive perihelion and may pull another Elenin and not even survive to perihelion. Full analysis here:
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Actually, I'm more concerned by the CME's that are being triggered by it's passing by the sun. From the scientific data in the earlier post they are expecting the comet to fizzle.
...and then I have my own thoughts about the secret space command and what they are doing up there.. so I pretty much stopped worrying about this sort of stuff a few years back.
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Does secret space command have its main office in Langley, Virginia by any chance lol. I spent some time in Virginia once. Good laugh. I wouldnt worry about CMEs so much. Most of earth's problems lie much closer to home. Worrying about things isnt particularly useful but helping to change things can be beneficial.
There is no doubt the disinfo surrounding ISON put out will soon be seen for what they are. This will not sway people ffrom falling for the next space con however. Hook line and sinker.
Sometimes I wonder about you Paul. Are you just obtuse? Are you Mist's lil gov shill from the UK? Are you living in a world of your own fantasy? I know from personal experience aliens are real. And from my friends experiences of the same and from reading numerous transcripts of insiders along with listening to hundreds of hours of testimony.
That you continue to question if they are real or not is what makes me wonder about you. Or is this all just a big joke to you? Perhaps the later statement is closer to home. I also have pictures of various ET races and was working on a book identifying them so am familiar with some of who is visiting this planet. BTW, the secret military space command is really run by the US Navy. Some of them also visit this forum on a regular basis.
Here again are the links to Bernard Mendez interviews.
I listened the the 4 hour interview with Bernard Mendez -- ET Negotiator. Outstanding. The first link is the trailer of another full interview. The second link is his August 2012 4 hour interview with down under. A trailer of the full interview with Bernard Mendez who was a special Presidential assistant during the early 1970's working directly with ET races.
Last edited by Carol on Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:10 pm; edited 1 time in total
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Chinese Space Radar Shows ISON With Two Objects Incoming
Sunday, October 6, 2013 17:37 - Much talk that incoming Comet ISON was being accompanied by two objects on its flight across our universe has been written off as conspiracy even though there is much visual evidence to prove it. This video below of Comet ISON taken by the Chinese Space Radar clearly shows two accompanying objects along with Comet ISON. Why are the mainstream news media not telling us about this and how will NASA explain this one?
_________________ What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset. With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
Floyd wrote:Nothing to do with sacarasim, rudeness or insults. Rather a profound antipathy for disinformation, pseudo science and unfounded fear mongering. I dont take it personally Carol as I hope you dont sweet pea. Its just a forum.
" It's just a forum " sure ... This does make it sound like an area of little significance. But is there a need for a special place for humankind to move from " human " to " kind " ? For behind everyone 's avatar here there is a human being. Does antipathy for certain kind of information take precedence over empathy for our fellow beings ?
Most of us Old timers can take sacarasim as you name it Floyd whoever uses some. Sprinkled with a little honey and clover, good will, proper detachment and a pinch of humor it tastes like water.
Not many dare to express themselves on this platform but we had a new guest lately " StarSea " that had something rather unique and personal to share. He gave it a try but took the back door soon after the rather chilling welcome he got from you Floyd. He may not remember your words but he will certainly carry for a while on his shoulders the way you made him feel.He never came back here. I can't blame him for that. Not everyone is as brave as Bobhardee or Sanicle either who signed and persisted despite the occasional rough tides. Well done of you Bob and Sanicle :) I think I too would have been scared away if I had been greeted in a similar way when I was a newbie on forums myself. Luckily for me P4BLO for those who remember , was present at the welcoming gate . His kindness made me feel immediately at home and helped me to integrate myself in the group. Frankly this made the whole difference for me. A lovely and lasting experience.
Everyone's point of view is as valid as anyone else's here . I understand these need to be stated clearly and firmly at times. Nothing wrong with that. But when our beliefs become punching balls we use against one another I think we start missing the point of the truth we are the ambassadors of . I don't care what people's beliefs are and how far out they may seem to be. The avenues are multiple on this forum which make it a colorful one. When walking one's talk is accompanied by an effort to build bridges between people if only by respecting them though I recognize truth standing by it's own . A truth in which we can all recognize ourselves and my heart smiles.
What a nice image of sitting around a campfire. I think that is exactly what we are doing is sitting around this giant campfire and sharing what we have learned. Or maybe its more a series of camp fires like at a campground so that when someone doesn't like what they hear; they head off to another fire.
It is a gift to be on this planet at this place and time. We are going through an evolution that will allow mankind to establish commerce with our galactic neighbors. We will see the day when planet earth signs a kind of free trade NAFTA-style agreement and for the next 1000 or so years, we will be the cheapest place in our quadrant of the milky way for manufacturing. Being from all over will come here. There will be places to work in every nation and there will be a world currency and world wide minimum wage. And healthcare.....and real history, ....and etc.
I believe that souls stood in line signing up to be on earth at this time..... and not all were chosen. So all we have to do is enjoy the ride. Bob H.
Not many dare to express themselves on this platform but we had a new guest lately " StarSea " that had something rather unique and personal to share. He gave it a try but took the back door soon after the rather chilling welcome he got from you Floyd. He may not remember your words but he will certainly carry for a while on his shoulders the way you made him feel.He never came back here. I can't blame him for that. Not everyone is as brave as Bobhardee or Sanicle either who signed and persisted despite the occasional rough tides. Well done of you Bob and Sanicle :) I think I too would have been scared away if I had been greeted in a similar way when I was a newbie on forums myself. Luckily for me P4BLO for those who remember , was present at the welcoming gate . His kindness made me feel immediately at home and helped me to integrate myself in the group. Frankly this made the whole difference for me. A lovely and lasting experience.
Everyone's point of view is as valid as anyone else's here . I understand these need to be stated clearly and firmly at times. Nothing wrong with that. But when our beliefs become punching balls we use against one another I think we start missing the point of the truth we are the ambassadors of . I don't care what people's beliefs are and how far out they may seem to be. The avenues are multiple on this forum which make it a colorful one. When walking one's talk is accompanied by an effort to build bridges between people if only by respecting them though I recognize truth standing by it's own . A truth in which we can all recognize ourselves and my heart smiles.
Love Always mudra[/quote]
Well said Mudra. I'm sorry to hear about Starsea...those thoughts about the newbies came to my mind too especially if they were to experience Floyd's acerbic bite after they posted. The reason most likely that Sanicle and Bob have been able to weather Floyd's turmoil is that they may be older...50's? 60's? Frankly I don't know what has got into Paul. When I first started on this forum he made me laugh with his postings. Now (most of the time) all I can do is grimace at his diatribe. Thanks again Mudra.
Jenetta wrothe The reason most likely that Sanicle and Bob have been able to weather Floyd's turmoil is that they may be older...50's? 60's?
Turmoil can be created through anyone of us Jenetta. It's not always Floyd. Holding a viewpoint that is squarely opposite to someone else's and yet be moved by a wish to put our message across is a challenge. I understand patience can be lost in the process and tensions raised. It does happen to me too at times . That's why my posts in general are like a note book for me first, a reminder if you wish that no matter how tempting it is to loose one's temper on another , there is another way . A way that connects us to others and to life more than it has us move further apart. In that state of awareness of connection one sees there is only Love. What irritates us in another has'nt so much to do with a clash of beliefs I found but rather the fact that in those moments Love, connectedness, seems to be broken.